510 Best What Would You Do Questions to Test Your Creative Thinking

If you’re bored and searching for a fun game to play with your buddies, these what would you do questions are for you.
It’s simple to play and leads to interesting discussions. For you, we’ve compiled a collection of hundreds of amazing what would you do questions.
A classic game of “what would you do?” is one of the finest ways to actually get to know people—even those close to you.
The greatest what would you do if questions offer startling information about each participant, and they are incredibly good.
Such questions force participants to consider what they value the most, whether it is love or money, integrity or ego, privacy or freedom, or even salt or sugar.
These questions aren’t necessarily like Sophie’s Choice: they might be bizarre, nasty, humorous, or philosophical. It works as long as it makes you think.
Best What Would You Do Questions
In my personal experience, these are some of the best what would you do questions we have to share. I hope you like these!
1. What would you do if you had only 24 hours to live?
2. What would you do if you found out you could stop time?
3. What would you do if you were rich?
4. What would you do if you were the ruler of a country for a day?
5. What would you do if you were swimming and lost your bathing suit?
6. What would you do if you were suddenly poor and homeless?
7. What would you do if you found a bag containing a large amount of cash?
8. What would you do with the extra time if you had 25-hour days (while everyone else continued to have 24-hour days)?
9. What would you do if you found out you could talk to animals?
10. What would you do if you were kidnapped?
11. What would you do if your cell phone fell in the toilet?
12. What would you do if you went to a public restroom and discovered that there was no paper?
13. What would you do if you were walking in the forest and saw a wolf?
14. What would you do if you found out the world was ending?
15. What would you do if you had to choose between wealth and fame?
16. What would you do if you woke up in the morning and found out you were six years old again?
17. What would you do if you were all of a sudden invisible?
18. What would you do if you were at home alone at night and heard someone in your house?
19. What would you do if you saw someone in public with toilet paper stuck to their shoe?
20. What would you do if you knew that you would go blind in two months?
21. What would you do if you had two weeks free to do anything you wanted?
22. What would you do if you found out you had a brother or sister you had never met?
23. What would you do if you found out your boss was embezzling company funds?
24. What would you do if you were given the chance to go into outer space?
25. What would you do if you were told you could never leave your house?
26. What would you do if you had the opportunity to have any wish granted?
27. What would you do if you found out someone from your past was planning to kill you?
28. What would you do if you could see into the future?
29. What would you do if you began to have uncontrollable bouts of crying or anger?
Deep What Would You Do Questions
We’ve compiled a list of deep what would you do questions ranging from serious to humorous. Break a few at your next party or family home gathering, and prepare to learn more about your near and dear ones than you ever imagined.
1. What would you do if you could change/introduce one law?
2. What would you do if you would never have to sleep again?
3. What would you do if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life?
4. What would you do if you could transform yourself into any animal?
5. What would you do if you could be invisible to the human eye?
6. What would you do if you found nudes of yourself online right now?
7. What would you do if you could change one event in history?
8. What would you do if you didn’t have to work for a living?
9. What would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow?
10. What would you do if you meet an alien?
11. What would you do if you were stuck with a pregnant woman in an elevator, and she went into labor?
12. What would you do if a kid starts kicking your ass and its mother doesn’t intervene?
13. What would you do if you got caught masturbating by your flatmate?
14. What would you do if all drugs were legal?
15. What would you do if you could control your dreams?
16. What would you do if you were left on an isolated island?
17. What would you do if you found 1000 dollars on the street?
18. What would you do if you didn’t have any anxiety?
19. What would you do if you were god?
20. What would you do if you were immortal?
21. What would you do if you could switch gender for a day?
22. What would you do if you fell into a gorilla’s enclosure?
23. What would you do if your mother turned into a zombie right in front of your eyes?
24. What would you do if you had the chance to have s#x with Ryan Gosling?
25. What would you do if you were given three wishes? What would you wish for?
26. What would you do if reincarnation was real, and you could choose what animal you become in your next life?
27. What would you do if you had the opportunity to time travel once?
28. What would you do if you had the chance to end all war by killing 10 innocent children?
29. What would you do if you had the chance to fly to space?
30. What would you do if you could build any house you wanted?
31. What would you do if you got lost in the woods?
32. What would you do if you could travel to space?
33. What would you do if you could speak with animals?
34. What would you do if you could prevent pollution?
35. What would you do if you could create the earth over again?
36. What would you do if you had the ability to change s#xes over night?
37. What would you do if you knew the moment you would be dead?
38. What would you do if you had to spend the weekend with your parents?
39. What would you do if you could be famous for the rest of your life but poor forever?
Funny What Would You Do Questions
These funny what would you do questions might help you discover more about your pals or just have some fun.
Funny questions are a wonderful method to learn about a person’s beliefs and motivations in life. At the very minimum, they can be a fun way to kill time.
1. What would you do if we could only talk in rhymes and meter?
2. What would you do if you could live anywhere in the world?
3. What would you do if you found out your house was infested with snakes?
4. What would you do if you were allowed to eat only one food for the rest of your life?
5. What would you do if you had the chance to write a best-selling novel?
6. What would you do if you were excellent at a sport?
7. What would you do if you could do one thing so well you could be famous?
8. What would you do if you could have any job you wanted?
9. What would you do if you could invent a new food?
10. What would you do if you could marry someone famous, either living or dead?
11. What would you do if you could only wear one color the rest of your life?
12. What would you do if you lost everything tomorrow?
13. What would you do if you never had to work again?
14. What would you do if you could send a short message to the entire world?
15. What would you do if you could start your life all over?
16. What would you do if you could watch a movie about everything that happened in your life until now?
17. What would you do if you had a friend that you spoke to the same way you speak to yourself?
18. What would you do if you had to teach someone one thing?
19. What would you do if you could walk on the ceiling?
20. What would you do if you switched places with your pet?
21. What would you do if you woke up in the morning with a stranger next to you in bed?
22. What would you do if a turtle didn’t have his shell?
23. What would you do if cats could bark and dogs meow?
24. What would you do if you were a type of candy?
25. What would you do if you were a tree?
26. What would you do if you were a monster?
27. What would you do if you could only walk on your hands?
28. What would you do if you lost your bathing suit while you were swimming?
29. What would you do if you woke up one morning to find you had switched bodies and families with your best friend?
30. What would you do if you woke up tomorrow morning and could only hop everywhere you went?
31. What would you do if you found out you were really a robot?
32. What would you do if you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed?
33. What would you do if you were a fruit?
34. What would you do if your body was a bright color?
35. What would you do if you used a public toilet and discovered there was no paper?
36. What would you do if you could stop time for 24-hours?
37. What would you do if you could be an animal for a day?
38. What would you do if you could change the month or year you were born?
39. What would you do if you could be a famous body for a day?
40. What would you do if you had a child at a young age?
Weird What Would You Do Questions
If you’re seeking for weird what would you do questions, look no further. Some may appear unanswerable, which is what distinguishes them; others merely make you scratch your head in puzzlement and try to come up with a plausible sounding solution. All of these questions are sure to make you laugh!
1. What would you do if you could have a free chip put in your child’s brain to provide all basic knowledge – math, language, and history facts, etc.?
2. What would you do if you could live forever and the earth remained just as it is now?
3. What would you do if you could relive any moment in your life whenever you wished to?
4. What would you do if you could remember everything that happened to you from the time you were born?
5. What would you do if you could spend your life never sleeping?
6. What would you do if people cared more about doing the right thing than doing things right?
7. What would you do if you could not make your own decisions, but you had to choose someone else to make them for you?
8. What would you do if you had to spend 100 days on a desert island all alone?
9. What would you do if you were badly injured in an accident and your car ran off the road and was hidden from site?
10. What would you do if you were invited to high tea with the Queen of England?
11. What would you do if you were offered the opportunity to go into space?
12. What would you do if you were shipwrecked on an uninhabited island?
13. What would you do if you woke up and could not speak your native language, but only one that you could not understand?
14. What would you do if you woke up and discovered you were the only person on earth?
15. What would you do if you were shipwrecked on a desert island?
16. What would you do if you could only view one website for the rest of your life?
17. What would you do if you woke up and found that you can’t speak your native language, but only one that neither you nor people around you understand?
18. What would you do if you woke up and realized you were the only person on earth?
19. What would you do if you woke up and found you had switched bodies with your best friend?
20. What would you do if you could be a famous person for one day?
21. What would you do if you could spend your life without sleeping ever again?
22. What would you do if you had to choose someone else to make decisions for you?
23. What would you do if you could be invisible in only one place?
24. What would you do if you could live forever and remain the same as you are right now?
25. What would you do if you had the power to change the entire world?
26. What would you do if you could choose any superpower?
27. What would you do if you had to choose between not sleeping or not eating ever again?
28. What would you do if someone made a movie about you?
29. What would you do if robots took over the world?
30. What would you do if you were blind?
31. What would you do if you were deaf and unable to hear?
32. What would you do if you could only smell one thing the rest of your existence?
33. What would you do if you lost one sense?
34. What would you do if you got into a car accident today?
35. What would you do if your life depended on a food?
36. What would you do if our species depended on you breeding it?
37. What would you do if one word you said ended the world?
38. What would you do if your sense of smell was diminished?
Good What Would You Do Questions
Just some good what would you do questions that are fun to answer. These questions are based upon opinions, conjectures, suppositions, and personal beliefs. Frequently the answer is unexpected and original.
1. What would you do if you could only respond to people’s questions with more questions?
2. What would you do if you never aged?
3. What would you do if you could attain your childhood dream job?
4. What would you do if you had a pet carrier pigeon?
5. What would you do if a meteor landed in your backyard?
6. What would you do if you could get a tattoo of anything you want?
7. What would you do if you could grow extra limbs as needed?
8. What would you do if every time you told a lie, you levitated an inch higher off the ground?
9. What would you do if you could only read one book for the rest of your life?
10. What would you do if you became a character in your favorite movie?
11. What would you do if you had the chance to talk to your childhood self?
12. What would you do if you burped bubbles?
13. What would you do if your imaginary friend came to life?
14. What would you do if you met somebody from the future?
15. What would you do if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life?
16. What would you do if your world consisted of a one block radius?
17. What would you do if you found an alien in your bathtub?
18. What would you do if you could solve one major world problem?
19. What would you do if you could know the name of the person you’re going to marry?
20. What would you do if you had X-ray vision?
21. What would you do if you could leap tall buildings in a single bound?
22. What would you do if your cousin married a plant?
23. What would you do if you never felt any pain?
24. What would you do if it started snowing inside your bedroom?
25. What would you do if your touch could make flowers instantly bloom?
26. What would you do if you could boil water with your mind?
27. What would you do if a stranger offered you a million bucks right now?
28. What would you do if you were allergic to water?
29. What would you do if you had to fight a lion?
30. What would you do if you could have a shopping spree at any store of your choice?
31. What would you do if you could have perfect hair or perfect teeth, but not both?
32. What would you do if you discovered you had a twin?
33. What would you do if dessert was healthy for you?
34. What would you do if you had a fairy godmother?
35. What would you do if your future was dependent on someone else?
36. What would you do if you could speak to God?
37. What would you do if you could speak to the dead?
38. What would you do if you could see your future?
39. What would you do if you could meditate with Buddha for a day?
Dirty What Would You Do Questions
If you want something dirty, we are going to give it to you but it is up to you to choose the right person and perfect time to employ them. Here are those dirty what would you do questions.
1. What would you do if you accidentally walked in on me naked?
2. What would you do if I kissed you right here right now?
3. What would you do if I put my hand underneath your shirt right now?
4. What would you do if I touched your secrete parts?
5. What would you do if I made the first move on you?
6. What would you do if you found me lying on your bed completely naked and exposed?
7. What would you do if I allowed you to do whatever you like with me?
8. What would you do if I said I liked you and wanted to be with you?
9. What would you do if I asked you to make out with me, what will your answer be? How will you take it?
10. What would you do if I was to be your girlfriend, what will you like me to change first?
11. What would you do if I dedicate a song to you?
12. What would you do if I asked u to go out tonight?
13. What would you do if someone you have fallen for doesn’t like you that much?
14. What would you do If you knew you will be dead by the end of the week?
15. What would you do if I tell you I love you?
16. What would you do If I asked to see your b#obs?
17. What would you do If I asked you for a kiss?
18. What would you do if I asked for a s#xless relationship?
What Would You Do Questions for Couples
According to network sciences and behavioral research findings, we like and seek out connections when there are several contexts for communicating with your partner. Here are some what would you do questions for couples to help you connect.
1. What would you say if the whole world were listening?
2. What would you do if your best friend told you he/she killed someone?
3. What would you do if you saw someone steal something from the grocery store?
4. What would you do if you caught your partner cheating on you with your best friend?
5. What would you do if you could do anything illegal without getting arrested?
6. What would you do if someone tries to rob you while you’re at home sleeping?
7. What would you do if your friend has a terrible breath? Would you tell them?
8. What would you do if you caught your parents having s#x?
9. What would you do if you’re on a train and a person who smells horrible sits next to you?
10. What would you do if you saw a person crying on a park bench?
11. What would you do if you figured out the password to your partner’s phone right now?
12. What would you do if you could hypnotize anyone just by looking at them?
13. What would you do if you found out you were pregnant at this moment?
14. What would you do if you’re at a hair salon and got a really bad haircut?
15. What would you do if you and your 16-year-old self could have a sleepover?
16. What would you do if we were stranded on a desert island for three months?
17. What would you do if you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life?
18. What would you do if I cheated on you with your best friend?
19. What would you do if we decided to move to the other side of the world?
20. What would you do if you had to choose fortune or happiness?
21. What would you do if you could have one superpower for one day?
22. What would you do if you had to watch one movie for the rest of your life?
23. What would you do if the world was ending tomorrow?
24. What would you do if we were immortal and could live together forever?
25. What would you do if we could go back in time together?
26. What would you do if we wanted to get a pet?
27. What would you do if you got the opportunity of a lifetime but had to leave me behind?
28. What would you do if we were to have a baby in 9 months?
What Would You Do Questions for Adults
These what would you do questions for adults are ideal for getting you to think a little deeper than your typical would you rather inquiry. I don’t think they’ll cause you to have an existential threat, but they could make you reconsider things.
1. What would you do if your son was all alone crying at home?
2. What would you do if a child was afraid of a character?
3. What would you do if you found out that I don’t have a penis/vagina?
4. What would you do if you woke up and the house is on fire?
5. What would you do if you find out that you are not the father/mother of your kids?
6. What would you do if you have the power to go to the future and the past?
7. What would you do if you have to sacrifice someone you love to live or you die?
8. What would you do if your worst enemy becomes the boss in your place of work?
9. What would you do if there’s no reason to live?
10. What would you do if I was handicapped and you had to take care of me?
11. What would you do if we had to work the same job?
12. What would you do if we were on a high-speed rollercoaster and I threw up on you?
13. What would you do if my parents don’t like you?
14. What would you do if your ex showed around and professed their love for you?
15. What would you do if people made fun of me?
16. What would you do if you could design and build any living space you want?
17. What would you do if we had to be separated for a month – no texts, no calls, no anything?
18. What would you do if you could change one thing about my body?
19. What would you do if you could revisit one specific moment of your life?
20. What would you do if you could never tell a lie?
21. What would you do if you had the chance to go to space?
22. What would you do if someone wrote you a love letter?
23. What would you do if you tattoo my name somewhere on your body?
24. What would you do if you could only drink one beverage for the rest of your life?
25. What would you do if you didn’t have to work a day in your life?
26. What would you do if we met earlier – would we be attracted to each other?
27. What would you do if I start making all the decisions for you in a week?
28. What would you do if I gave you a surprise haircut?
29. What would you do if you were given a chance to be the president?
30. What would you do if you had to open a restaurant?
31. What would you do if you had to turn into one animal and live out your life in that form?
32. What would you do if you could date anyone that has ever lived?
33. What would you do if someone wrote your biography?
34. What would you do if there is life after death?
35. What would you do if you were a famous painting?
36. What would you do if we could breathe and live underwater?
37. What would you do if tomorrow you woke up without your eyesight?
38. What would you do if suddenly I start to smell really bad?
39. What would you do if you could speak to animals?
40. What would you do if you just found out you have an illegitimate child?
41. What would you do if one of us dated someone famous and they told an embarrassing story to the world about our relationship?
42. What would you do if you could bring someone back from the dead?
What Would You Do Questions for Teens
What would you do questions for teens are great to ask teens and add to any fun school activity. Try these questions out in your classroom or at your next meetup with your friends.
1. What would you do if you had two left feet?
2. What would you do if you could communicate only by singing?
3. What would you do if the floor was lava?
4. What would you do if you lived at the time of the dinosaurs?
5. What would you do if you knew you could never die?
6. What would you do if you were the most popular person in the world?
7. What would you do if you could only eat green foods?
8. What would you do if you were on the run from the law?
9. What would you do if Harry Styles appeared on your doorstep?
10. What would you do if your faucet leaked ice cream?
11. What would you do if you were lost at sea?
12. What would you do if you saw yourself on TV?
13. What would you do if you could regrow your limbs instantly?
14. What would you do if you had a pet octopus?
15. What would you do if you lived in outer space?
16. What would you do if you had a hit single on the radio?
17. What would you do if your best friend was world famous for chess?
18. What would you do if you could read people’s minds?
19. What would you do if you were never wrong?
20. What would you do if swimming pools were filled with peanut butter instead of water?
21. What would you do if you had a photographic memory?
22. What would you do if your family lived on a sailboat?
23. What would you do if you could only wear one color for the rest of your life?
24. What would you do if you became a dog for the day?
25. What would you do if you were the President of the United States?
26. What would you do if you had to share a room with your worst enemy?
27. What would you do if you could travel anywhere in the world?
28. What would you do if you had to run, not walk, everywhere?
29. What would you do if you got stuck on an island alone?
30. What would you do if you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead?
31. What would you do if nobody could remember who you are?
32. What would you do if your only mode of transport was a scooter?
33. What would you do if you were born knowing how you would die?
34. What would you do if you had a tail?
35. What would you do if you spoke only in text abbreviations?
36. What would you do if everything you touched turned to gold?
37. What would you do if you had to eat the same thing for dinner every night?
38. What would you do if you could talk to animals?
39. What would you do if you could see the future?
40. What would you do if you had to change your name every year?
41. What would you do if you knew you only had six months to live?
42. What would you do if you had to drink everything through a straw?
43. What would you do if the sun stopped setting?
44. What would you do if you had to face your worst fear every day?
45. What would you do if all your social interactions moved fully online?
46. What would you do if you were wrongly accused of embezzlement?
47. What would you do if you could step into paintings?
48. What would you do if you were an Olympic athlete?
49. What would you do if your birthday was canceled?
50. What would you do if your house was filled with mirrors?
51. What would you do if you found yourself aboard the Titanic?
52. What would you do if there was a monster under your bed?
53. What would you do if you had spaghetti for legs?
54. What would you do if you did not know phones existed?
55. What would you do if you were raised by wolves?
56. What would you do if you were the first one to discover fire?
57. What would you do if you had a flying car?
58. What would you do if the Tooth Fairy was real?
59. What would you do if you could switch places with someone for a day?
What Would You Do Questions for Friends
What would you do questions for friends are a good way to get to know your friends in depth and provoke interesting conversations. Here are some questions that are sure to add spark to your gathering.
1. What would you do if police tried to arrest me for no reason?
2. What would you do if you wake up and realize that you cannot move your body anymore?
3. What would you do if your friend steals from you?
4. What would you do if someone just gave you $1 million?
5. What would you do if a stranger kicks your balls and run away?
6. What would you do someone finds out your biggest secret?
7. What would you do if all the electricity in the world just stopped?
8. What would you do if you were offered everything in life for free, but you have to live alone without the internet?
9. What would you do if you become a celebrity?
10. What would you do if you had five years to live?
11. What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
12. What would you do if you wake up and see yourself in wonderland?
13. What would you do if you were invisible?
14. What would you do if you were the president?
15. What would you do if you can make dreams reality?
16. What would you do if everyone was happy?
17. What would you do if everyone disappeared to thin air?
18. What would you do if you have an adult’s abilities?
19. What would you do if no one was watching you?
20. What would you do if you were given superpowers?
21. What would you do if you were the only witness to a serious crime your best friend committed?
22. What would you do if you could solve complex math problems in your head?
23. What would you do if you ran into your mean high school teacher at the grocery store?
24. What would you do if you could control the weather?
25. What would you do if you had the chance to change one moment from your past?
26. What would you do if an old friend you’d had a falling out with called you right now?
27. What would you do if trees were really just large stalks of broccoli?
28. What would you do if your life was a reality TV show?
29. What would you do if a DNA test showed that your father is actually a celebrity?
30. What would you do if your house burned down and you could only save one item?
What Would You Do Questions for Boyfriend
We have created these what would you do questions to ask your boyfriend designed to spark his imagination and provide some fun. You will get to know a lot of interesting things from your boyfriend’s answers.
1. What would you do if you and I were the only people on Earth?
2. What would you do if someone is crushing on you, and you like him or her as well?
3. What would you do if I kissed you?
4. What would you do if a celebrity kissed you without your consent?
5. What would you do if you were the ugliest thing on Earth?
6. What would you do if there were no weekends?
7. What would you do if love is something you buy from the market?
8. What would you do if you fall for someone?
9. What would you do if someone cheats on you?
10. What would you do if I break your heart?
11. What would you do if I never said “yes” to your proposal?
12. What would you do if we were stuck in a box in this position?
13. What would you do if I lie to you about something vital?
14. What would you do if I tear your certificates just because I am upset?
15. What would you do if the world was ending?
16. What would you do if there was a dragon stuck under your bed?
17. What would you do if I tell you that I never loved you?
18. What would you do if a celebrity gives you a shoutout on Instagram without you asking for it?
19. What would you do if I was pregnant?
20. What would you do if we were given the chance to go somewhere far away and beautiful?
21. What would you do if you were given the chance to have dinner with your idol?
22. What would you do if we were forced to live in a zombie apocalypse?
23. What would you do if teleportation was possible and also cheap?
24. What would you do if you could design your dream house without any financial limits?
25. What would you do if you could choose to be one of the most famous billionaires in the world?
26. What would you do if you were born in a different era?
27. What would you do if you could have any talent or skill in the world?
28. What would you do if there were no wars on Earth?
What Would You Do Questions for Girlfriend
These are some what would you do questions for girlfriend that you might find interesting. Feel free to skip through the list and select the ones that interest you the most. They are not in any exact sequence, so you may begin anywhere on the list.
1. What would you do if you could teleport, Star Trek style, to anywhere in the world?
2. What would you do if you could go back in time?
3. What would you do if the world were about to end?
4. What would you do if your parents didn’t like me?
5. What would you do if my brother hit on you?
6. What would you do if I liked to dance naked while listening to One Direction?
7. What would you do if you woke up and started speaking an alien language?
8. What would you do if we were stuck in an elevator?
9. What would you do if I asked you to move in with me?
10. What would you do if I had a twin brother?
11. What would you do if your parents don’t show interest in me?
12. What would you do if we were stuck in an elevator and I kissed you?
13. What would you do if I had only one day to live?
14. What would you do if you were pregnant?
15. What would you do if you were stranded on a deserted island with me, but we had no water and food?
16. What would you do if we broke up?
17. What would you do if there was no love in your life?
18. What would you do if another person asked me out on a date?
19. What would you do if your lover cheated on you?
20. What would you do if someone you love committed a crime?
21. What would you do if my close friend proposed to you?
22. What would you do if you could live forever with me?
23. What would you do if I were a mafia? Would you love me either way?
24. What would you do if you had a choice to stay with one person for the rest of your life?
25. What would you do if you could live forever by sacrificing love?
26. What would you do if you woke up and discovered you were the only person left on earth?
27. What would you do if the love of your life gets lost? Would you ever be able to move on?
28. What would you do if your lover bought you flowers?
29. What would you do if you had the chance to sail around the world with your love?
30. What would you do if someone wanted you to be their fake boyfriend or girlfriend to make their significant other jealous?
31. What would you do if you disappeared with your boyfriend in a dense jungle?
32. What would you do if you planned your dream date with a celebrity crush?
33. What would you do if I had measles?
34. What would you do if your childhood crush tells you they liked you?
35. What would you do if I were arrested? Would you break up with me or find a different guy?
36. What would you do if you had a chance to take someone special to Moon?
37. What would you do if you had to design a dress for me?
38. What would you do if I dressed up as a girl? Would you recognize me?
39. What would you do if we were Romeo and Juliet of the 21st century?
40. What would you do if you could shape your future just as you wanted it to be?
41. What would you do if someone wrote a love story inspired by you?
42. What would you do if you were a hero or a villain in your favorite movie?
43. What would you do if the Law of Attraction exists in real?
44. What would you do if you have to get a tattoo of your boyfriend?
45. What would you do if there was no electricity supply for a year anywhere in the world?
46. What would you do if you received a free diamond to gift it to your beloved?
47. What would you do if we found dinosaurs living on a remote island?
48. What would you do if you could remember and visualize everything that happened to you from the time you were born?
49. What would you do if you could never sleep?
50. What would you do if you were a barber, and you need to give your special someone’s dad a haircut?
51. What would you do if your boyfriend takes all the important decisions of your life?
52. What would you do if you had to spend 100 days on a deserted island all alone?
53. What would you do if you were offered the opportunity to go to Mars?
54. What would you do if you were shipwrecked on a horrifying island?
55. What would you do if you were the President of the United States of America?
What Would You Do Questions for Students
What would you do questions for students are excellent for starting a conversation, stretching personal limits, breaking down boundaries, and creating memorable experiences. Here are a few examples.
1. What would you do if everyday emotions were confusing or challenging?
2. What would you do if you were thrown out of school?
3. What would you do if your class teacher catches you doing something crazy?
4. What would you do if life is something you pay for?
5. What would you do if your friends and families no longer trust you?
6. What would you do if one of your classmates feel jealous of you?
7. What would you do if there’s something like life after death?
8. What would you do if you have superpowers?
9. What would you do if you have the gadgets to control the whole world?
10. What would you do if the recent technology crashes and we all go back to the early 40s?
11. What would you do if you lose all you have worked for in life overnight?
12. What would you do if a sitcom laugh track accompanied your everyday life?
13. What would you do if you could repeat your childhood?
14. What would you do if you could perform magic spells?
15. What would you do if you did not have to work for a living?
16. What would you do if you could teleport?
17. What would you do if you got married in a water park?
18. What would you do if your house got a HGTV makeover?
19. What would you do if you went viral on TikTok?
20. What would you do if you met your favorite cartoon character in real life?
21. What would you do if you lived on Mars?
22. What would you do if you could live out your ideal day?
23. What would you do if your gaze turned people to stone?
24. What would you do if you could change your hair color to match your mood?
25. What would you do if you turned into a mermaid upon contact with water?
What Would You Do Questions about Money
These what would you do money questions will hopefully be good for a laugh, or at least the start of a funny conversation. People don’t usually get funny in financial matters but these questions will make them laugh.
1. What would you do if you had a money tree growing in your backyard?
2. What would you do if money didn’t matter?
3. What would you do if you had unlimited money?
4. What would you do if I had no money… would you still love me?
5. What would you do if you won the lottery and had enough money to change the world?
6. What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world?
7. What would you do if you won a lottery?
8. What would you do if you had to choose between winning the lottery or live twice as long?
9. What would you do if one of us won the jackpot at the lottery?
10. What would you do if you won a Ferrari in a lottery?
What Would You Do Questions about Relationship
For individuals who are in love and seeking answers about their relationship. Any of these what would you do relationship questions can fix all of your relationship issues.
1. What would you do if I left you, would you get over it quickly or would it take a long time to heal?
2. What would you do if you could only see your crush one day a month?
3. What would you do if there was no love, would life be worth living?
4. What would you do if another man or woman were to ask your crush on a date?
5. What would you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on you?
6. What would you do if someone you love committed a crime, would you turn them in or help them hide?
7. What would you do if I asked you to have an open relationship with another couple, or another man/woman?
8. What would you do if you could be with me forever, would you be able to commit right now?
9. What would you do if the love of your life was dying, would you still be with them?
10. What would you do if I was actually a guy or a girl?
11. What would you do if you had to be with one person for the rest of your life?
12. What would you do if you could live forever but no one you loved could?
13. What would you do if you could ask one person to live with you for 1,000 years?
14. What would you do if your crush had to move for work?
15. What would you do if you lost the love of your life, would you ever be able to move on?
16. What would you do if you were not capable of loving someone?
17. What would you do if you could only clearly see me, everything and everyone else are a blur?
18. What would you do if you planned your dream date with your crush?
19. What would you do if I became clingy, would you still want to be with me?
20. What would you do if your childhood crush came forth and told you they liked you?
21. What would you do if I gained 100 lbs?
22. What would you do if I told you I was pregnant?
23. What would you do if I didn’t exist, where would you be?
24. What would you do if your boyfriend was arrested?
25. What would you do if you could only tell the person you loved that you loved them, if they told you it first?
26. What would you do if you could design your girlfriend or boyfriend based on everything you wanted?
27. What would you do if I dressed up as a guy or a girl? Would you recognize me?
28. What would you do if I never let you ask me a question about my past love life?
5 Tips for Choosing What Would You Do Questions
In this part, we are going to share with you some useful tips that will let you to choose what would you do if questions.
1. Select the most relevant questions and identify the order in which you will have to ask them so that you do not look too pushy or forceful, which may turn off your friends. Above all, have fun with the questions.
2. Yes, playing games with your group during your monthly get-togethers is wonderful, but what if you haven’t seen them in a long time? Just forget about it, especially if you have lazy buddies.
No, you don’t have to miss out on all of the excitement. Take out your phones and let’s spice up your texting by sending these what would you do game questions through text.
3. Be careful not to insult your friend by asking hypothetical questions, especially lady friends, since this is dependent on the connection between the participants.
Ask your friend what the nature of the questions should be, or combine these fascinating questions with flirtatious, naughty, and hilarious ones, and so on, to keep the discussion flowing.
4. Concentrate on yourself. And by focusing on yourself, I mean concentrating on your communication abilities. It will be useful at any time in one’s life.
You will appear more confident if you have strong communication abilities, and confidence naturally attracts others to you.
This way, you’ll never run out of questions. I understand that adapting is a personality trait, but it’s well worth it. Believe me.
5. Try to keep up with their pace. If you don’t keep up with the pace of the conversation, it’s already over. It will never be enjoyable for the person on the opposite side of the table.
You must first assess their energy level or the type of talk they are willing to engage in. When they’re seeking for a romantic chat, don’t ask them about their favorite movies.
Instead, ask them about times when they lost sight of their mission or when they were really vulnerable.
Final Thoughts on What Would You Do Questions
We hope you enjoy this collection of what would you do questions. Such inquiries are a terrific approach to start a fun and fascinating conversation.
And it’s simple to start some fascinating discussions by just asking “why” following the “what would you do?” inquiry.
You’ll receive some fascinating responses and probably learn a lot more about the person you’re speaking with.
If you have a group, you may take turns selecting a question and asking each member.
If there are only two of you, you can take turns asking each other what would you do if questions. You may also go through the list and answer them all at once.
We’ve all been in the unpleasant scenario of meeting someone new and trying to establish rapport immediately — whether at a social gathering, an investor meeting, a charity fundraiser, a dinner party, or another social-professional setting.
If you’re like most individuals, especially most Americans, you can use such queries to break the awkward pause. So go ahead and enjoy yourself.