95 Poems about Happiness to Reveal Secrets of a Joyful Life

Poems about happiness have the power to uplift our spirits and offer us glimpses of a joyful life.
Whether funny or inspirational, short or long, rhyming or free-verse, these poems remind us that happiness can be found in the simplest moments of life.
From the laughter of children to the beauty of a sunset, from the warmth of a loving embrace to the wonders of the natural world, happiness surrounds us every day.
In this collection of poems about happiness, we will explore various categories of happiness poems, including famous, funny, inspirational, short, long, rhyming, for children, about love and life, and even haiku.
Join us on this journey of poetic discovery and uncover the secrets to a more joyful life.
Let’s read these happiness poems!
Famous Poems about Happiness
Throughout history, renowned poets have captured the essence of happiness in their verses. From the romantic era to contemporary times, poems about happiness by famous poets inspire us to appreciate life’s joys and savor every moment of happiness.
1. Happiness
by Eliza Wolcott
‘Tis not where smiles and feasting
Leave many a sighing breast
‘Tis not where gold’s increasing
That gives the soul its rest
‘Tis found alone, where trouble
Has purified the soul;
Then happiness makes double,
And crowns with peace the whole.
Contentment gives new graces;
This talent well refines;
And sorrow, ne’er defaces,
The pearl, where wisdom shines.
2. To Happiness
by Ruby Archer
O Happiness, how meagre
The boon we gain of thee:
A hint ineffable, a thrill,
A coming ecstasy;
And then the cup, eluding,
Has vanished into air,
And we—like Tantalus—are left
Attaining but despair;
Or, luring hope, it lingers
A moment at the lip,
A drop of life-elixir gives,—
A tiny, tiny sip.
Our fever grows to anguish
To see it flee away,
For promise of a deeper draught
Will not our thirst allay.
When may we drain thy beaker
Untroubled, undenied?
Or shall we never, never know
The feeling—satisfied?
3. If I Were a Sunbeam
by Alice Cary
“If I were a sunbeam,
I know what I’d do;
I would seek white lilies,
Roaming woodlands through.
I would steal among them,
Softest light I’d shed,
Until every lily
Raised its drooping head.
“If I were a sunbeam,
I know where I’d go;
Into lowly hovels,
Dark with want and woe:
Till sad hearts looked upward,
I would shine and shine;
Then they’d think of heaven,
Their sweet home and mine.”
Are you not a sunbeam,
Child, whose life is glad
With an inner brightness
Sunshine never had?
Oh, as God has blessed you,
Scatter light divine!
For there is no sunbeam
But must die or shine.
4. Happiness not to Be Found Upon Earth
by Eliza and Sarah Wolcott
Hours of peace, and tranquil pleasure,
Scarce are found in hearts below;
And the friend we call a treasure,
Falls beneath Death’s cruel blow.
Life, and health, we call a blessing,
Sure it is, if well improv’d;
Yet the thought of sin’s distressing,
Makes one sigh, as all have prov’d.
Yet the gift of life’s a short one,
Health is ever on the wing;
Soon our life is gone, ’tis done,—
Transient life’s a feeble string.
May we tune our harps for heaven,—
Strive to walk the narrow way;
How our Savior’s life was given,
For those sheep who go astray.
Let us highly prize this treasure,
Let us own His holy name;
Let it be our highest pleasure,
To be true followers of the Lamb.
5. The Character of a Happy Life
by Sir Henry Wotton
How happy is he born or taught,
That serveth not another’s will;
Whose armour is his honest thought,
And simple truth his highest skill;
Whose passions not his masters are;
Whose soul is still prepar’d for death
Untied unto the world with care
Of princes’ grace or vulgar breath;
Who envies none whom chance doth raise,
Or vice; who never understood
The deepest wounds are given by praise,
By rule of state, but not of good;
Who hath his life from rumours freed;
Whose conscience is his strong retreat;
Whose state can neither flatterers feed,
Nor ruins make accusers great;
Who God doth late and early pray,
More of his grace than goods to send,
And entertains the harmless day
With a well-chosen book or friend.
This man is free from servile bands
Of hope to rise or fear to fall;
Lord of himself, though not of lands;
And having nothing, yet hath all.
6. Happiness
by Priscilla Leonard
Happiness is like a crystal,
Fair and exquisite and clear,
Broken in a million pieces,
Shattered, scattered far and near.
Now and then along life’s pathway,
Lo! some shining fragments fall;
But there are so many pieces
No one ever finds them all.
You may find a bit of beauty,
Or an honest share of wealth,
While another just beside you
Gathers honor, love or health.
Vain to choose or grasp unduly,
Broken is the perfect ball;
And there are so many pieces
No one finds them all.
Yet the wise as on the journey,
Treasure every fragment clear,
Fit them as they may together,
Imaging the shattered sphere,
Learning ever to be thankful,
Though their share of it is small;
For it has so many pieces
No one ever finds them all.
7. The Song of the Weather
by Anonymous
“The heart of the world beats aloof from our lives.
Under a sweet-browed, happy sky
Saints live sadly and sadly die;
Our joy with a sullen heaven strives;
The firmament cannon sound peal on peal
When nothing but foolish deeds is done,
Yet a shuddering through men’s hearts may run
And all the nations in anguish kneel
Beneath a faultlessly smiling sun.”
But the hushed, bare treetops all carol together
When the bird in my heart is singing,
And the dark sky glimmers in cloudy weather
When up through the parting soul-mists springing
My spirit has broken its tether,
And all things sullen and dumb and drear
To the listening spirit attuned to hear
With heaven’s still music are ringing.
Lo. I am the lord of my storm and my sun!
Lo, I am the lord of my sky and my rain!
My soul is at home in a happy domain
Vaulted o’er by the smile of the Beautiful One.
He gave me the sceptre; and shall I not reign?
8. Contented John
by Jane Taylor
One honest John Tomkins, a hedger and ditcher,
Although he was poor, did not want to be richer;
For all such vain wishes in him were prevented
By a fortunate habit of being contented.
Though cold were the weather, or dear were the food,
John never was found in a murmuring mood;
For this he was constantly heard to declare,—
What he could not prevent he would cheerfully bear.
“For why should I grumble and murmur?” he said;
“If I cannot get meat, I’ll be thankful for bread;
And, though fretting may make my calamities deeper,
It can never cause bread and cheese to be cheaper.”
If John was afflicted with sickness or pain,
He wished himself better, but did not complain,
Nor lie down to fret in despondence and sorrow,
But said that he hoped to be better to-morrow.
If anyone wronged him or treated him ill,
Why, John was good-natured and sociable still;
For he said that revenging the injury done
Would be making two rogues when there need be but one.
And thus honest John, though his station was humble,
Passed through this sad world without even a grumble;
And I wish that some folks, who are greater and richer,
Would copy John Tomkins, the hedger and ditcher.
9. The Way to Be Happy
by Jane Taylor
How pleasant it is at the end of the day,
No follies to have to repent,
But reflect on the past and be able to say,
My time has been properly spent!
When I’ve done all my business with patience and care,
And been good, and obliging, and kind,
I lie on my pillow and sleep away there,
With a happy and peaceable mind.
Instead of all this, if it must be confest,
That I careless and idle have been,
I lie down as usual, and go to my rest,
But feel discontented within.
Then as I dislike all the trouble I’ve had,
In future I’ll try to prevent it,
For I never am naughty without being sad,
Or good—without being contented.
10. Cheerfulness
by John Edward Everett
A scowling sky, a gloomy day,
A day quite like a sullen boy
But tell the rest:
My sun is bright, my hours are gay:
My sun is cheerfulness; and joy
Is in my breast.
Monotony and sameness brood;
There’s naught to prompt a laugh or smile;
But none the less,
A something stirs my happy mood,
And keeps me smiling all the while;
‘Tis cheerfulness.
Today unpleasant things I find,
Unpleasant duties and events;
Yet ’tis a day
Made pleasant by a cheerful mind,
And work is play.
In cheerfulness lie magic powers
That mix sweet pleasures with our pain,
And smiles with tears;
That brighten up our darkest hours
And mingle sunshine with the rain,
And hopes with fears.
11. Where Is Happiness
by Catherine Pulsifer
A job, a car, a house, or two
Are they the things that bring happiness to you?
Where do I find this happiness thing?
Can someone to me it bring?
Does it mean I will laugh a lot?
Or, does it mean riches will never part
Is it a thing or just a feeling
Like being hot or absolutely freezing?
Where do I find this happiness?
They say it is like gold, so precious.
Look no further than in your heart
It is how you feel and what you impart.
You see if you are content with life
If you brush off the strife
And find joy in the little things
You will find happiness will sing.
Your attitude plays a role too
It is the lens you view life through
Is your focus on the positive
Or, do you only see the negative?
You choose with heart and mind
Whether you find happiness or whether you stay blind.
Open your eyes, count your blessings that surround
And you will find a happiness that compounds.
Funny Poems about Happiness
Sometimes, a little laughter is all we need to boost our spirits and find happiness. Interesting poems about happiness offer a lighthearted perspective on the ups and downs of life and remind us not to take ourselves too seriously.
1. Necessity
by Necessity
What makes you laugh until you cry
Laughter that makes you feel alive
The way it touches you cannot deny
A joy you crave to feel to survive
The softness of my lips is brave
in every way. They can’t deny
the smile I imprint on their minds today
A sweet addiction you can’t take away
2. Happiness
by Jan Allison
There once was a young man called Rodger
Who’s very transfixed with his todger
From morning till night
He gets his delight
Now he shares his bed with his lodger
3. Red Light
by A.O. Taner
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
lonely as ever
visible at night, useless by day?
in sync with its partner next door
for a quick kiss over a few flashes only
then arguing again and again
night in, night out.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
not signaling a warning to keep away
but sending a call for compassion?
using the dark pauses in between
to yell the same name
over and over and over
into the emptiness of each night.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
being your silent cry
only heard by your eternal love?
4. Happiness
by Constance La France
A kitty who was not born all that strong,
and with a love for LASAGNA lifelong;
drippy, rich, creamy, chewy,
Garfield’s serendipity.
Happiness is enjoying, right or wrong.
5. Jello
by Lynn Marie
It wiggles and jiggles
and feels fun to the touch,
a cinch to make;
something everyone loves.
There are a million flavours,
many are fat free,
jello has been around
for many centuries.
The colours are as vibrant
as a peacock’s quills
just pick your favourite;
add water, and let chill.
For something so simple
to bring such pleasure,
it is one of life’s mysteries,
that everyone treasures.
So lets pause for a moment
and give thanks to jello;
for who doesn’t smile,
at the options of jello.
6. My Dream Car
by Jeremy Lile
My dream car is known to be one of muscle,
which can quickly get up and hustle.
The year would have to be nineteen hundred and Sixty-nine,
best year of Camaro to come off the production line.
Orange in color with white racing stripes that line the hood,
along with new aluminum rims would be good.
Its engine would be a three twenty-seven,
bearing a Holley Carb would be heaven.
To take it out on the road for a test,
assuredly it would be the best.
I would wash and wax it night and day,
in the garage is where it would stay.
Oh how that would be the car for me,
unfortunately, one I’ll never see.
7. Soul Food
by Joanna Davis
Bagels and baguettes
Bap or fried bake,
The fruits of the flour
are easy to make
Chollah, chapatti,
Cinnamon bun.
These global delights,
make eating such fun.
Filled with Caribbean sweet meat
like Guava jam,
Scottish smoked salmon;
Or Danish roast ham.
Add a fresh fruit salad,
Some sparkling wine,
A candle, red roses and
you’re ready to dine.
8. Enigma’s Calling
by Katrina Salem
Extraordinary, I am
Craving for unusual thoughts
Endless exploration without boundary
Understanding the gift I shouldn’t fought
Invisible drawings in my mind
Playing with the words in my head
My passion
The food of my soul
I feel so lucky
The random thoughts
A lifetime companion
A self-esteem builder
A goal planner
Be my forever life saver
I write more
I talk less
I want to please
I chose to bore
What tickles me the most
Is to know what I’m for
Thinking is my love
When my mind goes empty
That’s when I hate
My day dreaming lust
Organizing things in my mind
Playing roles of simulation
Where images of art is my vision
And words of attitude is my heart
Inspirational Poems about Happiness
Inspirational happiness poems uplift us with their messages of hope, positivity, and resilience. They encourage us to cultivate inner peace, find joy in everyday moments, and embrace the beauty of life.
1. Smile
by Rish
Keep smiling throughout the day
To keep your tensions at bay,
Like a stroke of magical ray,
To make others happy and gay.
A smile on your face can weave magic,
Makes you forget all that is tragic,
Keeps others around us ecstatic,
Helps us forget our worries and be nostalgic.
A pleasant smile just works like a dart,
Warms your mind and touches the heart,
Gives your day a perky start.
A smile on your face makes you happy and smart.
2. Open Hearted
by Charles Swain
If you wish to be happy at home,
Then your heart to that wish is the door—
Keep it open—and angels may come,
And enter, and dwell evermore!
O’er each feeling a ray will be cast,
As if lit by some magical gem;
You will think you’ve found Heaven at last,
But the angels have brought it with them.
Keep it open—and friendship and love
And happiness—all—will be thine:
A gleam of Elysium above!
A spark of the spirit divine!
Keep it shut—and then Pride will have birth,
And Envy—and all we condemn;
You will think you’ve perdition on earth,
Pride and Envy have brought it with them.
The world will seem colder each day;
‘Tis an image those demons but throw,
Cast your pride and your envy away—
And the world’s seeming coldness will go.
Oh! ’tis well to be happy at home,
And to this your own heart is the door;
Keep it open and angels may come
And enter, and dwell evermore.
3. This, Too, Will Pass
by Grace Noll Crowell
This, too, will pass.
O heart, say it over and over,
Out of your deepest sorrow,
out of your deepest grief,
No hurt can last forever–
Perhaps tomorrow will bring relief.
This, too, will pass.
It will spend itself–
Its fury will die as the wind dies down
with the setting sun;
Assuaged and calm, you will rest again,
Forgetting a thing that is done.
Repeat it again and again,
O heart, for your comfort;
This, too, will pass
as surely as passed before
The old forgotten pain, and the other sorrows
That once you bore.
As certain as stars at night,
or dawn after darkness,
Inherent as the lift of the blowing grass,
Whatever your despair or your frustration–
This, too, will pass.
4. Cheerfulness
by Edwin Oscar Gale
As placid lake reflects the sun,
Which ruffled cannot do,
Your cheerful face to every one
Returns like smiles to you.
The loved, who look to us when night
Gives respite to our cares,
Grow stronger when our faces, bright
Reflect the smiles of theirs.
Clouds do not melt the winter’s snow,
Nor lift the ice from streams,
The crystal diamonds fail to flow
Till warmed by solar beams.
The nightshade thrives in gloomy meads,
But roses in the sun,
And hearts soon grow but noxious weeds
If smiles their portals shun.
We turn unto a happy face
As magnet to its star;
The frowns that may awhile deface
By smiles soon scattered are.
We to ourselves and others owe
Kind words and gentleness,
Whatever kindness we bestow,
Returns ourselves to bless.
5. Ode on Solitude
by Alexander Pope
Happy the man, whose wish and care
A few paternal acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air,
In his own ground.
Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks supply him with attire,
Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter fire.
Blest, who can unconcernedly find
Hours, days, and years slide soft away,
In health of body, peace of mind,
Quiet by day,
Sound sleep by night; study and ease,
Together mixed; sweet recreation;
And innocence, which most does please,
With meditation.
Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;
Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lie.
6. The Great Voices
by Charles T. Brooks
A voice from the sea to the mountains,
From the mountains again to the sea;
A call from the deep to the fountains,—
“O spirit! be glad and be free.”
A cry from the floods to the fountains;
And the torrents repeat the glad song
As they leap from the breast of the mountains,—
“O spirit! be free and be strong.”
The pine forests thrill with emotion
Of praise, as the spirit sweeps by:
With a voice like the murmur of ocean
To the soul of the listener they cry.
Oh! sing, human heart, like the fountains,
With joy reverential and free,
Contented and calm as the mountains,
And deep as the woods and the sea.
7. Cheer Up!
by Amos Russel Wells
Cheer up! for the sun is a-shining
Somewhere, in the heart of the sky;
Cheer up! for the folly of whining
Is close to the sin of a lie.
Cheer up! for the burden of sorrow
Has ever a coming relief;
Cheer up! there’s a brighter to-morrow
Cheer up! there’s an ending of grief.
Cheer up! or the present is wasted,
The beautiful, only, to-day;
Cheer up! till a beaker is tasted
Why turn in abhorrence away
Cheer up! for good sense is a leaven
To lighten the load of a fear;
Cheer up! for all God and all heaven
Are offered, and eager, and here.
8. Only If
by Abimbola T. Alabi
I’d be happy, only if…
Our often deceptive belief –
If I were a superstar,
Or rode a brand new car;
If I had a better house,
Or a more understanding spouse;
If I flew a private jet,
Or could get my dream pet;
If I had a lovelier face,
Or lived in a riveting place;
If I had a better friend,
Or could get more to spend…
Young or old or rich or poor,
Who doesn’t want one thing more?
Joy thrives in no place apart,
From the kind and grateful heart.
9. Discontent
by Ellen P. Allerton
Herein is human nature most perverse:
We spurn the gifts that lie about our door,
Tread on them in our scorn, and madly nurse
A gnawing hunger that still cries for more.
And this for mortals all life’s blessing mars,
Turning to bitterness its offered sweet.
We climb up dizzy crags to grasp the stars,
While unplucked roses bloom about our feet.
The stars are out of reach; the slippery steeps
Prove treacherous footholds, and we trip and fall.
Crushed are the roses; disappointment weeps
O’er bleeding bruises: and that ends it all.
We stretch our empty arms with longing sore,
To clasp the mocking phantom of a dream:
We pant with thirst while standing on a shore
Kissed by the ripples of a living stream.
From sweet, pure waters do we turn aside.
Lured by false fountains in the desert gray:
We chase a vision o’er expanses wide
To find it grow more distant, day by day.
Why do we so? Could we but learn to take,
With thankful hearts, the blessings at our hand.
To drink near springs, nor chase the phantom lake
That swiftly vanishes along the sand!
Suppose we gain our quest; suppose we taste—
Aye, even drink our fill, with lips afire—
Repentant leisure treads the heels of haste:
In sad, remorseful tears ends fierce desire.
Life is too short to waste in vain pursuit
Of swift delight that through the finger slips,
Or, caught and held, oft proves a Dead Sea fruit,
That turns to bitter ashes on the lips.
10. The Clown’s Prayer
by Anonymous
As I stumble through this life,
Help me create more laughter than tears,
Dispense more happiness than gloom,
Spread more cheer than despair.
Never let me become so indifferent,
That I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of the child.
Or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged.
Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,
Make them feel happy, and forget momentarily,
all the unpleasantness in their lives.
And in my final moment, may I hear you whisper:
When you made my people smile, you made me smile.
Short Poems about Happiness
Short poetries about happiness are like little rays of sunshine that brighten our day. These concise verses capture the essence of happiness in a few lines and remind us that sometimes, the simplest things in life can bring us the most joy.
1. Day by Day
by Amos Russel Wells
There’s a beauty of the forest and a beauty of the hill;
There’s a splendor of the marshes, and another of the sea;
In the meadow, on the mountain, there’s a grace, a glory still,
For the artist Lord of artists guideth me.
And I will not chide the marshes in my longing for the wood,
Nor the hill because the rivulet is gone,
For the daily dole of beauty is the day’s supremest good,
And the path is reaching on, is reaching on.
2. There Is a Difference
by William Henry Dawson
There is cause for many stings,
In the way some folks do things,
Some go at it “hammer ‘n’ tongs,”
Some with curses, some with songs;
But to each some trait belongs,
Some have soured on everything,
Can’t find aught without a sting,
There are others not so sour,
Who find on every thorn a flower,
And for good they are a power.
3. True Happiness
by Richard Lynott O’Malley
Be happy, be happy, I bid the sad mind,
But learn what true happiness is:
When a dutiful man has a heart good and kind,
True happiness surely is his.
4. Compensation
by Emily Dickinson
For each ecstatic instant
We must an anguish pay
In keen and quivering ratio
To the ecstasy.
For each beloved hour
Sharp pittances of years,
Bitter contested farthings
And coffers heaped with tears.
5. Excerpt from “The Twelfth Night Star”
by Bliss Carman
Whoever wakens on a day
Happy to know and be,
To enjoy the air, to love his kind,
To labor, to be free,—
Already his enraptured soul
Lives in eternity.
For him with every rising sun
The year begins anew;
The fertile earth receives her lord,
And prophecy comes true,
Wondrously as a fall of snow,
Dear as a drench of dew.
6. Happy Thought
by Robert Louis Stevenson
The world is so full of a number of things,
I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.
7. A Disagreement
by Raymond Garfield Dandridge
You say “That man was made to mourn.”
Would you have me believe it—
Believe earth holds no recompense
Until death bids me leave it—
Believe there is but misery
And toil on toil, in store for me?
No. I do not, cannot believe,
While heaven smiles above me,
That I was doom’d on earth to mourn
With naught to cheer or love me.
Wise Bard, although your dirge rings true,
I do not agree with you.
8. Is Bliss, Then, Such Abyss
by Emily Dickinson
Is bliss, then, such abyss
I must not put my foot amiss
For fear I spoil my shoe?
I’d rather suit my foot
Than save my boot,
For yet to buy another pair
Is possible
At any fair.
But bliss is sold just once;
The patent lost
None buy it any more.
9. Contentment
by Peter Burn
Merry, joyous, dancing ever,
Both in mild and stormy weather,
Runs the little woodland river.
Breathing sweetness every hour,
During sunshine, during shower,
Blooms the modest garden flower.
Little birds are ever cheery,
Paeans chant they, never weary,
Though the sky be dark and dreary.
10. Live Each Hour
by Kay Cammer
I live each hour
As I find it.
This hour is lovely –
Those behind it
Were sometimes minus
Warm smiles or bliss
But I’m unconcerned;
I’ll never miss,
Or waste time over,
Happiness is now
When the hour begins.
Long Poems about Happiness
Long poetries about happiness offer a more in-depth exploration of the theme, delving into the intricacies of human emotion and experience. These works take us on a journey through life’s joys and challenges and offer insights into the nature of happiness itself.
1. Inner Peace
by Joshua Fraser
The wind whistles past my ears.
Closing my eyes, I lose all my fears.
The waves crash into the rocks.
Out here there is no time on my clock.
The serenity I feel here just soothes my mind.
A peaceful day so hard to find.
The breeze just calms my soul.
Helps me think about what is my life’s goal.
I then look out over the ocean,
And it feels like my life has lost its commotion.
The sun sets down over the clouds.
But the orange glow around makes me proud.
As the night draws near.
I feel like where I need to be is here.
The soothing nature this afternoon brings
Just feels like such a beautiful thing.
I sit and wonder where life will go,
But right now all I want is for time to slow.
To enjoy this moment and feel free,
To clear my mind and find some glee.
It’s days like these I truly treasure.
Amazing nights and beautiful weather.
It may not seem like much.
But it’s moments like these I want to clutch.
For once I feel like life is bliss.
So many hard days in which my happiness was missed.
I could get lost listening to the waves.
Listening to the birds and watching how the clouds behave.
I could close my eyes and fade into the night.
The tranquility I feel helps me win the fight.
As the waves keep crashing into the rocks,
I feel the happiness in my heart become unlocked.
The day is drawing to a close.
The peacefulness I feel right now I’ll only know.
Right now my mind is finally clear.
It’s time to go as the night draws near.
2. The Fields of Happiness
by Courtney
People say it is a field,
A lovely field of happiness.
With flowers spread,
Throughout this field.
So clear and blue.
The sun,
Shining ever so brightly.
Birds chirping as if it were
The first of spring.
Rabbits hopping around
As if they could go on
For forever and eternity.
As the creatures enjoy,
Enjoy this wonderful place,
For it makes everything
Joyful, exciting, and happy.
A dark cloud has come,
Taken up the rays of sunlight.
With one cloud,
Brings many clouds.
The flowers,
Have now died,
And weeds
Have taken their place.
The skies
Are no longer clear and blue.
The sun
No longer shines with the rays,
The rays from the heavens above,
Instead it rains,
Rains as if it were meant to do so.
Birds no longer chirp as if it were
The first of spring.
Rabbits don’t feel the need to hop,
For they won’t go on,
For forever and eternity.
People say it’s like a field,
A lovely field of happiness.
They don’t understand,
For every field of flowers,
There is a single weed,
That one weed eventually spreads,
And takes over the flowers
Replacing them as if
They have never existed.
For every time,
It is sunny and blue,
There will always be
That one small, dark cloud,
Hovering right nearby.
There is no such
Thing as a lovely field of happiness,
Every field has its flaw.
It is a field everyone lives in
Some point in life.
Once you are in this field,
There is no way of escaping,
There is no way in making it perfect,
For there will always be that one,
That one weed or cloud,
Standing in your way,
Of perfection and happiness
3. Happiness
by Alexander Pope
Oh, sons of earth! attempt ye still to rise,
By mountains piled on mountains, to the skies?
Heaven still with laughter the vain toil surveys,
And buries madmen in the heaps they raise.
Know all the good that individuals find,
Or God and nature meant to mere mankind.
Reason’s whole pleasure, all the joys of sense,
Lie in three words,—health, peace, and competence.
But health consists with temperance alone;
And peace, O virtue! peace is all thy own.
The good or bad the gifts of fortune gain;
But these less taste them as they worse obtain.
Say, in pursuit of profit or delight,
Who risk the most, that take wrong means or right?
Of vice or virtue, whether blest or curst,
Which meets contempt, or which compassion first?
Count all th’ advantage prosperous vice attains,
‘T is but what virtue flies from and disdains:
And grant the bad what happiness they would,
One they must want, which is, to pass for good.
Oh, blind to truth, and God’s whole scheme below,
Who fancy bliss to vice, to virtue woe!
Who sees and follows that great scheme the best,
Best knows the blessing, and will most be blest.
But fools the good alone unhappy call,
For ills or accidents that chance to all.
Think we, like some weak prince, the Eternal Cause,
Prone for his favorites to reverse his laws?
Shall burning AEtna, if a sage requires,
Forget to thunder, and recall her fires?
When the loose mountain trembles from on high,
Shall gravitation cease, if you go by?
“But sometimes virtue starves while vice is fed.”
What, then? Is the reward of virtue bread?
That, vice may merit, ‘t is the price of toil;
The knave deserves it when he tills the soil,
The knave deserves it when he tempts the main,
Where folly fights for kings or dives for gain.
Honor and shame from no condition rise;
Act well your part, there all the honor lies.
Worth makes the man, and want of it the fellow;
The rest is all but leather or prunella.
A wit’s a feather, and a chief a rod,
An honest man’s the noblest work of God.
One self-approving hour whole years outweighs
Of stupid starers, and of loud huzzas.
Know then this truth (enough for man to know),
“Virtue alone is happiness below.”
The only point where human bliss stands still,
And tastes the good without the fall to ill;
Where only merit constant pay receives,
Is blest in what it takes and what it gives.
4. The Cure of Melancholy
by Carlos Wilcox
And thou to whom long worshipp’d nature lends
No strength to fly from grief or bear its weight,
Stop not to rail at foes or fickle friends,
Nor set the world at naught, nor spurn at fate;
None seek thy misery, none thy being hate;
Break from thy former self, thy life begin;
Do thou the good thy thoughts oft meditate,
And thou shalt feel the good man’s peace within,
And at thy dying day his wreath of glory win.
With deeds of virtue to embalm his name,
He dies in triumph or serene delight;
Weaker and weaker grows his mortal frame
At every breath, but in immortal might
His spirit grows, preparing for its flight:
The world recedes and fades like clouds of even,
But heaven comes nearer fast, and grows more bright,
All intervening mists far off are driven;
The world will vanish soon, and all will soon be heaven.
Wouldst thou from sorrow find a sweet relief?
Or is thy heart oppress’d with woes untold?
Balm wouldst thou gather for corroding grief?
Pour blessings round thee like a shower of gold:
‘Tis when the rose is wrapp’d in many a fold
Close to its heart, the worm is wasting there
Its life and beauty; not, when all unrolled,
Leaf after leaf its bosom rich and fair
Breathes freely its perfumes throughout the ambient air.
Wake thou that sleepest in enchanted bowers,
Lest these lost years should haunt thee on the night
When death is waiting for thy number’d hours
To take their swift and everlasting flight;
Wake ere the earthborn charm unnerve thee quite,
And be thy thoughts to work divine address’d;
Do something—do it soon—with all thy might;
An angel’s wing would droop if long at rest,
And God himself inactive were no longer bless’d.
Some high or humble enterprise of good
Contemplate till it shall possess thy mind,
Become thy study, pastime, rest, and food,
And kindle in thy heart a flame refined;
Pray Heaven for firmness thy whole soul to bind
To this thy purpose—to begin, pursue,
With thoughts all fix’d and feelings purely kind,
Strength to complete, and with delight review,
And grace to give the praise where all is ever due.
5. Put on the Shoe
by Amos Russel Wells
Have you heard the old saw of the Persians,
That saying both witty and true,
“The whole world is covered with leather
To him who is shod with a shoe”?
Fine calfskin or kid or morocco,
Great cavalry boots armed with steel,
The daintiest, jauntiest slippers,
Coarse brogues tumbled down at the heel—
What matter the differing fashions?—
The richest and poorest of you
Will find the whole world clad in leather
As soon as you put on your shoe!
Before, it was cold and uneven,
Rough pebbles and sharp bits of glass,
Now, presto! a smooth and warm pavement
Wherever it please you to pass.
But ah! there’s a maid—have you seen her?—
A little maid cheery and sweet,
Who daintily trips, yet I see not
What leather she wears on her feet;
For I know by her sunny eyes’ sparkle,
And by the calm curve of her mouth,
And by the kind grace of her manners,
Like warm breezes fresh from the South,
I know that wherever her foot falls
On loving task speeding or sent—
The cobbler may laugh, but I care not—
She is shod with the shoe of content!
And, little maid, though Cinderella
Might claim your we shoe for her own,
And borrowing’s out of the question
For me, with my “sevens” outgrown,
Just whisper the secret, I pray thee;
Come, what are the shop and the street,
And where is the cobbler who fashions
such beautiful gear for the feet?
I’ll go and I’ll offer a treasure
Will make his big spectacles shine,
If only two shoes—somewhat larger—
Like your little shoes, can be mine!
And then I will don them, and leaping
Off over the world will I go,
Off over my frets and my worries,
Off over my aches and my woe.
And loudly to all limping grumblers
My shoemaker cheer shall be sent;
“The whole world is covered with gladness
To him who is shod with content!”
6. The Jolly Old Pedagogue
by George Arnold
‘T was a jolly old pedagogue, long ago,
Tall, and slender, and sallow, and dry;
His form was bent, and his gait was slow,
And his long, thin hair was white as snow,
But a wonderful twinkle shone in his eye:
And he sang every night as he went to bed,
“Let us be happy down here below;
The living should live, though the dead be dead,”
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
He taught the scholars the Rule of Three,
Reading, and writing, and history too;
He took the little ones on his knee,
For a kind old heart in his breast had he,
And the wants of the littlest child he knew.
“Learn while you’re young,” he often said,
“There is much to enjoy down here below;
Life for the living, and rest for the dead!”
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
With the stupidest boys, he was kind and cool,
Speaking only in gentlest tones;
The rod was scarcely known in his school—
Whipping to him was a barbarous rule,
And too hard work for his poor old bones;
Besides it was painful, he sometimes said:
“We should make life pleasant down here below—
The living need charity more than the dead,”
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
He lived in the house by the hawthorn lane,
With roses and woodbine over the door;
His rooms were quiet, and neat, and plain,
But a spirit of comfort there held reign,
And made him forget he was old and poor.
“I need so little,” he often said;
“And my friends and relatives here below
Won’t litigate over me when I am dead,”
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
But the pleasantest times he had of all,
Were the sociable hours he used to pass,
With his chair tipped back to a neighbor’s wall,
Making an unceremonious call, Over a pipe and a friendly glass:
This was the finest pleasure, he said,
Of the many he tasted here below:
“Who has no cronies had better be dead,”
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
The jolly old pedagogue’s wrinkled face
Melted all over in sunshiny smiles;
He stirred his glass with an old-school grace,
Chuckled, and sipped, and prattled apace,
Till the house grew merry from cellar to tiles.
“I’m a pretty old man,” he gently said,
“I’ve lingered a long time here below;
But my heart is fresh, if my youth is fled!”
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
He smoked his pipe in the balmy air
Every night, when the sun went down;
And the soft wind played in his silvery hair,
Leaving its tenderest kisses there,
On the jolly old pedagogue’s jolly old crown;
And feeling the kisses, he smiled, and said:
” ‘T is it glorious world down here below;
Why wait for happiness till we are dead?”
Said this jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
He sat at his door one midsummer night,
After the sun had sunk in the west,
And the lingering beams of golden light
Made his kindly old face look warm and bright,
While the odorous night winds whispered, “Rest!”
Gently, gently, he bowed his head;
There were angels waiting for him, I know;
He was sure of his happiness, living or dead,
This jolly old pedagogue, long ago!
7. To a Robin
by William Francis Barnard
Melodious bird upon the bough,
Tell me the secret of thy glee;
With tears at heart and clouded brow,
I linger, listening to thee.
I pause, bewildered at thy soul,
Which pours itself in strains so high
Upon this world of doom and dole;
Where sorrows live and raptures die.
Thy pleasures, too, are mixed with pain;
I have my griefs, and thou hast thine.
Thou sufferest from the wind and rain;
In famine thou full oft dost pine.
Thy nested young, perhaps, are dead,
Or thy blue eggs were stolen away;
But still thou liftest up thine head
To carol to each dawning day.
Hast thou a strength that I must miss:
Or inner light which knows no dark?
Dost thou command some purer bliss
Which naught adverse has might to mark,
That thou art aye, as now, serene
Despite whatever fates may fall?
Hast thou some good in all things seen,
And sweetly singest each and all?
Or art thou of the vagrant glad,
Who rarely feel the touch of fear;
Too blithe within to e’er be sad,
Or hold a vanished joy too dear?
Say, dost thou quick forget thy woe,
And lightly lilt o’er thought’s emprise?
Seems it true wisdom not to know,
And fatuous folly to be wise?
Thou answerest not, but still dost sing
As though thy heart would burst with joy.
Whate’er thou art, glad, winged thing,
Grief cannot hurt thee or destroy.
I harkening stand, and sobs repress,
Where hope is brief and life is long,
To wonder o’er thy lightsomeness
And envy thee that happier song!
8. My Mind
by William Byrd
My mind to me a kingdom is;
Such perfect joy therein I find,
As far exceeds all earthly bliss
That God or nature hath assigned;
Though much I want that most would have,
Yet still my mind forbids to crave.
No princely pomp, no wealthy store,
No force to win the victory,
No wily wit to salve a sore,
No shape to feed a loving eye;
To none of these I yield as thrall;
For why? my mind doth serve for all.
I see how plenty surfeits oft,
And hasty climbers soon do fall;
I see that those which are aloft
Mishap doth threaten most of all:
They get with toil, they keep with fear:
Such cares my mind could never bear.
Content I live, this is my stay;
I seek no more than may suffice;
I press to bear no haughty sway;
Look, what I lack my mind supplies.
Lo, thus I triumph like a king,
Content with that my mind doth bring.
Some have too much, yet still do crave;
I little have, and seek no more.
They are but poor, though much they have,
And I am rich with little store;
They poor, I rich; they beg, I give;
They lack, I leave; they pine, I live.
I laugh not at another’s loss,
I grudge not at another’s gain;
No worldly waves my mind can toss;
My state at one doth still remain:
I fear no foe, I fawn no friend;
I loathe not life, nor dread my end.
Some weigh their pleasure by their lust,
Their wisdom by their rage of will;
Their treasure is their only trust,
A cloakèd craft their store of skill;
But all the pleasure that I find
Is to maintain a quiet mind.
My wealth is health and perfect ease,
My conscience clear my chief defence;
I neither seek by bribes to please,
Nor by deceit to breed offence:
Thus do I live; thus will I die;
Would all did so as well as I!
9. For Julie
by Doogie
Many things can make me happy, many things can make me smile,
many things can make life wonderful, make it all seem so worthwhile.
But nothing makes me happier than the special friend I’ve found.
Life couldn’t feel more wonderful whenever you’re around.
In the short time since I met you, I’ve soon become to know
how special you are to me, much more than you could know.
Whenever we’re together, my life feels so complete.
I feel so blessed with fortune that we got the chance to meet.
You really are so beautiful; your smile could light the dark.
Your touch, your kiss, your soft embrace bring such warmth to my heart.
If I had only one wish, then I know what that would be.
I’d wish that how I feel for you is how you’d feel for me.
If my wish were ever to come true, this vow I make to you.
I’d cherish you ’til the end of time and always be there for you.
I’d care for and protect you and I’d never let you down.
I’d be your rock at those times when you need someone around.
I’d stand by you through bad times and keep you safe from harm.
I’d be you’re guardian angel, and you’d be my good luck charm.
Life would be a great adventure with you there by my side,
building memories of happiness as I hold your hand with pride.
And as time slowly slips away and we’re growing old with grace,
I’d still adore you just as much as when first I saw your face.
If this seems like a crazy dream, well maybe that is true,
but my dream became reality the day I met you.
I know life isn’t always fair; we can’t always have our way,
but maybe time will play a hand, so I’ll live in hope… someday.
So live your life; be happy and may good things come your way.
May you realize your hopes and dreams as life goes by each day.
And as we travel through our lives,
with new adventures to be found,
just remember this old friend here because I’ll always be around.
And wherever life may take you and no matter where or when,
your special place within my heart will be there until the end.
Poems about Happiness That Rhyme
Rhyming poems about happiness have a musical quality that delights the ear and lifts the spirit. The use of rhyme adds a playful element to the poems and emphasizes the joy and lightness of the theme.
1. On Happiness
by Benjamin Hine
What is happiness below?
‘Tis happiness, ourselves know,
If our bosoms, filled with peace,
Speak from sin a sweet release—
‘Tis our happiness to feel
Good wishes for another’s weal;
To have our hearts united by
Friendship’s tender, soothing tie;
‘Tis our happiness to be,
Free from strife and enmity,
To breathe no sentiment but love,
For all below and all above.
2. Response
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I said this morning, as I leaned and threw
My shutters open to the Spring’s surprise,
“Tell me, O Earth, how is it that in you
Year after year the same fresh feelings rise?
How do you keep your young exultant glee?
No more those sweet emotions come to me.
“I note through all your fissures, how the tide
Of healthful life goes leaping as of old.
Your royal dawns retain their pomp and pride;
Your sunsets lose no atom of their gold.
How can this wonder be?” My soul’s fine ear
Leaned, listening, till a small voice answered near:
“My days lapse never over into night;
My nights encroach not on the rights of dawn.
I rush not breathless after some delight;
I waste no grief for any pleasure gone.
My July noons burn not the entire year.
Heart, hearken well!” Yes, yes; go on; I hear.
“I do not strive to make my sunsets’ gold
Pave all the dim and distant realms of space.
I do not bid my crimson dawns unfold
To lend the midnight a fictitious grace.
I break no law, for all God’s laws are good.
Heart, hast thou heard?” Yes, yes; and understood.
3. A Happy Man
by Edwin Arlington Robinson
When these graven lines you see,
Traveller, do not pity me;
Though I be among the dead,
Let no mournful word be said.
Children that I leave behind,
And their children, all were kind;
Near to them and to my wife,
I was happy all my life.
My three sons I married right,
And their sons I rocked at night;
Death nor sorrow never brought
Cause for one unhappy thought.
Now, and with no need of tears,
Here they leave me, full of years,—
Leave me to my quiet rest
In the region of the blest.
4. Happiness Is to Be Found in God Alone
by Eliza and Sarah Wolcott
I’ve seen earth’s prospects blasted,
To me they’ve died away;
But heaven’s bright promise lasted,
Which never can decay.
I’ve felt the fond emotion
Of pity and of love;
But nothing’s like devotion,
Which lifts the heart above.
Then earth may tell her story,
Of pomp and all its gain;
To me this boasted glory,
Is nothing worth—’tis vain.
To know that God approveth,
Is better far than wealth;
He chastens those he loveth,
To keep their souls in health.
True value, and true glory,
His word will then unfold;
This is no transient story,
But truth confirm’d of old.
‘Tis this can give us pleasure,
When friends away are fleeting,
Be this my lasting treasure,
When life’s last pulse is beating.
5. If All the Skies
by Henry van Dyke
If all the skies were sunshine,
Our faces would be fain
To feel once more upon them
The cooling splash of rain.
If all the world were music,
Our hearts would often long
For one sweet strain of silence,
To break the endless song.
If life were always merry,
Our souls would seek relief,
And rest from weary laughter
In the quiet arms of grief.
6. No Lasting Joy Below
by Eliza and Sarah Wolcott
Bright fancy leads the youthful mind
To seek some joy below;
But ‘ere old age creeps on, we find
The scene is chang’d for wo.
How brilliant are the various scenes,
That prompt the youth to sow
His seed to fancy’s airy dreams,
Which disappoint below.
But there’s a bark, whose gilded oar
Invite the youth to row;
Thus he ascends, then upward soars,
And leaves all grief below.
His part is heaven, and God’s his friend,
Who doth to him bestow
A crown of love, which will amend
For pangs of grief below.
7. The Happiest Heart
by John Vance Cheney
Who drives the horses of the sun
Shall lord it but a day;
Better the lowly deed were done,
And kept the humble way.
The rust will find the sword of fame,
The dust will hide the crown;
Ay, none shall nail so high his name
Time will not tear it down.
The happiest heart that ever beat
Was in some quiet breast
That found the common daylight sweet,
And left to Heaven the rest.
8. On Cheerfulness
by Eliza Wolcott
There is a friend that softens care,
When health and spirit’s low,
Requires a heart to feel and share
In either weal or wo.
A cheerful smile is like that star
Which guides the sailor’s helm;
And thus the land is seen afar,
Which darkness would overwhelm.
A cheerful heart should be refin’d
With truth and constancy;
Then Bethlehem’s Star lights up the mind,
And sets the captive free.
This happy gift when thus possess’d,
Survives the darkest storm;
For this bless’d star lives in the breast,
Then ushers in the morn.
9. November
by Emily Dickinson
Besides the autumn poets sing,
A few prosaic days
A little this side of the snow
And that side of the haze.
A few incisive mornings,
A few ascetic eyes, —
Gone Mr. Bryant’s golden-rod,
And Mr. Thomson’s sheaves.
Still is the bustle in the brook,
Sealed are the spicy valves;
Mesmeric fingers softly touch
The eyes of many elves.
Perhaps a squirrel may remain,
My sentiments to share.
Grant me, O Lord, a sunny mind,
Thy windy will to bear!
10. The Shepherd Boy Sings in the Valley of Humiliation
by John Bunyan
He that is down needs fear no fall,
He that is low, no pride;
He that is humble ever shall
Have God to be his guide.
I am content with what I have,
Little be it or much:
And, Lord, contentment still I crave,
Because Thou savest such.
Fullness to such a burden is
That go on pilgrimage:
Here little, and hereafter bliss,
Is best from age to age.
Poems about Happiness for Children
Children’s poems about happiness are a delightful way to introduce young ones to the joys of life. These playful, whimsical verses are full of imagination, wonder, and laughter, and help cultivate a positive outlook on the world.
1. Always Happy
by Anonymous
It’s important to be happy,
every single day.
When at home or at school,
and especially when you play.
Always being happy,
is a very cool style.
Don’t be shy to show us all,
your big old shiny smile.
Make sure you smell those flowers,
exactly when they bloom.
Every time you’re happy,
you will light up every room.
Don’t hide happiness in a box,
make sure you freely share.
Now go and jump around,
and spread it in the air.
2. Laughter
by Katie Lou
A little bit of laughter,
A little bit of tears,
A little bit of happiness,
A little bit of fear.
They say laughter is the best medicine
And that it’s ok to shed a tear.
Happiness is a great feeling,
And fear makes you stronger.
Enjoy the laughter,
Release the tears,
Embrace the happiness,
Forget the fears.
Enjoy every moment you get,
And always remember…LAUGH!
3. Happiness Is When
by William Arthur Ward
Happiness is our heritage when
Faith becomes our constant companion;
Self-discipline our tireless teacher;
Integrity our competent coach;
Truth our trusted tutor;
Discernment our careful critic;
Optimism our able advisor;
Goodness our gifted guide;
Beauty our infallible inspiration;
And love our blissful benediction.
4. A Happy Child
by Anonymous
My house is red – a little house
A happy child am I.
I laugh and play the whole day long,
I hardly ever cry.
I have a tree, a green, green tree,
To shade me from the sun;
And under it I often sit,
When all my play is done.
5. Looking for Happiness
by Catherine Pulsifer
Many people are looking for
Happiness behind any door
Happiness they want to find
Happiness of any kind.
Happiness is not something outside
It is an attitude you can provide
Your happiness is not down the road
And, it doesn’t mean an easy load.
Happiness is found in you
How you look at life and what you do
You decide each day, you see
How happy you will be?
6. Contentment
by John E. Everett
“Brown and yellow, and yellow and brown,
Are choicest colors for my crown.”
The sunflower said; “I am content,
I want no other ornament.”
“Yellow and white,” the daisy spake,
“Were made, I think, for my own sake;
I scarce would want to show my face
If other tints should take their place.”
“Blue as heaven draped on high,
Blue as bluest spot of sky—
It is the shade I love the best,”
The violet said, with hearty zest.
7. Happiness
by Anonymous
We often wonder,
where happiness starts.
The journey usually begins,
in our individual hearts.
Each of us possesses,
our happiness view.
We must stick to our values,
in the mirror we must be true.
Spending time with others,
who we love and deeply care.
It’s these simple moments in time,
every day we’d love to share.
All the fortunes in this world,
shall not make our spirits sing.
It’s amazing how much joy,
a baby’s laughter seems to bring.
Happiness is processed,
a million times inside each mind.
The secret is no secret,
just be positive and kind.
This feeling that we seek,
does not depend on age.
We truly hope it follows us,
as we turn another page.
8. Make Your Happiness
by Julie Hebert
When you feel,
Life isn’t true.
Keep in mind,
Life’s truth is you.
You make your path,
From here to there.
It’s up to you,
To dream and care.
No one else can,
Make you happy.
So get right on it,
And make it snappy.
Life’s too short,
To waste your day.
I truly hope,
You get out and celebrate today!
9. Smile
by Anonymous
Smile, and the world smiles with you,
Knock and you go alone;
For the cheerful grin
Will let you in
Where the kicker is never known.
Growl, and the way looks dreary;
Laugh, and the path is bright,
For the welcome smile
Brings sunshine, while
A frown shuts out the light.
Sing, and the world’s harmonious!
Grumble, and things go wrong.
Yet all the time
You are out of rhyme
With the busy, bustling throng.
Kick, and there’s trouble brewing;
Whistle, and life is gay.
And the world’s in tune
Like a day in June,
And sorrow will melt away.
Poems about Happiness and Love
Poems about happiness and love celebrate the joys of being in love, the beauty of human connection, and the power of these emotions to transform our lives.
1. Happiness
by Nannie H. Woodruff
I hold that human happiness,
If built on self, is nothing worth
That bliss translated means to bless
Some other denizen of earth.
The selfish man who lives alone
For greed of gain for paltry pelf,
Knows not his heart has turned to stone
That blindly he defrauds himself.
He might have won a wealth of love
By kindly acts and words of cheer
And joy, all other joys above
A needy neighbor’s grateful tear.
For deeds of loving kindness will
In reflex influence return
To render kind hearts kinder still,
To make love’s flame still brighter burn.
Who solely lived to please himself
E’er aught but disappointment found?
Pleasure’s a sly, deceitful elf,
Who hides her chains until you’re bound.
Oh, men are dull of heart and cold,
And find His lesson hard to learn
Who came the secret to unfold
How peace is found for which they yearn.
Love’s the fulfilling of the law,
For love is law, and law is love;
If our old earth this mandate saw
Fulfilled, ‘twould be like heaven above.
Then build your hope of happiness
Upon the rock of His command
Who gave His all your life to bless,
Or find you’ve built upon the sand.
2. Act of Happiness
by Maurice Materlinck
Let us never forget that an act of goodness
is of itself an act of happiness.
No reward coming after the event
can compare with the sweet reward
that went with it.
Let your task be to render yourself worthy of love,
and this even more for your own happiness
than for that of another’s.
3. A Warm House and a Ruddy Fire
by Edgar A. Guest
A warm house and a ruddy fire,
To what more can man aspire?
Eyes that shine with love aglow,
Is there more for man to know?
Whether home be rich or poor,
If contentment mark the door
He who finds it good to live
Has the best that life can give.
This the end of mortal strife!
Peace at night to sweeten life,
Rest when mind and body tire,
At contentment’s ruddy fire.
Rooms where merry songs are sung,
Happy old and glorious young;
These, if perfect peace be known,
Both the rich and poor must own.
A warm house and a ruddy fire,
These the goals of all desire,
These the dream of every man
Since God spoke and life began.
4. Road to Happiness
by Grenville Kleiser
The road to daily happiness
Is not so hard to find,
You walk ahead serenely
And leave your cares behind.
A word of cheer upon your lips
A ready hand to give,
A smiling face, a snatch of song
Will help you well to live.
The love you give to others
The good that you may do,
The helping hand you proffer
Will bring happiness to you.
The road to daily happiness
Is not so hard to find,
It’s what you do for others
That brings true peace of mind.
5. Happiness
by James Lane Allen
All high happiness has in it some element of love;
all love contains a desire for peace.
One immediate effect of new happiness is to make us
turn toward the past with a wish to straighten out its difficulties,
heal its breaches and forgive its wrongs.
6. Let Us Do Good
by Daniel C. Colesworthy
Let us do good. How sweet the thought,
We have the wretched blest —
Threw smiles upon a clouded brow,
And sunshine in the breast
To know we’ve dried a single tear,
And made one moment bright —
Or struck a feeble spark to cheer
The darkest hour of night —
Will give to us more joy at last
Than Caesar’s triumphs gave;
The memory of such deeds will live
In worlds beyond the grave.
Then in the little sphere we move,
Let kindness touch the heart;
While every word shall lead to love
And happiness impart.
7. Love
by Akkina Downing
Love is a thing
You can’t see it nor can you touch it
But you sure can see and feel its effect
A deep affection that fills you joyfully
You are drunk on happiness
It’s always understanding
To accept the good, the bad, and the weak
It has no cultural condition
It sees no boundary nor race
It’s fearless and flawless
It just flows limitlessly
It’s God’s love
Nailed to the cross for you and me
It’s in you and me
It’s I love you and you and you and God
I am drunk on happiness
Because HE loves me unconditionally
8. Follow Your Heart
by John Posey
Father Time has brought us safely thus far
And our future is not tied to some distant star.
We’ve always had each other’s arms
That kept us together and safe from all harm.
Yet, all our yesterday’s now stand alone.
And we know that tomorrow is not cast in stone,
Where once we saw happiness, now there is pain
It seems memories and heartaches are all that remain.
So, when life seems the darkest and troubles appear
And all the world’s dangers, alarmingly near,
Remember our love – let it play its part
And don’t be afraid to follow your heart.
9. The Message in the Sun
by Joshua Aguire
I went to the sun for a favor
and asked it to shine only for you
to grant you happiness though you may be sad
bright yellow ‘midst so much blue
but when the day decides to end
and the sun sinks and goes away
I give you the moon as a reminder
that my love will never fade
though i can’t tell you how much I love you right now
and I can’t show you what’s in my heart
i hope when you look at the sun and moon
you’ll realize we aren’t that far apart
Poems about Happiness in Life
Poems about happiness in life remind us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around us. These works celebrate the many ways in which happiness can be found in our everyday experiences.
1. Everyone Is Searching
by Danielle L. Somack
Everyone is searching
for the missing piece in life.
The key to unlock the door
and steal back all lost time.
Searching, looking, restless,
scanning every crack and crevice,
lying awake at night,
dreamless, empty presence.
Your broken heart
from years and years
lets laughter fall onto
your deaf ears.
No happiness is enough.
No joy can be felt.
Everyone is searching
for something to heal themselves,
yet no medicine is strong enough,
no key can ever be turned
to give us what we want the most,
to give us what we yearn.
The thing we want is an illusion.
Our perceptions are distorted.
The Snow Queen’s looking glass
when it dropped and shattered.
All is worth what we rate it,
all ranked by how we place it.
Chasing what cannot be found
instead of choosing to be content.
Wanting what we do not have,
a dream that cannot be,
a masterpiece of mirages,
all too soon we believe.
When will we begin
to accept what is here?
The present day in which we live,
not the past or future.
When will we stop searching
and decide we don’t need more?
Only then we will find
what we’ve been looking for.
The good you have is here,
yet you keep looking on,
never realizing what you had
until it is gone.
2. The Roads of Happiness
by Edgar A. Guest
The roads of happiness are not
The selfish roads of pleasure seeking,
Where cheeks are flushed with haste and hot
And none has time for kindly speaking.
But they’re the roads where lovers stray,
Where wives and husbands walk together
And children romp along the way
Whenever it is pleasant weather.
The roads of happiness are trod
By simple folks and tender-hearted,
By gentle folks that worship God
And want to live their days unparted.
There kindly people stop and talk,
Regardless of the chase for money,
There, arm in arm, the grown-ups walk
And every eye you see is sunny.
The roads of happiness are lined,
Not with the friends of royal splendor,
But with the loyal friends and kind
That do the gentle deeds and tender.
There fame has never brought unrest
Nor glory set men’s hearts to aching;
There unabandoned is life’s best
For selfish love and money making.
The roads of happiness are those
That do not lead to pomp and glory
But wind among the joys and woes
That make the humble toiler’s story.
The roads that oft we used to tread
In early days when first we mated,
When hearts were light and cheeks were red,
And days were not with burdens freighted.
3. Dance
by Dance
Open your heart to happiness.
Let every pore absorb light.
Swim in the joy of the here and now,
And cast off the darkness of night.
Walk in the summer of sunshine.
Fly in the blueness of sky.
Know possibilities are boundless.
Understand that nothing can die.
Step from the shadows of torment.
Sing ’til your throat gets too sore.
Smile for as long as the day is,
And laugh just a little bit more.
Breathe slowly and deeply and listen.
Give all your ideas a chance.
Let the sun beat down on your goodness,
And kick off your shoes and dance.
4. Life Music
by Ruby Archer
We cannot all be nightingales;
But minor minstrelsy,
Where often splendid solo fails,
Will comfort gratefully.
And though a strong, high melody
The world I may not bring,
In alto through the harmony
Contented I will sing.
5. True Joy
by M. Jolynn Rawson-Hunt
I’ll be happy once I’ve done this certain thing.
We all say this often, not realizing what it brings.
We look only to the future for our happiness,
Letting life slip through our fingers in its fullness.
Will we really feel complete when the task is done
or look back and see how we missed so much fun?
Self consumed so we can’t see anything else,
hurting those we love as well as ourselves.
So many things around us to be grateful for.
When seeking for an answer, willingly open the door.
So often, others see what’s in front of our face,
but we’re too blind to look as we’re snared in the race.
What is this life supposed to be about?
Is it money, fortune, fame, or a big house?
When speaking to a man on his dying bed,
none of these answers are what he said.
Family, love, laughter are what we should seek.
These are the precious things that keep life from being bleak.
6. Search for Happiness
by Anonymous
A masterpiece,
of art,
Is what happiness,
is to the heart.
It’s much more,
than a state of mind.
When we seek it,
we’re often blind.
Into the future or past,
we often search and stare,
Yet happiness sits,
next to our chair.
We must stop,
looking right through,
What it’s made of
we’ve always knew.
deep inside,
To our very being,
it’s closely tied.
Let’s take a deep look,
and openly embrace,
into our space.
7. The Choice Is Mine
by Abimbola T. Alabi
Life may not let me choose my lot,
But whether I’d be happy or not…
That is my choice.
To leave hurtful memories behind
Or allow them to bother my mind…
The choice is mine.
To fret over a mistake when it’s done
Or learn from it and move on…
The choice is mine.
To be bothered by all that people say
Or ignore them and go my own way…
The choice is mine.
To hide my feelings, pent up, unspoken,
Or say my mind and ease the burden…
The choice is mine.
To enjoy what I’ve been able to gain
Or ungratefully regard it with disdain…
The choice is mine.
Sometimes I won’t get to pick my lot,
But whether I’ll be happy or not
Will always be my choice.
8. My Prayer
by Amos Russel Wells
I do not, ask my God, for mystic power
To heal the sick and lame, the deaf and blind;
I ask Thee humbly for the gracious dower
Just to be kind.
I do not pray to see the shining beauty
Of highest knowledge most divinely true;
I pray that, knowing well my simple duty,
This I may do.
I do not ask that men with flattering finger
Should point me out within the crowded mart,
But only that the thought of me may linger
In one glad heart.
I would not rise upon the men below me,
Or pulling at the robes of men above;
I would that friends, a few dear friends, may know me,
And, knowing, love.
I do not pray for palaces of splendor.
Or far amid the world’s delights to roam;
I pray that I may know the meaning tender
Of home, sweet home.
I do not ask that heaven’s golden treasure
Upon my little, blundering life be spent;
But oh, I ask Thee for the perfect pleasure
Of calm content.
9. Care and Happiness
by Shishir
You came as a ray of light,
Made my life cheerful and bright,
Showering your affection over me
So that my face was full of glee.
Taking away my complete loneliness
And giving me back all the happiness
With a Midas touch of your care
To keep me away from despair.
I’ll never leave you midway,
And tales of our bond people will say.
10. Pursuit of Happiness
by Anonymous
To a sunshine morning,
she woke up with a grin.
Another gloomy day,
she felt inside her skin.
Summer Saturday,
this meant she was free.
Maybe all she needed,
was a little shopping spree.
A couple hours later,
it was total bags galore.
The stuff did not erase her grin,
yet she wanted plenty more.
She stared at the thief of time,
on the couch she seemed so tired.
Nothing on the millionth channel,
she noticed that inspired.
Her anxiety and gloom,
grin openly confessed.
She dreamed of buying a life,
with happiness and zest.
But then she heard the doorbell,
a loving, dear, old friend.
Happiness arrived,
for that grin, it was the end.
Haiku Poems about Happiness
Haiku poems about happiness offer a minimalist approach to the theme, distilling complex emotions into a few simple words. These concise, contemplative verses capture the fleeting moments of joy.
1. Journey Through Life
by Trisha Sugarek
happiness, the fire
forges our steel to withstand
pain and thorny times
laughter melts metal
cold bath sets the steel mettle
fine blade to cut life
blade wrapped in fine silk
until the next battle comes
pain and blood drip down
2. No Chain, No Charm
by Abdulhafeez Oyewole
United we own
Firm, full of finest goodies-
Our ground of freedom.
United we stand
Firm from failure and horror-
On the ground of strength.
United we pray
Faithfully with open mind-
Our bliss is assured.
3. Happiness
by Devon McElveen
What makes us happy?
Could it be those we hold dear?
Sometimes I doubt this.
4. Mask
by Stacey Baker
Beauty incarnate
happiness radiates, tears
silently flowing
5. My Definition
by Izzy B Hearty Brave Heart
Love is the climax of my happiness,
The pinnacle of my pain..
Love is the fire in my heart with an eternal flame.
6. Home
by Sandra Haight
home hones happiness
hopeful hearts harmonizing-
headquartered havens
7. Angel’s Wings
by Demetrios Trifiatis
Angel’s wings unfold
Soul’s anticipation mounts
Paradise raptures!
8. The Purple Flower
by Andrea Dietrich
touched by dawn’s first rays
one yellow-eyed spring beauty
cries for happiness
9. Dawn
by Vassilis Comporozos
Gospel on my desk.
Birds chirping their happiness.
Dawn knocks on my door.
Final Thoughts
Happiness is an essential part of a fulfilling life, and poetry can help us access and appreciate this powerful emotion.
The various types of poems for happiness we explored in this article demonstrate how happiness can be found in different forms and situations, from the silly and lighthearted to the profound and thought-provoking.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration, a quick smile, or a reminder to appreciate the simple joys in life, there are many poems about happiness in store for you
We encourage you to explore these poems and share your own thoughts and experiences with happiness in the comments section below.
Let’s spread joy and positivity together!