510 Best Would You Rather Questions for Girls to Know Her Better

“Would you rather questions for girls” is an interesting game that allows a person to ask questions stating two different scenarios and making a girl choose one.
The game is good for breaking the ice or making it easy for you to get to know the girl on another level.
Whether you are with your girlfriends or trying to bring down barriers between you and your interest or your significant other, these would you rather questions for girls will have you covered.
The would you rather questions for girls game is fun to play and lets you ask all sorts of weird, naughty, awkward questions without alarming or giving the girl red flags about you.
Here are some spicy would you rather questions for girls to know her better:
Best Would You Rather Questions for Girls
These best would you rather questions for girls will help you hang out with your girlfriends or your partner and give you plenty of chances to carry on the conversation without dragging it.
1. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with your crush or your best friend?
2. Would you rather be stuck on a bus with people you didn’t like or stuck in an airport overnight?
3. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to hear other humans’ thoughts?
4. Would you rather have an incredibly annoying high-pitched voice or a really deep manly voice?
5. Would you rather get brain freeze from something cold or burn your tongue from something hot?
6. Would you rather give up your phone or only wear Crocs for the rest of your life?
7. Would you rather give up your smartphone for a day or give up food for a day?
8. Would you rather go back 100 years in time or go 100 years forward in time?
9. Would you rather clog the toilet on a first date or first day at a new job?
10. Would you rather have an abnormally big toe or an abnormally big ear?
11. Would you rather grief alone or have your loved ones around?
12. Would you rather a nose that never stops growing or ears that never stop growing?
13. Would you rather find the love of your life or find a million dollars?
14. Would you rather be able to travel everywhere for free or eat everywhere for free?
15. Would you rather have fame or money?
16. Would you rather have freckles or dimples?
17. Would you rather not be able to taste or not be able to see colors?
18. Would you rather have only bright-colored clothing or have only dark-colored clothing?
19. Would you rather have overprotective parents or parents who never have your time?
20. Would you rather know how you die or know when you die?
21. Would you rather have quadruplets or have no children at all?
22. Would you rather have terrible acne or be obese?
23. Would you rather have the ability to read minds or have the ability to see the future?
24. Would you rather have twin girls or twin boys?
25. Would you rather be magical but live on earth or live in a magical land but be normal?
26. Would you rather have your honeymoon in a small village or a fancy hotel?
27. Would you rather hire a DJ or a live band for your wedding?
28. Would you rather be stuck on an island for eternity all on your own or with someone you hate?
29. Would you rather kiss Justin Timberlake or Justin Bieber?
30. Would you rather let someone check your text messages or go through your diary?
31. Would you rather live in a castle or a beach house?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Sometimes all you need is to be funny and playful to appeal to girls and there is no better way to be jolly than by asking these funny would you rather questions for girls and include others in the conversation too.
1. Would you rather be a glutton or have your stomach rumble loudly all the time?
2. Would you rather be a rat or a skunk?
3. Would you rather be a religious leader or a cult leader?
4. Would you rather be a skunk or a dung beetle?
5. Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?
6. Would you rather be as hairy as a grizzly bear or be completely bald?
7. Would you rather be chased by three cats or three dogs?
8. Would you rather be disgraced in public or be disgraced online?
9. Would you rather be escorted by three rats or ten cockroaches everywhere?
10. Would you rather be friends with a vagabond or be friends with a pickpocket?
11. Would you rather be licked all over or be tickled all over?
12. Would you rather be locked in a public restroom over the weekend or in a morgue?
13. Would you rather be mistaken as your partner’s mom or have someone incorrectly think you’re pregnant?
14. Would you rather be stuck with a baby that won’t stop crying or a baby that won’t stop throwing up?
15. Would you rather burn your hair or burn your most expensive purse?
16. Would you rather do a bikini wax with duct tape or wait in a two-hour airport security line during the holidays?
17. Would you rather drink a bottle of ketchup or drink a bottle of mustard?
18. Would you rather dye your hair pink or dye your hair yellow?
19. Would you rather eat leftovers for an entire week or not eat at all?
20. Would you rather eat straight from the pot or eat with your hands?
21. Would you rather fall in public or have your wig fall off in public?
22. Would you rather fall off the treadmill or have one b##b mistakenly pop out while working out at the gym?
23. Would you rather fall on your cake during your wedding dance or fall off the stage during your graduation?
24. Would you rather fart all the time or have hiccups all the time?
25. Would you rather fart in a crowded elevator or a cinema?
26. Would you rather fart in a crowded elevator or on a crowded train?
27. Would you rather gain 15 pounds or Lick a waiting room chair?
28. Would you rather get a tattoo of Cinderella or a tattoo of Barbie?
29. Would you rather go to jail for a weekend or do community work for a month?
30. Would you rather have a boil on your armpit or between your butt cheeks?
31. Would you rather have a booger hanging from your nose or your underwear showing?
Deep Would You Rather Questions for Girls
The deep would you rather questions for girls that ignite the imagination in a girl’s mind are one of the most interesting questions and are often considered food for thought as they arouse interest and make girls give the most genuine answers.
1. Would you rather be feared by all or loved by all?
2. Would you rather sell all of your possessions or sell one of your organs?
3. Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?
4. Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or just cease to exist after you die?
5. Would you rather never get angry or never be envious?
6. Would you rather have a horribly corrupt government or no government?
7. Would you rather be held in high regard by your parents or your friends?
8. Would you rather be poor but help people or become incredibly rich by hurting people?
9. Would you rather humans go to the moon again or go to mars?
10. Would you rather know the uncomfortable truth of the world or believe a comforting lie?
11. Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 50 years with many regrets?
12. Would you rather be transported permanently 500 years into the future or 500 years into the past?
13. Would you rather donate your body to science or donate your organs to people who need them?
14. Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die?
15. Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught?
16. Would you rather live in the wilderness far from civilization with no human contact or live on the streets of a city as a homeless person?
17. Would you rather live your entire life in a virtual reality where all your wishes are granted or just in the normal real world?
18. Would you rather have a horrible job, but be able to retire comfortably in 10 years or have your dream job, but have to work until the day you die?
19. Would you rather lose all of your memories from birth to now or lose your ability to make new long-term memories?
20. Would you rather always be able to see 5 minutes into the future or always be able to see 100 years into the future?
21. Would you rather be forced to kill one innocent person or five people who committed minor crimes?
22. Would you rather work very hard at a rewarding job or hardly have to work at a job that isn’t rewarding?
23. Would you rather have a criminal justice system that actually works and is fair or an administrative branch that is free of corruption?
24. Would you rather have real political power but be relatively poor or be ridiculously rich and have no political power?
25. Would you rather have the power to gently nudge anyone’s decisions or have complete puppet master control of five people?
26. Would you rather live in a utopia as a normal person or in a dystopia but you are the supreme ruler?
27. Would you rather snitch on your best friend for a crime they committed or go to jail for the crime they committed?
28. Would you rather be born again in a totally different life or born again with all the knowledge you have now?
29. Would you rather all conspiracy theories be true or live in a world where no leaders really know what they are doing?
30. Would you rather know all the mysteries of the universe or know every outcome of every choice you make?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Girls
There comes a time in the conversation when you just want to really listen to the girl talking and get to know them better without adding some quirkiness or derailing the conversation. Here are some clean would you rather questions for girls that you can use in those situations:
1. After a bad day, would you rather hug your Mom or Dad?
2. After a stressful day, would you rather have hot drinks or cold drinks?
3. During an Alien invasion, would you rather stay indoors or outdoors?
4. Would you rather go on a dinner date or movie date for a first date?
5. In the event of a divorce, would you rather live with your father or your mother?
6. Would you rather have an indoor pool or outdoor pool in your million-dollar mansion?
7. Would you rather adopt cats or dogs?
8. Would you rather attend a hip-hop event or a rock concert?
9. Would you rather be 20 forever or 25 forever?
10. Would you rather be a drunk or a junkie?
11. Would you rather be a famous person with fake friends or a dork with real friends?
12. Would you rather be a talk show host or a runway model?
13. Would you rather be an online influencer or be a talk show host?
14. Would you rather be beautiful and dumb or ugly and rich?
15. Would you rather be happily married without kids or be in a rocky marriage with kids?
16. Would you rather be overdressed or underdressed for a party?
17. Would you rather be saved from a burning building by Superman or Batman?
18. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with your crush or best friend?
19. Would you rather date a geek or a cowboy?
20. Would you rather date an extroverted person or an introverted person?
21. Would you rather do cardio or weights?
22. Would you rather drink Red wine or white wine?
23. Would you rather drive a BMW or Benz?
24. Would you rather eat a crab or lobster?
25. Would you rather eat a half-cooked meal or eat a half-burnt meal?
26. Would you rather eat boiled or fried eggs?
27. Would you rather eat burgers or pizzas?
28. Would you rather eat cake or cookies?
29. Would you rather eat chicken or beef?
30. Would you rather eat fried chicken or roasted chicken?
31. Would you rather eat home-cooked meals or Takeout?
32. Would you rather eat Hotdogs or Hamburgers?
33. Would you rather eat only junk or only vegetables for a month?
34. Would you rather eat red or green apples?
35. Would you rather find the cure for baldness or blindness?
36. Would you rather find the cure for HIV or cancer?
37. Would you rather follow the corporate line or entrepreneurship?
38. Would you rather get a free hairdo or a free makeover?
39. Would you rather own a power bike or a sports car?
40. Would you rather get a brain freeze from something cold or burn your tongue from something hot?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Do you not like it when girls struggle to give an answer may be because they don’t know any better or they just simply cannot choose between the options that are presented to them? These hard would you rather questions for girls would definitely make girls scratch their heads.
1. Would you rather die by hanging or die by being buried alive?
2. Would you rather lose an arm or lose a leg?
3. Would you rather beg for money from strangers or steal money from strangers?
4. Would you rather be an alcohol addict or be a drug addict?
5. Would you rather watch a horror movie or a tragic movie based on a true-life story?
6. Would you rather die for love or have a lover willing to die for you?
7. Would you rather be robbed of your smartphone or your laptop?
8. Would you rather your parents disapproved of your man or your man’s parents disapproved of you?
9. Would you rather your kids grow up with just you or their father?
10. Would you rather drive when it’s raining heavily or drive late at night?
11. Would you rather owe your ex money or owe bank money?
12. Would you rather wear no makeup for your wedding or have no food at your reception?
13. Would you rather give up on shopping or give up on social media?
14. Would you rather never hear from your parents again or never hear from your partner again?
15. Would you rather buy Kim Kardashian’s makeup or Kylie Jenner’s makeup?
16. Would you rather be a bad kisser or date someone who’s a bad kisser?
17. Would you rather eat something uncooked or eat something that’s gone sour?
18. Would you rather marry someone rich and arrogant or someone poor and ugly?
19. Would you rather smother a baby crying to save your family from murderers or leave it crying and risk detection?
20. Would you rather be a shape-shifter or a teleporter?
21. Would you rather be a soldier going off to war or a protester going off to prison?
22. Would you rather be able to hear human thoughts or control animals with your mind?
23. Would you rather die at war or come back home without your legs?
24. Would you rather be hated for doing a good thing or loved for doing a bad thing?
25. Would you rather be imprisoned for twenty years in your country or be exiled for life from the country?
26. Would you rather cheat or be cheated on?
27. Would you rather brush your teeth with a rock or watch your partner brush their teeth with a rock?
28. Would you rather die or never be able to see or speak to anyone you previously knew?
29. Would you rather sleep in a sewer or a tub of vomit?
30. Would you rather go blind or become paralyzed from the waist down?
31. Would you rather have a million dollars that you cannot spend on yourself or have a million dollars you cannot share with anyone?
32. Would you rather have a photographic memory of everything or have the ability to delete a memory?
33. Would you rather have a world full of animals and no humans or a world full of humans and no animals?
34. Would you rather have free electricity for the rest of your life or free Wi-Fi?
35. Would you rather be burned on a stake or stoned to death?
36. Would you rather have snakes crawling over your body or spiders crawling over your body?
37. Would you rather 90% of humans were wiped off planet Earth or 90% of animal species were wiped off Earth?
38. Would you rather kill an animal for leather shoes or wear plastic shoes that cause microfiber pollution?
39. Would you rather live a long boring life or a short, exciting one?
40. Would you rather live without music or live without movies?
41. Would you rather lose all of your money or all sensory functions?
42. Would you rather lose a parent or a lover?
43. Would you rather lose your hands or legs?
44. Would you rather nuke an entire country to save your people or allow your people to die because you wouldn’t nuke a country?
45. Would you rather play dead and allow terrorists to kidnap some school kids or engage them while the children escape?
46. Would you rather save a drowning girlfriend or a drowning sister?
47. Would you rather spend two years with your soul mate and then they will die or spend an entire lifetime with your worst enemy?
48. Would you rather spend your life savings to save a dying friend or keep it for your future needs?
49. Would you rather wake up in the middle of a war or a pandemic?
50. Would you rather win a Nobel Prize for Literature or write a New York Times Best Seller?
Good Would You Rather Questions for Girls
You cannot just start asking hard or adult would you rather questions for girls, you need a good ice breaker or some light questions to gradually build up girls’ mood in the conversation and for those exact purposes here are some good would you rather questions for girls:
1. After a bad day, would you rather hug your ex or hug no one?
2. After a stressful day, would you rather have tea or coffee?
3. Would you rather be seen in the toilet on a first date with your crush or fart with horrible smell while talking with your crush?
4. Would you rather go on a dinner date or movie date?
5. Would you rather have your dad shower you or have no shower for months?
6. Would you rather become rich and infamous or famous but poor?
7. Would you rather adopt a pig or cow?
8. Would you rather have the ability to communicate with animals or have the ability to be invisible?
9. Would you rather be able to tell what happens to you in the future or be able to read other people’s mind?
10. Would you rather be a giver or a beggar?
11. Would you rather have to be told your cloth is ripped at the back by a crush or by your parents?
12. Would you rather be a guest artist in a concept or be a guest speaker in a gathering?
13. Would you rather be fast at learning new things or be fast at forgetting old things?
14. Would you rather be beautiful and poor or ugly and rich?
15. Would you rather be happily married without kids or be in an abusive marriage with kids?
16. Would you rather wear rag to a birthday party or wear your best cloth to a burial?
17. Would you rather be rich and famous or rich and unknown?
18. Would you rather be kissed by a stranger or by your ex?
19. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator with older people or with kids?
20. Would you rather cook for your partner or have your partner cook for you?
21. Would you rather date a nerd or a cowboy?
22. Would you rather date an introvert or an introvert?
23. Would you rather donate to an orphanage or donate to a religious organization?
24. Would you rather drink unfamiliar wine brand or drink water?
25. Would you rather eat burgers or eat pizzas?
26. Would you rather eat cake or eat cookies?
27. Would you rather eat chicken or eat bread?
28. Would you rather eat a half-cooked meal or a hand full of sand?
29. Would you rather eat something peppery or eat something salty?
30. Would you rather find the cure for an incurable disease or be an inventor?
31. Would you rather find the cure for cancer or the cure for corona Virus?
32. Would you rather give up Twitter or Facebook?
33. Would you rather give up your Smartphone for a month or give up food for a week?
34. Would rather give up YouTube or give up Netflix?
35. Would you rather go out without makeup or go out undressed?
36. Would you rather go skydiving or skating?
37. Would you rather have a gold tooth or no teeth?
38. Would you rather have your honeymoon in a noisy city or in a calm remote area?
39. Would you rather get married in Las Vegas or have a traditional wedding?
Gross Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Do you like seeing girls’ reactions to crude, vulgar, obscene, and everything else? These gross would rather questions for girls below will show you how they react to filthy things.
1. Would you rather taste your blood or taste your piss?
2. Would you rather wash a corpse or sleep beside one?
3. Would you rather eat rotten fish or eat rotten meat?
4. Would you rather drink dirty water or expired milk?
5. Would you rather swallow a cockroach accidentally or swallow a beetle accidentally?
6. Would you rather feed on worms for three days or not eat at all?
7. Would you rather wear the same outfit without washing it or go without bathing for a month?
8. Would you rather have to itch yourself all the time or have to blow your nose all the time?
9. Would you rather smell your boyfriend’s fart or smell his shoe?
10. Would you rather have to go to the toilet every three hours or have to throw up every three hours?
11. Would you rather eat dog poop or baby poop?
12. Would you rather touch something wet and smelly or something sticky and smelly?
13. Would you rather have an uncontrollable itch in your throat or feet?
14. Would you rather be as hairy as a monkey or snort like a pig?
15. Would you rather wet yourself at night or poop on yourself at night?
16. Would you rather be eaten by wild animals or be hanged?
17. Would you rather smell someone’s butt or have someone smell your butt?
18. Would you rather wake up with a limp or with no eyebrows?
19. Would you rather be seen at a strip club or seen at a brothel?
20. Would you rather have a nose that’s always bleeding or an injury that never heals?
21. Would you rather be eaten by zombies or a shark?
22. Would you rather lick a used condom or used tissue?
23. Would you rather have all your nails chopped off or all your teeth pulled out?
24. Would you rather fall asleep in a pig style or poultry?
25. Would you rather lick a dirty plate clean or eat pizza found in a trashcan?
26. Would you rather cook your dog or chew your lip off?
27. Would you rather eat a dead rat or a handful of live worms?
28. Would you rather eat a handful of pubic hair or lick a toilet seat?
29. Would you rather eat ten dead flies or an alive baby mouse?
30. Would you rather have all your teeth pulled without an anesthetic or have all your nails ripped off without an anesthetic?
31. Would you rather stick needles in your eyes or suck on a used tampon?
32. Would you rather use sandpaper as toilet paper or drink a gallon of mustard?
33. Would you rather use vinegar as eye drops or walk on shattered glass?
34. Would you rather lick your grandma’s fake teeth or a cop’s fake teeth?
35. Would you ever discover a dead baby lizard at the bottom of your coffee or a dead rat?
36. Would you rather your drink be laced with laxatives or sleeping pills on the morning of your wedding?
37. Would you rather lie in a bathtub filled with worms or a bathtub filled with ants?
38. Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?
39. Would you rather eat three buckets of chicken or ten burgers?
40. Would you rather drink a gallon of milk within an hour or eat two jars of pickles?
Flirty Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Teasing and leading a girl is exciting as it carries a good balance between fun and romanticism as it makes your interest in the other girl known to her. And for those exact purposes, we have compiled these flirty would you rather questions for girls.
1. Would you rather dance with me under the stars or in a nightclub?
2. Would you rather watch a film with me or watch the sunset?
3. Would you rather get professional photos taken of us both or us take silly selfies ourselves?
4. Would you rather sing a song to me or play one on guitar to me?
5. Would you rather I gave you a peck on the cheek or a French kiss?
6. Would you rather I hold your hand, or I put my arm around your waist?
7. Would you rather give flowers to someone or receive them?
8. Would you rather be kinky or romantic in the relationship?
9. Would you rather lose your sense of feeling during love or your sense of taste?
10. Would you rather roleplay as a teacher or a police officer?
11. Would you rather watch an adult film together or have us make our own adult film?
12. Would you rather take a body shot of me or me to take a body shot of you?
13. Would you rather grant everyone’s naughty wishes or have all your naughty wishes granted?
14. Would you rather spend a night in a haunted house or spend the night with your ex-partner?
15. Would you rather be bald everywhere on your body or have lots of hair everywhere?
16. Would you rather be twice as rich as you are now or twice as beautiful?
17. Would you rather be celibate for a whole year or not be able to speak for a month?
18. Would you rather be naked everywhere you go or have everyone around you be able to listen to your thoughts?
19. Would you rather spend the day wearing my clothes or me wearing your clothes?
20. Would you rather date someone that needs constant attention or date someone who doesn’t want any attention at all?
21. Would you rather date someone who’s extremely sensitive or date someone with no emotions at all?
22. Would you rather be single and on your own or be in an open relationship with someone?
23. Would you rather let me go to a strip club for one night or perform a striptease for me yourself?
Dirty Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Dirty would you rather questions for girls are a good way to know about a girl’s expectations for her love life and she will also give you a hint too about her likes and dislikes. Do you want to know your girl’s wildest imaginations?
1. Would you rather have s#x with someone with a bushy pubic area or someone with a clean-shaven pubic area?
2. Would you rather accidentally send a dirty text message to your boss or your partner’s mom?
3. Would you rather be a virgin until you are 40 years old or never be able to have s#x after 40?
4. Would you rather be blindfolded or handcuffed during s#x?
5. Would you rather be terrible at kissing or at giving blowjobs?
6. Would you rather be with someone who loves rough s#x or someone who loves kinky s#x?
7. Would you rather be with a partner you can’t please s#xually or a partner who can’t please you s#xually?
8. Would you rather date a bad kisser or someone who is terrible at oral s#x?
9. Would you rather date a guy who c#ms in 10 seconds or a guy who takes at least 4 hours to c#m?
10. Would you rather date a po#n star or be a po#n star?
11. Would you rather date a s#x addict or a virgin?
12. Would you rather eat your partner’s a#s or have you’re a#s eaten by your partner?
13. Would you rather fart uncontrollably when you org#sm or cry inconsolably?
14. Would you rather f##k your high school crush or your celebrity crush?
15. Would you rather give a strip tease or a lap dance?
16. Would you rather give up masturbating for a whole year or s#x for 2 months?
17. Would you rather have a leaked video of you masturbating or one where you’re having s#x?
18. Would you rather have s#x with a priest or a monk?
19. Would you rather have bad s#x or no s#x at all?
20. Would you rather have big b##bs or a tight a#s?
21. Would you rather have drunken s#x with your female best friend or your roommate?
22. Would you rather have foreplay and no s#x, or s#x without foreplay?
23. Would you rather have office s#x or kitchen s#x?
24. Would you rather have one s#xual partner or many s#xual partners?
25. Would you rather have s#x in a missionary or doggy-style position?
26. Would you rather have s#x in a public restroom or a car?
27. Would you rather have s#x with a handsome person that isn’t good in bed or an unattractive person that is great in bed?
28. Would you rather have s#x with someone with a French accent or a British accent?
29. Would you rather have s#x with a submissive partner or a dominant partner?
30. Would you rather have s#x with your best friend’s dad or your Dad’s best friend?
Weird Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Weird would you rather questions for girls give you an opportunity to make the girl think of scenarios they would never have otherwise thought of in their daily setting of life.
1. Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small?
2. Would you rather find five dollars on the ground or find all your missing socks?
3. Would you rather have one nipple or two belly buttons?
4. Would you rather eat a ketchup sandwich or a Siracha sandwich?
5. Would you rather use a push lawnmower with a bar that is far too high or far too low?
6. Would you rather eat a box of dry spaghetti noodles or two cups of uncooked rice?
7. Would you rather eat a spoonful of wasabi or a spoonful of extremely spicy hot sauce?
8. Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept growing as you got older?
9. Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors?
10. Would you rather have plants grow at 20 times their normal rate when you are near or for people and animals to stop aging when you are near them?
11. Would you rather always feel like someone is following you, but no one is, or always feel like someone is watching you, even though no one is?
12. Would you rather live in a house with see-through walls in a city or in the same see-through house but in the middle of a forest far from civilization?
13. Would you rather have every cat or dog that gets lost end up at your house or everyone’s clothes that they forget in the dryer get teleported to your house?
14. Would you rather blink twice the normal rate or not be able to blink for 5 minutes but then have to close your eyes for 10 seconds every 5 minutes?
15. Would you rather all plants scream when you cut them / pick their fruit or animals beg for their lives before they are killed?
16. Would you rather wake up each morning to find that a random animal appendage has replaced your nondominant arm or permanently replace your bottom half with an animal bottom of your choice (not human)?
17. Would you rather have a map that shows you the location of anything you want to find and can be used again and again but has a margin of error of up to five miles or a device that allows you to find the location of anything you want with incredible accuracy but can only be used three times?
18. Would you rather have all animals feel compelled to obey you if you come within 10 feet of them or be given the opportunity to genetically design a pet that will be loyal only to you with the combined DNA of three animals?
19. Would you rather have someone impersonating you and doing really amazing things that you get the credit for or find money hidden in weird places all around your house every day but you can’t figure out where the money comes from or how it keeps getting there?
20. Would you rather wake up every morning with a new hundred-dollar bill in your pocket but not know where it came from or wake up every morning with a new fifty-dollar bill in your pocket and know where it comes from?
21. Would you rather have a clown only you can see that follows you everywhere and just stands silently in a corner watching you without doing or saying anything or have a real-life stalker who dresses like the Easter bunny that everyone can see?
23. Would you rather everything you dream each night come true when you wake up or everything a randomly chosen person dreams each night come true when they wake up?
24. Would you rather fight an angry 15ft anaconda to the death or 15 angry koalas to the death?
25. Would you rather live in a house filled with mannequins dressed as clowns or a house filled with porcelain dolls?
26. Would you rather have the olfactory senses of a dog or see more colors in the electromagnetic spectrum like a mantis shrimp?
27. Would you rather be a human swiss army knife like Inspector Gadget or be the richest person in the World?
28. Would you rather be able to see through walls but not windows or stay the same as you are now?
29. Would you rather always know exactly what time it is or always know which direction you are facing?
30. Would you rather have the ability to change your hair color at will or the color of your clothes at will?
Interesting Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Interesting would you rather question for girls, let you into a girl’s mind and at the same time, give off the persona that you are, too, more than what you seem from the outside.
1. Would you rather have a desk job or an outdoor job?
2. Would you rather only be to use a fork (no spoon) or only be able to use a spoon (no fork)?
3. Would you rather have to read aloud every word you read or sing everything you say out loud?
4. Would you rather give up the internet or your beloved pet?
5. Would you rather have all dogs try to attack you when they see you or all birds try to attack you when they see you?
6. Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
7. Would you rather have all drugs be legalized or dueling between consenting adults be legalized?
8. Would you rather there be a perpetual water balloon war going on in your city/town or a perpetual food fight?
9. Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?
10. Would you rather every shirt you ever wear be kind of itchy or only be able to use 1 ply toilet paper?
11. Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid/merman?
12. Would you rather be unable to move your body every time it rains or not be able to stop moving while the sun is out?
13. Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?
14. Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
15. Would you rather have a cook or a maid?
16. Would you rather spend Valentine ’s Day all alone or go on a blind date on Valentine’s day?
17. Would you rather walk into your partner cheating on you or have your partner walk into you cheating?
18. Would you rather lose all your photos taken on the wedding day or lose all the gifts given to you on your wedding day?
19. Would you rather marry someone you love who is poor or someone you don’t love who is wealthy?
20. Would you rather laugh at your mistakes or have some other persons laugh at you?
21. Would you rather dream of a dead person or dream of someone running after you to kill you?
22. Would you rather militants amputate your arms or your legs?
23. Would you rather drink human blood or eat human flesh?
24. Would you rather a guy touch your hair or touch your back?
25. Would you rather cuddle and watch movies or go out and have fun?
26. Would you rather a guy be the alpha male or be the beta male?
27. Would you rather the guy be able to work on the house or contract out the work?
28. Would you rather a guy have a good job or good morals?
29. Would you rather a guy have good communication or good ethics?
30. Would you rather find a guy online or randomly spark a conversation?
31. Would you rather a guy tell you when you’re being cute or take your picture?
32. Would you rather a guy write you a love note or tell you verbally?
33. Would you rather a guy keep their bedroom clean or keep a clean shower?
34. Would you rather be rich or rich and famous?
35. Would you rather ask for help with something or try and do it yourself?
36. Would you rather spend a day with your partner inside or outside?
37. Would you rather go out for fine dining or grab a burger and a soda from a fast-food joint?
38. Would you rather go for a long walk on the beach or take a dip in the sea?
Fun Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Have you ever been in a situation where you could see that the company of the girl (or girls) you are in, would do a lot better if everyone just loosened up a little bit? These fun would you rather questions for girls will do just that.
1. Would you rather lose your eyebrows or accidentally like a picture from 3 years ago while stalking a crush?
2. Would you rather lose your eyebrows or your eyelashes?
3. Would you rather lose your two upper front teeth or the two lower front teeth?
4. Would you rather mistakenly project an intimate video during your presentation or a video of you singing and dancing in your old bra and pants?
5. Would you rather not bathe for a month or not brush your teeth for a month?
6. Would you rather puke or pee all over yourself after having too much to drink at a party?
7. Would you rather ride a pig or a giant squirrel?
8. Would you rather run into your dad or your mom at a club?
9. Would you rather run naked through your high school hallways or your office?
10. Would you rather share your spoon with someone who never brushes or share your hot tub with someone who never showers?
11. Would you rather sh#t yourself in public or be caught masturbating in public?
12. Would you rather sing on the streets to earn money or sell a live chicken on the streets to earn money?
13. Would you rather sit between two obese people or two crying babies?
14. Would you rather someone throw up on you or sneeze on you?
15. Would you rather swallow a teaspoon of flour or a teaspoon of cinnamon?
16. Would you rather take the wrong baby home from the daycare or the wrong dog from the park?
17. Would you rather unknowingly walk around with your shirt tucked into your pant or wear a skirt with brown stains?
18. Would you rather use eye drops made of vinegar or toilet paper made from sandpaper?
19. Would you rather use your spare change to wipe yourself on the toilet or not wipe yourself?
20. Would you rather walk naked in the middle of a crowd chanting “shame” or “slut”?
Easy Would You Rather Questions for Girls
You do not always have to ask the most difficult or weirdest questions to keep the girls involved in the conversation, sometimes these easy would you rather questions for girls will do the trick for you.
1. Would you rather wait your entire life for your soul mate or go through multiple marriages?
2. Would you rather your family approve our your loved one or be okay with whatever choice you made?
3. Would you rather be deeply in love with your soulmate or never meet your soulmate and be poor?
4. Would you rather have kids early in life or later in life when you were ready?
5. Would you rather meet your true love for only one week or never know who they were?
6. Would you rather fall in love early or wait to fall in love until later?
7. Would you rather have strong lust or strong communication?
8. Would you rather our love develop slowly or feel like it’s rushing in on you?
9. Would you rather have to marry your first heartbreak or a random stranger?
10. Would you rather talk on the phone every night or send text messages?
11. Would you rather spend the weekend together or spend the weekdays together?
12. Would you rather meet your partner randomly or have everything planned?
13. Would you rather have s#x early in the relationship timeline or wait until later?
14. Would you rather turn your best friend into your lover or have your lover become your best friend over time?
15. Would you rather have a picnic or go on a romantic dinner date?
16. Would you rather get flowers or get chocolate as a gift?
17. Would you rather spend quality time together or receive a gift?
18. Would you rather be poor and in love or rich and alone?
19. Would you rather watch movies on the weekend or TV shows?
20. Would you rather know what your future love life looked like or have it be a mystery?
21. Would you rather be in a horror movie or be in a bad drama movie?
22. Would you rather live in a house or an apartment?
23. Would you rather live by the ocean or in the mountains?
24. Would you rather be rich for one week and lose it all or have a moderate income for the rest of your life?
25. Would you rather be the last person in the world or the first person in the world dying from a virus?
26. Would you rather have bad hair on your head or a lot of body hair?
27. Would you rather be stuck on a bus with people you didn’t like or stuck in an airport overnight?
28. Would you rather have limited access to the internet or not be able to use your phone?
29. Would you rather be the funny person in the room or the best-looking person in the room?
30. Would you rather eat a bowl of worms or a bowl of crickets?
31. Would you rather have a lot of mediocre friends or have one very good friend?
32. Would you rather eat your favorite food every day or only have it once per year?
33. Would you rather sleep on a really comfortable mattress or have a really comfortable pillow?
34. Would you rather go for a walk or go for a run together?
35. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to hear other humans’ thoughts?
36. Would you rather have all the money in the world and have to donate it or live a life with a mediocre income?
37. Would you rather spend your whole life not knowing your parents or spend your whole life not knowing yourself?
38. Would you rather spend the weekends with your friends or with your romantic partner?
39. Would you rather have one wish or get the opportunity to meet God?
40. Would you rather learn a hard lesson in life or have your life be easy?
41. Would you rather a guy text you in the morning or at night?
42. Would you rather a guy tell you he has a crush on you or be mysterious?
43. Would you rather a guy be confident or good-looking?
44. Would you rather a guy be tall and unintelligent or short and smart?
45. Would you rather have a guy plan an activity with you or a romantic dinner?
46. Would you rather talk to a guy on the phone at night or text throughout the day?
47. Would you rather have a guy tell you how beautiful you are or kiss you when you were being cute?
48. Would you rather a guy take control in the bedroom or have you be in control?
49. Would you rather a guy decide what to eat for dinner or have you be involved?
50. Would you rather live with a guy before getting married or get married first?
General Would You Rather Questions for Girls
General would you rather questions for girls will let you ask random questions to test and to know about the girl’s knowledge or her views on different things as you both will are not tied to a particular topic.
1. Would you rather have a Coke or Pepsi?
2. Would you rather have a gold tooth or gap teeth?
3. Would you rather have a million followers on Instagram or a million dollars in your bank account?
4. Would you rather have a spoiled child or an unintelligent child?
5. Would you rather have chocolate or vanilla topping?
6. Would you rather have day-time shifts or night-time shifts at work?
7. Would you rather live in a dirty neighborhood or with dirty flatmates?
8. Would you rather live in a house full of cockroaches or a house full of rats?
9. Would you rather live in an apartment or a house?
10. Would you rather lose three teeth before 30 or stop eating junk altogether?
11. Would you rather marry a famous pop singer or a famous Hollywood actor?
12. Would you rather marry a firefighter or a soldier?
13. Would you rather marry a soldier on active duty or a NASA engineer on a space mission?
14. Would you rather marry for looks or personality?
15. Would you rather marry for love or money?
16. Would you rather meet a modern-day celebrity or a legend from years back?
17. Would you rather miss prom or miss graduation?
18. Would you rather owe someone money or have someone owe you money?
19. Would you rather own a yacht or own a jet?
20. Would you rather own an aquarium or zoo?
21. Would you rather play monopoly or chess with your romantic partner?
22. Would you rather read a paper book or an e-book?
23. Would you rather shave or wax?
24. Would you rather sign a vow of silence or a vow of purity?
25. Would you rather sleep through a power outage or a storm?
26. Would you rather stay sugar-free for a year or salt-free?
27. Would you rather take Tea or Coffee?
28. Would you rather use an Android or an iOS device?
29. Would you rather use shower gel or soap?
30. Would you rather visit a cinema or watch a movie at home?
31. Would you rather visit a club or host a house party?
32. Would you rather watch a comedy or horror movie?
33. Would you rather watch a movie at home or the cinema?
34. Would you rather wear a dirty outfit or a torn outfit?
35. Would you rather wear flats or heels?
36. Would you rather wear pads or tampons?
37. Would you rather wear Polka dots or stripes?
38. Would you rather win a free one-week cruise to a destination of choice or a free weekend stay at any hotel?
39. Would you rather win a Nobel Prize or the Miss World Beauty Pageant?
40. Would you rather work for a profit-making or a non-profit organization?
41. Would you rather work from home or work from an office cubicle?
42. Would you rather stay in a hotel or Airbnb?
Awkward Would You Rather Questions for Girls
Awkward questions are often a good way to make girls step out of their comfort zone and their reaction to these awkward would you rather questions for girls are often priceless.
1. Would you rather make a phone call or send a text?
2. Would you rather have whatever you are thinking to appear above your head for everyone to see or have absolutely everything you do live-streamed for anyone to see?
3. Would you rather be the most popular person at work or school or the smartest?
4. Would you rather put a stop to war or end world hunger?
5. Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?
6. Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?
7. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?
8. Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
9. Would you rather live in virtual reality where you are all-powerful or live in the real world and be able to go anywhere but not be able to interact with anyone or anything?
10. Would you rather spend the night in a luxury hotel room or camping surrounded by beautiful scenery?
11. Would you rather be an unimportant character in the last movie you saw or an unimportant character in the last book you read?
12. Would you rather have all your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and sheets in existence?
13. Would you rather go to a movie or dinner alone?
14. Would you rather travel the world for a year on a shoestring budget or stay in only one country for a year but live in luxury?
15. Would you rather read an awesome book or watch a good movie?
5 Tips for Playing Would You Rather Questions Game
These are a few tips you can follow to make your would you rather questions game more fun.
1. Timings
One of the most important tips for playing the would you rather questions game is that you cannot ask any question anywhere or at any time. The tricky thing about game is that you have to look for the right questions to ask at the right moment. Right timing is everything or you risk looking inconsistent and someone who cannot absorb the aura of your surroundings.
2. Clarity
You have to ensure that all the girls you are addressing to, are listening and that they are aware of the rules of playing this would you rather questions game. Make it clear that only the person being asked the question will answer. Although this rule seems anti-fun but the nature of the would you rather questions for girls will force girls to bud in and give their two cents.
3. Discuss
Another important tip to note is you should not just keep moving to the next question in line, rather, try to have some discussion and register girls’ opinions on the matter. This will help people get more involved and interested in the conversation and they will try to match others’ vibe to carry on this fun activity.
4. Reasoning
You can oppose girls’ views, comment on their answers, or ask them why they chose a particular option. One of the mistakes that moderators make is that they just accept the answer as it is without stirring the pot. People love to prove their point and, in the process, will make your questions a lot more thought-worthy.
5. Make a List
Get your ideas for questions online as this would you rather questions for girls list. These lists will help you immensely with these activities and the end result will be you confidently addressing the girl or a group of girls, leading them with your questions and overall having a good time with lots of food for thought.
Final Thoughts on Would You Rather Questions for Girls
To conclude, the would you rather questions game is one of the best ways to provoke thoughts and feelings in people. The exhaustive list of would you rather questions for girls above will give you a good handle on the situation. They will let you and the girls have an interesting time while making good relationship bonds with each other.
If the would you rather questions for girls are asked appropriately at the right time, you would be the centre of attention for the girls around you and all the girls will be cheering you forward. These questions may cause some disagreements but you will be there to moderate the conversation and keep the situation under control because we have provided you with questions for all sorts of situations.
Try and enjoy the game!