62 Baseball Poems to Have Fun and Be Thrilled

Baseball is not just a sport; it is an art form that has been celebrated in poetry for generations.
From Ernest Thayer’s classic “Casey at the Bat” to modern-day poets, baseball has inspired some of the most memorable and iconic baseball poems.
In fact, studies have shown that baseball is the most poetic of all sports, with its rhythms, cadences, and imagery lending themselves perfectly to verse.
Whether it’s a funny, inspirational, or rhyming poem, baseball can evoke a wide range of emotions and experiences.
In this article, we’ll explore some of the best poems on baseball across various categories and styles, perfect for fans of all ages and backgrounds.
Famous Baseball Poems
Some of the most famous poems in American literature are famous poems about baseball, and for good reason. They capture the drama, excitement, and occasional disappointment of the game, as well as the timeless appeal of its characters and traditions.
1. Green Haven in a Concrete Jungle
by Michael Brogan
Even as I walk past,
Comerica stands
grass illuminates like a lamp post on a winter night.
Tigers season, baby
Dad and I do our yearly tradition.
The smell of the park is second to none.
But not this year.
Dad ain’t doin so well.
His knee ain’t up for it.
Love you, old man.
Maybe, just maybe, the old Tigs
will surprise us and make the playoffs
and then
maybe, just maybe,
we can go to a game
and let that tradition ride on.
2. Looking Backward and Forward
by Ralph E. McMillin
The great stand’s massive horseshoe towers
And casts its shadow o’er the field,
The clean-cut base paths carve the sward,
An emerald diamond on a shield;
Across the glossy sheen—
The verdant stretching green—
Lazy, the bleachers rise,
Gaunt frames against the skies.
Daily I labor here,
Labor to cry and cheer,
Closing my eyes, look back
Along the winding track,
And see, dim set there in the year’s gray haze,
The tree-fringed diamond of my boyhood days.
The maple trees that lined the road,
The meadow stretching to the stream;
The deep worn sunken pitcher’s box,
Each measured white stone base a-gleam,
Planted at ev’ry turn,
Your bare, bruised feet to burn;
There in the evening’s cool
Respite from field or school,
Sacred to Saturday’s
Scroll of tremendous frays;
There where the hills looked down,
Guarding the nestling town,
First came the Vision, pointing out the way,
The dream of Big League diamonds far away.
3. Opening Day
by Cinzia
Out on the diamond
a great place to play
I could watch those boys
hitting and running all day
Grab a seat in the bleachers
and shout out “Hooray”
out on the diamond
a great place to play
The shortstop looks restless
he flies to the bag
the catcher throws down
and he puts down the tag
the runner hears “out”
as they put him away
out on the diamond
a great place to play
The pitcher’s a lefty
and throws a mean curve
that last one was filthy
just watch that thing swerve
the three hitter K’d
slams his bat on the plate
out on the diamond
he swung it too late
The innings were short
but the game was a treat
as we watch the away team
go home in defeat
the best gem of April
is opening day
out on the diamond
the best place to play
4. Anticipation
by Philip Lawrence
warm May morning
early cool breeze
pock-marked bleachers
men loping lazily across
a verdant carpet as
bright-white baseballs are
snared under ice-blue skies
and as three-year-old eyes
dart unfailingly, and
sneakers kick up and down
mid-air while tiny fingers
grip the metal chair in
full anticipation
5. Baseball is the Cleanest One!
by Trevon Haywood
Still, it really doesn’t matter,
After all, who wins the flag.
Good clean sport is what we’re after,
And we aim to make our brag
To each near or distant nation
Whereon shines the sporting sun
That of all our games gymnastic
Baseball is the cleanest one!
6. To Timothy H. Murnane
by Ralph E. McMillin
Pack up his bats, pick up his glove,
For him the Game is done;
At last the stars peep out above
The setting of the sun.
Once more the field, serene at night,
Is still, and hushed the shout.
The Presence chokes us as we write
Just this: “He ran it out.”
Above the plate Time held the ball:
He turned the last gray bag
With stride that weakened not at all.
His spirit did not lag,
But proudly Homeward bound he sped,
Nor feared the final rout.
High flung at last the silver’d head,
Unbowed “he ran it out.”
7. Nerd Who Doesn’t Care
by Peter Robert Hamilton
Some people think I’m some nerd who has no girlfriend
But I’ve had more than most of them
So, who’s laughing now?
But then yet, why the hell should his be a game?
Because it’s not
Either way, I’m good
They don’t mean anything when it comes to their words
Dust and dirt have more meaning to me
So get off your invisible high horse
You won’t make my confidence hoarse
Its not even making my day worse
I strike out a few times but I win in extra innings
They just win in extra sinnings
8. Sunset of my Heart
by Anonymous
Let love’s sunset into my heart
With sullen greys tinged in pink
With last rays of warmth
Before there comes the chill
Let the last breath of fulfillness
Ease around my heart
Take away the sunny memories
Softly as the light fades away
Fading fast empty embraces
And kisses that have no taste
As softly whispered I love yous
Fall into the Atlantic sea
Come nightness surround now
My empty heart
Console my ache and care
So come now, sunset of my heart
9. Pitching Game (A Good Changeup)
by Tim Eichhorn
A good fastball
is not achieved
without a good
changeup. That
is to say that one
must feel the circle
within his stretched
hands and gently
unravel her laces
with your fingertips;
before you simply
jam it up inside of
the zone as fast as
you can.
10. A True Story
by Michael R. Burch
Jeremy hit the ball today
when he and I went out to play.
He hit it, oh, so far away,
a neighbor had to throw it back!
Jeremy hit the ball so hard
it flew into the neighbor’s yard
and caught the other kids off-guard;
they thought it was an air attack!
Jeremy hit the ball again,
above the sun, beyond the wind;
as we watched it soar and slowly spin …
we gave high-fives for his awesome smack!
Funny Baseball Poems
Whether it’s poking fun at the players, umpires, or fans, or just capturing the absurdity of the sport, these funny poems about baseball are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.
1. Hotdogs On the Run
by PAT Adams
With Baseball hotdogs on the run
Caught up in, excitement and fun
Watch where you go
Before you know
You might slip and fall on your bun!
2. A Lefty Land
by JD Maxwell
A different land exists somewhere,
Where lefties are the norm.
The lefty side considered there,
Is standard for the form.
Lets say, someone, you go to meet,
And then extend a hand.
But it’s the left, you’ll use to greet,
In all the lefty land.
A lefty golfer’s shopping dream,
For clubs would be abound.
Or you could fit a baseball team,
Where lefty gloves are found.
From right to left, we all would write,
And never more to smear,
The ink our hand collects just might,
On up and disappear.
And think about the kitchen tools,
To fill about your house.
And then you’ll find at all the schools,
A left computer mouse.
And so I dream that there’s a place,
That’s based upon a hand,
And all of us can share a space,
Our little lefty land.
3. I am a Fat Oriole
by Arthur Vaso
I am a Fat Oriole
I am a fat oriole from Baltimore
With baseball cap and baseball mitt
I became a star cause well I could really hit
Made my money, to build my nest
Never grew up, cause I was born with good luck
I am a big fat Oriole I say to you
Now I am retired
So I sit in by chair
Eating my Oreos, double stuffed flair
Oriole oriole eating my oreos
I am fat cookie, a Baltimore storio
4. There for Me
by Paul Schneiter
Looking back, one thing comes clean-glass clear
you were always there for me subduing every fear.
I tried to do my duty, be a husband strong and steady
but you came through when I was only half ready.
So oft you had to be not just a mom but a dad too.
It wounds me to confesss it but we both know it’s true.
Memories of sworn promises to you I didn’t keep
cauterize my conscience and cost me peaceful sleep.
Yes, dear, you were always there for me
seasons in and seasons out.
Thus you immeasurably blessed my life
of that there can be no doubt.
I like to think I repaid you at least a loving little.
If not, I pray God grant me mercy and an acquittal.
5. Sir Punt Sighs
by Rico Leffanta
In baseball, a player may bunt
In football, a player may punt
But in bedroom sports
A lady cavorts
In a frantic search for a runt
6. I Know Nothing
by John lawless
The dog’s at the door
Leash, collar, mask, rubber paw pads
The cat’s doing three to five for
Shredding the toilet paper
The FBI fingerprint lab
Has ceased operation
Arrests are down
Everyone’s wearing rubber gloves
And a mask
The Care Bears……DON’T
Virtual kisses smudge the screen
Virtual bar rooms
Together….but drinking alone
I caught the children watching
The Great Escape
My grandson now sleeps
With his baseball glove
My granddaughter stole
A spoon at supper
So how’s your sanity holding up??
7. Princesses
by Anonymous
Pretty princesses
Dancing all around
Frolicking through fields
Very beautiful
Just like you!
8. The Child is Maladroit
by Nelson Diaz
The child is maladroit.
you should not take him in.
There are too many precious vases
on which he might lean.
Or he might slip and smack his head
against a glass display.
Let him stay until he’s grown
or he’ll ruin our day.
Remember once that just by chance
he broke don Cuervo’s toe
when he swung that baseball bat
and sudden let it go.
and hit don Cuervo who was sitting
in the front-row seat.
and how don Cuervo howled and cursed
and almost seemed to bleat.
Remember how he fell one day
and killed a suckling pig
when he was just about to taste
a ripening luscious fig
and lost his footing on a rock
and toppled from his perch
and landed on the piglet’s back
and caused the sow to dirge.
Or when he carried a long stick
pretending he could march
as if he held a rifle
and he skewered Mrs Marge.
and how she now is forced to wear
a gaudy plastic eye?
Please leave him here. He’s maladroit.
Or else someone will die.
Inspirational Baseball Poems
From overcoming adversity to working together as a team, the game has taught us valuable lessons about life and the human spirit. These inspirational poems about baseball capture the essence of baseball’s motivational power.
1. If They Only Knew
by Shirley Hudson
In a distant parallel world,
Things will be different.
There is no racism, no inequality,
The people in this world are shown,
Daily that there is individuality,
Gender and religious freedom.
There’s just one problem that,
Remains the same the elderly are,
Abused as they are in this parallel world.
Things never change.
Families ignore them, government’s forget,
Who they are, they lay on soiled sheets,
Barely get fed, given no water.
Families continue their lives,
Leaving them alone,
Just hoping they will die soon.
In this world all is not what it seems.
Unknowing to all except the elderly,
That they will be called to duty by,
The Gods above activating their,
Powers and their appearance
So all the world’s will know,
What they are capable of.
2. Jack’s Courage
by Andrew Crisci
A group of youngsters
plays baseball in the sunny field,
while a lonely kid watches
the game and he would love to join them,
but he can’t run: his feet are crippled
and screaming from the wheelchair,
he breaks the dinginess of the air;
he clamors for them and feels proud
of his buddies fighting for their team,
which won them many trophies!
Does God see his misery?
He surely does and looks after him
more than anyone who loves him;
Jack, would love to stand up and play!
Five years have been long to bear,
walking on crutches and being afraid
to fall; if he made a mishap,
he could easily break a hip!
Jack fell down the stairs and damaged his kneecaps,
he was lucky enough not to break his spine;
physically is handicapped, but mentally he’s fine,
unfortunately, he’s no way near a cure the doctor said
yesterday, ” You must wear knee braces
and try not to trip on anything and fall, it’ll make
your condition much worse; some boys
have never walked again. ” Jack gives him a dubious look
and courageously says, ” I must believe, I can walk again
and play baseball with my classmates and make them win!”
3. The Brat
by R.J. Elless
You know “Mr. October”,
“Say Hey”, and the “Babe”,
Moreover, this player,
is another of my “fave’s”.
Although Eddie Stankey,
isn’t in the Hall of Fame.
They claimed he was a Brat,
and he earned his nick name.
Well, he bent a few rules,
then the League said Ix-Nay.
Shrewd Eddie Stanky,
was a student of the game.
Shrewd Eddie Stankey,
saw the game his own way.
The Brat played to win,
and win every play.
The Man was all in,
and Baseball his game.
Shrewd Eddie Stankey,
The Brat was his name.
4. Eternal Spring Training for Chace Numata
by Robert Trezise Jr.
I’m not sure
I have the strength anymore
To be discovered
Stepping into the cold black lake of February
Clopping to work in frozen slop
Snow snarling at my ankles
Car coughing
Windshield gritting its white teeth
I wear a body double of fur curved
Like a polar beast on my back
Then the Voice of the Turtle whispers…
And sprinklers spritz in a mist of sunrise
And rows of palm trees unfold as a breezy outfield fence
Blue sky a homerun boundary
Free to swing away you can’t miss
Buckets of baseballs flung to the green sea
Leather-gloved squids
Eight kids per position
Waiting their ground balls and pop flies
Legend to rookie 60 feet and 6 inches from the big show
Chin skimmed and bum chapped with red dirt
Tip of hat flattened to home plate
Get up swing back at that
Unfamiliar crack of doubt
Deep from winter inside you.
A hot sun is a bird perched on the bill of your cap
#10 Numi eternal rookie in us all
Spread your wings and fly to Detroit
The Old English D forever on your chest.
5. An Athlete
by Lei Strauss
It takes a lot of time to master such skill
There are lot of downtimes but I climb on my hill
There are days that my body is strained and about to give up
But I go back to self- determination and rise up
The passion to play runs in my veins
I will train myself hard though it rains
My discipline is as scorching as sun
But I still make my sport a sort of fun
This game is worthwhile and is something even more
The confidence it gives can make my dreams soar
Every accomplishment that I made, my modesty becomes better
Each time I face defeat, my dedication becomes stronger
Winning and losing are faces of reality
But it changes my entire entity
So I keep myself motivated and listen to my coach
The God Almighty Himself will hand me His torch
There is something more than a gold medal hanging on my neck
It is something that no one can ever wreck
This whole meaningful experience makes me complete
I am very proud that I grow to be an ATHLETE
6. Pitching In
by Nette Onclaud
Gently, on a baked ceiling of a park
a boy ruffles my fluttering skirt
like a naughty, vagrant wing,
and picks a baseball on the grass…
this smaller kid of almond eyes
clutches it with a longing to play,
but he could not; his legs gave way.
Yet, he claps like all the other kids
such a radiant joy with wobbly feet,
that I liven him up to pitch for one round,
while the team rallies for a new swing.
Taking in the fire of the crimson day,
a lean figure of almond eyes takes his spot
grasping the orb as if it were a white globe.
In a precise twirl, the fast ball reels,
curving much higher, splitting the air
until those limbs swivel off freely…
the batter out: through joy and pain,
one young limping boy of summer’s dream
is never going to be the same again.
7. Trivia Trivia Trivia
by Jack Ellison
Two rats can have over a million descendants
In eighteen months, talk about prolific
Don’t know about all youse guys out there
But this guy finds that quite horrific
You’d produce enough gas for an atomic bomb
If you farted for 6 years and 9 months
Know a guy that could produce enough gas
For an atomic bomb by farting just once
Tigers have striped skin as well as striped fur
Now how damn interesting is that
A Ronald MacDonald once robbed Wendy’s
I would guess he got his order fast
Tipping at Iceland is considered an insult
Sounds really civilized to me
The longest flight of a chicken is 13 seconds
It crash-landed and broke a knee
Ribbon worms eat themselves if they can’t find food
Now that’s pretty desperate to me
Guess they start at the bum and work their way up
Don’t think I’ve ever felt THAT hungry
Bob Hope and Billy Joel were both once boxers
Now I don’t mean the doggy type
Chained dogs are 3 times more likely to bite us
Guess they have a reason to gripe
Clocks made before 1660 had only an hour hand
The world didn’t have seconds back then
A jiffy is the time it takes for light to travel
One centimeter in a vacuum, I’m overwhelmed
Mahatma Gandhi wrote for advice on diet and exercise
To strongman Charles Atlas, I kid you not
Whoopi Goldberg’s real name is Caryn Johnson
Sure for most of us, Whoopi gets the nod
Who said “I’ve watched a lot of baseball on the radio”
Yup! Good old President Gerald Ford
Way back, people threw eggs at the bride and groom
A custom that today would be deplored
Short Baseball Poems
Whether you’re looking for a quick burst of baseball nostalgia or just want to capture the essence of the game in a few lines, these short poetries about baseball are perfect for any occasion.
1. Back End of Baseball
by Patrick Wood
Advisers, confidants, close friends,
hear my beckoning.
So betrothed to the game I’m wondering
if your ears are turned red
from my constant berating of facts and formula
from my phone, from my bed.
From a far away place, listing all the times I’ve spit last week
they’re all-seeing bloodhounds
trapping me in beloved rat race
2. Nice Catch
by JT Nelson
Sometimes dads can amaze us
With feats of athleticism
That we didn’t think they had in them
My dad once snagged a foul ball
With his hand outstretched
And didn’t drop the beer in his other hand.
I just stared in disbelief at this man
Standing there like he did it everyday
This day was my lucky day as he flipped me the ball.
3. Houston, We Have a Problem
by Carlo C Gomez
Rose was a Red
Dodgers are blue
We’re stealing signs
How ’bout you?
Cheat like this
Not like that
One’s okay
The other picked at
Keep to tradition
Not technology
Yeah it’s confusing
So is most any ideology
4. Who Knew?
by Mark Toney
flipping baseball cards
in the flippin’ school yard
pictures up, stats down
Drysdale, Koufax, Mantle, Spahn
or vice versa all around
5. An Ode to Hughie Jennings
by Anonymous
All things considered
I’m not too big a fan
Of the state I’m in.
Considering I always skip over
The denial part.
I’ve been at bat for too long
To not know when to take a pitch
And when to take one in the ribs.
6. Simmons on the Field
by Travis Wilson
It’s a studied eye that starts it off
That sees the ball and knocks it rough
But chance has had no love for thee
For tis Simmons bent the knee
His eye is quick, his arm is long
And it’s a bead on first he’s drawn
Quick! He’s down into the dust
And quicker still the run’s a bust
For Andrelton’s had his way today
And made yet one more famous play
7. Baseball
by Nina McNally
Begin of warm weather
And the
Start of baseball, the countdown starts;
Each day it gets closer to Opening Day.
Baseball season is the best season!
And I love watching me
Love play while I keep score, official!
Let’s go Red Sox!!
8. Running Bases
by Sarah Adams
I’ll be here with my arms stretched wide
Ready to catch a break
Instead of all these curveballs
That keep hitting me in the face
I don’t even like baseball
Long Baseball Poems
For those who want to dive deep into the game, these long poetries about baseball offer a more detailed look at the sport. These poems will keep you engaged from start to finish.
1. The Slugger’s Farewell to His War Club
by C. P. McDonald
Farewell, good old pal of the national pastime,
From now on we travel our separate ways;
We’ve been on the field hand in hand for the last time
And won our last volley of cheers and of praise.
The ties that have bound us together are severed,
Who knows what the Fates for the future portend?
At all times to do our best we have endeavored,
We’ve grown old together, and now comes the end.
How happy we were and how sad is the story
That brings our companionship now to a close!
How faithfully you have worked, winning a glory
For one who henceforth as a has-been must pose!
From minor to major, then back to the minor,
And finally out altogether, you’ve stuck.
Responding to many a safety and liner
Until—well, I grew as slow as a truck.
And all the old friends that we laughed with and chaffed with
Have journeyed before us—some here and some there;
And all the staunch rooters we loved and went daft with
Whenever we boosted a pitcher in air;
And all the great games we have pickled and salted
Have long been forgotten as feats of a day,
And though we attained a place truly exalted,
Old age came along and has stowed us away.
No more, bat of mine, shall we wallop a single,
No more shall our prowess result in a run;
No more shall the yells of the fans set a-tingle
Our blood; for our days on the diamond are done.
So fare thee well, pal of the sunshiny weather,
We’ve won our last volley of cheers and of praise;
We’ve romped o’er the field for the last time together,
And now we must travel our separate ways.
2. Play the Game
by Edgar A. Guest
When the umpire calls you out,
It’s no use to stamp and shout,
Wildly kicking dust about—
Play the game!
And though his decision may
End your chances for the day,
Rallies often end that way—
Play the game!
When the umpire shouts: “Strike two!”
And the ball seems wide to you,
There is just one thing to do:
Play the game!
Keep your temper at the plate,
Grit your teeth and calmly wait,
For the next one may be straight
Play the game!
When you think the umpire’s wrong,
Tell him so, but jog along;
Nothing’s gained by language strong—
Play the game!
For his will must be obeyed
Wheresoever baseball’s played,
Take his verdict as it’s made—
Play the game!
Son of mine, beyond a doubt,
Fate shall often call you “out,”
But keep on, with courage stout—
Play the game! In the battlefield of men
There’ll come trying moments when
You shall lose the verdict—then
Play the game!
There’s an umpire who shall say
You have missed your greatest play,
And shall dash your hopes away—
Play the game!
You must bow unto his will
Though your chance it seems to kill,
And you think he erred, but still
Play the game!
For the Great Umpire above
Sees what we see nothing of,
By His wisdom and His love—
Play the game!
Keep your faith in Him although
His grim verdicts hurt you so,
At His Will we come and go—
Play the game!
3. Casey at the Bat
by Ernest Lawrence Thayer
The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day;
The score stood four to two with but one inning more to play.
And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same,
A sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game.
A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest
Clung to that hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
They thought if only Casey could but get a whack at that―
We’d put up even money now with Casey at the bat.
But Flynn preceded Casey, as did also Jimmy Blake,
And the former was a lulu and the latter was a cake;
So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,
For there seemed but little chance of Casey’s getting to the bat.
But Flynn let drive a single, to the wonderment of all,
And Blake, the much despised, tore the cover off the ball;
And when the dust had lifted, and men saw what had occurred,
There was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging third.
Then from 5,000 throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;
It knocked upon the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
For Casey, mighty Casey, was advancing to the bat.
There was ease in Casey’s manner as he stepped into his place;
There was pride in Casey’s bearing and a smile on Casey’s face.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,
No stranger in the crowd could doubt ’twas Casey at the bat.
Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;
Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt.
Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
Defiance gleamed in Casey’s eye, a sneer curled Casey’s lip.
And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air,
And Casey stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped―
“That ain’t my style,” said Casey. “Strike one,” the umpire said.
From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,
Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore.
“Kill him! Kill the umpire!” shouted some one on the stand;
And it’s likely they’d have killed him had not Casey raised his hand.
With a smile of Christian charity great Casey’s visage shone;
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on;
He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the spheroid flew;
But Casey still ignored it, and the umpire said, “Strike two.”
“Fraud!” cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered fraud;
But one scornful look from Casey and the audience was awed.
They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain,
And they knew that Casey wouldn’t let that ball go by again.
The sneer is gone from Casey’s lip, his teeth are clinched in hate;
He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate.
And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Casey’s blow.
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Mudville―mighty Casey has struck out.
4. Make Baseball Fun
by Roger Turner
Which way do I run ?
Where do I go from here ?
Tell me which direction
Where do I go from here?
I hit the ball and have to run
But which direction do I go ?
Remember, this is new to me
I’m five, and I’m afraid I do not know.
He hit the ball, what do I do ?
Don’t let it come to me ?
I don’t know where to throw it
And I really have to ***.
Oh. Here it comes, what do I do?
glove down and bend my knees
I have to stay and focus
Will someone help me please?
I’ve got the ball. Now throw to first
Jeez, that’s a long, long way
I’ll never get it over there
At least not the way I play
Drop the bat….and run like mad
Where’s coach?jeez, that’s a long way
I’ll never make it down to first
Not the way I run today
Listen to those parents
They’re screaming, wow…they’re loud
Who are they all screaming at?
They’re quite a noisy crowd
I can make it over there
With the ball faster if I run
I don’t want to throw it bad
Then it wouldn’t be no fun
I can get it over there
I run faster than I throw
What are all the parents yelling for?
Is there something I should know?
This is only one hit ball
It’s the first game of the year
This is what a t-ball coach
Has to go through for the year
Each child is not focused
Everyone is full of fear
It’s when they roll the ball across the field
That makes the game so dear
They run to third before first base
Then they cut across the mound
Through the season they shed many tears
Enough to make a grown man drown
They try to do what coaches say
They aren’t the fastest or the best
But these kids, they are true all stars
Starting out on this huge quest
Remember folks, it’s baseball
It’s a game and nothing more
Make sure it’s fun and sporting
Please remember who it’s for
They don’t know where to throw it
They don’t know where to run
But support them in their efforts
And help make baseball…fun
5. Love
by Sadie
you don’t know what it’s like,
watching a person you love, love something else.
partaking in what they want,
pretending to love it too,
hiding how you really feel.
it seems justified when you see how happy it makes them.
their eyes light up with joy,
they can’t help but smile,
they wear the look you do when you think of them,
but then it fades.
not their happiness, but yours.
you feel trapped,
changed into what they want.
slowly forgetting what it was that used to make you happy,
slowly forgetting what the happiness even felt like,
so you close yourself off.
following along faithfully.
all they wanted was to share the thing they love with the person they love,
but you can’t hold on forever.
so they fall out of love with you,
seek a new person to share with,
leaving you alone,
chasing after the object of their affection in hopes to win them back.
forever distancing yourself from the person you used to be,
forever trapping yourself in the world you so desperately want to escape,
forever following hopelessly in their footsteps.
Baseball Poems That Rhyme
These poems about baseball with rhyming words use rhyme to create a musical and memorable experience and are perfect for reading aloud or reciting at the ballpark.
1. Baseball Game
by Asija
Everyone is cheering
waiting for the ball to swing.
They are all so intense
waiting in suspense.
They want to see who will win.
Suddenly, the ball starts to spin.
Crash! It falls down
straight at the ground.
The batter starts to run.
In the hot, blazing sun.
YES! Its a Home Run!
2. One Man One Cap and a Baseball Bat
by Seren Roberts
He was known as Joltin John
With his baseball bat and his cap upon
He played the game with vigour and speed
Many a supporter said he was all that they need
Was born Guiseppe Paolo DiMaggio number eight child
Lived in America for his eighty four years ’til he died
Played as centre fielder during all his career
With the New York Yankees, who he held dear
Described by some as an uncaring brute
Responsible for Marilyn Monroe sliding into disrepute
With sedatives and such by dominating her so much
Controlling her career to stop her kissing men and such
He craved the limelight just for himself
Yet disliked Marilyn doing the same herself
Yet on the field he was no freak
Known for his 56 game hitting streak
Was MVP winner three times with determination
An all-star in each of his thirteen seasons
You will find him in the baseball hall of fame
Look closely you will see his name
Was voted as sports living legend of all time
Was the baseball centennial year of nineteen sixty-nine
His first wife was Dorothy Arnold an extra on the film
in which his minor role endured her to him
Married for just five years a son was born
Carries the name of Joseph John
In later years after the Arthur a Miller charade
DiMaggio rescued her from the tormented life she had
Would sit and read poetry on their latter years
Finding a Contentment that slated all fears
So this man had his bad points and good
Needed to reach his soul to be understood
Deep down inside he loved Marilyn for sure
This we will never find out, cos he is no more
He stands alone high in his baseball we surely know that
As a father and husband on his nose he fell flat
Remember when we see these idols it’s all outer skin
We will never ever know what they are thinking within.
3. The Strikeout
by Timothy McGuire
Standing at the plate there is no doubt
The pitcher is determined to strike me out
He squints to see the catcher’s glove
Then spins and swings his arms above
The ball scorches a path across the plate
I feebly swing six days too late
The umpire acts like he’s having fun
When he bellowed out, “STRIKE ONE!”
Again the pitcher stares at the dish
While I silently make a wish
Not a big request at all
I only want to hit the ball
The pitcher rears back and throws a curve
The ball starts over there and then begins to swerve
I miss so badly I hit the ground
I can hear people laughing all the way back in town
The umpire is having a belly laugh too
As he holds up two fingers and shouts, “STRIKE TWO!”
The pitcher is doing a cocky dance
While behind the mound hiking up his pants
He looks smug and I hear the catcher say,
“Give it up boy, he’s putting you away.”
The pitcher shakes off signs 1,2,3
He’s saving a special pitch just for me
He peeks out over the top of his glove
I can tell that this strikeout he already loves
He winds up like a crazy corkscrew
Slinging a pitch he has never threw
I close my eyes and jerk the bat
Somehow the bat finds where the ball is at
The crack was the loudest ever heard
Nowhere in this stadium can you hear a word
You can hear a pin drop in this place
Nary a smile on any face
You would think that ball was launched into outer space
But alas, it is just a dribbler to first base
I feel I should get out of town
When I saw the other team high-fiving on the mound
Dad said, “Don’t worry son, we’ll get them next time champ.”
After all it was just my first bat at Little League camp!
4. The Batter Doesn’t Make the Catch
by Nicholas Fonte
And that’s the third strike.
I’m out.
I never knew about
What it is like
To scream and shout
By standing in dislike
In my heart’s strikeout
But now everything had rearranged
Even though nothing has changed
5. The Outfield Boy
by Andrea Dietrich
The outfield boy stands waiting all alone,
playing the game that many children love.
From the pitcher’s mound, a ball has been thrown.
The outfield boy stands waiting all alone.
The ball has been hit. See how it has flown
straight into the glowing boy’s baseball glove!
The outfield boy stands waiting all alone,
playing the game that many children love.
6. The Dog Named Lady
by Rose Marie Juan-Austin
Lady, the dog that looks like a rat
Chases a beautiful Persian cat
She puts in high gear
Running like a deer
Then trips over a huge baseball bat.
Baseball Poems for Children
Whether it’s teaching them about the basics of the sport or just capturing its sense of wonder and possibility, these baseball poems for kids are sure to delight and inspire.
1. Play Ball!
by Lillian M. Fisher
It was my turn to bat
And I hit the ball
So hard it sailed
Right over the wall.
The crowd went wild.
I started to run.
How happy I’d be
If my team won.
First base, second,
third—I’m home free!
Hurrah for my team!
Hurrah for me!
2. If School Were More Like Baseball
by Kenn Nesbitt
If school were more like baseball
we’d only have to play.
We’d hang out in the sunshine
and run around all day.
We wouldn’t have to study.
We’d practice and we’d train.
And, best of all, they’d cancel
whenever there was rain.
3. Ode to a Home Run
by George
The ball flies off the bat
As if to touch the stars
I start to trot
To first base
The ball clears the fence
With ease
My fist goes into the air
In excitement
The crowd roars
For I just won the game
With one swing of the bat
I round second
Then third
Finally, home plate
The team greets me at home
With congratulations
And high fives
I am the hero
I just won the game with
My first home run.
4. Batter Up!
by Lucas Szewczyk
Step up to the plate
Trusty bat in hand
Keep your eye on the ball
They yell from the stand
A swing and a miss
That was strike one
Wait for your pitch
The Coach says, “Just have some fun!”
The ball whizzes by
That was strike two
I thought that was high
But what can you do?
I’m ready to hit
Feet planted and elbows back
I swung my trusty bat
And surprised I heard a smack
First hit of the season
I made it on base
Cheers roared from my team
And a smile on my face
5. Baseball Fan’s Lament
by Jean H. Berkompas
Daily paper’s on the rack –
Sporting News is in the back.
Things are really looking black –
Home team’s getting off the track.
Everything is out of whack –
Paying players all that jack.
How to get those bats to crack?
Time to try another tack –
Give the manager the sack?
Get another old-time hack –
To be leader of the pack.
Can he teach them to attack?
I don’t have the answer, Mac!
6. Empty Ballparks
by Tobey Shiverick
Empty ballparks speak.
It’s true, you know.
They are not just empty spaces
Surrounded by tiers of empty seats.
They speak with silent eloquence
Of green grass and ghosts
Of ball games past
And promises of ball games to come.
You have to relax and listen.
Consider it therapy
7. Caught Looking
by D. M. Quinn
the pitch: down and in
leather slaps leather: dust flies
a pointed finger
Baseball Poems about Life
These poems explore the deeper meanings and connections between baseball and the human experience and offer a fresh perspective on the sport and its significance.
1. Baseball and Life
by Stanley Cooper
Baseball ain’t just a game
Ask any fan, it’s a way of life
Life and Baseball, so much the same
Similarly filled with fun and strife
Bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, two out
Score tied, full count on the batter
He knows, at that moment, without a doubt
If he fails to hit, nothing in life will matter
To strike out in life, as many do
Brings consequences, not aspired
Just as striking out with count three and two
Is something, clearly, not desired
2. God Recruited Us to Play the Game
by Franklin Price
God recruited us to play the game
And He blessed us every day,
Protected us against ourselves,
In the places we would play.
Gave us many years together,
Filled our needs, most times our wants.
In our lives were many home runs
And, at times, some well-placed bunts
We were a team God put together,
Rounded bases far from home.
He managed us, for who were were,
In all the places we would roam.
I was the pitcher, you the catcher.
You were there on every throw.
Always protecting home plate
You were the best, at it, I know.
Other team mates, He recruited,
Be they family or friend,
Filled out all the other bases
And they’ll be there ’til the end
God saw that you were injured
And he took you from the game
And lifted you to Heaven
Did it all in Jesus’ name
Now that you’re no longer catching,
I will coach, no longer throw.
Other team mates, gathered ’round me,
Help to soften up the blow.
To compare our life to baseball
Is apropos, I have no doubt.
It all started at a ball game,
That we could not have done without.
3. Life Is Like Baseball
by Bill Baker
Anticipation is like hitting a single
Expectation is like hitting a double
Participation is like hitting a triple
Revelation is like hitting a homerun
4. Soundscapes of Life
by Panagiota Romios
The happy sound of the coffeemaker.
Or of a welcomed friend’s voice!
Using a real phone, not texting,
You sense her in real time, a true joy
Maybe it is his sensual deep voice? Hmm?
That hungry baritone, whose voice moves
Or a toddler’s feet, prancing on the rainy
soggy, ground.
Be so glad you can hear the rain melting
snowflakes on rocks.
Or the street, maybe the loud noise of a
lawnmower, by a fit young teen wearing
emblazoned baseball socks.
How about the music of the late and great!
Steven Sondheim, the brillant song writer
for “West Side Story?”
His lyrics make me feel like I am touching
the magic underbelly of heaven in all my
earthly glory.
Here is something, no poet should ever miss.
Have a poetry lover read to you, one of your
poems aloud, it’s like a hug and a kiss.
I had no idea whatsoever the power my
poems held.
I can tell you, I honestly cried when to
this auditory treasure, I fell.
For me by my poems, I am so very
Till they were read to me, and my soul
and emotions were undressed.
5. The Glory of Life
by Jack Ellison
Come sit by the fire… let’s reminisce
About this and that, about what makes us sing
Watching a robin take its first flight
Or a squirrel scurrying up a tree
The sun coming out from behind the clouds
The gentle breeze blowing the leaves in autumn
The gentle snowflakes softly falling in winter
Covering the ground like a warm blanket
Or is it the laughter of a baby
The purring of a kitten
The sound of cows mooing in the field
The twinkling stars on a warm summer’s eve
A shooting star
The hum of the city
Which tells us we’re one of many
Enjoying life on this amazing planet of ours
The roar of a jet engine
Taking people away on a happy vacation
The sound of a marching band
The smile on the cashiers face
As she wishes you to have a great day
So many images throughout life
Remind us how amazing it is to be alive
To experience these simple pleasures
To conjure up these amazing vignettes
Of the wonders we see and feel every day
I still remember my very first day at school
That was eighty years ago
But it’s just like it was yesterday
Attending my very first baseball game
And none other than Jackie Robinson
Playing second base for the Montreal Royals
In his very first professional game
I could go on and on but as I age
My memory is not as reliable as it once was
Memories are wonderful to try to hold on to
To look back on a life filled with happiness and joy
Of course, there were some sad times
But they were far outnumbered
By just the simple pleasures we all experience
My life has been amazing!
Baseball Poems for Funerals
Whether it’s capturing the joy and memories of the sport or just offering comfort and solace, these poems are a beautiful tribute to those who have passed on.
1. Memorial of Candy
by Florence McMillian
My memories of knowing him
So many years ago
As the father of my two oldest children
I’ll remember the thoughts that glow
Though a lot of times were not so good
I choose to let go of the bad
Look back with me if you would
Through a few of the good time he had
His mother who worried of him the most
Of what he would do when she departed
Is now again with him so close
Sharing the spiritual life that has started
With him being the second born
His oldest sister recalled the joy
With his first name being so long
Most of the family just called him boy
He would tagalong right by her side
As directed by their grandmother
And she always carried a lot of pride
That everyone knew he was her brother
Those who knew him well would say
They’d prefer to be on his good side
As he valued his friendships in a special way
With loyalty, protection and pride
Always willing to lend a helping hand
To family and friends in need
With a heavy load or to take a stand
Whatever the case may be
Some of you may even recall
The days of marbles, fishing and sticker burr fights
Or the games played in the field like baseball
And hide-n-seek in the neighborhood even at night
Some remember his laughter more
When he made others laugh too
Even if they didn’t know what the laughter was for
Because of that high pitch giggle he would do
This poem was written for his family
To cherish the good times they shared
To wish him peace in his spirituality
And to touch the hearts of all who cared
2. Baseball in Heaven
by Wade Greenlee
A young boy that loved the game
Would always practice and never rest
Because he always wished someday
To play with the very best
Dad and son played together
Bonding with games of catch
Both together for love of the game
Which no one else could match
Then one morning the man awoke
To go practice with his team
And when he arrived at the field
Its grass was an amazing green
It didn’t look in anyway close
To the way it was before
And his teammates were now all different
And there were so so many more
As he ran to take his position
His teammates caught his eye
They were all the baseball legends
That he was passing by
He thought how was it possible
That these greats were there to play
Because he knew that they were all
His heroes that passed away
He walked up to a player
Whom he knew to be Babe Ruth
To get an answer to what was happening
And he only wanted the truth
The great man thought the easiest way
For a young man who’d been playing since seven
Was to tell him that they were a player short
And he was needed in baseball heaven
The young man grinned with a child’s delight
And now knew he wanted to stay
Because God granted him more than his wish
He could now play with the best everyday
3. Demolished by Love
by Keith Dovoric
Demolished by love
Demolished by love
My doors have been rattled
My cage has been rocked
The vessels are no longer
Moored to the dock
Thank you, love
My streets are abandoned
My town hall is closed
If you know any people,
Maybe go consult those
Not demolished by love
Demolished by love
Even in times of forgiveness
And relative peace and light rain
There’s a part of me wants to consider
The debt that I hold and the strain
My brick buildings are toothpicks
My trees, vaporized
I once had an ego —
It’s torn down to size
Demolished by love
That old baseball diamond
The old ice cream stand
Everything blown-up
According to plan —
If you have insurance
And ties to this world,
Get down in your storm cellar
Away from that girl
Or be demolished by love
We had expectations
Ideologies, even
Now watch as your every last
Earthly cause is beaten
And demolished by love
4. Offended
by Daniel Cwiak
W hen you go to someone’s wedding
H ave you done so in clothes that are unsuitable?
E ver shown up for an evening out wearing shorts?
R emember the times when we “dressed” for dinner?
E ven now, some do so.
I t isn’t everyday that special things happen in our lives…
S trange how inadequate we are in showing respect.
T here are times when a casual attitude is not offensive.
H ovever, that is for the mundane.
E ach one of us makes choices with regard to events in life.
R ecently, I attended the memorial for a friend’s mother.
E very one who was there knew that this was a somber occasion.
S ome, however, did not take the time to think about their demeanor.
P erhaps we have gone overboard with our “casual” attitudes.
E xpectations for me are that one would come dressed for the ceremony.
C asual attire and wearing baseball caps are fine at a picnic, but
T hen, I was taught that social graces begin at home.
5. First to Worst
by Freddie Robinson Jr.
The old kings are about to lose their crown,
young upstarts are about to swat them out of the way
Father time has knocked another aging champ down,
it’s really sad to see greatness turn into mediocre play
Start making the funeral arrangements,
and don’t forget to publish a fond obituary
Bring a shovel to the postgame press conference,
there’s gonna be a lot of bodies to bury
On this cold, early October night,
when this last game end,
the mourning will surely begin
The eulogy is set … check
Pallbearers in place … check
Open the doors, and bring around the black hearst
The champs are toast,
they just went from first to worst
They went from the top to the bottom,
and it happened real fast
They went from the front to the back,
from number uno to dead last
Ah, well …
Nothing last forever,
greatness always gets over-the-hill
When you still compete past your prime,
there comes a time, you’re gonna have to pay the bill
So tip your cap to the old boys;
remember all the exploits they did,
how they once made a lot of noise
As the last man on deck steps up to the plate,
give a standing o to this team of former greats —
Ex-champions who stayed in the game too late
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, baseball poetry is a rich and diverse genre that celebrates the game and its many facets.
From the funny to the inspirational, the short to the long, and the rhyming to the free verse, there is a baseball poem out there for everyone.
As we’ve seen, these poems capture the drama, excitement, and beauty of the sport, and offer a unique perspective on its place in our culture and our lives.
We hope that this article has introduced you to some new and classic baseball poems and that you’ll take the time to explore this rich literary tradition further.
And as always, we encourage you to share your thoughts and comments about poems for baseball at the end of this article.