82 Weather Poems That’re Easy to Comprehend

Weather is a phenomenon that has always fascinated mankind.
Whether it’s the gentle patter of raindrops on a tin roof or the awe-inspiring display of lightning streaking across the sky, the weather has the power to move and inspire us.
Many poets have been captivated by the weather and have written beautiful and evocative weather poems.
The weather’s unpredictability and variety of moods make it a subject for writers of all genres.
With their ability to evoke emotions and transport readers to different times and places, poems about weather are a testament to the enduring power of poetry.
Funny Weather Poems
Humor can be a great way to lighten up any mood, and interesting poems about weather are no exception. These light-hearted poems offer a different perspective on the weather and can bring a smile to anyone’s face.
1. Meteorological Migraine
by Alex Frankel
There’s rain in my brain,
A pitter patter on the old grey matter,
Cats and dogs in the cerebral cogs,
A shower dampening my mental power.
There’s precipitation in my imagination,
A cloud collision in my vision,
A deluge in my centrifuge,
A tidal surge has overwhelmed my optimistic urge,
A tsunami is rampaging through my spiritual harmony,
A lighting strobe just struck my frontal lobe.
There’s a vortex in my cortex,
An eddy in my heady,
A blizzard in my gizzard,
Hail in my vapour trail,
Sleet on my feet,
Snow on my big toe
Making me feel low.
I’ll pop a pill and rest my head
Upon a bed of feather
And when I wake I’m hoping
For bright eyes and better weather.
2. Raining Cats and Dogs
by Ivor G Davies
As cats and dogs fall from the sky
it isn’t easy to keep dry.
Caught in the thumping, thudding pain
of the meowing, barking rain.
The pitter patter of their feet
at other times would be a treat,
but when they poke you in the eye,
it’s times like these they make you cry.
The tears now streaming down your face,
the pitter patter speeds it’s pace,
with pets now pouring from the sky
it’s time to get inside… and dry!
3. There’s A Nip in The Air
by Jan Allison
The north wind is blowing and it’s turning cold
I’m feeling quite chilly I guess I’m getting old
I’ve finally dug out my sexy thermal vest
It’s snug and warm and covers my hairy chest
It’s silky and soft and causes no ripples
Hides my boobies and covers my nipples
4. Punxsutawney Phil’s Weather Forecast
by Robert L. Hinshaw
Folks wait with bated breath ‘cross the nation,
For Phil’s insightful prognostication.
What will his prediction be?
We will have to wait and see,
After Phil wakes from his hibernation!
5. Summer – and It’s Raining Again
by Jan Allison
Welcome to our ‘British’ summer
It’s raining again – oh what a bummer
Clear blue skies have turned to grey
Think it’s time for a foreign holiday!
6. The Weatherman Says
by Simon Hamill
Good morning ladies and gentlemen,
I’m just looking out my door.
It has been raining through the night,
Looks like we’ll get some more.
But don’t worry all you gardeners,
The sun will be out soon.
Just as quick as this snow melts,
Your flowers will start to bloom.
The wind will blow away the leaves,
So you can cut your grass.
I am your local weatherman,
A right pain in the ***.
7. Rain Drops
by Warren Doll
rain drops hit still pond
surface ripples spread outward
tickling frog bellies
Inspirational Weather Poems
Weather can be a powerful force of nature, and sometimes it takes a bit of inspiration to help us appreciate its beauty. Inspirational poems about weather offer just that, inspiring us to see the world around us in a new light and to embrace the power of nature.
1. An Evening
by Chinmoyi Bhushan
It’s a Monday Evening,
The luminous God sets in
The trees singing with the wind,
Welcoming the abreast rain..
The adrift sky makes me wonder,
where this puff of snow ends..
Scamfully the darkness disappears,
the puff of snow appears.
Birds rejoice in the beautiful song ,
n I contrive this poem,
with heavy words , I deliver..
Wind rustles past me,
carrying the sweetness of rain..
assertively I turn around,
Look up to the sky and aspire..
that is where , I have to reach.
2. Storm
by Sally Plumb Haverhill Suffolk
Give to me the lightning
of your thought
And tie it with the thunder
of your cry.
All life will see the fury
yet untaught
Of nature caught within
the knowing eye.
Yet seeing darkness in
that angry cloud,
Will power the senses full
and wide and free,
Still earth will shudder
in its thoughts aloud
Disturbing reverence of all
minds that see.
Fierce, loosened rain startles
the racing river,
Flashing its run,reflecting
as the sky.
Caught in light the mountains
slightly shiver
As a lustrous silver
quivers , high on high.
3. Better Weather on The Way
by Dorsey Baker
Don’t let the winter
weather upset you
Don’t let the winter
weather upset you
better weather
is on the way
the sun
is gonna come out
the clouds
are gonna
go away
better weather
is on the way
so much snow
so much sleet
you stay in your house
because you cannot
walk upon the icy street
but don’t let the winter
weather upset you
better weather
is on the way!
4. Power
by Ashley M. Bradley
A gentle breeze,
Flowing through the leaves.
Light conversation,
Made by the trees.
Heard through the flowers,
Over the waters.
By mountains, it’s devoured,
By nature it’s cowered.
Rain, snow, drought,
Earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis.
Seen and felt by all,
We can no longer stand so tall.
Forever we have known,
The power of the earth.
Forever we have turned,
Our backs to what we’re thrown.
She’s not taking it anymore,
We need to pay attention.
We need to open our eyes,
Before our mother earth dies.
5. Love Can Weather The Rain
by Dorsey Baker
love can weather the rain
when trouble
comes around
love don’t back down
love don’t weather the rain
strong enough
to stand the pain
love can weather the rain
some things
just come and go
but if it’s real love
then you know
love can weather the rain
the pressure
the stress and strain
love can weather the rain
6. What Will It Be
by Jerry T Curtis
There’s a storm that we can’t weather
There’s a war that we can’t win
But as long as we’re together
We’re together thick and thin
I know that you said things
I didn’t like or understand
Then my reply would surely sting
Hot and dry like desert sand
So, I’ll lay aside my pride
As you’ll reach to hold my hand
Using love to be our guide
And respect to make our stand
‘Cause there’s a war that we can win
And a storm that we can’t weather
Unless through thick and thin
We can learn to stick together
Famous Weather Poems
Throughout history, poets have used the weather as a way to express their emotions and experiences. Famous poems about weather have stood the test of time, resonating with readers of all ages and backgrounds.
1. Weather Wisdom
by Anonymous
A sunshiny shower
Won’t last half an hour.
Rain before seven,
Fair by eleven.
The South wind brings wet weather,
The North wind wet and cold together;
The West wind always brings us rain,
The East wind blows it back again.
March winds and April showers
Bring forth May flowers.
Evening red and morning gray
Set the traveller on his way,
But evening gray and morning red,
Bring the rain upon his head.
Rainbow at night
Is the sailor’s delight;
Rainbow at morning,
Sailors, take warning.
2. The Weatherman
by The Weatherman
I think tomorrow will be a better day,
I heard the weatherman say.
But when I woke up there was rain,
I guess he was wrong again.
He looks over that map on the wall,
with lines and symbols that cover it all.
I wonder it it’s really true,
that he looks out the window like me and you.
3. An April Jest
by Ruby Archer
On a rough March day with a sky half gray,
The wind with the sunshine plead:
“Come with me and creep where the blossoms sleep,
And waken them all,” he said.
And the sun laughed, “Yea.” So they sped away,
All the night-capped flowers to find;
And they touched the heads in the deep soft beds
With a delicate leaf-mould lined,
‘Till the flow’rets dreamed that a rainbow gleamed,
And a murmuring zephyr sang;
And their night-caps soft in a trice they doffed,
And lo—from their beds up sprang.
As each wee sprout flung its fingers out
And soft pushed the earth away,
Wily wind and sun in their impish fun
Made the March world laugh like May.
When the flower heads fair felt the silk-soft air,
They nodded in artless glee;
And each conceived as it happily leaved,
It was strong as a plant need be.
Nor with wind and sun were the favors done.
They cradled and kissed the flowers,
While March crept past, in caprice at last,
With crotchets and petulant showers.
When March had departed, the wind icy-hearted
Blew fiercely the poor plants around;
‘Till frightened they quivered, and fearfully shivered,
And laid their sweet heads on the ground.
The sunshine grew naughty, and feigned to be haughty
By hooding himself with a cloud:
The darkness came quickly, the clouds gathered thickly,
And every bright leaflet was cowed.
Then a white despair clutched the gasping air,
And the plants lay prone in their woe;
For the awful white meant the fatal blight
In the touch of the pitiless snow.
Then the sunshine peered from his hood and jeered,
“‘Twas a jest! Silly plants! April fool!”
And the wind shrieked past in a cutting blast,
“April fool! April fool! April fool!”
4. Weather Or not
by Norman Littleford
If there are 24 hours in a day
how can night exist?
What is the difference between a fog
and a very heavy mist?
What do we mean by a heavy wind?
How can rain give way to showers?
I’ve been told people work too long
but how can you have shorter hours?
We have heavy rain in the morning
light rain the rest of the day,
why don’t they just say we will have rain?
And who weighs it anyway.
The sun will break through in patches
said the weatherman sounding profound,
but there maybe thunder clouds overhead
and I thought they’d be on the ground.
5. Coffee in The Morning
by Daniel Lund
Drinking coffee
all morning long,
listening to the birds
sing there song.
Out on my deck
in the early morning light,
the squirrels awake
and start to fight.
People going to church
on this fine morning,
as the clouds darken
they don’t take warning.
The wind starts to blow
from out of the west,
people dressed up
in their Sunday best.
The birds and squirrels
stop what their doing,
look to the sky
a storm is brewing.
Blowing and raining
so hard I fear,
I can feel it coming
the end is near.
Watching the clouds
spin their awful fury,
I’m going inside
now in a hurry.
I pour me another
fresh brew in my hand,
outside I go
to watch it all end.
Birds and squirrels
dying in my eyes,
I hear the people
call their cries.
Death and destruction
is what I see,
all around
the light finally reaches me.
Coffee this morning
brought me many things,
for tomorrow what
will my coffee bring.
6. Reflection
by Christopher Thor Britt
Oh, innocence of trust unchecked
How stare you back at me?
T’was you who fled this heart laid bare
Oh, barren calamity
Empty now the heart ill used
So used to gentle dreams
No more to see the flower’s bloom
No song but silence’s scream
Tell me true, reflection mine
Convince these naked eyes
What errant way or walk or word
Did scorn this heart and thine?
Does not love, our love, true love
Still soar above the weather?
Or like Iccarus, did we dare too high
Then, fall to earth unfeathered?
I cast my lot on winds of change
Though the end be hard to find
His siren muse did have her chance
Now…I shall have mine.
7. A Process in The Weather of The Heart
by Dylan Thomas
A process in the weather of the heart
Turns damp to dry; the golden shot
Storms in the freezing tomb.
A weather in the quarter of the veins
Turns night to day; blood in their suns
Lights up the living worm.
A process in the eye forwarns
The bones of blindness; and the womb
Drives in a death as life leaks out.
A darkness in the weather of the eye
Is half its light; the fathomed sea
Breaks on unangled land.
The seed that makes a forest of the loin
Forks half its fruit; and half drops down,
Slow in a sleeping wind.
A weather in the flesh and bone
Is damp and dry; the quick and dead
Move like two ghosts before the eye.
A process in the weather of the world
Turns ghost to ghost; each mothered child
Sits in their double shade.
A process blows the moon into the sun,
Pulls down the shabby curtains of the skin;
And the heart gives up its dead.
8. Visions in The Mist
by Shadow Hamilton
As dawn breaks across the rugged land,
vague shapes begin to blurrily appear.
images of mythical creatures now seen
briefly then brushed away they dissolve.
Is it these images that give legends birth?
the tales of Unicorns and dragons?
The stories of three headed beasts
that wander through the mist shrouds?
Pea soup mists that you can almost push aside
abruptly vanishing as the sun burns them off.
Leaving the landscape we all know and accept
yet memories remain of fantastical things.
That re-emerge in our dreams
leaving us with uncertainty and
knowledge deep down within
that mist cloaks and blinds
what lies beyond the veils of time
Short Weather Poems
Sometimes, less is more. Short poetries about weather offer a concise and impactful way to capture the essence of the weather, using just a few words to evoke powerful images and emotions.
1. Night
by Phyllis Babcock
Sun slowly sinks closing yet another day
Warm golden rays caress the earth’s orb
Moonlight peeps through drifting clouds
Stars twinkle suspended from heaven’s realm
Silvery shadows slide as dark hues hide
A mist rolls in with silent ease
Wraps around and gives a squeeze
A dead calm smothers daylight to night
Moments frozen in feathery white.
2. Sweet Is The Freshness of The Breeze
by Josie Whitehead
Sweet is the freshness of the breeze
Whose fingers touch my cheek;
Who stirs the air on mountain ridge
And waters in the creek.
You whisper song into the clouds
And gently rustle trees.
Your coolness calms the heat of day
With tenderness, cool breeze.
Sweet is the freshness of the breeze
That agitates the wheat
And then you gently steal away,
For your work is quite complete.
3. Weather
Weather is the answer
When I can’t go out into flowery places;
Weather is my wonder
About the kind of morning
Hidden behind the hills of sky.
4. New Sights
by Heidi Sands
The fog is creeping through the trees
The woods have lost many leaves
There’s a veil of gray from high to low
All is still, no wind to blow
It looks like smoke has covered land
Autumn tries to understand
Why its color has left so soon
And the birds have changed their tune
Until tomorrow, sun returns
To ease ill tension that churns
Change dismal views to memory
And bring new sights with clarity
5. Wild Weather Gone Viral
by SY Wong
weather used to be mild
weather used to fair
weather used to be gentle
now weather’s gone viral
weather is wild
and have no mercy.
6. What Is The Weather Today?
by Josie Whitehead
What’s falling from the sky above?
It’s white – oh don’t you know?
It swirls and dances through the air;
Of course it is the snow.
You’ll feel it on your face and hair;
It gently blows the trees.
It cools the air on summer days.
Of course it is the breeze.
Its golden face looks from the sky
And warms us, every one.
So what makes playing out so good?
Of course, it is the sun.
It’s wet and topples from the sky,
Then hurries down the drain.
Our raincoats help to keep us dry,
Protecting us from rain.
7. The Thunder Mutters
by John Clare
The thunder mutters louder & more loud
With quicker motion hay folks ply the rake
Ready to burst slow sails the pitch-black cloud
& all the gang a bigger haycock make
To sit beneath—the woodland winds awake
The drops so large wet all through’ in an hour
A tiny flood runs down the leaning rake
In the sweet hay yet dry the hay folks cower
& some beneath the wagon shun the shower.
8. After The Rains
by Anonymous
The rain falls silently
Only sounding when it hits
The ground and the surroundings
Collecting puddles where it sits
Purity of water as it
Falls now from the sky
Followed by the petrichor
As the pathways start to dry
When and hour or two have passed
It shows in verdant grasses
returning now to lush and green
As the rainstorm gently passes.
Long Weather Poems
On the other hand, long poetries about weather can offer a more in-depth exploration of the weather, allowing the poet to delve into the complexities of nature and human experience.
1. To The Weathercock on Our Steeple
by Albert G. Greene
The dawn has broke, the morn is up,
Another day begun;
And there thy poised and gilded spear
Is flashing in the sun,
Upon that steep and lofty tower
Where thou thy watch hast kept,
A true and faithful sentinel,
While all around thee slept.
For years, upon thee, there has poured
The summer’s noonday heat,
And through the long, dark, starless night
The winter storms have beat;
But yet thy duty has been done,
By day and night the same,
Still thou hast met and faced the storm,
Whichever way it came.
No chilling blast in wrath has swept
Along the distant heaven,
But thou hast watched its onward course,
And distant warning given;
And, when midsummer’s sultry beams
Oppress all living things,
Thou dost foretell each breeze that comes
With health upon its wings.
How oft I ’ve seen, at early dawn,
Or twilight’s quiet hour,
The swallows, in their joyous glee,
Come darting round their tower,
As if, with thee, to hail the sun
And catch his earliest light,
And offer ye the morn’s salute,
Or bid ye both good night.
And when, around thee or above,
No breath of air has stirred,
Thou seem’st to watch the circling flight
Of each free, happy bird,
Till, after twittering round thy head
In many a mazy track,
The whole delighted company
Have settled on thy back.
Then, if, perchance, amidst their mirth,
A gentle breeze has sprung,
And, prompt to mark its first approach,
Thy eager form hath swung,
I ’ve thought I almost heard thee say,
As far aloft they flew,—
“Now all away! here ends our play,
For I have work to do!”
Men slander thee, my honest friend,
And call thee, in their pride,
An emblem of their fickleness,
Thou ever-faithful guide.
Each weak, unstable human mind
A “weathercock” they call;
And thus, unthinkingly, mankind
Abuse thee, one and all.
They have no right to make thy name
A byword for their deeds:
They change their friends, their principles,
Their fashions, and their creeds;
Whilst thou hast ne’er, like them, been known
Thus causelessly to range;
But when thou changest sides, canst give
Good reason for the change.
Thou, like some lofty soul, whose course
The thoughtless oft condemn,
Art touched by many airs from heaven
Which never breathe on them,—
And moved by many impulses
Which they do never know,
Who, round their earth-bound circles, plod
The dusty paths below.
Through one more dark and cheerless night
Thou well hast kept thy trust,
And now in glory o’er thy head
The morning light has burst.
And unto earth’s true watcher, thus,
When his dark hours have passed,
Will come “the day-spring from on high,”
To cheer his path at last.
Bright symbol of fidelity,
Still may I think of thee;
And may the lesson thou dost teach
Be never lost on me;
But still, in sunshine or in storm,
Whatever task is mine,
May I be faithful to my trust,
As thou hast been to thine.
2. Weather Song
by Weather Song
This is the way the cloud comes down,
Darkly, darkly falling;
So it covers the shining blue,
Till no ray can glisten through.
This is the way the cloud comes down,
Darkly, darkly falling.
This is the way the rain comes down,
Swiftly, swiftly falling.
So He sendeth the welcome rain
Over field and hill and plain.
This is the way the rain comes down,
Swiftly, swiftly falling.
This is the way the snow comes down,
Softly, softly falling.
So He giveth the snow-like wool,
Fair and white and beautiful.
This is the way the snow comes down,
Softly, softly falling.
This is the way the frost comes down,
Widely, widely falling.
So it spreadeth, all through the night,
Shining cold and pure and white.
This is the way the frost comes down,
Widely, widely falling.
This is way the hail comes down,
Loudly, loudly falling,
So it flieth beneath the cloud,
Swift and strong and wild and loud.
This is the way the hail comes down,
Loudly, loudly falling.
This is the way sunshine comes down,
Sweetly, sweetly falling,
So it chaseth the cloud away,
So it waketh the lovely day.
This is the way sunshine comes down,
Sweetly, sweetly falling.
This is the way rainbow comes down,
Brightly, brightly falling,
So it shineth across the sky,
Making fair the heavens on high.
This is the way rainbow comes down,
Brightly, brightly falling.
This is the way the leaves come down,
Gently, gently falling,
In gold and brown and crimson drest,
Rocked by the wind, they lie and rest.
This is the way the leaves come down,
Gently, gently falling.
Wonderful, Lord, are all thy works,
Wheresoever falling,
All their various voices raise,
Speaking forth their Maker’s praise.
Wonderful, Lord, are all Thy work,
Wheresoever falling.
3. Big Cold Wind Tonight
by David Thomas
Wind blows loud tonight
on the top of this mountain
moving with force among
trees and buildings
old sat dish on the roof
boards creak listening.
Sleep evading like warmth
the country at large
Arctic Spring on Monday.
Old man dreams don’t arrive
which is fine God is here.
They try to make Him
an uncomfortable word
best left alone
meaning deferred.
Making Christians seem crazy
expressing themselves
God this God that
we need saving
or at least a vacation
from cynical critics.
Embarrassment being part
of standing up in this world.
Saying, “Here I am! “
the titter wave blows
“He’s strange let him go”
Sleep or no sleep is the same
since it’s all a dream.
And listening to cold wind or
the pause quietly unloading
God again in my heart.
Silver cloud lining why
sleep is not sought…
resting in Him
is the best sleep I’ve got .
Writing at 4 am about Him
the best dreams to have
sitting beside Him on top of Cold Mountain
while momma and dog sleep nearby
surely goodness and mercy are here
and will follow me all the days of my life.
I shall dwell in the House of the Lord
forever and perhaps am already there
sleep hardly needed we go on from here
old words forgotten new world warmth
no worries no doubts no fear.
The view on top of Cold Mountain
cold and in the dark
with God
is better than spring walks
with people in the park.
4. October’s Bright Blue Weather
by Helen Hunt Jackson
O suns and skies and clouds of June,
And flowers of June together,
Ye cannot rival for one hour
October’s bright blue weather;
When loud the bumblebee makes haste,
Belated, thriftless vagrant,
And goldenrod is dying fast,
And lanes with grapes are fragrant;
When gentians roll their fingers tight
To save them for the morning,
And chestnuts fall from satin burrs
Without a sound of warning;
When on the ground red apples lie
In piles like jewels shining,
And redder still on old stone walls
Are leaves of woodbine twining;
When all the lovely wayside things
Their white-winged seeds are sowing,
And in the fields still green and fair,
Late aftermaths are growing;
When springs run low, and on the brooks,
In idle golden freighting,
Bright leaves sink noiseless in the hush
Of woods, for winter waiting;
When comrades seek sweet country haunts,
By twos and twos together,
And count like misers, hour by hour,
October’s bright blue weather.
O sun and skies and flowers of June,
Count all your boasts together,
Love loveth best of all the year
October’s bright blue weather.
5. She Loved The Rain
by Anna Fisher
The girl loved the rain
She had always craved the sound it made
The steady drip drip drip and the look of its splatter on the window pane
She loved the rain
The way it felt on her skin as it fell
The way it made her heart swell
Others thought it gloomy but she was never sad
Because she loved the rain
But then something changed
The girl grew older and her body grew weak
She was still young but her bones would creak
The ache would swell and her heart would shriek
Something was wrong but no one could explain
The doctors told her that she was just faking the pain
Then one day she saw the first drop
The rain had returned and her hopes crept up
She thought what she loved would fix her in a way
Because she has always felt better when it rained
But as the pressure of the air grew thick
And the sound of the rain dripping onto the bricks
Of her home she lay with a body wide awake
And pain that never would go away
She loved the rain
But as the days moved on the strain grew strong
And her bones pulled her down as she woke up sore
And her heart felt like a stone pulling her down to the floor
Silent tears fell from her eyes and dripped onto the sheets
She just wanted to fall asleep
Each muscle each joint each movement aligned and the agony kept her awake deep into the night
As she listened to the rain she wondered if she’d ever feel alright
She loved the rain
But what do you do when what you love brings you pain
When something simple has been forever changed
When your body doesn’t work and you love anyway?
6. Flying High
by Julia Mainwaring
Up, up, up they go,
Weather balloons sailing slow,
Drifting high into the sky,
Packed with tools to help us spy.
Rising up on slender strings,
Higher than the birds that sing,
Revealing secrets of the air,
For all the world to see and share.
Beneath the clouds and past the planes,
Weather balloons will stake their claims,
With sensors, cameras, and more,
They’ll tell us what the weather has in store.
Instruments that measure light,
And things invisible to sight,
They help us see what we can’t see,
A world beyond our normal reach.
And as they soar into the blue,
Weather balloons bring us clues,
About the winds and storms up high,
Driting quietly through the sky
Up, up, up they go,
Weather balloons, bright and slow,
Riding currents far and wide,
Guided by slim strings which guide
7. Storm
by Bob Pallister
Tired evening’s warm and sleepy breath outside the tent and in
had dulled us from our bantering to share its enervated doze.
The granite ground, the greying grass, the emaciated stream
in a shrinking compass circle near silent stood around.
Nothing happens, until…
Our sweetly suckled sleeping is suddenly punctured
by a bright and vast projection making its cinematic entrance
on the canvas we’re laid under,
and lumbering behind it comes the breaking, rippling,
guttural groan of thunder’s confirmation,
and then with careless, plosive slapping the first raindrop scouts
arrive in shifting tempos quickly raising until their legions form
an engine of industrial strength pummelling,
with shrunk to nothing gaps between them, any rhythm disappearing
into a crackling white-noise sheet of velvet-curtain-ripping texture.
The next bolt lights up our big screen and I begin my boyish counting
“One Mississippi, two…three…four…FIVE!” It’s within a mile of here!
A series of further shrinking counts,
each one marked by rising volumes
until “One Mississippi, TWO!” suggests it has us in its sights,
but distracted by some bigger prey, it veers off with growing gaps
to mark its march into the distance,
and the bow-wave of its rain, at first still huge, subsides and slackens,
and the show now being over we obey sleep when it beckons.
After the red sky of the morning,
we, fresh-shod, cross the muddy grass
to observe the snake slim stream has swollen to a fat, twisting,
boisterous monster sprinting past in swirling colours of the mud.
Rhyming Weather Poems That Rhyme
Rhyming can be a fun and playful way to add rhythm and musicality to weather poems. Weather poems that rhyme are easy to remember and can be a great way to engage young readers.
1. Ground Hog Day
by Sandra M. Haight
We know every year comes the day
We see if our Winter will stay…
The Ground Hog will show
By shadow we’ll know
If we can put snow gear away.
If he sees his shadow at all
Then Winter will stay here on call…
No shadow means great!
Spring’s right at the gate!
Let’s dance and go have us a ball!
However I heard from good source
Phil Ground Hog will have no remorse…
He will not come out
You better not pout
If Springtime goes far off its course!
2. Long to Be
by Harry Horsman
For often through the way I feel
An idea to try and win your heart,
Unspoken action this the deal
Of simple mind no a la carte.
Because life I know soon to fade
Token symbol of you and me,
Somewhere to muse, feel love in shade
Of our moments together free.
Oh I know I could never be
Yet try I must stand in your life,
Sturdy foundations yet still free
Throughout all kinds of weather, rife.
Powerful touch of kindly prune
Such dignity with bloom the key,
When snipped away to nature’s tune
Oh how I long to be your tree.
3. Aging Gracefully
by Helen Reimer
Senile and silly are the woes of sage.
Broken on the altar of age.
But the children care not,
They enjoy the silliness a lot.
No matter the weather,
I thank God, our Lord and Father
For the fun
Smiles, water and sun.
But even when all seems lost,
No hope to regain the cost
I’ll not regret nor dread the pain;
For in His joy and peace I remain.
Now, let Love abide!
Never to leave His side.
Overflowing from the Holy Spirit forever
I will not fail; not ever!
Aging gracefully, I’m ready
To step into Eternity; it’s heady!
Happy and excited to be
With my Lord, eternally!
4. A Storm in The Night
by Jenifer R. Stanley
Lighting comes as a flash of light.
Thunder comes in a boom of might.
The wind howl’s like a wolf in the night.
The rain comes down as a roar of fright.
These are the sacred sounds of a stormy night.
They mix together like a Werewolves bite.
They would make a superstitious person die of fright.
These are the sacred sounds of a storm in the night.
5. Calm Winds Over The Sea
by Lin Lane
Adrift in the darkness, canvas sail gleams,
night sky aglow with satiny moonbeams.
Calm winds tread over a nonchalant sea
the world revolves in perfect harmony.
Inside a heart, waves crash upon a shore
turbulent weather lasts forever more.
A love that once breathed life into her sails
was but a flurry, pretender of gales.
Treasure lies deep beneath the salty brine.
A wounded heart waits to cast off the line.
When high tide ebbs at the moons direction,
a forgiving heart forgets rejection.
Sea will spill upon the shore its treasure
in a wealth of love that knows no measure.
6. Moody Weather
by Josie Whitehead
The weather’s in a mood today:
Well look up at that sky.
The sun is trying hard to smile,
Whilst clouds are racing by.
Her normal, cheerful, smiling face
Is now hidden by the clouds
And – shhh – what can I hear right now?
Oh, thunder rumbling loud!
The rain decides to join the fight:
Oh pitter patter rain!
You’re tumbling down on people’s heads;
Then rushing down the drain!
The rainbow’s come to still the storm:
Oh see her colours bright!
And the sun, who’s peeping round a cloud,
Says: ‘It surely isn’t night!
‘So, may I show my face again
And bring back warmth and light?’
Well yes, of course we want you back,
But only until night!
7. Gone Forever
by Kelly Deschler
Here I sit amongst the long grasses and the reed,
in a solitary place, where my breath is freed,
on an Indian Summer’s evening on the lake bed,
autumn has come, yet the warmth has not fled.
Blazing orange skies, are mirrored to reflect,
I cannot imagine a scene being any more perfect,
as I looked up, an unfallen leaf caught my gaze,
spotlighted in the sun’s last golden rays.
I noticed this crimson leaf as it began to wave,
the end of a short life that I could not save,
then swept away suddenly by the wind’s rake,
and ripples formed as it landed on the still lake.
The leaf was carried away and my eyes followed,
then drowned by the water’s surface and swallowed,
windy fingertips tugged it from the branch to sever,
existing once, like today, and then was gone forever.
8. A Foggy Day
by Josie Whitehead
Whilst you and I were sleeping
And before the break of day,
A cunning thief stole upon us
And snatched the sun away.
He left instead wet mist and fog
That clung to hedge and tree;
A cloud, a shroud of clinging haze
To hide the things we see.
Its wave of mist engulfed us all
In dripping wreathes of gloom.
The only place it couldn’t creep
Was in the living room.
But when the thief observed our grief,
He must have felt some shame,
So he brought the sunshine back again,
For he didn’t want the blame.
Weather Poems for Kids
Kids are often fascinated by the weather, and weather poems for children can be a great way to foster that curiosity. They can be playful, educational, and inspiring, helping children to understand the world around them.
1. Those Winter Sundays
by Robert Hayden
“Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.
I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,
Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?”
2. Look Outside
by Anonymous
Look outside now, can you say
What the weather is today?
Is there sunshine, is there rain?
Is wind blowing down the lane?
Look outside now, can you say
What the weather is today?
Look outside now, can you say
What the weather is today?
Are there snowflakes falling down?
Are there big clouds floating around?
Look outside now, can you say
What the weather is today?
3. All Weather Woman
by Dorsey Baker
She is
An all weather woman
Got good loving
All the time
She is
An all weather woman
Got good loving
All the time
She is
An all weather woman
Her lips are so sweet
Her kids
So devine
All weather woman
All weather woman
She is
An all weather woman
Got good loving
All year round
She is
An all weather woman
Got good loving
All year round
She is
An all weather woman
And she can
Get down!
4. A Crosstown Breeze
by Henry Taylor
A drift of wind
when August wheeled
brought back to mind
an alfalfa field
where green windrows
bleached down to hay
while storm clouds rose
and rolled our way.
With lighthearted strain
in our pastoral agon
we raced the rain
with baler and wagon,
driving each other
to hold the turn
out of the weather
and into the barn.
A nostalgic pause
claims we saved it all,
but I’ve known the loss
of the lifelong haul;
now gray concrete
and electric light
wear on my feet
and dull my sight.
So I keep asking,
as I stand here,
my cheek still basking
in that trick of air,
would I live that life
if I had the chance,
or is it enough
to have been there once?
5. I’ll Tell You How The Sun Rose
by Emily Dickinson
“I’ll tell you how the Sun rose –
A Ribbon at a time –
The Steeples swam in Amethyst –
The news, like Squirrels, ran –
The Hills untied their Bonnets –
The Bobolinks – begun –
Then I said softly to myself –
That must have been the Sun!
But how he set – I know not –
There seemed a purple stile
That little Yellow boys and girls
Were climbing all the while –
Till when they reached the other side –
A Dominie in Gray –
Put gently up the evening Bars –
And led the flock away –”
6. Who Has Seen The Wind?
by Christina Rossetti
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you.
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.
7. It Is Raining
by Anonymous
“It is raining, it is raining
On my head, on my head
Pitter, patter raindrops
Pitter, patter raindrops
I’m all wet; I’m all wet”
8. They’re Playing April Fool
by Josie Whitehead
When the rain comes down, the sun goes in.
Oh it’s April, don’t you know?
The cold wind blows, with a cheeky grin,
As the seedlings strive to grow.
The rain pours down as the sunshine hides.
It’s an April game for sure.
Then the wind comes back when the sun’s inside
For the weather’s so unsure.
It’s two steps forward and one step back;
Hot sun then wind that’s cool.
Now the rain comes forward to attack.
Yes – – they’re playing April Fool!
Romantic Weather Poems
Weather can be a powerful symbol of love and romance, evoking images of cozy evenings by the fire, walks in the rain, and sunsets on the beach. Romantic weather poems capture these emotions and bring them to life.
1. A Romantic Weather
by Asif Andalib
On such a cloudy day why you are far away?
Lightning is writing in sky what I want to say
The cloudy sky is like my gloomy face
The thunderbolts are showing my distress
The raindrops are like my sorrowful tears
My soul is on your way like pioneers
The murmur of the leaves is like my whisper
Please meet me in such a romantic weather
2. The Weather of Love
by Suzy Kassem
Has a way of wilting
Or blossoming
At the strangest,
Most unpredictable hour.
This is how love is,
An uncontrollable beast
In the form of a flower.
The sun does not always shine on it.
Nor does the rain always pour on it
Nor should it always get beaten by a storm.
Love does not always emit the sweetest scents,
And sometimes it can sting with its thorns.
Water it.
Give it plenty of sunlight.
Nurture it,
And the flower of love will
Outlive you.
Neglect it or keep dissecting it,
And its petals will quickly curl up and die.
This is how love is,
Perfection is a delusional vision.
So love the person who loves you
And abandon the one
Who only loves you
Under favorable
3. Love is Like The Weather
by Sharina Saad
You said you don’t even know me anymore
my moods, my personality, my characters
keep on changing like the weather
Morning when it rains
I am sweet, gentle and romantic
afternoon, when it’s hot and humid
I am mean, I am harsh and I snap at you
…a little grouchy
Well, I really dont know…
but here is the story…
On one sunny sky bright day
Our love story started to bloom
and the whole world cheered and clapped
to celebrate this greatest love story
When all of a sudden a dark cloud appeared
and stole the sunshine smile away
love went into coma… for a year or two
The monsoon rains and again we missed
the gentle love on wet cold nights
Inseparable in the love nest we built
Glued together the whole rainy days
It was midnight when we had a storm
Ugly weather
We were forced to build this wall
and kept our distance again
A whole year in complete vacuum
missed the love nest
but preferred the cocoon better
Today is a warmer day
The sun is coming out lazily
a little bit of warmth in the atmosphere
I tried to smile a little
and I said Hello
You grabbed my hand and told me
Never to change the weather again
I smile with tears in my eyes
reminiscing all the weathers
when we used to love and hate
How much time have we wasted?
This is me… This is you…
We are so much in love
Why must we change with the weather?
I might be Tornado in some days
or hurricane in another
but my heart beats still the same
despite the weather changes
Trust me
My love I never changed
4. On My Threadbare Love
by Andrea Dietrich
My love is like a worker’s gloves grown old.
His hands are leather, roughened now with age
and years of work in weather hot and cold,
yet through the many years, he has grown sage. . .
My love is like a builder’s pair of boots.
He’s dusty and fatigued and still he walks
while trailing mud, but now his attributes
shine through despite life’s many stumbling blocks.
My love is like a pair of jeans much worn,
a pair of socks with holes that have stayed warm.
Though time and all the trials he has borne
have left him frayed, he wishes no one harm.
To write a beaming sonnet would not do,
but threadbare love (in some ways) bests the new.
5. Night of Desire
by Sara Kendrick
It came into her mind seeing how the wind
Did blow, and sheet rain against the window
There would be no trek into the forest
No.. tonight would be hot chocolate…fire
Soft music.. much wild desire will transpire
As we stay inside on this rainy eve
Rain that tip-taps music on the tin roof
Lying in your arms snuggling, secure, love
Never wanting love to end, just when night
Sends tough storm on in, no.. love don’t take flight
Just lie and help weather the storm until
It struck her as she wrestled inside__ tore
Life has storms that we must weather… holding
Onto each other, greatly strengthen the bond forever
6. With You in Autumn Evening
by Kiran Bantawa
The sweet songs of birds,
We hand in hand across the
Pansies white yellow and violet
Tossing their heads in the
Somewhere the sound of falling
The sound of squirrel cracking
the walnut.
Calm weather warm sun,
White fluffy clouds forming
different shapes,
A passenger flight in the blue
Sun born in the horizon and
about to fade in the horizon,
Both our heartbeats echo
inside of chest,
Shutting and opening of our
Your unkempt hair flying
Yellowish west sky.
Heart shaped fig leaf’s shadow.
If I could stop this world from
I would do so,
Just to be with you
In this autumn evening.
7. Poetry of Love
by Anil Deo
Many march into a new month
Themes as old as winters warmth –
Love that is, no matter the weather
Poets write to heal, feel, reveal other
Ways to taste words, kiss reality
“Witnessing” not judging, that’s poetry
8. My Thermal Vest
by Jan Allison
May not be very sexy
Yet I need you to keep me warm
Thin yet lightweight
Hides my hairy chest
Every winter I cuddle up to you
Really snug
Makes me all cosy
Available in many styles and colours
Lovely next to my skin
Vital in this chilly weather
Extra layer of clothing
Silk ones are the ultimate in comfort and warmth
Thermal vest I love you
9. Winter’s Last Gasp
by Joyce Johnson
1st lover
winter’s last gasp
bone chilling loneliness ….
warm scent of your coat
2nd lover
reaching across miles
sending balmy loving thoughts
returning with spring
distance of no consequence
cold weather unimportant
Poems about Cold Weather
Cool weather poetry captures the unique qualities of winter, from the peaceful stillness of a snow-covered landscape to the biting cold of a frigid night. These poems offer a reminder to embrace the winter season in all its glory.
1. Winter-Time
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Late lies the wintry sun a-bed,
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;
Blinks but an hour or two; and then,
A blood-red orange, sets again.
Before the stars have left the skies,
At morning in the dark I rise;
And shivering in my nakedness,
By the cold candle, bathe and dress.
Close by the jolly fire I sit
To warm my frozen bones a bit;
Or with a reindeer-sled, explore
The colder countries round the door.
When to go out, my nurse doth wrap
Me in my comforter and cap;
The cold wind burns my face, and blows
Its frosty pepper up my nose.
Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a wedding cake.
2. Weathering Winter
by Josie Whitehead
Winter’s clothed in dreary skies;
Her wolf-howls tear the air.
Her biting teeth gnash at our skins –
With no respect or care.
Squirrels long have stored their nuts
And swallows left our lands,
Whilst winter rides on cold north winds
That freeze the nose and hands.
Let’s banish winter with bright lights;
And cheer despondent streets.
Let’s fill our homes with Christmas fun
And spoil ourselves with treats.
Let’s wrap ourselves in festive fun!
Bring forth that Christmas cheer,
And, by bridling problems, just for now,
Unleash a brand new year.
3. Duvet Day
by Rufus Reed
It’s warm beneath this duvet.
Outside it’s cold and grey.
I wish I could roll over
And stay in bed today.
There’s things I should be doing,
But if you’d let me choose
I’d stay beneath this duvet
And keep on pressing snooze
4. Without Love
by Ken Carroll
It would cloud the sun forever
in one instant the sea would dry
shift the axis of the earth
as a weak crystal
all of this would happen!
resulting in death
cover me with its funereal crepe
but you could never shut me
from the flame of your love…
Last night I dreamed
we were standing in cold grey weather
under the proudest stars
no escape from the ocean breeze
we looked beyond
as the pale moon put on a white cloth…
5. Warm Memories
by Lu Loo
There are frequent thoughts of a special place,
and you are there with me,
and we drink coffee and believe in each other.
Time and time again, I’ve said it before-
no matter how cold the weather gets…
your memory will always keep me warm
6. Getting It Off My Chest
by Jan Allison
The temperatures dropped by ten degrees
It’s cold I’m sitting and hugging my knees
So I’d better come clean and get it off my chest
I’m back to wearing my thermal vest
But it’s just another layer to peel
When my body I want to reveal
Some come back sunshine you are beyond compare
Then I’m back to wearing skimpy underwear
7. A Winter Bluejay
by Sara Teasdale
Crisply the bright snow whispered,
Crunching beneath our feet;
Behind us as we walked along the parkway,
Our shadows danced,
Fantastic shapes in vivid blue.
Across the lake the skaters
Flew to and fro,
With sharp turns weaving
A frail invisible net.
In ecstasy the earth
Drank the silver sunlight;
In ecstasy the skaters
Drank the wine of speed;
In ecstasy we laughed
Drinking the wine of love.
Had not the music of our joy
Sounded its highest note?
But no,
For suddenly, with lifted eyes you said,
“Oh look!”
There, on the black bough of a snow flecked maple,
Fearless and gay as our love,
A bluejay cocked his crest!
Oh who can tell the range of joy
Or set the bounds of beauty?
Seasons and Weather Poems
Weather is closely linked to the changing of the seasons, and poems that explore this connection can provide a deeper understanding of the natural world.
1. Robin
by Shreya ashar
Robin sang sweetly
When the days were bright
‘Thanks, thanks for summer,’
He sang with all his might.
Robin sang sweetly,
In the Autumn days
‘There are fruits for everyone;
Let’s all give praise.’
In the cold and wintry weather,
Still hear his song:
‘Somebody must sing,’said Robin
Or winter will seem long.’
When the spring came back again,
He sang,’I told you so!
Keep on singing through the winter
It will always go.’
2. Is Anyone There?
by Josie Whitehead
‘Is anyone there?’ called the winter wind
As he hissed down the chimney pot,
But a snore was all that he thought he heard
From a dog by the name of Spot.
‘Is anyone there?’ called the golden sun,
As his warm rays touched the flowers.
‘Yes,’ said a spider. ‘I’m making my web
And it’s taken me hours and hours.’
‘Is anyone there?’ called the gentle rain
Splashing the garden pond.
‘I’m here,’ said the frog, ‘enjoying your drops,’
As he hopped to the garden beyond.
‘Is anyone there?’ called the snow that fell,
But answer came none at all,
For everyone knows that the world goes quiet
When the snow begins to fall.
3. Is it Spring Yet
by John Squires
Sleeping peacefully below
He dreamed of warmer days
Days of no more snow
Then rough hands reached down
And pulled him from his sleep
What is going on, he shouted
Put me back you giant creep
Why did you drag me out right now
I don’t think you even care
Can’t you see it’s freezing out
Now put me back in there
I’ll come out when the time is right
But not now if you please
Spring will come in its good time
Put me back so I don’t freeze
You crazy men are worried
When will the winter end
It will come when days are warm
On that you can depend
4. Seasons
by Josie Whitehead
In summer, when the days are long,
I go to sleep by blackbird song.
I’m woken by the sunshine bright
That, early, sent away the night.
In winter, quite the other way;
The night cuts short the length of day.
In morning, when I must arise,
There’s darkness all about the skies.
In springtime days are drawing out
And warmer weather is about.
The gardens start to fill with flowers
But springtime also brings the showers.
In autumn, summer says goodbye
And blows dark clouds across the sky.
The days draw in, we’ve bonfires bright,
But Christmas soon will be in sight.
5. A Winter Without Snow
by J. D. McClatchy
Even the sky here in Connecticut has it,
That wry look of accomplished conspiracy,
The look of those who’ve gotten away
With a petty but regular white collar crime.
When I pick up my shirts at the laundry,
A black woman, putting down her Daily News,
Wonders why and how much longer our luck
Will hold. “Months now and no kiss of the witch.”
The whole state overcast with such particulars.
For Emerson, a century ago and farther north,
Where the country has an ode’s jagged edges,
It was “frolic architecture.” Frozen blue-
Print of extravagance, shapes of a shared life
Left knee-deep in transcendental drifts:
The isolate forms of snow are its hardest fact.
Down here, the plain tercets of provision do,
Their picket snow-fence peeling, gritty,
Holding nothing back, nothing in, nothing at all.
Down here, we’ve come to prefer the raw material
Of everyday and this year have kept an eye
On it, shriveling but still recognizable–
A sight that disappoints even as it adds
A clearing second guess to winter. It’s
As if, in the third year of a “relocation”
To a promising notch way out on the Sunbelt,
You’ve grown used to the prefab housing,
The quick turnover in neighbors, the constant
Smell of factory smoke–like Plato’s cave,
You sometimes think–and the stumpy trees
That summer slighted and winter just ignores,
And all the snow that never falls is now
Back home and mixed up with other piercing
Memories of childhood days you were kept in
With a Negro schoolmate, of later storms
Through which you drove and drove for hours
Without ever seeing where you were going.
Or as if you’ve cheated on a cold sickly wife.
Not in some overheated turnpike motel room
With an old flame, herself the mother of two,
Who looks steamy in summer-weight slacks
And a parrot-green pullover. Not her.
Not anyone. But every day after lunch
You go off by yourself, deep in a brown study,
Not doing much of anything for an hour or two,
Just staring out the window, or at a patch
On the wall where a picture had hung for ages,
A woman with planets in her hair, the gravity
Of perfection in her features–oh! her hair
The lengthening shadow of the galaxy’s sweep.
As a young man you used to stand outside
On warm nights and watch her through the trees.
You remember how she disappeared in winter,
Obscured by snow that fell blindly on the heart,
On the house, on a world of possibilities.
6. Four Seasons of Fun
by Josie Whitehead
Winter’s here, the wind blows cold
And snowflakes tumble down,
Coating rooftops, covering trees
And shops within our town.
Here come the sledges in the snow
And snowmen quickly made.
My winter day’s been so much fun
With all the games I’ve played.
Blossom means that spring’s arrived
And Easter eggs as well:
Spring means baby chicks are keen
To break out from their shells.
Spring’s arrived with gentle breeze
And a sun that’s shining bright –
And I’m off to have some fun today
And fly my brand new kite.
Summer’s longer days are here
And here’s just what I like:
I’ll go with friends down to the park
And there I’ll ride my bike.
Summer’s here; guess what I’ll do?
It’s time for sand and sea.
So goodbye to my friends at school –
It’s holidays for me.
Autumn’s leaves fall from the trees
And bonfires soon are lit.
I love the fireworks but the bangs
Are frightening . . .just a bit.
Halloween’s a lot of fun.
My pumpkin lantern’s made.
Dressed as witches? Yes, it’s us!
You’re surely not afraid?
Bad Weather Poems
While weather can be beautiful and inspiring, it can also be destructive and dangerous. Poems about bad weather capture the raw power and devastation of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods.
1. Good and Bad Weather
by Laura arwen
My creativity and
my inspiration enjoy
the bad weather
The weather changes
every day and
every plans
Sometimes I dream
the bad weather
lasts forever because
with it I
stay inside the
It’s natural to
walk with the
good weather
With the bad
weather I can
easily read
With hot weather
I want wandering
around naked house
In a way
or in another
everyone criticizes the
I think soon
the weather will
I think the
weather is a
lethal weapon without
It destroys everything
in its path
The wrong choices
of man are
compromising the weather
It’s really broken
and poisoned
There’s no way
we can save
the weather from
It lost its
bright essence
There’s no good
weather for the
new generations
For me the
bad weather is
very comfortable
2. Bad Weather
by Alfred Lichtenstein
A frozen moon stands waxen,
White shadows,
Dead face,
Above me and the dull
Throws green light
Like a garment,
A wrinkled one,
On bluish land.
But from the edge
Of the city,
Like a soft hand without fingers,
Gently rises
And fearfully threatening like death
Dark, nameless…
Without sound,
An empty slow sea swells towards us–
At first it was only like a weary
Moth, which crawled over the last houses.
Now it is a black bleeding hole.
It has already buried the city and half the sky.
Ah, had I flown–
Now it is too late.
My head falls into
Desolate hands.
On the horizon an apparition like a shriek
Terror and imminent end.
3. The Devil Won’t Be Serving Iced Tea
by Brenda McGrath
In Georgia we get a little taste of Hell with the summer heat,
Surely without our AC we would be dead meat.
It feels like a roaring campfire when you go outside,
You are covered in sweat, and want to run back inside.
It makes you wonder how hot Hell would be,
Although it feels like Hell now at 105 degrees!
We had better live as good as we can be…
The devil won’t be serving any southern iced tea!
4. Bad Weather
by Marie Howe
What does it matter that this cold June breaks, another dish
on the kitchen floor, skittering under the table legs.
So it requires the long strawed broom, the extra stoop.
It will have out. When the sun comes back. When the rain stops.
But something doesn’t fit. Something isn’t fitting.
The washing machine jams and hums too loudly. The chickadees
fall from the trees. A swallow is caught in the chimney.
The smallest ram lamb isn’t eating. The days pass.
June is too cold. The spiders threaten to overrun the nest
lodged in the rafters. They can’t be eaten fast enough.
The mother, beside herself, has seen this happen only once before,
the eggs draped with gauze.
No letters come. The small tin flag is down. The house creeps
farther from the road. The grass rises in the rain. The scythes
rust and will not cut. The blades squeak and sigh, nothing
to be done. We close the porch doors, but every night
they open just a little. We hear it from the bedroom,
a small creak. no one there. The cold lies down in the meadow
where the sheep are credulous and sturdy and dumb, but
the ram lamb will not eat. His mother has already forgotten him.
The windows will not stay shut. Even the small nails
we bang in are loose in the morning, and the screens flap
a little in the small cold wind. From under the covers,
I watch you move around the house, fixing the broken things:
the desk lamp, the toaster, the radio that still will not speak.
The red hens haven’t laid in a week. There’s nothing we can do.
Nothing. It could be ten years ago. I could be dreaming.
This could be last winter all over again
with the wood stacked and the snow rushing from miles away.
Then too, the trees leaned a little funny and the cat
disappeared for days. Nothing would make him come back.
5. Into Bad Weather Bounding
by Bin Ramke
Colligated points, dust, ultimately a cloud, as in
an orographic cloud in Colorado cringing against
a horizon. Boundaried vision and vapor conspire
to exhale, exalt into rain random dispersal into
the present: I see as far as that. I never saw farther.
In sinking air, mammatus cloud a sign the storm
has passed is passing… I walk happily whenever
or sometimes pass the last bad sign the bounded
land, I am sad as you are doubtless. Sad said
the bad man, somber. Otherwise say:
In my room the world is beyond
my understanding;/ But when I walk I see
that it consists of three or four hills
and a cloud.
6. The Poetry of Bad Weather
by Debora Greger
Someone had propped a skateboard
by the door of the classroom,
to make quick his escape, come the bell.
For it was February in Florida,
the air of instruction thick with tanning butter.
Why, my students wondered,
did the great dead poets all live north of us?
Was there nothing to do all winter there
but pine for better weather?
Had we a window, the class could keep an eye
on the clock and yet watch the wild plum
nod with the absent grace of the young.
We could study the showy scatter of petals.
We could, for want of a better word, call it “snowy.”
The room filled with stillness, flake by flake.
Only the dull roar of air forced to spend its life indoors
could be heard. Not even the songbird
of a cell phone chirped. Go home,
I wanted to tell the horse on the page.
You know the way, even in snow
gone blue with cold.
7. Bad Weather Thoughts
by Freddie Robinson Jr.
Dismal, gloomy
is the Future forecast
Ominous beta waves
carry neural turbulence of
mood destruction
Nocturnal tempest creates
a cyclonic flow
Cranial pressure release
a petulant downpour —
Tsunami tears on the pillow
Whither does those idyllic memories blow?
These stormy, overcast feelings
don’t appear to be bosom bound tropical
Grey matter skies
darken the dawn horizon
Reluctant to arise,
it’s safer to
shutter the optical windows
Let the barometric recall pressure subside
Bad weather thoughts
will soon muse altitude change
Monsoon emotions still seems to sigh abide
Disaffection tide wrought,
clear conscience is out of range
No slumber relief to ease
the torrential pain
Final Thoughts
Weather is a powerful force that has captured the imagination of poets throughout history.
From funny weather poems to inspirational works, these writings showcase the complex relationship between humans and the natural world.
Whether capturing the beauty of a summer day or the fury of a winter storm, weather poems offer insight into the human experience and our place in the universe.
Weather poems remind us of the power of nature to both inspire and challenge us, and they offer a deeper understanding of the world around us.
Ultimately, poems for weather serve as a testament to the enduring power of literature to move and inspire us.