509 Best Conversation Starters for Teens

Conversation starters for teens can be hard to come by when talking to a teenager. It’s important to know how to engage with them and what they are interested in. There are many ways to start conversations with teens; it just takes being creative and thinking outside the box.
The conversation starters for teens has motivated parents to communicate with their children, instructors to connect with students, and teenagers to interact with their girlfriends and boyfriends.
As teens start to interact with their peers, they will want to know what types of conversation topics for teens are appropriate to discuss during communication. Try to select a topic that is interesting for your conversation partner.
Moreover, there are many conversation questions for teens to assist people if they feel hesitant or don’t know how to interact with teenagers. They can ask their teenage friends questions about their hobbies or favorite TV shows to engage them in conversation.
The Best Conversation Starters for Teens
Conversation starters are a way of discussing with someone special and close to you. It is important to find the conversation starter that is comfortable for both people. So, check our compilation of best conversation starters for teens:
1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you travel?
2. Who is your best friend?
3. What is your favorite memory of us?
4. What qualities are you looking for in a spouse?
5. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
6. What is your most embarrassing moment?
7. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?
8. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
9. What was your favorite book when you were little?
10. What is your earliest memory?
11. What is the first thing on your bucket list?
12. Would you rather live on the beach or in the mountains?
13. If you could star in any movie, what movie would it be?
14. What’s your dream holiday destination?
15. Which country would you live in if you could live anywhere?
16. Do you want to travel the world or stay in your hometown?
17. Which are the top five places in the world you’d like to visit?
18. What was your number one childhood vacation, and why?
19. What’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen in nature?
20. Do you prefer a tropical holiday or a snowy holiday?
21. If you could be any animal, which one would you pick?
22. Which animal is the best, and why do you say that?
23. Which season do you prefer the most and why?
24. Which climate would you prefer to live in – hot, rainy, cold, etc.?
25. Which three items would you take with you to a deserted island?
26. What’s your favorite flower?
27. What skill would you like to learn, and why?
28. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
29. What are the top three things on your bucket list?
30. Is there a college or university you want to attend?
31. What profession do you see yourself being happy in?
32. Do you want to own a house one day?
33. If you could start your own business today, what would it be?
34. Which charity would you volunteer at and why?
35. If you could solve one world issue, what would it be?
36. What would you change about the world if you could change anything?
37. Which historical figure would you meet if you could go back in time?
38. Which things have you achieved that you didn’t think you would?
39. What three things do you see yourself achieving in your life?
40. Pick three positive words to describe yourself.
Fun Conversation Starters for Teens
You may fear that your loved one won’t like you if you can’t say anything fascinating. Luckily, some fun conversation starters for teens can help break the ice and get you started on a conversation. You can ask about their interests, what they do for fun, or their favorite music.
1. What’s the one thing you enjoy doing the most with your friends?
2. What is the name of the movie you loved to watch?
3. What’s your take on the internet?
5. How do you spend your time when you are not working?
6. If you have the option for an all-expenses-paid trip and wish to visit any famous world monument, which would it be?
7. Apart from reading and watching tv, what indoor activity do you fancy?
8. Fashionable or comfortable clothing, what would be your choice?
9. If there is only one restaurant that you can eat from for the rest of your life, which one would that be?
10. If you want people to call you by a certain nickname for the remaining part of your life, what would it be?
11. Seen any good shows on Netflix lately?
12. What’s your most recent binge-worthy series?
13. How long does it usually take you to get through a new show? Weeks, days or hours?
14. What TV series would you recommend for me? And why?
15. What social media do you spend the most time on these days?
16. What do you like most about social media?
17. What do you hate about social media?
18. Do you have a favorite TikTok trend?
19. Have you ever made a TikTok? What was it about?
20. Did you hear about _____? (Fill in the blank with the latest celebrity and/or sports news you just looked up) What do you think about that?
21. What’s your favorite style of food?
22. What’s your favorite restaurant?
23. If you could choose, would you rather go to an exclusive, fine dining restaurant or a casual one?
24. Do you like to cook?
25. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your days, what would you choose?
26. What is your least favorite type of food?
27. Have you seen any good movies lately?
28. What do you think is the best movie of all time?
29. What was the movie you asked your parents to watch over and over again when you were little?
30. What’s your favorite movie soundtrack?
31. Who are your favorite actor and actress?
32. If you could meet just one celebrity, who would it be?
33. If you could play any role in a movie, what would it be?
Interesting Conversation Starters for Teens
Always choose topic which is in the latest trend and circulating on social media. For example, interesting teenage topics for your partner can be intimates, girlfriend and boyfriends’ breakups, the latest technical tools, mobile apps, games, etc. Here is are some interesting conversation topics for teens:
1. If you were given a chance to become immortal, would you take it? Why or why not?
2. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet? What would you say to them?
3. Would you rather be a TV star or a movie star? If you could star in any TV or movie, what would it be?
4. What superpower would you like to have and why? If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
5. What object that you own means the most to you or has the most sentimental value?
6. What are the top five things you like about yourself? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
7. Would you rather be 5 years younger or 5 years older?
8. Where do you see yourself 5 years, 10 years from now?
9. What are the things that make you angry? What hurts your feelings? How do you calm down, or what helps you feel better when that happens?
10. What are your greatest fears, and why? What’s something other people are scared of, but you are not?
11. What makes you sad, and who or what makes you feel better when you are sad?
12. Who or what always makes you laugh? Who or what always makes you laugh the hardest?
13. What is the best compliment you have ever received? Who gave it to you and why does it mean so much?
14. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go? Who would you want to be with on that trip, or is that something you want to experience alone?
15. Do you look having alone time? Why is having alone time, or “me time”, important?
16. Who is your favorite teacher? If you were made a teacher for a day, what would you teach to your class?
17. What is your favorite subject in school? What subject do you wish you just didn’t have to learn? If you could add a new subject, what would it be?
18. What part of the school day do you look forward to the most, and what part do you dread?
19. Would you consider yourself shy or more outgoing? When do you feel yourself getting shy, and how do you deal with it?
20. Do adults automatically deserve respect? Do kids deserve respect too? How can a person earn respect?
21. What is something you are really good at? What is a skill that you would like to learn and why? What skill can you share or teach to others?
22. Who do you look up to and why? Who do you think looks up to you? What do you think makes for a good role model?
23. What is the first thing on your bucket list? Why does it have the number one spot?
24. What do you value most in your life? What are the three things you are most grateful for?
25. If you could change your first name, what would you choose to call yourself?
26. If you could also change your last name, what would you change it to?
27. What is the one family rule you love or appreciate? If you could make a new family rule, what would it be?
28. What is your favorite childhood memory with your family? What do you wish you and your family would do again, or more often, together?
29. What do you love the most about your family? What is your favorite moment or experience with your family?
30. What are you most excited for in the future? What scares you the most about the future?
31. If it were up to you, how would you change the world?
32. What are the things you feel very strongly or passionately about?
33. Do you live life by any motto? Why is that motto so meaningful to you?
34. Where do you get inspiration from? Who or what inspires you? Do you want to be an inspiration to others as well?
35. What would your perfect day look like? What would you do and who would you be with?
36. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? What is the weirdest food you’ve ever tried?
37. What does money mean to you? If someone gave you $1000 dollars right now, what would you do with it?
Good Conversation Starters for Teens
Good conversation starters for teens are excellent for productive discussion. These starters can also be used to know someone personally; for example, you might inquire about partner’s school experiences and favorite book.
1. Do you play any video games? Which ones?
2. Do you play any sports? Which ones?
3. Do you collect anything? What is it?
4. Do you play any musical instruments? Which one?
5. What do you like to do most during the weekends?
6. What type of music do you listen to?
7. What is your favorite song at the moment?
8. Do you like reading books? What’s the last book you read?
9. What is something that you like to do when you’re bored?
10. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
11. How would describe your perfect day?
12. What talents or skills do you have?
13. Do you speak any other languages? Which ones?
14. Where is your favorite place to hang out? What do you like about it?
15. If you could marry any celebrity in the world, who would it be?
Deep Conversation Starters for Teens
Teenagers are usually shy and awkward when it comes to talking to people. Deep conversation starters for teens can be very helpful. Deep conversation starters provide a list of topics that teens can talk about with one another, which makes it easier for them to start a conversation and get the ball rolling.
1. If you had the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
2. What is your major goal in life?
3. What do you think you will be doing ten years from now?
4. If you got a tattoo, what would it be? Why is that your choice?
5. Do you think adults deserve respect? Do you think teenagers do?
6. If you could do so, how would you change the world?
7. Is it ever okay to lie? If it is, when and in what kind of situations?
8. Whom do you respect? Why?
9. What do you think are the five most important traits for a person to have?
10. What are three things for which you are grateful?
11. What is a regret you have?
12. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
13. What is the furthest you have ever traveled from your home? Where did you go and how long did you stay there?
14. Do you like school? Why or why not?
15. What are two things you like about yourself?
16. In what situation(s) do you become discouraged?
17. Who is the most important person in your life? How can you enhance your relationship with this person?
18. Who had a profound influence on you as a child? Was the influence positive or negative?
19. If you died today, is there something you would regret not doing or something you would regret not saying?
20. What so you find is the hardest thing for you to do?
21. Have you ever written poetry, a story, or painted a picture? If so, what about?
22. Name four qualities you want your friends to have.
23. If you only had one month to live, how would you spend your time? With whom?
24. What one possession do you cherish the most? Why?
25. If you could have a super-power, which one would you choose and why?
26. If you could live at any time in history and experience any event, when would you choose?
27. Where have you lived, for how long, and how old were you when you moved from each place? Which was your favorite?
28. Who is someone you admire and/or respect? Why?
29. If you had a theme song, what would it be? Why?
30. What would you like people to say about you after you die?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Interests
One of the biggest fears in parenting is the fear that your children might have a mental health issue. Conversation starters for teens about interests will undoubtedly push your youngsters to share their interests and gain mental satisfaction if you are worried about your child.
1. What do you like doing after school?
2. What are your hobbies?
3. Do you play video games, if so which ones?
4. Do like to read?
5. What is your favorite book now?
6. Do you like listening to music?
7. Who is your favorite singer/band?
8. What is your favorite genre?
9. What’s your favorite song?
10. Do you play any sports, if so which ones?
11. Do you play any musical instruments?
12. What is something you like to do when you’re bored?
13. What is something that you feel passionately about in life?
14. What would your perfect day consist of?
15. What talent or skills do you have?
16. Do you speak any other languages, if so which ones?
17. Where’s your favorite place to hang out?
18. Do you prefer TV shows or movies?
19. What’s your favorite movie?
20. What’s your favorite TV show?
21. Do you enjoy cooking?
22. What’s your favorite thing to cook?
23. What is your favorite season and why?
24. Who or what makes you laugh the most?
25. What is your favorite subject in school and why do you like it?
26. What is your least favorite class in school and why?
27. Which class is the most interesting?
28. Do you enjoy school?
29. Are you a part of any clubs?
30. If you were a teacher for a day, what subject would you want to teach?
31. Do you think cell phones should be allowed in school?
32. Is there a college or university you’d like to attend?
33. Do you have a favorite teacher?
34. What’s the most interesting assignment you’ve worked on this year?
35. What are your grades like?
36. Have you worked your first job yet?
37. What is your school mascot?
38. Do you enjoy going to school games?
39. What classes are you taking now?
40. Have you had any hard tests lately?
41. How do you get to school?
42. Have you applied for any summer jobs?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Family
Teens often find it challenging to start conversations with their parents. Some conversation starters for teens about family can help teenagers engage their siblings and parents in a conversation. Using these starters, they can ask about a childhood experience of their parents, favorite memory, and advice on how to be a good child.
1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how strict are your parents?
2. Are you closer to your mom or dad?
3. Do you have chores at home? What are they?
4. Do you have siblings? Where are you in the birth order?
5. Do you get along with your siblings?
6. What was the last disagreement you had with your siblings about?
7. What is the best thing about our family?
8. Who in your family are you most like?
9. Who is the most generous person in your family?
10. How have family roles changed from the past?
11. Do you like going to family gatherings? Why or why not?
12. Who is the most interesting person in your extended family?
13. Have you ever been to any large family reunions? How did it go?
14. How often do you see your parents? How about your extended family?
15. What is the best and worst thing about your family or extended family?
16. How has your family shaped your personality and who you turned out to be?
17. How important are strong family ties to you? Are strong family ties more or less important that close friendships?
18. What would growing up in an ideal family environment look like? Do you think that anyone grew up in an ideal family environment?
19. How would you compare your friend’s families to ours? Good? Bad?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Food
The key to talking about food with teens is not to be afraid of the topic. It is essential to get teens involved in the conversation through conversation starters for teens about food, and you can ask questions about how they feel about certain foods, such as what their favorite & least favorite food is.
1. What is your favorite food?
2. What is your favorite dessert?
3. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
4. What do you usually eat for lunch at school?
5. Which is your favorite meal of the day?
6. What is your favorite restaurant?
7. If you could have an unlimited supply of any food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
8. What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten? Where and when did you eat it?
9. What’s your favorite fast food?
10. What’s your favorite drink?
11. What’s your favorite food restaurant?
12. What’s your favorite kind of meat?
13. What’s your favorite kind of ethnic food?
14. What’s your favorite snack?
15. Do you like trying new foods?
16. How often do you eat out?
17. How often do you go to a restaurant?
18. What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?
19. Do you ever go to expensive restaurant?
20. What do you look for in a restaurant?
21. What do you usually order when you go to a restaurant?
22. What restaurant would you recommend?
23. Do you have a favorite restaurant that you like to go to with your friends?
24. Do you order food from restaurant using apps such as Uber Eats?
25. What is the most expensive meal you have ever eaten?
26. What is the most expensive restaurant that you have ever been to?
27. What do you like to drink when you go to a restaurant?
28. Do you like to drink sodas?
29. What’s your favorite type of soda?
30. Do you avoid drinking sodas?
31. What do you like to drink with your hamburger?
32. Do you drink alcohol?
33. What’s your favorite beer?
34. Do you usually drink a beer when you eat?
35. How often do you eat fast food?
36. Do you like eating hamburgers?
37. Do you usually go to fast food restaurants with your friends?
38. Do you like going to fried-chicken restaurants?
39. Do you make hamburger and French Fries at home?
40. What do you like to drink with your hamburger or pizza?
41. Do you like pizza?
42. What is your favorite pizza topping?
43. How often do you eat pizza at a restaurant?
44. How often do you order pizza to your home?
45. What do you like to drink with your pizza?
46. Do you know how to make a pizza?
47. How do you make pizza at home?
48. Do you know how to make Pizza?
49. Do you like Pineapple Pizza?
50. What do you usually eat to gain weight?
51. What do you usually eat to lose weight?
52. What do you think about diets?
53. How many calories do you eat per day?
54. Do you have any plans to gain weight?
55. Do you have any plans to lose weight?
56. Do you usually drink coffee in the morning?
57. Do you eat cereal in the morning?
58. Do you usually skip breakfast?
59. What breakfast can you prepare?
60. Do you make your own breakfast?
61. What’s your favorite breakfast meal?
62. What time do you usually have lunch?
63. What do you usually have for lunch?
64. Do you eat lunch at school?
65. What lunch can you prepare?
66. What time do you usually have dinner?
67. What do you usually have for dinner?
68. Where do you usually eat dinner?
69. What dinner can you prepare?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Friends
We all know that teens love to talk about their friends. But if you are not a teen yourself, it might be challenging to find the right topic to start a conversation with them. Here are some conversation starters for teens about friends that will help you get started:
1. What makes someone a good friend?
2. What makes someone a bad friend?
3. Do you tend to have just one or two good friends, or do you have a large group of friends?
4. Is there anyone at school that you would like to get to know better? Who is it?
5. Would you be willing to die for your best friend?
6. Do you have any friends that you’re worried about right now? Why?
7. What traits do you look for when you’re trying to make a new friend?
8. What quality do you value most in your friends?
9. Are you a good friend? Why or why not?
10. What is the best way to meet new friends?
11. What is the most annoying type of friend?
12. What separates true friends from acquaintances?
13. Who is your oldest friend? How did you meet them?
14. Who is your strangest friend? What makes them strange?
15. What are the most common reasons for friendships to fall apart?
16. Do you make friends easily or do you find it difficult to make new friends?
17. Are any of your friends completely opposite to you or are most of them similar to you?
18. What’s a big favor you have done for a friend? How about a big favor that a friend has done for you?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Future Plans
The future is an important and sometimes scary topic for adolescents. It’s a time of change and uncertainty. Teenagers are now considering college, jobs, careers, relationships, family, and the rest of their lives. Here are some Conversation starters for teens about plans that will surely help teens to share their goals:
1. What is your ultimate goal in life?
2. What scares you the most about the future?
3. What is your dream job?
4. What are your plans for the future?
5. Do you have a bucket list? What are the top two or three things on that list?
6. Do you have any role models? Who are they, and why do you look up to them?
7. What do you plan to do after you graduate from school?
8. At what age would you like to live on your own?
9. What do you think your life would look like 10 years from now?
10. What do you think the world will be like 25 years from now?
11. What do you want to DO when you grow up?
12. What subjects at school make you excited or energized?
13. How important do you think a career is after you finish school?
14. What kind of changes would you like to make in the world?
15. Are there any jobs you’ve seen or heard of that interest you? What do you find appealing about them?
16. What would you like your life to be like in 10 years?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Memories
There are many ways to start a conversation with teenagers. One way is to ask them what they remember from their childhood. Through conversation starters for teens about memories, you can ask about the fascinating memories they have had while growing up.
1. What is one of your earliest memories?
2. Where did you go on your most recent vacation?
3. What’s your greatest achievement so far?
4. What’s your biggest regret in life so far?
5. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done in your life?
6. What is the most embarrassing incident that has ever happened to you in your life?
7. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
8. What is the weirdest or craziest thing you have ever done in your life?
9. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
10. Do you live by any life motto?
11. Which memorable lesson did you learn the hard way?
12. What memories about us do you value most?
13. What was your mother/father like when you were growing up?
14. What sights, sounds and smells remind you of your mother/father?
15. What do you know about your mother/father’s life before she had you?
16. What is one of the greatest lessons your mother/father has taught you?
17. Tell me about a favorite memory you have of your mother/father.
18. How would you describe your relationship with your mother/father growing up?
19. What do you admire most about your mother/father?
20. In what ways did your mother/father let you down?
21. If you were adopted, did you ever meet your biological parents? What do you know about them?
22. What were your siblings like?
23. Did you have a blended family? What was that experience like?
24. If you had multiple siblings, which one were you closest with growing up?
25. What did you and your siblings like to do together?
26. Describe a time you got in trouble with your sibling(s). What happened?
27. Do you think your siblings shaped who you became? How?
28. What do you think you were like as a brother or a sister?
29. Describe a favorite childhood memory with each of your siblings.
30. If you were an only child, what did you like and dislike about your experience?
31. Who else in your family were you close with? Why?
32. What were family gatherings like? How often did they happen?
33. How did you spend holidays with your extended family?
34. What, if any, kind of family drama was there when you were growing up?
35. What vacations did you take growing up?
36. What was the best place you visited?
37. Describe a time when something went completely wrong while traveling.
38. Which family vacation was the most memorable and why?
39. When the first time you flew on an airplane and what was it like?
40. What did your family like to do on vacation?
41. What was your favorite holiday growing up?
42. Which holidays did your family celebrate and how did they celebrate?
43. Did you have any family traditions associated with holidays?
44. What was the most memorable birthday gift you received as a child?
45. What was the most memorable Christmas gift you received as a child?
46. Are there any holiday memories that stick out in your mind?
47. How did you spend your summers growing up?
48. What was the best home you lived in growing up? What did you love about it?
49. What was your neighborhood like?
50. Did you have any interesting neighbors?
51. Did your family move around or stay put? What was that experience like?
52. Pick a house you lived in and describe it in as much vivid detail as possible. What stories could that house tell?
53. Did your family ascribe to any religion?
54. What role did this play in your life growing up?
55. How did your experiences as a child impact your own faith as you grew into adulthood?
56. What was the place of worship you attended like?
57. What memories do you associate with your family’s faith?
58. What were you like as a child?
59. Do you know how you got your name?
60. What sorts of things filled your days as a child?
61. Are there any games or toys you particularly remember playing with?
62. Did you have any nicknames? How did that name come about?
63. Did you earn an allowance growing up? What did you spend your money on?
64. What is the happiest moment of your childhood?
65. What was the saddest moment of your childhood?
66. What were you like as a teenager?
67. What type of people did you hang out with in high school?
68. Did you have any significant relationships as a teenager?
69. Who was your first kiss? How did it happen?
70. What kinds of jobs did you have during this time? What was your favorite?
71. Were there any adults that you really looked up to or admired?
72. What kinds of activities did you participate in?
73. When and how did you learn to drive?
74. What was your first car like?
75. What was your experience of high school like?
76. Describe a rite of passage you experienced as a teenager.
77. What major world events do you remember during those years?
78. What is the happiest moment of your teenage years?
79. What was the saddest moment of your teenage years?
80. What did you think of the world at the time?
81. What was your favorite place to hang out with your friends?
82. What hopes or aspirations did you have for your adult years?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Money
Conversation starters for teens about money can be challenging to some parents. But it is essential to discuss these topics so that they can learn how to handle their finances responsibly. The following are some of the questions you may want to ask your child:
1. What does money do?
2. Why do we need money?
3. How many quarters make a dollar?
4. What are some things you can get with money?
5. Can you get anything you want with money?
6. What are some ways you can earn money?
7. Why do we need to make money?
8. Do you know how your parents make money?
9. How much money do you want to make one day?
10. How much money do you make from your chores?
11. What is a budget?
12. Why is it important to save money?
13. How much do you want to save in a week? A month? A year?
14. How much do you think a new car costs?
15. What’s something you can’t afford right now, but want in the future?
16. What does it mean to “spend within your means?”
17. What’s an example of something you feel was a smart purchase?
18. Would you spend less now to save for a bigger purchase later?
19. What’s one thing you regret spending money on?
20. What is a loan?
21. Why do people take out loans?
22. What is debt? Is it good or bad?
23. What are taxes?
24. What’s an example of something taxes pay for?
25. Are you more of a saver or a spender?
26. What was the very last purchase that you made?
27. What is something positive you learned about money and finances from your parents?
28. What negative spending habits did you pick up from your parents?
29. If a rich uncle suddenly gave you a million dollars, what would you do first?
30. Will Rogers said, “Too many people spend money they earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people that they don’t like.” Can you think of a time you’ve done this? If so, tell the story.
31. Is accumulating money good, bad, or morally neutral? Why do you believe this?
Conversation Starters for Teens about Relationships
Teenagers these days are constantly bombarded with information about relationships. They must have a safe space to talk about their feelings and needs. Conversation starters for teens about relationships can help you know your partner better.
1. What do you look for in a relationship?
2. Is there anyone you have a crush on right now?
3. What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
4. At your school, are there a lot of people who are in romantic relationships?
5. If you could marry any celebrity, who would it be?
6. Are you dating someone right now?
7. Would you rather date someone older or younger than you?
8. Do you think you might like to get married someday?
9. If I asked your best friend to describe you, what would they say?
10. What are the most important traits for a friend to have?
11. What’s the difference between a good friend and a best friend?
12. What are your favorite things to do when spending time with friends?
13. Are you closer to your siblings or your friends? Why do you think that is?
14. What do you personally do to make sure that you are a good friend to the people who are important to you?
15. Which of your family members are you the most like? What traits do you share with those people?
16. Who in your life do you consider a mentor? How has that person helped make you the person you are today?
17. Which of your family members has had the most influence on the person you are today? How have they influenced you?
18. How would you describe the role social media plays in your relationships with friends that you spend time with in real life?
19. What’s your idea of the ideal first date?
20. Describe your relationship with your siblings?
Conversation Starters for Teens about School
Teenagers are often maligned for their lack of interest in school. But it’s not that they don’t care; they find it difficult to talk about the subject. Here are some conversation starters for teens about the school you can use with your child to get them talking more about school and maybe even help them with their grades.
1. What is your favorite class in school? What do you like about it?
2. What is your least favorite class in school? What don’t you like about it?
3. Which class are you learning the most in?
4. Which class are you learning the least in?
5. Do you like going to school?
6. Are you a part of any clubs at school? Which ones?
7. If you were made a teacher for a day, which subject would you want to teach?
8. Are there any bullies in your school? If so, how do you deal with them?
9. What do you usually do after school?
10. What’s the most embarrassing thing you did at school / when you were a kid?
11. Where do you go to school?
12. What’s your favorite outfit to wear to school?
13. If you could change one thing about school, what would it be?
14. What is your favorite after-school activity? What do you like about it?
15. What school rule(s) do you wish would be eliminated? Why?
16. What’s your favorite subject in school? What do you like about it?
17. What’s your favorite after-school snack? Would you eat it every day if you could?
18. What experience have you had with bullying during your time in school?
19. What thoughts do you have on how to improve school safety?
20. What if you had the ability to choose the curriculum for your grade in school?
21. What subjects would you choose and why?
22. What if you were in charge of writing a school theme song? What music genre would you choose? What would some of the words be?
23. What is your dream career? Why interests you about it?
24. Do you think that everyone should go to college after high school? Why or why not?
25. Do you think it’s a good idea to work for a while after high school before making up your mind about a long-term career?
26. What excites you the most about what comes after high school? What do you find to be the most stressful about it?
27. What do you think will be the most challenging parts of adjusting to life after high school?
28. How do you think your relationship with your family will change after you finish high school?
29. What advice would you give to younger students regarding how to make the most of high school?
30. What do you think you’ll miss the most about being in school after you graduate from high school? Why?
31. What will you be glad to not have to do anymore once you graduate from high school? Why?
32. How will you maintain relationships with your best friends once you aren’t seeing them in school every day?
33. When you get your own apartment or dorm room, what’s the first thing you plan to buy for it that you can’t have now. Why would you choose this item?
Conversation Starters for Teens and Tweens
Teens and tweens need more attention and guidance than adults do. It is essential to have a conversation with them regularly in order to know what they think and how they feel. Through conversation starters for teens and tweens, you may ask them about their friends or favorite celebrities.
1. What is one thing you learned today?
2. Who did you eat lunch with today?
3. What do you wish you could learn at school?
4. Are you reading anything enjoyable right now?
5. Is bullying a problem in your school?
6. What music have you been enjoying recently?
7. Which teacher helps you the most?
8. What is the best comeback to say to a bully?
9. How would you rate the quality of your friendships?
10. Do you wish you could change anything about your friendship group?
11. What was the hardest part of today?
12. What would make you feel more supported?
13. What is everyone talking about at school?
14. What do you wish you’d done differently today?
15. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate today?
16. Which class or subject did you enjoy most today?
17. What made you laugh today?
18. What was the most challenging part of your day?
19. When were you bored today?
20. At school, what do you wish you could do more of?
21. At school, what do you wish you did less of?
22. Which class do you think would be the most fun to teach?
23. Who could you be nicer to?
24. What is the most important part of school?
5 Tips for Choosing Conversation Starters for Teens
Start with the basics
Ask open-ended questions that are not too personal or difficult to answer, such as “What’s new?” always use the easiest and simple conversation starters for teens to start communicating with their partner. If you directly ask personal questions, it may get your partner annoyed. Similarly, avoid difficult conversation questions for teens beyond your teenager friend’s perception level.
Listen and respond
Show interest in what your teen has to say by asking follow-up questions, paraphrasing what they said, and ensuring they know you’re listening. One of the principal goals of communication is to follow its rules, including maxim of quantity and quality. Always listen and respond appropriately and deliver information about how much it is asked in a conversation.
Find common ground
Find something you have in common with your teen and use it as a jumping-off point for a conversation. It will be a wise technique to involve your partner in dialogue. Always investigates which topics and interests are common in both of you people.
Avoid controversial topics
Stay away from sensitive issues like politics, religion, or anything else that could make the conversation awkward or heated. Don’t indulge in Controversial Conversation topics for teens because everyone has different opinions and points of view on the same subject you have in your mind.
Be yourself
It is essential to be authentic and genuine when talking to your teenage friend. Do not Bragg too much about yourself in front of your partner. Always show what you are in a real-life situation. If you have fake intentions, your friend may feel inadequate and stop responding to your questions. So avoid seduction and temptation to have a smooth and healthy conversation with teenager friends.
Final Thoughts on Conversation Starters for Teens
Conversation starters for teens are a great source of motivation for those who do not know how to interact with teenage loved ones. One may get insight from Conversation starters for teens to develop strong relationships with their crushes, girlfriends, and boyfriends.
Similarly, some may feel trouble choosing an exciting topic for conversation. Conversation topics for teens are designed according to the psyche of teens, which can compel them to respond immediately. If you are struggling to engage your partner, you should read all the topics mentioned above for a better relationship.
Moreover, conversation questions for teens are specifically made to get an idea or view of your conversation partner about specific things relating to their expertise, hobbies, or profession.
Don’t forget to choose your favourite questions from our category wise lists and have your time!