502 Philosophical Questions to Get an Intellectually Stimulating Discussion

You have found our incredible collection of philosophical questions. It’s enjoyable to relax occasionally and consider what life’s purpose really is. These deep philosophical questions don’t always have clear-cut solutions and are intended to elicit a greater understanding of the human nature.
Whether you are interested in philosophical questions about happiness or are attracted by interesting thought-provoking questions about ethics, this enormous list of philosophical questions will get your mind going and encourage you to think about the life in a different way.
These thought-provoking questions not only open up fresh perspectives for you but also are excellent conversation starters. An amazing way to get to know your loved ones a little better is to ask them some of these probing questions.
Whatever you choose to do with these intriguing philosophical questions, be prepared for lots of thought!
Best Philosophical Questions
Philosophical questions cause individuals to think more deeply and help them comprehend a variety of ideas about various aspects of life. Check out this list of some best philosophical questions to choose from.
1. What makes human life so valuable?
2. What makes us human?
3. Should we try to prevent bad events from happening? If so, then how would we go about doing that?
4. Is it okay to lie to protect yourself?
5. What is beauty?
6. Do all people deserve to be loved?
7. Did you exist before you were born?
8. Is there anything wrong with being selfish?
9. Do humans need other people in order to live?
10. Can animals feel pain? If so, why don’t they try to avoid hurting each other?
11. Are children born good or evil?
12. Are humans innately good or evil?
13. Can humans change their behavior if given enough time?
14. Do humans need God to exist?
15. What happens when we die?
16. Where do emotions come from?
17. Can we choose our emotions or do they just happen?
18. At what age are children held accountable for their actions? How do you determine that?
19. Why does it matter if we’re alive?
20. Does consciousness continue after physical death?
21. Why does suffering happen?
22. Where does self-worth come from?
23. How do you determine one’s self-worth?
24. Is one human life worth more than another?
25. Is ignorance really bliss?
26. What is the goal of humanity?
27. Can predestination and free will coexist?
Deep Philosophical Questions
To discover a purpose for life, one can use our collection of deep philosophical questions to search within and outside of themselves. Before trying an answer, consider the questions carefully. Keep in mind that each person who considers these deep questions may arrive at a completely different conclusion. Be bold and try out of the box ideas.
1. Are perceptions real?
2. Is “fair” the same for everyone? Who determines whether or not something is “fair”?
3. What is time?
4. In your opinion, what is freedom? Could we ever truly be free?
5. Is it possible to know what happiness is without sadness?
6. Is it possible to understand good without evil?
7. Does the truth equate with the truth of reality?
8. Is truth absolute or relative?
9. Where did it all begin, and when?
10. What’s the difference between real and unreal?
11. Is there a reason for living, and if so, what is it?
12. In the aftermath of a death, what happens to the person?
13. Biologically, do humans have souls? Does an animal have a soul as well?
14. How do a person’s observations affect the course of events?
15. If no one sees or knows about what you’re doing, is it okay to do something “wrong”?
16. Is there a need for evidence to determine the truth?
17. How can you identify the real from the fake?
18. How does gravity work and what is its purpose?
19. In what way does a person control their own life?
20. Is lying always wrong? When is it okay (if ever)?
21. Are you in control of your destiny or is everything determined by fate?
22. What are the true origins of numbers, or do they come from man’s invention?
23. What makes you … you?
24. Is there an innnate moral code?
25. Does time exist objectively?
26. Who created God?
27. Is there a soul?
28. What determines success vs. failure?
29. Why do bad things happen to good people?
30. How do I know what’s true?
Funny Philosophical Questions
Sometimes a good laugh is all we need. Your intellect will be challenged and made to laugh by our funny philosophical questions. Anytime you’re in a group and want to have fun or strike up a conversation, they’re fantastic for parties and teen groups.
1. Are animals like people?
2. Do trees feel pain?
3. How do you know you’re not dreaming right now?
4. Are insects conscious of life?
5. What would you do if you could save one person by killing ten?
6. What do you think about the concept of free will?
7. Is there any way you can prove God exists? Do you believe in god?
8. What is the purpose of life?
9. Isn’t a pineapple upside-down cake more accurate to call a pineapple downside-up cake?
10. Is it possible to call dark brown coffee “black” without cream or sugar?
11. What’s the problem with making cheese and meat slices similar to bread slices?
12. Can’t you buy cat food that tastes like mice?
13. Women often open their mouths when applying mascara, but why?
14. Why do sheep not shrink in the rain but if wools get wet, it shrinks? ]
15. Do you believe in the concept of absolute morality?
16. Is the personality of a person formed by nature or by nurturing?
17. What is the purpose of nailing down the lid of a coffin?
18. Why do buses not have seat belts, while airplanes do?
19. How come round pizza comes in square boxes?
20. What is the age at which an individual becomes elderly?
21. Can our pets call us by their names?
22. When no one is present in a room of mirrors, how can you tell what it looks like?
23. How do curtains and drapes differ?
24. Can you explain why males find mustaches attractive, but females don’t?
25. If someone gave you an elephant, but you could not tell anyone about it, where and how would you hide it?
26. If babies are plump, why is it considered healthy to consider them healthy, but women with a similar physique are considered fat?
27. Do suckers and lollipops differ in any way? What is it, if yes?
28. Is time travel possible? Why or why not?
29. Do memories still exist if you forget them?
30. Are animals freer than man?
Random Philosophical Questions
Our inner sight doesn’t open up to us until we are asked a question. When we respond to philosophical inquiries, we make an effort to think creatively. In this section, we have gathered some random philosophical questions to use at a number of occasions.
1. If you rob from the rich and give to the poor, is it wrong?
2. Are laws always good?
3. Is taxation justified?
4. What is the ideal government? Why?
5. Should the will of the people always be followed?
6. What makes a country democratic?
7. What responsibilities does a government have to its constituents?
8. Do democracies always make better decisions than dictatorships?
9. What constitutes good governance?
10. Are police officers obligated to protect criminals?
11. Should citizens obey unjust laws?
12. Who decides which laws apply to whom?
13. Is rebellion against government ever justified?
14. Is socialism fair? What is “fair”?
15. What role do political parties play?
16. Who defines corruption?
17. How do I know whether my views are correct?
18. Is voting compulsory?
19. Is there such a thing as too much freedom?
20. Is bribery always bad?
21. Where do we draw the line between criminal behavior and civil disobedience?
22. Does the state have the moral duty to provide healthcare for its citizens?
23. Is wealth redistribution morally correct?
24. Should college be free for all? What about grade school or high school?
25. Are freedom and liberty the same thing?
26. What makes someone free?
27. What makes a crime a crime?
28. Is it right to govern the number of children families can have to control the world’s population?
Abstract Philosophical Questions
How often do you bother to consider things like sorrow, suffering, beauty, and joy even though they are a part of everyday life? To assist you in doing precisely that, use these abstract philosophical questions!
1. What is the source of human knowledge?
2. What is knowledge?
3. What is the nature of certainty?
4. What is the biggest waste of human potential?
5. Is a life that focuses on avoiding pain and seeking out pleasure a good and worthwhile life? Why or why not?
6. Does jealously have value in driving humans to improve themselves or is it a purely negative emotion?
7. What percentage of your life do you feel truly alive? When do you feel that way? How can you feel that way more often?
8. What do you think your future self will remember about you now?
9. What is the basis of our confidence in claims made by other people?
10. What is the role of reason in determining what’s true?
11. What is the relation between logic and reasoning?
12. How do we determine if something is certain?
13. How do you know if you know something?
14. Does anyone ever truly learn anything?
15. Who decides what counts as true knowledge?
16. Who determines the difference between fact and fiction?
17. What is the relationship between facts and opinions?
18. What is the connection between language and thought?
19. What is the distinction between perception and imagination?
20. What is intuition?
21. What is the function of intuition?
22. What are thoughts?
23. What is the purpose of thinking?
24. If two people understand things differently, who is right?
25. If we had 1000 years to learn, could we know everything?
26. Is there an end of knowledge?
27. Is everything subjective?
Good Philosophical Questions
Each person tries to evaluate and interpret their point of view on a philosophical question in a unique way. We ponder and consider things differently in response to philosophical questions, which sparks fruitful dialogue. Use these good philosophical questions to start a positive conversation with your friends or family members.
1. What is the best way for a person to attain happiness?
2. What is the most important goal every person should have?
3. Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?
4. Why do we judge ourselves by our intentions but judge others by their actions?
5. What activities cause you to feel like you are living life to the fullest?
6. Does knowledge have intrinsic value or does it need to have a practical use to have value?
7. What would you genetically change about humans to make them a better species?
8. How important is play in living a healthy and fulfilling life?
9. Where do you think is the most worthwhile place to find meaning in life?
10. Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?
11. What are you capable of achieving?
12. By what standards do you judge yourself?
13. Can human nature be changed? Should it be changed?
14. How replaceable are you?
15. If you had to guess, what do you think would be the most likely way you’ll die?
16. Is it better for a person to have a broad knowledge base or a deep knowledge base?
17. Are twins unique?
18. What happens when you bite into a vegetable? Do they have a sense of pain?
19. What is the purpose of calling the bottom of the artichoke the heart?
20. Which armrests are yours and which are your neighbors’ when you go to a movie theatre?
21. Is it okay for a vegetarian to eat animal crackers?
22. What is it about cows’ milk that does not go bad inside refrigerators but does outside?
23. How does the hair color of a bald man appear on his driver’s license?
24. Is there a maximum number of times a disposable razor can be used?
25. When you drive through a bank machine, there is Braille on the number pad. Why is this?
26. What makes something humorous to some and not to others?
27. If you save time on something, what happens to that time?
28. Why do we talk to ourselves?
29. If you try to fail and do, did you actually succeed?
30. Can 2+2 ever be something other than 4?
Unanswerable Philosophical Questions
Philosophical issues are not complicated by the questions themselves, but rather by our inability to understand clear-cut logic-based answers. Though, we possess lots of solutions to the questions of existence, knowledge, and life but there are certain questions that can’t be answered in either way. We have listed some unanswerable philosophical questions here.
1. Is killing justified under certain conditions?
2. Should all good actions have equal consequences?
3. How should we judge acts?
4. Is it wrong to kill animals?
5. Can life survive long without love?
6. Should terminally ill patients be able to choose death?
7. What are the things that make human right?
8. What activities do make us human?
9. Is it okay to lie while protecting yourself?
10. Do all people deserve respect?
11. Why are humans so susceptible to magical thinking?
12. If every neuron in a human was accurately simulated in a computer, would it result in human consciousness?
13. Is it possible that some animals are self-aware and think about their ability to think?
14. Can we choose our emotions?
15. Is socialism fair? What is “fair’?
16. Does anyone else’s happiness affect my own?
17. Is it always best to seek out pleasure over avoiding pain?
18. Is it possible to make moral judgments without religion?
19. Is personal autonomy a right?
20. If someone commits murder, do they still have the right to life?
21. What constitutes bad governance?
22. what’s your thinking about rebellion against government?
Hard Philosophical Questions
By hard philosophical questions, one is compelled to consider the core question of life: why are we here? What is the purpose of human existence, human nature, or all of humanity? Explore the answers for these questions by reviewing the following questions.
1. What benefits does art provide society? Does art hurt society in any way?
2. How likely do you think it will be that humans will last another 1,000 years without killing ourselves off?
3. What do you attribute the biggest successes in your life to? How about your largest failures?
4. If freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?
5. Would you want to know you are going to die before hand or die suddenly without warning?
6. What do you think would be humanity’s reaction to the discovery of extraterrestrial life?
7. Will religion ever become obsolete?
8. If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity?
9. Is suffering a necessary part of the human condition? What would people who never suffered be like?
10. Does hardship make a person stronger? If so, under what conditions and at what point is it too much hardship? If not, what makes a person stronger?
11. Would things get better or worse if humans focused on what was going well rather than what’s going wrong?
12. What is the best way to train people to see the gradients in the world around them instead of just a simplistic “this is good, that is wrong” view of the world?
13. Is intelligence or wisdom more useful?
14. Which of your beliefs are justified and which ones aren’t?
15. What do you contribute back to society?
16. What are you going to do with the one life you have?
17. Is it more important to help yourself, help your family, help your society, or help the world?
18. What life-altering things should every human ideally get to experience at least once in their lives?
19. Why don’t we as a species take more advantage of the fact that we have almost infinite knowledge available to us?
20. What two questions would you ask to get the most information about who a person truly is?
21. Should we judge others by their actions?
22. What’s the purpose of life?
23. Where do ideas come from?
24. What is justice?
25. What is truth?
26. Is truth reality?
27. What gives life meaning?
28. What is reality?
29. What are the limits of science?
Interesting Philosophical Questions
Not every philosophical question is serious. Although some of the interesting philosophical questions on our list could require some in-depth thought, they are more suited to a lighthearted evening than a discussion or argument. They are useful as discussion starters as well.
1. What does it mean to live a good life?
2. Why do we dream?
3. Where does your self-worth come from?
4. If you could become immortal on the condition you would NEVER be able to die or kill yourself, would you choose immortality?
5. What actions in your life will have the longest reaching consequences? How long will those effects be felt?
6. How long will you be remembered after you die?
7. If a child somehow survived and grew up in the wilderness without any human contact, how “human” would they be without the influence of society and culture?
8. How would humanity change if all humans’ life expectancy was significantly increased (let’s say to around 500 years)?
9. Where do you find meaning in your life?
10. How will humans as a species go extinct?
11. Is it possible to live a normal life and not ever tell a lie?
12. Does a person’s name influence the person they become?
13. Is the meaning of life the same for animals and humans?
14. Is humanity headed in the right or wrong direction?
15. Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers or simply more questions?
16. Where did all matter come from?
17. Can I trust my senses?
18. What is evil?
19. What makes someone “good” or “bad”?
20. Can something be true without evidence?
21. Is fate real?
22. At what point does consciousness begin?
23. Can time be altered?
24. Is there a cause for every effect?
Ethics Philosophical Questions
The ethical subtopic of philosophy entails comparing difficult events and selecting the ethically correct course of action. You may encounter ethical dilemmas throughout your life, and they can be quite difficult to resolve. Check out this list of some philosophical questions about ethics to choose from.
1. Is it ever justified to hurt others?
2. Is it fair to punish criminals with death?
3. Does morality come from within or outside ourselves?
4. Is stealing ever permissible?
5. Is it ever permissible to deceive others?
6. Where do morals come from?
7. Is it possible to make judgments without help of religion?
8. Can you allow kill under certain conditions?
9. What makes something immoral?
10. How do you define “good” and “evil”?
11. Would you kill one person in order to save 1,000?
12. Are lies permissible if they protect someone’s feelings?
13. What defines a person?
14. Are we obligated to help others?
15. Is it right to kill animals for food?
16. Are humans replaceable?
17. If scientists could accurately predict who was more likely to commit crimes, what should society do with that information?
18. If you can save another’s life and don’t because doing so would break the law, are you ethically justified in your decision?
19. Are all individuals morally obligated to save another person’s life if they are able? What if that person lives in another country?
20. Is it just and right to deny entry to a country when doing so probably means death for the immigrant and their family?
21. Should we terraform planets if it means that we may be destroying undiscovered microscopic alien life?
22. Does anonymity encourage people to misbehave or does it reveal how people would choose to act all the time if they could?
23. What is virtue?
24. Why do most people think that lying is bad?
25. Should all bad actions have equal consequences?
26. Does every human life count equally?
27. Should we judge acts based on their outcomes alone?
28. Should we always follow the rules even if doing so causes harm?
29. Is slavery ever ethically defensible?
30. Is dishonesty always wrong?
Big Philosophical Questions
Discussions are sparked by questions that have interesting and thought-provoking replies. Different philosophical stances and theoretic analyses are revealed by philosophical questions. Let’s walk over this list of some big philosophical questions.
1. How do you define consciousness?
2. Is it possible to prove that other people besides yourself have consciousness?
3. How conscious do you think animals are?
4. How would you define genius?
5. Do people in wealthier countries have a moral obligation to help those in poorer countries?
6. What should the role of a government be, what boundaries and limitations should it have?
7. Is poverty in society inevitable?
8. How much does language affect our thinking?
9. Why are humans so confident in beliefs that can’t be proven?
10. Are there limits to human creativity?
11. If you could start a country from scratch, what would it be like?
12. Would the world be a better or worse place if everyone looked the same?
13. What causes the most harm in the world, but is completely avoidable?
14. How far should governments go to prevent its citizens from causing harm to themselves?
15. If all your memories were erased, what kind of person would you be?
16. Why do humans have such a strong urge to distract ourselves from the real world?
17. Is having a broad knowledge base better than having a deep one?
18. How can people be trained to see gradients in the world instead of just seeing things from the perspective of good or wrong?
19. Which is more valuable, intelligence or wisdom?
20. What beliefs do you hold to be legitimate and which ones do not?
21. How will you spend the one life you have?
22. What are the three most life-altering experiences that every human should try at least once?
23. Which goal should every person have as their first priority?
24. Would it be more advantageous to be a small fish in a big pond than a large fish in a small pond?
25. How much can you accomplish?
26. What standards do you use to evaluate yourself?
27. Is it possible to change human nature? What should be changed?
28. What is your degree of replaceability?
29. We are endowed with almost infinite knowledge. Why don’t we take advantage of it?
Moral Philosophical Questions
It’s important to keep in mind that even if someone has a different perspective than you do, it’s still important to show respect and carry on a conversation without feeling dizzy from the “dizzying heights of your moral footing.” Check out this list of few moral philosophical questions to choose from.
1. What’s the difference between justice and revenge?
2. Do business owners have the right to refuse service to customers?
3. If doing something good for others makes us feel good, can there ever be such a thing as pure altruism?
4. What is your definition of evil?
5. Do all people have equal value regardless of their actions or is a person’s value based on their actions?
6. Why are humans so fascinated by mass murderers if their actions are universally considered evil and vile?
7. Is morality relative or absolute?
8. Can animals have morals?
9. Without religion would people become more, less, or be equally morally corrupt?
10. What rights does every human have? Do those rights change based on age?
11. Is justice a human construct or is it independent of humans?
12. Why do people expect a universe full of randomness to be fair?
13. With no laws or rules to influence your behavior, how do you think you would behave?
14. Do animals have rights and do those rights extend to all animals or do the rights change based on the complexity of the animal?
15. At what point is overthrowing a government ethical, considering all the violence a revolution usually entails?
16. What would be the most ethical way to give away five million dollars?
17. Is privacy a right?
18. Are people ethically obligated to improve themselves?
19. Should there be limitations on the right to free speech?
20. Should euthanasia be legal? Why or why not?
21. If babies are considered innocent, when do people cease to be innocent?
22. How much effort should an individual put into not offending others?
23. Why do humans often associate beauty with morality?
24. If you could press a button and receive a million dollars, but one stranger would die, would you press the button? And if so, how many times?
25. If humanity was put on trial by an advanced race of aliens, how would you defend humanity and argue for its continued existence?
26. Can morality ever be objective or is it always subjective? If it can be objective, in what instances? If it’s always subjective, how do we decide whose concept of morality is correct?
27. Are intentions or outcomes more important when judging whether actions are moral?
28. If it was discovered that most animals were conscious of their existence and eventual death, what would be the ramifications of that discovery?
Philosophical Questions about Life
A philosophical question typically prompts discussion, debate, and critical thought that challenges the mind to view life in new ways. In this section, we have listed few best philosophical questions about life to use it in your next get-together with your friends or family members.
1. How will you impact the world the most as a result of your actions? How long will those effects last?
2. What will people remember you for after you die?
3. What kind of “human” would a child be if they survived and grew up in the wild without ever interacting with humans?
4. What kind of impact would a significant increase in life expectancy have on humanity (let’s assume it’s around 500 years)?
5. In what ways does your life have meaning to you?
6. Can you imagine how humanity would react if extraterrestrial life was discovered?
7. Is religion going to become obsolete at some point?
8. Which concept would have the biggest positive impact on humanity if it were taught to everyone in the world?
9. What is the purpose of suffering in the human condition? What would it be like to never suffer?
10. What is the difference between real ghosts and mental projections of our deceased loved ones?
11. Is there life after death? Can we be sure?
12. When death is inevitable, why try to avoid it?
13. Are there such things as good deaths?
14. What are the chances of there being an afterlife?
15. Do animals and humans have the same meaning of life?
16. What impact does a person’s name have on who they become?
17. What is the proper way to say goodbye to someone who has died?
18. Would you love someone you loved the same way if they were killed in front of you, but a perfect replica was built on an atomic level?
19. If you had the option to become immortal and could never die or kill yourself, would you opt for immortality?
20. Are people made stronger by hardships? If so, how much hardship is too much and under what? If not, how does one become stronger?
21. How would things change if humans concentrated on what’s going right instead of what’s wrong?
22. How does art benefit society? Is art harmful to society by any means?
23. What are your chances that we will survive another 1000 years without annihilating ourselves?
24. What has been the biggest success in your life? What are your biggest failures?
25. Do animals have more freedom than humans by virtue of simply being able to do what they please?
26. Would you rather know in advance that you are going to die or be surprised by an unexpected death?
27. In what direction is humanity heading?
28. Is the study of philosophy ever used to answer questions or just to raise new ones?
29. How can a person attain happiness?
30. What is the most likely way you will die if you had to guess?
Philosophical Questions about Happiness
The best philosophical questions are ones that provoke thought while still being answerable (unlike the majority of the serious philosophical questions). Our list of philosophical questions about happiness serves as a useful starting point for stimulating conversations about happiness and spark a lively discussion. Try them out!
1. Is it really necessary to pursue happiness?
2. Are we happier now as a society than in times past? Why or why not?
3. Does anyone else’s sadness affect my own?
4. If someone has less material wealth than me, does this automatically make him unhappy?
5. What does it mean to be happy?
6. Can I be happy when faced with suffering?
7. Is happiness universal or a matter of perspective?
8. How much should we care about making ourselves happy?
9. Is it possible to feel happy and sad at the same time?
10. What brings true happiness?
11. Can happiness be measured or quantified, like money and power?
12. Are certain types of experiences inherently “happier” than others?
13. How it always best to seek out pleasure?
14. Is happiness just the product of chemical reactions in the brain?
15. Can money really buy happiness?
16. Why some people can’t enjoy their happiness?
17. What makes happiness dull?
18. Is death considered a happy ending?
Philosophical Questions about Love
As individuals, we really need to love and be loved. Love can be expressed in a variety of ways. Use these philosophical questions about love to provoke contemplation on the subject of love. We hope you will find them as good conversation starters.
1. Are some relationships better than others?
2. Can life without love exist?
3. What makes someone fall in love?
4. Why do people get married?
5. Is there a difference between love and lust?
6. Is marriage necessary?
7. Does love last forever?
8. Is it okay to love yourself?
9. Is love natural or a choice to be made?
10. Where do we find love?
11. Which is more important: love or money? Why?
12. Is there such thing as true love? If yes, where does it come from?
13. Do all human beings want to be loved?
14. Can anyone ever really understand another’s feelings?
15. Are children born with an innate love for their parents?
16. What makes love, love?
17. Can money buy real love?
18. Why do people prefer love so much?
Philosophical Questions about Death
Understanding the importance of truth, reason, and reality in relation to death is the greatest method to come up with solutions to philosophical questions. This amazing list of some philosophical questions about death can help you out in your quest for sure!
1. What would happen if we lived forever?
2. Should we try to prolong our lives at any cost?
3. Could immortality be possible?
4. Is euthanasia wrong in all circumstances?
5. Is death actually the beginning?
6. Why is it acceptable to kill insects?
7. Should terminally ill patients be able to choose suicide?
8. Why do people fear death?
9. Can we know for certain if there is life after death?
10. How would you like to be remembered after you die?
11. What happens to the body after you die?
12. Does “good death” exist?
13. How do you want to die?
14. Is there a life after death?
15. Do people reborn after death?
16. What the best way to bury a man?
17. Can death people hear anything?
18. Do death people have feeling?
Philosophical Questions about Human Nature
Our world is multifaceted and humans are complex beings. The prominent difference between right and wrong and good from bad can become difficult as a result. Think about some of these philosophical questions about human nature and conduct.
1. What makes something a human right?
2. Do you believe human rights even exist?
3. Are human rights actually universal?
4. Are humans rights and entitlement the same thing?
5. Can torture be justified?
6. What harsh truths do you prefer to ignore?
7. Is free will real or just an illusion?
8. Is there a meaning to life? If so, what is it?
9. Where is the line between art and not art?
10. What should be the goal of humanity?
11. Does fate exist? If so, do we have free will?
12. Is liberty a human right?
13. Is personal autonomy considered as a right?
14. Do governments have the authority to regulate what people do?
15. Does democracy guarantee individual liberty?
16. How much control should individuals have over their own bodies?
17. If someone commits murder, what should we do to them?
18. Who has the ultimate responsibility for protecting human rights?
19. Has modern technology made us more or less humane?
20. Is education a human right for all people?
21. Is war ever justifiable?
22. Is due process a universal right no matter the crime?
23. Is capital punishment ever appropriate?
24. Are there any downsides to universal human rights?
25. Is free speech a universal right?
Philosophical Questions about the Universe
The universe has long inspired awe in humans. However, the human race has only just begun studying universe closely but there is still a great deal we don’t understand about the universe in which we live. These philosophical questions about the universe can assist you in developing fresh perspectives on the universe you live in and how it affects your daily activities.
1. Was the Big Bang a real event?
2. Is space finite?
3. Is time eternal?
4. Is logic a created concept?
5. What time is it really?
6. Can order come from chaos?
7. Can something be created from nothing?
8. Where did matter come from?
9. Is everything relative?
10. What do you think existed before the universe was created?
11. What in life is truly objective and not subjective?
12. Is it possible for a human to fathom the true depths of reality and existence?
13. If the universe is finite, what would beyond the edge of the universe be like?
14. Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?
15. What is the best path to find truth; science, math, art, philosophy, or something else?
16. Is math something that humans created or something we discovered? Is looking at reality mathematically an accurate representation of how things work?
17. There has always been something. Before there was something, there was only nothing. Which do you think is more likely?
18. Are people in a different timezone in the past (or future)?
19. Where does fear come from?
20. Does pain exist in itself or just our perception of it?
21. What is hope?
22. Is there only one universe? How do we know?
23. Is there such thing as absolute truth?
24. Are there different levels of existence?
25. Do we live forever?
26. Is the mind the same as the brain?
27. What are numbers?
28. Does the universe end?
29. Is there such a thing as perfection?
30. Does sound exist without hearing?
31. Could there be a parallel universe?
Philosophical Questions about Religion
These philosophical questions about religion are serious questions that touch on one’s worldview. Although there is no credible way to know for sure about many of these subjects, such as religious belief and life after death, it is nonetheless worthwhile to consider them.
1. Who decides which religions are right?
2. What makes a person a Christian?
3. Should I follow my beliefs blindly?
4. Is God a created being?
5. Does God exist?
6. Does God’s existence depend on our belief in him?
7. Can love exist without God?
8. What constitutes religion?
9. Are miracles real?
10. Is religion compatible with science?
11. Why does faith matter?
12. Can morality exist without religion?
13. Is there a higher power?
14. Is religion real?
15. What is the best religion?
16. If religion is fake how come it rules so long?
17. What is Philosophy of Religion?
18. What are the characteristics of Religion?
19. What are the religions of the world?
20. What is God? What are the Attributes of deity (god)?
21. Are there any rational reasons or arguments or proofs for the existence of god?
22. Do religious experiences prove that there is a god?
23. Do miracles exist? Do they prove there is a god?
24. Does religious belief need to be rational?
25. Does faith require reasons to believe?
26. Are religious beliefs based on truth?
27. Can there be morality without religion?
5 Tips for Choosing Philosophical Questions
The logic philosophy questions elicit a variety of responses from people from various backgrounds, but none of them are backed up by a clear, convincing argument that makes perfect sense. The awakening they cause in one’s thinking activity is what makes philosophical questions to ask appealing in certain circles. Invite a buddy or coworker over for a philosophical talk and see where it goes. Be ready for an exploration of the minds. Here are 5 tips for choosing best philosophical questions.
1. Make your questions simple
Ensure that your question is easy to understand. Check to determine if your question is fair. Make sure your query is specifically focused on one topic to prevent misunderstandings.
2. Create an open-ended question
Create an open-ended question relating to your subject. Open-ended questions are any questions that do not have a simple “yes” or “no” response. Open-ended questions may also help the person you are asking the questions for feel more at ease because you are not limiting their response.
3. Think about what you wish to know
Think on what you wish to learn. Frequently, asking more explicit questions results in more precise answers. You might ask the right questions if you clearly understand what you want to know.
4. Ask questions that encourage discussion
It’s critical to formulate your query with a specific objective in mind. It’s necessary to avoid being too specific or direct that you limit the questions you receive. Don’t ask someone to choose between two options as it will force them to think deeply and may come with a more accurate answer.
5. Spice up your questions with some humor
Select some lighthearted questions to lighten the mood and start a private dialogue. Before going on to common philosophical questions that are more challenging, start with ones that are easier to answer.
Final Thoughts on Philosophical Questions
There are numerous varieties of philosophical questions. Some have existed for as long as there have been people. Others depict the era we live in. Regardless of how complex, challenging, entertaining, or humorous a philosophical question may be, all of them increase our capacity for thought and reasoning.
It can be beneficial to discuss difficult philosophical questions with others, especially those brought up by philosophy. Others may bring up viewpoints that you may not have considered for yourself.
In addition, discussing deep philosophical questions with people you already know well, can be engaging. Just keep in mind to appreciate those with different opinions!
Use our lists of mind blowing philosophical questions as icebreakers and conversation starters at events and on dates, as well as a fun way to meet new people. Create a few original philosophical questions of your own if you want a true challenge. Ask away and enjoy yourself!