435 Best Family Feud Questions to Spark Your Game Night

You appear to have found our selection of family feud questions which will surely be pretty useful for your game night. Family Feud is a renowned American television game show that has been on the air for more than four decades.
Families watch the show and participate by answering family feud questions in the comfort of their living rooms. For many families, this program has become one of the finest sources of pleasure. You’ve come to the correct place if you’re a fan of the program and want to play a DIY version.
Players in Family Feud must predict the most popular survey responses. “Name goods you pack on a camping vacation” and “Name a spot where you have to wait in line” are two such questions. The goal of these questions is to promote empathy, critical thinking, and teamwork at work.
This article was developed with the intention of first making you aware of the game’s rules and then providing you with a thorough list of family feud questions and answers. So let’s get started.
How to Play Family Feud Game
Before we get to the wonderful family feud game questions you’ll be asking, you should definitely understand the primary rules of the game and how to set it up. You’d need the following items for a crazy family feud night:
1. The host
The family feud game will be hosted by one member from the entire group. This individual can become acquainted with the regulations and explain them to the others. The host is in charge of posing questions to the family conflict, maintaining score, and summing up the results.
2. The Teams
Two teams stand or sit on opposing ends of the room during family Ffud. We discovered that a team of at least three persons works really effectively. We propose five persons per team if you want to bring a lot more excitement to the game. Divide the group evenly, no matter how many persons there are.
3. The Leaderboard
If you have a board someplace in your attic, bring it down since you will need it. You can keep records of how many points each team has this way. If you don’t have a board, a pen and paper or a virtual scoreboard app on your phone would suffice. You can tell we live in the twenty-first century!
4. The buzzer
The participants in Family Feud utilize a button or buzzer to try to answer the questions first. You may use an app on your phone to make a buzzer sound. You may use anything in the home if you want to be a bit more boisterous. A drum, a pot and spoon, a knee slap, or anything else. Be inventive!
5. The Area
We propose that you choose a spacious location. It may be in your living room or in your garage. Really, wherever you are entirely at ease. Apart from the family feud questions we’ve supplied below, these are all you need!
6. Now for the first question
The Host will summon the Team Leaders to the front of the room, where the buzzers are positioned. The two participants will confront each other and listen to the family fortunes questions.
Remember that each question contains many valid answers, each of which awards the player a different number of points. Whoever is the first to hit the buzzer gets to answer the question. You have 5 seconds to respond, so be quick!
7. Incorrect responses
If the first person to press the buzzer fails to respond correctly, the second player is given a chance. It will continue until one of the players offers the correct answer.
8. Ding, Ding, Ding, you have the correct answer
If the Team Leader gets the correct answer, he or she can choose to play the round with the rest of the team or send it on to the opponent. The team that is participating in this round will have the opportunity to provide the remaining responses. A winner is determined in this manner.
Best Family Feud Questions
You can continue reading now that you’ve been acquainted with the regulations, which are quite easy. We’ve compiled an all-inclusive list of the best family feud questions so you don’t have to come up with your own!
1. What do you do when you first wake up?
Brush your teeth (15)
Make some coffee (13)
Check your phone (12)
Take a shower (10)
Make the bed (5)
2. Name a reason you might get rid of an old family heirloom.
Broken (14)
Ugly (12)
Divorce (10)
Sell/need money (9)
Too much stuff (7)
Family feud (4)
3. If you heard a noise in the middle of the night.
Investigate (15)
Do nothing (12)
Get scared (11)
Wake up a friend (8)
Call the police (4)
4. Name a famous video game character.
Super Mario (14)
Sonic the Hedgehog (10)
007 (9)
Pac-Man (6)
Mrs. Pac-Man (5)
5. What do you miss about school?
Friends (13)
Teacher (11)
Recess (8)
Lunchtime (4)
Learning (2)
6. What can you find in the kitchen?
Refrigerator (15)
Stove (12)
Sink (10)
Food (5)
Plates (4)
7. Name a character you would see at Disneyland.
Mickey Mouse (15)
Goofy (13)
Donald Duck (11)
Pluto (7)
Cinderella (5)
8. What would you find in a haunted house?
Ghosts (14)
Cobwebs (13)
Spiders (10)
Mice (8)
Dust (5)
9. Name a popular board game.
Monopoly (15)
Chess (14)
Checkers (11)
Scrabble (9)
Clue (5)
10. Name something besides books you might find in a library.
Computers (14)
Librarians (12)
Magazines (9)
Newspapers (8)
Movies (5)
11. Another word people say when they’re “stoned.”
High (15)
Baked (13)
Wasted (10)
Drunk (5)
Blown (1)
12. Name things you would post on social media.
A selfie (15)
A vacation (12)
An announcement (11)
An outing with friends (7)
A party (3)
13. In which place are you told to use your inside voice?
Library (14)
Classroom (13)
Movie theatre (12)
Worship service (8)
The doctor (5)
14. Name a reason to celebrate a party.
Graduation (13)
Wedding (11)
Holiday Party (10)
Bar Mitzvah (7)
Bachelor/Bachelorette (5)
15. What is the most popular name for your pet dog?
Lucky (15)
Spot (13)
Buddy (12)
Rover (11)
Rex (6)
16. Name something people tend to fall out of.
Tree (15)
Love (12)
Bed (11)
Chair (9)
Car (4)
17. What would you find at the North Pole?
Santa Claus (14)
Elves (12)
Snow (9)
Reindeer (6)
Santa’s sleigh (4)
18. What are jobs that usually put the person in dangerous situations?
Firefighters (15)
Police Officers (12)
Paramedics (10)
Construction Workers (8)
Fishers (6)
19. What can you find in outer space?
The sun (15)
The moon (14)
Stars (10)
Planets (7)
Spaceships (4)
20. What are things that are at the beach?
The ocean (15)
Sand (14)
Seagulls (11)
Seashells (9)
Seaweed (4)
21. What places do you usually need a tour guide?
Museum (14)
Art Gallery (12)
Historical Site (10)
Zoo (5)
Safari (4)
22. What do you do before going to bed?
Brush your teeth (13)
Put on your PJs (12)
Read a story (10)
Take a bath (9)
Turn off the lights (6)
23. Name an outdoor activity.
Running (15)
Hiking (13)
Camping (12)
Biking (11)
Fishing (8)
24. What is the best place for someone to study?
Library (14)
Bedroom (13)
Classroom (10)
Coffee Shop (7)
Kitchen (6)
25. After you take a selfie, what might you do with it?
Add it to your story (14)
Add a filter (12)
Send it to a friend (11)
Post it to your feed (10)
Delete it and take it again (8)
26. What makes you healthy and strong?
Eating vegetables (13)
Drinking your milk (12)
Drinking water (10)
Playing outside (9)
A good night’s sleep (7)
27. Name a reason to celebrate with a party.
Graduation (15)
Wedding (12)
Bachelor/Bachelorette (10)
Holiday Occasion (5)
Anniversary (4)
28. Things you never leave home without.
Car keys (15)
Wallet (13)
Money (11)
Credit Card (8)
Driver’s License (4)
29. Name ways to get rich quickly.
Invest (14)
Save money (13)
Buy bitcoin (10)
Gamble (5)
Get a job (3)
30. Tell me a nickname someone gives their lover that starts with the word “Sugar”.
Sugar Pie (15)
Sugar Bear (14)
Sugar Baby/Babe (12)
Sugar Daddy (8)
Sugarplum (7)
Sugar Lips (5)
31. What does a dog do?
Bark (15)
Scratch (13)
Lick (12)
Roll over (9)
Play fetch (8)
32. Name things that you’d usually view inside a museum.
Art (15)
History (14)
Animals (10)
Dinosaurs (7)
Architecture (3)
33. Name a popular Comedy TV Series.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S (15)
Seinfeld (13)
Modern Family (12)
The Big Bang Theory (7)
The Simpsons (5)
34. Name something you keep inside your wallet.
Money (14)
Credit Cards (13)
Driver’s License (10)
Family Pictures (7)
Insurance Card (6)
35. Chores you might be forced to do.
Mow the lawn (14)
Clean your room (11)
Wash the dishes (9)
Do your laundry (6)
Walk the dog (3)
36. Name popular action and superhero.
Superman (15)
Spiderman (13)
Batman (10)
Robin (7)
Captain America (4)
37. Name a winter sport that people would play.
Ice hockey (12)
Ice skating (11)
Skiing (9)
Bobsledding (6)
Figure skating (5)
38. Name things that you might eat while watching a movie.
Popcorn (14)
Chips (13)
Candy (10)
Nachos (8)
Vegetables and dip (5)
39. Name something people like to hold onto.
Their phone (15)
Their kids (12)
Memories (10)
Wallet (9)
Dreams (5)
Funny Family Feud Questions
We’ve all seen the widespread game show on television, and we’re sure you’ve fantasized about what it would be like to be on it. Now is your time to immerse yourself in the thrilling atmosphere of Family Feud Game! Here are some funny family feud questions and answers for you.
1. Name a gift that might be insulting to receive on Xmas.
Gym membership/gym equipment (15)
Deodorant/soap (13)
Toothbrush (11)
Self-help book (8)
Cookbook (7)
Secondhand/Regifted item (4)
2. Name something in a bakery a baker might call his wife.
Honey/Buns (15)
His Oven (14)
Sweet/Sweetie (12)
Cupcake (10)
Muffin (9)
Sugar (7)
Donut (5)
Doughy (4)
3. Tell me a word that rhymes with “Election”.
Selection (13)
Erection (10)
Perfection (9)
Detection (7)
Protection (6)
Rejection (5)
Collection (3)
Section (2)
4. What food you lick off your fingers?
Chicken (14)
Chocolate (12)
Sauce (10)
Pizza (8)
Ribs (6)
5. What is something that smells in an airport?
Feet (15)
Farts (12)
Socks (9)
Diapers (7)
Armpits (5)
6. When you enter a bathroom, what color do you really hope not to see in the toilet bowl?
Brown (14)
Yellow (13)
Red (10)
Green (9)
Black (6)
Pink (4)
7. Name something folks might lie about on a dating profile.
Age (12)
Height (11)
Weight (9)
Marital/relationship status (5)
Income/job (3)
8. Name an item you might accidentally leave in a cab.
Phone (15)
Wallet/purse (12)
Coat (10)
Umbrella (9)
Suitcase (6)
9. If your dog ran away, name something you’d be surprised he took with him.
The Cat (14)
Leash/Collar (13)
Food/Bowl (10)
His Bone (9)
Clothes/Shoe (6)
Bed/Pillow (4)
10. Name first date faux pas.
Talking about ex (15)
Being late (13)
Coming on too strongly/saying I love you (10)
Talking nonstop (7)
Forgetting wallet (4)
11. Name a profession that might use an alias.
Spy (12)
Criminal (10)
Undercover cop (8)
Private investigator (6)
Journalist (3)
12. Name an occasion for which you might wear your lucky underwear.
Hot Date (13)
Job Interview (11)
Casino/Gambling (10)
Sporting Event (9)
Wedding/Night (7)
Anniversary (5)
13. Name an event where it would be a bad idea to laugh.
Funeral (12)
Traffic stop/interrogation (10)
Court case (9)
Wedding (5)
14. Name something people do to their armpits.
Shave/Wax them (13)
Put deodorant on them (10)
Make noise/fart (9)
Scratch/rub them (8)
Sniff them (6)
Wash them (4)
15. Name things you never want your kid to bring home.
Lice (15)
Cat/Dog (13)
Bad report card/failing grade (11)
Germs (9)
Cops (6)
Boyfriend/girlfriend (4)
16. If there was a store that only sold husbands, most people would try to buy one with what?
Job (14)
Personality/Humor (13)
Heart/Character (11)
Bod/Butt (9)
Head of Hair (6)
Brain (3)
17. What is something that would embarrass you in public?
Mom yelling (14)
Dad yelling (12)
Falling (9)
Ripping pants (7)
Breaking a heel (5)
18. Name something that grows faster than you want it to.
Hair/Unibrow (14)
Lawn/Weeds (12)
Kids/Babies (9)
Belly/Weight (6)
Nails (4)
Debt/Expenses (2)
19. Name popular songs at karaoke.
“I will always love you” by Whitney Houston (15)
“Let it Go” from Frozen (14)
“Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey (11)
“Piano Man” by Billy Joel (9)
“Wanna Be” by the Spice Girls (6)
“Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen (5)
20. Name something you’d do if the person sitting next to you on an airplane had B.O.
Change Seats (13)
Cover Nose/Mask (12)
Turn Head (9)
Endure/Enjoy It (7)
Spray Perfume (6)
“You Reek, Yo!” (3)
21. Name foods to avoid on a first date.
Garlic (14)
Onion (12)
Ribs/Wings (9)
Red sauce (7)
Beans (4)
22. Name something that starts with the word “Chow”.
Chow Mein (15)
Chowder (12)
Chowhound (9)
Chow Chow (8)
Chow Down (6)
Chowtime (3)
23. Name a place where if her husband took her there for her anniversary, a wife would be mad.
Tacky Restaurant (13)
Strip Joint (11)
Sporting Event (9)
Bar/Club (6)
Bowling Alley (4)
Car Show (2)
24. Name an animal sound you might see in a kid’s book.
Moo (14)
Oink (12)
Bow-wow/bark (8)
Meow (6)
Roar (3)
25. When you call in sick to work or school, name something you do to make it believable.
Cough (15)
Hoarse/Weak Voice (13)
Fake Puke (10)
Moan/Groan (8)
Fake Doctor’s/Parent Note (5)
Sneeze/Sniffle (2)
26. Which Olympic game would you watch more often if it were played in the nude?
Volleyball (15)
Gymnastics (13)
Swimming (9)
Soccer (5)
27. Which one food you might buy from a cart at the park?
Ice cream (12)
Hot dog (10)
Soft drink (9)
Water (6)
28. Which month of the year have most of the baby’s born?
November (15)
September (14)
March (10)
December (5)
29. Why do people take out a loan?
Buy house (14)
Buy car (12)
Education (9)
Pay debt (7)
30. Where do you hide something, you wanted to smuggle into prison?
In a cake (13)
Up the butt (11)
Underwear (8)
Shoe (4)
31. Which is a thing that is usually made out of rubber?
Tire (15)
Ball (14)
Rubber band (10)
Gloves (8)
32. What do people try to do when they want to get out of speeding tickets?
Cry (12)
Flirt (11)
Offer money (9)
Ask for warning (7)
33. How many hours of sleep do you need every night to wake up in the morning?
8 hours (13)
6 hours (9)
7 hours (6)
9 hours (5)
34. Which athlete made the news for being involved in a big scandal?
Lance Armstrong (14)
Tiger Woods (12)
Barry bonds (10)
Michael Vick (6)
35. Which place you might choose for a date who isn’t in a serious relationship?
Bar (15)
Club (12)
College (8)
Tinder (3)
Good Family Feud Questions
Family game evenings are a wonderful way to spend time with your family and bond with them. Fun-loving families are often happier and healthier. This game has enough good family feud questions for you to play.
1. Name something that only happens once every few years.
Eclipse (15)
Presidential election (13)
Leap Year (10)
Olympics (7)
FIFA World Cup (3)
2. Name things that people tend to cut with scissors.
Paper (14)
Boxes (12)
Packing tape (9)
Food packaging (6)
String (4)
3. Name hot things.
Fire (13)
Coffee (11)
Tea (10)
Stove (8)
Fireplace (4)
4. Name a superhero member of the Justice League.
Batman (15)
Superman (12)
Wonder Woman (9)
Aquaman (6)
The Flash (4)
5. Gifts to surprise a person you know.
New car (12)
Clothes (10)
Gift card (8)
Money (6)
Jewelry (4)
6. Name a way that people communicated before texting was invented.
Phone calls (15)
Beeper/pager (13)
Letters (10)
Telegram (7)
Carrier pigeon (3)
7. Name things kids usually hate.
Broccoli (11)
Chores (9)
Going to school (6)
Studying (4)
Saving money (2)
8. Name a body part that a pirate would be missing.
Leg (15)
Tooth (12)
Ear (10)
Finger (7)
Toe (5)
9. Name something in a person’s closet that only comes out for special occasions.
Suit/tux (15)
Dress (13)
Tie (10)
Jewelry (8)
Dress shoes (6)
10. Things you would post on social media.
Selfie (13)
Vacation pictures (11)
Pictures of friends (9)
Your meal (6)
Your coffee (3)
11. Things you’d find around the house.
Paper towels (13)
Toilet paper (10)
Food (9)
Mail (7)
Dog/cat (5)
12. Name Something Women Leave Lipstick Marks On.
Napkin (13)
Glass (11)
Significant other (9)
Collar (7)
Wash rag (4)
Pillow (2)
13. Name things people get traffic citations (tickets) for doing.
Speeding (12)
Honking repeatedly (10)
Not using turn signals (8)
Blowing a red light (6)
Blowing a stop sign (4)
14. Name something which people often forget to switch off.
Light (15)
Fan (11)
Gas stove (9)
Geyser (6)
Television (3)
15. Things people cram in the car when going to the beach.
Umbrellas (15)
Beach chairs (13)
Towels (8)
Beach toys (6)
Coolers (4)
16. Things you might do in a bed.
Sleep (11)
Have s#x (9)
Jump (6)
Watch TV (4)
Eat (2)
17. Name things you would bring to the beach.
Sunscreen (14)
A towel (13)
Surfboard (9)
Flotation device (6)
Umbrella (4)
18. Name something you smell before you buy it.
Perfume/cologne (15)
Produce (12)
Deodorant (10)
Soap (6)
Candle (4)
19. Name a family tradition.
Going to church (14)
Celebrating birthdays (12)
Having a family reunion (10)
Having Sunday dinner (8)
Having a group chat (5)
20. Name ways that people usually change their appearance.
Dye their hair (12)
Cut their hair (10)
Grow facial hair (9)
Work out (6)
Get a tattoo (4)
21. Things you don’t want to discuss during the holidays.
Politics (15)
Religion (13)
Your love life (9)
Finances (5)
Parenting advice (3)
22. Games you would play outside.
Hide and seek (13)
Ghost in the graveyard (11)
Tag (9)
Basketball (7)
Football (5)
23. Something you buy that is disposable.
Paper plates (14)
Razors (11)
Paper towels (8)
Garbage bags (5)
Diapers (2)
24. Name a famous country singer.
Garth Brooks (15)
John Denver (12)
Elvis (9)
Luke Combs (7)
Blake Slehton (4)
25. Name something that comes in a glass bottle.
Milk (12)
Beer (10)
Soda (9)
Ketchup / Condiments (6)
Ship (3)
26. Name someone you think has it all.
Prince (13)
Bill Gates (11)
George Clooney (9)
Larry Paige (6)
Elon Musk (4)
27. Name Something That Will Exist in 100 Years.
Flying cars (15)
Androids (13)
Immortality (10)
Easy space travel (8)
Jet packs (4)
28. Dog breed that has a bad wrap.
Pitbull (11)
Chihuahua (10)
Maltese (7)
Doberman (5)
Rottweiler (3)
29. Free things you could do with your friends.
Play a game (15)
Go to the park (12)
Ride bikes (8)
Listen to music (5)
Walk the dog (3)
30. Name a job that requires a lot of education.
Doctor (13)
Lawyer (11)
Teacher (9)
College professor (5)
Nurse (3)
31. A reason for people to wake up in the middle of the night.
Need to visit the bathroom (14)
Bad dream (12)
Hunger/thirst (10)
Attend a crying child (8)
Heard a noise (6)
32. Name a shellfish that someone might eat.
Oysters (15)
Clams (13)
Lobster (8)
Crawfish (6)
Conk fish (4)
33. Name something people usually get a side with their meal.
French fries (15)
Salad (11)
Onion rings (9)
Brussel sprouts (6)
Chips (3)
34. Other than jewelry, what is the most expensive single item in your home?
TV (13)
Furniture (10)
Appliance (8)
Computer (5)
Collectables (2)
35. Name Something Offered on Airline Flights.
Snacks (15)
Cocktails (12)
Uncomfortable seats (9)
Soft drinks/water (7)
Overhead storage (5)
36. Name a sport people might play outside.
Baseball (15)
Football (12)
Soccer (8)
Volleyball (5)
Ice hockey (3)
37. Name something you might wear while driving.
Seatbelt/safety belt (13)
Sunglasses (11)
Eyeglasses (9)
Gloves (6)
Shoes (3)
38. Something that gets tangled.
Hair (15)
Earphones (13)
Rope/String (11)
Fishing line (8)
Long chains (6)
39. Name something people usually renovate in their home.
Bathroom (13)
Kitchen (10)
Laundry room (8)
Master bedroom (6)
Garage (4)
40. What would you find in a home medicine cabinet?
Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen (15)
Thermometer (13)
Neosporin/antibacterial ointment (8)
Rubbing alcohol (5)
Bandages (3)
41. Name things kids do when they’re young.
Take naps (13)
Suck their thumb (11)
Cry (10)
Get bruises (8)
Scrape their knee (15)
42. Topics discussed at a family get together.
Sports (14)
Politics (11)
Food (9)
Travel (6)
Old times (4)
43. Which language makes everything sound s#xy?
French (13)
Italian (12)
Spanish (10)
British (7)
German (2)
44. On which topic a father may give advice to his son?
Relationship (12)
Jobs (11)
Personal finance (8)
Children or family (1)
45. What is something that a person orders in a restaurant while dieting?
Salad (14)
Fish (13)
Chicken (8)
Water (2)
46. Which part of the body do people see a plastic surgeon about?
Boobs (15)
Nose (13)
Belly (10)
Butt (8)
47. Which fruit reminds you of a part of the human body?
Banana (15)
Peach (12)
Watermelon (9)
Coconut (7)
48. What are some things that you don’t want to do on Sunday?
Wake up early (14)
Work (9)
Chores (7)
Cook (5)
49. Which things would you do first if you inherited a million dollars?
Quit job (13)
New house and car (12)
Vacation (10)
Invest (8)
Funniest Family Feud Questions
The Family Feud game has been a source of amusement for many people since it deals with everyday questions and provides several opportunities to laugh together. Here are some of the funniest family feud questions.
1. Name a bad job for someone who’s afraid of heights.
Window washer (14)
Pilot / flight attendant (8)
Construction worker (6)
Firefighter (5)
2. Name a reason why your parents would ground you.
Lying (13)
Getting into a fight (12)
Used a curse word (10)
Snuck out of the house (4)
3. Name a sport with rowdy fans.
American Football (12)
Hockey (11)
Soccer (8)
Race Car driving (6)
4. Give me another word people say for “Rear End”.
Butt/Buttocks (14)
Arse (10)
Backside (7)
Derriere (5)
Bottom (3)
Heine (2)
5. Name something that might be full of holes.
Swiss Cheese (14)
Clothes/Socks (13)
Alibi/Story (10)
Net/Fishing Net (9)
Colander/Strainer (5)
7. Name a food many people dislike.
Anchovies (15)
Cilantro (12)
Mushrooms (9)
Olives (3)
Tuna (2)
Candy corn (1)
8. Name a place that would be profitable to rob if you could get away with it.
Bank (14)
Jewelry store (10)
Casino (8)
Museum (6)
9. Name something a baby might do when you kiss its tummy.
Laugh/Smile (13)
Squeal/Shriek (7)
Fart (3)
Kick (2)
10. Tell me a type of Hoop.
Hula Hoop (12)
Basketball Hoop (9)
Hoop Earrings (7)
Hoop Skirt (4)
11. Name questions you dread being asked at family reunions.
Are you dating anyone? (13)
How is the job search going? (12)
When are you going to get married/have kids? (7)
Can I borrow money? (3)
Have you gained/lost weight? (2)
12. Who do you really hope not to run into when you are out on a date?
Ex (14)
Coworker / boss (12)
Parent (6)
Friend (2)
13. Name an activity that’s easier to do when it’s windy.
Fly a kite (13)
Sail (6)
Surf (4)
Air dry clothes (3)
14. Name a word that rhymes with “Honey”.
Money (15)
Bunny (12)
Funny (8)
Sunny (5)
15. A weird professional sport.
Dodgeball (14)
Lawn mowing (12)
Laughing (10)
Singing (7)
Jumping (5)
16. Name something you did every day in kindergarten that you wish you could do every day now.
Nap (15)
Play / toys / recess (14)
Color / paint (11)
Get free snacks (6)
17. Name something people wished their pets could do.
Talk (15)
Help out with costs (12)
Use the toilet (8)
Make no noise (4)
18. Name something you hate to see on the bottom of your shoe.
Gum (14)
Poop/Dog Doo (10)
Mud/Dirt (4)
TP/Tissue (3)
19. Name wedding traditions people would not miss.
Tossing the garter (14)
Smashing cake in the face (12)
Spending money to be in the bridal party (5)
Giving the bride away (3)
20. When you hear a noise coming from your basement, what do you pray that it isn’t?
Another person (14)
Ghost / monster (12)
Animals / rats (8)
Flood / water heater (6)
21. Name things a kid might whine about during long car trips.
“Are we there yet?” (15)
“I have to go to the bathroom.” (12)
“Bro/sis is annoying me/hit me.” (11)
“I’m hungry.” (7)
“I want to go home.” (5)
Fast Money Family Feud Questions and Answers
At the end of the game, there is a Fast Money round in which one family gets the opportunity to answer five final questions for an extra 300 points. Consider it an extra round for the winning team, so you may choose whether or not to play this unique round at the end of your Family Feud game night. Here are some family feud fast money questions for you.
1. Name some documents that require one’s signature.
Check (15)
Agreement (14)
Shipment receipts (12)
Authorization letters (9)
Title deeds (5)
2. Which term is used for the game of bowling?
Strike (14)
Spare (11)
Pin (10)
Turkey (7)
3. What did you do in your kindergarten days that you are still thinking about doing every day now?
Nap (15)
Toys or play (13)
Color or paint (10)
Get free snacks (6)
4. Name things that people buy to achieve status.
Houses (14)
Good cars (13)
Jewelries (10)
Designer clothes (8)
Furniture (5)
5. Name things women do to their hair.
Cut (14)
Plating (10)
Curling (9)
Blow drying (8)
Washing (4)
6. What is hardcore football fans used to wear to the stadium on game day?
Team or jersey color (14)
Body paint (11)
Hat (9)
Foam head or finger (5)
7. What can be a type of chip?
Potato (15)
Chocolate (9)
Poker (6)
Micro (4)
8. Name the most common things in an ice cream truck.
Various ice cream flavors (13)
Ice box (11)
Driver (7)
Popsicles (6)
Ice cream cones (4)
9. Name some things that most kids fear the most when they first go to school.
Being away from parents (15)
Being away from home (14)
Staying alone (11)
Teachers (9)
Having no friends (6)
10. Name a reason a person might wake up at 2:00 in the morning.
Bathroom (15)
Baby/child (14)
Bad dream (12)
Heard a noise (11)
Hot/cold (10)
Hungry/thirsty (8)
Work (5)
11. Name some ingredients used to make a smoothie.
Nuts (15)
Fruit (14)
Ice (12)
Milk (11)
Blender (8)
12. Name types of food that are often served with melted butter.
Maize (12)
Toast (11)
Pancakes (9)
Paratha (7)
Mashed potatoes (4)
13. Name some items that people pack while preparing to visit the beach.
Coolers (15)
Towels (13)
Oil lotion (12)
Beach chairs (9)
Umbrella/Shade (5)
14. Name something you might eat with a hamburger.
French fries (14)
Soup (11)
Salad (10)
Onion rings (8)
Tater tots (7)
Pickles (5)
15. What are some of the things that people donate?
Money (14)
Old toys (11)
Books (8)
Used clothes (7)
Blood (6)
16. What are the requirements for envelope before posting it?
Stamp (15)
Sealing (13)
Placing a letter inside (12)
Writing the addresses (10)
Reading the letter (7)
17. Name of the things people lose as they age.
Hair (13)
Sight (10)
Memory (9)
Teeth (7)
Strength (3)
18. Name something you haven’t done since high school gym class.
Run a mile (13)
Dodgeball (12)
Push-ups (10)
Sit-ups/crunches (9)
Lift weights (7)
Swim laps (5)
Change in a locker room (1)
19. Name some of the things that people use to commute to work.
Company bus (13)
Train (12)
Bicycle (7)
Motorcycle (9)
Public means (4)
20. Name some of the things people place on the nightstand.
Novel (13)
Mobile phone (11)
Necklaces (8)
Wedding rings (6)
Spectacles (3)
21. Name some of the most basic things a bicycle must have for it to be considered safe to ride.
Brakes (15)
New tires (12)
Handlebar (10)
Seat (7)
Side mirrors (3)
22. Name some items that can be found in a doctor’s briefcase.
Syringes (15)
Painkillers (14)
Gloves (11)
Bandages (10)
Stethoscope (5)
23. What are some of the weird things kids play with?
Knives (14)
Cooking pan (12)
Tissue papers (9)
Worms (6)
Insects (5)
24. Name some places that cars queue to drive through.
Police motorcade (15)
Car wash (13)
Parking (8)
Gas station (6)
Drive-in (1)
25. How much do you tip for good service?
20% (13)
15% (12)
25% (8)
18% (6)
$20 (3)
10% (2)
26. What places would people visit most during Valentine’s Day?
Public parks (14)
Gift shops (12)
Restaurants (11)
Shopping malls (9)
Flower shops (8)
27. Name some vessels that people use to go up in the air.
Parachutes (15)
Hot air balloons (13)
Airplanes (10)
Helicopters (8)
Rocket (5)
28. Who was the most popular character on the sitcom Friends?
Rachel (15)
Joey (13)
Ross (12)
Chandler (10)
Monica (8)
Phoebe (5)
Gunther (4)
29. What other food can be found in a pizza restaurant?
Soda (13)
French fries (12)
Desserts (11)
Salad (8)
People (2)
30. Name of the home appliances that get hot.
Toasters (13)
Iron boxes (10)
Ovens (9)
Heaters (7)
Dryers (4)
31. Name some other options to plastic bags.
Canvas bags (14)
Cloth bags (12)
Jute bags (8)
Basket bags (6)
Paper bags (2)
32. Name something that breaks down.
Car (15)
Body (12)
Computer (10)
Communication (7)
Foreign relations (5)
TV (1)
33. At what time do people make flyers?
Parties (14)
Missing kids (13)
Selling car (11)
Announcing festivals (8)
Selling house (6)
34. What type of professions would be bad for someone who is prone to accidents?
Surgeon (13)
Driver (12)
Constructor (10)
Law enforcement (7)
Electrician (3)
Family Feud Questions for Adults
We’ve compiled a list of funny family feud questions and answers for adults to help you make your game night with friends and family an unforgettable experience.
1. Name red flags on a dating site.
No photo (15)
Creepy messages (12)
Venmo/Cash App/Zelle (9)
“No drama” (6)
All group photos (4)
2. Things people donate.
Food (15)
Clothes (12)
Books (10)
Toys (7)
Shoes (5)
3. Name a type of vehicle you really wouldn’t want to hit while driving.
Police car (12)
Firetruck (10)
Ambulance (8)
Train (5)
Hearse (2)
4. Name an item you might order at brunch.
Eggs/Omelette/Eggs Benedict (13)
Waffles (11)
Pancakes (9)
Mimosa or Bloody Mary (6)
Bagels & lox/smoked salmon (4)
Hash browns (2)
5. Name a chore that people hate.
Taking out the trash (15)
Folding the laundry (12)
Emptying the dishwasher (9)
Cleaning the bathroom (6)
Vacuuming (3)
6. Advantages of working from home?
No traveling (13)
Flexible working hours (11)
Spend time with family (9)
No dress code (6)
Save money (4)
7. Name a prize you might win on a game show.
Money (12)
Car (10)
Vacation (7)
Large appliance (3)
8. Name a food that is recognizable by its smell.
Onions (15)
Fish (10)
Garlic (8)
Pizza (5)
Popcorn (3)
9. Name something people buy that comes in “stick” form.
Gum (12)
Deodorant (10)
Butter (8)
Lipstick (6)
Glue (4)
10. Name qualities of bad neighbors.
Noisy/Loud (15)
Nosey (11)
Messy (8)
Mean (4)
11. Name a place where you need to wait in line.
Grocery store (13)
Bank (10)
DMV (8)
Airport (6)
Amusement Park (5)
12. Name something people put on salads.
Dressing (15)
Nuts/seeds (12)
Eggs (8)
Cheese (6)
Vegetables (4)
13. Name something you buy by the roll.
Toilet paper (13)
Paper towel (11)
Coins (9)
Stamps (6)
Wrapping paper (3)
14. Name a piece of furniture you might build yourself.
Table/desk (12)
Chair/bench (10)
Shelf/Bookshelf (7)
Swing (3)
15. Spilling/dropping this in the kitchen can make a huge mess.
Oil (15)
Milk (13)
Flour (9)
Juice (6)
Eggs (4)
16. Name a play by Shakespeare.
Romeo and Juliet (15)
Hamlet (13)
Macbeth (11)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (6)
Julius Caesar (3)
17. What are the annoying things other drivers do?
Overtake from the wrong side (13)
Blow the horn continuously (10)
Talk on the cell phone (8)
Not using turn signals (6)
Drive too fast (4)
18. Name a food that frequently goes bad before you get the chance to eat it.
Avocado (13)
Banana (10)
Fresh berries (8)
Salad greens/lettuce (6)
Mushrooms (4)
19. Name holidays that people hate.
Valentine’s Day (15)
April Fool’s Day (11)
Columbus Day (9)
Black Friday (6)
20. Name an object that might have a warranty.
Car (15)
Fridge (13)
Tools (10)
Washing machine (7)
Stereo (4)
21. Something never to forget to pack on a trip.
Money (12)
Underwear (10)
Toothbrush (8)
Medicines (6)
Camera (4)
22. How long does a typical New Year’s Resolution last?
1 month (11)
1 week (9)
10 days (6)
1 year (4)
3 months (2)
23. Name something you shake before using.
Salad dressing (15)
Dice (11)
Ketchup (7)
Liquid medicine (5)
Nail polish (3)
24. Name a fruit that takes time to break into.
Coconut (14)
Pomegranate (12)
Watermelon (9)
Jackfruit (6)
Pineapple (3)
25. Name a US president whose first name was John.
John F Kennedy (12)
John Adams (10)
John Quincy Adams (8)
John Tyler (4)
26. Name a movie that frequently gets remade.
Cinderella (15)
Batman (12)
Superman (9)
Robinhood (7)
A Christmas Carol (5)
Dracula (4)
Spiderman (2)
27. Name an important number people often memorize.
Phone number (15)
Social security number (12)
Driver’s license number (9)
Debit/credit card number (6)
Bank routing number (4)
28. Name a reason a person might be running.
Exercise (14)
Catch bus/train (11)
Catch another person (10)
Get somewhere (8)
Sport / Game (6)
Escape / being chased (4)
29. Name a US State that starts with the letter A.
Alabama (15)
Arizona (12)
Alaska (8)
Arkansas (5)
30. Name songs with the word love in the title.
“Love Me Tender” (12)
“I Will Always Love You” (10)
“All You Need is Love” (8)
“Crazy in Love” or “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” (6)
“I Believe in a Thing Called Love” (4)
31. Name something which you keep on your office desk.
Computer (15)
Notepad (13)
Pen stand (11)
Water bottle (8)
Picture of spouse/ child (4)
32. Name one thing you always have in your pantry.
Beans (15)
Rice (13)
Potatoes (10)
Onions (8)
Flour (6)
33. Name something a person might knit.
Blanket (15)
Ugly sweater (11)
Hat (8)
Mittens (4)
Socks (2)
34. Name something at home that people often run out of.
Milk (12)
Toilet paper (10)
Bread (9)
Eggs (7)
Hand soap (5)
35. Name something little kids have nightmares about.
Monsters (14)
Spiders (12)
Fire (8)
Getting left behind (6)
The dark (2)
36. Name an appliance you might forget to shut off before leaving the house.
Oven (15)
Hair iron/blow dryer (12)
Television (8)
Space heater (4)
37. Name a kid’s “first” you might want to catch on video.
Steps (15)
Words (11)
Birthday (8)
Christmas (5)
38. You would find this on a man’s arm.
Watch (14)
Bracelet (11)
Tattoo (9)
Hair (7)
Scar (4)
39. Name something guests do at a wedding reception.
Dance (11)
Eat (9)
Drink (6)
Clap (4)
Take pictures (2)
40. Name a country where French is spoken.
France (15)
Canada (11)
Belgium (8)
Switzerland (6)
DR Congo (2)
Family Feud Questions for Kids
Family feud for kids is a fun collaboration game that will have you laughing and bonding! This version is a clean and acceptable family edition, so it’s also suitable for children and teenagers. Here are some family feud questions for kids.
1. Foods kids love that are not good for them.
Candy (14)
Chocolate (12)
Burgers (10)
Ice cream (7)
Chips (5)
2. Where do kids dislike going the most?
Dentist (13)
Bed (11)
School (8)
Shopping (6)
Relative’s house (4)
3. Name an animal that families might keep as a pet.
Dog (15)
Cat (13)
Fish (7)
Lizard (6)
Turtle (4)
4. What goes into a sandwich?
Bread (15)
Lettuce (13)
Butter (12)
Peanut (7)
Jam (3)
5. Things kids often lose.
Toys (14)
Books (13)
Pencils (9)
Money (7)
Shoes (4)
6. Name a kid’s game teens and adults still enjoy playing.
Hide and Seek (15)
Twister (12)
Candyland (10)
Go Fish (7)
Hopscotch (6)
7. What is your excuse for not doing homework?
Forgot at home (13)
Fever (11)
Left at school (8)
Book got stolen (6)
Dog ate it (2)
8. Name foods that are healthy for you to be eating.
Brussel sprouts (11)
Carrots (10)
Celery (6)
Broccoli (4)
Lettuce (3)
9. Things found in a park.
Swings (14)
Benches (11)
Flowers (9)
Grass (7)
Trees (5)
10. What’s something you can do that is good for the environment?
Recycle (12)
Don’t litter (10)
Use less water/Shorter showers (8)
Reusable containers (5)
Don’t water grass (2)
11. Name something that would make your mom/dad happy.
Compliments (15)
Doing homework (14)
Writing a letter (11)
Giving them a card (6)
Saying “I love you” (4)
12. Name something people write with.
Pen (12)
Pencil (11)
Keyboard (7)
Chalk (5)
Dry erase (3)
13. What’s another word for “garbage”?
Trash (15)
Junk (13)
Waste (12)
Rubbish (7)
Litter (4)
14. Things found under your bed.
Shoes (15)
Slippers (11)
Toys (8)
Books (7)
Clothes (4)
15. Name something that might get you in trouble at school.
Hitting (13)
Yelling (11)
Not attending school (8)
Cursing (5)
Not doing your homework (4)
16. What melts when it gets hot?
Snow (15)
Candle (13)
Butter (9)
Cheese (7)
Crayon (4)
17. Name an activity you might do with your parents on the weekend.
Go to a concert (12)
See family (10)
Play with friends (9)
Watch a movie (8)
Watch TV (6)
18. Name something you fill with air.
Balloons (14)
Tires (12)
Diving kit (9)
Beach ball (7)
Raft/inner tubes (4)
19. Name a fruit you might eat in the morning.
Banana (15)
Grapefruit (13)
Strawberry (11)
Apple (9)
Orange (5)
20. What comes to your mind when you hear the word magic?
Harry Potter (14)
Genie (10)
Fairy godmother (9)
Magic wand (5)
Magic hat (3)
21. Name something you and your friends might do for fun.
Ride bikes (15)
Watch cartoons (13)
Write a book (9)
Plant flowers (6)
Play at the park (4)
22. A vegetable you dislike eating.
Broccoli (14)
Brussels sprouts (12)
Carrot (8)
Peas (6)
Spinach (3)
23. Name a type of dinosaur.
Tyrannosaurus (15)
Triceratops (13)
Velociraptor (11)
Pterodactyl (9)
Stegosaur (7)
24. What do you love about summer?
Summer vacation (14)
Can go to the beach (12)
The weather (9)
Can eat ice cream (7)
Can go out and play (5)
25. Name something that you’d do when you get home from school.
Watch TV (15)
Read a book (11)
Do your homework (10)
Do your chores (6)
Play with friends (5)
26. What are things that come in pairs?
Shoes (11)
Socks (10)
Feet (6)
Hands (4)
Eyes (3)
27. Which is a kid’s favorite snack at the movie theater?
Popcorn (15)
Nachos (12)
French fries (7)
Chips (4)
Tacos (3)
28. Name a famous wizard.
Harry Potter (13)
Merlin (12)
Gandalf (9)
Dr. Strange (5)
The Wizard of Oz (3)
29. Name a food you can eat with your hands.
Pizza (14)
Tacos (12)
Burger (8)
Sushi (6)
Fruit (3)
30. Things kids should not touch in the kitchen.
Stove (15)
Knife (10)
Oven (6)
Garbage Disposal (4)
Firelighter (2)
31. Where do kids nowadays spend most of their time?
Room / Bed (15)
School (12)
Internet (9)
Mall (5)
Friend’s house (2)
32. Name something that provides you light when it’s dark.
A flashlight (12)
A lightbulb (10)
Fire (9)
Sunlight (6)
iPhone (3)
33. Which household chores do kids hate doing?
Cleaning their room (11)
Walking the dog (10)
Vacuuming (8)
Mowing the lawn (6)
Raking leaves (3)
34. Name large countries.
China (15)
Russia (12)
Canada (9)
The United States (7)
Africa (2)
35. What is one thing your parents tell you not to waste?
Water (14)
Money (12)
Time (8)
Life (7)
Food (3)
36. What do parents never allow kids to skip?
Breakfast (13)
Brushing teeth (10)
Bedtime (8)
Homework (7)
Cleaning room (4)
37. Name something you see at a carnival.
Ferris wheel (14)
Carousel (12)
Cotton candy (9)
Fried food (6)
Bright lights (2)
38. The person who gives you the best advice.
Mom (13)
Dad (12)
Friends (9)
Grandparents (7)
Teachers (4(15))
39. Something that is cold.
Ice cream (15)
Snow (12)
Ice (11)
Water (8)
Milk (5)
40. Name something that you might find in your school classroom.
Whiteboard (13)
Chalkboard (11)
Books (9)
Posters (6)
Paper (3)
41. Things kids throw at each other.
Toys (15)
Food (13)
Pillows (10)
Balls (8)
Paper (5)
42. Reason your teacher wants to talk to your parents.
Bad grades (13)
Misbehaving in class (11)
Not doing homework (10)
Cheating (8)
Bullying (6)
43. What could an astronaut see out of the space station’s window?
Earth (14)
Moon (12)
Space (10)
Satellites (9)
Comet (6)
44. Things you find in a picnic basket.
Sandwiches (12)
Cookies (10)
Napkins (8)
Chips (6)
Juice (4)
45. Name something that parents encourage their kids to do.
Homework (15)
Practice (12)
Clean your room (10)
Listen (8)
Be yourself! (5)
46. When do kids close their eyes?
Sleep (13)
Prayer (10)
Scary movie (8)
Hide and seek (5)
Making a wish (3)
47. Name animals that you would see at the Zoo.
Polar Bear (12)
Giraffe (10)
Zebra (7)
Lion (5)
Dolphin (4)
Family Feud Questions for Work Party
Instead of who knows more, the game is about who knows better what the public has replied. And the key is to ask the proper questions. We’ve compiled a list of family feud questions for work party that you may play with your coworkers. Scroll down to see them all.
1. Name something you do at work, although you know you’re not supposed to.
Use Phone (14)
Take Naps (12)
Surf the Internet (5)
Smoke (3)
Chat Online (2)
2. If your work wanted people to stick around the office more, what should they bring in?
Free Food (13)
TV Set / PlayStation (10)
Alcohol (7)
Childcare (4)
3. Name things you bring on a camping trip.
Tent (15)
Sleeping bag (13)
Backpack (11)
Food/S’mores (8)
Toilet paper (6)
Bug spray/sunscreen (3)
Compass (2)
4. Name something you might skip in the morning so you can get to work on time.
Breakfast/coffee (14)
Brushing teeth (11)
Shower (6)
Exercise (2)
5. You look professional to everyone at your work zoom meeting but what are you wearing from the waist down?
Underwear (15)
Nothing (11)
Dress pants (9)
Leggins (7)
Pijamas (5)
6. Name famous rivalries between brands.
Coke vs Pepsi (13)
McDonald’s vs Burger King (11)
Microsoft vs Apple (8)
Marvel vs DC (4)
7. Other than working, name something you could stop doing if you became a millionaire.
Cleaning (14)
Driving (13)
Cooking (10)
Worrying (5)
Saving (2)
8. Name things you spend lottery winnings on.
Mansions (12)
Vacations (10)
Pay off debts (8)
Cars (6)
Education (4)
Start a company (3)
9. Name a way people get to work in the morning.
Car (15)
Public Transportation (11)
Carpool (9)
Bike (7)
Walk (2)
10. Name a bad job for someone who hates kids.
Teacher (13)
Daycare employee (9)
Babysitter (6)
Pediatrician (4)
Clown (2)
11. Name something a lifeguard can do that someone with an office job can’t.
Swim (13)
Tan (11)
Wear a swimsuit (8)
Save a life (4)
12. Name a job that begins with j.
Janitor (15)
Jeweler (12)
Judge (10)
Journalist (6)
Jockey (4)
Juggler (2)
13. Name foods that go with peanut butter.
Jelly (14)
Chocolate (12)
Bananas (10)
Oreos (8)
Oats (6)
Celery (4)
14. Other than work, name something you often find yourself talking to coworkers about.
Family (13)
Relationships (11)
Politics (8)
Sports (6)
Weather (4)
Weekend (2)
15. Name a fictional fantasy book series with a large fanbase.
Harry Potter (14)
Lord of the Rings (11)
Game of Thrones (9)
Twilight (6)
16. Name a reason you might be late for work.
Traffic (15)
Oversleeping (13)
Weather (10)
Car trouble (8)
Forgetting something (6)
Hungover (3)
17. Tell me something that might distract you at work.
Phone (13)
Coworkers (11)
Internet (8)
Loud noise (6)
18. Name holidays that involve gifts.
Christmas (14)
Birthdays (12)
Valentines (9)
Mothers/Father’s Day (7)
Anniversary (2)
19. If your boss finds you sleeping on the job, what excuse might you give for having your eyes closed?
Thinking/Concentrating (15)
Headache (12)
Praying/Meditating (10)
Something in Eye (7)
Contact Lens/Dry Eyes (4)
20. Name something a pizza delivery person hates about their job.
Bad Tips (13)
Dogs (10)
Driving (8)
Finding House (5)
Bad Areas (3)
21. Name an item you might buy in a souvenir shop.
T-shirt (13)
Keychain (10)
Postcard (8)
Magnet (6)
Mug (4)
Stuffed animal (2)
22. Name something everyone says they’re good at when at a job interview, even if it’s a lie.
Computers (15)
People skills (13)
Punctuality (10)
Multitasking (8)
Organization (4)
23. Name an occupation where you could get away with reading on the job.
Librarian (13)
Writer/Editor (11)
Teacher (10)
Secretary (7)
Security Guard (5)
24. Name an activity you might do at a sleepover.
Pillow fight (15)
Truth or dare (13)
Watch movies (9)
Makeovers/paint nails (6)
Prank calls (4)
25. Name something a job ad should tell you about the job.
Pay (13)
Title (10)
Hours (8)
Duties (6)
Location (3)
26. Name a job that a clumsy person would be fired from immediately.
Surgeon (15)
Food Server (13)
Construction Worker (9)
Dancer (7)
Acrobat (5)
Bartender (3)
27. Name a dish or ingredient you might find on the menu at an expensive restaurant.
Caviar (15)
Lobster (12)
Steak (7)
Truffles (3)
28. Name a water sport.
Swimming (12)
Surfing (10)
Boating (9)
Jet Skiing (5)
Diving (4)
Water polo (2)
29. Instead of getting a job, name something a person might do after college.
Travel (13)
Get Married (11)
Go Back to School (8)
Go Back Home (6)
Party (3)
Join the Military (2)
30. Name something you do on your way to work.
Get Gas (15)
Listen to Music (13)
Get Food/Get Coffee (5)
Read a Book (3)
31. Name a term that starts with “fairy”.
Fairytale (15)
Fairy godmother (13)
Fairy wings (11)
Fairy cake/ Fairy bread (8)
Fairy lights (4)
32. Name a fictional character who makes spy work look like a lot of fun.
Inspector Gadget (12)
Sherlock Holmes (9)
James Bond (5)
33. Tell me someplace people might go right after work on Friday.
Bar (13)
Home (10)
Club (9)
Restaurant (7)
Cinema (4)
Gym/Fitness (2)
34. Name a food you might find in a school cafeteria.
Pizza (15)
Chicken nuggets (12)
Tacos (9)
PBJ (6)
Milk (3)
35. Name a food you might eat at a carnival.
Cotton candy (14)
Corn dog (11)
Funnel cake (12)
Popcorn/kettle corn (7)
Snow cone/ice cream (5)
36. Name an animal that would be rich if it was paid for all the hard work, it does.
Ant (12)
Beaver (9)
Horse (6)
Bee (3)
37. During your morning routine, name something you’d hate to discover wasn’t working.
Shower (15)
Coffee Maker (13)
Car (10)
Hair Dryer (6)
Phone/Alarm Clock (2)
38. Name a word that rhymes with horse.
Force (14)
Source (11)
Course (9)
Divorce (7)
Endorse (5)
Remorse (4)
Office Family Feud Questions
Let’s look at some office family feud questions presently. If you’re playing this game with your coworkers, you can utilize pre-assigned point values, assign points based on percentages, or make up your own point values for each question.
1. Name exotic house pets.
Tiger/Lion (13)
Monkey (11)
Python/large snake (9)
Parrot (6)
Fox (5)
2. Name something you would be angry at a coworker for stealing.
Lunch (15)
Client (13)
Idea (9)
Pen (7)
Parking spot (5)
3. Name an email faux pas.
Replying all unnecessarily (13)
Sending to wrong person (12)
Spelling/grammar mistakes (9)
Too many emojis/exclamation marks (7)
Too long (4)
4. Name professions that deserve a raise.
Teachers (15)
Nurses (14)
Farmers (9)
Paramedics/EMTs (7)
5. Name a food you would be excited to find in the breakroom.
Pizza (13)
Bagels (12)
Donuts (10)
Cookies (9)
Sandwiches (8)
6. Name something you could not get through the workday without.
Internet (14)
Coffee (11)
Teammates (10)
Snacks (7)
Breaks (3)
7. Name a fictional boss you would hate to work for.
Michael Scott (13)
Walter White (8)
Miranda Priestly (5)
Bill Lumbergh (4)
8. Name a reason you might go home early from work.
Sick (15)
Emergency (13)
Holiday (8)
Quit (4)
9. Name a food that would be hard to eat at your desk.
Buffalo wings (12)
BBQ/ribs (10)
Crab legs (8)
Watermelon (6)
Hibachi (3)
10. Name a reason you might be nervous at work.
Presentation (13)
Boss says “we need to talk” (12)
Trying to land a new client (9)
Interviewing for a promotion/waiting to hear back (7)
Have a crush on coworker (3)
11. Name things people lie about on resumes.
Education (13)
Job title (11)
Length of time worked at a job (10)
Skills/experience (8)
Achievements (5)
12. Name an item you might forget at work that would cause problems.
Wallet/ID/credit card (12)
Car keys/house keys (10)
Laptop (7s)
Dinner (5)
13. Name something you might say during a Zoom meeting.
“Your mic is off” (14)
“You cut out” (10)
“I’m having technical issues” (9)
“I’m going to share my screen” (7)
“I have to get to another meeting” (5)
“Is that your dog/cat?” (3)
14. Name an animal that is extinct.
Dinosaur (12)
Wooly Mammoth (11)
Saber-tooth tiger (8)
Dodo (6)
15. Name something you look forward to at work as Christmas approaches.
Break/vacation (15)
Bonus (11)
Christmas party (9)
Secret Santa present (7)
Baked goodies (5)
16. Name a non-curse word you would not want to say in front of your boss.
Moist (15)
Poop (13)
Underwear (9)
Wrong (7)
Slacking (4)
17. Name a body part that begins with “e”.
Ear (13)
Eye (11)
Elbow (8)
Esophagus (4)
18. Name Halloween costumes that are professions.
Doctor or Nurse (12)
Police officer (10)
Firefighter (8)
Construction worker (6)
Astronaut (3)
19. Name something you might pool money with coworkers to buy.
Lunch (13)
Gift (12)
Lottery tickets (7)
Charity donation (5)
20. Name something you might write down on a sticky note.
Password (13)
Phone number (11)
Address (8)
Appointment (6)
Doodle (4)
21. Name an espresso drink.
Latte (12)
Cappuccino (10)
Espresso shot (9)
Americano (7)
Cortado (5)
22. Name a food many people are allergic to.
Nuts (13)
Shellfish (10)
Dairy (9)
Wheat (6)
Soy (3)
23. Name somewhere in an office you might run into a colleague and stop for a chat.
Breakroom/lunch room (15)
Bathroom (14)
Copy room (11)
Hallway/stairway (9)
Elevator (6)
24. Name a reason a coworker might give you a high five.
Promotion (15)
Nailed a presentation (13)
Had a great idea (10)
Solved a problem (8)
Just saying hi/just because (6)
25. Name qualities of a bad boss.
Micromanager (14)
Incompetent (12)
Angry (8)
Irresponsible (6)
Oblivious (4)
26. Name a department that might struggle if the phones went down.
Customer service (14)
Sales (13)
Receptionist/assistant (10)
IT (7)
27. Name a pet you might find in the office.
Dogs (14)
Cats (12)
Fish (11)
Birds (8)
Rabbits (5)
28. Name an item you might save up to buy.
House (15)
Car (12)
Wedding Ring (11)
Vacation (10)
Computer (6)
Phone (5)
Family Feud Questions for Christmas
During the Christmas season, families can play Family Feud by asking each other Christmas family feud questions and assigning points to the answers, similar to how the game is played on TV.
1. What are some of the plants for Christmas?
Cactus (15)
Poinsettia (13)
Holly (11)
Christmas tree (8)
Mistletoe (4)
2. Which item can be found at the North Pole?
Igloo (13)
Ice (11)
Elves (10)
Reindeer (7)
3. Best Christmas movie to watch?
Christmas vacation (14)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (13)
The Santa Claus (11)
Tim Allen’s Santa Claus (10)
Miracle on 34th Street (6)
4. Which is the first thing that people might start doing after Christmas on December 1st?
Listening to Christmas music (15)
Christmas shopping (14)
Decorating tree (12)
Putting up lights (10)
Sending cards (7)
5. Which desert people want to eat a lot at Christmas time?
Cookies (15)
Pie (10)
Pudding (9)
Fruitcake (5)
6. Which gift kids don’t want to open on Christmas morning?
Underwear (15)
Socks (13)
Hygiene products (11)
Books (9)
Puzzles (6)
7. Worst gift to get?
Coal (14)
Socks (12)
Shoes (10)
Gift Cards (7)
Plants (5)
8. What can be Santa’s reindeer?
Rudolph (14)
Comet (13)
Donner (10)
Blitzen (9)
Cupid (7)
Dasher (3)
9. Which is the classic kid movie for Christmas day or celebration?
Home alone (14)
Elf (12)
The Grinch (10)
A Christmas Story (7)
10. Which is the most popular Christmas quote?
We wish you a Merry Christmas (14)
Jingle bells (12)
Frosty the snowman (10)
Deck the halls (8)
Joy to the world (6)
Silent night (5)
11. Which state someone might want to travel to for Christmas?
Hawaii (15)
New York (13)
Florida (11)
Colorado (7)
Alaska (5)
12. Name Something a Woman with a Crush on Santa Might Leave Out For Him Instead of Cookies
Candy/Better Food (13)
Lingerie (11)
Her Phone Number (10)
Herself (8)
Sexy Pictures (7)
Booze (6)
13. Who was present at the first Christmas?
Jesus (14)
Mary (12)
Joseph (11)
Angels (9)
Animals (6)
14. Which famous Christmas animation plays on TV every single year?
The polar express (13)
Arthur Christmas (12)
A Christmas Carol (7)
Mickey’s Christmas carol (5)
15. What do you love about Christmas the most?
Food (15)
Gifts (10)
Decoration (8)
Gatherings (7)
Family trips (4)
16. Which drunk can be served at a Christmas party?
Eggnog (14)
Apple cider (11)
Hot cocoa (8)
Punch (5)
Soft drinks (3)
17. Name Something a Naughty Kid Does to Santa
Pulls His Beard (14)
Hit/Kick/Bite (12)
Go to the Bathroom on His Lap (10)
No Cookies/Eats Them (9)
Farts on Him (6)
Stays Up/Spies (2)
18. What is the tradition for Christmas Eve?
Opening event (15)
Going to church (14)
Dinner at Grandma’s (10)
Reading bible story (5)
Looking Christmas light (3)
19. When do people start the decoration and preparation for Christmas?
Before a week (12)
Before two weeks (10)
In November (6)
Two days before (3)
20. Which gift is difficult to wrap up?
Basketball (13)
Football (10)
Stuffed animals (7)
Pet (5)
Bike (4)
21. What are some of the boring gifts that you want to give your spouse on Christmas?
Handkerchief (14)
Bread (12)
Underwear (7)
Nothing (3)
22. What are some of the clothes that you can easily find in the closet of Santa?
Scarf (15)
Red coat (10)
Belt (6)
Gloves (5)
23. Which city can one travel to for the Christmas holiday?
Paris (14)
New York (12)
Florida (7)
Dubai (4)
24. Who are some of the difficult people to buy gifts for during the Christmas holiday?
Teenagers (12)
Grandparents (10)
In-laws (6)
You (3)
25. Which item would you need to dress up as a Santa Claus?
Santa hat (15)
Beard (13)
Big belly (10)
Red coat (7)
Black boots (4)
26. Name a dessert people eat a lot of at Christmastime.
Cookies (15)
Fudge (12)
Pie (10)
Candy/Candy Cane (8)
Pudding (6)
Gingerbread (3)
27. Whom would you like to buy the Christmas present for?
Family (12)
Friends (10)
Pet (8)
Relatives (4)
28. How many weeks before Christmas, the Christmas card will be sent?
One week (15)
Two weeks (13)
Three weeks (9)
Four weeks (5)
29. What’s something that is on every mother’s Christmas wish list?
Babysitting (14)
Sleep or nap (11)
Spa Day (8)
Gift card (6)
Jewelry (3)
30. Name Something People Decorate
Christmas Tree (15)
House/Rooms (12)
A Cake (9)
Easter Eggs (7)
31. Name something people might start doing on December 1st.
Listening to Christmas music (14)
Sending Christmas cards (12)
Christmas shopping (11)
Baking Christmas cookies (9)
Decorating the Christmas Tree (6)
32. What are some of the activities that people usually do the day after Christmas?
Relaxing (14)
Watching Christmas (13)
Cleaning (9)
Opening gifts (6)
33. Name a popular Christmas carol.
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas” (15)
“Joy to the World” (12)
“Jingle Bells” (8)
“Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town” (6)
“Frosty the Snowman” (5)
“Holly Jolly Christmas (4)
34. What scent is famously associated with Christmas Eve?
Cranberry (15)
Cinnamon (13)
Candy (10)
Chocolate (7)
35. Which place is remaining open on Christmas day?
Grocery store (14)
Gas station (12)
Movie theater (10)
Airport (9)
Hospital (6)
Hotel (4)
36. Which dish do people enjoy most during Christmas dinner?
Ham (15)
Turkey (12)
Sweet potatoes (10)
Stuffing (9)
Cranberry sauce (6)
Green bean (5)
Thanksgiving Family Feud Questions and Answers
If you’re a Family Feud fan, you’ve undoubtedly nailed most of the show’s survey questions. Below are some family feud Thanksgiving questions and answers that you may not have heard of before, making them ideal for use at Family Feud game evenings.
1. Items you would find on a Thanksgiving dinner table.
Turkey (14)
Dinner plates (12)
Forks and knives (8)
Cranberry juice (7)
Mashed potatoes (3)
2. Name something you would have to sacrifice if you hosted Thanksgiving.
Time (14)
Bed (12)
Peace and Quiet (10)
Clean House (5)
Seats (5)
Space (3)
3. Finish this sentence: Thanksgiving, not a good day to ___
Work (15)
Get Sick (12)
Diet (11)
Fight (8)
Shop (4)
4. Besides Thanksgiving, name a holiday you celebrate with a lot of food.
Christmas (15)
Easter (10)
Fourth of July (8)
New Year’s (6)
Memorial Day (3)
Hanukkah (2)
5. Name a Thanksgiving item children make at school.
Turkey (13)
Cornucopia (8)
Pilgrims Hat (7)
Card (5)
Indian Headdress (2)
Pumpkin (1)
6. Name a movie star you would invite for Thanksgiving Dinner.
Brad Pitt (14)
Tom Hanks (14)
Julia Roberts (11)
Jennifer Aniston (10)
Denzel Washington (9)
Sean Penn (7)
7. What is the most popular Thanksgiving dessert?
Ice Cream (15)
Apple Pie (13)
Pumpkin Pie (8)
Pecan Pie (2)
8. Name things people do before Thanksgiving Day.
Shop (14)
Travel (12)
Clean (10)
Bake (3)
9. name an alternative to turkey on Thanksgiving.
Ham (13)
Chicken (10)
Duck (9)
Tofu Turkey (7)
Lamb (7)
Beef (5)
10. If a person doesn’t cook well, which thanksgiving food might they buy instead of bake?
Turkey (14)
Pumpkin Pie (13)
Cake (7)
Stuffing (4)
11. Name an NFL team that plays on Thanksgiving.
Detroit Lions (14)
Green Bay Packers (12)
Miami Dolphins (6)
Dallas Cowboys (4)
New York Jets (2)
12. Name a popular Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Float/Balloon.
Barney (13)
Snoopy (8)
Santa (5)
Big Bird (4)
13. Name something people associate with Thanksgiving.
Turkey (15)
Cranberry Sauce (9)
Family Dinner (4)
Pumpkin Pie (3)
14. Which kind of pants are best to wear when you’re planning to overeat at Thanksgiving?
Sweat Pants (14)
Stretch Pants (13)
Jeans (8)
Overalls (3)
Track Pants (2)
15. Name an image that’s often used in ads at thanksgiving.
Turkey (15)
Family Dinner (12)
Pilgrims (8)
Native Americans (6)
Cornucopia (3)
16. On Thanksgiving, name something Snooki might say she’s thankful for.
New Jersey (14)
Men (12)
Her Hair (9)
Drinking (7)
Tanning (7)
Pickles (4)
17. Name something someone might do to embarrass them at Thanksgiving.
Burp (14)
Overeat (12)
Work Dinner (8)
Fart (5)
Get Drunk (3)
18. If you’re cooking Thanksgiving dinner, how many days in advance do you start preparing.
5 (13)
7 (11)
14 (3)
30 (1)
19. Name something you might see on your Thanksgiving table that is green.
Green Beans (15)
Salad (13)
Lima Beans (11)
Broccoli (5)
Spinach (4)
20. Name a popular Thanksgiving tradition.
Watching Parades (14)
Black Friday Shopping (12)
Watching Football (8)
Eating Food (6)
Visiting with Family (5)
21. People to thank during Thanksgiving.
Native Americans (20)
Founding Father’s (18)
Christopher Columbus (14)
Family (9)
Friends (5)
22. Name something most kids know about Thanksgiving.
Turkey (13)
Compliment/suck up (11)
Behave/act sweet (9)
In November (2)
Pilgrims / Indians (2)
Make plans (1)
23. Name something that makes you sleepy on the afternoon of thanksgiving.
Family (13)
Watching Football (12)
Thanksgiving Meal (11)
Alcohol (7)
Taking Bath (7)
24. Name a place where you’d hate to be in line on the day before thanksgiving.
Bank (15)
Supermarket (11)
Airport (6)
25. What thanksgiving dish would do the least damage if thrown at you in a food fight?
Turkey (14)
Stuffing (12)
Mashed Potatoes (9)
Pie (8)
Cranberry Sauce (7)
26. What item might a person who can’t cook be asked to bring to thanksgiving?
Drinks (15)
Salad (12)
Dessert (10)
Rolls (7)
Cranberry Sauce (2)
27. Name a thanksgiving food that often comes from a box or can.
Stuffing (14)
Cranberry Sauce (13)
Corn (6)
Yams (3)
28. Name a food you eat at thanksgiving, but not during the rest of the year.
Stuffing (13)
Cranberry Sauce (12)
Pumpkin Pie (8)
Yams (6)
29. What do many people do on the day after thanksgiving.
Shop (15)
Sleep (12)
Eat Leftovers (7)
Watch Football (6)
Clean Up (5)
30. On Thanksgiving Day name, a specific job that you have the same person do each year.
Carve Turkey (14)
Cook (13)
Set the Table (7)
Joining Military (4)
Say Grace (2)
31. Name something you wouldn’t let people do in your house if you hosted Thanksgiving.
Drink (14)
Smoke (12)
Pillows (5)
Eat in Living Room (4)
Wear Shoes (1)
32. Name a reason why your wife and your mistress might be at the same Thanksgiving dinner.
A Family Member (15)
Best Friend (12)
Caught Cheating (10)
Work Dinner (5)
Poor Planning (3)
Servant (2)
Holiday Family Feud Questions
The advantage of playing Family Feud over the holidays is that everyone in the family may participate, including the children! Similarly, understanding how to answer the aforementioned questions can prepare your family to participate in the televised game show. Here are some holiday family feud questions.
1. Name something your house might smell like around the holidays.
Cookies (12)
Pine (10)
2. Name your favorite filling in a holiday candy.
Carmel (14)
Cherry (12)
Peanut Butter (4)
3. Name a good homemade holiday gift.
Cookies (14)
Sweater (11)
Card (6)
4. Name something people get a newborn for the holidays.
Clothes (13)
Teddy Bear (7)
Blanket (3)
5. Name a band or singer living or dead with an old cd you want for the holidays.
Beatles (12)
Bing Crosby (10)
6. Name a good reason to live near in-laws.
Babysitting (12)
Eat Over (10)
Close for Holidays (7)
Visit Often (5)
7. Name something that, once you do it, neighbors start doing it.
Mow the Lawn (15)
Plant Flowers (13)
Host Barbeque (10)
Paint the House (9)
Wash the Car (6)
Decorate Holiday (2)
8. Name a place people have a holiday dinner.
Parents’ House (15)
Home (12)
Restaurant (5)
9. If all else fails, name something people get for mom for the holidays.
Money (14)
Card (11)
Flowers (7)
10. Which holiday should we have day off?
Halloween (13)
Valentines (12)
Birthday (5)
Columbus Day (2)
11. Name a holiday that’s more fun for adults than kids.
Valentine’s Day (15)
New Year’s (11)
12. Name a holiday you might get dressed up for.
Halloween (15)
Easter (10)
13. Name something you stow away most of the year, and take out during the holidays.
Decorations (13)
Christmas Tree (11)
Formal Dishes (7)
Wrapping Paper (3)
14. Name something that never lasts as often as people would like.
Money (15)
S#x (12)
Youth (9)
A Holiday (8)
A Ride (4)
15. Name a modern-day holiday movie.
Santa Clause (14)
Home Alone (13)
16. Name a holiday that most people do not get off from work.
Presidents Day (14)
Martin Luther King Day (10)
King Day (8)
Luther King Day (4)
17. Name a holiday when people put a flag in front of their house.
Independence Day (15)
Fourth of July (10)
Memorial Day (4)
July Fourth (0)
18. Name a holiday when people have parties.
New Year’s (14)
Christmas (11)
Xmas (4)
19. Name a us city where it snows a lot during the holidays.
Chicago (15)
Denver (9)
20. Name a holiday when you would see a parade.
Noel (14)
New Year’s Day (13)
Yule (10)
Christmas (7)
Xmas (5)
Thanksgiving (2)
21. Name a national holiday where no gifts are exchanged.
Thanksgiving (15)
July Fourth (12)
Independence Day (9)
President’s Day (4)
22. Name a game a family plays at an annual holiday gathering.
Charades (14)
Pictionary (6)
23. Name a holiday that might be nice to spend alone for a change.
Xmas (13)
Thanksgiving (10)
Year’s Eve (8)
Yule (7)
Christmas (5)
Santa (1)
24. Name a holiday whose true meaning people forget.
Christmas (14)
Thanksgiving (12)
Xmas (9)
Easter (6)
Noel (4)
25. Name a holiday that people wear special colors for.
Christmas (14)
Fourth of July (10)
Easter (5)
St. Patrick’s Day (2)
26. Tell me a holiday when stores have special sales.
Christmas (15)
Thanksgiving (13)
4Th Of July (9)
27. Name a common holiday craft.
Make Ornaments (13)
Tree Trim (10)
Card (9)
28. Name a holiday that falls on the same day of the week each year.
Good Friday (12)
Friday (10)
Easter (9)
Labor Day (8)
Thanksgiving (1)
29. Name a holiday when you give cards.
Santa (14)
Valentine’s Day (13)
Noel (7)
Yule (6)
Christmas (5)
30. Name a holiday when people call their moms.
Mother’s Day (15)
Xmas (10)
Yule (5)
Final Thoughts on Family Feud Questions
So there you have it. This is all you need to reproduce the classic game show Family Feud in your own house. It’s easy to do, entertaining, and will bring the entire band together for a crazy night.
Family Feud is also a terrific game to play at work because it fosters collaboration and requires players to sympathize with and enter the mindset of the audience.
The most difficult aspect of playing the game is coming up with family feud questions and allocating points, but this post takes the work for you so you can focus on having fun with your team. Feel free to modify these family feud questions and answers and answers or to create your own.
Make your next family game night even more enjoyable by hosting your own at-home version of the classic game show Family Feud! Even though we’ve seen it on our screens for generations, these family feud questions will have everyone smiling and laughing.