535 Science Trivia Questions to Challenge Your Smarts

Science trivia questions are a fun way to test your knowledge of science. They are a way to see how much someone knows about science and the natural world.
Students and adults who wish to learn more about science should utilize Science trivia questions as learning tools. They can be easy or challenging for you. So be ready for astonishing facts!
Science trivia questions and answers are a great way to keep the mind sharp, increase Knowledge, and engage in stimulating conversation.
Science trivia questions and answers are used to promote science literacy among the general population. It is an excellent way of getting people interested in scientific topics.
We’ve compiled some mind-blowing facts about science for you here. This article is ideal if you’re interested in learning about the most recent scientific breakthroughs. Have a great time! Go ahead.
Best Science Trivia Questions
The best science trivia questions require you to think critically about the answer before selecting it and those that make you consider all the possible answers. Here are the best science quiz questions for you:
1. Who was the first pre-Socratic philosopher to suggest that matter could neither be created nor destroyed?
Answer: Parmenides.
2. Which quantum number gives the shape of the orbital?
Answer: Azimuthal quantum number.
3. What is ecosystem?
Answer: The entire living community and non-living factors of the environment together from the ecosystem.
4. In 1729 AD, Pieter Van Musschenbroek used the term ‘PHYSICS’ for the first time. What was the subject called so far?
Answer: Natural philosophy.
5. What is the maximum capacity of d-orbital?
Answer: 10 electrons.
6. Which form of science dealing with the study of structural and cultural traits of human beings?
Answer: Anthropology.
7. Which Greek philosopher suggested that the material world was composed of four basic elements – air, water, fire and earth?
Answer: Empedocles.
8. What is the shape of s-orbital?
Answer: Spherical.
9. What are the two functional groups in an ecosystem?
Answer: Autotrophs and heterotrophs.
10. Who in 1231 was the first to describe the science of optics?
Answer: Robert Grosseteste.
11. What do you mean by Zeeman Effect?
Answer: Splitting of spectral lines by magnetic field.
12. Where does the primary photo chemical reaction occur in chloroplast?
Answer: Quantasome.
13. Who was burnt to death for suggesting that the sun might be an ordinary star?
Answer: Giordano Bruno.
14. What is the shape of p-orbital?
Answer: Dumb-bell.
15. What is exobiology?
Answer: It is the study of life in outer space.
16. Who in 1643 was the first person to create vacuum above the liquid?
Answer: Evangelista Torricelli.
17. Which series of hydrogen atomic spectrum lies in the visible region?
Answer: Balmer series.
18. What is the magnification of an electron microscope?
Answer: 100000.
19. Who in 1786 invented the gold leaf electro scope?
Answer: Abraham Bennet.
20. Who proposed elliptical orbits?
Answer: Sommerfeld.
21. Which is the monocarpic plant which shows gregarious flowering once in 48 years?
Answer: Bamboo.
22. Who encouraged Newton to write his idea for principia?
Answer: Edmund Halley.
23. How many atomic orbitals are known? What are they?
Answer: Four. S, p, d, and f.
24. Write an example of serendipity?
Answer: Discovery of penicillin by Fleming.
25. Who in 1808 discovered polarization of light and introduced the term ‘Polarization’?
Answer: Etienne-Louis Malus.
26. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in an orbital?
Answer: 2.
27. What do you mean by Hydroponics?
Answer: Plant growth in liquid culture medium.
28. The first scientist to apply scientific reasoning to cosmology was Rene Descartes. What was his theory called?
Answer: Vortex Theory.
29. How many orbitals present 5f subshell?
Answer: Seven.
30. What is the technique of separation of disrupted cell components?
Answer: Fractionation.
31. In which year did Otto Von Guericke demonstrate his famous Magdeburg experiment dealing vacuum?
Answer: 1672.
32. On which property of electrons does the electron microscope work?
Answer: Wave nature.
33. What is EM?
Answer: Electron microscope.
34. Who was the first to attack Newton’s Corpuscular theory of light?
Answer: Thomas Young.
35. The path of the electron according to Niels Bohr’s theory was called what?
Answer: Orbit shell.
36. Name two monocarpic plants which show gregarious flowering.
Answer: Bambusa tulda, Melocanna bambusoides.
37. Who was the first person to design models of flying machine?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.
38. The s-orbital of the L shell is represented as what?
Answer: 2s.
39. Under what system, organisms are provided with scientific means?
Answer: Binomial nomenclature.
40. Who in 1749 developed a method for making an artificial magnet?
Answer: John canton.
General Science Trivia Questions
General science, also known as natural sciences, includes all those branches of study that don’t fit into any other category. It includes astronomy, botany, zoology, and more. The goal of a general science quiz or science trivia is to test your knowledge on some basic questions related to general science! See questions and answer below:
1. Fathometer is used to measure?
Answer: Ocean depth.
2. Oncology is the study of?
Answer: Cancer.
3. Numismatics is the study of?
Answer: Coins.
4. Eugenics is the study of?
Answer: Altering human beings by changing their genetic components.
5. Ornithology is the?
Answer: Study of birds.
6. Epidemiology is the study of?
Answer: Epidemic disease.
7. The energy of food is measured in?
Answer: Calories.
8. Name the instrument that is used to measure Relative Humidity?
Answer: Hygrometer.
9. Name an instrument which is used to measure the Density of milk?
Answer: Lactometer.
10. Name an instrument used to measure electric resistance?
Answer: Ohmmeter.
11. Name an instrument used to measure the intensity of earthquakes?
Answer: Richter scale.
12. Artificial ‘gene’ was created by?
Answer: Hargobind Khorana.
13. Coronagraph is used for?
Answer: Observing and often photographing the sun’s corona.
14. What do you understand by Aerodynamics?
Answer: It is a science of movement in a flow of air or gas.
15. What is Bryology?
Answer: Study of mosses and liverworts.
16. Chirology is the study of?
Answer: Hands.
17. Entozoology is the study of?
Answer: Parasites that live inside larger organisms.
18. Study of increasing the habitability of the earth is termed as?
Answer: Geotechnics.
19. Thalassography is the science of?
Answer: Sea.
20. What is the meaning of the term Topology?
Answer: It is the study of places and natural features.
21. Small Pox vaccine was invented by?
Answer: Louis Pasteur.
22. The Chemical evolution of life was proposed by?
Answer: Oparin.
23. Who had given the phenomena of Blood Circulation?
Answer: William Harvey.
24. Who had given the concept of Photovoltaic effect?
Answer: Edmund Becquerel.
25. Who had given the theory of Plate tectonics?
Answer: Alfred Wegener.
26. Who introduced metric system?
Answer: France Government.
27. Ball-Point pen is invented by?
Answer: Lazlo Biro.
28. Logarithm tables were invented by?
Answer: John Napier.
29. Aero plane was invented by?
Answer: Wright Brothers.
30. Blaise Pascal is associated with?
Answer: Calculator.
31. Who discovered that plants have life?
Answer: J.C. Bose.
32. The telephone was invented by?
Answer: Alexander Graham Bell.
33. The velocity of light was first measured by?
Answer: Romer.
34. Doctor’s Thermometer was invented by?
Answer: Fahrenheit.
35. Who had discovered oxygen?
Answer: Priestly.
36. Which Polymer is used in making non-stick kitchen ware?
Answer: Teflon.
37. Name the polymer used in making bullet proof glass?
Answer: Lexan.
38. For pipe insulation which polymer is used?
Answer: PVC.
39. Name the polymer that can have strong intermolecular forces?
Answer: Polyester.
40. Soda bottles are made up of?
Answer: Polyethylene Terephthalate.
Funny Science Trivia Questions
All you need for a quiz is some questions and answers, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with good questions that are also funny. Here are some funny science quiz questions that you can use while playing trivia game with your friends:
1. What is the name of the famous Greek physician who was known to be the first to keep historical medical records of his patients?
Answer: Hippocrates.
2. What is both the largest and heaviest solid internal organ in the human body?
Answer: Liver.
3. Why do Flamingos turn pink?
Answer: Because of canthaxanthin, obtained from their diet of brine shrimp and blue-green algae.
4. Which two elements on the periodic table remain liquid at room temperature?
Answer: Bromine and Mercury.
5. According to NASA, what mass percentage does the Sun take up in the Solar System?
Answer: 99.8%.
6. What is, by far, the fastest identified fish found in the Ocean?
Answer: Sailfish.
7. Into how many time zones is the world longitudinally divided?
Answer: 24.
8. How many Earth days does it take to complete one day in Venus?
Answer: 243.
9. What system in your body informs the brain of your position in space?
Answer: Vestibular System.
10. Which part of the body is affected with Bright’s disease?
Answer: Kidney.
11. Which animal has fingerprints that closely resemble a human’s fingerprints?
Answer: Koala.
12. What is the name of the lunar phase that illuminates less than a full moon but more than a half-moon?
Answer: Gibbous phase.
13. What are the two units of measurement used to quantify radioactivity?
Answer: curie (Ci) and Becquerel (Bq).
14. What do you call the immediate conversion of solid matter to gas without having to pass through the liquid state?
Answer: Sublimation.
15. What wind speed rate indicates that a tropical storm is turning into a hurricane?
Answer: 74 mph.
16. What type of bond involves the mutual sharing of one or more electron pairs between two atoms?
Answer: Covalent Bond.
17. Where are the longest and strongest bones in the body located?
Answer: Thigh.
18. What do you call the sticky knob at the top of the pistil?
Answer: Stigma.
19. What is the name of the first man to see and discover bacteria?
Answer: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.
20. What salivary enzyme helps digest carbohydrates in the mouth?
Answer: Amylase.
21. What do you call the substance that does not conduct heat?
Answer: Insulator or Semiconductor.
22. What country experiences the most tsunamis?
Answer: Indonesia.
23. What is currently considered the leading scientific explanation of how the universe began?
Answer: The Big Bang Theory.
24. Where can you find Olympus Mons?
Answer: Mars.
25. After the Sun, which is the nearest star to Earth?
Answer: Proxima Centauri.
26. Which planet was first discovered using the telescope?
Answer: Uranus.
27. What is known as the fastest land snake on the ground and based on strike speed?
Answer: Black Mamba.
28. Where can you locate the smallest bone in the human body?
Answer: Middle Ear.
29. What is currently known as the smallest country in the world?
Answer: Vatican City.
30. How many bones can you find in a shark?
Answer: Zero.
31. On which planet is the largest mountain in the solar system found?
Answer: Mars.
32. What is the name of that branch of Biology which devoted to identifying, naming and classifying organisms?
Answer: Taxonomy.
33. Who was the second man to walk on the moon?
Answer: Buzz Aldrin.
34. What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft in which Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit the earth?
Answer: Vostock I.
35. Approximately how many Earth days is a Venus year?
Answer: 225 days.
Basic Science Trivia Questions
The basic science quiz is a free, self-paced, open-book quiz that covers basic science concepts. It’s designed to be a helpful resource for anyone who needs to brush up on their knowledge of science topics. Check our list of science quiz with the answer:
1. What is the electrical charge of a neutron?
Answer: No charge.
2. What inorganic molecule is produced by lightning?
Answer: Ozone.
3. Bronze is an alloy consisting primarily of what two elements?
Answer: Copper and Tin.
4. Which psychological concept did Pavlov’s dog help him describe?
Answer: Conditioning.
5. The earth has three layers that are different due to varying temperatures. What are its three layers?
Answer: Crust, mantle, and core.
6. What is the largest known land animal?
Answer: Elephant.
7. Which of Newton’s Laws states that ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction?’
Answer: The third law of motion.
8. How many elements are there in the periodic table?
Answer: 118.
9. What is the tallest type of grass?
Answer: Bamboo.
10. In terms of pH, what is ammonia?
Answer: Basic.
11. Diabetes develops as the result of a problem with which specific organ in the body?
Answer: Pancreas.
12. Which component of an atom might you expect to be orbiting around it?
Answer: Electrons.
13. What is it called when you make light change direction by passing it through a lens?
Answer: Refraction.
14. What type of bond involves the sharing of electron pairs between different atoms?
Answer: Covalent.
15. Where is the world’s most active volcano located?
Answer: Hawaii.
16. What disease stems from the medieval term that means ‘bad air’?
Answer: Malaria.
17. Optics is the study of what?
Answer: Light.
18. What part of the brain deals with hearing and language?
Answer: Temporal lobe.
19. How do you calculate density?
Answer: Density is mass divided by volume.
20. What kind of energy does an unlit match have?
Answer: Chemical energy.
21. What is the quality of an object that allows it to float on water?
Answer: Buoyancy.
22. About how old is Earth?
Answer: 4.5 billion years.
23. Oncology focuses on what disease?
Answer: Cancer.
24. What is it called when an individual doesn’t offer to help someone in an emergency if there are other people present?
Answer: Bystander effect.
25. What is the name of the red pigment found in vertebrates that functions in oxygen transport?
Answer: Hemoglobin.
26. Penicillin is used to fight what type of infections?
Answer: Bacterial.
27. What is the medical term for bad breath?
Answer: Halitosis.
28. The study of the weather is called what?
Answer: Meteorology.
29. What is a Geiger counter used to measure?
Answer: Radiation.
30. What type of cell division results in two four daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes in the parent cells?
Answer: Meiosis.
31. What is the symbol of the element silver?
Answer: Ag.
32. What does ‘E’ represent in E=MC2?
Answer: Energy.
33. According to Apollo astronauts, the Moon smells like what?
Answer: Burnt gunpowder.
34. Frogs belong to which animal group?
Answer: Amphibians.
Easy Science Trivia Questions
Easy science trivia quiz is not too difficult and should be able to be answered by most people. Read below our list of science general knowledge quiz. It will test your knowledge of some of the most basic facts about science.
1. This essential gas is important so that we can breathe?
Answer: Oxygen.
2. What type of animal was Laika?
Answer: Dog.
3. How many teeth does an adult human have?
Answer: 32.
4. This animal was the first ever to be launched into space. She was strapped into the Soviet Sputnik 2 spacecraft which was sent out into outer space on November 3, 1957. What was her name?
Answer: Laika.
5. What is the largest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Jupiter.
6. What do bees collect and use to create honey?
Answer: Nectar.
7. What is the hottest planet in the solar system?
Answer: Venus.
8. What is the rarest blood type?
Answer: AB negative.
9. On what part of your body would you find the pinna?
Answer: Ear.
10. What part of the plant conducts photosynthesis?
Answer: Leaf.
11. What’s the boiling point of water?
Answer: 100 degrees Celsius.
12. Dolly was the first ever living creature to be cloned. What type of animal was she?
Answer: Sheep.
13. What is the largest known animal?
Answer: Blue whale.
14. What tissues connect the muscles to the bones?
Answer: Tendons.
15. Who was the scientist to propose the three laws of motion?
Answer: Isaac Newton.
16. The plant Earth is surrounded by different layers of gas, which when taken together, we call them?
Answer: Atmosphere.
17. Animals that eat both plants and meat are called what?
Answer: Omnivores.
18. From what tree do acorns come from?
Answer: Oak trees.
19. This man is responsible for reshaping the way early man believed the solar system worked. He proposed that the Earth was not the center of the universe, and that the sun was instead at the center of our solar system. Who was he?
Answer: Copernicus.
20. How long does a human red blood cell survive?
Answer: 120 days.
21. In what country can you find the Suez Canal?
Answer: Egypt.
22. This planet spins the fastest, completing one whole rotation in just 10 hours. Which planet is it?
Answer: Jupiter.
23. Both living and the non-living are made of same elements and are governed by the similar physical laws. In which respect are they different?
Answer: Level organization.
24. This planet has a collective 53 moons, making it the planet in our solar system with the most number of moons.
Answer: Saturn.
25. An egg’s shell is what percentage of its total weight?
Answer: 12%.
26. Scientists believe that the continents of the earth were all one large landmass 280 million years ago. The moving of tectonic plates caused this mass to break off into different pieces, making up the continents as we know them today. What was this landmass called?
Answer: Pangea.
27. This theory aims to explain how Pangea became separate continents, suggesting that the movement of tectonic plates caused the mass to break off and drift into different places.
Answer: The Continental Drift Theory.
28. How many hearts does an octopus have?
Answer: 3.
29. The oldest living tree is 4,843 years old and can be found where?
Answer: California.
30. Can you hear anything in outer space?
Answer: No, there is medium for sound to travel through.
Hard Science Trivia Questions
Hard science trivia quiz can be difficult to answer because of the vast knowledge in these fields. Let’s accept the challenge and get started with a science trivia quiz.
1. How many more bones do babies have than adults in the human body?
Answer: About 100 more bones.
2. How much taller can the Eiffel Tower be in the summer?
Answer: 15 cm taller.
3. What metals are instantly tarnished when exposed to air?
Answer: Potassium.
4. How much would a teaspoonful of a neutron star weigh?
Answer: 6 billion tons.
5. How much further does Hawaii move to Alaska every year?
Answer: 7.5cm closer.
6. What is chalk made out of?
Answer: Trillions of microscopic plankton fossils.
7. How much longer will it be until it’s too hot for us to live on Earth?
Answer: 2.3 billion years.
8. How long does it take light to travel from the Sun to the Earth?
Answer: 8 minutes, 19 seconds.
9. True or false, stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve stainless steel.
Answer: True.
10. What is the Earth surrounded by after its core?
Answer: Liquid Iron.
11. What is the largest desert in the world?
Answer: It’s not the Sahara, but actually Antarctica.
12. What color is the blood inside your body?
Answer: Dark red.
13. What does DNA stand for?
Answer: Deoxyribonucleic acid.
14. Do diamonds last forever?
Answer: No. Diamonds do not last forever. They’ll eventually degrade to graphite.
15. What is a material that will not carry an electrical charge called?
Answer: An insulator.
16. Will there be an impact on your height if you go to space?
Answer: Yes you will be taller because you’ll no longer be subjected to gravity.
17. At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?
Answer: -40.
18. How many senses do humans have?
Answer: Thought the answer was five? You actually have more—many neurologists identify nine or more senses. Fun fact: There are also things dogs can smell that humans can’t.
19. How do airplanes stay in the air?
Answer: Planes stay in the air because of the shape of their wings. Air moving over the wing gets forced downwards, which pushes the wing up. This push is stronger than gravity, and so makes the plane fly. There’s also a reason why airplane windows are round.
20. What is chalk made of?
Answer: It comes from limestone, which formed from the shells of tiny marine animals.
21. Which freezes faster, hot water or cold water?
Answer: Hot water freezes faster than cold, known as the Mpemba effect.
22. On what continent will you not find bees?
Answer: Antarctica.
23. What is the only rock that floats?
Answer: Pumice. It forms from the froth at the top of lava flow, which cools very rapidly.
24. Who has more hair follicles, blondes or brunettes?
Answer: Blondes.
25. Can lightning strike the same place twice?
Answer: Yes lightning will strike the same place twice.
26. What part of the human body serves the purpose of maintaining balance?
Answer: The ears.
27. How long is the memory of a goldfish?
Answer: Most people would say that goldfish only have a three-second memory. However, their memories actually last for several days.
28. What mountain peak is farthest from the center of the Earth?
Answer: Many may think the answer to this science trivia question is Mount Everest. However, the peak of Chimborazo in Ecuador is the farthest from the center of the earth.
29. Hydrodynamica gave explanation of Bernoulli’s theorem in 1738. Who was the first to suggest this theorem?
Answer: Daniel Bernoulli.
30. Can gold be created from other elements?
Answer: Yes. It is possible to create gold from other elements, but it’s so complicated and expensive that it would cost you more to make it than to buy it.
31. How many bones are in the human body?
Answer: 206.
32. Trivia question: How does fat leave your body when you lose weight?
Answer: Through your sweat, urine, and breath.
33. From which body part does the majority of your body heat escape?
Answer: This is a trick science trivia question. Most people think the answer is your head, but you lose heat evenly throughout your body.
34. Protons and neutrons consist of how many quarks each?
Answer: 3.
35. Which blood type is the rarest in humans?
Answer: AB negative.
Fun Science Trivia Questions
The benefits of fun science trivia are numerous. First of all, it’s an excellent way for students to learn about their environment without memorizing facts and figures from textbooks or boring lectures. Please take a look at them!
1. What is the atomic number of the element which has 3 electrons in its M shell?
Answer: 13
2. What is the largest star in the solar system?
Answer: The sun.
3. Would you weigh more or less on Mars?
Answer: Less.
4. Who was the first person to walk on the Moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong. He landed on July 20, 1969, with Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.
5. What causes a solar eclipse?
Answer: The moon moves between the sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth.
6. How long does a solar eclipse last?
Answer: About seven and a half minutes.
7. What color is the sun?
Answer: Though the sun looks white when we look at it, it’s actually a mixture of all colors.
8. What color is the sunset on Mars?
Answer: Blue.
9. What word do scientists use to describe a unit of measure that is also the name of an animal?
Answer: A mole.
10. What kind of energy does that sun create?
Answer: Nuclear energy.
11. What planet is farthest from the sun?
Answer: Neptune.
12. What reaction releases energy into its surroundings?
Answer: Exothermic reaction.
13. What two elements is water made of?
Answer: Hydrogen and Oxygen.
14. Is Pluto still a planet?
Answer: No, Pluto was declassified as a planet back in 2006.
15. What is the largest bone in the human body?
Answer: The femur, also known as the thigh bone.
16. What is the smallest bone in the human body?
Answer: The stapes bone, also known as the stirrup bone. It’s located inside your ear.
17. What kind of blood type is known as the universal donor?
Answer: O negative.
18. What is the largest organ in the human body?
Answer: The skin.
19. What do white blood cells do?
Answer: White blood cells protect you against illness and disease. “Immunity Cells” are another name for these components.
20. Mitosis is the process a single cell uses to divide into two new identical cells. What do we call each set of cells?
Answer: Parent cells and daughter cells.
21. Which animal can change direction midair?
Answer: The cheetah. They are the only type of cat able to do so.
22. What is the largest land animal alive today?
Answer: The African Elephant. These gigantic creatures can weigh as much as 7 tons.
23. How many oceans contain sharks?
Answer: All of them. And that’s not all! Some are also found in rivers and freshwater lakes.
24. What can sharks sense that humans cannot?
Answer: Electricity. They do this using organs called ampullae of Lorenzini.
25. How many limbs does an octopus have?
Answer: Eight. These tentacles are divided up between six “arms” and two “legs.”
26. What kind of animal is an Orca?
Answer: A whale.
27. How many sets of wings do bees have?
Answer: Two.
28. What are animals called who only eat plants?
Answer: Herbivores.
29. What process do bats use to locate their prey?
Answer: Echolocation.
30. Why do some tigers have white coats?
Answer: It’s a genetic mutation. White tigers carry a gene that inhibits the production of red and yellow pigments in white tigers, though it does not appear to alter black.
31. What is the smallest unit of matter?
Answer: An atom.
32. What is Isaac Newton known for?
Answer: Legend has it that Newton discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple while thinking about the forces of nature.
33. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” is an example of?
Answer: Newton’s Law.
34. What is considered room temperature?
Answer: 72 degrees Fahrenheit.
35. How many states of matter are there?
Answer: Four. Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
36. What word can you use to describe when a solid turns into a liquid?
Answer: Melting.
37. Electron pairs, when shared between two atoms, help create what kind of bond?
Answer: A covalent bond.
38. What Greek letter is used to represent density (mass per unit volume)?
Answer: A lowercase rho (ρ).
39. What metal is found at the center of the Earth?
Answer: Iron. This is very different from the Earth’s crust and mantle, which are rich in minerals.
40. What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mount Everest. The mountain peak reaches 29,029 feet at its summit.
Science Trivia Questions about Space
Space is a fascinating topic because it is so vast, and there are so many different areas of science that study it. The scientific community has made many discoveries about space and its contents, but there are still many questions that need to be answered. Check our science trivia about space to be aware of the latest discoveries in space!
1. Which is the smallest planet within our solar system?
Answer: Mercury.
2. Which is the second smallest planet within our solar system?
Answer: Mars.
3. The moon called Titan orbits which planet?
Answer: Saturn.
4. Which is the brightest planet in the night’s sky?
Answer: Venus.
5. Which planet is larger, Neptune or Saturn?
Answer: Saturn.
6. Uranus has only been visited by what spacecraft?
Answer: The Voyager 2.
7. There have been more missions to this planet versus any other planet?
Answer: Mars.
8. What protects Earth from meteoroids and radiation from the sun?
Answer: It’s atmosphere.
9. How many of our planets can be seen without a telescope?
Answer: 5—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
10. Phobos and Deimos are the Moons of which planet?
Answer: Mars.
11. Which planet is closest in size to Earth?
Answer: Venus.
12. Asteroids are also referred to as what?
Answer: Minor planets or planetoids.
13. Which planets have no moons?
Answer: Mercury and Venus.
14. Which planet has supersonic winds?
Answer: Neptune.
15. Who was the author of ‘Man’s place in nature’?
Answer: Huxley.
16. How long is one year on Jupiter?
Answer: 12 Earth years.
17. Name the three most famous asteroids
Answer: Ceres, Pallas, Vesta.
18. Which is the densest planet in our solar system?
Answer: Earth.
19. Which planet is known as the Morning Star?
Answer: Venus.
20. Which planet is known as the Evening Star?
Answer: Venus.
21. Which planets have rings around them?
Answer: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
22. Which planet has the most volcanoes?
Answer: Venus.
23. What are the names of Jupiter’s four largest moons?
Answer: Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and Io.
24. Which planet spins backward relative to the others?
Answer: Venus.
25. Which are the four “gas giant” planets?
Answer: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
26. Which are the five most recognized dwarf planets?
Answer: Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea.
27. In what year did Pluto become reclassified as a dwarf planet?
Answer: 2006.
28. Which planet rotates on its side?
Answer: Uranus.
29. Which are the four “terrestrial” planets?
Answer: Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth.
30. How many moons does Earth have?
Answer: Just one.
31. Who was the first woman to travel into space?
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova.
32. Where can the biosphere be found?
Answer: The lower part of the atmosphere, all of the hydrosphere, and the upper part of the lithosphere.
33. Where is the Oost Cloud located?
Answer: Just beyond Pluto.
34. What is the first element in the periodic table?
Answer: Hydrogen.
35. Which is the largest start within our solar system?
Answer: The sun.
36. Why does Mercury have craters?
Answer: Its atmosphere is too thin to burn up meteoroids.
37. Which star is the center of our solar system?
Answer: The sun.
38. How old is the sun?
Answer: Roughly 4.6 billion years old.
39. When did the solar system form?
Answer: 4.6 billion years ago.
40. What do you call a large number of meteoroids occurring at the same time and place?
Answer: A meteor shower.
Science Trivia Questions about Nature
Nature is all around us- from the tiny organisms that live in the soil to the tallest trees in the forest. It includes animals, plants, fungi, and all-natural phenomena like rainstorms, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions. Expand your Knowledge with nature and science quiz. See the list below:
1. What is the world’s largest reef system?
Answer: Great Barrier Reef.
2. Which islands west of Ecuador were studied by Charles Darwin to increase his knowledge?
Answer: Galapagos Islands.
3. Which is the world’s deepest ocean?
Answer: Pacific.
4. Seismology is the study of what?
Answer: Earthquakes.
5. In which mountain chain would you find Mount Everest?
Answer: The Himalayas.
6. Pure gold is how many carats?
Answer: 24.
7. Which is the largest sea on the planet?
Answer: The Mediterranean. It spans an area of 1,144,800 square miles (2,965,800 sq. km).
8. In which country is the Lut Desert located?
Answer: Iran. And incidentally, the Lut Desert is the hottest place on earth.
9. Igneous rocks are generally associated with which natural phenomenon?
Answer: Volcanoes.
10. Which type of tree is the largest in the world?
Answer: Giant Sequoia.
11. Where in the human body would the limbic system be found?
Answer: In the brain.
12. Which type of mammal is a gelada?
Answer: Monkey (Sometimes called bleeding-heart monkey and found only in Ethiopia).
13. Which part of the body is affected by Gorham’s Disease?
Answer: Bones/skeleton.
14. What is the collective noun used for a group of grasshoppers?
Answer: A cloud.
15. Of what is phonology the study?
Answer: Sounds (within a language and across languages – accept all reasonable answers).
16. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Whose third law is this?
Answer: Sir Isaac Newton.
17. The MMR vaccine protects against which three diseases?
Answer: Measles, mumps and rubella (German measles).
18. Which two letters of the alphabet make up the chemical symbol for mercury?
Answer: Hg.
19. An ‘epiphyte’ is an organism that grows on the surface of what?
Answer: A plant (Eg. moss or lichens).
20. A ‘light breeze’ of between 4 and 7 miles per hour would read as which number on the Beaufort Wind Force scale?
Answer: 2 (0 = calm, 12 = hurricane).
21. In which part of the human body would you find the atlas bone?
Answer: Spine/back.
22. Who was the first person to travel into space?
Answer: Yuri Gagarin.
23. Which chemical element has the symbol Cr?
Answer: Chromium.
24. ‘Yukon Gold’ and ‘Russian Banana’ are both varieties of which foodstuff?
Answer: Potato.
25. Which noun is used for a ferret under one year old?
Answer: Kit.
26. Of what is ‘cynophobia’ a fear?
Answer: Dogs.
27. Which famous American is generally credited with the invention of the bifocal spectacles?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin.
28. What was the name of the first spacecraft to reach the surface of the moon in 1959?
Answer: Luna 2 (Lunik 2. Apollo 11 in 1969 was the first manned mission).
29. Of what is ‘epistemology’ the study?
Answer: Knowledge.
30. What does GIF stand for, a type of compressed, static or animated image file?
Answer: Graphics Interchange Format.
31. The Colorado Beetle is a major pest of which type of crop?
Answer: Potato.
32. Rose gold gains its colour from adding which metal to the gold?
Answer: Copper (Silver is also sometimes added to the alloy, but the rose colour is gained by the addition of copper).
33. Myopia is the technical term for which condition of the human eye?
Answer: Nearsightedness.
34. What fraction of a second is a microsecond?
Answer: One millionth of a second.
35. Where on the body of a horse would you find the gaskin?
Answer: On the hind leg (muscular part between the stifle and the hock).
36. What would a woman be suffering from if she had hirsutism?
Answer: Excess hair growth.
37. In mathematics, what is the value of π (pi) to two decimal places?
Answer: 3.14.
38. Approximately what percentage of the Earth’s surface is covered by water: 61%, 71% or 81%?
Answer: 71%.
39. What is the two-letter symbol used to signify the element of iron?
Answer: Fe.
40. What name is given in mechanics to the pivot, point or support about which a lever turns?
Answer: Fulcrum.
41. Approximately how many centimeters are equivalent to two inches?
Answer: 5 (5.08cm).
42. Which number on the pH scale would indicate a neutral substance?
Answer: 7.
43. What is the primary function of red blood cells in the human body?
Answer: To transport oxygen around the body.
44. On which continent do giraffes live in the wild?
Answer: Africa.
45. Of what is petrology the study?
Answer: Rocks (and how they form).
46. Which English scientist is credited as having invented the World Wide Web in 1989?
Answer: Tim Berners-Lee.
47. In which year was Concorde officially retired?
Answer: 2003.
48. Rf is the symbol for which chemical element?
Answer: Rutherfordium.
49. What is measured by the Mohs scale?
Answer: Mineral hardness.
50. Where in the human skeleton would you find the maxilla?
Answer: In the skull.
Science Trivia Questions about Body
Body facts are always fascinating to know. They tell us more about the body and how it works. Without them, we would not know what is happening inside our bodies. Here are some interesting science trivia about the body:
1. How much percentage of the human body is constituted by water?
Answer: 66%.
2. Is the nose of an average human being as long as the length of their thumb?
Answer: Yes.
3. At what rate does an average human being sneeze?
Answer: 100 miles per hour.
4. Cells related to which part of the body divide considerably faster when compared to the rest?
Answer: Hair.
5. The smallest bone in the human body can be compared with which real life object?
Answer: A grain of rice.
6. In which part of the human body do the smallest bones occur?
Answer: Ears.
7. Where are the smallest set of muscles in the human body found?
Answer: Ears.
8. How many taste buds does our tongue comprise of?
Answer: 9,000.
9. How much water does our body lose on average per day?
Answer: Around 2 liters.
10. What is the hardest substance in our bodies?
Answer: Tooth enamel.
11. What is the average lifespan of a red blood cell in our body?
Answer: Around 120 days.
12. In our body, which kind of cells are the longest?
Answer: The nerve cells.
13. How many molecules of oxygen can a single hemoglobin molecule carry?
Answer: 4.
14. Sleep is regulated by which part of the human brain?
Answer: Suprachiasmatic nucleus.
15. What is the name of the space that exists within a tubular structure such as the vein?
Answer: Lumen.
16. What is the name of the molecule that resides on the mitochondria’s inner membrane?
Answer: ATPase.
17. The average human brain comprises how many neurons?
Answer: 86.
18. Which artery forms the main source of blood in our arms?
Answer: Brachial artery.
19. Under which muscle does the axillary artery pass?
Answer: Pectoralis minor.
20. The two hemispheres of the human brain are connected by what?
Answer: Corpus callosum.
21. Which part is known as the heart of the heart?
Answer: SA node.
22. Which blood type has no antigens?
Answer: Blood Type O.
23. Which is the thickest wall in the heart?
Answer: Left ventricle.
24. Which mineral is responsible for the formation of our bones?
Answer: Calcium.
25. Which set of muscles in the human body never rest?
Answer: Heart Muscles.
26. How many dead skin cells do we shed in a minute?
Answer: Around 30,000.
27. Which part of the human body gets replaced every month?
Answer: The skin.
28. How much skin does the average human being shed in their lifetime?
Answer: Around 22 kilograms.
29. Higher mental activities are controlled by which part of the brain?
Answer: Frontal lobe.
30. Water comprises how much of a percentage of our brain?
Answer: 80%.
31. What portion of our body weight is constituted by blood?
Answer: 8%.
32. How much blood does the adult body contain?
Answer: Around 1.325 gallons.
33. Which blood cells do not have a nucleus?
Answer: Red blood cells.
34. What is the total length constituted by all the blood vessels in our body?
Answer: 100,000 km.
35. How many bones does the wrist contain?
Answer: 54.
Science Trivia Questions about Chemistry
Chemistry is one of the most important sciences in our society today. This section has a lot of chemistry trivia questions about chemistry. If you want to test your knowledge of chemistry, then this quiz questions for chemistry is perfect for you!
1. What is the name for the fear of chemicals and chemistry?
Answer: Chemophobia.
2. Name the only two non-silver colored metals?
Answer: Gold & Copper.
3. What is Trichloro Methane better known as?
Answer: Chloroform.
4. What is the name of the table of elements?
Answer: The periodic table.
5. What is the chemical formula of Baking soda?
Answer: NaHCO3.
6. What is the chemical name of magnetite?
Answer: Iron Oxide.
7. Which English chemist’s work was central to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA?
Answer: Rosalind Franklin.
8. Chemist, Linus Pauling took 18,000 mg of what per day?
Answer: Vitamin C.
9. What is ‘Calcium Carbonate’ most commonly known as?
Answer: Chalk.
10. What is the chemical formula of water?
Answer: H2O.
11. What is the chemical formula of common salt?
Answer: NaCl.
12. Who won a Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1958 for his work on the structure of protein?
Answer: Frederick Sanger.
13. What is the Haber.Bosch process?
Answer: A method to synthesize ammonia from nitrogen & hydrogen gas.
14. What is ‘Solid Carbondiaoxide’ most commonly known as?
Answer: Dry Ice.
15. What nickname did Henry Cavendish give to Hydrogen?
Answer: Inflammable Air.
16. What is the chemical formula of Laughing gas?
Answer: N2O.
17. What did Harold Urey discover?
Answer: Deuterium.
18. Alice Ball developed the ‘Ball Method’ as an effective treatment against what?
Answer: Leprosy.
19. What is the chemical formula of Barium oxide?
Answer: BaO.
20. What is ‘Acetic Acid’ commonly known as?
Answer: Vinegar.
21. Acetylene is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Gas.
22. Mercury is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Liquid.
23. Arsenic is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Solid.
24. Freon is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Gas.
25. Palladium is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Solid.
26. Potassium is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Solid.
27. Argon is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Gas.
28. Krypton is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Gas.
29. Beryllium is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Solid.
30. Bromine is solid, liquid or gas?
Answer: Liquid.
31. What is the chemical formula of Acetylene?
Answer: C2H2.
32. What is the chemical formula of Lithium Bromide?
Answer: LiBrv.
33. What are the 4 states of matter?
Answer: Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma.
34. What is ‘Sodium hypochlorite’ commonly known as?
Answer: Bleach.
35. Which is heavier. Gold or Iron?
Answer: Gold.
36. What is the name for a blend of two chemical elements?
Answer: Compound.
37. What is the chemical formula of Diatomic Bromine?
Answer: Br2.
38. ‘Atomic number’ refers to the number of what in an atom?
Answer: Protons
39. What is ‘Trinitrotoluene’ commonly known as?
Answer: T.N.T.
40. What is ‘Silicone Oxide’ commonly known as?
Answer: Sand.
41. What is ‘Sucrose’ commonly known as?
Answer: Sugar.
42. What is the chemical formula of Hydrocyanic acid?
Answer: HCN.
43. What is the most common element found in the universe?
Answer: Hydrogen.
44. What is ‘Nitrous Oxide’ commonly known as?
Answer: Laughing Gas.
45. Robert Bunsen developed which laboratory instrument?
Answer: Bunsen burner.
Science Trivia Questions about Physics
Science trivia questions about physics are a great way to test your knowledge of physics and see if you have what it takes to be a physicist. If you are looking for some physics trivia questions and answers, this is the section for you!
1. Which Renaissance scientist is credited with the discovery of the pendulum?
Answer: Galileo Galilei.
2. What name is given to the science of sound?
Answer: Acoustics.
3. Name the SI unit of mass?
Answer: Kilogram.
4. What is the name of Isaac Newton’s three extremely important laws?
Answer: Laws of Motion.
5. Name the instrument used to measure gas pressure?
Answer: A manometer.
6. Which physicist is more famous for his cat than for his equation?
Answer: Erwin Schrodinger.
7. Can you name the tube used to produce X-rays?
Answer: Coolidge tube.
8. What is a word used to describe a solid whose arrangement of atoms and molecules has no definite pattern?
Answer: Amorphous.
9. How are X-rays different to gamma rays in radiation therapy?
Answer: They are manmade.
10. Can you state the term used to describe an orbit’s farthest point from Earth?
Answer: Apogee.
11. What is the function of a capacitor?
Answer: It stores electrical energy.
12. For what discovery did Albert Einstein win his first Nobel prize?
Answer: The photoelectric effect.
13. Which is the main type of radiation that is emitted when a copper plate is heated to 100 degree centigrade?
Answer: Infrared radiation.
14. Upon what two factors is the amount of kinetic energy of an object dependent?
Answer: Mass and velocity.
15. The discovery of infrared radiation is credited to whom?
Answer: William Herschel.
16. Can you state the year in which Max Planck introduced his quantum theory to science?
Answer: 1900.
17. What is the force that allows an object submerged in fluid to rise to the top of a container?
Answer: Buoyant force.
18. The hypothesis that all matter exists out of particles was first formulated by whom?
Answer: The Ancient Greeks.
19. What do we mean by velocity?
Answer: Velocity is a measure of speed in a given direction.
20. Who developed an equation that relates momentum and wavelength?
Answer: De Broglie.
21. What is the name for the unit of the optical power of a lens?
Answer: Dioptre.
22. For what discovery did Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn win a Nobel Prize in 1924?
Answer: X-Ray Spectroscopy.
23. What is the SI unit of heat?
Answer: Joules.
24. What is the term used to describe the bending of a light ray when it passes between materials of different densities?
Answer: Refraction.
25. Which scientist discovered the photoelectric effect in 1887?
Answer: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.
26. What is emitted by the hot metal filament in a cathode ray tube?
Answer: Electrons.
27. Can you name the phenomenon of light that is responsible for a CDs colorful look when exposed to light?
Answer: Interference.
28. Can you name the instrument used to communicate by light?
Answer: Heliograph.
29. Approximately how long does it take for light to travel from the sun to the earth?
Answer: Eight minutes.
30. Which law states that at a constant temperature, the volume of a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure?
Answer: Boyle’s Law.
31. What causes the Aurora Borealis (also known as the Northern Lights)?
Answer: The colors are seen when electrical particles from the sun hit the earth’s atmosphere.
32. Which scientist worked on the basic principle for generating an electric current?
Answer: Faraday.
33. The quality of a sound wave depends on what?
Answer: The shape of the wave.
34. In which century was physics discovered?
Answer: The fourth century.
35. What are the five main laws of physics?
Answer: Stefan’s law, Coulomb’s law, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Ohm’s law and Avogadro’s law.
36. Who is the most famous physicist?
Answer: Arguably, Albert Einstein.
37. Which scientist discovered the phenomenon of superconductivity?
Answer: K. Onnes.
38. For what does the acronym LASER stand?
Answer: Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
39. After which scientists’ name is the unit of electric current named?
Answer: André-Marie Ampere.
40. For what is a Pitot tube used in physics?
Answer: For measuring the velocity of fluids.
Science Trivia Questions about Biology
Science Trivia Questions about Biology are a great way to increase your knowledge of Biology. Check our best collection of biology trivia questions and answer!
1. How many bones are in each finger, except the thumb, of a human hand?
Answer: Three.
2. Fish take in oxygen through their gills; what do insects take in oxygen through?
Answer: Spiracles.
3. What science word means “to group”?
Answer: Classify.
4. What forms the outer boundary of a cell and controls material moving in and out of the cell?
Answer: Cell Membrane.
5. What organ filters blood and helps regulate salt and water levels?
Answer: Kidneys.
6. What is the correct plural of Keeshond?
Answer: Keeshonden.
7. What is the largest crocodilian in the world?
Answer: Saltwater Crocodile.
8. What are chitterlings?
Answer: The Intestines of a Pig.
9. What are plants that grow, reproduce and die all in one season called?
Answer: Annuals.
10. What is a young bear called?
Answer: Cub.
11. Which cell part is responsible for controlling most of the activity inside a cell?
Answer: Nucleus.
12. What is the only canine that can climb trees?
Answer: Gray Fox.
13. What type of creature generally lives on land but starts life in the water?
Answer: Amphibian.
14. What is a “jonquil”?
Answer: A Garden Plant.
15. What is an algal bloom that occurs in salt water called?
Answer: Red Tide.
16. What part of the brain is responsible for vision?
Answer: Occipital.
17. What keeps a duck dry even though it spends almost all its time in the water?
Answer: Feathers.
18. What are the small bones that make up a backbone called?
Answer: Vertebrae.
19. What snail-shaped organ in the ear funnels sound to the auditory nerve?
Answer: Cochlea.
20. What is the process of breaking down food called?
Answer: Digestion.
21. What light-sensitive cells in the eye detect colors?
Answer: Cones.
22. What do we call the teeth we grind our food with?
Answer: Flat Teeth.
23. What part of the plant gets water and nutrients to the rest of the plant?
Answer: Stem.
24. The brain is divided into how many lobes?
Answer: 4.
25. By what process to plants turn sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into food (and oxygen)?
Answer: Photosynthesis.
26. What was the name of Charles Darwin’s ship?
Answer: HMS Beagle.
27. What is the largest living structure on Earth?
Answer: The Great Barrier Reef.
28. Bone marrow is the primary site of the production of what type of cell?
Answer: Red blood cells.
29. How many stomachs does a cow typically have?
Answer: One, but the stomach has four parts, each for a different stage of the digestive process.
30. Which grow faster – toenails or fingernails?
Answer: Fingernails.
31. How many fingers do birds have on their wings?
Answer: Three. The first supports a small part of the wing called the alula while the other two support the main flight feathers.
32. What is the one country to which lemurs are native?
Answer: Madagascar.
33. What type of cow has the biggest ears?
Answer: An elephant. The female elephant is called a cow; a male is called a bull.
34. What is the largest single bone in the human body?
Answer: The femur.
35. What is the only mammal that can fly?
Answer: The bat.
Science Trivia Questions about Zoology
Science trivia questions about zoology are related to the study of animals and their relationship with the environment. Let’s test your friends’ knowledge with our best collection of zoology questions.
1. What color is the blood of an octopus?
Answer: Blue.
2. A Tasmanian devil is known to be which kind of animal?
Answer: Marsupial.
3. In Rome, which animal is protected under the law?
Answer: Cat.
4. Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world?
Answer: Hippopotamus.
5. What sort of habitat is known to be the home for arboreal animals?
Answer: In or Around Trees.
6. What common farm animal doesn’t have teeth on their upper jaw?
Answer: Goats and/or Sheep.
7. What object does a male penguin often gift to a female penguin to win her over?
Answer: A Rock.
8. Which animal is known to breathe through their skin?
Answer: Frogs.
9. Which type of animal is known to be the fastest bird in the world?
Answer: The Peregrine Falcon.
10. How long is an elephant pregnant with its calf before it gives birth?
Answer: 22 Months.
11. Which two mammals are the only ones known to lay eggs?
Answer: The anteater and the duck-billed platypus.
Which bird is known to have the largest wingspan on the planet?
Answer: Albatross.
12. Which bird is unable to move their eyes?
Answer: Although they can rotate their head nearly 180 degrees, owls cannot move their eyes.
13. Which bird is known to be the smallest in the world? Bonus Question: How small is this bird?
Answer: Bee Hummingbird, measuring at 2.25 inches.
14. What popular sea creature has the ability to clone itself?
Answer: Jellyfish; Jellyfish, when cut in half, have the ability to regenerate their cells and create other jellyfish.
15. Which species of jellyfish are known to have the longest tentacles?
Answer: Lion’s Mane Jellyfish.
16. Why are flamingos pink?
Answer: Due to their main source of food being shrimp, their skin takes on a pinkish color.
17. Which sea creature is known to be the only natural predator of the Great White Shark?
Answer: Orca, the Killer Whale.
18. Which bird is known to have eyes larger than its brain?
Answer: Ostrich.
19. Other than a platypus, what is the only other mammal known to lay eggs?
Answer: Echidna; Otherwise Known as a Spiny Anteater.
20. Approximately, how many dolphin species exist in the world?
Answer: At least 40.
21. A dog sweats through which part of its body?
Answer: Paws.
22. What is a dog’s most developed sense?
Answer: Sense of Smell.
23. What is the name of the dog mascot on the front of the crackerjack box?
Answer: Dog Bingo.
24. What is the only continent in the world known to be snake-free?
Answer: Antarctica.
25. Which body part does a snake use to detect smells?
Answer: Tongue.
26. In what year did the bald eagle become the national emblem and mascot of the United States of America?
Answer: 1789.
27. Which animals are known as the ‘Big 5’ in Africa?
Answer: Lion, Leopard, Rhino, Elephant, and Buffalo.
28. The nose of a lion changes color throughout its life, indicating what?
Answer: This change in color indicates a lion’s age.
29. What is the size of a newborn kangaroo?
Answer: one inch.
30. In Peru, it’s common to eat which popular household pet?
Answer: Guinea Pig.
31. In the entire animal kingdom, what is the only male animal known to give birth?
Answer: Seahorses.
32. Butterflies use which part of their body to taste?
Answer: Feet.
Science Trivia Questions and Answers
Science is a subject that is not for the faint-hearted. It requires a lot of hard work and commitment to excel in it. The Knowledge we gain from studying science can help us understand the world better and make better decisions. Read our list of science quiz questions and answers to know scientific facts about the world.
1. Whom did Albert Einstein call the “father of modern science”?
Answer: Galileo Galilei.
2. What is Deoxyribonucleic Acid better known as?
Answer: DNA.
3. Which animals have 3 hearts, 9 brains, and blue blood?
Answer: Octopus.
4. How many minutes does a blood cell take to do a circuit of the body. 1, 10 or 100?
Answer: 1.
5. What is the Mpemba effect?
Answer: Hot water freezing faster than cold.
6. 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced by which rainforest?
Answer: Amazon.
7. Xenon is represented as what on the periodic table?
Answer: XE.
8. Which letter doesn’t appear on the periodic table?
Answer: J.
9. Which planet spins clockwise?
Answer: Venus.
10. Cu represents what metal on the periodic table?
Answer: Copper.
11. The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of mostly which gas?
Answer: Nitrogen.
12. Which process is used by plants to convert light energy into chemical energy?
Answer: Photosynthesis.
13. Radon is represented as what on the periodic table?
Answer: Rn.
14. The Earth’s crust is split into gigantic pieces called what?
Answer: Tectonic Plates.
15. What keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth?
Answer: Gravity.
16. Which mammals have wings?
Answer: Bats.
17. Which scientist developed the theory of relativity?
Answer: Albert Einstein.
18. Name the only two metals that aren’t silver coloured?
Answer: Gold and Copper.
19. Mg represents what metal on the periodic table?
Answer: Magnesium.
20. He represents what gas on the periodic table?
Answer: Helium.
21. Tin is represented as what on the periodic table?
Answer: Sn.
22. Which scientist wrote the book ‘Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy’ in 1687?
Answer: Sir Isaac Newton.
23. Air becomes what at -190°C?
Answer: Liquid.
24. Mars is red because of which compound?
Answer: Iron Oxide.
25. Ne represents what gas on the periodic table?
Answer: Neon.
26. Which is the science of matter & its behavior?
Answer: Physics.
27. Why can’t you can’t sink in the Dead Sea?
Answer: High Salt Content.
28. Energy from food is usually measured in what?
Answer: Joules or Calories.
29. What is the fastest land animal in the world?
Answer: Cheetah.
30. In 1921 the Nobel Prize in Physics was won by whom?
Answer: Albert Einstein.
31. Which Polish-French physicist and chemist conducted pioneering research on radioactivity?
Answer: Marie Curie.
32. What is dihydrogen monoxide?
Answer: Water.
33. What was Stephen Hawking’s IQ? 150, 160 or 180?
Answer: 160.
34. Gold is represented as what on the periodic table?
Answer: Au.
35. What keeps you in your seat during a loop-the-loop rollercoaster?
Answer: Inertia.
5 Benefits of Playing Science Trivia Questions Game
Strengthen knowledge
Science trivia questions is a game that not only entertains and educates players it also strengthens their knowledge of science. Participants will get a whole idea of science from how it works and what are benefits of using the scientific method. It will urge them to learn more and more scientific facts. It is the best game for people in the learning phase, such as students.
All time discoveries
The science quiz questions help players learn about the scientific discoveries of the past and present and how they were made. Scientists have invented several things; it is not easy to get all their knowledge. Science trivia is the best game to remain up to date regarding the latest and past scientific inventions.
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Science Trivia is a great way to teach children about science without realizing it because they have fun while playing the game. If your child gets bored while studying, a science trivia quiz is the best technique to deliver scientific Knowledge.
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Playing Science Trivia Questions and answer as a Game can also be used to test your knowledge of science. It is perfect for assessing any candidates during interviews or students in schools, colleges, and universities.
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The best thing about this game is that it can be played with friends, family members, and even classmates who are not interested in science but want to have fun and learn something new at the same time. So, it is appropriate for people of all ages.
Final Thoughts on Science Trivia Questions
If you want to make your free time fruitful with fun, the science trivia questions game is perfect for you to play. There is no age limit for this game, and you can play it anywhere. You need to collect the best science quiz question to ask your friends, family members, and kids.
Science trivia questions are a perfect source for improving your knowledge of science. Through science trivia questions and answers, you will learn about scientific discoveries in various fields such as biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geography, and many more.
It will develop a sense of curiosity and exploration. Moreover, it improves reading skills, critical thinking skills, and memory.
No matter what level of science knowledge you are in, you can enjoy this game. So, what’s the wait? Hurry up! Test knowledge of your friends and family members. Have fun!