269 Have You Ever Questions (All Types Included)

So, you want to know more about the person you’re talking to?
That’s understandable. After all, there’s nothing quite like getting to know someone more deeply.
But where do you start? Well, one tried and true method is to ask them some have you ever questions.
These questions can be about anything and everything, which makes them perfect for any situation.
Here, we’ve compiled over 250 best have you ever questions for you to ask your date, friends, family, or anyone else you might be curious about.
So go ahead and dig in, we guarantee you’ll find something that suits your needs!
Best Have You Ever Questions
These questions range from the tame to the taboo. So, whatever your interests, we’ve got a question for you. So go ahead and take a look at our have you ever questions list. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
1. Have you ever appreciated a sunset?
2. Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name?
3. Were you alone or with someone special?
4. Have you ever broken up with someone?
5. Have you ever called your girlfriend/boyfriend “Honey?”
6. Have you ever been a guest at a surprise party?
7. Have you ever gone surfing?
8. Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time?
9. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
10. Have you ever been to a theatre?
11. Have you ever cheated on an exam?
12. Have you ever been on TV?
13. Have you ever cried in public and embarrassed yourself?
14. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
15. Have you ever cried for no reason and felt good because of it?
16. Have you ever eaten French food? (Substitute other countries’ food, too.)
17. Have you ever fallen asleep and forgotten where you were?
18. Have you ever dated someone from another race, culture or religion?
19. Have you ever fallen asleep while taking a bath?
20. Have you ever called a women sir or a Man “ma’am?”
21. Have you ever dated someone who didn’t like you?
22. Have you ever eaten horse meat?
23. Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
24. Have you ever dated a relative by accident?
25. Have you ever eaten frog legs?
26. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others.
27. Have you ever done something silly that you wish you had not done?
28. Have you ever eaten something that you thought you wouldn’t like, but found out that you actually liked it?
29. Have you ever forgotten your mother’s birthday?
30. Have you ever driven a sports car?
31. Have you ever finished eating in a restaurant, and you realized you forgot your wallet?
32. Have you ever given a false excuse to get out of something you didn’t want to do? If so, tell us about it.
33. Have you ever eaten in a restaurant and realized you have no money with you?
34. Have you ever given a ring (or other jewelry) to your girlfriend/boyfriend?
35. Have you ever gone mountain climbing?
36. Have you ever gone skiing?
37. Have you ever driven a truck?
Funny Have You Ever Questions
These have you ever funny questions are sure to make you laugh. They’re sure to provide a fun insight into the oddities of human behavior. So go ahead and give them a try.
1. Have you ever been in the shower and had ice water thrown at you?
2. Have you ever lied about not doing anything that you were supposed to do?
3. Have you ever swum in icy cold water?
4. Have you ever tried to burp the alphabet?
5. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?
6. Have you ever eaten frog legs or some other unusual food?
7. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
8. Have you ever done something stupid while camping?
9. Have you ever pretended to be ill in order to stay at home or return home from school or work?
10. Have you ever been in a tornado or an earthquake?
11. Have you ever acted as if you didn’t know a foreign language?
12. Have you ever misplaced a piece of your bathing suit?
13. Have you ever eaten a whole cake or pizza by yourself?
14. Have you ever misplaced your keys in the car or been locked out of your home?
15. Have you ever made a prank phone call?
16. Have you seen the same movie in a theatre more than once?
17. Have you ever spied on your neighbors?
18. Have you ever won a competition?
19. Have you ever played a prank on someone or been the victim of a prank?
20. Have you ever shared your food with your pet such as a cat or dog?
21. Have you ever created a story to avoid paying a traffic ticket?
22. Have you ever missed a class or an entire day of school?
23. Have you ever colored your hair and had a bad experience?
24. Have you ever been on a “terrible” blind date?
25. Have you ever thrown up on an aircraft or a boat?
26. Have you ever gone skydiving or scuba diving?
27. Have you ever been kicked or bitten by a wild animal?
28. Have you ever sung in the shower or while using the restroom?
29. Have you ever been to a restaurant or a party and had food or a drink spilled on you?
30. Have you ever rode a cow, an elephant, or some other weird animal?
31. Have you ever sung in front of an audience on your own?
32. Have you ever experienced a blowout while driving?
33. Have you ever been lost at a theme park or while on vacation?
Clean Have You Ever Questions
This list is filled with good have you ever questions that won’t get anyone into trouble or make anyone blush. So, find out what your friends are really up to.
1. Have you ever built an igloo?
2. Have you ever been to a wedding? whose was it? Did the bride wear a white dress or a traditional clothing?
3. Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
4. Have you ever been to a funeral?
5. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator?
6. Have you ever traveled without paying for the ticket?
7. Have you ever wondered why some people want to be alone but never seem to be lonely? Why do you think this is so?
8. Have you ever shot a gun at a tree or a target?
9. Have you ever wanted to eat toothpaste?
10. Have you ever made somebody cry?
11. Have you ever walked into a lamppost?
12. Have you ever played an instrument in public?
13. Have you ever called a female teacher “mum” by mistake?
14. Have you ever seen your mother / your father cry?
15. Have you ever sung in public?
16. When do you feel the most comfortable?
17. Have you ever tried to eat food without first spitting out your chewing gum?
18. Have you ever played in a movie?
19. Have you ever fired a gun?
20. Have you ever talked “baby-talk” to your pet?
21. Have you ever been mugged?
22. Have you ever been inside a police car?
23. Have you ever been outside your comfort zone?
24. What is your comfort zone?
25. Have you ever given special nicknames to your pet that were completely different than their first given name?
26. Have you ever fainted?
27. Have you ever had to dial 911/111/119… (emergency services)?
28. Have you ever fainted in a public place?
29. How did you feel?
30. Have you ever kept special treats for your pet?
31. Have you ever hitchhiked?
32. Have you ever wondered why Asians can’t speak English?
33. Have you ever let your pet sleep in or on your bed with you?
34. Have you ever walked into a window because it was just that clean?
35. Have you ever met someone who has six fingers?
36. Have you ever kept a special blanket or bed for your pet to sleep on?
37. Have you ever cook for more than 20 people?
Dirty Have You Ever Questions
Are you looking for some naughty fun? If so, then the freaky have you ever questions are just the thing for you!
1. Have you ever been bathed by someone of the other sex?
2. Have you ever been caught by a parent or a sibling fooling around?
3. Have you tried a pregnancy test?
4. Have you ever told someone their shirt was popping open or their zipper was down?
5. Have you ever played in a sleeping bag?
6. Have you ever lied to someone about your age?
7. Have you ever been embarrassed to pick up your photos from the photo center because you forgot what was on them?
8. Have you ever been arrested?
9. Have you ever been hit on by someone who was too old for you?
10. Have you ever played with someone outside in nature?
11. Have you ever had trouble remembering how you went somewhere?
12. Have you ever worn special clothing to hide a hickey?
13. Have you ever had sex with a stranger and gone “commando” (without wearing underwear)?
14. Have you ever cheated on a test or an exam?
15. Have you ever sunbathed partially or completely naked?
16. Have you ever stuck your tongue out at the ATM camera?
17. Have you ever spent the night beside the toilet?
18. Have you ever been snuck into a bar or a movie while under the age of 21?
19. Have you ever had sex in the back seat of a car or a truck?
20. Have you ever used a fake I.D. and then forgotten your new name?
21. Is it possible to put someone’s hand in warm water to test whether it makes them pee?
22. Have you been searched by police or airport personnel?
23. Have you ever lied about your birthday in order to receive a free dessert?
24. Have you ever bought and worn sexy underwear?
25. Have you ever burped while kissing someone?
26. Have you ever played strip poker?
27. So your parents wouldn’t know you were smoking, have you ever hid cigarettes or weed?
28. Have you ever become so sick from a particular food or type of drink that you decided to avoid it forever?
29. Have you ever experienced a dream involving a teacher or a coworker?
30. Have you received a tattoo?
31. Have you ever smoked in a high school bathroom?
32. Have you ever played around in a photo booth?
33. Have you ever been in the room and got caught by someone?
Naughty Have You Ever Questions
Feeling a bit adventurous? Are you ready to turn up the heat? If so, these naughtiest have you ever questions are just the thing.
1. Have you ever been angry with a partner because they didn’t perform well?
2. Have you ever messed around in an elevator before?
3. During a session, have you ever become dehydrated?
4. Have you ever taken off someone else’s garments in public?
5. Have you ever had a relative come in while I was putting it on before?
6. Have you ever given a location a name after a session?
7. Have you ever tasted another person’s bodily fluids?
8. Have you ever licked someone’s food before?
9. Have you ever sucked your toes before? And have you ever received a lap dance?
10. Have you ever seen another pair get it on before?
11. Have you ever slept with someone after only meeting them for an hour?
12. Have you ever done it at the same time as a family member who lives in the same building as you?
13. Have you ever been in the car messing around and accidentally blowing the horn?
14. Have you ever taken naked images of yourself or anyone else?
15. Have you ever done it in the same room as a family member?
16. It’s the first time or have you ever done it with someone twice my age?
17. Have you ever given your boyfriend/girlfriend more than a half-hour of pleasure?
18. Have you ever shaved your partner’s pubic hair before?
19. Have you ever snuck a female or a guy into the house?
20. When you were younger, have you ever used someone’s sock?
21. Have you ever kissed a celebrity before?
22. Have you ever passed out from suffocation while doing it?
23. Have you ever messed with another person’s body more than your own?
24. Have you ever slept off while watching?
25. Have you ever bought a pleasurable toy before?
26. Have you ever left my baby mama alone?
27. Have you ever tasted it yourself before?
28. Have you ever seen a friend do it with their partner before?
29. Have you ever tricked an animal into licking your intimate parts?
30. Have you ever slept with a coworker?
31. Have you ever gone through a session without laying down?
32. Have you ever been accused of having a relationship with anyone other than your partner?
33. In this circle, have you ever had a dirty crush on anyone?
34. Have you ever had the pleasure of tasting breast milk?
35. Have you ever missed washing a piece of clothes because of someone else’s odor?
36. Have you ever taken a shower with someone of the other gender?
37. Have you ever had to use lubricant before?
38. Have you ever been dehydrated while having sex?
39. Have you ever watched Friends with Benefits and Walk of shame before?
Have You Ever Questions for Friends
Have you ever wanted to get sneaky and quiz your friends? We’ve rounded up a great collection of have you ever conversation questions that you can ask your friends.
1. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
2. Have you ever lived in a different country?
3. Have you ever attempted a world record?
4. Have you ever met someone famous?
5. Have you ever not had enough money to pay the bills at the end of the month?
6. Have you ever damaged something costly?
7. Have you ever watched all of the Lord of The Rings movies back-to-back?
8. Have you ever seen a tornado?
9. Have you ever wanted to live off-grid?
10. Have you ever paid for a stranger’s meal or drink, without them knowing it was you?
11. Have you ever really messed up in an interview?
12. Have you ever been in an earthquake?
13. Have you ever been in a life-or-death situation?
14. Have you ever walked out of the cinema halfway through a film?
15. Have you ever been hit in the private parts?
16. Have you ever made homemade pizzas?
17. Have you ever been open water swimming?
18. Have you ever been on a plane during a lightning storm?
19. Have you ever eaten insects?
20. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator?
21. Have you ever thought about how your life would be different if you were rich?
22. Have you ever met someone who always gets your name wrong?
23. Have you ever killed an animal and eaten it?
24. Have you ever seen something you can’t explain?
25. Have you ever taken part in a food eating challenge?
26. Have you ever walked out on a job on your lunch break?
27. Have you ever gone to a drive-through cinema?
28. Have you ever taken part in a triathlon?
29. Have you ever gone sea fishing?
30. Have you ever had to get stitches?
Have You Ever Questions for Adults
Let’s take a look at the best cheesy, funny and thought-provoking questions for adults to get the conversation rolling.
1. Have you ever accidentally stepped on a lamppost?
2. Have you ever mistakenly sent nude pictures to the wrong person?
3. Have you ever wondered why some people desire privacy but never appear to be alone? What are your thoughts on this?
4. Have you ever left the first date without telling the other person you’re leaving?
5. Have you ever tried to eat something without spitting out your chewing gum first?
6. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
7. Have you ever saved a piece of chewed chewing gum and later started chewing it?
8. Have you ever experimented with toys in the bedroom?
9. Have you ever called ‘he’ as ‘she,’ or ‘she,’ as ‘he?’ So, what would be your reaction?
10. Have you ever faked a family emergency to escape a date?
11. Have you ever called a woman “ma’am” or a man as “sir?”
12. Have you ever wanted to work in a strip club?
13. Have you ever asked about a woman’s “due date” when she wasn’t even pregnant?
14. Have you ever found yourself stuck in an elevator?
15. Have you ever given your pet a special nickname that was completely different from its real name?
16. Have you ever gone to a wedding before? Who was it, exactly? Is the bride wearing a white gown or traditional attire?
17. Have you ever managed to make someone cry?
18. Have you ever kept anything special for your pet?
19. Have you ever attended a funeral service?
20. Have you ever seen your mum or father crying?
21. Have you ever kept a separate blanket or bed only for your pet?
22. Have you ever had the desire to consume toothpaste?
23. Have you ever tried your hand at shooting a gun?
24. Have you ever let your pet sleep in your room or on your bed?
25. Have you ever made the mistake of calling a female teacher “mum”?
26. Have you ever sat in the back of a police car?
27. Have you ever prepared a meal for a group of more than 20 people?
28. Have you ever met a person with six fingers?
29. Have you ever performed in front of an audience?
30. Have you ever had a role in a film?
31. Have you ever done something that took you out of your comfort zone?
32. Have you ever attempted to hitchhike?
33. Have you ever been the victim of a robbery?
34. Have you ever passed out in public?
35. Have you ever taken a trip without purchasing a ticket?
36. Have you ever passed out?
37. Have you ever walked straight into a window because it was so spotless?
Have You Ever Questions for Kids
These have you ever interesting questions are designed to get to know your children better and have fun with them.
1. Have you ever been to a baseball game?
2. Have you ever thrown up after too much food?
3. Have you ever had a pet?
4. Have you ever played Call of Duty?
5. Have you ever had a crush on someone in school?
6. Have you ever forgotten to do your homework?
7. Have you ever said a naughty word in school?
8. Have you ever sung in the shower?
9. Have you ever been to Disney Land?
10. Have you ever played on a Gameboy?
11. Have you ever spent a whole day in bed?
12. Have you ever prank called someone?
13. Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
14. Have you ever had detention?
15. Have you ever made a snowman?
16. Have you ever copied someone else’s work?
17. Have you ever been sent to the principal’s office?
18. Have you ever gone camping in a tent?
19. Have you ever thought that Bigfoot does exist?
20. Have you ever missed a lesson?
21. Have you ever sent a Valentine’s card?
22. Have you ever done someone else’s homework for money or another type of gift?
23. Have you ever written someone a poem?
5 Tips for Choosing Have You Ever Questions
So, you’re playing have you ever game or trying to break the ice at a party game, here are 5 tips to help you choose the best questions:
Tip 1: Be specific. Instead of asking “have you ever been on a plane?”, try “have you ever flown on a private jet?”. Specificity will guarantee an interesting answer.
Tip 2: Keep it light-hearted. Your questions don’t have to be outrageous, but they should make people smile and maybe get a little uncomfortable.
Tip 3: Equalize the playing field. Everyone should enjoy the game, so ask questions that don’t single anyone out. Avoid topics like relationships and personal finance as much as possible.
Tip 4: Don’t forget the classics. Examples include “have you ever skinny dipped?” and “have you ever broken a bone?”. Though they may seem overdone, they’ll always be enjoyable.
Tip 5: Engage everyone’s interests. If some guests love movies and others are passionate about sports, make sure your question will appeal to all participants.
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, readers! 250+ fun and thought-provoking have you ever questions, all ready for your next party or virtual hangout.
Hopefully, these questions will bring all kinds of stories out, ranging from the hilarious to the mind-blowing.
Whether you’re looking to lighten the mood or get to know someone better, these have you ever questions offer an easy way to break the ice in any scenario.
So now that you’ve got your question list ready, it’s time to share it with your friends and family and get the party started!
And don’t forget to let us know how it went in the comments below.