573 Best Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend to Dig Deep about Her

Truth or dare questions for girlfriend are a terrific way to have fun with your girlfriend. Additionally, they foster intimacy and closeness in the partnership. Playing this game with your girlfriend can help you develop a healthy and trustworthy connection.
The truth or dare questions for girlfriend are intended to get the best from your partner and push them to consider what they want. It may lead to really fascinating talks and may also assist you in determining what you want from the relationship.
We’ve compiled a list of thought-provoking Truth and Dare questions for girlfriend. It will help if you read all of them to inject pleasure into your relationship by executing your lover’s desired action and disclosing the truth.
Best Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
If you are looking for the best truth or dare questions for girlfriend, go no further than the list below. To gain your sweetheart’s trust, don’t be hesitant about telling the truth about yourself.
1. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
2. What’s your biggest regret?
3. What’s a bad habit you have?
4. What’s one thing on your bucket list?
5. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
7. Have you ever cheated on someone?
8. If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be?
9. What is your biggest fear?
10. What’s your biggest insecurity?
11. What is something that no one else knows about you?
12. What’s the one thing you’d do if you knew there were no consequences?
13. What’s one useless skill you’d love to learn anyway?
14. What is the most annoying thing about me?
15. What is the last lie you told?
16. When was the last time you peed in bed?
17. What is the biggest lie you have ever told?
18. Tell us your most embarrassing vomit story.
19. Have you ever made out with someone here?
20. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?
21. What are your top three turn-ons?
22. What is your deepest darkest fear?
23. What is the most childish thing you still do?
24. What is something your friends would never expect that you do?
25. Who is the person you most regret kissing?
26. Who was the last person you licked?
27. What is the most embarrassing picture of you?
28. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
29. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
30. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to anyone?
31. What’s the biggest misconception about you?
32. What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a week?
Funny Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
In addition to romance, having fun is essential in any relationship in order to amuse your sweetheart and pass the time productively. Check out our most humorous truth or dare questions for girlfriend if you want to see a grin on the face of your significant other.
1. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
2. Have you ever peed yourself?
3. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
4. What is the weirdest dream you have ever had?
5. What is the weirdest thing you have ever done in front of the mirror?
6. What is the strangest rumor you’ve heard about yourself?
7. Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date? If so, what was the lie?
8. If you farted in the elevator, would you blame someone else or say excuse me?
9. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done on public transportation?
10. Who was your worst kiss ever?
11. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?
12. Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?
13. What would you do if you got locked in a supermarket overnight?
14. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?
15. What is the drunk you have ever been?
16. What business screw-up do you find very funny and stupid?
17. Post an embarrassing drunk picture on your Instagram.
Interesting Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
A subject of interest might serve as a means of gaining your partner’s attention. They may pique your partner’s interest. Choose your favorite Interesting truth or dare questions for girlfriend from the following list:
1. Did you ever drink before you were of the legal drinking age?
2. What is the craziest thing you have done while under the influence?
3. What was the last thing you searched for on your phone web browser?
4. If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?
5. What is your go-to song for the shower?
6. After you’ve dropped a piece of food, what’s the longest time you’ve left it on the ground and then ate it?
7. Have you ever tasted a booger?
8. What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite gender?
9. If someone heard you snoring, would they say it’s obnoxiously loud?
10. Have you ever peed in a pool full of people?
11. Who do you think is the worst dressed person in this room?
12. Have you ever farted in an elevator?
13. True or false? You have a crush on an elderly person?
14. What is the largest amount of food you’ve eaten in one sitting?
15. What are some things you think about when sitting on the toilet?
16. What is the most embarrassing situation you’ve ever been a part of?
17. Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?
18. Do you cover your eyes during a scary part in a movie?
19. Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?
20. What, if any, sport do you absolutely hate against popular opinion?
21. Did your parents ever give you the “birds and the bees” talk?
22. What is your guilty pleasure that you never tell anyone?
23. What is your worst or most embarrassing habit?
24. Has anyone ever walked in on you when taking a dump in the bathroom?
25. Have you ever had a major wardrobe malfunction while in public?
26. Have you ever accidentally walked into a wall or building?
27. Do you pick your nose when you’re alone?
28. How much older of an individual would you enter a relationship with?
29. Do you pee in the shower?
30. Have you ever peed yourself at school before?
31. What was your most embarrassing moment in public?
32. Have you ever farted loudly in class or another social setting?
33. Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?
34. Who is the hottest person to you?
35. You’re in a public restroom and just pooped, then you realized your stall has no toilet paper. What do you do?
36. What would be in your web history that you’d be embarrassed if someone saw?
37. Have you ever tried to take a nude or naked picture of yourself?
38. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal or something else for comfort?
39. Do you drool in your sleep?
40. Do you talk in your sleep?
41. Who are you secretly attracted to?
42. Do you think kittens are cute?
43. Who do you like the least and why?
44. What does your dream boy or girl look like?
Romantic Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Romantic truth or dare questions for a girlfriend may foster emotional and sexual closeness. They may help you assess how much your partner loves you, and if you’re courageous enough, you may ask for a kiss to build your romantic bond. Read the following questions:
1. What is your sweetest childhood memory?
2. Kill, marry, and hook-up: (insert the names of her friends).
3. If you could change one thing about our relationship, what would it be?
4. Take off my shirt using nothing but your mouth.
5. Have you ever lied to an ex about how well you’re doing?
6. Call your first ever crush and confess.
7. What’s the worst s#x you’ve ever had?
8. Name one thing about my personality that you don’t like?
9. What’s the recipe for the worst date?
10. Let me do your makeup and you have to keep it for the day.
11. If you had the chance of getting it right with an ex, would you take it?
12. Eat nothing but salad for a day.
13. Which of my friends do you dislike the most?
14. Send a racy photo to your mom ‘accidentally’.
15. Tell me the worst lie you’ve spoken to appear intellectual?
16. Surrender your gadgets for a day.
17. On a scale of 1 to 10, how lucky am I to be dating you?
18. Drop by at the grocery store in your flimsy nightie.
19. Are you more likely to go for a no-strings-attached relationship or a one-night-stand?
20. Go without talking for four hours?
21. Describe your most vivid memory of a faked orgasm?
22. Do something immensely cringe-worthy on Facebook?
23. Tell me about the most annoying child you’ve encountered.
24. Dye your hair neon green.
25. Which s#x is the hottest: revenge or make-up?
26. Cycle to work for a week.
27. Do you think you’re more intelligent than I am?
28. Prank call your boss in an international accent.
29. What’s the one thing you’d like to do with me?
30. Take shots off my body.
31. If you were allowed one murder, who would you kill?
32. Record a voice note of your s#x noises and make it your ringtone.
33. You’re most likely to get arrested for.
34. Get a dragon tattooed on your buttock.
35. What’s a basic life skill that you acquired very late?
36. Give me access to your search history –
37. Have you ever held a conversation with someone you pretended to know?
38. Teach a s#x education class for a few friends
39. When have you been the most tempted to cheat?
40. Spank yourself and pretend to comically orgasm.
Good Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Selecting carefully Good truth or dare questions for girlfriend might help you avoid receiving a harsh response from your companion. Choose questions that are neither very personal nor demeaning. Some excellent questions are provided below:
1. What was on your mind the first day that we met?
2. What part of my body do you like the most?
3. Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend (me)?
4. What is a major turn off for you in a guy?
5. What is the most irritating habit of the person standing next to you?
6. When was the first time you had a kiss?
7. What is the craziest thing in your bucket list?
8. What’s your best truth or dare questions for friends?
9. What is the stupidest thing you have done in high school?
10. What is the worst thing about being a girl?
11. What is your best dream travel destination?
12. What are the most dangerous dares you have ever done?
13. What is your most wild dream?
14. What is that one thing you would like to do every day without getting tired?
15. What are the things you regret knowing?
16. What is that one thing you never wanted me to know?
17. What is your idea of a perfect date?
18. Have you ever made a fool of yourself in front of someone you were interested in?
19. What is the main thing that attracts you to a person of the opposite sex?
20. When was the first time you had your first kiss?
21. What is the wildest thing you have ever done in your life so far?
22. What are the things you learned late in life?
23. What is the funniest thing you have ever done in the public?
24. Who is your celebrity crush?
25. What is the funny side about your first intimacy?
26. If I was a food what would I be and how would you eat me?
27. What attracts you the most to a person of the opposite sex?
28. When did you stop bathing with your siblings?
29. Have you ever played flirty truth or dare questions over text?
30. What is the most embarrassing moment in your life?
31. What is the greatest thing you have done for love?
32. What is that thing you think is really good about me?
Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend Over Text
Texting is an excellent method of communication for bashful lovers or when a partner is out of range. You may have fun with your partner by texting truth or dare questions. Check our finest compilations of truth or dare questions for your girlfriend over text.
1. What was your worst date ever?
2. Have you ever proposed to someone?
3. Which part of your body do you hate the most?
4. Have you ever gone to work without wearing a bra?
5. Do you like to try new hairstyles often?
6. Do you always go out on a date wearing fancy undergarments?
7. Would you like to ride a roller coaster with your crush?
8. Do you want to go for a bike ride with your boyfriend?
9. Do you want your love life to be like Twilight?
10. Has anyone ever ditched you on a date?
11. Have you been cheated on in any of your past relationships?
12. What do you think is the sexiest in you?
13. Which part of your body do you love the most?
14. Have you ever initiated a conversation with some stranger?
15. What did you do to catch the attention of the person you like?
16. Have you ever made out in your school with someone?
17. Have you ever been asked for a date by someone you hate?
18. Have you ever had a boyfriend younger than you?
19. What is your favorite fantasy movie?
20. Which movie character do you want to be in real life?
21. Which personality trait do you like the most in boys?
22. Have you ever tried to be a cheerleader?
23. Have you ever turned anyone down for a date?
24. Which type of relationships do you want in your life?
25. Have you ever wanted to be an actress or a model?
26. Would you rather give up makeup or give up your boyfriend?
27. If you get a chance to marry a celebrity who would it be?
28. Have you ever talked to a mirror?
29. Which celebrity style do you like the most?
30. What is your most embarrassing moment at college?
Easy Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Playing the truth or dare game might be difficult if your partner does not understand what you are asking or daring them to do. Questions that are tough or ambiguous might confuse. Below are well-written, easy truth or dare questions for girlfriend that are simple to read and comprehend.
1. Why did you break up with your last boyfriend or girlfriend?
2. What is the most embarrassing series of texts you have on your phone?
3. What’s your biggest fantasy?
4. Tell me about your first kiss.
5. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had s#x?
6. What’s the worst thing anyone’s ever done to you?
7. What’s your worst habit?
8. What’s the strangest dream you’ve had?
9. Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn’t have?
10. What’s the worst date you’ve been on?
11. Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date?
12. Have you ever peed in the shower?
13. Have you ever shit yourself since you were a child?
14. What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
15. What’s the most trouble you’ve been in?
16. What is the most embarrassing thing in your room?
17. What is something that people think you would never be into, but you are?
18. Who was your first celebrity crush?
19. What’s the worst intimate experience you’ve ever had?
20. What’s the drunkest you’ve ever been?
21. What is the silliest thing you have an emotional attachment to?
22. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
23. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done?
24. What secret about yourself did you tell someone in confidence and then they told a lot of other people?
25. When was the most inappropriate time you farted?
26. What is the scariest dream you have ever had?
27. What is the grossest thing that has come out of your body?
28. What was the most awkward romantic encounter you have had?
29. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
30. What pictures or videos of you do you wish didn’t exist?
31. What is your biggest regret?
32. Who is your crush?
33. Tell me about your most awkward date.
34. What is the naughtiest thing you’ve done in public?
35. What is the most expensive thing you have stolen?
36. What’s something you’re glad your mum doesn’t know about you?
Hard Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Some questions can be challenging to answer. Difficult-to-discuss insecurities and fears of your partner could be the reason. However, knowing them and earning your partner’s trust will be beneficial. Check our suggested list of hard truth or dare questions for girlfriend:
1. Have you ever stolen something from work?
2. Have you ever thought of someone other than your partner for a romantic encounter?
3. Have you ever thought of breaking up with your boyfriend or girlfriend?
4. Have you ever picked your nose in public and eaten it?
5. Which movie are you most emotionally attached to?
6. What was the first movie you have seen in your life?
7. When you were a child what did you want to be after growing up?
8. When was the last time you had s#x with someone?
9. Have you ever thought of changing your job?
10. Have you ever used any slang in front of your relatives?
11. Have you ever farted on an elevator?
12. What’s the longest you’ve gone without brushing your teeth?
13. What’s your biggest regret in life?
14. Who would you hate to see naked?
15. Describe the weirdest thing you’ve ever done while inebriated.
16. Have you ever re gifted a present?
17. Would you break up with your partner for $1 million?
18. Have you ever had a crush on a coworker?
19. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
20. What’s the smallest tip you’ve ever left at a restaurant?
21. Have you ever regretted something you did to get a crush or partner’s attention?
22. What was the last time you started a rumor about someone?
23. Were you jealous of someone during your school?
24. Is there anything you would not do even if you get paid to do that job?
25. When was the last time you kept a promise?
26. Is there anything that makes you self-conscious?
27. If you have nothing to do, what do you do with your time?
28. If you had to leave your current profession, what do you think would you do?
29. Be honest: Do you have a favorite child?
30. Which of your family members annoys you the most and why?
31. What is your greatest fear in a relationship?
32. What’s your biggest pet peeve about the person to your left?
33. What’s the most embarrassing text in your phone right now?
34. Have you ever seen a dead body?
35. What celebrity do you think is overrated?
36. Have you ever lied to your boss?
37. What’s one job you could never do?
38. Have you ever ghosted a friend?
39. Have you ever ghosted a partner?
40. What’s the most scandalous photo in your cloud?
41. If you switched genders for a day, what would you do?
42. How many photo editing apps do you have on your phone?
43. Has anyone ever bullied you in your workplace?
44. When was the last time you danced like crazy?
45. Is there anything that always turns you on?
46. Have you ever taken part in gossiping about someone?
47. What is the biggest rumor you have ever heard about someone?
48. Have you ever gone for a long drive after midnight?
49. When was the last time you danced on the road?
Clean Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
If your partner is timid and unable to perform bold, intimate, and embarrassing actions, it’s ideal to pose clean truth or dare questions. Do not overlook our competently created list of neat and clean truth or dare questions for girlfriend.
1. What’s the last lie you told?
2. What was the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done on a date?
3. Have you ever accidentally hit something (or someone!) with your car?
4. Name someone you’ve pretended to like but actually couldn’t stand.
5. What’s your most bizarre nickname?
6. What’s been your most physically painful experience?
7. What bridges are you glad that you burned?
8. What’s the longest you’ve gone without showering?
9. Who is your hall pass?
10. If you could write anyone on Earth in for President of the United States, who would it be and why?
11. What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone else?
12. If you had to delete one app from your phone, which one would it be?
13. What’s one thing you’d do if you knew there no consequences?
14. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror?
15. What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said about someone else?
16. What’s something you love to do with your friends that you’d never do in front of your partner?
17. Who are you most jealous of?
18. What do your favorite pajamas look like?
19. Have you ever faked sick to get out of a party?
20. Who is the oldest person you’ve dated?
21. How many selfies do you take a day?
22. Meatloaf says he’d do anything for love, but he won’t do “that.” What’s your “that?”
23. How many times a week do you wear the same pants?
24. Would you date your high school crush today?
25. Where are you ticklish?
26. Do you believe in any superstitions? If so, which ones?
27. What’s one movie you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy?
28. What’s your most embarrassing grooming habit?
29. When’s the last time you apologized? What for?
30. How do you really feel about the Twilight saga?
31. Where do most of your embarrassing odors come from?
32. Have you ever considered cheating on a partner?
33. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
34. Boxers or briefs?
35. Have you ever peed in a pool?
36. What’s the weirdest place you’ve ever grown hair?
37. If you were guaranteed to never get caught, who on Earth would you murder?
38. What’s the cheapest gift you’ve ever gotten for someone else?
39. What app do you waste the most time on?
40. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done on a plane?
41. Have you ever been nude in public?
42. How many gossip blogs do you read a day?
43. What is the youngest age partner you’d date?
44. Have you ever picked your nose in public?
45. Have you ever lied about your age?
46. What’s your most embarrassing late night purchase?
47. Have you ever used a fake ID?
Dirty Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Dirty truth or dare questions for girlfriend are ideal for discovering your partner’s true feelings and intentions for the connection. Don’t forget to ask these questions to determine if your date prefers a spiritual or physical contact on your first date. Hurry up! Must use our listed questions for excellent results:
1. What’s your biggest turn off?
2. What’s the largest age gap between you and your sexual partners?
3. Does size really matter?
4. Who was your worst sexual partner and why?
5. Have you ever faked an orgasm?
6. Have you ever been caught in action? If so, by who?
7. If you could only ever do one position for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why?
8. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you during s#x?
9. Where’s the riskiest place you’ve done it?
10. Have you ever filmed a s#x tape?
11. What’s your biggest turn on?
12. Do you have any fetishes?
13. Do you like loud or silent people in bed?
14. What is your favourite song when it comes to action in the bedroom?
15. What your maddest one-night stand story?
16. Have you ever flashed someone?
17. Have you ever sexted anyone?
18. Have you ever been to a nudist beach? Would you consider going?
19. Would you ever consider posing for Playboy?
20. Where are you on the straight/queer spectrum? Be honest!
21. What’s your favorite fantasy to pleasure yourself to?
22. Where is the weirdest place that you’ve ever gone solo?
23. What is your favorite “special” toy?
24. When was the first time you came?
25. Who was your best partner and why?
26. When was your first kiss?
27. Do you have an “I’m getting laid tonight” outfit? What is it?
28. What’s your favorite body part on yourself? On your partner?
29. Have you ever cheated?
30. Who has seen you without clothes on?
31. Have you ever seen a naughty magazine?
32. What’s your favorite body part on your partner?
33. How many people have you kissed?
34. If you got to have a threesome with people in this room, who would you do it with and why?
35. Let someone go through your YouTube history and read it out to the group.
36. Let someone go through your Amazon purchase history and read it out to the group.
37. Have you ever sexted anyone? If so, read one of the sexts in a fake British accent.
38. What is the most adventurous thing you’d want someone to do to you?
39. It is totally not legal to do this, but if it were . . . [fill in the blank].
40. Who do you most want to sleep with, out of everyone here?
41. What is the song that you get it on to the most?
42. Have you ever wanted to cheat?
43. How many people have you slept with?
44. Have you ever been attracted to the same sex?
45. When and where was your first kiss? Who was it with?
46. When did you lose your virginity, and to whom did you lose it?
47. What’s your ultimate sexual fantasy?
48. Would you go out with an older guy? How old is too old?
49. Do you sleep in the nude?
50. Have you ever sent a nude selfie? Who would you send it to?
51. Have you ever searched for something dirty on the internet?
52. How much money would we have to pay you for you to agree to flash your boobs?
53. Have you ever been in a “friends with benefits” situation?
54. If you had to go skinny dipping with someone, who in this room would you choose?
55. If I paid you $100, would you wear your sexiest clothes to class?
Juicy Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
It might be difficult to engage in juicy gossip with your partner since it can expose confidential information about your beloved one. To learn stunning details about your partner’s private life, choose your favorite juicy truth or dare questions for girlfriend.
1. Have you ever bribed or flirted with a police officer to get out of a ticket?
2. Name 10 body parts that you likes to kiss.
3. Who is the hottest teacher in school/college?
4. Have you ever sexted someone you shouldn’t?
5. Have you ever been publicly humiliated? Explain what happened.
6. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in front of a crowd?
7. Name 10 items you bought but regretted buying and never used.
8. Have you ever peed in a pool? If yes, was it a private or a public pool?
9. What was the stupidest thing you have done in front of a crowd?
10. What was the most embarrassing thing that you ever did while on a date?
11. What is the first thing you would do if you got invisible?
12. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same sex? If yes, what happened? How did you react?
13. Which of the people in this room have the most sensual and daring sense of style?
14. If you were marooned on a deserted island with one person, who would you like it to be?
15. What is the stupidest thing you have said to your partner while being intimate?
16. Have you ever picked your nose absent-mindedly and then eaten it?
17. Who in this room has the hottest body?
18. What is your deepest, darkest fear?
19. If you had to go to one class for the rest of your life, what class would you choose it to be?
20. Who is the sexiest person in this room?
21. What is your biggest regret in life?
22. Who has the nicest butt in this room?
23. Name the last person you licked.
24. If you were a boy would you make out with yourself?
25. Describe the most embarrassing moment of your life.
26. Have you ever stuck chewing gum under a desk?
27. Which one do you think is better – tests or essays?
28. Have you ever eaten a meal by yourself? Where and why?
Naughty Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
The purpose of stupid questions and actions is to induce laughter and brighten the mood. So, what are you waiting for? Choose your favorite naughty truth or dare questions for girlfriend!
1. Do you like to listen to music while having s#x?
2. Have you ever watched another couple have s#x?
3. What is the wildest fantasy you ever had that actually came true?
4. How was your first s#x experience?
5. What is the longest you’ve gone without having s#x?
6. Have you ever experimented with someone of the same s#x?
7. What’s the most unusual place you made love in?
8. What s#x act have you’ve done that you’ll never do again?
9. What do you like during foreplay?
10. What’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had?
11. When was the last time you masturbated?
12. How do you feel when touching yourself?
13. What is the first dirty thing you would do if you woke up as the opposite sex?
14. What is your craziest one-night stand story?
15. Do you prefer to have a dominant, submissive, or neutral partner? Explain why?
16. What are the sexiest things someone has said to you?
17. Have you ever had a one-night stand story?
18. What is your secret fantasy?
19. Would you have relationships with someone from this group?
20. Have you had relationships with someone in this group?
21. Who is the sexiest person here?
22. Have you ever thought about cheating on a partner of yours?
23. What is your favorite position?
24. Who of the people in this group has the most beautiful body?
25. Have you had love with a stranger?
26. Have you had love on the street?
27. Have you ever been caught having do that?
28. Have you ever doubted your sexual orientation?
29. Have you met someone you have met on the Internet?
30. Of this group, who would you kiss first?
31. Have you ever forgotten the name of the person you have slept with?
32. Have you ever had love in your parents’ bed?
33. What is the best place to do it?
34. How would you describe yourself in bed?
35. What is the worst love you have ever had in your life?
36. Have you had a hot dream with someone from here?
37. What is something that you have never dared to ask for in bed?
Spicy Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
If you want to ignite the fire of love in your partner, spicy truth or dare questions for girlfriend are appropriate to ask. Similar to a fast food item, they will be crisp and crunchy.
1. When was the last time you lied?
2. When was the last time you cried?
3. What’s your biggest fear?
4. What’s your biggest fantasy?
5. What’s something you’re glad your mum doesn’t know about you?
6. If today was your last day of life, what would you do?
7. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?
8. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?
9. Do you have a hidden talent?
10. What are your thoughts on polyamory?
11. What’s the worst intimate experience you’ve ever had?
12. Have you ever cheated in an exam?
13. What’s the drunk you’ve ever been?
14. Have you ever broken the law?
15. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
16. What’s your biggest insecurity?
17. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?
18. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done?
19. Who would you like to kiss in this room?
20. What’s the worst thing anyone’s ever done to you?
21. Have you ever had a run in with the law?
22. What’s your worst habit?
23. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever said to anyone?
24. Who of this group would you take to a desert island?
25. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
26. What was the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
27. Have you ever swam naked?
28. Have you ever been betrayed?
29. What cannot be missing in your refrigerator?
30. Have you kissed more than one person on the same day? How many?
31. From 0 to 10, how would you rate (pick someone from the group) in terms of beauty, friendliness, and intelligence?
32. From 0 to 10, what grade would you give yourself in terms of beauty, friendliness and intelligence?
33. What was the worst gift you ever received?
34. If the world ended and you could save only one person to survive, who would you save?
35. What is your seduction technique?
36. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
37. What part of your body would you change?
38. Would you leave your partner if they offered you half a million euros? And for 1 million euros?
39. What are you most proud of in life?
40. Do you think you are attractive?
41. If you could bring back a person who has already died, who would it be?
42. In a time machine, what time in history or moment in your life would you go back to?
43. Have you lied playing truth or dare?
44. What is your biggest secret?
Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend When Picking Truth
Through truth questions for girlfriend, you may learn confidential, childhood, desires, boyfriends, love affairs, sexual connections, and other information about your girlfriends. You will be astonished by the answers, so listen with courage!
1. What is your favourite thing that your boyfriend does?
2. Who have you loved but they didn’t love you back?
3. If you starred in a romance, what would it be like?
4. What was the cruelest joke you played on someone?
5. What is the most embarrassing thing you have put up on social media?
6. What is the grossest thing you have had in your mouth?
7. Tell me about the last time someone unexpectedly walked in on you while you were naked.
8. What’s the worst time you let someone take the blame for something you did?
9. What do most people think is true about you, but isn’t?
10. What’s your biggest regret?
11. What is the biggest thing you’ve gotten away with?
12. What is the most embarrassing nickname you have ever had?
13. Describe your most recent romantic encounter in detail.
14. What is the weirdest thing you have done for a boyfriend or girlfriend?
15. Is it true that you (whatever you or the group suspects they do/did)?
16. When was the last time you wiped a booger off on something that shouldn’t have boogers on it?
17. What do you really hope your parents never find out about?
18. Tell me something you don’t want me to know.
19. What have you done that people here would judge you most for doing?
20. What is something that you have never told anyone?
21. What is the most disgusting habit you have?
Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend When Picking Dare
Responding to someone’s dare is a fun and challenging activity. Dares may be brutal, romantic, and challenging. It will be a thrilling experience for you and your companion. So, here are the finest dare questions for girlfriend to determine how strong and gutsy your lover is to undertake difficult tasks.
1. Read me the scariest text message in your inbox today.
2. Read aloud the loveliest poem you have ever come across.
3. Look me in the eye and say you love me.
4. Read me the flirtiest message in your texts.
5. Sing to me the most romantic song you have in mind (feel free to read the lyrics).
6. Draw a mustache on your face.
7. Guess who might not be wearing underwear right now.
8. Look me in the eye and say what you feel about me.
9. Change your Facebook status to “FEELING LONELY TODAY”.
10. Write down a description of your best bedroom experience.
11. Give 3 guesses of the color of underwear each of the players is wearing.
12. Describe your worst bedroom experience.
13. Update your WhatsApp with, “FEELING LONELY”.
14. Convince me to make out with you right now.
15. Compose a short love song and sing it to me.
16. Convince me to make you dinner tonight.
17. Write a short love poem about us and sent it over via text message.
18. Describe your last bedroom experience.
19. Describe your best kiss ever.
20. Demonstrate how you will like to be cuddled.
21. Demonstrate how best you love your massages.
22. Wink in a lovely seductive way.
23. Try your best to seduce me.
24. Using makeup kit if you have one, try drawing your best tattoo-like designs on my back.
25. Try out your best and worst pick up lines in a pub.
26. Try a lap dance on me.
27. Act a stripper for a minute.
28. Draw the best dummy tattoos where you want them to be on my body using makeup.
29. Do a sexy seductive dance, record and send it over to me.
30. Close your eyes. Scroll through your contacts and pick a random person. Open your eyes and text them, “I LOVE YOU”.
31. Close your eyes. Go through your contacts and pick a random person and call them.
32. Try applying makeup to your boyfriend to the best of your ability and see how he looks like in makeup. Snap a photo of him and store and show everyone on his birthday.
33. Dress your girlfriends in manly outfits, fake mustache and no makeup. Take a photo of her and show it to friends on her next birthday.
34. Call the 20th person on your phone’s contact list.
35. Act like shy teenagers crushing on each other.
36. Act what happened the day you first met.
37. Write down the worst line someone has ever used on you and send it over text.
38. Write down the best line ever someone has ever used on you and send it via text.
39. Retell a short story of our best moments together and how you wish it next time.
40. Log in to the other person’s Amazon account and place an order for a “special” toy.
41. Go to Google and find the position you have never heard of. Try acting it out using the tools at your disposal.
42. Pick identical cups. Pour drinks in it and let everyone pick a cup. Go out of the room and let the cups be placed together before coming back and pick one. Sit on the lap of the person whose cup you pick for 10 minutes.
43. Write down and read aloud the nickname you will love for each other.
44. Try speaking romantically in a language you feel is more romantic. (In case you don’t know the language, just try to mumble a few words with a voice and tone you feel is most romantic)
45. Put on blindfolds and eat whatever your partner chooses for you.
46. Pour your favorite drink on your partner’s body and slowly lick it off.
47. Do your best therapy you think will best calm down your partner and make them feel more relaxed.
48. Say the nicest words ever to your partner and watch their face for their reaction.
49. Go to the bedroom and come back with a towel and nothing inside and show your body to your partner while secretly recording their reaction.
50. Pick your partner’s phone and prank them about a message that has come from someone you suspect the most in their contact list.
51. Suggest something nasty that you are sure your partner will never accept and record their reaction.
52. Suggest to your partner if you can bring a third person into your bedroom and record their reaction.
53. Reveal all the content of your purse and wallet.
5 Tips for Picking Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Peaceful Place
Before scheduling a meet-up with your girlfriend, you should assess the condition of the location where you will play the game together. To get the most out of truth or dare questions for girlfriend, you must choose a quiet, distraction-free place.
A good compilation of questions
To make your game more exciting, you must have the best collection of truth and dare questions for your girlfriend. Having a list of questions beforehand can save you from wasting time researching them on the internet on a date with your companion.
Examine your partner’s mood
Do not play the game if your partner is reluctant to play. Always know the mood of your partner if she is angry or depressed. Compelling your partner forcefully to play the game may lead to a breakup or distance in the relationship. Move on to another subject and fix the problem that has caused your girlfriend’s anger. It will encourage your lover to spend more and more time with you.
Avoid difficult or embarrassing questions
No doubt truth and dare questions are designed for amusement. Some truth questions for girlfriend might disclose private details about your lover. If your partner is unwilling to disclose her secrets, avoid asking too many personal questions.
Similarly, certain dare questions for girlfriend can be too harsh or humiliating for your partner to answer. Therefore, you should avoid dares that might make your partner uncomfortable. Always bear in mind that this is a game created for entertainment.
Begins with easy & simple questions
Start with simple questions and if your girlfriend is comfortable with them, go on to more difficult ones. It will keep your companion engaged in the game, and you will enjoy it.
Final Thoughts on Truth or Dare Questions for Girlfriend
Spending time with your girlfriend is vital to creating a good connection. But it is not simply spending time but having fun, and romantic talk is essential to keep the passion high in partnership. Truth or dare questions for girlfriend may make your day exceptional if you play this game on a special occasion with your dear one.
Truth or Dare game for girlfriend might help you uncover numerous unexpected facts about her. Moreover, via daring, you will gauge your partner’s confidence. It may also help you determine if your girlfriend is timid and naive or courageous and willing to do everything for you.
If you want to make your date with your girlfriend more exciting, select truth and dare questions for girlfriend from the lists we’ve provided above. For incredible results, don’t forget to embark on your partner with this excellent compilation.