119 Best Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions to Spice Up Your Conversation

Thanksgiving is a time to get together with friends and family, enjoy delicious food, express gratitude for all that we have in life.
But more than anything else, it’s an opportunity to connect with one another.
For those looking to liven up the chat this year, Thanksgiving would you rather is a perfect way to get people talking!
These tricky conundrums encourage lively debate and hilarious anecdotes from all around the table – no matter your age or group size!
To help you come prepared this holiday season, here are over 100+ best Thanksgiving would you rather questions guaranteed turn your Thanksgiving reunion into fun-filled chaos.
Fun Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions
Instead of sticking to traditional board games or watching football all day, why not shake things up this year with some “Would You Rather” questions? And we’re not just talking any regular questions, we’ve got here some fun and hilarious Thanksgiving-themed prompts to choose from. Try them!
1. Would you rather swim in a pool of cranberry juice or a pool of jello?
2. Would you rather cook the Thanksgiving meal or clean up the dishes?
3. Would you rather have to catch a live turkey using only your hands or empty the insides of a 50-pound pumpkin?
4. Would you rather have two days of Thanksgiving or two days of Christmas?
6. Would you ratherwash your hair with mashed potatoes or have to take a bath in gravy
7. Would you rathereat your entire Thanksgiving dinner with no eating utensils or have to sit at the table in your swimsuit and a pilgrim hat
8. Would you rather go to school dressed as a turkey or dressed as mashed potatoes?
9. Would you rather eat an entire turkey by yourself or eat all the Thanksgiving stuffing by yourself?
10. Would you rather go Black Friday shopping or watch Thanksgiving football?
11. Would you rather be in the Thanksgiving Day parade or be one of the hosts commenting on the parade?
12. Would you ratherget to lead the Thanksgiving Day parade or get to eat Thanksgiving dinner in the White House with the president?
13. Would you rathereat Thanksgiving dinner with a large group of extended family and friends or eat with just your immediate family and a few close friends
14. Would you rather eat an entire pumpkin pie or drink a gallon of cranberry sauce?
15. Would you rather spend your Thanksgiving weekend without football or without shopping?
16. Would you rathereat Thanksgiving dinner with your family or eat Thanksgiving dinner with three celebrities of your choice
17. Would you ratherhave to cook the entire Thanksgiving meal or have to clean up and do the dishes for the entire Thanksgiving Meal?
Funny Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions
Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, food, and, of course, laughter! If you’re looking for a way to spice up your holiday gathering, try these hilarious questions, you’re sure to get some belly laughs and spark some fun debates.
1. Would you rather get a pumpkin tattoo or a turkey tattoo?
2. Would you rather eat mashed potatoes that contain a fly or a pie whose salt and sugar was accidentally switched by the cook?
3. Would you rather eat turkey for the next seven days or apple pie for the next seven days?
4. Would you rather fall into a pile of stuffing or a pile of mashed potatoes?
5. Would you rather have hiccups throughout Thanksgiving dinner or burp loudly in front of everyone?
6. Would you rather smell like a turkey for a week or gobble like a turkey for a week?
7. Would you rather do the chicken dance when you speak or gobble after everything you say?
8. Would you rather be a turkey with pig’s feet or a pig with turkey legs?
9. Would you rather consume raw corn on the cob or an entire onion?
10. Would you rather listen to a gross story and lose your appetite or wear pants two sizes too small while enjoying the feast?
11. Would you rather have to starve every Thanksgiving or eat at your least favorite restaurant every Thanksgiving?
12. Would you rather have perfectly cooked dishes with a burnt turkey or a perfectly cooked turkey while the rest of the dishes were burnt?
13. Would you rather be sitting alone at your own table eating all by yourself or constantly being asked to pass food?
14. Would you rather go swimming in cranberry juice pool or a jello pool?
15. Would you rather cry gravy tears or make a gobbling noise every time you sneeze?
16. Would you rather wash your hair with gravy or bathe in cranberry sauce?
17. Would you rather scoop up a 50-pound pumpkin or grab a live turkey with your bare hands?
Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions for Adults
These Thanksgiving Would You Rather questions are designed specifically for adults. Trust us, these thought-provoking queries will not only fill the time, but also spark some lively debate and laughter around the dinner table.
1. Would you rather decorate the table with fresh flowers or make your own paper decorations?
2. Would you rather complete a 30 day gratitude challenge or try out a new gratitude activity with your family?
3. Would you rather take a nap after eating or watch a football game?
4. Would you rather play a football game with your family or go for a walk on Thanksgiving Day?
5. Would you rather watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV or be at the parade in person?
6. Would you rather host a themed costume Thanksgiving party or a formal, elegant Thanksgiving dinner?
7. Would you rather bring a gift to the Thanksgiving host or send a thank-you card after the fact?
8. Would you rather cook the Thanksgiving meal or clean it up?
9. Would you rather cook a Thanksgiving meal or go to a restaurant?
10. Would you rather have to eat Thanksgiving dinner with your non-dominant hand or wear a turkey beak mask while you eat?
11. Would you rather go Black Friday shopping or watch the parade?
12. Would you rather have to keep a turkey as a pet for a year or have to kill the turkey you eat for Thanksgiving?
13. Would you rather run a Turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning or organize a Thanksgiving day parade?
14. Would you rather have to say “gobble gobble” or have your chair make turkey noises every time you sit down?
15. Would you rather have to decorate your yard with giant inflatable decorations or have to wear a turkey feather boa for a week?
16. Would you rather dress up for Thanksgiving dinner or wear stretchy sweatpants?
17. Would you rather host a Friends giving celebration or host your family for Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions for Kids
These questions are sure to keep your little ones entertained and engaged throughout the holiday. Be ready for some fun and maybe even a few surprises with these Thanksgiving-themed “Would You Rather?” questions!
1. Would you rather have a Thanksgiving feast with your favorite superheroes or your favorite cartoon characters?
2. Would you rather be a pilgrim in the first Thanksgiving or a turkey trying to escape being eaten?
3. Would you rather play touch football with a team of friendly scarecrows or cheerful pumpkins?
4. Would you rather grow your own pumpkin patch or raise your own turkey?
5. Would you rather have a turkey-shaped head or pumpkin-shaped feet?
6. Would you rather help cook Thanksgiving dinner or set the table with creative decorations?
7. Would you rather eat your Thanksgiving meal with only your hands or have to open Christmas presents with a spoon and fork?
8. Would you rather swim in a pool of gravy or a pool of cranberry sauce?
9. Would you rather eat as much Halloween candy as you want or as much Thanksgiving dessert as you want?
10. Would you rather have Thanksgiving dinner on a pirate ship or in a castle?
11. Would you rather have a magical horn that produces any food you want or a flying turkey that takes you anywhere in the world?
12. Would you rather be able to make any food taste like your favorite Thanksgiving dish or have the power to make your toys come to life?
13. Would you rather have a Thanksgiving party in a treehouse or at your favorite park?
14. Would you rather be able to talk to animals on Thanksgiving Day or be able to make your favorite food appear magically?
15. Would you rather help the pilgrims plant their first crops or help the turkeys plan a Thanksgiving escape?
16. Would you rather have a week of Thanksgiving or a week of Christmas?
17. Would you rather be on a Thanksgiving parade float or one of the huge floating balloons?
Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions for Students
Not only the fun game of “Would You Rather”? game is a great way to keep your students engaged, but it’s also a perfect icebreaker for any Thanksgiving gathering. So get ready to laugh, think, and maybe even learn something new with these Thanksgiving Would You Rather questions.
1. Would you rather wear a pilgrim hat to school or have to bring a lunch with only Thanksgiving food for all of November?
2. Would you rather dedicate a whole week to wearing a Pilgrim costume to school or write a five-page essay about your gratitude?
3. Would you rather not have mashed potatoes or not have turkey for Thanksgiving?
4. Would you rather invite your teacher to your house for Thanksgiving dinner or have Thanksgiving dinner at their house?
5. Would you rather be a turkey or a pilgrim in a Thanksgiving school play?
6. Would you rather have to spend Thanksgiving day at school or at home sick with a cold?
7. Would you rather go to your principal’s home for Thanksgiving dinner or spend Thanksgiving Day trapped in school?
8. Would you rather sing a song in front of your class or walk around with mashed potatoes on your head?
9. Would you rather organize a charity event to help those in need during Thanksgiving or participate in a school-wide food drive?
10. Would you rather stay in bed on Thanksgiving Day or help out in the kitchen?
11. Would you rather dress your pet on Halloween or dress your pet on Thanksgiving?
12. Would you rather wear turkey feathers on your butt or a pumpkin stem on your head to class?
13. Would you rather have mashed potatoes or turkey every day for lunch in the school cafeteria?
14. Would you rather wear a pumpkin customer or a turkey costume to school?
15. Would you rather have dinner with your teacher or the president on Thanksgiving?
16. Would you rather finish a turkey in one sitting or not have turkey at all?
17. Would you rather give thanks before Thanksgiving dinner or recite your piece after dinner?
Good Thanksgiving Would You Rather Questions
Whether you prefer silly or thought-provoking inquiries, here are some good would you rather Thanksgiving questions to choose from. So gather around the table, take a break from the political debates, and get ready for some lighthearted fun. Who knows, you may even learn a thing or two about your loved ones.
1. Would you rather swim in a pool of gravy or cranberry sauce?
2. Would you rather have turkey or ham for Thanksgiving dinner?
3. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving on a farm in the country or in a New York City penthouse?
4. Would you rather drink all the gravy in the gravy boat or eat an entire pumpkin pie yourself?
5. Would you rather make the Thanksgiving meal or do all the dishes afterward?
6. Would you rather be in charge of the meal or the entertainment?
7. Would you rather have two Thanksgivings every year or two Halloweens every year?
8. Would you rather drink a gallon of apple cider or a gallon of pumpkin juice?
9. Would you rather sail across the Atlantic Ocean on the Mayflower or sail across the Pacific Ocean on a battleship?
10. Would you rather take a nap on a giant pumpkin or sleep on a mashed potato pillow?
11. Would you rather be in charge of the Spiderman balloon or the Snoopy balloon in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade?
12. Would you rather chase down your own turkey or grow your own corn?
13. Would you rather play in a Turkey Bowl or run in a Turkey Trot?
14. Would you rather eat your Thanksgiving meal in your comfy clothes at home or in a tuxedo or formal gown at the White House?
15. Would you rather have to eat only mashed potatoes or cranberry sauce for an entire day?
16. Would you rather play board games after the meal or take a nap?
17. Would you rather travel to see relatives or stay home and relax?
Thanksgiving Would You Rather Icebreaker Questions
Whether you’re looking to spark some friendly competition or simply break the ice with some lighthearted fun, these Thanksgiving Would You Rather questions are sure to do the trick. So grab some cranberry sauce, cozy up by the fire, and get ready for some memorable conversations this holiday season.
1. Would you rather eat Thanksgiving dinner with the UK’s royal family or with your own family?
2. Would you rather have a Thanksgiving meal without your favorite dish, or have a meal made up of only your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
3. Would you rather keep a turkey as a pet for a year, or have to kill the turkey you eat for Thanksgiving?
4. Would you rather be a turkey in a Thanksgiving school play or a corn on the cob?
5. Would you rather always smell like turkey or always smell like gravy?
6. Would you rather be in the Thanksgiving Day parade, or be one of the hosts commenting on the parade?
7. Would you rather run a Turkey Trot and come in first, or not have to run it at all?
8. Would you eat a burnt Thanksgiving dinner or an undercooked Thanksgiving dinner?
9. Would you rather eat an entire pumpkin pie or drink the whole gravy boat?
10. Would you rather eat Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant or at home?
11. Would you rather take a nap after the meal or watch a football game?
12. Would you rather give a turkey a bath or mash a bathtub full of potatoes?
13. Would you rather eat an entire onion or uncooked corn on the cob?
14. Would you rather wash your hair with mashed potatoes or with stuffing?
15. Would you rather have to work on Black Friday or have to work on Thanksgiving?
16. Would you rather turn into a turkey on Thanksgiving or turn into an elf on Christmas?
17. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving in New York City or on a farm?
Final Thoughts
Now you and your close friends have over one hundred Thanksgiving would you rather questions to help spice up your conversations this holiday season.
These would you rather Thanksgiving questions are sure to bring laughs and creative conversations between people from all walks of life!
Not only will it help break the monotony of traditional Thanksgiving conversation topics, but it may potentially spark meaningful connections between friends and family alike.
So choose wisely which question is best for your group – remembering that there was something for everyone in this list!
Now, off you go – try out some of these questions at your next gathering.
And please comment in the comments section below about this post – let us know how it was received by your guests.