518 Best What If Questions to Provide a Fun Conversation Starter

Looking for what if questions to ask your partner, friends, colleagues, and family? Well, what if I have something in store for you?
I’ll be as straightforward as I can. Asking boring questions and small talk is greatly overrated.
If you want to spark a great conversation and impress the other person, then you need to ask interesting questions that will make them think.
Thought-provoking questions have the power to tickle our brains, create engaging discussions, and make us overthink (but in a good way).
What if questions are a great way to start a conversation. They also work well as a conversation starter or a fun get-to-know-you game for any group activity.
Our article provides you with hypothetical questions to make your conversations more enjoyable.
Best What If Questions
The best what if questions make you stop and think about the best answer. Our extensive list of questions covers some well-known topics as well as some more occult topics. We tried to avoid highly contentious topics so that you could enjoy them.
1. What if your manager gave you disappointing feedback?
2. What if a coworker regularly gave you criticism about your work?
3. What if you were put in charge of planning the office Christmas party?
4. What if you could pick one restaurant to open up a location next to your job?
5. What if you had to choose between being in the office full time or being remote full time?
6. What if you were the only one who showed up to work one day?
7. What if you could read your coworkers’ minds?
8. What if you were put in charge of designing a new company logo?
9. What if you had to work with a clone of yourself?
10. What if you had to explain your job to a five year old?
11. What if a customer asked a question you did not know the answer to?
12. What if a coworker got promoted to a role that you were hoping to get?
13. What if computers suddenly stopped working?
14. What if your nemesis was hired at the company?
15. What if you were told that your new boss was a ten year old genius?
16. What if you could work from anywhere in the world?
17. What if the company let you choose your own working hours?
18. What if a client told you that they were thinking about switching to a competitor?
19. What if a client told you that they were going to leave because of something you did?
20. What if a coworker was not responding to your emails?
21. What if you were the boss for one day?
22. What if you could pick one perk to add to the compensation package?
23. What if you never had to go to another work meeting?
24. What if you never had to attend another Zoom call?
25. What if you found out your coworkers had all read your teenage diary?
26. What if you saw a coworker getting bullied at work?
27. What if you could pick the projects you work on?
28. What if you could hand pick your clients?
29. What if you had the power to rewind and re-do work conversations?
30. What if you saw a coworker updating their resume?
31. What if you were interviewing a candidate and they refused to speak?
Deep What If Questions
Here are some deep what if questions. These are the kinds of questions that no one expected to have to answer in a hundred million years, and that’s what makes them so amazing.
1. What if you found out that someone you loved had committed a terrible crime?
2. What if you could live forever?
3. What if you could ask anyone for one piece of advice?
4. What if you could change one thing about yourself?
5. What if you were allowed to choose one thing to be reincarnated into?
6. What if you could know the worst thing that somebody ever did just by touching their hand?
7. What if you could get a glimpse of the afterlife? Would you want to know what happens when we die?
8. What if you found out that life was just a simulation?
9. What if you could speak to one deceased loved one?
10. What if you could travel back in time and give one warning to any individual?
11. What if you had to choose between saving one family member or ten strangers?
12. What if you could preserve your consciousness in a computer?
13. What if you could erase other people’s memories?
14. What if you could send one message to a loved one after you die?
15. What if you found out that you had said something to hurt someone years after the fact?
16. What if you could learn the answer to just one secret of life?
17. What if you could live from the perspective from one other person for one year?
18. What if you woke up as an eighteen year old with all the knowledge you currently have?
19. What if you could re-watch one single day from your life?
20. What if you could do one thing with a 0% chance of failure?
21. What if you could take a serum that would block fear forever?
Funny What If Questions
Laughter has numerous benefits. It is said that laughing can make us look and feel younger. Our funny what if questions are sure to tickle your funny bone. Prepare to burst out laughing!
1. What if real life were more like the movies?
2. What if you never had to go to the bathroom again?
3. What if you could take a pill to make flatulence smell like any more pleasant scent?
4. What if you peed your pants every time someone made you laugh?
5. What if you had to wear a dinosaur costume to one major life event?
6. What if you had to convince someone that you were actually your own identical twin?
7. What if you could only speak in questions?
8. What if your most ridiculous childhood fear was suddenly a valid concern?
9. What if woodland animals helped you with your everyday routine?
10. What if a celebrity started coming to you for advice?
11. What if you could only communicate by breaking out into song?
12. What if you could play the perfect prank?
13. What if you could teleport, but you would arrive naked?
14. What if you had the power to temporarily mute people in real life?
15. What if your twelve year old self wrote your dating profile?
16. What if you could make one gross habit socially acceptable?
17. What if you could insult one famous figure from history?
18. What if you were put in charge of minorly inconveniencing all of the jerks of the world?
19. What if you were the PR person for a supervillain and had to rehabilitate their public image?
20. What if a red button that read “push me, I dare you” suddenly appeared in the middle of your living room?
21. What if a dramatic voice followed you around narrating your life?
22. What if you went on a date with someone who told you they exclusively listened to elevator music?
23. What if you were offered a free car, but it was covered in embarrassing photos of you and you couldn’t change the appearance?
24. What if every time you tried to use your smartphone, it took an unflattering selfie and sent it to all your contacts?
25. What if you were the subject of a comedy roast and you could choose your roasters from anyone who has ever lived?
26. What if you had to choose someone to go on a date with based only on their internet search history?
Crazy What If Questions
When you want to go beyond the normal and into the improbable, use these crazy what if questions. After all, people get tired of the same old, same old openers, so have some enjoyment with these.
1. What if you could have any job you wanted?
2. What if you could invent a new food? What would it taste like?
3. What if you could marry someone famous, either living or dead?
4. What if you lost everything tomorrow? Who would you run to for comfort?
5. What if you never had to work again? Would you? What would you do?
6. What if you dropped everything to pursue your dreams?
7. Which would you choose and why?
8. What if you used every moment of your life productively?
9. What if we could only talk in rhymes and meter?
10. What if you could live anywhere in the world? Where would you live?
11. What if you found out your house was infested with snakes?
12. What if you could send a short message to the entire world? What would you say?
13. What if you could start your life all over? What would you do differently?
14. What if you had to teach someone one thing? What would you teach?
15. What if you could change one thing about yourself? What would you change?
16. What if you had a money tree growing in your backyard?
17. What if you had the chance to write a best-selling novel?
18. What if you were excellent at a sport? Which sport would you choose and why?
19. What if you could do one thing so well you could be famous? What would you do?
20. What if you had to choose between money or no love or love and no money?
21. What if you could only wear one color the rest of your life? Which color would you choose and why?
22. What if you had to give up your sight or your hearing? Which would you choose and why?
23. What if you could watch a movie about everything that happened in your life until now? Would you enjoy it?
24. What if you had a friend that you spoke to the same way you speak to yourself? Would that friend stay your friend?
Weird What If Questions
Starting a conversation with weird what if questions is an excellent way to ensure that you are remembered after meeting someone new. You may even inspire others to use your questions on others.
1. What if you could find a cure for a disease?
2. What if you could abolish certain laws?
3. What if computers took over the world?
4. What if robots took over the world?
5. What if the Law of Attraction exists?
6. What if the South won the Civil War?
7. What if there was no electricity for a year anywhere in the world?
8. What if we cannot have happiness without sadness?
9. What if we found live dinosaurs living on a remote island?
10. What if you could change one thing about the world? What would it be?
11. What if money cannot buy happiness? Can one be happy with no money?
12. What if no one hears a sound? Does it still exist?
13. What if you could shape your own future just as you wanted it to be?
14. What if someone wrote a story about you?
15. Would you be a considered a hero or a villain in your story?
16. What if you were a food? What would you be?
17. Which one would you want to cure?
18. What if you had the gadgets to control the whole world? What would you do?
19. What if you could shape your own future to your preferences?
20. What if you could go back and uninvent something? What would it be?
21. What if you were the CEO of any company in the world? Which one would you choose?
22. What if you found a million dollars?
23. What if you were invited to high tea with the Queen of England?
24. What if you were offered the opportunity to go into space?
25. What if you were shipwrecked on an uninhabited island?
26. What if you were the President of the United States?
27. What if you woke up and discovered you were the only person on earth?
28. What if you were shipwrecked on a desert island?
29. What if you could only view one website for the rest of your life? What would it be and why?
30. What if you woke up and realized you were the only person on earth?
31. What if you woke up and found you had switched bodies with your best friend?
32. What if you could live forever and remain the same as you are right now?
33. What if you had the power to change the entire world? What would you do?
34. What if people cared more about doing the right thing than doing things right?
35. What if you woke up and could not speak your native language, but only one that you could not understand?
36. What if you could live forever and the earth remained just as it is now?
37. What if you could remember everything that happened to you from the time you were born?
38. What if you could be a famous person for one day? Who would you choose to be and why?
39. What if you could spend your life without sleeping ever again?
40. What if you could be invisible in only one place? Where would it be?
41. What if you could spend your life never sleeping? What would you do with the extra hours in each day?
42. What if you had to choose someone else to make decisions for you? Who would you choose and why?
43. What if you were badly injured in an accident and your car ran off the road and was hidden from site?
44. What if you had to choose between not sleeping or not eating ever again? What would you choose?
45. What if someone made a movie about you? Would it be a comedy, thriller, horror, or something else?
46. What if you could change one awful event in world history, but it might mean you would never have been born?
Random What If Questions
Some situations simply call for a series of random what if questions. You might have a circle of friends over for an evening get-together and want a swift, fun game that doesn’t require any advance planning. There, use these questions.
1. What if you had to suddenly fake your death and enter witness protection?
2. What if you won the lottery?
3. What if your best friend told you they had accepted a mission to colonize Mars?
4. What if you could open a museum on any subject?
5. What if you could fall asleep on command?
6. What if you could talk to animals?
7. What if you knew tomorrow’s news before it happened?
8. What if the president called you out of the blue?
9. What if you found out a friend wrote a book and based a character off of you?
10. What if you could change the ending to one show or movie?
11. What if you could read a book from a different character’s perspective?
12. What if you could control the weather?
13. What if you had to pick one food to eat every day for the rest of your life?
14. What if you woke up and could speak in a totally different language?
15. What if you woke up in a different gender’s body?
16. What if you could suddenly only speak in gibberish?
17. What if you could only say ten words a day?
18. What if you could say one thing to the entire world?
19. What if you had to plan the perfect crime?
20. What if you were mistaken for a celebrity and expected to do their job?
21. What if you could shapeshift?
22. What if you could host your own talk show?
23. What if you had to swap bodies with one person?
24. What if you were hired to be a tester for one product?
25. What if you could make one non-serious thing illegal?
26. What if you could win a lifetime supply of one product?
Interesting What If Questions
Maybe you need a fun opportunity to open for a work meeting or a class you’re teaching. Our list of interesting what if questions includes not only fun but also serious questions for any occasion.
1. What if you were a tree? What would you say to those who walk by?
2. What if you were a monster? What monster would you choose to be?
3. What if you used a public toilet and discovered there was no paper?
4. What if you were allowed to eat only one food for the rest of your life?
5. What if you were a type of candy? What candy would you be?
6. What if you could only walk on your hands?
7. What if cats could bark and dogs meow?
8. What if you could walk on the ceiling?
9. What if you switched places with your pet?
10. What if you could talk to animals? What would you say or ask?
11. What if you lost your bathing suit while you were swimming, what would you do?
12. What if you woke up one morning to find you had switched bodies and families with your best friend?
13. What if you woke up tomorrow morning and could only hop everywhere you went?
14. What if you found out you were really a robot?
15. What if you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed?
16. What if you woke up in the morning with a stranger next to you in bed?
17. What if a turtle didn’t have his shell? Would he be homeless or naked?
18. What if you were a fruit? What fruit would you choose to be and why?
19. What if your body was a bright color? Which color would you choose and why?
Hard What If Questions
You can’t beat hard what if questions to keep somebody on their toes. Many of these questions lack context, which is fine. Use these questions to venture beyond the norm and into unknown territory.
1. What if you could change your partner or spouse in any way you wanted?
2. What if you had three wishes from a genie? What would you wish for?
3. What if your house was haunted?
4. What if you saw someone steal from your workplace?
5. What if you were required to lose one body part. What would you give up and why?
6. What if you woke up with a dead stranger next to you? What would you do?
7. What if you woke up and were 10 years younger? Or older?
8. What if you could do one thing so well that it would make you famous? What would you choose?
9. What if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life?
10. What if you could travel back in time?
11. What if you had to choose between fame and fortune?
12. What if you were alone at home and you heard footsteps coming up your stairs?
13. What if you could change your appearance? Would you?
14. What if you could change something about your past? Would you?
15. What if you gave up everything to pursue your dream?
16. What if your spouse was completely unromantic? Would you stay?
17. What if you could live for 300 years?
18. What if you could stop time whenever you wanted? Would you?
19. What if you had to choose to have love in your life or a lot of money? What would you choose?
20. What if you wrote a novel? What would it be about?
21. What if you could be any animal? Which one would you choose?
22. What if you saw someone come out of a public restroom with toilet paper hanging out of their pants? What would you do?
23. What if you could make a video that would go viral and make you famous? What would it be?
24. What if you found a way to get really wealthy incredibly fast – but it was illegal?
25. What if you had to choose between being really rich and really good-looking?
27. What if you could be a professional athlete? Which sport would you choose?
28. What if you invented a new recipe? What would it be?
29. What if you could marry someone famous, either living or dead. Who would it be?
Great What If Questions
These great what if questions can reveal quite a bit about their personality and tastes as well as their goals and ambitions.
1. What if you found out you had a long-lost twin?
2. What if you had to give someone your favorite book right now? What would it be?
3. What if you found out that we live in a computer simulation?
4. What if you woke up and your life was a dream?
5. What if you could see the future? Would it be a blessing or a curse?
6. What if you read a book a week for a year? What do you think would happen?
7. What if you could live anywhere in the world regardless of money? Where would you choose?
8. What if you found out that your house was infested with cockroaches?
9. What if you could watch a movie about your life up until this point? Would you enjoy it?
10. What if you got amnesia and forgot who you were?
11. What if you found out you would live forever?
12. What if you had to change one thing about yourself? What would it be?
13. What if you could have lunch with anyone in the world? Who would you choose?
14. What if you lost everything tomorrow? What would you do?
15. What if you never had to work again? What would you do?
16. What if you could create world peace? How would you do it?
17. What if you could start your career over? What would you do differently?
18. What if you could never eat your favorite food again for the rest of your life?
19. What if you could choose to live in an incredibly hot climate or incredibly cold?
20. What if you discovered that you could cure a disease? Which one would you choose?
21. What if you hit a car in a parking lot, but no one saw it happen?
22. What if you knew you only had a week to live?
23. What if you could choose the manner of your death? What would you choose?
24. What if you found $25,000 in a wallet?
25. What if you found out your partner had been married four times before you met them?
26. What if you gave advice to yourself the way you give it to other people? Would it be better or worse?
27. What if you could teach a class? What would you teach?
28. What if you had to give up your hearing, sight, or mobility? Which would you choose and why?
29. What if you could choose to live one day of your life over and over again? Which one would you choose?
30. What if you woke up and found out that you had changed into the opposite s#x overnight?
31. What if you found out that reality was really a simulation like a video game?
32. What if you could have a robot as your servant?
33. What if you woke up with one superpower? What would it be?
34. What if you were offered $100,000 to walk around naked for 5 blocks in a major city during the day?
35. What if you found out that someone you love committed a crime? Would you turn them in or help them?
36. What if when you die, your loved ones would only remember one thing about you? What would you want it to be?
37. What if you had to get out of your house before it was destroyed? What three things would you take with you?
38. What if you found out your life was really a tv show for others to watch and you didn’t know it?
39. What if you lost all your memories except for one? Which would you keep?
40. What if humans learned to tap into the rest of their brains and we became twice as intelligent?
41. What if you could pick what country, gender, and race you would be born into? What would you pick?
42. What if you found out that you were really a clone of someone else?
43. What if you could decide how or when you die? Which would you choose?
44. What if you could pick your last meal on Earth? What would you want it to be?
45. What if you lost your hearing? What sound would you miss the most?
46. What if you connected deeply with a loved one today? What would that look like?
What If Questions for Couples
Looking for some what if game questions for couples? Do you want to impress them with your way of thinking and make your conversations a little bit spicier? Asking these questions will help you achieve these goals.
1. What if I got a job on the other side of the country?
2. What if my ex showed up and tried to win back my love?
3. What if I developed an allergy to your favorite food?
4. What if you found out I hated your favorite movie?
5. What if you found out I was secretly a spy?
6. What if your family didn’t like me?
7. What if you only had 24 hours to spend with me before going on a 5 year mission?
8. What if one of my friends started flirting with you?
9. What if you had to make me a present?
10. What if we had an argument and I didn’t say I was sorry first?
11. What if you found out I had dated a celebrity?
12. What if you found out that I was in debt?
13. What if your future self-sent you a message that we were going to one day break up?
14. What if I wanted to save money and you wanted to spend it, or vice versa?
15. What if we had kids, and your parents tried to give parenting advice that clashed with our views?
16. What if I couldn’t decide what restaurant to eat at for dinner, no matter how many times you asked?
17. What if you found out that I secretly was a celebrity?
18. What if one of you received an unexpected $5,000? Would you agree on how to spend it?
19. What if your relationship was wild and passionate? What would that look like to you?
20. What if your partner wanted you to keep a big secret? Would you be able to do it?
21. What if you found out that I was actually very wealthy?
22. What if I gave you a present you didn’t like?
23. What if we could go on your dream date?
24. What if you had the best date of your life? What would it look like?
25. What if your partner forgot an important date? How mad would you be?
26. What if you found out your partner was really a spy?
27. What if your partner told you that you had to move in 2 weeks?
28. What if you found out you were going to have a baby together?
29. What if you found out your partner had a crazy phobia? What would you do?
30. What if you had to work with your partner? Would you be able to do it?
31. What if you got stranded on an island with your partner? Would you survive without killing each other?
32. What if your wedding had to be planned in 2 hours? What would you do?
33. What if you were to dance around your house naked to one song? What song would it be?
34. What if your partner wanted to quit his or her job? Would you be supportive?
35. What if you needed to take in and raise someone else’s kids? What would you do?
36. What if your kids wanted to live with you as an adult? Would you both agree on your answer?
37. What if you had an extra room in your house to make any way that you wanted? What would you do with it?
38. What if your partner described you to a stranger? What would he/she say?
39. What if your partner wanted to get intimate in a public place?
40. What if your partner’s appearance changed drastically?
41. What if your partner was suddenly into kinky things? Would you be cool with that?
42. What if you found out that your child was a prodigy?
43. What if you could live an extra 50 years with your partner but you’d both be in poor health? Would you do it?
44. What if you and your partner took a life-changing trip? What would that look like?
What If Questions to Ask Boyfriend
Asking these what if questions for boyfriend is a great way to make a lasting impression on that special someone. Having chosen one moment to live in for the rest of their lives can expose what they appreciate the most.
1. What if you could be any character in a novel, which would it be?
2. What if you had the ability to gain any new strength suddenly, what would it be?
3. What if you had the ability to play any sport, what sport would it be and why?
4. What if you had the ability to change parents, would you do it?
5. What if you could change the course of history, what would you have changed?
6. What if you could date anyone in the world, who would you date?
7. What if you had the choice of losing your virginity over again, would you change it?
8. What if you had the opportunity to move to another state, would you move?
9. What if you had the ability to change your grades in school, would you change it?
10. What if you could change something about my body? What would you change?
11. What if you could make people live for longer on this earth? Do you think people would want to live longer lives?
12. What if you could decide the moment you die, would you want to?
13. What if you were a famous athlete for one day, who would it be?
14. What if you had a million Instagram followers, what would you do?
15. What if you could start any business today, what type of business would it be?
16. What if you only had one leg, what would you do?
17. What if your parents disowned you, would you try to earn their love back?
18. What if you got arrested, what would you do?
19. What if you got in trouble, what would you do?
20. What if your ex-girlfriend started talking to you again? What would you say?
21. What if you couldn’t tell a lie for the rest of your life, would you do it?
22. What if you were painted by a famous person, which painter would you want it to be?
23. What if your life was told by a famous author, who would it be?
24. What if a random girl kissed you?
25. What if a girl started talking to you at a bar, what would you do?
26. What if you had to have s#x with someone who disgusted you, who would it be?
27. What if you could have s#x with one teacher, who would it be?
28. What if your life was decided by me, would you want that?
What If Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
These what if questions for girlfriend are a fun way to get to know your girlfriend. It is also a great way to learn something new and start an engaging discussion.
1. What if you had the ability to have an interesting conversation with a celebrity? Who would it be?
2. What if you could live free for the rest of your life, what would you do?
3. What if you had to design a food menu, what would be on it?
4. What if you had to describe the point of life to a child?
5. What if your TikTok has a million followers, what would you do?
6. What if someone approached you about being an Instagram model, what would you do?
7. What if someone hit on you at a bar and you had a boyfriend, what would you say?
8. What if someone touched you inappropriately in public, what would you do?
9. What if you could only wear one dress for the rest of your life, which dress would it be?
10. What if you couldn’t wear makeup, what would you do?
11. What if you could kiss any celebrity, who would it be?
12. What if you had the ability to change anything about me? What would you want to change?
13. What if you were poor, how would you get money?
14. What if you could only drink coffee for the rest of your life?
15. What if you could only drink one beverage for the rest of your life, what would it be?
16. What if you could only listen one song for the rest of your life?
17. What if you could meet any famous person, who would it be?
18. What if you could meet any female celebrity, who would it be?
19. What if a guy wanted to fight me, what would you want me to do?
20. What if someone stole your purse, what would you do?
21. What if you could have any car you wanted, which car would it be?
22. What if you could have any job you wanted, which would it be?
23. What if someone swore at you, what would you do?
24. What if you could choose between never aging or being poor, which would it be?
25. What if your life was directed by your parents, which parent would it be?
26. What if you could be a genius for a day, would you want to be?
27. What if you could alter the future, what would you want to change?
28. What if you had the ability to be one female celebrity? Who would it be?
29. What if you could change how your parents treated you, what would you change?
30. What if a girl wanted to fight you, what would you do?
What If Questions for Adults
Here are some what if questions for adults. All these questions are suitable for adults, and can be used to initiate an entertaining discussion.
1. What if you could choose one chore to get done by magic?
2. What if a stranger in a limousine handed you an envelope with $100,000 and drove away?
3. What if you had the opportunity to interview for your dream job?
4. What if you had the ability to psychically influence other people’s actions?
5. What if you could get a glimpse of twenty years in the future?
6. What if you had the energy of a ten year old?
7. What if you stopped physically aging?
8. What if you could instantly gain any one skill?
9. What if you did not have to work anymore?
10. What if you could have a conversation with your 5 year old self?
11. What if you could choose to forget certain memories?
12. What if you remembered everything since you were born?
13. What if you never had to sleep again?
14. What if you had to compete in an athletic competition? What sport would you choose?
15. What if you had to give up one of your senses?
16. What if you could write your own epitaph?
17. What if you could choose one age to stay indefinitely?
18. What if you had to have one song stuck in your head for an hour every day?
19. What if somebody offered you a free house but the walls were all see-through. Would you take it?
20. What if you could donate one million dollars to any one charity of your choice?
21. What if you could make one crime legal?
22. What if you could only watch one streaming service for the rest of your life?
23. What if you could un-do one purchase you made?
24. What if you could put one item into a time capsule for future generations to find?
25. What if you had to go without electricity for one year?
26. What if you could get rid of one profession permanently?
27. What if you could only see in black and white?
28. What if you could travel anywhere in the world, but you could not spend more than one year in the same place?
29. What if you could start a business?
30. What if you could guarantee that your kids would not make one particular mistake?
31. What if you had to start one new hobby. What would it be?
What If Questions for Friends
Are you looking for intriguing what-if questions to get the conversation started? Here are some what if questions for friends that you can use to generate some fun on your next up meetup with your friends.
1. What if you found out I had accidentally spilled one of your secrets?
2. What if you learned I was a figment of your imagination?
3. What if one day I suddenly started speaking in a foreign accent?
4. What if your pet liked me better than you?
5. What if I said something that hurt your feelings?
6. What if I told you that your teasing hurt my feelings?
7. What if someone told you they had a crush on me?
8. What if I suddenly disappeared without notice?
9. What if you hated my boyfriend or girlfriend?
10. What if you could find out every person who has ever had a crush on you?
11. What if we could communicate telepathically?
12. What if someone said something unkind about me when I wasn’t around?
13. What if I snapped at you when I was having a bad day?
14. What if you could only take one form of transportation for the rest of your life?
15. What if today was the last time you would get to talk to me?
16. What if you could instantly learn any skill?
17. What if you were put in charge of coordinating a group Halloween costume?
18. What if you could throw a party with an unlimited budget?
19. What if you could invent one thing?
20. What if I told you, “let’s get into some mischief”?
21. What if you found out that I had an evil twin?
22. What if you had to sum up our friendship in five words or less?
23. What if you could de-invent one thing?
24. What if you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life?
25. What if somebody offered you a million dollars to stay in a haunted house overnight?
26. What if I called you in the middle of the night?
27. What if I told you that I saw a ghost?
28. What if we had to fight off zombies together?
29. What if I was getting chased by an angry goose?
30. What if we could have a sleepover in any location you choose?
31. What if someone called and said I had put you down as a recommendation. What would you say?
32. What if you had a machine that could print you any kind of food you wanted?
33. What if you had your own reality show? What would it be called and what would it be about?
34. What if you could never tell anyone that you loved them and could only show them?
35. What if you could design your own country?
36. What if I randomly started laughing?
37. What if I tripped in public and fell down in front of a crowd of people?
38. What if you saw my face on a wanted poster?
What If Questions for Students
We weren’t going to leave you with nothing – yes you the student who wants to have a bit of fun. Here are some what if questions for students that you can use with your fellow.
1. What if you had $100,000 to make any one improvement to your school?
2. What if you could pick a field trip to anywhere in the world?
3. What if you could choose to be excellent at one sport?
4. What if you could learn any one subject from an expert, living or dead?
5. What if you could choose one subject to never have to study again?
6. What if you could interview famous figures from history?
7. What if school was like “The Magic School Bus” and you could take extraordinary field trips?
8. What if you could pick your own subjects to learn about?
9. What if you could learn any subject just by touching a textbook?
10. What if you were suddenly invisible whenever you stepped inside of school grounds?
11. What if you could hire one famous person to be a teacher?
12. What if you couldn’t study your first choice college major?
13. What if you could choose your own superlative in the yearbook?
14. What if you could pick the new school mascot?
15. What if you could choose one animal to keep as a classroom pet?
16. What if you could design your own science experiment?
17. What if you saw a fellow student being bullied?
18. What if you found out your teacher was secretly an alien?
19. What if you could choose any chef or restaurant to cater school lunch for a day?
20. What if you could change any one thing about school?
21. What if you could choose any one historical period to live in?
22. What if you could choose any one book to live in?
What If Questions about Love
There isn’t any topic more engaging than love. Everybody loves to indulge in a conversation based on the theme on love. Here are some what if questions about love.
1. What if your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you? Would you work on the relationship or leave them?
2. What if someone you love committed a crime, would you turn them in or help them hide?
3. What if I asked you to have an open relationship with another couple, or another man/woman?
4. What if you could be with me forever, would you be able to commit right now?
5. What if the love of your life was dying, would you still be with them?
6. What if I was actually a guy or a girl? Would you like/love me either way?
7. What if you had to be with one person for the rest of you life, does the thought of that scare you or excite you?
8. What if I left you, would you get over it quickly or would it take a long time to heal?
9. What if you could tell your crush one thing, what would you tell your crush and why?
10. What if you could only see your crush one day a month, would you stick around or move on?
11. What if there was no love, would life be worth living?
12. What if another man or woman were to ask your crush on a date, would you be jealous?
13. What if you could live forever but no one you loved could? Would you still want to?
14. What if I dressed up as a guy or a girl? Would you recognize me?
15. What if I never let you ask me a question about my past love life? Would you find that odd?
16. What if you could ask one person to live with you for 1,000 years? Who would you ask?
17. What if your crush had to move for work, would you follow them or find a different boyfriend or girlfriend?
18. What if you planned your dream date with your crush, what would you do?
19. What if I became clingy, would you still want to be with me?
20. What if your childhood crush came forth and told you they liked you?
21. What if I gained 100 lbs? Would you still love me?
22. What if I told you I was pregnant? Would you ask the question “Is the baby mine?” Or would you trust me?
23. What if I didn’t exist, where would you be?
24. What if your boyfriend was arrested? Would you break up with him or find a different guy?
25. What if you lost the love of your life, would you ever be able to move on?
26. What if your boyfriend or girlfriend bought you flowers, what flowers would they be?
27. What if you were not capable of loving someone?
28. What if someone were to ask you to be their fake boyfriend or girlfriend to make their significant other jealous?
29. What if you could only clearly see me, everything and everyone else are a blur?
30. What if you could only tell the person you loved that you loved them, if they told you it first?
31. What if you could design your girlfriend or boyfriend based on everything you wanted? Would you?
What If Questions about Life
Some of these what if questions about life force you to use your fantasy by placing you in impossible situations. Others are more of a mental workout, forcing you to think outside of the box by envisioning strange occurrences and alternate universes. Use them to blow people’s minds.
1. What if you knew the moment you would be dead?
2. What if you had to spend the weekend with your parents, how would you spend it?
3. What if you could be famous for the rest of your life but poor forever, would you do it?
4. What if your sense of smell was diminished, what would you do?
5. What if you could bring someone back from the dead? Who would you resurrect?
6. What if your future was dependent on someone else, who would you want it to be?
7. What if you could stop time for 24-hours, what three things would you do with your time?
8. What if you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be?
9. What if you could change the month or year you were born?
10. What if you could be a famous body for a day? Who would you choose to be?
11. What if you had a child at a young age? How would you handle it?
12. What if you could only smell one thing the rest of your existence, what would it be?
13. What if you lost one sense, what would it be?
14. What if you got into a car accident today?
15. What if your life depended on a food, what food would you want it to be?
16. What if our species depended on you breeding it? How would you handle the situation?
17. What if one word you said ended the world, how would you make sure you never said the word?
18. What if you could build any house you wanted, how would you build it?
19. What if you got lost in the woods? How would you get out of the woods?
20. What if you could meditate with Buddha for a day, would you want to do it?
21. What if you could speak with animals, what would you tell them?
22. What if you could prevent pollution?
23. What if you could create the earth over again, how would you change it?
24. What if you could speak to God? What would you say?
25. What if you could speak to the dead? Who would you want to talk to?
26. What if you could see your future, would you want to see it?
5 Tips for Choosing What If Questions
Here are some tips that will help you in choosing what would you do if questions
1. Find Another Player
To begin playing what if, make a list of what if questions to ask. Then, gather the other players and take turns asking each other these questions.
When playing with a gang, you can either require everyone to respond or ask one person to respond.
2. Employ What If Questions Frugally
Sure, what if questions are entertaining, which is why you don’t want to overcook them. After all, abundance of anything can get tiring, and you don’t want to be known as the dude who asks “what if…” in every social setting. These questions are just one of many in your toolbox.
3. Avoid Going Too Far
You can’t ask anything just because you’re using the “what if” format. Recognize and avoid crossing the other person’s boundaries.
What if game questions can assist you in quickly forming connections, but you don’t want to rush or force it?
Maintain a natural look. Simple questions, such as whether she prefers a different hair color or whether she prefers cookies or chocolate, are appropriate.
4. Create Your Own Answers to What If Questions
This is the ultimate starting point, but you are only limited by your creativity. Feel free to add your own spin to questions, particularly if you can make them more relatable to the person you’re speaking with. Maintain the relevance and freshness of your content.
5. Try not to overthink things
Finally, with these, try not to overanalyze. What if the questions were light – even when the topics were heavy?
Approach them in a laid back, easy, and casual manner, and you’ll discover that the magic of good conversation allows you to form meaningful relationships that last.
Final Thoughts on What If Questions
Now that you’ve compiled a solid list of what if questions, go have some fun with them. Take note of how people react and make a note of the best ones.
Consider your own responses so that you can contribute to the discussion. Remember that it takes two to make a conversation work. Pose questions and provide answers.
A wonderful way to get to know your friends and colleagues is to play what if questions game. The “What If?” game can also be used as a teaching tool to kick off an essay or class discussion.
Our hypothetical questions have an element of fun and weirdness to help players enjoy asking questions and receiving answers.
These questions can be played indoors, there are no losers and winners, and anybody over the age of 11 can participate. You can have the guys come up with their own questions or utilize the ones on the list above.