83 Poems about Music to Feel Its Power & Inspiration

Music is a universal language that has the power to inspire, uplift, and heal.
Throughout history, poets have been drawn to the beauty and power of music, writing some of the most enduring works of literature on the subject.
From famous poems about music to those that explore its emotional and spiritual significance, poetry offers a unique lens through which we can experience the transformative power of music.
Whether you’re a musician or a music lover, these music poems will resonate with you and remind you of the magic of music.
Explore a range of categories, including short, long, modern, and rhyming poems and those designed for children or exploring the themes of love and death.
Famous Poems about Music
World’s most famous poets have been inspired by the power of music. This category features some of the most famous music poems, offering a glimpse into the transformative power of music.
1. Music
by Charles Baudelaire
Oft Music, as it were some moving mighty sea,
Bears me toward my pale
Star: in clear space, or ‘neath a vaporous canopy
On-floating, I set sail.
With heaving chest which strains forward, and lungs outblown,
I climb the ridged steeps
Of those high-piled clouds which ‘thwart the night are thrown,
Veiling its starry deeps.
I suffer all the throes, within my quivering form.
Of a great ship in pain,
Now a soft wind, and now the writhings of a storm
Upon the vasty main
Rock me: at other times a death-like calm, the bare
Mirror of my despair.
2. On Music
by Thomas Moore
When through life unblest we rove,
Losing all that made life dear,
Should some notes we used to love,
In days of boyhood, meet our ear,
Oh! how welcome breathes the strain!
Wakening thoughts that long have slept,
Kindling former smiles again
In faded eyes that long have wept.
Like the gale, that sighs along
Beds of oriental flowers,
Is the grateful breath of song,
That once was heard in happier hours.
Fill’d with balm the gale sighs on,
Though the flowers have sunk in death;
So, when pleasure’s dream is gone,
Its memory lives in Music’s breath.
Music, oh, how faint, how weak,
Language fades before thy spell!
Why should Feeling ever speak,
When thou canst breathe her soul so well?
Friendship’s balmy words may feign,
Love’s are even more false than they;
Oh! ’tis only music’s strain
Can sweetly soothe, and not betray.
3. How Blessed Am I
by Tim Smith
Sitting here in this big old lazy chair
a little smile starts to appear upon my face
Some Phil Collins music rings in the air
as the girls cuddle under warm blankets
watching the movie Tarzan.
I sit here and muse
how did I get so lucky?
why did God shine upon me?
I have such beautiful and healthy children
I have a place to lie my head
There is plenty of food to be put upon the table
There’s no other place I’d rather be instead
My heart starts beating stronger
There is warmth and love in the air
I get up and sit between them
I am so blessed to be here
4. Am in Need of Music
by Elizabeth Bishop
I am in need of music that would flow
Over my fretful, feeling fingertips,
Over my bitter-tainted, trembling lips,
With melody, deep, clear, and liquid-slow.
Oh, for the healing swaying, old and low,
Of some song sung to rest the tired dead,
A song to fall like water on my head,
And over quivering limbs, dream flushed to glow!
There is a magic made by melody:
A spell of rest, and quiet breath, and cool
Heart, that sinks through fading colors deep
To the subaqueous stillness of the sea,
And floats forever in a moon-green pool,
Held in the arms of rhythm and of sleep.
5. Music
by Bella
Music is a privilege to all who hear her sing.
Joy, heart and happiness is mostly what she’ll bring.
Her mood is your shadow: anger, love and irritation,
Her mood reflects your own in a way of imitation.
Music is a privilege to all who hear her sing.
Joy, heart and happiness is mostly what she’ll bring.
Her mood is your shadow: anger, love and irritation,
Her mood reflects your own in a way of imitation.
If you’re sad, so she shall be.
If happiness is what you feel,
In her that’s what you’ll see.
If your mood is colourful, which is what is best to be,
Then colourful will be the tone of her sweet melody.
Music is something that we all take for granted,
But if you take the time to listen, you’ll find yourself enchanted!
Music is for a baby, a baby oh so small,
To make her a fragile lullaby so into sleep the child may fall.
Music is for an old grandpa, we all know that jolly old man.
Though he may never seem sad, there are times when he is down.
Music is for everyone, the young, the old, and those in between,
But if you could take some time to listen, you may find what music means…
6. Love is All We Need
by Nancy Kaufman
I had just officially become a teen when the Beatles music
arrived on the scene.
Young, naive, and a bit of a fool, my parents
promised to put me on a train to Liverpool.
My cousin and I wore the Beatle wigs
and performed little impersonation gigs..
We were barely teens but I clearly recall,
my first major crush on singer Paul..
We chanted the Beatle’s lyrics from the ’60s of
peace and love, in those days of hippies.
I’m still impressed by the words of Beatle John,
who was here too briefly and so suddenly gone..
If this world could embrace his lyrics as a creed
for “love is all that we really need”.
7. Listening
by Amy Lowell
’T is you that are the music, not your song.
The song is but a door which, opening wide,
Let’s forth the pent-up melody inside,
Your spirit’s harmony, which clear and strong
Sing but of you. Throughout your whole life long
Your songs, your thoughts, your doings, each divide
This perfect beauty; waves within a tide,
Or single notes amid a glorious throng.
The song of earth has many different chords;
Ocean has many moods and many tones
Yet always ocean. in the damp Spring woods
The painted trillium smiles, while crisp pine cones
Autumn alone can ripen. So is this
One music with a thousand cadences.
8. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
by Christopher Pearse Cranch
The mind’s deep history here in tones is wrought,
The faith, the struggles of the aspiring soul,
The confidence of youth, the chill control
Of manhood’s doubts by stern experience taught;
Alternate moods of bold and timorous thought,
Sunshine and shadow — cloud and aureole;
The failing foothold as the shining goal
Appears, and truth so long, so fondly sought
Is blurred and dimmed. Again and yet again
The exulting march resounds. We must win now!
Slowly the doubts dissolve in clearer air.
Bolder and grander the triumphal strain
Ascends. Heaven’s light is glancing on the brow,
And turns to boundless hope the old despair.
9. Sister’s Harp
by Eliza and Sarah Wolcott
When last those sweet notes I enjoy’d,
O Sarah, thy hand gave the sound;
But with angels thou now art employ’d,
While thy harp seems to sigh at death’s wound.
How mournful’s the strain that recalls
Thy form so beloved to my mind;
When the note of the wood-robbin falls,
Deep sorrow and tears are combin’d.
Though silent, thy harp seems to speak;
Too transient these strings for her use;
A harp of new strings, never weak,
Thy sister holds forth to thy muse.
The harp she has left thee behind,
Is a pledge of the shortness of time;
As her hand struck the last note sublime,
May her sweet example be mine.
10. Whispers of Melodies
by Sotto Poet
Relish the silence of whispering melodies.
As they restlessly dance between light and shade.
Hypnotic serenades stifle the echoes.
Of floating secrets that never fade.
In the quiet of the night,
The whispers grow louder and clear,
Guiding your thoughts to a place of delight,
Where all your worries disappear.
The rhythm of the music takes hold.
As you sway to its magical beat,
A symphony of emotions unfolds.
As the melodies sweep you off your feet.
The whispers of melodies are the key.
To unlock the doors of your soul,
A timeless reminder to let pass and be
To let the music bestow control.
So let the whispers carry you away.
To a place of pure bliss and peace,
Where the melodies forever play,
And your worries and fears release.
Beautiful Poems about Music
Beautiful poems about music capture that transcendent quality. In this category, you’ll find poems about music that celebrate the beauty and grace of music in all its forms.
1. Love for the Music
by Waldo Garcia
The rhythm, and of course the beat.
Moving side to side and dancing the floor.
Feel the music flowing all through your feet.
The beat’s so good, it makes you want some more.
The rhythm, and of course the beat.
Moving side to side and dancing the floor.
Feel the music flowing all through your feet.
The beat’s so good, it makes you want some more.
Get lost in the music, carried away.
Feel the deep passion coming from your heart.
Warm like the sun on the beach on mid-day.
It’s been a part of my life from the start.
Made from things happening in real life.
If you listen closely, there is a song.
Some are love and some are blunt as a knife.
I can listen to music all day long.
Music’s love or whatever it can be.
Music’s the life that is inside of me.
2. Music
by William Francis Barnard
Music, the language of the soul,
Which words can never teach:
A miracle of sound, that gives
The unutterable to speech.
2. The Birds Are Singing My Song
by Tisha Y. Winkler
The birds are singing my favorite tune.
Imagine them taking the flight soon.
Their wings are flapping with ease.
As I look to the sky, and feel the summer breeze.
This is what I enjoy the most about the music of the birds, as the heavenly host.
Listen closely and you will hear.
My favorite song playing in my ear.
Mr. Piano man can you play this song? T
His is the day, play all day long.
3. My Mother’s Music
by Emilie Buchwald
In the evenings of my childhood,
When I went to bed,
Music washed into the cove of my room,
My door open to a slice of light.
I felt a melancholy I couldn’t have named,
A longing for what I couldn’t yet have said
Or understood but still
Knew was longing,
Knew was sadness
Untouched by time.
The music was a rippling stream
Of clear water rushing
Over a bed of river stones
Caught in sunlight.
And many nights
I crept from bed
To watch her
Swaying where she sat
Overtaken by the tide,
Her arms rowing the music
Out of the piano.
4. Music
by Amy Lowell
The neighbour sits in his window and plays the flute.
From my bed I can hear him,
And the round notes flutter and tap about the room,
And hit against each other,
Blurring to unexpected chords.
It is very beautiful,
With the little flute-notes all about me,
In the darkness.
In the daytime,
The neighbour eats bread and onions with one hand
And copies music with the other.
He is fat and has a bald head,
So I do not look at him,
But run quickly past his window.
There is always the sky to look at,
Or the water in the well!
But when night comes and he plays his flute,
I think of him as a young man,
With gold seals hanging from his watch,
And a blue coat with silver buttons.
As I lie in my bed
The flute-notes push against my ears and lips,
And I go to sleep, dreaming.
5. Music Is Poetry
by Kristine Black
Music is poetry,
An expression of the heart.
I can feel it in me when the music starts.
My blood is flowing,
Music is poetry,
An expression of the heart.
I can feel it in me when the music starts.
My blood is flowing,
My mind is free.
It’s beautiful when someone
Is feeling the same as me.
Words are the pristine way to uplift
An emotion.
My words are my heart.
My paper is my sleeve.
I wonder if someone feels the same as me.
6. Summer Breeze
by Charlie Smith
Soft lights with warm winds pirouetting in time
whispering its music so perfectly in rhyme
Hearts searching, ever searching for love’s sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess
Moonlight in concert reflecting its bliss
Starlight’s twinkle, a pretentious first kiss
Hearts searching, ever searching for love’s sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess
The concert of summer called gently your name
Softly, by this music into my life you came
Hearts searching, ever searching for love’s sweet caress
Wishing, ever hoping, to so tenderly possess.
7. Sing
by Brittany
Sing until your heart gives out;
that’s what they all say,
but what is left after that
if the music takes it all away?
Sing until your heart gives out;
that’s what they all say,
but what is left after that
if the music takes it all away?
If you sing until your lungs give out
what breath is left to tell anyone
just how you feel about them?
You’re finished before you’ve even begun.
All I’m trying to say
is that when you sing
let the music take you high above the clouds
until you’ve forgotten everything.
Music is equal to love;
that’s what they tell me,
but what if you love someone greatly
and there is no way to sing them down onto one knee?
Your heart will break,
your lungs will start crying,
for air and all you will know to say
is not to worry, you will still be flying.
8. Music I Heard
by Conrad Aiken
Music I heard with you was more than music,
And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
Now that I am without you, all is desolate;
All that was once so beautiful is dead.
Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
These things do not remember you, beloved,
And yet your touch upon them will not pass.
For it was in my heart that you moved among them,
And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
And in my heart they will remember always,
—They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.
Short Poems about Music
Sometimes, all it takes is a few lines of verse to capture the essence of music. Short poetries about music offer a glimpse into the emotional impact of music, from the euphoria of a perfect melody to the melancholy of a haunting refrain.
1. For Music
by Lord Byron
There be none of Beauty’s daughters
With a magic like thee;
And like music on the waters
Is thy sweet voice to me:
When, as if its sound were causing
The charmed ocean’s pausing,
The waves lie still and gleaming,
And the lull’d winds seem dreaming:
And the midnight moon is weaving
Her bright chain o’er the deep;
Whose breast is gently heaving,
As an infant’s asleep:
So the spirit bows before thee,
To listen and adore thee;
With a full but soft emotion,
Like the swell of Summer’s ocean.
2. Music, When Soft Voices Die
by Percy Shelley
Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory—
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.
Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heaped for the belovèd’s bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.
3. To Music: A Song
by Robert Herrick
Music, thou queen of heaven, care-charming spell,
That strik’st a stillness into hell;
Thou that tam’st tigers, and fierce storms, that rise,
With thy soul-melting lullabies;
Fall down, down, down, from those thy chiming spheres
To charm our souls, as thou enchant’st our ears.
4. Compensation
by Sara Teasdale
I should be glad of loneliness
And hours that go on broken wings,
A thirsty body, a tired heart
And the unchanging ache of things,
If I could make a single song
As lovely and as full of light,
As hushed and brief as a falling star
On a winter night.
5. Music
by Hugo Sarvida
Music are floodgates
That bars you in the sideways
Tear flows and chest drums.
6. Before You
by Tom Pen
Each day was a gift
without you.
Every sunrise breathtaking
without you.
Music moved me
without you.
But ever since our first night,
nothing is as beautiful
without you.
7. Hermit Thrush
by Hilda Conkling
Something that cannot be said in words . . .
Something sweet and unknown . . .
The wind . . . the brook . . .
Something that comes to a trembling fuller tone
Like a waterfall . . .
That little brown creature is singing
A music of water, a music of worlds;
He will fly away south,
But his song stays in the heart
Once it is heard.
8. Ghost Music
by Robert Graves
Gloomy and bare the organ-loft,
Bent-backed and blind the organist.
From rafters looming shadowy,
From the pipes’ tuneful company,
Drifted together drowsily,
Innumerable, formless, dim,
The ghosts of long-dead melodies,
Of anthems, stately, thunderous,
Of Kyries shrill and tremulous:
In melancholy drowsy-sweet
They huddled there in harmony.
Like bats at noontide rafter-hung.
Long Poems about Music
For poets who are truly captivated by music, a few lines simply won’t do. Long poetries about music offer an immersive experience, delving deep into music’s emotional and spiritual significance and its power to transform our lives.
1. Music
by John Edward Everett
Mystic music flows into our hearts and makes them grow tender,
And it also expresses the tenderness already there;
It awakens memories old and neglected that render
The present an antique museum of relics rare.
It opens the soul to visions of bright revelation,
While dreams of the may-be and might-have-been charm all our thought;
It leads us along the fair highway of pure aspiration,
Till we think that “I will” will unceasingly walk with “I ought”.
It brings to our knowledge new phases of self, and it teaches
The lesson divine of the greatness of souls that can feel;
It gives hint of the depth and the height of emotion that reaches
Far down and far up to where throbs awful woe and bless’d weal.
Or again, when our spirits are stirred in joy or dejection,
Often music affords us an outlet for grief or for praise;
And when we grow tender while bathing in old recollection,
We oft give our emotion expression in soft, longing lays.
Blessed music, sweet music, clear music, oh, music supernal!
Holy music, chaste music, loved music, oh, music benign!
That persuades us the present is part of existence eternal,
And changes our minutes from commonplace into divine.
2. The Opening of the Piano
by Oliver Wendell Holmes
In the little southern parlor of tbe house you may have seen
With the gambrel-roof, and the gable looking westward to the green,
At the side toward the sunset, with the window on its right,
Stood the London-made piano I am dreaming of to-night!
Ah me! how I remember the evening when it came!
What a cry of eager voices, what a group of cheeks in flame,
When the wondrous box was opened that had come from over seas,
With its smell of mastic-varnish and its flash of ivory keys!
Then the children all grew fretful in the restlessness of joy,
For the boy would push his sister, and the sister crowd the boy,
Till the father asked for quiet in his grave paternal way,
But the mother hushed the tumult with the words, “Now, Mary, play.”
For the dear soul knew that music was a very sovereign balm;
She had sprinkled it over Sorrow and seen its brow grow calm,
In the days of slender harpsichords with tapping tinkling quills,
Or carolling to her spinet with its thin metallic thrills.
So Mary, the household minstrel, who always loved to please,
Sat down to the new “Clementi,” and struck the glittering keys.
Hushed were the children’s voices, and every eye grew dim,
As, floating from lip and finger, arose the “Vesper Hymn.”
Catharine, child of a neighbor, curly and rosy-red,
(Wedded since, and a widow,— something like ten years dead,)
Hearing a gush of music such as none before,
Steals from her mother’s chamber and peeps at the open door.
Just as the “Jubilate” in threaded whisper dies,
“Open it! open it, lady!” the little maiden cries,
(For she thought ‘t was a singing creature caged in a box she heard,)
“Open it! open it, lady! and let me see the bird!”
3. The Myth of Music
by Rachel M. Harper
If music can be passed on
Like brown eyes or a strong
Left hook, this melody
Is my inheritance, lineage traced.
Through a title track,
Displayed on an album cover
That you pin to the wall
As art, oral history taught
On a record player, the lessons
Sealed into the grooves like fact.
This is the only myth I know.
I sit on the hardwood
Floors of a damp November,
My brother dealing cards
From an incomplete deck,
And I don’t realize that this
Moment is the definition
Of family, collective memory
Cut in rough-textured tones,
The voice of a horn so familiar
I don’t know I’m listening,
Don’t know I’m singing,
A child’s improvisation
Songs without lyrics
Can still be sung.
In six months, when my mother
Is 2,000 miles away, deciding
If she wants to come home,
I will have forgotten
This moment, the security
Of her footsteps, the warmth
Of a radiator on my back and you
Present in the sound of typing
Your own accompaniment,
Multi phonics disguised as chords
In a distant room, speakers set
On high to fill the whole house
With your spirit, your call
As a declaration of love.
But the music will remain.
The timeless notes of jazz
Too personal to play out loud,
Stay locked in the rhythm
Of my childhood, memories fading
Like the words of a lullaby,
Come to life in a saxophone’s blow.
They lie when they say
Music is universal—this is my song,
The notes like fingerprints
As delicate as breath.
I will not share this air
With anyone
But you.
4. Master of Music
by Henry Van Dyke
Glory of architect, glory of painter, and sculptor, and bard,
Living forever in temple and picture and statue and song, —
Look how the world with the lights that they lit is illumined and starred,
Brief was the flame of their life, but the lamps of their art burn long!
Where is the Master of Music, and how has he vanished away?
Where is the work that he wrought with his wonderful art in the air?
Gone, — it is gone like the glow on the cloud at the close of the day!
The Master has finished his work, and the glory of music is — where?
Once, at the wave of his wand, all the billows of musical sound
Followed his will, as the sea was ruled by the prophet of old:
Now that his hand is relaxed, and his rod has dropped to the ground,
Silent and dark are the shores where the marvellous harmonies rolled!
Nay, but not silent the hearts that were filled by that life-giving sea;
Deeper and purer forever the tides of their being will roll,
Grateful and joyful, O Master, because they have listened to thee, —
The glory of music endures in the depths of the human soul.
5. You Only Need to Look
by Andrew Hanson
When my day is heading down,
With no solution I can see,
I need only look around.
It’s flowing all around me.
When my day is heading down,
With no solution I can see,
I need only look around.
It’s flowing all around me.
It’s gliding on the breeze
And falling with the rain.
It comes with gentle ease,
Relieving all my pain.
And slowly, I feel it starting,
Something from within me.
Then quickly it comes roaring,
Filling every gap and cavity.
It’s welling up inside,
I have to let it out.
It’s like a roaring tide,
Washing away guilt, fear, and doubt.
It’s shooting through my veins
And surging through my mind.
I barely control the reigns.
It’s growing stronger all the time.
It’s taken me away,
A huge smile on my face,
Because today’s my lucky day.
I’m going to a very special place.
Soon it all comes spilling out,
Helping me make wonders.
Things I never knew about,
Things I’d normally think are blunders.
First it takes me fast, then slow,
The sound gliding through air,
Like an arrow from a bow,
Or the flight of a frightened hare.
Alas, it’s now coming to an end,
The final note rings true.
Sending a beautiful message
To me and to you.
That note has built us a bridge
To a place of awesome bliss.
Where the contents of its message
Are always proven to say this:
Music is all around you.
You just have to find it.
And I promise once you do,
Your efforts will be rewarded.
And anyone can sit
And waste their life away,
But the person who finds music
Will never live that way.
6. The Musical Box
by Hannah Flagg Gould
My little friend, ‘t is a stormy day,
But we are left together;
I to listen, and thou to play;
So we’ll not heed the weather.
The clouds may rise and the tempest come,
The winds and the rain may heat:
With thee to gently play “Sweet Home,”
I feel that home is sweet!
The yellow leaf, from the shivering tree,
On Autumn’s blast is flying;
But a spirit of life enshrined in thee,
While all abroad is dying,
Calls up the shadows of many a year
With their joys that were bright as brief;
And, if perchance it start the tear,
‘T is not the tear of grief.
‘T is a hallowed offering of the soul,
From her purest fountain gushing;
A warm, bright gift, that has spurned control,
To the eye for freedom rushing;
As music’s angel, hovering near
To touch the tender key,
The numbers of a higher sphere
Is pouring forth from thee.
And while his powerful, magic hand
O’er memory’s chords is sweeping,
To wake and bring from the spirit-land
The things that else were sleeping—
It lifts my thoughts to a world to come,
Where those parted here shall meet,
From the storms of life secure at home,
And sing, that home is sweet!
7. The Loudest Shadow
by Anthony
It begins as a noise in the background
keeping steady beat as it makes its round.
It can be found at any time of day.
It’s so simple, just push play.
It begins as a noise in the background
keeping steady beat as it makes its round.
It can be found at any time of day.
It’s so simple, just push play.
It creates a story for everyone’s life
as if it understands your struggles and strife.
It’s impossible to stop, its purpose will be served
as if not to judge on whether or not you deserve
to feel absorbed in something bigger than yourself
where there is nobody to ever ring the bell
Of complete reality and worry filled days.
When life gets too real, there’s something that says,
I’ll be with you through the HAPPY and SAD.
the really GREAT days and even the BAD.
It lingers as if ready at any possible time
to lift you off your feet and begin to fly
away from all the grief, sorrow, and pain
to tell your mind that it’s free again.
No judging or casting a nasty glare.
Nope, just to let you know that it’s always there
as the shoulder to cry on when no one else cares
and casts you alone to face all of your scares.
It will give you a feeling that no one else can
and open your eyes to the ever-growing span
of opportunity and dare and even the strength
to end it all or just shoot blanks.
It tends to all of our daily needs,
not for us but with us so we really can see
the magic of you when in a crowd.
Nothing else will sound as loud.
As the beats, bells, and whistles that are in your head
revealing to you a new path to tread
for you will follow no one; your path will be your own
because your are lead by something that can’t be owned.
To be there for whenever you desire
is its one purpose, to light your fire.
It can’t be stopped if the will is steady.
It can be unleashed, it’s always ready.
To light up your day or slow down the time
to yell at the world, or even to cry,
to help you with whatever you may need,
or just to be there for whenever you please.
It will live until the end of time
serving its purpose, to let its light shine
remember family, friends, and even pets
but most of all music never forget
8. The Music of the Trees
by Charles A. Heath
How I love to hear the rustle of the leaves upon the trees
When the foliage of summer is a moving in the breeze
When the oak and beech and maple are a tuning up the air
As they hear the quaking aspen sending signals everywhere.
The deciduous forest people are a music making band
With their symphonies so simple that a child can understand
For there’s meaning in their rythm and a pleasure ‘mong the trees
When the wind is blowing through them and a stirring all the leaves.
There’s an overture in whispers which is soothing to the ear
Then a chorus full of comfort just a chasing out your fear
As the louder it is sounding and the louder yet again
Till at last are joys abounding when it falls in sweet refrain.
Yes, it brings you heaps of solace when the wind is blowing soft
In a lullaby of nature which will bear you way aloft
Till you leave this world of trouble with its fretting and its care
As you listen to the rustle of the leaves a playing there.
O, I love to stop and hearken to the music of the trees
As the wind is soughing through them or a playing with the leaves
There’s a harmony that holds you in the noises of the wood
Where I never tire of listening for it does a fellow good.
Modern Poems about Music
Music is an ever-evolving art form, and modern poets are constantly exploring new ways to capture its essence. In this category, you’ll find contemporary poems that reflect the sounds and styles of today’s music scene.
1. Music Is…
by Evergreen Pines
Music is my heart.
Music is my soul.
Music is whole.
Music is…
The drums, the symbols.
The sticks, the beat.
That the rhythm of my feet.
Keeping all in sink.
Music is my body.
Music is my mind.
Music is what you’ll find.
Music is…
The base, beautiful base.
Hear that artwork.
That’s my hands at work.
Enjoying the rhythm.
Music is my presence.
Music is my spirit.
Music is the ultimate.
Music is…
The melody, harmony.
That’s my voice,
Listen, it’s your choice.
Please hear what I say.
Music is my culture.
Music is my life.
Music is the afterlife.
Music is…
Music is my mind, body and soul.
It is my culture spirit and heart
It’s my presence rhythm and thought
Music is music, and music is me.
2. Musical Meditation: The Prelude
by Anonymous
there’s old music
and there’s new music
there’s music to evoke feelings
and there’s music to lull memories out
there’s music for moods
and there’s music for thoughts
there’s music for whispers
and there’s music for loud
there’s music for words
and there’s music without
there’s music for softness
and there’s music for hard times
there’s music you play
and there’s music that comes out of you
there’s music that sends chills down your spine
and there’s music that warms you deep down
there’s music for getting things done
and there’s music for sitting alone
there’s music that comes and goes
and there’s music that remains steady
Everything falls away
And then there was music.
3. Solitude is My Silent Saviour
by Silent One
No one understands the reason for living,
many prefer to receive without giving.
In a world full of selfish behaviour,
solitude has become my silent saviour.
Instruments are repressed without musicians,
as some kill the music before auditions.
My harp cares not for words about tradition,
ignores fake applause for romantic fiction.
Love is a way of life, yet some bring it shame,
mercy cannot sin, feelings are not a game.
People point fingers to those without a name,
what will they do when there’s no one left to blame?
I’m no Romeo, I need no Juliet,
I’ve loved and lost, broken hearts I still regret.
4. Music
by Kellz Kitty
I put my head phones in
I turn the music on
I let the same tunes play everyday
I let them calm my mind
I let them calm my heart
I let them seprate me from the world
I turn the volume up
I turn the world down
I let the music play loudly
I let the music speak soundly
Music lets me slip away
Music lets me live a brighter day
Music lets me Find peace
Music moves through every part of me
I let music run in my mind
I let music run in my heart
I let music touch my deepest thoughts
I let music reach my inner core
I let music reach the deepest darkest parts of my soul
Music brings me happiness and light
Music is my souls true delight
5. Indie Music
by Anonymous
indie music
dancing shoes
indie music
doesn’t cure blues
it starts them
indie music in the rain
indie music standing in trains
indie music for the deranged
indie music for the off-genre-ed
indie music for the off-centered
indie music for mis-fits
that aren’t actually
indie music for the masses
indie music with glassless
indie music for the misunderstood
or maybe that’s all music…
indie music
dancing shoes
indie music
inspires blues
6. Heartbound
by Charlie Smith
If only love befell your heart
like fragrant scents of new spring hay
the joy my dreams would too impart
if such a verse I’d dare to say
Feel the chances of a raindrop
touch the tenderness of a rose
pray the music will never stop
before the wind of winter blows
Let’s weave tales of this love’s history
I am heartbound, please take my hand
walk with me through all life’s mystery
for what only we might understand
I know the sweetness of your smiles
They take me back to childish wiles
7. Music
by Søuł Survivør
music lives
music breathes
music loves
music grieves
music courts
music shouts
music wins
music pouts
music grows
music clings
music clicks
music rings
music sings
music sighs
music weeps
music dies
8. With Music
by Helen Hay Whitney
Dear, did we meet in some dim yesterday?
I half remember how the birds were mute
Among green leaves and tulip-tinted fruit,
And on the grass, beside a stream, we lay
In early twilight; faintly, far away,
Came lovely sounds adrift from silver lute,
With answered echoes of an airy flute,
While Twilight waited tiptoe, fain to stay.
Her violet eyes were sweet with mystery.
You looked in mine, the music rose and fell
Like little, lisping laughter of the sea;
Our souls were barks, wind-wafted from the shore—
Gold cup, a rose, a ruby, who can tell?
Soft—music ceases—I recall no more.
Poems about Music That Rhyme
Rhyme can create a truly unforgettable experience. In this category, you’ll find rhyming poems about music that use rhyme to capture the beauty and power of music.
1. Music
by Walter De La Mare
When music sounds, gone is the earth I know,
And all her lovely things even lovelier grow;
Her flowers in vision flame, her forest trees
Lift burdened branches, stilled with ecstasies.
When music sounds, out of the water rise
Naiads whose beauty dims my waking eyes,
Rapt in strange dreams burns each enchanted face,
With solemn echoing stirs their dwelling-place.
When music sounds, all that I was I am
Ere to this haunt of brooding dust I came;
And from Time’s woods break into distant song
The swift-winged hours, as I hasten along.
2. The Melody
by Elysia
The heart beats in time with the sounds of drums
The hand swaying to the violins chord
Each note is remembered, thought about and adored
As every soul in the room joins to the music and hums
The heart beats in time with the sounds of drums
The hand swaying to the violins chord
Each note is remembered, thought about and adored
As every soul in the room joins to the music and hums
Each sliver of sound buzzing in the brain
The lyrics with a thought about meaning
put together with the guitar as it’s loud screaming
The melody that returns to bring my life back again
3. To a Violin
by Bertha F. Gordon
Strange shape, who moulded first thy dainty shell?
Who carved these melting curves? Who first did bring
Across thy latticed bridge the slender string?
Who formed this magic wand, to weave the spell,
And lending thee his own soul, bade thee tell,
When o’er the quiv’ring strings, he drew the bow,
Life’s history of happiness and woe,
Or sing a paean, or a fun’ral knell?
Oh come, beloved, responsive instrument,
Across thy slender throat with gentle care
I’ll stretch my heart-strings; and be quite content
To lose them, if with man I can but share
The springs of song, that in my soul are pent,
To quench his thirst, and help his load to bear.
4. Music to Hear, Why Hear’st Thou Music Sadly?
by William Shakespeare
Music to hear, why hear’st thou music sadly?
Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy:
Why lov’st thou that which thou receiv’st not gladly,
Or else receiv’st with pleasure thine annoy?
If the true concord of well-tuned sounds,
By unions married, do offend thine ear,
They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds
In singleness the parts that thou shouldst bear.
Mark how one string, sweet husband to another,
Strikes each in each by mutual ordering;
Resembling sire and child and happy mother,
Who, all in one, one pleasing note do sing:
Whose speechless song being many, seeming one,
Sings this to thee: ‘Thou single wilt prove none.’
5. On Music
by William Stanley Braithwaite
I cannot tell how high my soul takes wing,
Nor to what depths in liquid sweets it sinks—
Yet well I know it suffers from thy sting,
As one who of Cyceon mixture drinks.
And I can feel a rose-stream thro’ me creep,
Curving about my senses, as they leap,
And swell and rise and fall,
As blossoms ambrosial
Shook from some full blown orange-tree in spring,
Sink wav’ring to the ground
And bound
Unto the zephyr’s piping, in dizzy, dizzy ring!
6. A Helping Musical
by Sadwick
A blank parchment is lifeless
Until a pen creates a melody.
A song is revered ageless
Because of a sweet harmony.
A blank parchment is lifeless
Until a pen creates a melody.
A song is revered ageless
Because of a sweet harmony.
Musicians are the key to living
Because they understand truth.
It’s not about taking but giving
That makes us feel our youth.
Take the sound of music,
And change it into a life goal.
Maybe you’ll see the magic
When you touch a child’s soul.
Music is the secret mystery
That unlocks something within.
No matter where in history,
Music is where it begins.
7. The Strange Music
by G. K. Chesterton
Other loves may sink and settle, other loves may loose and slack,
But I wander like a minstrel with a harp upon his back,
Though the harp be on my bosom, though I finger and I fret,
Still, my hope is all before me: for I cannot play it yet.
In your strings is hid a music that no hand hath e’er let fall,
In your soul is sealed a pleasure that you have not known at all;
Pleasure subtle as your spirit, strange and slender as your frame,
Fiercer than the pain that folds you, softer than your sorrow’s name.
Not as mine, my soul’s annointed, not as mine the rude and light
Easy mirth of many faces, swaggering pride of song and fight;
Something stranger, something sweeter, something waiting you afar,
Secret as your stricken senses, magic as your sorrows are.
But on this, God’s harp supernal, stretched but to be stricken once,
Hoary time is a beginner, Life a bungler, Death a dunce.
But I will not fear to match them-no, by God, I will not fear,
I will learn you, I will play you and the stars stand still to hear.
8. Until My Breath Wings Away
by Mike Gentile
For life and love and summer breeze
For memories that fly with ease
For days with you that bring to mind
The greatest joy that I may find
For music that reflects the sun
For you and I to be as one
For roses that perfume the air
as fingers ruffle through your hair
For thoughts of peace that fill my heart
For knowing we will never part
For saying I will always stay
Until my breath should wing away
Poems about Music for Children
From playful rhymes to heartfelt ballads, these poems about music for kids offer a glimpse into the way music touches the hearts and souls of even the youngest listeners.
1. Music is Fun
by Anonymous
Music is wonderful,
and so much fun for me,
When I sing, dance, and listen,
I feel very free.
When I’m dancing,
I think of a new move,
As I practice,
I gradually improve.
Singing is something,
I constantly do,
Even when,
I’m tying my shoe.
Listening to music,
is so fun and sweet,
When I hear my songs,
they wake both my feet.
2. Pick a Song
by Anonymous
What’s your
very favourite tune?
Is it from
that funny cartoon?
Songs are fun,
to listen and dance,
Shake and jump,
when you get a chance.
Play your music,
right after school,
It’s not about,
trying to be cool.
When a super fun song,
enters your ear,
You’ll get so excited,
suddenly you’ll cheer.
Go and pick songs,
that you like the best,
Enjoy your music,
with smiles and zest.
3. My Old Uncle Wheeler
by Kenn Nesbitt
My old Uncle Wheeler
the instrument dealer
sells cellos, pianos, guitars.
He also sells mandolins,
banjos and violins,
zithers and harps and sitars.
He sells all these things
that play music with strings
at low prices that cannot be matched.
His discounts are deep
and his prices so cheap
’cause he sells them with no strings attached!
4. A Musical Note
by David Ayres
Let music be your master of melody.
Let music be your key.
Let music be your teacher of tuning.
Let music be you and me.
Let music be your sensei of soothing.
Let music let you see.
Let music be your guru of groove.
Let music make you dream.
Let music be your guide to move.
Let music let you be.
Let music be your educator of expression.
Let music keep your steam.
Let music be your destroyer of depression.
Let music create your scene.
Let music be your professor of passion.
Let music pay your fee.
Let music be your tutor of truth.
Let music plant a seed.
Let music be all of these.
Let music set you free.
5. The Minotaur Hums
by Kenn Nesbitt
The minotaur hums as he strums on his lute
which he strums with his thumbs as he hums.
And sometimes he drums with his boot as he toots
when he toots on a flute as he drums.
And humbly he’ll hum as he drums with his boot
Or he’ll strum on his lute as he drums.
But strumming won’t come for his thumbs if he toots
and he truly can’t toot when he hums.
6. Music
by Ameera Ahmad
When I hear music,
I feel like getting up and sing.
When I hear music,
It’s like the world dances.
When I hear music,
The birds sing along.
When I hear music,
The joy in my heart is inexpressible
When I hear music,
Everyone listen.
When I hear music,
I want to scream.
When I hear music,
If I don’t sing I feel ashamed.
When I hear music,
I feel like love at first site.
When I hear music,
I walk down my memory lane.
When I hear music,
I hear legends.
When I hear music,
My enemies become my friends.
When I hear music,
My heart pounds faster.
When I hear music I get chills.
When I hear music,
It’s like a dream comes true.
When the world hears music,
Magic has Appeared.
7. Enjoy Music!
by Anonymous
It doesn’t matter,
which instrument you play,
As long as your hair,
is invisible or grey.
I’m not saying,
old musicians are best,
Some actually require,
help getting dressed.
It all comes down,
to the art of the tune,
If you sing softly,
you’ll know how to croon.
Look at your lyrics,
you may need to change.
Some just may seem,
a little bit strange.
Those that master,
the low and high pitch,
Have a good shot at becoming,
famous and rich.
But if all fails,
continue to enjoy,
Because music to the ears,
is a beautiful toy.
8. The Weary Blues
by Langston Hughes
Droning a drowsy syncopated tune,
Rocking back and forth to a mellow croon,
I heard a Negro play.
Down on Lenox Avenue the other night
By the pale dull pallor of an old gas light
He did a lazy sway . . .
He did a lazy sway . . .
To the tune o’ those Weary Blues.
With his ebony hands on each ivory key
He made that poor piano moan with melody.
O Blues!
Swaying to and fro on his rickety stool
He played that sad raggy tune like a musical fool.
Sweet Blues!
Coming from a black man’s soul.
O Blues!
In a deep song voice with a melancholy tone
I heard that Negro sing, that old piano moan—
“Ain’t got nobody in all this world,
Ain’t got nobody but ma self.
I’s gwine to quit ma frownin’
And put ma troubles on the shelf.”
Thump, thump, thump, went his foot on the floor.
He played a few chords then he sang some more—
“I got the Weary Blues
And I can’t be satisfied.
Got the Weary Blues
And can’t be satisfied—
I ain’t happy no mo’
And I wish that I had died.”
And far into the night he crooned that tune.
The stars went out and so did the moon.
The singer stopped playing and went to bed
While the Weary Blues echoed through his head.
He slept like a rock or a man that’s dead.
Poems about Music and Love
Love and music have always been intertwined, and these poems explore the emotional impact of music on our romantic lives. From the euphoria of falling in love to the heartbreak of lost love, these poems capture the many facets of music’s relationship to love.
1. My Heart Is Meant for You
by Tim Smith
Lights dimmed in a cool marbled hall
a solitary candle flickers
soft chamber music echoes
and my thoughts turn to You
down on my knees
memories come as love has gone
how many times have I begged
to have a heart to hold
a bond to build
an angel to adore
Again I beg for the courage
the strength to carry on
to lead
to live
to love
A bright ray of sunshine
filters through the stained glass window
illuminating your image
heartaches soothe as I take in your essence
and I know
my heart is meant for You
2. Incandescence
by John Watt
Your incandescence drew me to your flame
Moth-like, I gravitated to your light
Then feigning nonchalance, I asked your name
The music of your voice set me to flight
And added several inches to my height
When you inquired of my name I saw stars
Stellar arrays beyond Venus or Mars
Puncturing through the thick shroud of the mask
I use to hide my stories and memoirs
My lady! All you had to do was ask!
3. After the Party
by Andrea Dietrich
After the party and all our great fun,
new friends were trickling out my front door.
With their goodbye hugs, they left one by one,
and I was left feeling surely “the more
the merrier” was a phrase that was true
with my apartment now emptied of sound!
But through the night, I’d been noticing YOU.
Unlike the others, you’d just stuck around.
You told me you’d waited all night for the chance
to be with me only. My heart skipped a beat.
Putting on music, you asked for a dance!
The moment was magic, and you were so sweet.
Today we still dance to that same song.
After the party, my prince came along!
4. Moonstruck Maiden
by Lin Lane
What beauty reflected in love’s fair eyes,
a passion treasured beyond all measure.
As ardor stirred flames, I failed to disguise
the need in my loins ere want of pleasure.
As sweet the music I discern profound,
tis more honeyed your lips when touching mine.
Oh! My pained heart shall beckon love resound,
my moonstruck maiden, unearthly divine.
Mute, I cannot be, so near your soft breasts.
This besotted man has but scant more breath.
Grant me your pure love, not in mere request,
but with an angelic kiss ‘fore my death.
I beg thee allow the stars remain bright.
Give yourself to me ere the end of night.
5. The Music of the Wind
by Pailey Gordon
Helicopter seeds
from my maple tree
drift down,
from the strong branches above.
They all fall around me,
I am encapsulated by the swirling seedlings.
Snug within their warmth,
the wind sends me on my feet.
Dancing with the music of the air
that is rushing through my hair,
I inhale the sweet, mellow essence of what life has granted me.
Then I exhale the words,
“I am thankful for this life and the road, no matter how rocky, has served its purpose”.
As I leave this place,
I hum the tune of the masterpiece conducted by the wind
that rustled in this tree.
6. Sounds of Eternity
by Line Gauthier
Sunshine glitters across the water
in a tireless playful motion, and
a dreamy hypnotic music of eternity
ripples on through my nights.
I close my eyes, transported to a dock
of my youth where soothing waves greet me,
enticing me, inviting me, rocking me.
And I abandon myself to the lullaby
that could just as easily be the arms of a lover.
7. To Touch the Untouched
by Silent One
She is soothing music,
but an unwritten script.
A silent movie,
but visually, cinematic elegance.
Infatuated lyrics thirst to
compose onto tones of her curves.
Her tongue is a sensual dance,
a serenade of sensitive sensations.
Her lips a path to pristine passion,
her eyes a gateway to heaven.
But she is grandeur of purity,
a distinction of innocence.
Fate must learn patience,
in the pursuit of desire.
8. The Poems I Never Wrote
by Michelle Faulkner
These are the roads I didn’t take
A pause too soon, a turn too late
Lost in the love I never spoke
The poems I never wrote
Gone are the moons I didn’t chase
The sun-bloomed wind I didn’t taste
The skylines I left incomplete
The stars I didn’t seek
Muted are songs which may have brought
A silent music to my thoughts
Fading traces in dim sunsets
Autumns I never kept
Verses yet rise through foggy climes
Reveries of forgotten rhymes
If fractured light once more takes flight
I still have poems to write
9. In Loving Memory of You
by Eve Roper
In memory of you and all the beauty I behold.
I will listen to the laughter’s and discern which one was yours
I would play the music that I know you would wish to hear
And dance on the same footsteps wearing your shoes
As I float dancing with you just one more time
And when we are done, I will hold your hand
Pull you towards me one more time
And see forever in your eyes
And when tomorrow comes
And it’s my turn to dance again with you,
I will flow you to the Milky Way
Where all the stars will look upon us
With coruscation envy
Poems about Music and Death
Music has the power to offer comfort and solace in times of grief. From mournful elegies to uplifting hymns, these poems offer a glimpse into the transformative power of music in times of sorrow.
1. The Gift to Sing
by James Weldon Johnson
Sometimes the mist overhangs my path,
And blackening clouds about me cling.
But, oh, I have a magic way
To turn the gloom to cheerful day—
I softly sing.
And if the way grows darker still,
Shadowed by Sorrow’s sombre wing,
With glad defiance in my throat,
I pierce the darkness with a note,
And sing, and sing.
I brood not over the broken past,
Nor dread whatever time may bring;
No nights are dark, no days are long,
While in my heart there swells a song,
And I can sing.
2. Funeralissimo
by Michael Ashby
The musical notes stood in lines
Discordant in their grief
Before regaining their composure
As black tears in embossed relief
The instruments played this salutation
To a musician of note and much more
At the end, everyone stamped their feet
Encore, Encore, Encore!
3. Songbird
by Georgia Lound
Every songbird has its own unique song
And yours is my favourite.
Would my first steps be as hasty if not for its tempo?
Would my spirits be as high if not for its key?
Your song walked with me as I grew up
Like an underscore, lifting me.
And I have always listened, and I always will.
For no matter how quiet your tune gets,
As the years go on and time passes,
Even if it fades out to a gentle hum,
The echo of your melody will continue to guide me
And shape me into the (wo)man that I will become.
So, although you aren’t here to sing it,
The beat of your song will continue in our hearts.
Its steady rhythm will keep us on track.
And now every time I hear a songbird’s song,
I will think of you, and I will sing back.
4. And Rest
by Rev. Anthea Ballam
There is a moment
In musical rehearsal
When all the players
The choir
The woodwind and brass
The strings and percussion
The entire orchestra
And there is peace
The conductor says two words
‘And rest’
Voices cease to sing
The woodwind put down oboes and clarinets
The brass lay down trumpets and trombones
Others do the same
Because the music is over
There is no audience
There is no applause
In that moment
Quietness reigns
Yet the quiet that follows
Remains harmonious
There is a certain silence
A space
For reflection and repose
The music is remembered
And so we contemplate
The highs
The lows
The passage of melody
Sometimes we feel sad
Because the chords
Have drifted away
Some will feel loss
Others experience relief
And others deep sadness
We share
That moment of closure
When the conductor
‘And rest.’
5. My Trumpet Is Silent
by Anonymous
My trumpet is silent
As it is with my life too
No more shall I play for you
There is nothing left to do.
Don’t be sad for me today
For me please do not weep
Call upon your memories
They are yours to keep.
The band upstairs is striking up
For me they now await
To play again I now can do
As I pass through heaven’s gate.
The audience is waiting
Familiar faces all around
Once again the baton strikes
And I hear that familiar sound.
It’s grand to be reunited
With band members both old and new
We start to play it sounds so good
Just perfect like I expected it would.
6. Reflections of a Boomer
by Anonymous
I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain
I’ve been through a desert on a horse with no name
I’ve gone to Kansas City, I sang in the sunshine
I’ve been on the road again, with Georgia on my mind
Like a rolling stone, I’ve given peace a chance
I’ve put a camel to bed and danced the last dance
Mr Tambourine Man played a song for me
I’ve whispered words of wisdom, let it be
I’ve fallen into a burning ring of fire and walked the line
To all the girls I’ve loved before, you were always on my mind
I’ve been everywhere, I’ve been so lonesome I could cry
I’ve driven my Chevy to the levee when the levee was dry
I’ve been to Itchy Coo Park in a yellow submarine
I’ve made the scene in a time machine
I’ve done the Hokey Pokey and turned myself around
I’ve welcomed baby back to the poor side of town
I‘ve followed the tracks of my tears down a long and winding road
I’ve kept on searching for a heart of gold
I’ve sought shelter from the storm, I’ve sat on the dock of the bay
I’ve rocked around the clock, on a sunshiny day
I’ve knocked on Heaven’s door, while blowing in the wind
Joy to the world those were the days my friend
Lay lady lay, in crimson and clover
It’s been a hard day’s night, the party’s over.
7. Death and Music
by Anonymous
A wonderful couple with mysterious nature…
For a dying body,
What a rhythm known and unknown,
Hours, minutes, seconds,
The soul departs.
As the music reaches a point where nature becomes the master artiste,
The soul disappears like the moon rushing to make way for
A sudden dawn…
Dirge flows, accompanying
The departing moon to source,
And the feminity in the masculinity of
This dirge unfolds the
Quagmire of emotions that flows
With death and music,
Death; the strong male.
Music; a tender female.
Poems about Music and Its Power
Music has a unique ability to inspire, uplift, and heal. From spiritual hymns to protest songs, these poems about the power of music offer a glimpse into the power of music to change the world.
1. Music Understands Me
by Anonymous
I feel alone and scared,
My past haunts me every day,
But the music understands me.
I feel alone and scared,
My past haunts me every day,
But the music understands me.
I cry when I’m alone,
Because I want to die,
But the music understands me.
I may be smiling on the outside,
But I’m crying on the inside,
And the music understands me.
With all that I have been through,
I’m surprised that I’m still sane,
And the music understands me.
Nothing seems to ease my pain,
So I’m forced to cover it,
But the music understands me.
Sometimes I can’t,
And I get overcome,
But the music understands me.
I like the pain that I can control,
And I love the rain,
Because it’s good to cry in,
But I never have to cry with music,
Because the music understands me.
2. A Friend Found in Music
by Bryanna T. Perkins
Music is the ocean
That pulls me to the shore.
Music is the rhythm
That moves me to the core.
Music is the ocean
that pulls me to the shore.
Music is the rhythm
that moves me to the core.
Music is the therapy
I need when I feel blue.
Music lifts my spirits
to make sure I pull through.
The times when I’m most cheerful,
It’s clear music was there.
Music is the needed friend
when no one seems to care.
3. Where Words Fail, Music Speaks
by Lucy Rudman
Where words fail,
music speaks.
It speaks of the pain,
of the sorrow,
Where words fail,
music speaks.
It speaks of the pain,
of the sorrow,
of the lost,
of the life we live.
It shares emotions.
It’s a way to connect,
to understand
what others feel.
Where words fail,
music speaks.
It tells the truth
whether you want it to or not.
Music shares the souls
of those we’re around,
of those in the world
that we’re living.
I wish to share
my music with you
So you can understand
the pain I feel,
so I can share my soul with you,
so you can understand
What I’m going through.
4. Music of My Life
by Kelsey Storz
The music takes my soul,
Takes it through the wind and around the autumn trees,
As the earth turns slowly.
Each song makes me wonder what really goes on while I’m asleep.
The music takes my soul,
Takes it through the wind and around the autumn trees,
As the earth turns slowly.
Each song makes me wonder what really goes on while I’m asleep.
As a disco ball shines through my dreams.
I wish I were awake, as the music plays.
And wish instead of school, I’d get to party and dance all day.
As one song makes you move and be happy,
The other makes you cry and be sappy.
Each song with its own act,
Life reacts back.
As each tune makes you
The way you are
That’s why I’m kind of bizarre.
It’s hard to believe your song,
is more than just a song
Or a bell is more than a bell.
And a voice, could be as bad as hell.
You could lose your soul,
Regain it again, each feeling fills you full
As each tune tells you what to do.
Nothing is better than the feeling of the music’s ‘tude.
5. Music Is Everything
by Jbizzy
Music travels all around my body.
Now I can say it’s living right through me.
Listening to music puts me in a good mood;
It makes me want to stand up and start to groove.
Music travels all around my body.
Now I can say it’s living right through me.
Listening to music puts me in a good mood;
It makes me want to stand up and start to groove.
Music can make me forget all of my pain.
It brings out the sun when I can only see the rain.
I put on my headphones and play all of my songs.
I could listen to it all day long.
Music takes me to another place,
Higher than the sky and far away from the space.
There’s nothing to compare to it in the whole world.
It wouldn’t even be better than my favorite girl.
Music can teach you many lessons,
Like stand up for your rights and all the good reasons.
I know there are people who think the same way
Because they know music lives in us every day.
6. Get Lost in the Music
by Roxane Faulkner
Music is part of my everyday life.
It’s the one thing that makes me feel alive.
No matter what it could be,
all music influences me.
Music is part of my everyday life.
It’s the one thing that makes me feel alive.
No matter what it could be,
all music influences me.
Music teaches me everything I do.
After hearing the words, you know it suits you.
Without music, I don’t know what I would do.
When I’m feeling bad, it’s the only place I can go to.
Music is my life, my desire.
As I listen, it builds me higher.
No matter what kind: rock, country, or rap,
you can’t convince me that any of it is crap.
Whatever you’re feeling, whether it’s happiness, sadness or fear,
just turn it up and listen to what you hear.
To me, music could never go wrong.
I could listen to it all day long.
7. The Chords of My Escape
by Anjanae King
The chords of my escape,
The feeling of a beat,
The vibration of my soul,
It sends me to my peak.
I just love how it makes me feel,
But there’s no way the feeling is real.
I can close my eyes and look up to the ceiling.
It’s the most pleasurable feeling.
The way it makes me move,
Just gracefully on my feet.
In the chords of my escape,
There are no expectations to meet.
I’m free to be myself.
I can dance, I can sing.
I can twirl around on the floor.
That’s how it’s supposed to be.
But of course, all happiness has to come to an end.
I look at the ground,
I sigh and frown.
It’s time to let go of my only true friend.
I lift my hand to my ear
And pull out the plastic.
I suddenly feel blank again.
But soon, I will feel ecstatic
With the chords of my escape.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, poetry has always been a powerful means of expressing the beauty and power of music.
Whether it’s through the rhythm of the words or the depth of the emotions conveyed, poems about music have the ability to touch the soul and inspire us in countless ways.
From famous works by renowned poets to modern pieces that capture the essence of today’s music scene, this collection of poems for music is a tribute to the timeless influence that music has on our lives.
We hope that these words have stirred your own love of music and inspired you to share your thoughts in the comments below.
Let us know your favorite poems about music and how they have impacted your life.