258 Best Would You Rather Questions to Get to Know Friends Better

A classic game of would you rather questions is one of the best methods to get to know someone better, even close ones.
It elicits thought-provoking responses from players about their priorities in life, whether it is love versus money versus honesty versus ego versus privacy versus freedom or salt versus sugar.
Questions aren’t always forced-choice dilemmas à la “Sophie’s Choice;” sometimes they’re genuinely strange, filthy, humorous, or philosophical.
So let’s dive in now.
Best Would You Rather Questions
These best Would You Rather questions, which range from serious to ridiculous, have been compiled by us for you. Get ready to discover more about your friends and family.
1. Would you rather never have a life without air conditioning or never be able to use deodorant?
2. Would you rather be smart but a total jerk or really sweet but really dumb?
3. Would you rather go through your whole life being the most hilarious person or being the most intelligent person?
4. Would you rather be trapped in the Matrix or the LotR universe?
5. Would you rather be feared by all or loved by all?
6. Would you rather meet a famous person who is boring or a regular person who is hilarious?
7. Would you rather have a face that everyone laughs at or a name that everyone laughs at?
8. Would you rather sell all of your possessions or sell one of your organs?
9. Would you rather be afraid of the dark or sunlight?
10. Would you rather be liked by everyone you’ve ever met or have everything you’ve ever wanted?
11. Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?
12. Would you rather eat a spoonful of cinnamon or a spoonful of salt?
13. Would you rather have a never-ending bowl of ice cream or a never-ending salad?
14. Would you rather be in debt for $100,000 or never be able to make more than $3,500 a month?
15. Would you rather have the police hunting you for a murder you didn’t commit or a psychopathic clown hunting you?
16. Would you rather be constantly tired no matter how much you sleep or constantly hungry no matter how much you eat?
17. Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or just cease to exist after you die?
18. Would you rather get a new puppy or have your home clean for the rest of your life?
19. Would you rather never be able to laugh again or never be able to smile again?
20. Would you rather be the President of the United States for a day or a billionaire for a day?
21. Would you rather attend a concert of your favourite band or attend a Broadway show?
22. Would you rather meet your favourite author or meet your favourite artist?
23. Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or have to kiss a frog?
24. Would you rather never be able to read books again or never be able to listen to music again?
25. Would you rather live forever or wake up every day with a new superpower?
26. Would you rather never be able to use the phone again or never be able to use a computer again?
27. Would you rather walk through mud or walk through a pool?
Funny Would You Rather Questions
We have the best solution if you want to have some laughs and brighten up an event. These interesting would you rather questions are super funny and you may giggle more than you answer!
1. Would you rather have to use chopsticks every day for the rest of your life or use a fork?
2. Would you rather have to write everything you say out by hand or only be able to speak in rhymes?
3. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?
4. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry every day for 20 minutes randomly?
5. Would you rather have a pet tiger or a pet lion?
6. Would you rather have to always wear heavy boots or have to never be able to wear shoes?
7. Would you rather have your books read by a few hundred people or a few million people?
8. Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?
9. Would you rather take care of the Beast from Beauty and the Beast for the rest of your life or have Gaston as your boyfriend?
10. Would you rather wear a constantly changing outfit or a constantly changing hairstyle?
11. Would you rather wear a green leprechaun hat every day or fairy wings?
12. Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?
13. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?
14. Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a skyscraper?
15. Would you rather be famous on the internet or in real life?
16. Would you rather be physically stronger than most people or be able to fly?
17. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?
18. Would you rather eat foods that have never been cooked or only eat cooked foods?
19. Would you rather be one of the best in the world at one thing or be good at everything?
20. Would you rather always have a mullet haircut or a ponytail haircut?
21. Would you rather always have bad gas or always have really dry mouth?
22. Would you rather be a high school teacher or a clown?
23. Would you rather be the ugliest person in the world or smell the worst?
24. Would you rather constantly worry about germs or be terrified of a monster under your bed?
25. Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
26. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?
Hard Would You Rather Questions
Are you looking for difficult would you rather questions to ask to make the game more entertaining? Wish granted. Find them below.
1. Would you rather always feel the urge to pee or never know when you have to pee (always wear a diaper)?
2. Would you rather talk to animals or speak all human languages?
3. Would you rather be reborn into the past or the future?
4. Would you rather be able to run 200 miles an hour or be able to fly 20 miles an hour?
5. Would you rather flip a coin for a chance to win $20 or immediately win $10?
6. Would you rather always hit a red light for the rest of your life or always get slow internet after the sun goes down?
7. Would you rather have the lights on or off if you knew the room was full of snakes?
8. Would you rather be the person who flips the switch during executions or be the judge who decides who should be executed?
9. Would you rather go blind or deaf?
10. Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?
11. Would you rather lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or lose all of the memories you’ve gained this year?
12. Would you rather have no taste or be colorblind?
13. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
14. Would you rather win $25,000 or have your best friend win $100,000?
15. Would you rather work a high-paying job that you hate or your dream job with only enough money for basic necessities?
16. Would you rather be able to read someone’s mind or control their mind?
17. Would you rather look at your mom’s search history or your dad’s search history?
18. Would you rather let your parents access your browsing history or your boss?
19. Would you rather fight a chicken to the death every time you get into a car or fight an orangutan to the death once a year, but you get a sword?
20. Would you rather wake up in your underwear at work or wake up naked in the woods 20 miles from home?
21. Would you rather find $100 floating in a public toilet or $5 in your pocket?
22. Would you rather get a text from a one-night stand that says “I’m pregnant” or “I have an incurable STD”?
23. Would you rather always be 20 minutes late for important events or always be 2 hours early to everything else?
Dirty Would You Rather Questions
To make the game more wild, we’ve selected the kinkiest and dirtiest, “would you rather” questions. Let’s get the party started.
1. Would you rather shop for s#x toys or lingerie?
2. Would you rather be on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette?
3. Would you rather receive lingerie or dirty toys as a s#xy gift?
4. Would you rather wear lingerie every day or never wear a bra again?
5. Would you rather kiss your ex or your mortal enemy?
6. Would you rather come after one minute or take an hour to come every time?
7. Would you rather sleep with your boyfriend’s sibling or your best friend’s sibling?
8. Would you rather kiss a coworker or friend?
9. Would you rather never use a dildo again or never use a vibrator again?
10. Would you rather have the best s#x of your life once or mediocre s#x every day?
11. Would you rather use a colorful or crazy-patterned condom?
12. Would you rather have s#x in your childhood bedroom or your childhood basement?
13. Would you rather lick ice cream off someone’s body or whipped cream?
14. Would you rather taste a blueberry-flavored condom or a banana-flavored condom?
15. Would you rather have s#x on your roommate’s bed or on the floor?
16. Would you rather use a shower head or an electric toothbrush as a makeshift s#x toy?
17. Would you rather bite someone’s ear during s#x or bite someone’s lip during s#x?
18. Would you rather be naked in front of your ex again or the person to your left?
19. Would you rather see a nude photo of the person to your left or to your right?
20. Would you rather have your roommate catch you masturbating or having s#x?
21. Would you rather watch porn every night forever or never watch porn again?
22. Would you rather read erotica out loud or play erotica on your home speaker?
23. Would you rather be single forever or date someone with no interest in s#x?
24. Would you rather go to bed alone forever or share a bed with someone forever?
25. Would you rather give one presentation naked or never see your partner naked again?
26. Would you rather fart or burp every time you orgasm?
27. Would you rather have s#x with Gossip Girl playing in the background or Friends?
28. Would you rather have a s#x playlist with only Lady Gaga on it or only Elvis Presley?
Would You Rather Questions for Icebreakers
These would-you-rather questions for conversation starters are excellent icebreakers! You can use them to strike up a conversation on a pleasant note with just about anyone.
1. Would you feel worse if no one showed up to your wedding or to your funeral?
2. Would you rather be without internet for a week, or without your phone?
3. Would you rather meet George Washington or the current president?
4. Would you rather never get angry or never be envious?
5. Would you rather work more hours per day, but fewer days or work fewer hours per day, but more days?
6. Would you rather listen to music from the ’70s or music from today?
7. Would you rather become someone else or just stay you?
8. Would you rather be Batman or Spiderman?
9. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great-grandchildren?
10. Would you rather humans go to the moon again or go to mars?
11. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
12. Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?
13. Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?
14. Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator?
15. For your birthday, would you rather receive cash or gifts?
16. Would you rather go to a movie or to dinner alone?
17. Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
18. Would you rather make a phone call or send a text?
19. Would you rather read an awesome book or watch a good movie?
20. Would you rather be the most popular person at work or school or the smartest?
21. Would you rather put a stop to war or end world hunger?
22. Would you rather spend the night in a luxury hotel room or camping surrounded by beautiful scenery?
23. Would you rather be forced to kill one innocent person or five people who committed minor crimes?
24. Would you rather go deep-sea diving or bungee jumping?
Would You Rather Questions for Adults
This would-you-rather adults-only edition is ideal to use with either your coworkers or your partner or friends! This can surely enliven a party or a gathering in the best way possible.
1. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?
2. Would you rather go on a cruise with friends or with your spouse?
3. Would you rather have a cook or a maid?
4. Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
5. Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?
6. Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
7. Would you rather lose your keys or your cell phone?
8. Would you rather eat a meal of cow tongue or octopus?
9. Would you rather have x-ray vision or magnified hearing?
10. Would you rather work in a group or work alone?
11. Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
12. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
13. When you’re old, would you rather die before or after your spouse?
14. Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
15. Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job?
16. Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain?
17. Would you rather have Rambo or The Terminator on your side?
18. Would you rather be proposed to in private or in front of family and friends?
19. Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food?
20. Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?
21. Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
22. Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors?
23. Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating game show?
24. Would you rather be too busy or be bored?
25. Would you rather watch the big game at home or live at the stadium.
26. Would you rather have many good friends or one very best friend?
27. Would you rather spend the day with your favorite athlete or your favorite movie star?
Would You Rather Questions for Couples
Are you seeking for fresh suggestions for adult date nights or simply something to cross off your list of things to do as a couple? The solution lies in this would you rather couples’ edition.
1. Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?
2. Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef?
3. Would you rather have Beyoncé’s talent or Jay-Z‘s business acumen?
4. Would you rather be 11 feet tall or nine inches tall?
5. Would you rather be an extra in an Oscar-winning movie or the lead in a box office bomb?
6. Would you rather vomit on your hero or have your hero vomit on you?
7. Would you rather communicate only in emoji or never be able to text at all ever again?
8. Would you rather be royalty 1,000 years ago or an average person today?
9. Would you rather lounge by the pool or on the beach?
10. Would you rather be chronically under-dressed or overdressed?
11. Would you rather experience the world beginning or ending?
12. Would you rather lose your sight or your memories?
13. Would you rather have universal respect or unlimited power?
14. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
15. Would you rather have more money or more time?
16. Would you rather team up with Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel?
17. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?
18. Would you rather find true love today or win the lottery next year?
19. Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?
20. Would you rather have another 10 years with your partner or a one-night stand with your celebrity crush?
21. Would you rather swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup?
22. Would you rather labor under a hot sun or extreme cold?
23. Would you rather stay in during a snow day or build a fort?
24. Would you rather be a genius and know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?
25. Would you rather dine alone or watch a good movie by yourself?
26. Would you rather end world hunger or stop crime all over the United States?
27. Would you rather wear pants 3 sizes too big or shoes 3 sizes too small?
28. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
29. Would you rather lose your ability to speak or the ability to hear for your entire life?
Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
A non-threatening method to learn so much more about your crush is to play the “would you rather” game with them. Here are some of the most intriguing would you rather questions to ask your crush.
1. Would you rather play football or basketball?
2. Would you rather eat Italian food or French food?
3. Would you rather travel the world or have a well-paid job?
4. Would you rather go to Cuba or New Zealand?
5. Would you rather watch a sitcom or a thriller?
6. Would you rather get married or have kids?
7. Would you rather go to Disney World or see a Broadway musical?
8. Would you rather have big eyes or a big mouth?
9. Would you rather listen to the Beatles or Elvis Presley?
10. Would you rather meet Barack Obama or Harry Styles?
11. Would you rather kiss someone you don’t like or sleep with someone you don’t find attractive?
12. Would you rather have your own business or be employed?
13. Would you rather be a painter or a writer?
14. Would you rather watch tennis or cricket?
15. Would you rather go to a concert of Ed Sheeran or Ariana Grande?
16. Would you rather go skiing or on a beach holiday?
17. Would you rather be a teacher or a doctor?
18. Would you rather be rich and unhappy or happy and poor?
19. Would you rather be a bad parent or be bad at your job?
20. Would you rather make a romantic dinner or go out for a date?
21. Would you rather drink tea or coffee?
22. Would you rather play guitar or piano?
23. Would you rather walk or take the tram?
24. Would you rather travel with a friend or with a romantic partner?
25. Would you rather work all night or work out all day?
Would You Rather Questions for Coworkers
Simply by asking a few thoughtful questions, you may enhance team chemistry whether you’re starting a new position or there’s a new face in the office. Try these office would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather be the CEO of a company or another executive?
2. Would you rather be a famous celebrity or live like a hermit?
3. Would you rather be the best in the world at a super obscure sport or just pretty good at a very popular sport?
4. Would you rather have a big family or a small family?
5. Would you rather live somewhere tropical or somewhere cold?
6. Would you rather spend the majority of your time by yourself or a majority of your time with other people?
7. Would you rather always be running late or always be running early?
8. Would you rather be able to read faster than anyone on the planet or be able to run faster than anyone on the planet?
9. Would you rather have a name everyone misspells or a name everyone forgets?
10. Would you rather always be slightly too warm or slightly too cold?
11. Would you rather be able to read minds or be able to see the future?
12. Would you rather lose all your technology devices or lose every picture that’s ever been taken of you?
13. Would you rather have to wear clown shoes every day or have to wear bunny ears every day?
14. Would you rather live in the mountains or at the beach?
15. Would you rather not have heating or not have air conditioning?
16. Would you rather be an amazing chef or be an amazing driver?
17. Would you rather pick up painting or sewing?
18. Would you rather write a New York Times bestseller or win an Olympic gold medal?
19. Would you rather work in a big city or a small town (if you could have the same job both places)?
20. Would you rather bike or drive to work?
21. Would you rather have 20 kids or have no kids?
Would You Rather Questions for Friends
Everyone can participate in the enjoyable Would You Rather game, which is a friend’s favorite. Get your friends laughing as you list the best would-you-rather inquiries for any group situation.
1. Would you rather read the book or watch the film?
2. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?
3. Would you rather have the power to gently nudge anyone’s decisions or have complete puppet master control of five people?
4. Would you rather have an in-house cook or a maid?
5. Would you rather hear the bad news or good news first?
6. Would you rather be busy or bored?
7. Would you rather be 4 foot 5 or 7 foot 5?
8. Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 50 years with many regrets?
9. Would you rather lose your vision or your hearing?
10. Would you rather be poor but help people or become incredibly rich by hurting people?
11. Would you rather know all the mysteries of the universe or know every outcome of every choice you make?
12. Would you rather donate your body to science or donate your organs to people who need them?
13. Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love or rich and work at a job you hate?
14. Would you rather be a good singer or good at an instrument?
15. Would you rather have the ability to breath under water or fly?
16. Would you rather mentally or physically never age?
17. Would you rather always be 10 minutes early or 10 minutes late?
18. Would you rather live in a utopia as a normal person or in a dystopia but you are the supreme ruler?
19. Would you rather be super overdressed or super underdressed?
20. Would you rather be royalty 300 years ago or an average person today?
21. Would you rather be transported permanently 500 years into the future or 500 years into the past?
22. Would you rather have a horribly corrupt government or no government?
23. Would you rather be held in high regard by your parents or your friends?
24. Would you rather Go to dinner or a movie alone?
25. Would you rather lose all of your memories from birth to now or lose your ability to make new long-term memories?
26. Would you rather snitch on your best friend for a crime they committed or go to jail for the crime they committed?
Final Thoughts
Fun would you rather questions are an excellent approach to start a conversation in a light-hearted and engaging manner.
And by simply asking “why” after a “would you rather” question, you may easily start some fascinating dialogues.
You’ll likely learn a lot more about the person you’re speaking to and receive some pretty fascinating responses.
If you’re in a group, take turns picking a would-you-rather question and putting it to each person.
If there are only the two of you, you can alternate asking each other “would you rather” questions.
Happy questioning!