205 Secret Santa Questions (Printable Templates)

Are you looking for free printable Secret Santa questionnaires? Finding the perfect questions for your Secret Santa event can be difficult and time-consuming.
But now you don’t have to worry anymore! This article offers 200+ Secret Santa questions to make your holiday season extra special.
With our free printable questionnaires, you can quickly find the perfect questions for your Secret Santa event.
Each set of questions is carefully crafted to get you in the Christmas spirit and encourage meaningful conversations.
From lighthearted questions to more serious ones, these printable Santa questionnaires will create an enjoyable atmosphere for all participants.
Best Secret Santa Questions
Are you joining a Secret Santa exchange with family or friends? If so, you’re likely on the hunt for the best secret Santa questions to include in your list. Here is a Secret Santa list of questions:
1. What’s your choice, chocolate or crisps?
2. If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life what would it be?
3. Do you use an electric toothbrush or regular toothbrush?
4. Would you rather eat Chinese food or Italian food for the rest of your life?
5. What do you like more, coffee or tea?
6. If you had a choice, hot or cold beverage?
7. What’s your favourite drink?
8. What is your favourite hot beverage?
9. What is your favourite cold beverage?
10. What’s your water of choice, sparkling or still?
11. Would you choose a Pepsi or Coke?
12. Do you play any musical instruments?
13. If you don’t what is your dream instrument to play?
14. Do you eat breakfast in the morning?
15. What is your everyday breakfast go-to?
16. What’s the first drink you have in the morning?
17. Do you drink caffeine?
18. What is your favourite dish to cook?
19. On a night out do you order a beer or a cocktail?
20. You’re at the gelato shop, do you chose an ice cream or sorbet?
21. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
22. Which would you chose, pizza or pasta?
23. What are your top three pizza toppings?
24. Do you prefer a baguette or slice pan?
25. Is your favourite bread wholemeal bread or white bread?
26. Are you a starter or dessert person?
27. Do you like ice in your drinks?
28. Do you prefer using a straw?
29. Do you cook?
30. What type of cuisine do you like the most?
Unique Secret Santa Questions
This unique and free Secret Santa questionnaire provides an excellent opportunity to plan a memorable and enjoyable holiday get-together. So, choose from our list:
1. Which type of food do you think you like the most?
2. What is your favorite cologne?
3. Can you describe your own style in a few words?
4. Which brand of shower gel do you like the most?
5. What are the top five things that you never want to have?
6. Who would you like to be your secret Santa?
7. What are the top three stores that you want to shop from?
8. Is there anything that you like the most but would never buy yourself?
9. What is your most favorite genre of movie?
10. Are you a fitness freak?
11. Which exercise do you love to do every day?
12. Who is your most favorite author?
13. Do you have any weird habits?
14. Which habit of yours do you think is not good at all?
15. If you could compare yourself with a food item, which item would it be?
16. Which are your favorite toppings for pizza?
17. Would you rather eat pizza or have pasta for your dinner?
18. Which type of pizza do you like the most?
19. Which toppings would you prefer for your burritos?
20. If you could never have to eat only one food item what food would you choose?
21. How well do you think you can cook?
22. Which type of party do you think you like the most?
23. If you could choose only one outfit for the rest of your life which one would it be?
24. Which clothing style do you think suits you the most?
25. Which toothpaste do you like to use?
Secret Santa Questions for Adults
Gift-giving doesn’t have to be stressful this holiday season! With a Secret Santa questionnaire for adults, you can make finding the perfect present fun and easy.
1. What is your zodiac sign?
2. Have you ever wanted your eyes to be a different color?
3. Which outfit are you most comfortable in?
4. What is the most favorite thing in your closet?
5. What is your favorite thing about your high school?
6. How much do you like to hang out with your cousin?
7. With whom do you like to hang out the most, your friends or your cousins?
8. When was the last time you visited an amusement park?
9. What is your most favorite amusement park in the country?
10. Which festival do you enjoy the most?
11. If there was one festival you could eliminate from the calendar which one would it be?
12. What are the top five things that you are most interested in?
13. What is your favorite social passion?
14. How sociable do you think you are?
15. Have you ever tried on someone else’s outfit and liked it?
16. Have you ever thought of buying an outfit and then changing your mind for something?
17. How much do you think you like pets?
18. Have you ever had any pets?
19. Which pet do you want to have the most?
20. What is your favorite plan for a perfect day?
21. If you could not use your phone or your computer for one day what would you do to pass your time?
22. When was the last time you went on a vacation with your family?
23. What is your most favorite thing to do with your family?
24. If you could leave your country and visit some new places where would it be?
25. Which color do you like the most?
Secret Santa Questions for Kids
With some simple Secret Santa questions, you can make sure your kids pick out meaningful gifts for their friends or family members. These are some creative and insightful Secret Santa questions for kids.
1. What is your most favorite stuffed animal?
2. Which kind of toys do you like the most?
3. Have you ever wanted to buy a toy but could not get it?
4. Which type of shoes do you like to wear the most?
5. If you could choose your own Christmas gift what would it be?
6. Do you like to collect a certain type of toy?
7. Do you have a superhero toy collection?
8. How much do you like Barbie?
9. If you could do whatever you want for the whole day what would you do?
10. Have you ever gone trekking with someone?
11. What is your favorite color?
12. Which theme do you want for your room?
13. Which fairy tale story do you like the most?
14. If you could be a character in a fairy tale story, which character would you choose to be?
15. What is your most favorite Disney movie?
16. What are the things that irritate you the most?
17. What is your most favorite indoor game?
18. Which type of dolls do you like the most?
19. If you could be in a Disney movie which movie would you choose and why?
20. Which Disney character is up=our most favorite one?
21. If you get to be a Disney character which character would it be?
22. What do you like to play the most when you are with your friends?
23. If you could own a pet what would you name it?
24. What is your most favorite cartoon?
25. Which superhero do you like the most and why?
26. Do you believe in unicorns?
27. How much do you like to ride a bicycle?
28. What is your most favorite Christmas dessert?
Secret Santa Questions for Coworkers
Are you in charge of organizing the office Secret Santa festivities this year? Then here is a list of some popular office Secret Santa questions for you:
1. How obsessed are you with your perfumes?
2. What do you do every day before going to sleep?
3. What is the first thing you do every day in the morning?
4. What is the thing in your wardrobe that you are obsessed with?
5. Which winter wear do you like the most?
6. Have you ever owned a Christmas sweater?
7. Which outfit are you planning to wear on Christmas eve?
8. Which type of jewelry do you like the most for your ears?
9. How much do you like to wear a pendant?
10. How much do you like the work culture at your office?
11. Which of your skills do you think is perfect for your job?
12. What is your greatest achievement till now in your professional life?
13. What do you love the most about your work?
14. What is your dream job?
15. What do you generally do after going back home from your office?
16. Which clothing item are you obsessed with?
17. Which item do you like the most at your workplace cafeteria?
18. For how long do you think you are going to stick with your current work profile?
19. What do you like the most in your workplace?
20. What do you hate the most in your workplace?
21. If you could change one thing about your office, what would it be?
22. What are your plans for your future?
23. What are the top five things on your bucket list?
24. What do you generally do on your weekends?
25. If you could choose any other profession what would it be?
26. If you lose your current occupation for some reason, which career option would you choose?
27. What is the most challenging thing you have faced in your job?
28. If you get a chance to arrange a party, which theme would you choose your party to be?
29. What are you going to give your best friend this Christmas?
30. When was the last time you regifted something that someone gave you and what?
31. What clothing items have you wishlisted on your favorite online shopping site?
32. What is your most memorable day at your workplace?
33. When was the last time you hung out with your office colleagues?
34. How many times have you changed your workplace till now?
35. When was the last time you took a leave from your office?
36. Have you ever gone on an office trip?
37. When was the last time you made an excuse for not coming to the office?
Secret Santa Questions for Friends
Secret Santa is an activity that has been around for years, allowing friends to exchange gifts anonymously. Use these creative and entertaining questions for friends to make your Secret Santa gathering even more exciting and interactive.
1. What was the best gift you have given to someone?
2. Which body part do you like the most in yourself?
3. What is the childish thing you still enjoy doing?
4. What is your secret talent that you are very proud of?
5. Is there anything new that you have learned recently?
6. What is the first thing that you do every day after waking up?
7. How often do you think you fall in love?
8. Which season of the year is your favorite one?
9. What is your most favorite memory till now?
10. Do you have any collecting hobbies like stamps, books, etc?
11. How much do you like to read the newspaper?
12. How much do you like to play video games?
13. Which video game is your favorite?
14. How much do you like cooking?
15. What is your most comfortable outfit of all time?
16. What is that you like to do the most in your free time?
17. How many hobbies do you have and what?
18. What was the best thing you received on your last birthday?
19. Who is your favorite teacher at school and why?
20. What is your favorite song at this point and why?
21. Which genre of music do you like the most?
22. What is your everyday breakfast menu?
23. What was the last dream you had?
24. What if you chose your soul to trade with something what would it be?
25. What was the worst gift you have ever received?
26. Have you ever received any weird gifts and what was that?
27. Has anyone ever gifted you something freaky?
28. Is there anything that you can not live without?
29. What is the one thing that you desire the most?
30. What is the first thing would you buy if you win a lottery?
Secret Santa Questions for Students
Secret Santa can be a fun way for students to participate in gift-giving traditions while getting to know each other better. Here are a few Secret Santa questions for students
1. Have you ever wanted to go on a trip with your school friends?
2. If you could replace your school shoes with something new what would it be?
3. If you design your own clothes, what would your first design for yourself?
4. How much do you like advanced technology?
5. Which part of your daily routine is the most annoying and why?
6. Have you ever wanted to update your bedroom mirror?
7. Which class do you like the most in your school?
8. What is your most favorite subject?
9. What do you hate the most about your school?
10. Which friend of your school would you like to invite to your place for a sleepover?
11. Are you jealous of anyone at your school?
12. Who is your favorite teacher at your school?
13. What is your most favorite snack from the cafeteria of your school?
14. What do you think is your perfect Christmas plan?
15. If you could arrange a Christmas party at your house how would you like it to be?
16. Do you have a crush on someone from your school?
17. Would you rather go on a long drive or a bike ride?
18. Where would you like to go on your next vacation, sea or mountain?
19. Would you rather watch Christmas movies or read a novel?
20. What is your most favorite Christmas movie?
21. How do you like to relax after a long tiring week?
22. If you could be a part of one novel, which novel would it be and which character would you like to be?
23. If you could change one thing about your school what would it be?
24. Which poster of your classroom would you like to change?
25. If you could choose only one book to read for the rest of your life, which book would you think you would choose?
26. Which is your favorite study method?
27. At what time of the day do you like to study?
28. What is your favorite topic about your school to talk about?
29. Which stationery do you want the most for your school?
Printable Secret Santa Questions
Secret Santa offers an opportunity for guests to share their favorite memories of the holidays or tell stories about the season in general. Here we come with printable Secret Santa survey questions. Just click the image to download and print.

Tips for Being the Best Secret Santa Ever
If you’re in charge of organizing a Secret Santa at work or with friends and family this holiday season, these 5 tips will help ensure that your Secret Santa event goes off without a hitch!
Tip 1- Get to know your Secret Santa
Before buying a gift, take the time to get to know your Secret Santa. Ask them Secret Santa questions, pay attention to their interests, and find out what they would really like.
Tip 2- Set a budget
Secret Santa can be a lot of fun but can also be stressful if you don’t set a budget. Decide on a price range that you are comfortable with and stick to it.
Tip 3- Be creative
Instead of buying a generic gift, think outside the box and come up with something unique and creative. Personalized gifts are always a hit.
So, consider presenting such gifts to make your family, friends, and coworkers happy.
Tip 4- Wrap it nicely
The way you present the gift is just as meaningful as the gift itself. Take the time to wrap it nicely and add a special touch.
Tip 5- Don’t wait until the last minute
Secret Santa gifts should be thoughtful and well-considered, so don’t wait until the last minute to buy or make a gift.
Secret Santa is a fun way to get everyone into the Christmas spirit. Taking the time before the event for thoughtful questioning will pay off when it comes time to pick out presents!
Thus, plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to develop a Christmas gift exchange questionnaire and the whole way to get the job done.
Final Thoughts
Ask giftees about their favorite hobbies, interests, or music preferences; these are the good Secret Santa questions that help to find the perfect gift for each person.
With our free printable 200+ questionnaires, you can quickly find the perfect questions for your Secret Santa event. All questions are available in a printable template, so you can easily store them for future use.
Get to know your friends better with these fun and thought-provoking questions about their memories, wishes, thoughts, secrets, and more!
Also, share this positive guide with your friends and comment below to inspire us to write another great piece of content.