208 Put a Finger Down Questions to Get to Know Someone Better

In this article we are sharing with you put a finger down questions.

Sometimes just asking a few questions is enough to get to know someone.

There are many famous games to learn intriguing facts about random people and their qualities. Some of them are “truth or dare” and “never have I ever”.

But a prominent social networking site called TikTok has recently given us another amazing concept – Put a Finger Down Questions.

The rules are simple: if you say “yes,” you must place one finger down.

Let’s go over some put a finger down if questions now.

Put a Finger Down Questions for TikTok

Are you a fan of the put your finger down game? If you are you are gonna love these put a finger down questions for TikTok too.

1. Put a finger down if you used to draw the sun in the corner of the page.

2. Put a finger down if you’ve ever burst into tears in public.

3. Put a finger down if you have blonde hair.

4. Put a finger down if you get jokes 5 minutes after everyone else.

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a crush on two people at once.

6. Put a finger down if you’ve ever fallen asleep in class.

7. Put a finger down if you’ve ever kissed one of your sibling’s friends.

8. Put a finger down if you’ve ever pretended to be in a music video.

9. Put a finger down if you’ve ever practiced kissing in front of the mirror.

10. Put a finger down if you laugh when someone falls over.

11. Put a finger down if you’ve ever sent a text and instantly regretted it.

12. Put a finger down if you’ve ever taken part in a blind date.

13. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone to school/work without showering.

14. Put a finger down if you’ve dated more than one person at the same time.

15. Put a finger down if you’ve ever fought with someone over a crush.

16. Put a finger down if you have a secret tattoo.

17. Put a finger down if you’ve ever dropped something in a toilet.

18. Put a finger down if you love recording Tik Toks with your friends.

19. Put a finger down if you love your pets.

20. Put a finger down if ever purposefully ignore text messages.

21. Put a finger down if you’ve ever peed your pants from laughing so much.

22. Put a finger down if you’ve ever dyed your hair.

23. Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied so you can cancel plans with someone.

24. Put a finger down if you’re scared of spiders.

25. Put a finger down if your pet sleeps on your bed with you.

26. Put a finger down if you read an entire book in a day.

27. Put a finger down if you don’t have patience.

28. Put a finger down if you like to sing in the shower.

Funny Put a Finger Down Questions

Everyone is welcome to take part in the put your finger down a challenge. Here are some funny questions to spice up the game. These questions are sure to bring laughter to your face.

1. Put a finger down if you play out arguments in your head.

2. Put a finger down if you ever laughed so hard that you spit out your drink.

3. Put a finger down if you ever apologized to an object after bumping into it.

4. Put a finger down if you shuffle your playlist but skipping till you find the song you want.

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever peed in a swimming pool.

6. Put a finger down if you ever faked sick to stay at home.

7. Put a finger down if you are still sleeping with your stuffed animals.

8. Put a finger down if you ever saved a picture of you crying.

9. Put a finger down if you ever checked someone’s snap score or location to see if were ignoring you

10. Put a finger down if you’ve ever peed your pants in public.

11. Put a finger down if you walked into a sliding glass door because you thought it was open.

12. Put a finger down if you imagine fake scenarios in your head.

13. Put a finger down if you’ve ever pretended to be asleep when someone is talking to you.

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a dream about being a chicken.

15. Put a finger down if you ever looked yourself up on Google.

16. Put a finger down if it takes you a while to understand a joke.

17. Put a finger down if you’ve ever used the word “YOLO.”

18. Put a finger down if you’ve ever worn Crocs in public.

19. Put a finger down if you’ve ever accidentally worn clothes inside out.

20. Put a finger down if you ever cried for absolutely no reason at all.

21. Put a finger down if you’ve ever tripped over your pet.

22. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been to a drive-thru movie theater.

23. Put a finger down if you ever replayed a song, because it didn’t make you sad enough.

24. Put a finger down if you’ve ever farted loud in public.

25. Put a finger down if you’ve ever worn socks and sandals.

26. Put a finger down if you’ve ever done recreational drugs.

Put a Finger Down Questions for Kids

It is important to keep children entertained with games. Put a finger down challenge questions are an excellent method to keep children occupied. Here are some terrific kids put a finger down questions to get you started.

1. Put a finger down if you ever tried to push all the colors down on your 6-colored pen.

2. Put a finger down if you ever ate a worm.

3. Put a finger down if you cried because of seeing someone else cry.

4. Put a finger down if you used a pencil to poke holes in an eraser.

5. Put a finger down if you are scared of insects.

6. Put a finger down if you ever broken a bone.

7. Put a finger down if you ever just put your hand in the air for no reason.

8. Put a finger down if you ever stuck your arms into a t-shirt and pretended you’ve lost them.

9. Put a finger down if you ever tried opening a fridge door just enough to see the light go on and off.

10. Put a finger down if you can sing your ABCs.

11. Put a finger down if you know 10 colors.

12. Put a finger down if you ever got lost in a store.

13. Put a finger down if you like to watch cartoons.

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever fallen out of bed while sleeping.

15. Put a finger down if you cry when you’re angry.

16. Put a finger down if you can name 5 superheroes.

17. Put a finger down if you’ve been to a zoo.

18. Put a finger down if you’ve ever caught a fish.

19. Put a finger down if you ever cried because of animal’s death in a movie.

20. Put a finger down if you’ve ever skipped school.

21. Put a finger down if you can name a dinosaur.

22. Put a finger down if you know how to write your name.

23. Put a finger down if you know the names of all 4 ninja turtles.

24. Put a finger down if you know how to swim.

25. Put a finger down if you’ve ever built a snowman.

26. Put a finger down if you ever got in trouble for drawing on the walls.

Put a Finger Down Questions for Adults

When adults play a game, there is typically greater delight and fun. This is why we have compiled this list of adults put a finger down questions for you.

1. Put a finger down if you like to go to the gym.

2. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been on a date.

3. Put a finger down if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been to a concert.

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone to the movies by yourself.

6. Put a finger down if you go to church.

7. Put a finger down if you have a curfew.

8. Put a finger down if you have your own TV.

9. Put a finger down if you have your driver’s license.

10. Put a finger down if you own your own home.

11. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gone on vacation.

12. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been to a casino.

13. Put a finger down if you have your own room.

14. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been in a car accident.

15. Put a finger down if you want to go to college.

16. Put a finger down if you have a degree.

17. Put a finger down if you’ve ever had a fight with your parents.

18. Put a finger down if you’ve ever forgotten how old you were.

19. Put a finger down if you’ve ever kissed someone.

20. Put a finger down if you’ve ever painted a room.

21. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been to a tropical island.

22. Put a finger down if you are a stay-at-home mom/dad.

23. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been on a cruise.

24. Put a finger down if you keep a diary.

25. Put a finger down if you are still in school.

26. Put a finger down if you ever lied to your parents about where you were going or who you were with.

Put a Finger Down Questions for Couples

Couples may spice up their relationship by playing the put your finger down game. As you and your companion get to know each other better, this game will make you chuckle. Here are some put a finger down couple edition questions.

1. Put a finger down if you have ever used a dating app.

2. Put a finger down if you have ever kissed my best friend.

3. Put a finger down if you have ever given a lap dance.

4. Put a finger down if you have ever slid into someone’s DMs.

5. Put a finger down if you slept in your partner’s clothes while they were away.

6. Put a finger down if you love deep conversations.

7. Put a finger down if you have ever snooped through someone’s phone.

8. Put a finger down if you have been in an open relationship.

9. Put a finger down if you have ever kissed a friend’s ex.

10. Put a finger down if you have ever stayed in a relationship that you really weren’t feeling.

11. Put a finger down if you have gone skinny dipping.

12. Put a finger down if you have ever sent a racy text to the wrong person.

13. Put a finger down if you have ever made out in a public place.

14. Put a finger down if you have had a friend with benefits.

15. Put a finger down if you are a perfectionist.

16. Put a finger down if you’ve ever gotten a love letter.

17. Put a finger down if you have ever cheated on someone.

18. Put a finger down if you’ve daydreamed about your wedding day.

19. Put a finger down if you have ever told someone “I love you” without meaning.

20. Put a finger down if you have felt ashamed of your partner.

21. Put a finger down if you have ever gotten a lap dance.

22. Put a finger down if your significant other makes you laugh.

23. Put a finger down if you stare at your partner (or crush) when they’re not looking.

24. Put a finger down if you have ever ended a relationship over text.

Put a Finger Down Questions for Girls

Put a finger down game is a fun way for girls to socialize and laugh together. Here are some girls put a finger down questions for you to enjoy.

1. Put a finger down if getting ready is one of your favorite things to do.

2. Put a finger down if you carry makeup with you everywhere you go.

3. Put a finger down if you have strict parents.

4. Put a finger down if you own more than 5 necklaces.

5. Put a finger down if you’ve lied about your age.

6. Put a finger down if you’d rather spend money on clothes than food.

7. Put a finger down if have more than 4 steps in your skincare routine.

8. Put a finger down if you love taking bubble baths.

9. Put a finger down if prefer heels over other shoes.

10. Put a finger down if you randomly check the fridge for food.

11. Put a finger down if you talk to yourself.

12. Put a finger down if you’ve ever looked for something that was in your hand.

13. Put a finger down if you have different bags for different outfits.

14. Put a finger down if you hate hearing your own voice.

15. Put a finger down if your girlfriends mean the world to you.

16. Put a finger down if love chick flick movies.

17. Put a finger down if you mostly wear skirts and dresses.

18. Put a finger down if love trying on new outfits.

19. Put a finger down if you ever worn something you took out from a dirty laundry.

20. Put a finger down if you own a tennis skirt.

21. Put a finger down if your favorite color is pink.

22. Put a finger down if you embarrassed yourself trying to look cool in front of people.

23. Put a finger down if you ever worn a scrunchie on your wrist just for style.

24. Put a finger down if you’ve walked into a room and forgotten why you were there.

25. Put a finger down if you care about how you look more than how you feel.

26. Put a finger down if you ever canceled your plans because you didn’t feel like going.

Put a Finger Down Questions for Boys

Check out these put a finger down questions for boys if you want to learn more about guys in a group. These questions are the best thing you could have hoped for.

1. Put a finger down if you’ve ever faked sick to stay at home.

2. Put a finger down if you texted someone “I’m on my way” but you still were in your house.

3. Put a finger down if you like solving puzzles.

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever broken a bone.

5. Put a finger down if you’ve ever ridden a motorcycle.

6. Put a finger down if you have used someone else’s toothbrush.

7. Put a finger down if you have been expelled from school

8. Put a finger down if you have Netflixed for a whole week straight.

9. Put a finger down if you’re scared of flying.

10. Put a finger down if you have ever won a lottery.

11. Put a finger down if you have used the bathroom and not washed your hands.

12. Put a finger down if you have picked a scab and ate it.

13. Put a finger down if you love watching horror movies.

14. Put a finger down if you’ve gambled in a casino.

15. Put a finger down if you have eaten food from the trash can.

16. Put a finger down if you’ve never lived alone.

17. Put a finger down if you’re a night owl.

18. Put a finger down if you have two or more jobs.

19. Put a finger down if you ever lied in a job interview.

20. Put a finger down if you’ve gotten a tattoo you regret.

21. Put a finger down if you can whistle with your fingers.

22. Put a finger down if you are the life of the party.

23. Put a finger down if you’ve ever been camping.

24. Put a finger down if you get frustrated easily.

25. Put a finger down if you’ve ever climbed a mountain.

26. Put a finger down if you’ve watched Game of Thrones.

Put a Finger Down Questions for Friends

Put a finger down is an amusing game that you may play with your friends. Here is a selection of questions that you and your friends will love.

1. Put a finger down if you have ever had a negative bank account balance.

2. Put a finger down if you can tell what your best friend’s thinking without even talking.

3. Put a finger down if you have gotten a speeding ticket.

4. Put a finger down if you’ve ever lied to protect a friend.

5. Put a finger down if you have kissed more than one person in 24 hours.

6. Put a finger down if you’re taller than your bestie.

7. Put a finger down if you have kissed someone you just met.

8. Put a finger down if you often zone out during a fun time with friends.

9. Put a finger down if you have never been hungover.

10. Put a finger down if your bestie has ever embarrassed you.

11. Put a finger down if you have ever lied about why I didn’t call someone back.

12. Put a finger down if you have dated someone older than you.

13. Put a finger down if you get attached to people easily.

14. Put a finger down if you have ever fired a gun.

15. Put a finger down if you have walked in on someone in the bathroom.

16. Put a finger down if you are an overthinker.

17. Put a finger down if you have ever created a fake social media account.

18. Put a finger down if you ever had an urge to delete all social media apps.

19. Put a finger down if you have had a relationship last less than a month.

20. Put a finger down if you have ever blocked someone on social media.

21. Put a finger down if you have shoplifted.

22. Put a finger down if you have met a celebrity.

23. Put a finger down if you have ever had a one-night stand.

24. Put a finger down if you ever screamed during a scary movie.

25. Put a finger down if you snore while sleeping.

26. Put a finger down if you’ve ever stolen something.

Final Thoughts

The put a finger down questions game is a fun way to spend time with family and friends.

The questions are not only amusing, but also eye-opening.

These questions may teach you a lot about your friends and loved ones.

We dearly hope that you liked the collection of questions we shared with you.

You can use these questions in all sorts of put a finger down games.

And if you think, we have missed any question you can drop that in the comment section below.

Have fun!

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