253 Favorite Things Questions to Get to Know Someone Better

Get to know your friends and family on a deeper level with our favorite things questions.
These conversation starters cover a wide range of topics, from their favorite food and hobbies, to their proudest accomplishments and biggest fears.
We’ve compiled a list of fun and interesting questions for you to ask.
From food and drink to music and movies, there’s something for everyone.
So, whether you’re looking to break the ice with a new acquaintance or strengthen an existing relationship, these questions are a great way to spark meaningful and engaging conversations.
So, let’s start.
Random Favorite Things Questions to Ask
When you’re getting to know someone, the best way to learn about them is to ask about their favorite things. These list of favorites questions will give you a snapshot of what someone enjoys.
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your favorite kind of animal?
3. What’s your go-to favorite movie?
4. Who is your favorite musical artist/band?
5. What’s your favorite nickname?
6. Who is your least favorite family member?
7. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
8. What are your favorite books, TV shows, or movies? Why?
9. Where is your absolute favorite place to be?
10. What is your favorite and most treasured memory?
11. What is your favorite holiday?
12. What’s your favorite song?
13. What’s your favorite sport’s team?
14. What’s your favorite meal?
15. What is your favorite part about being an adult?
16. What is your favorite car to drive?
17. What is your favorite comic book character?
18. What is your favorite book?
19. What are your favorite scents?
20. What is your favorite karaoke song?
21. If you have tattoos, which one is your favorite?
22. What is your favorite season?
23. What is your favorite Halloween costume?
24. What is your favorite work of art?
25. What is your favorite ghost story?
26. Do you have a favorite sports team?
27. What is your favorite flower?
28. Android or Apple: which is your favorite?
29. What is your favorite moment in history?
30. What is your favorite magazine?
31. What is your favorite type of weather?
32. Where is your favorite place to relax?
33. What was your favorite stuffed animal?
34. What is your favorite planet?
35. What is your favorite perfume/cologne scent?
36. What is your favorite color of nail polish?
37. What’s your favorite activity to do when you have some free time?
38. What’s your favorite film?
39. What’s your favorite TV show?
40. What’s your favorite place that you’ve ever been to?
Favorite Things Questions about Food and Drinks
If you’re ever in a bind for what to talk about, you can always default to food and drinks. Here are some favorite food questions.
1. What is your favorite spicy food?
2. What is your favorite dessert?
3. What is your favorite fruit?
4. Do you have a favorite vegetable?
5. What is your favorite appetizer?
6. What is your favorite soda?
7. What is your favorite type of cuisine?
8. Coke or Pepsi – which is your favorite?
9. What is your favorite dish to cook?
10. What is your favorite pasta dish?
11. What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
12. What is your favorite diner?
13. What is your favorite candy?
14. What is your favorite healthy meal?
15. What is your favorite breakfast food?
16. What is your favorite fast-food restaurant?
17. Ice cream or cake: which one’s your favorite?
18. What is your favorite kind of cheese?
19. What is your favorite caffeinated beverage?
20. What is your favorite upscale restaurant?
Favorite Things Questions about Animals
Find out what their favorite pet is, if they like to visit the zoo, and so much more. Ask your loved one these favorite things list questions to have a great time!
1. Do you have a favorite pet?
2. What is your favorite amphibian?
3. What is your favorite thing to buy at the pet store?
4. If you have a pet, what’s your favorite thing to do with them?
5. What is your favorite reptile?
6. Do you have a favorite wildcat?
7. What is your pet’s favorite place to go?
8. What’s your favorite insect?
9. What is your favorite fictional animal character?
10. What is your favorite brand of pet food to buy?
11. What is your favorite fish?
12. What is your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
13. Dogs or cats: which is your favorite?
14. What is your favorite bird?
15. What is your favorite underwater mammal?
16. What is your favorite breed of dog?
17. What is your favorite farm animal?
18. What is your favorite extinct animal?
19. What is your favorite anthropomorphic animal?
20. What is your favorite small animal?
Favorite Things Questions about Entertainment
This list of favorite things questions focuses on topics related to entertainment, like movies, music, plays and TV shows. Use them to find out more about a person’s tastes in entertainment.
1. What is your favorite romance movie?
2. Do you have a favorite hobby?
3. What is your favorite tearjerker movie?
4. Who is your favorite fictional villain?
5. Do you have a favorite sport to watch?
6. What is your favorite Oscar-winning movie?
7. What is your favorite fictional relationship?
8. Where is your favorite sports arena/stadium?
9. What is your favorite sci-fi movie?
10. What is your favorite coming-of-age movie?
11. What is your favorite sport?
12. What is your favorite movie setting?
13. Do you have a favorite Harry Potter movie?
14. Watching movies in theaters or at home: which is your favorite?
15. Who is your favorite director?
16. What is your favorite television series?
17. What is your favorite television character?
18. What is your favorite movie to watch with friends?
19. What is your favorite streaming service?
Favorite Things Questions about Music
Music can tell us so much about someone and bring them such joy. With this favorite things questionnaire, you can know others favorite things in the world of music.
1. Who is your favorite songwriter?
2. What is your favorite guilty pleasure song?
3. What is your favorite album?
4. What is your mother’s favorite song?
5. What is your favorite cover song?
6. What is your favorite song about love?
7. What is your father’s favorite song?
8. What is your favorite band?
9. What is your favorite song about heartbreak?
10. What is your favorite concert you have been to?
11. What is your favorite song to play in the car?
12. What is your favorite song from your childhood?
13. What is your favorite song to play in the club?
14. What is your favorite rap song?
15. Who is your favorite guitar player?
16. Who is your favorite drummer?
17. Who is your favorite vocalist?
18. What is your favorite musical instrument?
19. What is your favorite piece of music?
20. Who is your favorite classical composer?
Favorite Things Questions about People and Family
Whether you’re getting to know a new friend, digging deeper into a relationship, or reconnecting with a loved one, this favorites questionnaire about people and family will help you find out more about the person.
1. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
2. Do you have a favorite friend?
3. What is your favorite family tradition?
4. Who is your favorite cousin?
5. What is your favorite activity to do with your friends?
6. Who is your favorite chef?
7. Who is your favorite inspirational figure?
8. What is your favorite family recipe?
9. Who is your favorite parent?
10. Where is your favorite place to go with your friends?
11. Who is your favorite illustrator?
12. Who is your favorite sports player?
13. What is your favorite family vacation?
14. Who is your favorite family member?
15. Who was your favorite crush?
16. Who is your favorite historical figure?
17. What is your favorite gift that you have received from your family?
18. Who is your favorite author?
19. Who is your favorite neighbor?
20. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Favorite Things Questions about Traveling and Outdoors
Do you love to explore far-off places, be one with nature or just get away from it all? If so, this favorite things quiz about traveling and the outdoors are for you!
1. What is your favorite country to travel to?
2. What is your favorite mode of transportation to use on vacation?
3. What is your favorite continent to travel to?
4. What is your favorite picture taken on vacation?
5. Who is your favorite person to travel with?
6. What is your favorite cold place to travel to?
7. What is your favorite vacation that you have ever been on?
8. What is your favorite thing to bring with you when traveling?
9. What is your favorite warm place to travel to?
10. What would be your favorite fictional place to travel to?
11. Do you have a favorite beach?
12. What is your favorite historical monument/artifact to visit?
13. What is your favorite thing to do at the beach?
14. Swimming or boogie boarding – which is your favorite?
15. What is your favorite food that you have had while on vacation?
16. Where is your favorite place to go hiking?
17. Do you have a favorite hiking buddy?
18. What is your favorite road trip?
19. Skiing, sledding, or ice skating – which is your favorite?
20. Where is your favorite place to picnic?
Favorite Things Questions about Childhood and Memories
Favorite things questions about childhood can be a great way to get to know someone better. Here are some of the best questions to ask.
1. What was your favorite thing about your childhood home?
2. What was your favorite childhood song?
3. Did you have a favorite school subject?
4. What is your favorite memory of being with your friends?
5. What were your favorite childhood television shows?
6. Did you have a favorite childhood toy?
7. What was your favorite school lunch?
8. Who was your favorite childhood friend?
9. What was your favorite playdate?
10. What was your favorite after-school activity?
11. What was your favorite animal as a child?
12. Who was your favorite teacher?
13. What is your favorite memory?
14. What was your favorite childhood movie?
15. What is your favorite memory of school?
16. What is your favorite holiday memory?
17. What was your favorite childhood food?
18. What is your favorite birthday memory?
19. What is your favorite memory of being with your family?
20. What is your favorite vacation memory?
21. What was your favorite subject at school?
Favorite Things Questions about Clothes and Accessories
These questions for favorite things will help you understand someone’s fashion sense and preferences at a deeper level. Who knows? You might even discover something new in the process!
1. What is your favorite outfit?
2. What is your favorite sweater?
3. What is your favorite makeup item?
4. What is your favorite hairstyle?
5. What is your favorite hat?
6. Do you have a favorite pair of earrings?
7. What is your favorite type of formal wear?
8. What is your favorite outfit to wear on a lazy day?
9. What is your favorite swimsuit?
10. What is your favorite backpack/handbag?
11. What are your favorite pair of shoes?
12. Do you have a favorite bracelet?
13. Where is your favorite place to go shopping for clothes?
14. Who is your favorite fashion icon?
15. Do you have a favorite pair of glasses?
16. What is your favorite clothing brand?
17. What is your favorite fashion show?
18. What is your favorite jacket?
19. What is your favorite sweatshirt?
20. What is your favorite hair color?
Favorite Things Questions about Relationships
These favorite things questions can help deepen an existing relationship or spark conversations between two people just getting to know each other. Plus, they’re a great way to show your partner just how much they mean to you.
1. What is your favorite memory of dating me?
2. What is your favorite thing to do in bed?
3. What is your least favorite thing to do in bed?
4. What is your favorite way to relax?
5. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
6. What are your favorite places to be touched?
7. What’s your favorite date night activity?
8. What is a favorite romantic fantasy of yours?
9. What’s your favorite romcom?
10. What’s your favorite thing about me?
11. Where are your least favorite places to be touched?
12. What is your favorite sexual position?
13. What is your least favorite sexual position?
14. What is your favorite memory of us?
15. What is your favorite thing that I do for you?
16. What’s your favorite time of day to be intimate?
17. What is your favorite video game?
18. What is your favorite article of clothing? Why is it your favorite?
19. What is your favorite Vegetable?
20. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
21. Who’s your favorite family member?
22. What was your favorite toy?
23. Which pet was your favorite up until now?
24. Do you still keep your favorite childhood toy around?
25. What’s your favorite movie?
26. What’s your favorite book?
27. What’s your favorite food?
28. What’s your favorite color?
29. What was your favorite subject in school?
30. What’s your favorite holiday?
31. What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
32. What’s your favorite Netflix binge show?
Favorite Things Questions about Career and Achievements
Discover the most interesting and thought-provoking questions to ask your friends and colleagues about their careers and achievements. Find out what drives them, and their proudest moments.
1. What is your favorite job that you have had so far?
2. What is your favorite goal you’re currently working on?
3. What is/was your favorite thing to do at that job?
4. What is your favorite goal you’ve achieved?
5. What’s your favorite memory from college?
6. Who are your favorite coworkers?
7. What is your favorite thing to do after work?
8. What was your favorite thing you learned in college/trade school?
9. Who are your favorite former coworkers?
10. What is your favorite benefit from work?
11. Where would be your favorite place to live?
12. Who is your favorite boss?
13. Where would be your favorite place to work?
14. What would be your favorite way to spend a million dollars?
15. What is your favorite story from work?
16. Where would be your favorite place to retire?
17. What is your favorite thing on your bucket list?
18. When is your favorite time to work?
19. What is your favorite language to study?
20. Where would be your favorite place to get married?
Final Thoughts
When it comes to getting to know someone, asking about their favorite things is a great way to start.
With this list of what’s your favorite questions, you will be able to get to know someone better in a short time, and it can be a great way to spark conversation.
From their favorite food to their favorite movie, we covered all of helpful topics.
So do you have any better favorite things question to ask? Let us know in the comments below.
We would love to hear from you.