98 I Miss You Poems to Express Your Love

Love can be expressed in many ways, and poetry is one of the most beautiful and powerful ways to do it.
When we miss someone, the pain, and longing can be overwhelming.
That’s where poetry comes in, as it allows us to put into words the emotions we are feeling.
As Maya Angelou once said, “Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.”
Whether it’s a funny or heartfelt poem, a short or long one, or one that rhymes, there is a poem in this article for every mood and preference.
This article will look at many I miss you poems for a range of occasions, such as long-distance relationships, long-distance love, and friendship.
Let’s go through these missing you poems!
Famous I Miss You Poems
Famous poets have been writing I miss you poems for centuries. In this section, we will explore some of the most famous “I Miss You” poems that have been cherished by readers for generations.
1. Tired
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I am tired tonight, and something,
The wind maybe, or the rain,
Or the cry of a bird in the copse outside,
Has brought back the past, and its pain.
And I feel, as I sit here thinking,
That the hand of a dead old June
Has reached out hold of my heart’s loose strings,
And is drawing them up in tune.
I am tired tonight, and I miss you,
And long for you, love, through tears;
And it seems but today that I saw you go—
You, who have been gone for years.
And I seem to be newly lonely—
I, who am so much alone;
And the strings of my heart are well in tune,
But they have not the same old tone.
I am tired; and that old sorrow
Sweeps down the bed of my soul,
As a turbulent river might suddenly break
Away from a dam’s control.
It beareth a wreck on its bosom,
A wreck with a snow-white sail,
And the hand on my heart-strings thrums away,
But they only respond with a wail.
2. Your Voice
by Ruby Archer
Your voice is gone
And every echo vanished
To delicate vibration
Beyond the realm of hearing—
Except within my soul—
There deathless dwelling ever.
Always my ear
Is yearning toward that cadence,
Not for a theme of kindness
Nor yet a rhythmic beauty—
So many share of these—
But for its truth and power.
My inward ear
In memory holds a semblance—
Deluding consolation—
But sentient ear, more human,
Alert, will crave and wait
And find contentment never.
3. Sister’s Grave
by Eliza and Sarah Wolcott
They are gone and have left me to weep,
And I sigh as I wander the plain,
To view the green turf where my two sisters sleep,
And say,–when shall I meet them again?
The rose bushes flourish to deck each dear grave,
Commingling their dew drops with tearsl sustain,
I sigh when I think there was nothing to save,
And say, O my loves,—when shall we meet again?
The balsam, the bower, still are blooming & green,
Where at twilight I wander, some friend oftexclaims
“Here cheerful Lucretia and Sarah were seen,
But here never more shall we meet them again.”
The nightingale sings; but ah, knows not she wounds
This heart so bereft of all joy but a name;
Just to live, and to hope when the last trumpet sounds
I may meet my dear sisters again.
4. The Deserted Arbor
by Eliza and Sarah Wolcott
How fair are these branches, which once spread their shade
For two lovely sisters, whom death low has laid;
While the soft winding breeze sighs a slow passage through,
And tells me my sisters have bid me adieu.
I view these dear seats where they once fondly sat,
I know this engraving, the muse points to that,
I see their initials so dear to my view;
But ah! my dear sisters have bid me adieu.
The bower still is green as the season returns,
The night bird approaches, and wildly she mourns,
While lowly they sleep, and the echo is true
That murmers, my sisters have bid me adieu.
Then, O blessed Savior, look down from above,
O teach me to pattern the friends whom I love,
Their virtues and graces, O let me pursue,
And then, O my sister, I’ll rest beside you.
5. The Wind Is Blowin’
by Charles Badger Clark
My tired hawse nickers for his own home bars;
A hoof clicks out a spark.
The dim creek flickers to the lonesome stars;
The trail twists down the dark.
The ridge pines whimper to the pines below.
The wind is blowin’ and I want you so.
The birch has yellowed since I saw you last,
The Fall haze blued the creeks,
The big pine bellowed as the snow swished past,
But still, above the peaks,
The same stars twinkle that we used to know.
The wind is blowin’ and I want you so.
The stars up yonder wait the end of time
But earth fires soon go black.
I trip and wander on the trail I climb—
A fool who will look back
To glimpse a fire dead a year ago.
The wind is blowin’ and I want you so.
Who says the lover kills the man in me?
Beneath the day’s hot blue
This thing hunts cover and my heart fights free
To laugh an hour or two.
But now it wavers like a wounded doe.
The wind is blowin’ and I want you so.
6. Coming Home
by Ellen P. Allerton
Home to my mother’s door. Push back the lock,
She will not open it—no use to knock.
A weight is on my breast; oh! never yet
Daughter at mother’s door such welcome met!
No kiss upon my lips; no word, no sound,
No loving arms reach out to clasp me round,
I cross the threshold to a solemn room,
Peopled with shadows, silent as the tomb.
The heavy air is chill—no fire, no light;
Only pale sunshine, streaming thin and white
Through the bare panes upon the naked floor.
I shrink and shiver—do not shut the door!
Tread lightly on the creaking boards, speak low;
Start not the hollow echoes; well I know
They sleep in every corner. Do not call,
Lest they should answer loudly, one and all.
Her voice is still. ‘Twas here I heard it last—
Here by the door. The tears fell thick and fast
From both our eyes; to-day the drops run o’er
From only mine; and she—she weeps no more.
This was her bed-room; it was here, you say,
She laid in silence all that summer day,
With roses (how she loved them!) at her head,
Wreathed on the wall and strewn upon her bed.
Now she lies yonder, and a sombre pall
The dead leaves weave above her as they fall;
The rains that beat, the autumn Winds that blow,
Are making ready heavy shrouds of snow.
Whatever covers her, she still sleeps well;
But oh! these silent rooms! I can not tell
Why their cold emptiness should move me so;
I can not bear it longer—let us go.
7. To My Sister in Heaven
by Edith Willis Linn
“Have you a sister?” strangers question me.
I answer “No.” But in my heart the while
I hold the picture of a gentle face,
A crown of golden curls, a heavenly smile.
Dear sister! none the less my sister now
Because I miss you in my earthly home,
I cannot doubt that you are still to me
All you had been, had Heaven not bid you come.
Though you are pure from earthly stain and scar,
Though you have grown to heights far, far above
My loftiest dream; though angel, and most fair,
You still must feel and own your sister-love.
Death could not cheat me of that deep heart-joy.
My hands have never lain in yours; my lips
Have never rested on your face, my hair
Has never felt your gentle finger-tips:
But still, dear sister, though I often long
To feel, to hear, to question and to see
I know that you are sister none the less,
And just as near and just as dear to me.
8. Boat-Song
by Ruby Archer
One thought comes ever hauntingly
Across my path of day,
Awaits not any summoning,
Nor needs a prayer to stay;
And if I flee, ’tis only that
It ever may pursue.
The thought, my love?—Is you.
The thought is you.
A haven beckons luringly,—
A haven safe and wide,—
My little bark of life to moor,
And in its heart abide.
How free my bark! No other shore
Could tempt it from the blue.
The haven, love?—Is you.
The haven is you.
9. Each and Every Moment I Miss You
by William Lindenmuth
For each and every moment
Every second I exist
I live and breathe for you
Your love I can’t resist
To live and love this lifetime
You are in my daily prayer
For times when you’re not with me
When I close my eyes you’re there
For every dance together
For every star above
The light that burns within us
The passion of your love
With dreams so never ending
For every sparkling sea
For each sunrise and sunset
I feel your love in me
For every breath worth taking
More then the air I breathe
The love that lives within me
Forever I believe
For each and every moment
And every heartfelt kiss
I am always thinking of you
And of the things I’d miss
For every hug that we have shared
And every soft embrace
For every smile turned to laughter
No other could take your place
For each and every moment
This heart so warm and pure
Gently caresses each heartbeat
And I could not ask for more
10. Absence
by Mary Robinson
When from the craggy mountain’s pathless steep,
Whose flinty brow hangs o’er the raging sea,
My wand’ring eye beholds the foamy deep,
I mark the restless surge – and think of THEE.
The curling waves, the passing breezes move,
Changing and treach’rous as the breath of LOVE;
The ‘sad similitude’ awakes my smart,
And thy dear image twines about my heart
11. What I Miss
by Thalia Jones
I miss how we used to be,
So vibrant, so honest, so wild and free.
I miss the way you would understand,
Listen carefully and be there when I needed a hand.
I miss our long, random talks at night,
Our private conversations,
Our silly little fights.
I miss the way you could read my mind,
Know what to say,
When words were hard to find.
I miss the way you could brighten my day,
Make me forget the mistakes,
Make the pain go away.
I miss how you made me laugh,
Hate how you made me cry,
Loved how you said you would always be there,
But once again, I forgot that everything you say is a lie.
Funny I Miss You Poems
Even when we miss someone, we can find ways to make ourselves and others laugh. In this section, we will explore some funny “I Miss You” poems that are sure to bring a smile to your face.
1. My Missing Quilt
by James Fraser
Oh my, I’m suffering from wind
I just wish my body would rescind
For my quilt I do probe
It’s on top of my wardrobe
Out of reach and totally pinned
2. Red Light
by A.O. Taner
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
lonely as ever
visible at night, useless by day?
in sync with its partner next door
for a quick kiss over a few flashes only
then arguing again and again
night in, night out.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
not signaling a warning to keep away
but sending a call for compassion?
using the dark pauses in between
to yell the same name
over and over and over
into the emptiness of each night.
have you ever felt like
the flashing red light on the roof,
being your silent cry
only heard by your eternal love?
3. Picture Imperfect
by Ale A A
I miss you baby
The sound of your voice
The way you say my name
The I love you and you are beautiful
The way you sometimes make fun of my accent
I want to hear your laugher which makes me giggle
The random declarations of past discretions
The fact that you think I am funny
The glimpse of your brilliance
The sound of your voice
I miss you my love
4. I Miss You
by Sharon De Fazio
I miss you,
like the sky misses the stars.
like the streets when there are no cars.
like a government that has no laws,
like music, when it is on pause.
I miss you,
like the desert misses the rain
like an addict without cocaine,
like a kiss that misses lips
like actors without their scripts.
5. Missing a Friend
by Veena Venkat
I am counting the days for when you will be back
Hope you have everything ready to pack
For the journey, don’t forget to take a snack
And like Santa, bring us goodies, in a sack.
Without you, my energy i lack
Around my eyes, there are circles of black
To make better poems, i might be losing the knack
And my heart seems to be getting a crack.
A friend like you is one in a lakh
So come back soon and cut me some slack.
6. To the Poet Who Broke My Heart DW
by Jan Allison
We were ‘married’ on poetry soup
I kept my hubby right in the loop
I still rue the day
That you went away
I need to dry my tears and regroup
Loved your humour right from the start
I miss you with all of my heart
Want you to come back
Get you in the sack*
Then they’ll never tear us apart!
7. Toonami I Miss You So
by Rocky Swartzfager
Once, something we took for granted
Now gone, forever to be mourned.
My source of awesome anime has been transplanted.
Cartoon Network, you face an enemy scorned!
8. Missing
by Anne Scott
I’ve hunted near, I’ve hunted far
I even looked inside my car.
I’ve lost my glasses, I’m in need,
To have them now so I can read.
I loudly swear and I curse
Did I leave them in my purse?
Are they behind the sofa, under the bed?
Oh there they are – on my head!
9. Stuck on You
by Kenneth J. Miller
You’re sucrose; you’re glucose,
You’re fructose and more,
From your head to your feet…
Which are stuck to the floor.
You’re Hershey’s; you’re Snickers,
You’re sweet English Toffee.
If you spit in my cup,
You’ll just sweeten my coffee.
I love you so much
That I’m getting frenetic,
But I can’t even kiss you,
’cause I’m diabetic.
10. My Boredom Disease
by J.W. Earnings
Like sick allergies,
Boredom can be passed around
Like a horrid storm,
Boredom can catch you off guard
Hold on for DEAR LIFE!
Like the whooping cough,
Boredom can be serious
If I were you, I’d
Get a vaccination!
Short I Miss You Poems
Sometimes, less is more. A short poem can pack a powerful punch and capture our emotions in just a few lines. In this section, we will explore some short “I Miss You” poems that are perfect for expressing your feelings in a concise and heartfelt way.
1. When You Go
by Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
When you go, a hush falls
Over all my heart,
And in a trance of my own dreams
I move apart.
When you go, the street grows
Like a vacant place—
What if a million faces pass
If not your face?
When you go, my life stops
Like ships becalmed at sea,
And waits the breath from heaven that blows
You back to me.
2. You Never
by Anonymous
You never said I’m leaving.
You never said goodbye.
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knew why.
A million times I needed you,
A million times I cried.
If Love alone could have saved you,
You never would have died.
In Life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place,
That no one could ever fill.
It broke my heart to lose you,
But you didn’t go alone.
For part of me went with you,
The day God took you home.
3. There Is Another Sky
by Emily Dickinson
There is another sky,
Ever serene and fair,
And there is another sunshine,
Though it be darkness there;
Never mind faded forests, Austin,
Never mind silent fields—
Here is a little forest,
Whose leaf is ever green;
Here is a brighter garden,
Where not a frost has been;
In its unfading flowers
I hear the bright bee hum:
Prithee, my brother,
Into my garden come!
4. Absence
by Lucien V. Rule
The western skies are starless now;
No beauty’s beacon sweet,
When evening comes, smiles softly down
Where happy lovers meet.
Thus from the heavens of my heartbr
I miss a tender light:
For she my song, and hope, and cheer.
Is far from me to-night.
5. I Blow You a Kiss
by William Stanley Braithwaite
I blow you a kiss on the evening wind
My dear, wherever you be;
Up in the north or down in the south,
Or over the rolling sea.
I blow you a kiss, but after the kiss
Do you know what follows, my dear?
Something the wind cannot bring to you—
Only a little tear.
6. Alone
by Ruby Archer
For me the day is done,
Though high the ardent sun;
I feel the twilight gray.
For you, my Love, are gone,
My Sunlight and my Dawn,
My Noon and all my Day.
7. Merchantmen
by Ruby Archer
Come in my ships, my letters,—
Kind the sky above,—
On your full sails faring
From the harbor—love.
Ye bring me wine for cargo;—
Bear it safe, I pray,—
Words,—a common vintage,
Finer with delay.
8. To Yesterday
by Ruby Archer
O Yesterday, you saw him. In your warm
Sweet light we wandered idly, happily.
Unto your deep of blue his eyes were lent,
And through your moments lingered yet his voice.
Bide near me, Yesterday. You know of him;
And I may turn to you—now he is gone—
Remind you of a glance, a word, a touch,
A thousand glints of soul revealed to soul
And thus defer the thought of poor To-day.
9. Life Is So Hard Without You
by Anonymous
A moment without you I find life so hard
Thinking of missing you, want to make me mad.
My heart is skipping like the growth of mustard…
The more you stay away, the more I become a dullard.
I really miss you.
Long I Miss You Poems
For those who want to express
their emotions in more detail, a long poem can be just the thing. In this section, we will explore some longer “I Miss You” poems that take their time to capture the full range of feelings that come with missing someone.
1. Annabel Lee
by Edgar Allan Poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.
2. A Rainy Day
by Richard Le Gallienne
The beauty of this rainy day,
All silver-green and dripping gray,
Has stolen quite my heart away
From all the tasks I meant to do,
Made me forget the resolute blue
And energetic gold of things . . .
So soft a song the rain-bird sings.
Yet am I glad to miss awhile
The sun’s huge domineering smile,
The busy spaces mile on mile,
Shut in behind this shimmering screen
Of falling pearls and phantom green;
As in a cloister walled with rain,
Safe from intrusions, voices vain,
And hurry of invading feet,
Inviolate in my retreat:
Myself, my books, my pipe, my fire –
So runs my rainy-day desire.
Or I old letters may con o’er,
And dream on faces seen no more,
The buried treasure of the years,
Too visionary now for tears;
Open old cupboards and explore
Sometimes, for an old sweetheart’s sake,
A delicate romantic ache,
Sometimes a swifter pang of pain
To read old tenderness again,
As though the ink were scarce yet dry,
And She still She and I still I.
What if I were to write as though
Her letter came an hour ago!
An hour ago! – This post-mark says . . .
But out upon these rainy days!
Come tie the packet up again,
The sun is back – enough of rain.
3. Daydream
by Shanike Priyananda
Every moment I spent with you
Was like a beautiful dream come true
It was the best dream I ever saw
More colorful than a rainbow
Your pretty voice is echoing in my ear
The splendid sound I ever hear
No Nightingale’s song
Can compare to your glamorous tone
Those alighting brown eyes
As bright as twinkling stars in the sky
I always wanted to hold your hand
Between my arms close to my heart
My wish was to hug you hard
And listen to the beat of your heart
I can still feel your smell
The wonderful charming spell
You taught me about love
Your love made my life alive
Whenever I see your face
My whole heart fills with grace
My life was like a dark cold night
You were the only luminaire warming light
My dream was to see your smile
And walk with you all over this glorious isle
You were the queen of my dream worlds
I don’t know how to explain my feelings in words
But, when you leave me alone with the feeling of spleen
I could realize that was just a daydream.
4. Perspective
by Kay Salady
I cannot seem to find perspective. It seems I’ve lost my point-of-view.
Your words were sweet. You were selective in choosing them. When I saw you,
I fell apart, and all the barriers that I had set came tumbling down.
My mind and heart fused together, as you and I, whirling around.
This senseless love that spins in the darkness of an eclipsed moon has gone astray,
picked up its’ light as sparks flew brightly across our sky, in such a way
that took my breath, that stopped my heartbeat, as a great light soared through the sky.
I was blinded by the white heat that took me down then raised me high.
All for your kiss, I sailed the seas and crossed the desert’s arid sand.
I risked my life all for the honor, for the touch, of your sweet hand.
The aching pain of craving the luxury to rest upon my lover’s chest
drove me insane as I surrendered all that I am for I am blessed
to know this love that’s all-consuming, that fills my soul beyond compare.
This fragrant rose that’s ever blooming emits a perfume that is so rare.
I inhaled you within my being; now you are sailing inside my sea.
Forever love, I will be dreaming to be with you eternally.
My star had melted into morning as the dawn sent him away.
I am alone in the bright sunlight and I can’t find the words to say
how lost I am inside this vacuum. There is no color and there’s no sound.
I cannot smell your fragrant perfume. I wonder why it can’t be found.
It seems I’ve lost all my perception and I am frozen in deep despair.
I’ve lost the path I’d longed to follow. My way is you and you’re not here.
5. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
by John Donne
As virtuous men pass mildly away,
And whisper to their souls to go,
Whilst some of their sad friends do say,
“The breath goes now,” and some say, “No,”
So let us melt, and make no noise,
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move;
‘Twere profanation of our joys
To tell the laity our love.
Moving of the earth brings harms and fears,
Men reckon what it did and meant;
But trepidation of the spheres,
Though greater far, is innocent.
Dull sublunary lovers’ love
(Whose soul is sense) cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
Those things which elemented it.
But we, by a love so much refined
That our selves know not what it is,
Inter-assured of the mind,
Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss.
Our two souls therefore, which are one,
Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion.
Like gold to airy thinness beat.
If they be two, they are two so
As stiff twin compasses are two:
Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show
To move, but doth, if the other do;
And though it in the center sit,
Yet when the other far doth roam,
It leans, and hearkens after it,
And grows erect, as that comes home.
Such wilt thou be to me, who must,
Like the other foot, obliquely run;
Thy firmness makes my circle just,
And makes me end where I begun.
6. If I Could Hold Your Hands
by Anonymous
If I could hold your hands to-night,
Just for a little while, and know
That only I, of all the world,
Possessed them so.
A slender shape in that old chair,
If I could see you here to-night,
Between me and the twilight pale—
So light and frail.
Your cool white dress, its folding lost
In one broad sweep of shadow grey;
Your weary head just drooped aside,
That sweet old way.
Bowed like a flower-cup dashed with rain,
The darkness crossing half your face,
And just the glimmer of a smile
For one to trace.
If I could see your eyes that reach
Far out into the farthest sky,
Where past the trail of dying suns
The old years lie.
Or touch your silent lips to-night,
And steal the sadness from their smile,
And find the last kiss they have kept
This weary while!
If it could be—Oh, all in vain
The restless trouble of my soul
Sets, as the great tides of the moon,
Toward your control!
In vain the longings of the lips,
The eye’s desire and the pain;
The hunger of the heart—O love,
Is it in vain?
7. A Memory
by Fannie Isabelle Sherrick
Amid my treasures once I found
A simple faded flower;
A flower with all its beauty fled,
The darling of an hour.
With bitterness I gazed awhile,
Then flung it from my sight;
For with it all came back to me
the pain and heedless blight.
But, moved with pity and regret
I took it up again;
For oh, so long and wearily
In darkness it had lain.
Ah, purple pansy, once I kissed
Your dewy petals fair;
For then, indeed, I had no thought
Of earthly pain or care.
Your faded petals now I touch
With sacred love and awe;
For never will my heart kneel down
To earthly will or law.
Your velvet beauty still is dear,
Though faded now you seem;
You drooped and died, yet still you are
The symbol of my dream.
Sweet, modest flower, tinged with gold,
A lesson you have said;
Your purple glory, like my love,
Is faded now, and dead.
8. The Ship is Ready
by Hannah Flagg Gould
Fare thee well! the ship is ready,
And the breeze is fresh and steady.
Hands are fast the anchor weighing;
High in the air the streamer’s playing.
Spread the sails—the waves are swelling
Proudly round thy buoyant dwelling,
Fare thee well! and when at sea,
Think of those, who sigh for thee.
When from land and home receding,
And from hearts, that ache to bleeding,
Think of those behind, who love thee,
While the sun is bright above thee!
Then, as down to ocean glancing,
With the waves his rays are dancing,
Think how long the night will be
To the eyes, that weep for thee.
When the lonely night-watch keeping,
All below thee still and sleeping—
As the needle points the quarter
O’er the wide and trackless water,
Let thy vigils ever find thee
Mindful of the friends behind thee!
Let thy bosom’s magnet be
Turned to those, who wake for thee!
When, with slow and gentle motion,
Heaves the bosom of the ocean—
While in peace thy bark is riding,
And the silver moon is gliding
O’er the sky with tranquil splendor,
Where the shining hosts attend her;
Let the brightest visions be
Country, home and friends, to thee!
When the tempest hovers o’er thee,
Danger, wreck and death before thee,
While the sword of fire is gleaming,
Wild the winds, the torrent streaming,
Then, a pious suppliant bending,
Let thy thoughts to heaven ascending
Reach the mercy-seat, to be
Met by prayers that rise for thee!
9. Why Me Why You
by Vanity
Why is it when I look in your eyes,
I see the love burning inside me.
Why is it when you hug me,
the world melts with us.
Why is it when you leave,
I can’t find myself.
Why is it when you say bye,
it seems like forever.
Why is it when the phone rings,
I answer just to hear if it’s your voice.
Why is it when you don’t call,
I wonder what you are doing.
Why is it that I can’t breathe,
whenever I think about you.
Why is it that I can’t speak,
whenever I talk about you.
Why is it when I’m around you,
you want to walk away.
Why is it when I hug you,
you don’t feel the same.
Why is it when you look into my eyes,
you just see a girl looking back at you.
Why is it when you leave,
you leave to be with her.
Why is it when you say bye,
you say hello to her.
Why is it when my phone rings,
it’s not you.
Why is it when I call you,
you don’t answer.
Why is it when I ask what you think about me,
you say that I’m just cool.
Why me, why you,
I don’t know yet but I’m hoping you can find
the love I have for you and hope one day that love would turn into something more than what meets the eye.
I Miss You Poems That Rhyme
Rhyme can add a musical quality to a poem and make it more memorable. In this section, we will explore some “I Miss You” poems that use rhyme to create a more playful and lighthearted tone.
1. The Wall
by Jessie Belle Rittenhouse
Now we two are heart to heart,
O most dear of all,
Who were held so long apart
By the sundering wall.
But so suddenly it fell.
At the final touch,
We are dazed and cannot tell
If we hope too much.
We would wait to know the sum
Of our joy and pain—
But what if shadowy hands should come
And build the wall again?
3. Alive
by Winifred M. Letts
Because you live, though out of sight and reach,
I will, so help me God, live bravely too,
Taking the road with laughter and gay speech,
Alert, intent to give life all its due.
I will delight my soul with many things,
The humours of the street and books and plays,
Great rocks and waves winnowed by seagulls’ wings,
Star-jewelled Winter nights, gold harvest days.
I will for your sake praise what I have missed,
The sweet content of long-united lives,
The sunrise joy of lovers who have kissed,
Children with flower-faces, happy wives.
And last I will praise Death who gives anew
Brave life adventurous and love—and you.
2. The Day You Left
by Skylar
I remember laying in bed,
Thinking of you and feeling such dread
I felt a pain and all the cracks,
I did not realize I would never get you back
My tears were sudden and none withstanding,
My grief, a shriek, my pain overbearing
I only I knew all your own sorrow and pain,
I would have tried to save you I had so much to gain
But I was too late and you let me go
Now I just wish for you to know
I love you and it will always grow
4. Dark House
by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Dark house, by which once more I stand
Here in the long unlovely street.
Doors, where my heart was used to beat
So quickly, waiting for a hand.
A hand that can be clasped no more,
Behold me, for I cannot sleep,
And like a guilty thing I creep
At earliest morning to the door.
He is not here; but far away
The noise of life begins again,
And ghastly thro the drizzling rain
On the bald street breaks the blank day.
5. Lonely
by Sanghamitra Ghosh
You left me alone, I didn’t cry,
I didn’t call you didn’t try.
Out of all the things I chose you,
I said I love you I really do.
But now that you are with her,
I don’t know why I really care.
I tried to get over you,
But I realized that my love is true.
I did all I could to forget,
But I couldn’t do it you bet.
I waited for you on cold nights,
And watched over you from great heights.
Now that you have forgotten me,
I always stand under the tree.
Waiting for you to hold me tight,
And then I see you with her at night.
Finally, you start coming to the tree,
Just to say, you never loved me.
6. Still Thinking of You
by Lilmaris
I ask myself why am I thinking of you so much.
I think about all the moments we shared together and the way we touched.
You know that this was hard for me,
but you decided not to see.
I know I’m still stuck in my past,
but I had a feeling that this was going to last.
I guess my heart was wrong,
Why couldn’t I live through it and not stay strong?
Thinking of you makes me feel this way.
“Why couldn’t I just stay?”
I ask myself that every day.
Hold on! I had a reason why.
Now that I think of it, I want to cry.
Still feeling you so much.
I still think of the moment when we touch.
7. A Sonnet for Mine
by Anna Kelsey
Letting you leave is my greatest regret
For you and your love I would hang the moon
Bring you roses each night and not forget
And I’d give anything to see you soon
If I could find a way to get you back
To hold you and pull you closer tonight
I would show you that you are all I lack
And kiss you until the whole world feels right
Although I miss you, you’re mine no longer
But for you I’d do anything at all
If only to make our love feel stronger
And now I have lost you and I feel small
Letting you go was my biggest mistake
And feeling your absence my heart will break
8. My Lost Dreams
by Dulce K. L.
You looked into my heart and found my lost dream,
A very common one I guess it may seem.
No one else like you in my heart is the same,
Cuz I’ve really changed since in my life you came.
You told me that my fate rests in my hands,
To make life as best I can.
You took my hand and out of the shadows we ran.
With my back to the dark and my heart towards the light,
You told me to do what I thought was right.
Even though you promised that you’d always stay,
No matter how close you are it feels as though you’re miles away.
Now as I look back at the past,
I realize that time moves by way too fast.
The memory of our friendship I hold near,
How I wish you could still be here,
For you know me better than I know myself,
only you have ever seen me cry.
But now when I talk you just hear but don’t listen to what I have to say,
You just pull your heart away.
So not even to myself do I want to confess,
That as time goes by I don’t seem to like you less.
9. Call Me Back
by Haley Brown
You hear the ring, you know just what to say,
but then there’s no answer, and your confidence goes away.
Your eyes blink back tears, and you begin to doubt.
Nothing comes to mind, but this is what comes out…
“Hey, I know it’s late and you may not get this for a while,
but I was hoping you would be the one to maybe make me smile.
I know I’ve waited far too long to tell you what is true,
but now I’m here to tell you that baby, I love you.
I know this may not mean much coming from me now,
but I will make this up to you if you will just tell me how.
I know that you still love me. It’s written on your face,
but you’re so good at hiding it, it’s hard to find a trace.
Let me back inside your life. I swear I’ll make this right.
Call me back when you can. I love you baby, goodnight.
I Miss You Poems for Him
In this section, we will explore some I miss you poems for boyfriend that are perfect for expressing your feelings to the special man in your life.
1. I Miss You
by Anonymous
It’s hard to explain
Why these memories carry so much pain
I realize the distance between us tore us apart
Or maybe it was my refusal to play my part
I miss your love every day
I may never call but I want to say
I wished you could have stayed
I miss all the games we played
I’m here all alone
Wishing you would come along
2. I Had a Dream
by Anonymous
Last night I had a dream,
We were walking hand in hand,
On a deserted island beach,
Over endless miles of sand,
The moon was shining bright,
You looked over at me and smiled,
Your eyes so full of passion,
Our thoughts both running wild,
We laid down and held each other,
So close but never enough,
The tides came in and nearly covered us,
As we made pure and beautiful love,
I had never known so much beauty,
As your skin in the pale moon light,
Every moment so intense and new,
On this warm, dark and blissful night.
But as the sun rose the next morning,
You disappeared and left me alone,
I’m still on that deserted island,
Come back and bring me home……
3. Wishing I Could
by Anonymous
The days always seem gloomy
The nights are cold and lonely
Time goes by so slowly
When I can’t see you daily
I think of you constantly
Wishing I could hold you tightly
And tell you how much you mean to me
By my side is where you are meant to be
4. I Miss You
by Anonymous
I miss your laugh,
I miss your cry.
I miss you like I would no other guy.
You make me smile, you make me feel safe.
You make me feel as if I can have faith.
With your loving embrace that I miss so,
when you are away I feel so terribly low.
5. I Miss You
by Rena Nelson
I want to cry every night,
because I miss the way we fight.
I pray for you every night,
because I miss you not being in my sight.
I miss the sound of your voice,
that I am sick and tired of all this noise.
I miss the way you smell,
oh that smell.
I miss the look upon your face,
that made me smile with such grace.
I love you so much I can’t deny,
for when I see you I will break down and cry.
For when I cry these happy tears, I won’t have anymore fears.
You’ll be home safe with me,
that I’ll be able to sleep.
Oh how I miss you so much.
I’ll just have to wait and hope you will, keep in touch.
6. The Home-Coming
by Ruby Archer
A porch, a hall, a stairway,
Significant may be;
I’m thinking what a Rubicon
Your evening door, for me.
On one side yearning, waiting,
A thousand vague alarms,
Tormenting worries women know;—
The other side,—your arms!
7. Missing You
by Anonymous
Movie stubs and photos of us
All scattered on the floor
I try to wipe my tears
But I think of you some more
I cry alone in my room
Thoughts of us together
They used to bring me strength
Now it feels as if
Too much time has past
I want to know if our love will really last
Missing you has caused me so much pain
I can’t wait to see you
I hope you feel the same
8. Memories of Love
by Brian Russell
As I sit here and watch the cars drive by fast
Enjoying the day, I dream of the past
I think of the love of times long ago
When we were so young and I was your beau
But the day is too pretty for me to be sad
So I sit and I smile with memories we had
We got into trouble but we sure had fun
Fantabulous times, I miss you a ton
The sun is now setting. Before I’m lonely and blue,
I will sit, I’ll have faith, in our God; He is true.
9. I Miss You
by Anonymous
I miss you like the right shoe misses the left,
When the dog chews it up.
I miss you like a knife misses a fork,
When the fork breaks in the disposal.
I miss my other half, my missing piece,
Even though it got really messy.
10. Missing You So Much
by Sami Johnson
As I lay here on my bed listening to everybody talking
my head is spinning with thoughts of you.
I hear your voice throughout the day
telling me you love me and that I’m the one for you.
Over and over again I hear your voice
and feel your arms wrapped around me
but when I look around you’re not here.
I’m wishing you will realize soon that I do care.
Wishing and hoping that someday soon we will be together again.
I love you so much
and I miss seeing you every day
and being next to you at night.
You never come to see me anymore
so I lay here in my bed crying
because I miss you so much and I love you too.
I wish I could see you like I used to
but you won’t let that happen and neither will she.
I try to talk to you but you walk away.
Tears form in my eyes and I start to cry.
They say to forget about you but I don’t know how.
I miss hearing you say that you love me.
I miss spending time with you every day.
I can’t seem to get you out of my head.
I love you baby and I miss you too.
11. I Still Remember
by Julie Jackson
I still remember our first fight
The way I was up crying all night
I still remember our first kiss
I was so nervous I nearly missed
I still remember that day in the snow
So many feelings you got to show
I still remember that night in the car
I loved you but I didn’t want to go that far
I still remember that day you went away
I still had so many things to say
I still remember the way you held me tight
And the way you mad the wrong words always seem right
But the thing that will be in my heart forever
Is the way I still remember when we were together.
I Miss You Poems for Her
In this section, we will explore some I miss you poems for girlfriend that are perfect for telling her how much she means to you.
1. You and I
by Elijah
At the thought of you
my eyes love teary drops
It makes me smile but at times weary
How can one love a woman so much
When a memory of you plays in my mind
I know everything about expression
I know pain with a glass in hands
I sleep with the radio on because I miss you
I hear your swift sweet sighs of breath
You make anew what grief destroyed
You’re the reviver of old departed memories
I’m a man and I got to let a woman go
You’re moving forward in another man’s arms
I hope he sees nature doesn’t make one like you
Can’t you see it’s got to be the Lord
Who makes you so beautiful
And everything that He done touched
Like your mind, body and soul
Is enough to be my world
It’s not a fluke
That I’m still here waiting for you
That if you drop a glass
A glass in thousand pieces
Can mirror my heart
2. Missing You Like Crazy
by Rhea Anne Paas-Rance
You were everything to me
You were the love I thought I had design for myself
But fate could be so cruel sometimes
I’d like to believe there’s still true happiness
That would walk in as soon as I open up the door
I’d love to believe I’m more than okay
Though it’s different from what my reflection shows
I want to scream until it reaches you
Scream until my voice make you stumble
I want to scream until you can hear no more
Scream until I get weak, can’t speak and just weep
Don’t avoid the aches creeping in my soul
Taste the bitter tears dropping on the floor
Every inch of me wants to see you crawl
Let me show you where I’ve been
Don’t look away see my existence
Even if you close my eyes you’d still see my presence
And with every air you breathe i’ll make you remember
The smell of grief underneath my skin
You cannot escape i’ll follow you everywhere
I’ll be the nightmare you thought you’d never had
And I won’t stop until I get satisfied
I’ll never stop until you’re out of your mind…
3. Be with You
by Marcella Myer
Each day I spent without you makes me miss you so very much
Each night I dream about you
I long to feel your touch
If I could just see your face or kiss your gentle lips
If I could only hear your voice
All these little things I miss
So I just want you to know
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do
If I could just once again Be with You
4. To Her
by Charles Badger Clark
Cut loose a hundred rivers,
Roaring across my trail,
Swift as the lightning quivers,
Loud as a mountain gale.
I build me a boat of slivers;
I weave me a sail of fur,
And ducks may founder and die
But I
Cross that river to her!
Bunch the deserts together,
Hang three suns in the vault;
Scorch the lizards to leather,
Strangle the springs with salt.
I fly with a buzzard feather,
I dig me wells with a spur,
And snakes may famish and fry
But I
Cross that desert to her!
Murder my sleep with revel;
Make me ride through the bogs
Knee to knee with the devil,
Just ahead of the dogs.
I harrow the Bad Lands level,
I teach the tiger to purr,
For saints may wallow and lie
But I
Go clean-hearted to her!
5. Every Trick
by Will Granger
I have tried every
trick in the book, and
yet I still cannot get you out of my
mind. I cannot stop this wave
of emotion that sweeps over me whenever your
name or face pops into my head.
My friends don’t get it,
you probably don’t get it,
heck, I cannot even begin to fathom its
true meaning.
The hot bubbling feeling that starts near your stomach
and rises quickly to your heart,
you know
the one… the one you get when you
see a relative you have not seen for a long time, or when you
think of a lost pet.
That brief feeling of pure ecstasy that gets swept over by a wave of sadness and distress.
That is what I feel, always.
That is my emotional state.
6. Heart Song
by Anonymous
Until our final kiss goodbye
I didn’t know that hearts could fly
But mine flew away
With you that day.
Distance, so few thoughts I gave,
Until you had to leave that day.
But in that moment I could feel
That distance is heavy, hard, and real.
I didn’t know that heartstrings tied
And tangled up so much inside.
Until the last smile you sent my way
When you had to go that day.
I never thought that time could seem
So cold and cruel that I could scream.
Until the long hours after you’d gone,
As my heart cried until the dawn.
Now I am just holding on
For the moment our love’s sweet song
Together loud and true will ring
As so in love our hearts will sing.
7. Remembering
by Taleah
I was missing my boyfriend this night, he was out of town working.
You were on my mind when I woke up this morning.
Remembering your smile
I guess the next time I’ll see your face
Might take a little while.
I was remembering your arms around me
The way they always felt warm
And having you right by my side
I completely felt no harm.
I was remembering your voice
It makes my heart skip a beat
but without you my love
my body feels so weak.
I was remembering our times
all the good and bad
the funny times you cheered me up
and especially the sad.
I was remembering your eyes
how they always meet mine
remembering all the things you do
to make my life worthwhile.
I was wondering when we’ll be together
when it will be just us two
I guess I’m just missing you
more than I usually do.
8. You
by Anonymous
Although loving you is worth the pain
I still feel so lonely without you near
Hours I have spent looking at your photos
Although I care for you endlessly
I feel as though my life is empty without you
My dreams are filled with wishes of you
Disappointment fills my heart when I awake
To find that you you are not here with me
Although I will always fight for our love
9. Missing You
by Leanne Mcdonlad
I’m missing you like crazy
I think I’m going mad
I simply can’t stop thinking
of the special times we had.
Each moment lasts an hour
Each hour lasts a day
The clock is ticking slowly
Just because you went away.
I need you here beside me
I just want to see your face
To feel your precious heartbeat
And be lost in your embrace.
I gaze out of the window
And look up at the moon
I play the waiting Game
And pray you’ll be here soon.
They say hope springs eternal
Well I only hope it’s true
For I can’t bare the emptiness
That comes from missing you.
10. A Thing for You
by Ellie Barlett
I know we never had our first date
things were difficult but we still stayed up late
talking about what we wanted to be
I wanted you, I thought you wanted me
I loved the way
you brushed the hair from my face
looked into my eyes
the way your lips taste
Friends come and go
sometimes they stay
Enemies have hurt us
is it a price we pay
Do they ache
like we do
are you grieving
like I do for you
I hoped, I wished
I loved, I missed
you held, you cared
you hugged and kissed
I hate the way you moved on
but only because I want the same
but that’s so hard to do now
When I have no one to blame
I Miss You Poems for Long Distance Relationship
Long-distance relationships can be tough, but expressing your love and longing through poetry can help bridge the gap. In this section, we will explore some “I Miss You” poems that are perfect for those who are separated by distance.
1. I Miss You Every Morning
by Traci Crawford
Each morning I wake up
thinking of you
I remember you’re not with me
and it makes me feel blue
I miss your smile
I miss your touch
Sometimes my heart aches
I miss you so much
I call you on the telephone
I write to you in a letter
You always tell me I’m not alone
You always make me feel better
I’m writing this to let you know
just how much I love you so
Even though we’re miles apart
your right here beside me
inside my heart.
2. You Are Missing from Me
by Adam Riley
I wish I could be where you are,
To feel the warmth of your embrace,
“Tu me manques my darling!” Is all that I can say.
The snow it drifts upon me,
With shards of memories,
I long to kiss your lips,
For they stir sweet melodies.
A hug, cuddle or touch would ease my aching soul,
I long to be with you,
For you are what makes me whole…
3. Our Hill
by Jon Hart
I sit on our hill
There is silence, except for the breath of the world
It caresses the leaves softly
Tenuously, as I imagine my hand would touch your face
It stirs dormant memories
Precious baubles fill my consciousness
A smile, a laugh, a caress, a scent
Your touch, your embrace, your kiss
The Autumn sun warms my face
Awakens me
As I walk away, eyes closed
I can feel your hand in mine
4. Every Moment
by Anonymous
As each star comes out to shine
As the wind rustles across the land
As the moonlight sweeps across the room
I’m thinking of you.
When the sun burns its morning greeting
When the birds chirp and swoop through the sky
When the leaves of the trees dance through the air
I’m thinking of you.
During the haze of late afternoon sun
During the smooth swirl and flow of the clouds across the sky
During the fade of the bustling day
I’m thinking of you.
While the twilight shadows begin to fall
While the evening air begins to chill
While the crickets begin their sweet evening chorus
I’m thinking of you.
Just as the darkest hour of the night falls
Just as the world is hushed and silent
Just as dreamland beckons,
I’m thinking of you
Every day
Every hour
Every moment
I’m thinking of you through the miles
and loving you.
5. Absence
by Walter Savage Landor
Here, ever since you went abroad,
If there be change no change I see:
I only walk our wonted road,
The road is only walk’d by me.
Yes; I forgot; a change there is,
Was it of that you bade me tell?
I catch at times, at times I miss
The sight, the tone, I know so well.
Only two months since you stood here?
Two shortest months? Then tell me why
Voices are harsher than they were,
And tears are longer ere they dry.
6. When I’m Missing You
by Heather Grace Stewart
When I’m missing you,
I walk to the river’s edge.
Frozen or free-flowing,
it soothes me;
sends me back to our small adventures.
Stargazing. Fireflies.
All-day swimming.
Long goodbyes.
No matter how cold it is outside,
our summers warm me,
and we’re together again.
7. A Girl’s Faith
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Across the miles that stretch between,
Through days of gloom or glad sunlight,
There shines a face I have not seen
Which yet doth make my world more bright.
He may be near, he may be far,
Or near or far I cannot see,
But faithful as the morning star
He yet shall rise and come to me.
What though fate leads us separate ways,
The world is round, and time is fleet.
A journey of a few brief days,
And face to face we two shall meet.
Shall meet beneath God’s arching skies,
While suns shall blaze, or stars shall gleam,
And looking in each other’s eyes
Shall hold the past but as a dream.
But round and perfect and complete,
Life like a star shall climb the height,
As we two press with willing feet
Together toward the Infinite.
And still behind the space between,
As back of dawns the sunbeams play,
There shines the face I have not seen,
Whose smile shall wake my world to-day.
8. A Late Good Night
by Robert Fuller Murray
My lamp is out, my task is done,
And up the stair with lingering feet
I climb. The staircase clock strikes one.
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!
My solitary room I gain.
A single star makes incomplete
The blackness of the window pane.
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!
Dim and more dim its sparkle grows,
And ere my head the pillows meet,
My lids are fain themselves to close.
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!
My lips no other words can say,
But still they murmur and repeat
To you, who slumber far away,
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!
9. Miles Apart
by Alon Calinao Dy
I know I’m far away,
But there’s not a day,
I never think of you.
At times, I miss you so,
Needing you in my arms,
Your mesmerizing charms,
Always makes me slow.
My love,
Though we’re miles apart,
You’re forever in my heart,
And the one I always think of.
Amidst the desert sand,
I wish you are here,
And never disappear.
I really miss you…
I hope you understand.
10. Far Away Lover
by Janna Rutty
I lay in my bed and think about you
I love you so much I don’t know what to do
I feel your warmth at my side
The pain in my heart moves to my eyes
So far away yet always so near
You are the reason I am still here.
I await the times when we can talk
I await the times we can finally hold hands and walk
To feel you for real… so close to me
The happiest person in the world is what you would make me.
Your eyes shine like a million suns
You shine more brightly than anyone
Your smile so sweet can’t help but make me smile
It stops my world even for a little while
I await the time when my hand is in yours
To hear you say those 3 little words.
There are still no words I can say to describe
My heart it aches and my eyes they cry
But when we talk my heart flies
you always wipe away the tears I cry.
Even though you aren’t here
And I miss you so much my dear
I’ll love you forever and ever
I’ll always love you my far away lover.
I Miss You Poems for Crush
Having a crush can be exhilarating and nerve-wracking all at once. In this section, we will explore some I miss you poems for someone you love that are perfect for letting your crush know how you feel.
1. I Miss You More Than I Can Say
by Emilia E. Allen
I wish upon the glistening stars,
I pray night and day.
I’m sad that we’re so far apart,
That you’re so far away.
I try to heal a broken heart,
And yet there is no way.
And when it simply falls apart,
Hurts more than I could say,
I cry myself to sleep sometimes,
And yet I need no pity.
I need to fix my broken heart
Or all this pain is hitting
Forever, ever, ever on.
It’s truly you I miss.
Sometimes I could just close my eyes
And fantasize sweet bliss.
A single tear streaks down my face.
My feelings are revealed,
Though I had tried so very hard
To keep these things concealed.
I never wanted to move away.
I hope friendship truly stays.
Please don’t let this fall away.
I’ll just hold on another day.
You’ve stolen my heart, taken over my mind,
So please be sweet and please be kind.
Remember me, please, every day.
I miss you more than I can say.
2. I Miss You
by Monika Ribeiro
You’re happy & well, I hear
Yet, I miss you… I so miss you, dear
Yesterday, I was instructed not to show my tears
It has only been a week, but it felt like years…
Yet, I’m not allowed to say I miss you
They say if I speak I’ll offend a few…
‘You’ve got to be quiet. You’ve got to be strong!’
They say it so loud without saying a word
Yet, I miss you like
Flowers miss bees & bees miss their honey
I so love you like
Banks love their fees & like bankers love money
Boy, I miss you like
The world misses lies & like God misses men
And I love you like
Writers love stories & like stories love to end
My hands need your skin
My nose needs your smell
I miss you & miss you & it feels like hell
And I want to cry, and I want to yell
Yet, I stay silent, although true to me,
I just need to wait. I just need to be…
Without you, except in my memories
Hoping that I won’t have to wait centuries.
3. I Miss You
by Delores R. Ward
Do you ever think of me
As daylight turns to dusk?
And all the world is quieted
The stillness brings a hush
Do you ever think of days of fun and laughter?
And ponder memories sweet
And pause by the door of life
To long for the moment when we meet
Do you dry your eyes from tears that linger?
And gaze upon photographs of me
Are your arms empty from needing to embrace?
Would you travel from sea to shining sea?
Do you ever think of me
As daylight turns to dusk?
And all the world is quieted
The stillness brings a hush
4. I Wonder Why
by Mukulika Mukherjee
I wonder why nothing seems right,
Even if the day is sunny and bright,
As I sit by the window sill,
Wondering why time seems to be frozen still…
When was the last time I saw your smile?
That enchanting smile that did beguile
Driving my blues away!
Oh was it just yesterday?
In the garden the birds chirp and sing,
And butterflies flap many a pretty wing,
Colorful flowers are everywhere,
Oh if only their joy I could share!
Joyful memories of the time gone by,
Now only bring a tear to my eye,
And no matter how much I try, Oh dear,
I can never forget you, I fear.
When you’re here again, everything would seem right,
Even if the day isn’t so sunny and bright,
So here I sit by the window sill,
Perhaps knowing why time seems to be frozen still…
5. Incomplete
by Jazz
Being away from you
I realize what you mean to me
Being away from you
I realize your value in my life
In every corner I see you, miss you
I miss you in the incompletion of my life
I miss you in everything around me
I miss you because I love you
Being away from you
I realize I am incomplete without you
Because I can only be complete with you
Without you in my life
I am empty inside
I am so incomplete
6. One Last Time
by Rahyani B
You are the sparkle of my eyes,
You are the joy in my smiles,
With you my happiness lies,
With you I’d travel for miles.
My day begins with your voice,
And fills it with your charm,
Your wish makes my heart rejoice,
And it brims with your love warm.
On every starry night,
Under every moonlit sky,
I’ll miss you with all my might,
And feel the void you’ll leave by.
Meet me once as your beloved,
And hold me as if you’d never let go.
Look at me and lock me in your eyes,
And kiss me as if your lips froze on mine.
For one last time be mine.
For one last time BE MINE.
7. I Miss You So Much
by Gabor Timis
When the sun rises slowly in the morning
and I awake from a sleepless, dark night,
I feel how strongly I miss you, it’s burning.
I try to focus on something else, with all my might,
but it doesn’t work, I still miss you with deep yearning.
All day goes by with you on my mind, no escape.
I just stumble blindly, unaware of my surroundings
and without you nothing has meaning, no color, no shape.
My heart hurts, I miss you terribly, so sad feelings.
When the sun goes down slowly in the evening,
I still keep thinking about you, nothing but you.
I feel hollow inside, yet full of relentless aching.
As the night comes again, I know there is no reprieve,
just another sleepless stupor, tossing around and grieve.
I miss you so much, I miss you all the time.
8. When I Say I Miss
by Anonymous
When I say that I miss you
I really mean a lot,
You always stay in my dreams,
Always in my heart,
Can’t really stay a moment without you,
Can’t really stay this way,
Please come back soon!
As I miss you is all I can say!
9. I Just Can’t Help but Miss You
by Jennifer Gregory
Ever since the day you left
My eyes cannot stop crying
And this broken heart of mine
Each day is slowly dying
Don’t be fooled by the smile you see
The fake that’s on my face
Because what is on the inside
In my heart is a different case
I just can’t help but miss you
Since you went away
I may act like I’m okay
But it’s the character I portray
I miss everything about you
From your smile to your ways
I just can’t help but think about you
And all the sweet things you would say
I thought I would tell you today
Just exactly how I feel
There’s nothing I can change
Cause my feelings for you are so real.
I miss you.
I Miss You Poems for Friends
When we miss our friends, it can be a reminder of just how important they are to us. In this section, we will explore some “I Miss You” poems that are perfect for letting your friends know how much you value them.
1. Every Time I See You
by Samantha
Every time I see you,
my heart melts with happiness.
You make me laugh.
You make my heart sing.
Every time you talk to me,
I feel speechless.
Your voice is soft and sweet to me.
It calms me in the worst of times.
Every time you smile at me,
I want to smile too.
You brighten a dark day.
You make the sun come out from behind the clouds in my heart.
Now, you’re gone.
My heart is broken.
Everything is crashing down on me.
I need someone to take this weight off my shoulders.
I need someone to dry my tears.
Why did you have to go?
I need you.
I need your love.
Life seems impossible without you.
You are my sunshine.
Now, the rain is pouring down.
The clouds are black.
A storm is approaching.
Without you I am nothing.
I need you to tell me that you love me.
To hold me in your arms again.
I need your comfort.
Even though you are gone.
Even though you have moved on,
I will always love you.
You will stay forever in my heart.
2. My Treasured Friend
by Joanna Fuchs
Treasured friend, I’m glad I found you;
Our friendship is a gift we share.
I can be myself around you,
Safe in your love and care.
I miss you when you’re out of sight;
Our friendship bond was meant to be.
I think of you with great delight;
You’re almost part of me.
Through fun and fears, play and tears,
We help each other heal and grow.
I prize our time–the days, the years,
More than you can know.
Just harmony for me and you,
The two of us–a perfect blend.
I’ll cherish you my whole life through,
My dear and treasured friend.
3. Friends
by Liz Beran
When friends are separated through no fault of their own
it is a great source of sadness.
Remembering The Good Days
in School Poems
We are going to different high schools
I know it will be hard
we were best friends
and now we are ripped apart
I remember the good days we had
throughout these three long years
you were there when I was sad
even when I was in tears
But now it’s all changed
we can’t be together anymore
no more notebooks to exchange
or laughter to adore
No more inside jokes to hear
or gossip in the hall
now we have high school to fear
and that’s the worst of them all
I will never forget that smile of yours
and how it made me glad
just remember you’ll always be
the bestest friend I’ve ever had
4. I Miss You, My Friend
by Fatin Khalid
No words can describe what i feel inside
No man nor woman can replace who you are to me
You’ve been my angel when the devils roamed
You were my shining light through my storms
You are my friend
You are the soul
You’re always pushing me to reach any goals
I miss you so much
I’m missing you
And i hope that you are missing me too
5. Parting of Three Friends
by Eliza and Sarah Wolcott
O, when shall we three meet again,
In friendly converse true;
O, when shall we three hold the chain
Of a kind interview.
Perhaps ere we again shall meet,
Decrepid age may steal,
Engraving marks of time most fleet,
And set his potent seal.
Perhaps we ne’er this side the grave,
May press each friendly hand;
But know the separating wave,
Shall not our thoughts withstand.
Still let us hope to meet again,
And taste true friendship’s balm;
Our joys we then will not refrain,
For pleasures new will charm.
6. Summer Vacation
by Olivia
I hope you really know
How much I truly care
Because when I’m away from you
It’s like something isn’t there
Like on this great vacation
Where I’m having so much fun
It feels like part of me is missing
I wish that I could share this sun
I’ve been wishing I could be with you
Each and every day
Because I trust that with you by my side
Everything will always be okay
I want to share this awesome experience
With you and only you
If I could, I’d capture every moment
So you could live this, too
In a box with sandy beaches
I’d put the perfect skies of blue
And I’d bottle up the endless ocean
To bring it back for you
I love you like a sister
I hope that’s something you’ll never forget
And I’ll say I’m sorry now
If I ever do something we’ll regret
You don’t know how much I missed you
And for that, I’m glad to be back
Now I know for certain
Forever our friendship will stay intact.
7. My Friend, I Miss You
by Nikki
My friend, I miss you.
I miss hearing your voice and seeing you smile,
Just being with you and hanging out a while.
I miss getting your texts
your e-mails, phone calls and letters.
I always pray to God that things get better
and you come back.
I miss you.
8. The Bars Between Us
by Cindy Francis
The bars between us keep us apart.
The bars between us can’t keep you out of my heart.
The bars between us create hugs we have to keep.
The bars between us make me weak.
9. Apart
by Nyhc
We’ve always been together,
we did everything with laughter.
We thought it was forever.
When I was in danger
you knew how to ease my fear.
You were always there to be my savior.
At first we were strangers,
until we became closer,
and now we are together.
But time flows like a river.
it became complicated and faster,
until we realized that we’re older.
And that is what is keeping us apart.
I was here,
and you were there.
I know we still care,
but our friendship slowly fades in the air.
how can it be so unfair?
Can “our past” be also called “our future”?
because I don’t want to surrender
the memories we’ve shared together.
10. Wondering
by Michelle Butler
In case you were wondering…
yes you still come to mind
when I pass that place or when I hear that song,
for some reason, …or for no reason,
but yes..you still come to mind.
In case you were wondering…
no, you’re not solely to blame.
I could have done this, I should have done that,
I wouldn’t, ..well, I didn’t,
but no, you’re not solely to blame.
In case you were wondering…
you always made me laugh.
At someone silly, or something obsurd,
at you, at myself,…or for no reason at all.
but you always made me laugh.
In case you were wondering…
I’m different for having known you.
I might be more vulnerable, or maybe I’m stronger,
probably better, certainly not worse,
but definitely different for having known you.
In case you were wondering….
I wish you all you deserve.
what you want and go after, what you don’t realize you need,
the great things you will enjoy, the terrible things that you’ll learn from.
I truly wish you all you deserve.
In case you were wondering…
I wonder things too.
like, do I come to mind? do you think I’m to blame? if I made you laugh,
if you’re different for having known me, or if you wish me all I deserve.
I wonder things too.
Final Thoughts
I miss you poems are a powerful way to express our emotions and convey our feelings to those we love.
We hope that this article has inspired you to explore the world of poems about missing someone and find the perfect one to express your feelings.
We would love your opinions in the comments section below so, which poem resonated with you the most?
How have you used poetry to express your emotions?
Let us know, and thank you for reading.