471 Best True or False Questions to Connect with Your Friends and Family

True or false questions game requires each player to reveal their secrets in a fun way through which you can connect with your friends and family.
We got a bunch of these true or false questions which are going to be very helpful in making your friends and family never heard before secrets!
Life has become quite hectic and full of hustle and bustle. Everybody is busy with the daily affairs of life. We want to spend time with our beloved people through different activities.
There are numerous ways to stay close to your near and dear ones. You can play different games and sports together under one roof. This will strengthen your bonding.
You can organize true or false quiz among your social circle. It will help you in understanding their liking and disliking. You can know about their views and opinions about different matters.
Best True or False Questions
You can find a long list of the best true false questions from our collection. We bet this activity can minimize the distances among your family members. Check our list and start right now!
1. Moon is the main source of energy on Earth.
Answer: False.
2. The heart is the largest internal organ in the body.
Answer: False.
3. Human skin regenerates every week.
Answer: False.
4. Zeus is known as the king of Gods.
Answer: True.
5. The Chinese New Year is celebrated on the same day every year.
Answer: False.
6. The letter “J” is the only letter in the alphabet not included in the periodic table.
Answer: True.
7. Most of the human brain is made of muscle.
Answer: False.
8. World War I took place on 28th July 1945.
Answer: False.
9. Australia is the largest producer of wool in the world.
Answer: True.
10. The official color of the Golden Gate Bridge in California is “Tennessee Orange.”
Answer: False.
11. The average human sneeze can be clocked at 100 miles an hour.
Answer: True.
12. Punxsutawney Phil is just a nickname for the famous groundhog.
Answer: True.
13. Every country in the world has a rectangular flag.
Answer: False.
14. The highest number of shopping malls can be found in New Jersey.
Answer: True.
15. Robert Brown discovered the cell nucleus.
Answer: True.
16. Humans lose an average of 75 strands of hair a month.
Answer: False.
17. There is no railway system in Iceland.
Answer: True.
18. Dr. Pepper is the oldest soft drink in America.
Answer: True.
19. Taste buds can only be found on the tongue.
Answer: False.
20. Archimedes is considered as the father of History.
Answer: False.
21. Australia is both a country and a continent.
Answer: True.
22. Japan has left hand sided traffic.
Answer: True.
23. Stapes is the smallest bone in the human body.
Answer: True.
24. The human eye can distinguish 10 million different colors.
Answer: True.
25. Sunlight is not important for germination.
Answer: False.
26. The national flag of America has stars and stripes on it.
Answer: True.
27. Humans lose more than 80% of heat from their feet.
Answer: False.
28. The first football in the world was manufactured from a pig’s bladder.
Answer: True.
29. The oldest educational establishment in the world is the University of Al Quaraouiyine in Morocco.
Answer: True.
30. Tibet is also known as the roof of the world.
Answer: True.
31. Chlorophyll is the cause of green color in plants.
Answer: True.
32. The X-Factor TV show first aired in the U.S.A. in 2004
Answer: False.
33. Just like humans, dogs can be left-pawed or right-pawed.
Answer: True.
34. Although they love to drink it, cats are lactose intolerant to cow’s milk.
Answer: True.
35. The world’s best-selling music album of all times belongs to The Beatles.
Answer: False.
36. Rio de Janeiro is the capital city of Brazil.
Answer: False.
Random True or False Questions
There is no need to choose any peculiar questions to start this cheering activity. You can ask any random true or false questions to start healthy relations with your social circle.
1. Glass is manufactured mainly from processed sand.
Answer: True.
2. Queen Elizabeth the 1st was the daughter of King Henry the 8th of England.
Answer: True.
3. Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.
Answer: True.
4. Put together, a human’s body blood vessels can circle the Earth.
Answer: True.
5. Vitamin C is also known by the chemical name of Ascorbic Acid.
Answer: True.
6. Actress Marilyn Monroe had 3 children resulting from her 3 marriages.
Answer: False.
7. Magician Richard Jones is the 10th winner of the TV show Britain’s got Talent.
Answer: True.
8. In theory, it takes over 5,000 helium balloons to lift an average-sized human from the ground.
Answer: True.
9. Popping your finger or toe knuckles is bad for your joints.
Answer: False.
10. Manchester United football club has never won the UEFA Champions League trophy.
Answer: False.
11. The Trojan horse was used by the Greeks to mask their way into the city of Troy and win the war.
Answer: True.
12. The Pan American Highway in the U.S.A. is the world’s longest highway.
Answer: True.
13. There are 6 naturally occurring noble gases in the periodic table of chemical elements.
Answer: True.
14. Singer Billie Eilish’s full name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell.
Answer: True.
15. Steak contains more protein than a regular-sized broccoli.
Answer: False.
16. The liver is the largest organ in the human body.
Answer: False.
17. After you drink alcohol, it takes your brain 6 minutes to start reacting to it.
Answer: True.
18. Transylvania is a historical region located in central Romania.
Answer: True.
19. Singer and actress Miley Cyrus is an only child.
Answer: False.
20. Disabled Valery Spiridonov was the first person in the world to have his head transplanted onto another body.
Answer: False.
21. There are over 30,000 varieties of apples existing in the world.
Answer: True.
22. Real Madrid football club’s biggest rival is Atlético Madrid.
Answer: False.
23. Harry Potter’s first flying broomstick is called Firebolt.
Answer: False.
24. Insulin was discovered by physiologist and professor of medicine Nicolae Paulescu.
Answer: True.
25. Thomas Jefferson was the second president of the U.S.A.
Answer: False.
26. The U.S.A.’s southernmost state is Texas.
Answer: False.
27. The world’s longest word has no less than 189,819 letters and comes from the English language.
Answer: True.
28. Dan Brown’s novel ‘Inferno’ was inspired by Dante Alighieri’s poem ‘Inferno’.
Answer: True.
29. The world’s earliest surviving motion-picture film dates back to 1888.
Answer: True.
30. There is no way of telling boiled eggs from raw eggs until you break them open.
Answer: False.
31. Athlete Usain Bolt is faster than a cheetah.
Answer: False.
32. Confucius is a world-renowned Latin philosopher.
Answer: False.
33. Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of India.
Answer: True.
34. Mushrooms don’t grow from spores.
Answer: False.
Funny True or False Questions
Funny moments become the memorable moments of life. You can always smile while being reminded of such moments. Here is a super collection of funny true or false quiz questions to compel you to smile carelessly.
1. If you add the two numbers on the opposite sides of dice together, the answer is always 7.
Answer: True.
2. A group of crows is called a ‘murder’.
Answer: True.
3. Santa Claus has his own postal code.
Answer: True.
4. Peanuts are not nuts!
Answer: True.
5. Apes can laugh when they are tickled.
Answer: True.
6. People may sneeze or cough while sleeping deeply.
Answer: False.
7. There are seven nights in Kwanzaa.
Answer: True.
8. In Japan, people are more likely to see a ‘rabbit on the moon’ and not a ‘man on the moon’?
Answer: True.
Easy True or False Questions
You may want to enjoy this amazing activity with your kids. There may be people of low or average mental caliber in your social circle. So here is an easy true or false questions and answers list for them.
1. Infants have more bones than adults.
Answer: True.
2. The human body is about 60% water.
Answer: True.
3. The human body has four lungs.
Answer: False.
4. The maximum length for a video posted on TikTok is 45 seconds.
Answer: False.
5. A credit card and a debit card are the same.
Answer: False.
6. Venus is the closest planet to the Sun.
Answer: False.
7. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator.
Answer: True.
8. Spiders have 6 legs.
Answer: False.
9. Light travels in a straight line.
Answer: True.
10. The most common blood type is 0- negative.
Answer: True.
11. Do you need oxygen for breathing?
Answer: True.
12. There are 184 countries in the world.
Answer: False.
13. Honeybees are the fastest flying insect.
Answer: False.
14. Mammals do not give birth to babies.
Answer: False.
15. Nails are made of keratin.
Answer: True.
16. The biggest port in the world is the Port of Shanghai.
Answer: True.
17. The full form of CVD is cardiovascular disease?
Answer: True.
18. Moon of Saturn is the second-largest moon in the solar system.
Answer: True.
19. France is known as the “Eternal City.”
Answer: False.
20. Abraham Lincoln does not have any middle name.
Answer: True.
21. Tasmania is in Australia.
Answer: True.
22. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world.
Answer: True.
23. Nemo is a kind of pufferfish.
Answer: False.
24. Zebrafish can suffer from the problem of insomnia.
Answer: True.
25. Intestine is the largest organ of the human body.
Answer: False.
26. Camels can store water in their humps.
Answer: False.
27. China has two time zones.
Answer: False.
28. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.
Answer: True.
29. Ears are essential for imparting balance to the human body.
Answer: True.
30. In Japan, there are square watermelons.
Answer: True.
31. Russia has 11 time zones.
Answer: True.
32. Nassau is the capital city of Bahrain.
Answer: False.
Hard True or False Questions
Don’t take this quiz session just for fun rather take it as a mental exercise. Let your mind think deeply to answer the hard true or false questions and enhance your mental capability.
1. People who have chiclephobia are afraid of cats.
Answer: False.
2. Memorial Day has a special set of instructions regarding raising and lowering the U.S. flag.
Answer: True.
3. The first St. Patrick’s Day parade in the United States was held in New York City.
Answer: False.
4. Emus can’t fly.
Answer: True.
5. Henry VIII had eight wives.
Answer: False.
6. The tradition of dyeing Easter eggs started in the United States.
Answer: False.
7. An astronaut has played golf on the moon.
Answer: True.
8. Every golf ball has the same number of dimples.
Answer: False.
9. John Glenn became the oldest astronaut when he traveled to space at the age of 53.
Answer: False.
10. Fortune cookies were invented in China.
Answer: False.
11. The Big Apple is a nickname given to Washington D.C in 1971.
Answer: False.
12. Only two men signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
Answer: True.
13. The Tour de France always finishes in Italy.
Answer: False.
14. All the kings in a standard deck of cards have a mustache.
Answer: False.
15. Football players started wearing helmets in 1943.
Answer: True.
16. President George Washington brought macaroni and cheese to the USA.
Answer: False.
17. The percentage of students in the US who have taken loans to get through college is declining.
Answer: False.
18. The U.S. and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving on the same day.
Answer: False.
19. Electrons move faster than the speed of light.
Answer: False.
20. Soccer (football) is estimated to have more than 2 billion fans around the world.
Answer: False.
21. Brazil is the only nation to have played in every World Cup finals tournament.
Answer: True.
22. The Mona Liza was stolen from the Louvre in 1911.
Answer: True.
23. Pepsi was the first soft drink to be enjoyed in outer space.
Answer: False.
24. World-renowned jeweler Tiffany & Co. is the maker of the Vince Lombardi trophy.
Answer: True.
25. The New York Marathon is the largest in the world.
Answer: True.
26. There is no snow on Minecraft.
Answer: False.
27. Marvel published its first comic in October 1939.
Answer: True.
28. There are 30 NFL teams.
Answer: False.
29. The term inflation refers to a general fall in the prices of most products and services.
Answer: False.
30. Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin.
Answer: True.
31. The name of Batman’s butler is Albert.
Answer: False.
32. The letter “T” is the most common in the English Language.
Answer: False.
Good True or False Questions
You can find multiple true or false questions on the internet. However, it is very hard to collect good true or false questions. We managed to gather such questions for our readers.
1. Climbing plants are known as vines.
Answer: True.
2. Trees existed before sharks.
Answer: False.
3. Three strikes in a row in bowling is called a chicken.
Answer: False.
4. The sides of the river are called the bed.
Answer: False.
5. Humans came on the Earth before plants.
Answer: False.
6. Step farming is practiced in hilly areas.
Answer: True.
7. Duckweed is a kind of aquatic plant.
Answer: True.
8. Potato is a root.
Answer: False.
9. There are one hundred years in a century.
Answer: True.
10. Botany is the scientific study of plants.
11. There are dolphins in the Amazon river.
Answer: True
12. Peepal trees have a long life.
Answer: True.
13. There are 14 bones in a human foot.
Answer: False.
14. A rubber band stores potential energy when stretched.
Answer: True.
15. Hot and cold water sound the same when you pour them.
Answer: False.
16. Matches were invented before lighters.
Answer: False.
17. Earth’s oldest known rock is about 4 billion years old.
Answer: True.
18. The wavelength of red light is shorter than that of blue light.
Answer: False.
19. The population of California is larger than the entire population of Canada.
Answer: True.
20. The rings of Saturn are very thin, compared to their length and width.
Answer: True.
21. Portsmouth is in the English county of Hampshire.
Answer: True.
22. More people live in Venice than Bari, Italy.
Answer: False.
23. Earth is a giant magnet.
Answer: True.
24. China borders 14 other countries.
Answer: True.
25. New York City is the most populated city in the USA.
Answer: True.
26. The original London Bridge is now in Arizona, USA.
Answer: True.
27. Volcanoes are often found on tectonic plates.
Answer: True.
28. The Beauford scale measures the strength of an earthquake.
Answer: False.
29. The Pantheon in Rome used to be a Roman temple.
Answer: True.
30. Salford is a city and a borough of Greater Manchester.
Answer: True.
31. France and Slovenia share a border.
Answer: False.
32. Less than 4 million people live in Paris.
Answer: True.
Bible True or False Questions
Religion is an important aspect of everybody’s life. People want to inculcate all the religious beliefs and doctrines into the minds of their younger ones. These true or false questions about the Bible can help you in achieving many such noble targets.
1. In Jericho, Jesus noticed Zacchaeus climbing a sycamore tree.
Answer: True.
2. Jesus was born in the town of Nazareth.
Answer: False.
3. Stephen was executed by stoning.
Answer: True.
4. During one of Paul’s lengthy sermons, Tychicus fell out of the window and died.
Answer: True.
5. God dispatched Jonah to Nineveh.
Answer: True.
6. Ham, Shem, and Japheth were Noah’s three sons.
Answer: True.
7. Joshua dispatched three spies to Jericho, who took refuge in Rahab’s house.
Answer: True.
8. Jesus healed Lazarus of his blindness.
Answer: False.
9. Moses fled to Midian after killing an Egyptian.
Answer: True.
10. On Mt. Sinai, the Ten Commandments were given to Aaron.
Answer: False.
11. On the Sabbath, Jesus healed the man with the withered hand.
Answer: True.
12. To be cured of his leprosy, Naaman was instructed to bathe seven times in the Jordan River.
Answer: True.
13. The Prodigal Son was employed as a shepherd.
Answer: True.
14. At the wedding in Damascus, Jesus turned water into wine.
Answer: False.
15. An angel stopped Balaam’s camel from passing.
Answer: True.
16. Malachi is the Old Testament’s final book.
Answer: True.
17. Daniel was imprisoned in the lions’ den for three days and nights.
Answer: True.
18. The tax collector passed by on the other side in the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Answer: False.
19. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was present at the wedding in Cana.
Answer: True.
20. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.
Answer: True.
21. At midnight, Paul and Barnabas prayed and sang hymns to God before an earthquake shook the prison.
Answer: False.
22. Isaac was Abraham’s first son.
Answer: False.
23. The New Testament consists of twenty-nine books.
Answer: False.
24. John the Baptist baptized Jesus.
Answer: True.
25. The death of the firstborn was the tenth plague that struck Egypt.
Answer: False.
26. The 5,000 people were fed with five loaves and two fish.
Answer: True.
27. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were burned alive in a fiery furnace.
Answer: False.
28. The pure of heart will be blessed because they will see God.
Answer: True.
29. On the way to Damascus, Paul was converted.
Answer: True.
30. Brimstone and fire from heaven destroyed the Tower of Babel.
Answer: False.
31. Saul was Israel’s first king.
Answer: True.
32. During Queen Esther’s reign, Haman plotted to kill the Jews.
Answer: True.
33. Philip was one of the original twelve apostles.
Answer: True.
34. The head in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of a great image was made of silver.
Answer: False.
True or False Questions to Ask Friends
Friends are an important asset of life. We always want to know what our friends think about us. We are also eager to know about their liking and disliking. Our pile of true or false quiz for friends can improve your relations with your friends as you get to know them better.
1. 31st January is when the Sun is closest to the Earth.
Answer: False.
2. Molecules are smaller than electrons.
Answer: False.
3. Africa is also called the Dark Continent.
Answer: True.
4. Polo takes up the largest amount of space in terms of land area.
Answer: True.
5. Mount K2 is the second largest mountain peak in the world.
Answer: True.
6. The longest and strongest bone in the human body is the thighbone.
Answer: True.
7. Venice is an Italian city known for its canals.
Answer: True.
8. Seahorses only have intestines, there is no sign of stomachs in them for nutrient absorption from food.
Answer: True.
9. Victoria Falls is the largest in the world.
Answer: True.
10. The smallest unit of matter is called a molecule.
Answer: False.
11. Humans have 4 senses.
Answer: False.
12. Mars is the closest planet to the Sun.
Answer: True.
13. An object at rest does have inertia.
Answer: True.
14. The Equator is the latitude that runs through the center of our planet Earth.
Answer: True.
15. Protons have a positive charge, whereas electrons have a negative.
Answer: True.
16. The North Pole is colder than the South Pole.
Answer: False.
17. Amount of matter during a chemical reaction changes.
Answer: False.
18. ‘A’ is the most common alphabet in English.
Answer: False.
19. Mass and weight are not the same.
Answer: True.
20. River Seine passes through London.
Answer: False.
21. Saturn is the largest planet in the solar system.
Answer: False.
22. Sydney is the capital of Australia.
Answer: False.
23. Sudan and Egypt are known for pyramids.
Answer: True.
24. There are seven continents in the world.
Answer: True.
25. Hawaii receives the highest annual average rainfall in the world.
Answer: True.
26. You cannot cry in space.
Answer: True.
27. No word in English rhymes with orange.
Answer: True.
28. Collar bone in the human body is also called Clavicle.
Answer: True.
29. Cockpit of Europe is the nickname given to France.
Answer: False.
30. Canada is the second-largest country in the world.
Answer: True.
31. River Nile flows through the rainforest in Brazil.
Answer: False.
32. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, was afraid of the dark.
Answer: True.
True or False Questions for Kids
Kids must be treated with a special protocol. They need our full attention and love. To make your time memorable with kids, try our list of true or false questions with answers for kids.
1. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.
Answer: True.
2. Human skeleton consists of 205 bones.
Answer: False.
3. A range of mountains is called a range.
Answer: True.
4. 5 o’clock in the evening is written as 5 am.
Answer: False.
5. Mango has just one seed.
Answer: True.
6. Shinbone is the largest bone in the human body.
Answer: False.
7. Evergreen trees are common in hilly areas.
Answer: False.
8. Cacti requires a lot of water.
Answer: False.
9. Water vapor is a colorless gas.
Answer: True.
10. Peanuts are legumes.
Answer: True.
11. Penguin is not a bird.
Answer: False.
12. Pattern of stars in the sky is called a constellation.
Answer: True.
13. Holland is also called the Netherlands.
Answer: True.
14. Cricket is the national game of India.
Answer: False.
15. Dogs have 42 teeth.
Answer: True.
16. A group of monkeys is called a herd.
Answer: False.
17. COVID-19 does not affect kids.
Answer: False.
18. The hardest natural mineral is diamond.
Answer: True.
19. Zeus was not the king of Gods.
Answer: False.
20. The largest artery in the human body is the aorta.
Answer: True.
21. There are seven players in basketball.
Answer: False.
22. Saturn is known for the “Great Red Spot.”
Answer: False.
23. Thalamus is not the largest part of the brain.
Answer: True.
24. Ampere is the unit of electric current.
Answer: True.
25. Father of medicine is Hippocrates.
Answer: True.
26. Omnivores feed only on plants.
Answer: False.
27. The fruit of lemon has just one seed.
Answer: False.
28. The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world.
Answer: True.
29. The United Kingdom comprises three countries.
Answer: False.
30. Mangrove trees can be found in marshy areas.
Answer: True.
31. The Amazon river has native dolphins.
Answer: True.
32. Intensity of earthquakes is measured by using the Richter scale.
Answer: True.
33. A dozen is made of 12 units.
Answer: True.
True or False Questions for Adults
The interests and preferences of adults are unique. Therefore we managed to collect true or false questions for adults. Check them out and circulate them to your adult friends who will love reading through these!
1. Crocodiles have sweat glands.
Answer: False.
2. An element is a pure substance that contains only one type of atom.
Answer: True.
3. Grand Central Terminal is the biggest railway station in the world.
Answer: True.
4. Seeds of cotton get dispersed by water.
Answer: False.
5. The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world.
Answer: True.
6. Tonle Sap is located in Vietnam.
Answer: False.
7. China is the largest country in Asia.
Answer: True.
8. Scapula is also called a shoulder bone.
Answer: True.
9. Geo-stationery satellites rotate from East to West.
Answer: False.
10. The Yamuna is the main tributary of the River Ganges in India.
Answer: True.
11. Mount Everest is present in the Himalayas.
Answer: True.
12. D and C in Washington D.C. stand for District of Columbia.
Answer: True.
13. Kneecap is also known as patella.
Answer: True.
14. Some animals can get a sunburn.
Answer: True
15. The Mediterranean Sea separates Europe and Asia.
Answer: False.
16. “Death of Desert” is located in Pakistan.
Answer: False.
17. The study of stars is called astronomy.
Answer: True.
18. The Nile is the longest river in Africa.
Answer: True.
19. Vatican City is the smallest city in the world.
Answer: True.
20. Anemometer is used for measuring the speed of the wind.
Answer: True.
21. The rate of chemical reaction does not depend on temperature.
Answer: False.
22. The Palk Strait separates the North and South islands of New Zealand.
Answer: False.
23. The USA shares borders with three countries.
Answer: False.
24. Acrophobia is the fear of water.
Answer: False.
25. Delaware is the American state with the least number of counties.
Answer: True.
26. The egg of a hummingbird is the smallest egg in the world.
Answer: True.
27. Australia is the Land of Rising Sun.
Answer: False.
28. Philately is the collection of stamps.
Answer: True.
29. Molecules are bonded chemically.
Answer: True.
30. Iranian Rial is the weakest currency in the world.
Answer: True.
31. Zimbabwe is also known as Rhodesia.
Answer: True.
32. French is the official language of Brazil.
Answer: False.
True or False Questions About Animals
Some people love to keep animals. They give their full attention to their beloved pets. You can find many people in your social circle whose knowledge is superb about animals. Ask these true or false animal questions from them and they will be astonished!
1. The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived.
Answer: True.
2. Bats are blind.
Answer: False.
3. Sharks are mammals.
Answer: False.
4. The size of the eye of an ostrich is bigger than the brain.
Answer: True.
5. It takes a sloth two weeks to digest a meal.
Answer: True.
6. Camels have three sets of eyelids.
Answer: True.
7. Sea otters have a favorite rock they use to break open food.
Answer: True.
8. The goat is the national animal of Scotland.
Answer: False.
9. A monkey was the first non-human to go into space.
Answer: False.
10. A dog sweats by panting its tongue.
Answer: False.
11. There are no penguins in Africa.
Answer: False.
12. The largest living frog is the Goliath frog of West Africa.
Answer: True.
13. The hummingbird egg is the world’s smallest bird egg.
Answer: True.
14. Elephants use their nose to find mates and identify family members.
Answer: True.
15. Meat is consumed by herbivore animals.
Answer: False.
16. Bats always turn left when they are exiting the caves.
Answer: False.
17. Pigs roll in the mud because they don’t like being clean.
Answer: False.
18. An ant can lift 1,000 times its body weight.
Answer: False.
19. Galapagos tortoises sleep up to 16 hours a day.
Answer: True.
20. You won’t find any hair on a rhinoceros’ nose.
Answer: False.
21. Baby mammals feed on the milk of their mothers.
Answer: True.
22. Elephants are the biggest mammals in the world.
Answer: False.
23. When exiting a cave, bats always go in the direction of the wind.
Answer: False.
24. Tigers do not know swimming.
Answer: False.
25. Horses can sleep while standing.
Answer: True.
26. An octopus has seven hearts.
Answer: False.
27. Female reindeers do not have antlers.
Answer: False.
28. Elephants take nine months to gestate babies.
Answer: False.
29. Crocodiles shed tears when they eat food.
Answer: True.
30. Elephants are blessed with a forever memory.
Answer: True.
True or False Questions about Entertainment
When you gain knowledge while enjoying then it becomes entertainment. Everybody entertains themselves by doing different things. You can easily entertain yourself as well as your friends by asking these entertainment true or false questions.
1. Marilyn Manson was a child actor.
Answer: False.
2. 50 Cent and Charlie Chaplin were alive at the same time.
Answer: True.
3. Jim Carrey auditioned to be a cast member on Saturday Night Live but was never hired.
Answer: True.
4. The Flintstones and The Smurfs were both produced by Hanna-Barbera.
Answer: True.
5. Janet Jackson performed at halftime of Super Bowl LV.
Answer: False.
6. The Harry Potter film, Chamber of Secrets, is the longest film of the Harry Potter movies.
Answer: True.
7. The film Moneyball is based on a true story.
Answer: True.
8. Harry Potter’s middle name is James.
Answer: True.
9. The Hulk is green because of a printer glitch.
Answer: True.
10. The Los Angeles Lakers won the 2020 NBA Championship.
Answer: True.
11. Gladiator won Best Picture at the 73rd (2001) Oscars?
Answer: True.
12. Buzz Lightyear’s original name was Lunar Larry.
Answer: True.
13. The “Arabesque”—an Arabic music form infused with scales and rhythms of western music—originated in Turkey.
Answer: True.
14. Batman is a Marvel character.
Answer: False.
15. Hamilton the musical is the first Broadway show ever written about Hamilton.
Answer: False.
16. The Untouchables won Best Picture at the 60th (1988) Oscars?
Answer: False.
17. La La Land won Best Picture at the 89th (2017) Oscars?
Answer: False.
18. Scat singing refers to singing nonsense words like “doo-doot” and “ba-dah.”
Answer: True.
19. Wonder Woman was a founding member of the Justice League.
Answer: True.
20. As Good as it Gets won Best Picture at the 70th (1998) Oscars?
Answer: False.
21. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the oldest feature-length animated film ever released.
Answer: True.
22. ‘The Thinker’ was a sculpture by Edgar Degas.
Answer: False.
23. The Old Vic is a famous theater on Broadway
Answer: False.
24. Bob Hope lived to be 100.
Answer: True.
25. The Bollywood film industry is based in Madras, India.
Answer: False.
26. ‘The Flintstones,’ ‘Wacky Races,’ and ‘The Smurfs’ were all produced by Hanna-Barbera.
Answer: True.
27. Katharine Hepburn married Humphrey Bogart.
Answer: False.
28. Liberace died in the 1990s.
Answer: False.
29. The foxtrot and the waltz are both in triple time.
Answer: False.
30. ‘Riverdance’ is a theatrical show showcasing the music and culture of Germany.
Answer: False.
31. ‘Kiss Me, Kate’ was based on Shakespeare’s ‘The Taming of the Shrew’.
Answer: True.
32. Idina Menzel starred in the original Broadway production of ‘Wicked’.
Answer: True.
True or False Questions about Geography
The study of the earth is geography. This field is not restricted to specialists. Even common people take a lot of interest in geography. Ask these true or false trivia questions from your friends and family members to check their knowledge.
1. China has the longest coastline in the world.
Answer: False.
2. Geomorphology is the study of landforms.
Answer: True.
3. New York City is composed of between 36 and 42 islands.
Answer: True.
4. Alaska has the most active volcanoes of any state in the United States.
Answer: True.
5. The Atlantic Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth.
Answer: False.
6. The Chunnel between England and France is 31.5 miles long.
Answer: True.
7. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.
Answer: True.
8. South Africa has one capital.
Answer: False.
9. The Sahara Desert is the biggest desert in the world.
Answer: True.
10. China is the largest country in the world?
Answer: False.
11. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
Answer: True.
12. The two longest rivers in the world are the Mississippi and the Nile.
Answer: False.
13. Venezuela is home to the world’s highest waterfall.
Answer: True.
14. The Atlantic Ocean is the largest ocean on the planet.
Answer: False.
15. You can find the ‘Desert of Death’ in California.
Answer: False.
16. Greenland is the largest island in the world.
Answer: True.
17. The USA and China share the longest border in the world.
Answer: False.
18. Mount Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales.
Answer: True.
19. The total length of the Great Wall of China adds up to 13,171 miles.
Answer: True.
20. Rivers hold 20% of the world’s water.
Answer: False.
21. Andes is the longest continental mountain range in the world.
Answer: True.
22. Europe is the most populous continent in the world.
Answer: False.
23. River Severn goes through both England and Wales.
Answer: True.
24. There are more countries in South America than Africa.
Answer: False.
25. Tributaries are the largest type of river.
Answer: False.
26. The largest country in the world is Russia.
Answer: True.
27. Mount Logan is the tallest mountain in Canada.
Answer: True.
28. Turkey is situated on two continents.
Answer: True.
29. Iceland is the country with the most active volcanoes in the world.
Answer: False.
30. The Nile flows into the Mediterranean sea.
Answer: True.
31. Tower Bridge wasn’t built at the same time as the Tower of London.
Answer: True.
32. Tuvalu is the country is the smallest population.
Answer: False.
True or False Questions about Food and Drink
“Eat, drink and be merry” is a very famous maxim. It suggests the carefree attitude of the masses, especially the youngsters. In case you have food lovers in your circle, share these true or false quiz questions with them!
1. French fries originated from France.
Answer: False.
2. Ketchup was once used to cure diseases like diarrhoea and colds.
Answer: True.
3. Pineapples grow on trees.
Answer: False.
4. Hawaiian pizza comes from Canada.
Answer: True.
5. All bananas are not clones.
Answer: False.
6. Honey will usually never go bad.
Answer: True.
7. Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping in the US.
Answer: True.
8. Strawberries are not actually berries.
Answer: True.
9. Eating too much nutmeg cannot make you hallucinate.
Answer: False.
10. Pizza was the first food consumed in space.
Answer: False.
11. Apples belong to the rose family.
Answer: True.
12. Cheesecake comes from Italy.
Answer: False.
13. A potato was the first vegetable to be planted on the space shuttle.
Answer: True.
14. Sushis are a staple food in China.
Answer: False.
15. Hells Kitchen is a district of New York City.
Answer: True.
16. The most expensive pizza in the world costs around $12,000 and takes 72 hours to make.
Answer: True.
17. Caesar Salad originates from Italy.
Answer: False.
18. The popsicle was invented in 1922.
Answer: False.
19. Mcdonald’s has the most restaurants by location in the United States.
Answer: False.
20. Blue wine is made with a combination of red and white grapes.
Answer: True.
21. Ears of corn have an even number of rows.
Answer: True.
22. Kiwis are native from China.
Answer: True.
23. Pad Thai is made with rice.
Answer: False.
24. The names of the mascots for Rice Krispies are Snap, Crackle, & Pop.
Answer: True.
25. Gnocchi are made with potatoes.
Answer: True.
26. The Caesar salad was invented in France.
Answer: True.
27. Vanilla is the world’s most expensive spice.
Answer: False.
28. Sweet potatoes can’t be purple.
Answer: False.
29. Once picked, raspberries don’t ripen.
Answer: True.
30. There is no chicken in a Gallo Pinto in Costa Rica.
Answer: True.
31. A Chilian Pastel de Choclo is sweet.
Answer: False.
32. In Italy, pasta is cooked al dente.
Answer: True.
33. There is coffee in Tiramisu.
Answer: True.
34. Garlic Bread is not Italian.
Answer: True.
35. Taleggio is a semisoft cheese.
Answer: True.
True or False Questions about Disney
Disney is one of the famous media and entertainment company in the world. It’s field of entertainment is quite vast which includes parks, cinemas, gardens and multimedia in it. You can ask disney true or false questions from one another to broaden your knowledge.
1. The first movie produced by Pixar was “Toy Story”.
Answer: True.
2. “Pinocchio” is the shortest Disney film.
Answer: False.
3. Aladdin’s character was inspired by Tom Cruise.
Answer: True.
4. Minnie Mouse’s real name is Minerva Mouse.
Answer: True.
5. Dumbo is the shortest Disney film.
Answer: True.
6. Ursula is a character in ‘Cinderella’.
Answer: False.
7. Disney’s Goofy is a horse
Answer: False.
8. The Aristocats was the first film to be made after Walt Disney’s death.
Answer: True.
9. The song “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” from Encanto is the first Disney song to hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 29 years.
Answer: True.
10. Minnie Mouse’s full name is Wilhelmina Mouse.
Answer: False.
11. Elton John sang “You’ll be my heart” in Tarzan.
Answer: False.
12. Prince Eric and Ariel from The Little Mermaid have a daughter named Princess Song.
Answer: False.
13. It took eight months from start to finish to produce the 1959 Disney film, Sleeping Beauty.
Answer: False.
14. Toy Story was Pixar’s first movie.
Answer: True.
15. Disney World in Florida is the largest Disney resort in the world.
Answer: True.
16. The circle of life is a song from The Lion King.
Answer: True.
17. In Frozen, Elsa’s sister is Anna.
Answer: True.
18. Beauty and the Beast was Disney’s first Broadway musical.
Answer: True.
19. Pinocchio was the first animated, full-color Walt Disney feature film.
Answer: False.
20. Aurora is the Sleeping Beauty.
Answer: True.
21. Mufasa is Simba’s uncle.
Answer: False.
22. Belle’s dress in ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is blue.
Answer: False.
23. The carriage in Cinderella initially is a pumpkin.
Answer: True.
24. The Little Mermaid is called Ariel.
Answer: True.
25. Luca is set in Italy.
Answer: True.
26. The villain in Moana is a volcano.
Answer: True.
27. Jiminy Cricket is a character in Pinocchio.
Answer: True.
28. Woody is the cowboy in Toy Story.
Answer: True.
29. Dumbo is an elephant.
Answer: True.
30. In Brave, Merida has ginger hair.
Answer: True.
31. Stitch tries to impersonate a dog.
Answer: True.
32. Tinker Bell is a human girl.
Answer: False.
33. Olaf is a reindeer in Frozen.
Answer: False.
34. Disneyland Paris is the only Disney park in Europe.
Answer: True.
35. Bolt is a cat.
Answer: False.
5 Tips for Choosing True or False Questions
There is no need to purely rely on our collection of true or false questions. You can also create lists of such questions by using different techniques or even picking and selecting a few questions from each of our categories.
We are going to share multiple tips and tricks with our readers to make them creative. By using these tips, you can generate multiple true or false game to stay connected with your charming ones.
Keep Your Audience in Mind
This is the most important thing to keep in mind before starting any sort of activity. You can not neglect the age, gender, IQ level, and general interests of your audiences to engage them in any game.
So, you need to have clear and transparent ideas about your partners while organizing true or false statement with answers.
Full of Entertainment
Your questioning session must be full of fun and learning. Do not let your companions get bored by asking dry and serious questions. Your collection of questions should be alluring and attractive enough to maintain the focus of the audience.
Do not convert your funny activity into a dry and boring classroom environment. Otherwise, your friends can quit it in the mid. It must be engaging till the last moment.
Keep the purpose in mind. You can get a sufficient amount of quality time to spend with your family through this activity. Do the best possible use of this precious time.
Do not spoil this opportunity by making useless questions. Your questions should keep purposeful meanings. Try to enhance the knowledge, wisdom and capability of your social circle.
You can achieve many targets simultaneously while performing this activity. Try to develop moral values into the kids by asking questions full of morality.
You can use true or false questions examples to elaborate your ideas. Their vocabulary can also be improved with this activity.
Keep the aspect of simplicity in mind while compiling true or false questions. Just let your audience think whether the statement is true or false. Don’t confuse them with other things. Let them stay to the point.
Final Thoughts on True or False Questions
Now let’s collect all the dispersed threads of the discussions. You have gone through multiple categories of true or false questions.
We compiled these categories by keeping the variations of the masses in mind. These variations include gender, age, taste, general interest, and inclinations of the folk.
We hope this collection of true or false questions is more than enough for you. Still, if you want to create a true or false quiz by yourself, then use our five tips to be a great generator of such questions.
These true or false game questions can provide you ample opportunity for quality time with your valuable ones. You can improve your compatibility with one another, and enhance your understanding level.
Do not forget o share our precious collection with your relatives and friends. Let them get the same advantages as you are availing.
Waiting for your worthy views regarding our effort!
Have an activity full of fun and enjoyment!