3 Tips For Effectively Cleaning Up Blood After An Accident

There are all kinds of accidents that can happen at home that result in blood falling on a surface that isn’t easy to clean.
While you can quickly wipe blood off of a hard surface, if you happen to get blood on carpet, linens, bedding, or a piece of furniture, getting this stain off can be difficult if you don’t know how to go about it the right way. Luckily, there are a few techniques you can use to help make this task a little bit easier.
To show you how this can be done, here are three tips for effectively cleaning up blood after an accident.
Wear Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
Just as crime scene investigators will use personal protective equipment when getting samples from a crime scene, if you’re going to be the one that’s tasked with cleaning up blood in your home, you’re going to want to use some personal protective equipment as well.
To keep from getting blood on your hands as you clean up the mess, you’re going to want to wear disposable gloves that you can throw away when you’re done with the clean up. If the gloves that you’re wearing get torn, make sure you replace them with new gloves so that you don’t come in direct contact with any of the blood on your hands.
Depending on how much blood you’re needing to clean up, you may also want to wear an apron or something else to protect your clothes so that you don’t make more work for yourself by having to clean these things, too.
Soak Up All Of The Wet Blood First
If the blood that you’re needing to clean up is still wet, the first thing you’ll want to do once you have your personal protective equipment on is to soak up all of the wet blood first.
If you try to wipe off wet blood from a cloth or other soft surface, you will likely just end up smearing it and causing a bigger mess. To avoid this, you’ll want to blot at any wet blood you’re trying to clean up. You can try a gentle scrub to help you loosen the blood up a bit if it has started to dry, but you should try to your best not to spread the mess too much.
Try Different Cleaning Solutions
Once you have a dry stain that you’re needing to clean, you may need to try a few different cleaning solutions depending on the material you’re trying to get the blood stain off of. Using cold water and liquid dishwashing detergent might work.
You can also try hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and other commercial stain cleaners to try to get the rest of the blood stain to come off. Just make sure you don’t mix any cleaning solutions that are unsafe to use together, like bleach and ammonia.
If you’ve had an accident at home and now have a bit of blood that you’re needing to clean up from a soft surface, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get this stain off effectively.