586 Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Help You Connect

Instead of focusing on trivial, day-to-day issues, you may initiate long and fascinating talks with intimate questions to ask your boyfriend.
When most people hear the term “intimate,” they immediately think of bedroom chat, yet intimate inquiries may span a far broader range.
They might range from your childhood fantasies to how your boyfriend envisions your future together.
Conversations with your boyfriend may become routine as your relationship evolves. You can discover that you exclusively talk about where to eat or workplace annoyances.
You may utilize these intimate questions for him to rekindle the flame in your relationship. So, without further ado, here are some these intimate questions to ask your boyfriend.
Best Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
This list, which includes some of the best intimate questions to ask your boyfriend, will undoubtedly meet the desires of both you and your boyfriend. It will also provide you with some suggestions that will stimulate both of your minds.
1. What did you notice about me first?
2. Is physical attraction an important part of whether you pursue a romantic relationship with someone?
3. Do you usually have a type? How did I fit with this type?
4. When you tell other people about me, what do you say?
5. What would you want me to tell other people about you?
6. What traits about me are special to you?
7. When you see me, what is the first thought that generally comes to your mind?
8. Do you ever look at people of the opposite s#x?
9. How would you feel if my appearance changed over time, such as if I put on weight?
10. What is your number one fear?
11. What is something I do that annoys you?
12. What was the last thing I did to make you feel truly appreciated?
13. What is your favorite thing to do with me?
14. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
15. If you could go back in time and change one decision you’ve made throughout your life, what would it be?
16. What’s your favorite memory from our relationship?
17. When you are upset, do you want to talk about it, or would you prefer I give you space?
18. What is something you admire about me?
19. What accomplishment from your life makes you most proud?
20. Is there anything you regretted from when you were younger?
21. What part of our relationship makes you happiest?
22. What is one thing that you think is unforgivable in a relationship?
23. Were there any beliefs your parents had that you grew to reject as an adult?
24. What is one deep thing you have learned from me?
25. What stands out as something good that has happened to you within the past month?
26. What is one skill you do not have that you would like to have?
27. Is there anything you seem to dream about over and over again?
28. Is there anything you do not know how to do that embarrasses you?
Deep Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Use this fantastic list of deep intimate questions to ask your boyfriend to open up to you. These questions will work their magic; all you have to do is ask them correctly.
1. When was the last time you cried, and why?
2. If you could describe me in three words, what would you say?
3. If you could describe yourself in three words, what would you say?
4. What is the most attractive part of my personality?
5. What is something that people do that you think is rude?
6. Are you someone who resists change, or are you open to it?
7. Did you ever get nervous around me when we started dating?
8. What do you think is the biggest strength in our relationship?
9. What is the biggest area for improvement in our relationship?
10. What is your first memory of me?
11. What are the three main things you think we have in common?
12. What is your biggest insecurity about your physical appearance?
13. What is one thing you would never want to change about yourself?
14. What do you think of us as a couple?
15. What is one secret you wish to know about me?
16. Do you have any regrets in life?
17. What is one thing you have a fear of losing?
18. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first?
19. What’s one area in your life you think you massively need to change or improve?
20. When was the last time you felt extremely hurt?
21. What’s one dealbreaker for you in a relationship?
22. What does a relationship mean to you?
23. If you could change one thing about my life, what would it be?
24. Do you think your past was better or your present is?
25. What’s one thing you can never live without?
26. If you had to sacrifice one important thing in your life, what would it be?
27. What do a lot of parents do that traumatizes their children?
28. What keeps you up at night?
29. What according to you is the biggest sham in society?
Funny Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Do you have a burning need to learn more about your boyfriend’s intimate preferences and dreams but are too hesitant to question them out of the blue? Maybe you should go for funny intimate questions to ask your boyfriend. They will assist you in determining what you want without being too direct.
1. Is there anything s#xual we have not tried that you would like to try?
2. Where and how do you like to be touched?
3. Are you satisfied with the physical aspects of our relationship?
4. What would make our s#xual relationship better for you?
5. In a perfect world, how often would you like to have s#x?
6. Do you have any s#xual fantasies you think about often?
7. How can I keep the physical intimacy between us strong throughout the day, outside of the bedroom?
8. Would you rather give up coffee or sweets?
9. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
10. Have you ever kissed someone of the same s#x?
11. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
12. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
13. What would you eat if you could only eat meals from Wendy’s for a whole week?
14. If today were your last day to live, what would you eat?
15. If you were going to be stranded on an island for a month, what three things would you take with you?
16. If you could choose to bring one fictional character to life, who would you choose and why?
17. What is the craziest dream you can remember?
18. If you could be any age you wanted for the rest of your life, what age would you choose?
19. Do you want to live to be 100 or older? Why or why not?
20. What is the strangest thing you have searched on Google in the past week?
21. What car would you choose if you could only drive one type of vehicle for the rest of your life?
22. What fictional world do you wish actually existed?
23. What is the lamest pick up line anyone has ever used on you?
24. What can you never have too much of?
25. Have you ever lied about your age?
26. Would you ever go to your high school reunion?
27. If you were going to invent a cocktail, what would it be?
28. Would you rather go a day without your phone or without toilet paper?
29. Do you ever laugh when you’re by yourself?
30. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever overheard?
31. What fictional character do you wish was your best friend?
32. Would you ever go on a reality TV show?
33. What fitness craze, popular TV show, or other cultural phenomenon do you not understand?
34. What was the worst date you ever went on?
35. Would you rather have a sports car, a private jet, or a boat?
Flirty Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
With these flirty questions to ask your boyfriend, you can reawaken the s#xual chemistry between you and your boyfriend and learn all of their dirty secrets. You know you want to, don’t you? So make wise use of these.
1. Would you braid my hair?
2. Will you dance with me right now?
3. What sets me apart from other women?
4. What color best describes me?
5. How is your life different with me in it?
6. Will you help me pick an outfit for tonight?
7. How many times did you want to ask me out before you finally did?
8. What was our first kiss like for you?
9. I want to cook for you. What would be your ideal meal?
10. What do you think about me during the day?
11. If I was sad, what would you do to cheer me up?
12. What is your favorite part of my body?
13. If I asked you to give me a full body massage, where would you start on my body?
14. Would you like it if I made the first move?
15. If you could dress me up in anything for a special date, what would you have me do with my hair?
16. Do you like long or short hair better?
17. Do you prefer thongs, boy shorts or a different type of garment?
18. I am completely stressed out one day when I get home from work. What would you do to help me relax?
19. When do you think that I am the most beautiful?
20. Do you ever feel jealous when you spot other guys checking me out?
21. Is there one thing that I could do to be more irresistible to you?
22. Do you like it when I am jealous or possessive about you?
23. Are you good at dirty talk? Could you give me an example?
24. If you could see me wearing anything, what would you want me to wear (or not wear)?
25. Would you ever make me breakfast in bed?
26. Do you think that it was love at first sight when we met? Do you think that love at first sight exists?
27. Do you think it is more attractive when I wear a flirty dress or tight jeans?
28. Would you rather me wear lingerie or nothing at all?
29. Have you ever bragged about me to your friends?
30. What makes you turned on the most?
31. If you could describe my body using just three words, what would you say?
32. Do you want to know what I’m wearing?
33. Have you ever played strip poker?
34. Would you rather see me in lingerie or nothing at all?
35. Do you get jealous when other guys check me out?
36. Do you like it when I pull your hair?
37. How does it feel when we make out?
38. What times of day do you think about me?
39. What would you do if I sent you a dirty picture of me?
40. Have you ever wanted to tear my clothes off?
41. Do you think of me when we are apart?
42. Do you prefer rough or romantic?
43. When was the last time you have a dirty dream?
44. If you could choose what I was wearing, what would it be?
45. What is a s#x position you have never tried, but would love to try?
46. What is the dirtiest thing you ever thought about me?
47. Do you prefer eye contact or none during s#x?
48. What is the first thing you noticed about me?
49. Do you like when the girl makes the first move?
50. What do you find most attractive in a girl?
51. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
52. Have I ever been in your dreams?
53. What do you think of open relationships?
54. Which body part are you most proud of?
55. Do you prefer making out or cuddling?
56. What is the best kiss you have ever had?
57. What type of girl are you attracted to?
58. What do I do that makes you smile?
59. How many girls have you been with?
60. Do you see a difference between having s#x and making love?
61. What do you look for in a girl?
62. What do you wear to bed?
63. Have you ever pictured me naked?
64. Are there any games you like to play in the bedroom?
65. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
66. What is the easiest way to make you smile?
67. What is your most embarrassing make-out memory?
68. Have you ever slept with anyone and then regretted it?
69. Have you ever played dirty truth or dare?
Dirty Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Let us take a look at some of the dirty questions to ask your boyfriend. You’ll discover many intriguing and insightful questions in this collection ranging from innocent and sweet to more sensual in nature.
1. What is your best kept intimate secret?
2. What did you think of me when you first met me?
3. What’s your favourite sex position?
4. What is one of your fantasies?
5. Where do you love to have s#x?
6. What’s your dirtiest s#xual fantasy?
7. Have you named your package?
8. Want to be on Santa’s naughty list with me?
9. Do you have naughty dreams of me?
10. Have you ever done it in a public place?
11. Have you had one-night stands?
12. What is your favorite kind of porn?
13. If you could sleep with a celebrity, which one would it be?
14. Would you say that you have any fetishes?
15. What is your most embarrassing s#xual experience?
16. Do you prefer to kiss during s#x?
17. Do you prefer to be submissive or dominant?
18. What do you like most about our s#x life?
19. Do you prefer loud or silent orgasms?
20. What was your most memorable orgasm?
21. What is your favorite place to be massaged?
22. What is your s#xy scene from a movie?
23. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever done it?
24. Do you like it when someone pulls your hair?
25. Where is the naughtiest place you have done it?
26. Do you get amorous in the morning or evening?
27. What are you best at in bed?
28. Have you ever done it outside?
29. What’s the best bedroom experience that you’ve ever had?
30. What do you think about dirty talk?
31. Is there anything that turns you off in the bedroom?
32. What’s the longest you’ve gone without doing it?
33. What’s the most number of times you’ve done it in a row?
34. What’s one public place where you would want to do it?
35. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
36. If I were in your room right now, what would you want to do to me?
37. What is your favorite s#x position?
38. What’s the s#xiest thing someone could say to you in bed?
39. When do you feel the most passionate?
40. What is your dirtiest fantasy?
42. What are your thoughts on foreplay?
43. What do you think about friends with benefits?
44. Do you like the lights on or off during s#x?
45. What do you think about toys in the bedroom?
46. What would you do if you could do anything with me?
47. When did you lose your virginity?
48. What is the weirdest thing you have dreamt about doing with a girl?
Romantic Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
You never know what you’re missing out on if you don’t dare to try romantic questions to ask your boyfriend. Ask away and experience the benefits of seeing how romantic your boyfriend is. You know you want to, don’t you?
1. Do you know that you make me very happy?
2. When do you feel most enthusiastic about our relationship?
3. Why can’t I imagine the future without you?
4. What would you miss the most about me and us if we weren’t together?
5. What do you love most when we’re together?
6. What is your favorite way to hold me close to you?
7. What would our future need to be like so you would always smile like you are now?
8. What moments of our relationship would you like to relive?
9. How do you visualize the perfect woman? What are her attributes?
10. What would be your best reason to break up with me?
11. How would you react if the doctor told me that I had a deadly disease?
12. What’s your ideal date night? What would you like to have happened in bed?
13. What did you think of me at the first sight?
14. Which song relates most to our relationship till now?
15. What’s one of the quirkiest things about me?
16. If I feel sad, what would you do to cheer me up?
17. Which movie would you watch with me?
18. If I will need to move to some other city or country, would you stay in a long-distance relationship with me?
19. What would be your first thought in the morning when you wake up next to me?
20. At what point did you decide that you wanted us to be “official”?
21. If everything happens for a reason—why do you think we met?
22. What is your most memorable moment with me?
23. What is your favorite memory of our relationship?
24. What’s something about your life that you’re glad is over?
25. What is something you always put off doing?
26. What’s your favorite thing that we do in bed?
27. Would you ever want to get married?
28. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
29. What is your favorite thing about me?
30. What do you think makes for a happy relationship?
31. What is your favorite thing that I do for you?
32. What movie reminds you of our relationship?
33. Which of your parents do you have the best relationship with?
34. Which one do you think you’re the most like?
35. Do you think money can buy happiness? Why or why not?
36. What would you say is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
37. What’s my best physical feature (or your favorite)?
38. What’s your dream job, if there were no limitations?
39. Do you like being romantic/intimate more in the mornings or at night?
40. If you could pass down one message to your younger self, what would that be?
41. What would you say is your deepest, darkest fear?
42. What is something that really makes you feel alive?
43. When was the moment you knew you wanted to be with me?
44. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
45. Do you get jealous when you see me talking to other people?
46. Do you feel like you make decisions primarily based on logic or on emotion?
47. Do you ever have dreams about me?
48. What do you think we need to work on in our relationship?
49. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
50. If you could change anything about your childhood, what would it be?
51. Do you think you want to raise your kids the same way you were raised, or differently?
52. How do you like to be treated/taken care of when you’re sick?
53. When did you realize you wanted to kiss me?
54. What’s your favorite non-s#xual activity we do together?
55. What’s one way that we complement each other well?
56. What’s one similarity between us that you love?
57. What about me made you fall in love with me?
58. What’s one thing you would like for us to do together that you’ve never experienced?
59. What’s something I could do for you that would make you really happy?
60. Where is your favorite place to go on a date?
61. What is something I do that makes you feel most taken care of?
62. What’s your favorite part of my personality?
63. If our relationship suddenly ended, what would you miss the most?
64. What makes you feel better after a long, hard day?
65. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
66. What’s one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?
67. What is one thing your parents taught you about relationships?
68. If you could change one thing in our relationship, what would it be?
69. What is one thing you’d like to do with me more?
70. What is one thing you would want me to do for you?
71. Why do you think we are good together?
72. Anything you want to improve in our relationship?
73. Where would you want to go on a honeymoon?
74. What was your favorite adventure we went on together?
Sexually Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Use these sexually intimate questions to ask your boyfriend to discover each other’s hidden erotic dreams and luxuriate in the newfound degree of connection you’ll undoubtedly generate. These questions are just for your amusement, so enjoy yourself and have some sensual fun!
1. I’m not wearing my underwear. Want to come over?
2. What dirty things would you want to do to me? What would you want me to do to you?
3. What would you say if I told you I can’t resist not touching myself at night when I think of you?
4. Where would you want to touch and kiss me, if you had a chance right now?
5. If we were in bed now, would you start with the upper or down part of my body?
6. I want you to tear my clothes off. Do you think you could do it with your teeth?
7. I’m horny all the time with you. Did you notice?
8. Guess what color my new lingerie is?
9. Do you know I love how good your tongue is?
10. Would you prefer to tie me up or blindfold me if you could do only one?
11. How would you feel if I made you breakfast while wearing only an apron?
12. Have you ever just wanted to tear my clothes off?
13. What’s your favorite thing to do to me?
14. What’s your favorite s#x position with me?
15. How do you want me to touch you? Describe it.
16. What color underwear do you like the most on me?
17. How does it feel when I go down on you?
18. Is there a s#xy scene from a movie that you want to recreate with me?
19. Would you like to take a long shower together?
20. How can I drive you crazy with my body?
21. What is your favorite sort of foreplay?
22. If you could only touch me in one place, where would it be?
23. Can you undress me with just your mouth?
24. Would you ever try edible underwear?
25. What’s a naughty fantasy you have about me?
26. What is your favorite type of lingerie?
27. How often would you like us to be having s#x?
28. If I told you I wanted to have s#x right now, what would you do?
Emotionally Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Don’t be afraid of emotionally intimate questions to ask your boyfriend. Some individuals don’t mind them since they demonstrate that you care enough to say something possibly weird and dirty simply to impress them.
1. What emotions were you feeling before we physically met for the first time?
2. What were you hoping for when we first met?
3. What were your first impressions of me?
4. What personal quality were you most attracted to?
5. How did you know that you wanted to be with me?
6. What’s your favorite memory of me?
7. What’s your biggest concern about our relationship?
8. When did you know we’d make it as a couple?
9. What’s the best thing we’ve got going for us as a couple?
10. What dreams do you have for us as a couple?
11. Whose relationship do you most admire and why?
12. How could we improve how we handle conflict?
13. If our relationship was a book or movie, which one would it be?
14. What’s something you’ve wanted to tell me but never felt able to?
15. What kind of things make it hard for you to sleep at night?
16. What’s one thing you wouldn’t tolerate from me?
17. What could I do to make you feel really listened to?
18. What do you need from me when you feel upset?
19. What do you need from me when you feel stressed or overwhelmed?
20. How can we handle it if we’re both having a bad day?
21. What do you need from me that you’re not getting?
22. How should we handle it if our families cause issues in our relationship?
23. What makes you feel at peace?
24. Who has seriously hurt you in your life?
25. How happy are you with our finances right now?
26. How happy are you with how we manage our finances?
27. How would you like me to break bad news?
28. What would be the best way to tell you great news?
29. What are you most grateful for in our lives together?
30. What did you learn from past relationships that make you a better partner now?
31. What experiences do you wish had never happened in your life?
32. What past mistakes do you struggle to forgive yourself for?
33. What things in your life have made you feel most proud?
34. How do you feel about your relationship with your family?
35. How could we reconnect if we started feeling isolated from each other?
36. Who would you go to for help if you needed it?
37. What’s something that didn’t work out that crushed you at the time but now you’re grateful for?
38. What’s been the best “happy accident” of your life?
39. What has been the biggest failure in your life to date and has it affected your life?
40. How do you like to celebrate success?
41. What has been the biggest success in your life to date?
42. What would scare you the most to lose?
43. If you didn’t have to work, how would you spend your time?
44. What are the three most important things in your life?
45. What dreams for your life have you still yet to realize?
46. What could we do (even if it was hard or risky) to make some of our life dreams come true?
Experientially Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
These experientially intimate questions to ask your boyfriend will not make him hot for you, but they will help you connect on a deeper level and make him feel secure around you, where he can talk about anything.
1. What fun things did we do in our dating days you’d like to bring back?
2. What’s the most fun time we’ve ever had together?
3. What’s the most rewarding time we’ve ever had together?
4. What small, shared activities do you enjoy doing together?
5. What’s the worst date experience we’ve ever had?
6. How could we improve our date nights?
7. What would our perfect date involve?
8. What kind of activities are a no-no for you?
9. What’s an activity you’d like to try together?
10. Out of the vacations we’ve had, which one did you enjoy the most and why?
11. Do you prefer more frequent weekend getaways or longer overseas trips?
12. Where would you like to travel to as a couple?
13. What place holds your fondest memories of us?
14. What kind of things do you imagine us doing as we move through each stage of our lives?
15. What does our perfect day look like to you?
16. If you made our 10 best experiences into a highlight reel, what would those experiences be?
17. What traditions would you like us to start as a couple?
18. What rhythms of our day to day life do you enjoy the most?
19. What activities make you feel the most connected to me?
20. How would you like us to celebrate our next anniversary?
21. How would you like to celebrate our 50th anniversary?
22. How could we get more involved in community activities?
23. What’s an activity that makes you feel alive?
24. What would you like to spend more time doing?
25. What food do you enjoy eating the most?
26. What new skill would you like to master before you die?
27. What’s your ideal Friday night?
28. What’s your ideal Sunday morning?
29. What was your favorite birthday celebration?
30. How would you like to celebrate your next milestone birthday?
Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend Over Text
There’s no need to worry if you’re currently separated. You may simply do this by using intimate questions to ask your boyfriend over text.
1. What is something you have always wanted to tell me but couldn’t?
2. What is the biggest thing you miss about me now?
3. Where do you like me to kiss you?
4. When was the time you’ve felt the closest to me?
5. The next time we are together, what is one thing you’d like me to do to you?
6. What is one thing I can do to be a better boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
7. What was the first thing that you noticed in me?
8. Do you have any secret fantasies?
9. What is the most sensitive part of your body?
10. What is your biggest turn on?
11. Have you ever bought lingerie for someone?
12. What is your idea of a perfect girlfriend?
13. Have you ever had a dream about me?
14. Would you describe yourself as more dominant or submissive?
15. What would be your ideal first date?
16. What’s the one thing that turns you off?
17. Have you ever walked away from someone you still loved?
18. Have you ever been in love with two people at the same time?
19. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
20. What are the qualities in a woman that you can’t resist?
21. Have you ever roleplayed with a girl?
22. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
23. When’s the last time you felt butterflies in your stomach? And what caused them?
24. How would you describe your perfect kiss?
25. Do you like it when the girl makes the first move?
26. Do you prefer asking flirty personal questions via texts or face to face?
27. What are a few double standards you’ve experienced in your past relationships?
28. What is the best thing you think a woman can do in bed?
29. What is something you would really like to do with a girl but are shy to admit?
30. How do you feel about kissing in public?
31. Have you ever had friends with benefits?
32. Have you ever used food during intimacy?
33. When do I look the most beautiful to you?
34. Have you ever laid in bed all day and just relaxed with someone?
35. How big of a deal are special occasions for you?
36. What type of scent do you like on a woman?
37. How do you think you best express love?
38. How would you know if I was the right person for you?
39. Have you ever kissed more than one woman in one day?
40. What do you think reveals a lot about a person you’re dating?
41. What have you always imagined doing with a girlfriend? Something that you’ve never done?
42. What is the one temptation you can never resist?
43. Do you believe in second chances?
44. Do you think love is the same as lust?
45. Is love about looks or personality to you?
46. Have you ever lied to your partner to avoid an intimate moment?
47. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal or something else for comfort?
48. If you could undo anything from the past, what would it be?
49. What is something that is absolutely off-limits in the bedroom?
50. What’s your biggest s#xual fear?
51. If I looked under your bed/ nightstand, what would I find?
Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend in Person
The intimate questions to ask your boyfriend in person may take a relationship to a whole new level of intensity. If you’re having trouble rekindling the spark in your relationship, or if you simply want to spice things up, consider these questions.
1. What is it that you love about me the most?
2. If you could change anything about me what would it be?
3. What color do you think suits me best?
4. How’s my hair looking today?
5. Do you prefer me with makeup or looking natural?
6. Do you remember how we first met?
7. How did you get me to fall for you?
8. When did you realize I was the one for you?
9. Was is it love at first sight for you?
10. Do you think we could improve on our love?… If so what do you think it would be?
11. If there’s one thing you could do for me, or I could do for you what would it be?
12. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love me?
13. What makes our love different to all the rest?
14. What’s my favourite romantic spot for us?
15. If could go anywhere, where would it be?
16. Where do you want to take me for dinner this weekend?
17. Shall we try doing something new?
18. Shall we start a hobby together?
19. What’s your ultimate bedroom fantasy?
20. What’s your favourite form of s#xual pleasure?
21. Is there a feature about me that turns you on straight away?
22. Do you like it when I kiss you there?
23. Am I wearing any underwear?
24. Where shall we go on our next holiday together?
25. Do you want to start a family together one day?
26. What would you like to accomplish from life?
27. What shall we have for dinner?
28. Do you want me to put some music on?
29. Do you want to read the newspaper headlines out to me?
30. Would you prefer to read or watch a movie?
31. If you could start a hobby what would it be?
32. What are you most afraid of happening to us?
33. What have your other relationships taught you before now?
34. Have you loved another more than me before?
35. Would you like me to give you a massage?
36. Would you like me to make your lunch for work tomorrow?
37. Would you like me to wear your favourite dress?
38. Would you like me to press your shirts for you?
Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about the Past
You may be the sort that wants to know about your boyfriend’s past before moving forward with him. That’s totally understandable if you intend to have a long term relationship. So following intimate questions to ask your boyfriend about the past are for you to help.
1. Have you ever cheated on someone in a past relationship?
2. Has there ever been a time you were close to cheating but decided against it?
3. How many serious relationships have you had in the past?
4. Have you been in love in the past?
5. What was going through your mind on our first date?
6. Were you looking for a relationship when we found each other?
7. Did you debate asking me on a date? What would have made you not ask me?
8. When did you realize you were in love with me?
9. What are your favorite memories of our time together?
10. What has been your favorite date so far?
11. What’s something from your past you’re grateful never worked out?
12. When did you first realize you’d developed strong feelings for me?
13. What were you most afraid of as a child?
14. What’s the most memorable life advice you’ve ever received?
15. Was there anything that happened to you in childhood that affected you greatly in adulthood?
16. Did you find yourself getting nervous when we first met?
17. What was your biggest fear growing up?
18. Have you ever had your heartbreak?
19. If you could change a past decision, what would it be and why?
20. How many partners have you been intimate with?
21. Was there any doubt in your mind when you were thinking about me asking you out?
22. What things were going on in your head when we were on our first date?
23. Have you ever felt the same way for someone in the past as you feel about me now?
24. Who in your life do you look up to the most?
25. Can you remember a moment when you thought, yes, I’m in love with this person?
26. Do you believe we were destined to meet one day?
27. Did I give you everything you wanted from a relationship when we first met?
28. In the past five years, how have your overlook on life changed?
29. Would you feel comfortable telling me an embarrassing secret from your youth?
30. What life advice would you now go back and give your younger self?
31. What’s one word that describes our relationship up to now?
32. Is there a memory or secret you’ve not told me about yet?
33. What’s been your proudest moment of us as a couple?
34. What’s one thing I could have never done without your love and support?
Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about the Future
Do you want to know if you and your partner are long-term interoperable? Make use of these intimate questions to ask your boyfriend about the future and find out where things are headed. Go as far into the future as you feel comfortable with.
1. Where do you think this relationship will go in the next year?
2. Where do you see us five years from now?
3. Is marriage important to you?
4. What is your opinion on having children?
5. How would you feel if we were unable to have children?
6. What are your goals for your career?
7. Where would you like to live during retirement?
8. How do you think a day would look for us when we are married with kids?
9. What would your plans be for our elderly parents if they could no longer live on their own?
10. What are your goals for saving for retirement?
11. Where do you see us in five years?
12. What’s your earliest memory of us?
13. Do you see us having children in the future?
14. What’s your dream for both of us?
15. How do you see our future together?
16. How do you describe me to your friends and family?
17. What excites you most about our future together?
18. What can I do differently to make sure I’m more supportive and loving in the future?
19. Where do you see us living long term?
20. Describe a day in the life of ourselves as parents?
21. What would be the best thing about growing old with me?
22. What should we try and achieve as a couple going forward?
23. What’s the most important lesson we could teach our children?
24. What’s one word that describes our future relationship?
25. Is there anything I can do to make you feel more confident about our future together?
26. What adventure would you like to go on in the next few years?
27. Do you have any traditions you would like to start this year?
28. What mutual relationship goals would you like to achieve in the next ten years?
29. If you could stay an age for the rest of time, what age would it be and why?
30. What’s going to be the most difficult challenges we face moving forward?
31. What’s something spontaneous you would love to do in the future?
Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Love
People demonstrate love in a multiplicity of ways; it’s critical to understand what will appeal to your partner’s heart. You may also have intimate questions to ask your boyfriend about love regarding your mate’s future ideas and feelings about love. Here are a few examples we came up with.
1. Do you think true soul mates exist?
2. What do you think about love at first sight?
3. What can I do for you that shows my love for you?
4. Do you have any doubts about our love lasting?
5. Would you rather receive a gift or have someone do something nice for you to show their love?
6. Do you prefer thoughtful gifts or something more practical?
7. How do you like to be complimented?
8. How do you personally express your love for your partner?
9. Has there been a time in the past when you were so hurt you doubted the existence of true love?
10. Do you think it’s important to be vulnerable in a relationship?
11. What qualities do I have that you love the most?
12. What activities do you enjoy doing most with me?
13. What do you think about using candles for our next date night?
14. What’s something you miss that we used to do more of?
15. What costume would you like me to wear next time we are being intimate together?
16. If you had to change one thing about yourself to better this relationship, what would it be and why?
17. What part of your body do you enjoy being kissed the most?
18. What’s more important to you, physical intimacy or deep conversations?
19. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt while being with me?
20. What’s your most cherished memory of our relationship so far?
21. Would you prefer me to be loving and caring when you get upset or leave you to take some time?
22. Do you see us growing old together? What would our life look like?
23. What weaknesses in our relationship do we need to work on?
24. Do you feel like we handle conflict in the right way?
25. What’s something you admire about me?
Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend about Your relationship
Conditional to how close you are to your lover and how far along you are in your relationship, pick wisely and gradually progress from the cute to the dirty ones. With this wonderful collection of intimate questions to ask your boyfriend about your relationship, you can take your relationships to the next level!
1. What is your favorite thing about our relationship?
2. What one thing can I do to make our relationship better?
3. Do we have enough s#x?
4. Are we enabling each other’s bad habits?
5. What have you always wanted to teach me?
6. Are you satisfied with the emotional intimacy that we share?
7. Do I show up in your dreams or fantasies?
8. Do you like spending time with my family and friends?
9. Do we spend enough time together?
10. Are we changing each other in positive ways?
11. What do I do that makes you feel appreciated?
12. What trip would you like to take together?
13. What should I do more of?
14. If we could recreate one day from our relationship, what day would you choose?
15. What have you always wanted to tell me but never had the guts to?
16. What is your saddest memory from our relationship?
17. When do you feel we will reach the situation of relationship rut?
18. What’s the best thing about us?
19. What’s the worst thing about us as a couple?
5 Tips for Choosing Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Just because you’ve finally landed the boy of your dreams doesn’t mean the joy of intimacy has to come to an end!
By getting intimated with him on a daily basis, you can keep your boyfriend interested—and more into you than ever before.
Here are some helpful recommendations to help you learn the art of choosing intimate questions to ask your boyfriend.
1. Show him that you’re attracted to him:
Make an effort to touch him, stare at him, and attract s#xual attention. Make him feel desired! You could find that you’re not doing these things because you’re ashamed, insecure, or worried about how he’ll react.
You don’t have to hold back if he’s your boyfriend, you’ve been intimate with him, and you’re attracted to him. Make use of intimate questions for him to turn you both on. This is one of the optimum ways to let him know you like him.
2. Be confident:
Make no excuses for becoming intimate with your boyfriend. Use some of these nasty personal questions to flirt.
He’s your boyfriend because the two of you agreed verbally, therefore there’s a good chance he likes you and wants your attention. Self-assurance appeals to many individuals. Take control of it!
3. Declare your feelings for him:
A romantic proclamation may not always be as amusing as other techniques of flirtation, but it may make your boyfriend feel warm, safe, and cherished.
He could even respond to your comments with a tangible demonstration of his love! Check in with your boyfriend and clarify your feelings, especially if you sense he is insecure about the state of your relationship.
Tell him you admire him, or that you really like him, or that you think he’s fantastic. Say it while you’re in the mood!
4. Write notes:
Send him flirty text messages. Place a physical note on his bathroom mirror, car window, or school locker. Tell him you love him, that he’s incredible, or that you’re thinking about him.
The method and substance are secondary to the act of telling him you care. You can even use the intimate questions to ask your boyfriend we shared with you.
5. Try flirting over text:
Why not get a bit flirtatious through SMS to liven things up? Because we’re in our twenties, if you want to know how to flirt with your boyfriend, you should definitely use technology.
Make him chuckle by asking what he expects you to do to him when you get home. You can utilize the questions provided above. This is an excellent method to carry on an intimate relationship.
Final Thoughts on Intimate Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
We hope you enjoyed our comprehensive list of intimate questions to ask your boyfriend. You don’t have to play these intimacy questions on each other all at once.
This might be tiring because many of them dive into your previous anxieties, future goals, and most beloved beliefs. Feelings of vulnerability may cause you or your spouse to be hesitant to respond, but this is natural.
Recognizing and even valuing vulnerability is essential for developing a solid marriage relationship. Many times, people desire to appear strong and capable in their relationships.
Still, the healthiest relationships are formed by embracing individuals in their whole, including their eccentricities and ideas.
These intimate questions for him are ideal if you’re looking to connect with them on a deeper level and create lasting bonds.
We believe these deep intimate questions to ask your boyfriend are important if you want to take your relationship to the next level.