510 Funny Would You Rather Questions to Make a Good Laugh

What is a better way to start a lively conversation than with funny would you rather questions? These questions generate a lively response from the audience.
Funny would you rather questions let you relax a little while learning about someone’s viewpoint on life, and they do so in a humorous way! Consider the following scenario: you meet someone at a party, and things quickly become awkward.
So, for a lighthearted conversation starter, offer them these funny would you rather questions. And you end up laughing the entire party away and become each other’s greatest party pals.
These questions are not only effective at parties, but they are also the most effective technique to de-escalate tension between two strangers. Take a look at some of the funniest would you rather questions to bypass the small talk and get right into the fun.
Best Funny Would You Rather Questions
Let’s get the party started! Use some of the best funny would you rather questions to break the ice between two strangers. This way, you will get to have fun and know more about each other as well.
1. Would you rather always have a mullet haircut or a ponytail haircut?
2. Would you rather always have bad gas or always have really dry mouth?
3. Would you rather be a high school teacher or a clown?
4. Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
5. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?
6. Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?
7. Would you rather have to use chopsticks every day for the rest of your life or use a fork?
8. Would you rather have to write everything you say out by hand or only be able to speak in rhymes?
9. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?
10. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry every day for 20 minutes randomly?
11. Would you rather wear a constantly changing outfit or a constantly changing hairstyle?
12. Would you rather wear a green leprechaun hat every day or fairy wings?
13. Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?
14. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?
15. Would you rather be famous on the internet or in real life?
16. Would you rather be physically stronger than most people or be able to fly?
17. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?
18. Would you rather eat foods that have never been cooked or only eat cooked foods?
19. Would you rather have a pet tiger or a pet lion?
20. Would you rather have to always wear heavy boots or have to never be able to wear shoes?
21. Would you rather have your books read by a few hundred people or a few million people?
22. Would you rather live in reality for the rest of your life or be in the matrix for the rest of your life?
23. Would you rather never have a life without air conditioning or never be able to use deodorant?
24. Would you rather date your best friend or someone you don’t know?
25. Would you rather get your wisdom teeth pulled or your butt cheeks pierced?
26. Would you rather go a year with no eyelashes or go a year with no eyebrows?
27. Would you rather have five half-sized clones of yourself or one full-sized clone of yourself?
28. Would you rather have a monkey as a pet or a pet chameleon?
29. Would you rather have a face that everyone laughs at or a name that everyone laughs at?
30. Would you rather never be able to shower again or not be able to shave your legs?
31. Would you rather have to shave your head or to have your nose pierced?
32. Would you rather have a hook for a hand or peg for a leg?
33. Would you rather be smacked in the face with a fish or farted on?
34. Would you rather grow a ponytail down to your ankles or have a huge Adam’s apple?
35. Would you rather date a girl who won’t stop talking or date a girl who won’t stop texting?
36. Would you rather be someone’s pet goldfish or a wild lizard?
37. Would you rather have your tongue pierced or have a shoulder tattoo?
38. Would you rather be a chicken for one day or a cow for one day?
39. Would you rather have no body hair or no head hair?
40. Would you rather be able to time travel within a certain range or be able to freeze time?
Weird and Funny Would You Rather Questions
Sometimes all we need is a good chuckle to brighten our day, and it’s even better when you’re surrounded by others who laugh at your strange jokes. So, use weird would you rather questions for endless giggling!
1. Would you rather have an extra toe or extra finger?
2. Would you rather the aliens that make first contact be robotic or organic?
3. Would you rather have an odd-shaped nose or odd-shaped ears?
4. Would you rather have a daughter have Hulk powers or a son with Beyonce’s talent?
5. Would you rather still be bathed in maple syrup by your mother or by your grandmother?
6. Would you rather have small bad things happen to you for a month or one bad thing happen to you?
7. Would you rather live by “Hakuna Matata” or “YOLO”?
8. Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader for the rest of your life?
9. Would you rather eat only cheese for 1 year or not be able to eat cheese for 1 year?
10. Would rather have 100 duck-sized elephants or 1 elephant-sized duck?
11. Would you rather wear a clown wig or clown shoes every day?
12. Would you rather be without elbows or knees?
13. Would you rather be a clown who distracts the bull or the cowboy who rides the bull?
14. Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small?
15. Would you rather find five dollars on the ground or find all your missing socks?
16. Would you rather have one nipple or two belly buttons?
17. Would you rather eat a ketchup sandwich or a Siracha sandwich?
18. Would you rather use a push lawnmower with a bar that is far too high or far too low?
19. Would you rather eat a box of dry spaghetti noodles or two cups of uncooked rice?
20. Would you rather eat a spoonful of wasabi or a spoonful of extremely spicy hot sauce?
21. Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept growing as you got older?
22. Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors?
Crazy and Funny Would You Rather Questions
The crazy would you rather questions can make you chuckle while having a meaningful discussion, even if you just met someone. You will be exposed to a variety of viewpoints without becoming bored. It’s a win-win situation!
1. Would you rather bounce off of every surface you touch or never be able to jump again?
2. Would you rather have taste buds covering your hands or not taste food and drink again?
3. Would you rather have skin like sandpaper or skin like jelly?
4. Would you rather make a beeping noise when you’re stressed or cry confetti when you’re sad?
5. Would you rather be allergic to animals or to your favourite foods?
6. Would you rather be a psychic that nobody believes or have superpowers that you can’t use properly?
7. Would you rather not be able to swim or not be able to run?
8. Would you rather become your favourite character or win the lottery?
9. Would you rather have a pet dragon that doesn’t understand you or a pet zebra that always listens?
10. Would you rather fight a mermaid or a polar bear?
11. Would you rather turn into a dog every time you sneeze or a buffalo every time you hiccup?
12. Would you rather only be able to laugh at inappropriate times (and have to) or have to sing when someone claps?
13. Would you rather have your name constantly mispronounced or constantly forgotten?
14. Would you rather only be able to eat food that began a B or an M?
15. Would you rather have a toaster for a head or a cactus for a spine?
16. Would you rather your drinks had the texture of porridge or only be able to drink your least favourite drink?
17. Would you rather belong to a family of strict bears or nonchalant hippos?
18. Would you rather have knives for toes or have spaghetti for body hair?
19. Would you rather only use words containing the letter ‘e’ or automatically breakdance when someone coughs?
20. Would you rather always miss film endings or never be able to finish a sentence?
21. Would you rather have gummy bears for fingers or a croissant for a tongue?
22. Would you rather have to smell the last thing you ate forever or have someone flick you when you yawn?
23. Would you rather have shoes made of Lego or clothes made of kiwi?
24. Would you rather become a frog when you upset somebody or become a unicorn every time you’re upset?
25. Would you rather get a stomach bug in the middle of the first date or on your wedding?
26. Would you rather be able to hear the thoughts of others (only when they are mad) or have to always eat the same food?
27. Would you rather smash every plate you touch or every mirror you see?
28. Would you rather have to dress like Batman for every funeral or dress like Mr Blobby for every wedding?
29. Would you rather only eat chalk or constantly vomit fur-balls?
30. Would you rather skip when you are in a hurry or only be able to shower in milk?
31. Would you rather cluck like a chicken when you read or screech like a rooster before you talk?
32. Would you rather have springs stuck to your back or have to wear a hat that can’t be removed?
33. Would you rather sweat washing up liquid or have your saliva taste like air freshener?
34. Would you rather not be able to see your reflection or have to dress in onesies?
35. Would you rather have a guardian angel that dislikes you or a demon bodyguard that loves you?
36. Would you rather be Spider-Man and be covered in ants or be Ant-Man and covered in spiders?
37. Would you rather have popcorn for teeth or teeth for nails?
38. Would you rather constantly be too hot or never quite dry?
39. Would you rather always try to open a door incorrectly or always stub your toe going up stairs?
40. Would you rather have your skin colour change to reflect your mood or never be able to tell a lie?
41. Would you rather sound like a duck or swim like a squid?
42. Would you rather get into an argument with Meryl Streep or Tom Hanks?
43. Would you rather never show in photographs or always break your shopping bag?
44. Would you rather get food poisoning monthly or always be followed by flies?
45. Would you rather control a scourge of mosquitos or befriend a hive of bees?
46. Would you rather constantly mimic another’s accent or only communicate through interpretative dance?
47. Would you rather live in a house made of cocktail sticks or in a polystyrene tent?
48. Would you rather leave a trail of glitter wherever you go or constantly find sand in your shoes?
49. Would you rather become a plane or become a car?
50. Would you rather hear the same song repeatedly or only listen to white noise for a year?
Silly and Funny Would You Rather Questions
It’s vital to know someone’s stupid and juvenile side to get a glimpse into their actual lifestyle. The silly would you rather questions can assist you in grasping someone you wish to know’s “silly” side.
1. Would you rather be really funny or really smart?
2. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?
3. Would you rather have one eye right in the middle of your head or two noses?
4. Would you rather burp constantly or fart all of the time?
5. Would you rather have beautiful butterfly wings or a cool horsetail?
6. Would you rather live in an arcade or live in a treehouse?
7. Would you rather not have to do homework ever again or never have to do chores ever again?
8. Would you rather be the smartest person ever or the strongest person ever?
9. Would you rather give up on the hobby you love most or say goodbye to the person dearest to you?
10. Would you rather eat ice cream every day or chocolate every day?
11. Would you rather live in Asia or in Europe?
12. Would you rather eat ice cream flavored steak or banana flavored hamburgers?
13. Would you rather create a new holiday or design new toy ideas?
14. Would you rather go skating or bowling for the rest of your life?
15. Would you rather turn into a frog or a giraffe?
16. Would you rather do yoga or workout every morning?
17. Would you rather marry your blanket or your favorite pair of socks?
18. Would you rather have your thoughts be broadcasted out loud or have to hear everyone else’s thoughts in your head?
19. Would you rather have a pet rabbit or a pet kangaroo?
20. Would you rather go on a biking trip with your family or a sailing trip with your family?
21. Would you rather find your true love right now or get to play video games for one week straight?
22. Would you rather live in the Harry Potter universe or the Percy Jackson universe?
23. Would you rather know all languages very well or know every subject very well?
24. Would you rather fall and land on your butt or fall and land on your stomach?
25. Would you rather lick dirty trash cans around the school or lick the bathroom floor?
26. Would you rather laugh uncontrollably for one hour or have the hiccups for one day?
27. Would you rather have the most embarrassing mom ever or the most embarrassing dad ever?
28. Would you rather ride on a horse or on a dolphin?
29. Would you rather send all the mosquitoes in the world to die or send all the flies in the world to die?
30. Would you rather be able to fly through the sky or have invisibility?
31. Would you rather have to poop seven times a day or have to pee seven times a day?
32. Would you rather sweat out of your ears or cry out of your mouth?
33. Would you rather have no siblings or have ten siblings?
34. Would you rather never watch TV ever again or be forced to watch 1 hour of TV for the rest of your life?
35. Would you rather live with your mom or your dad for the rest of your life?
36. Would you rather speak every language decently or speak two languages extremely well?
37. Would you rather ride roller coasters for a full day or play games for a full day?
38. Would you rather fly in a hot air balloon or a helicopter?
39. Would you rather live longer or shorter than your friends?
Clean and Funny Would You Rather Questions
Some individuals may be offended by comedy, so it is best to “play it safe” with them. You can try out some interesting and non-offensive clean and funny would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather have telepathy or telekinesis?
2. Would you rather it be hot all the time or cold all the time?
3. Would you rather control space or time?
4. Would you rather not be able to stop dancing or not stop singing?
5. Would you rather not be able to read or not be able to speak?
6. Would you rather be able to command water or the wind?
7. Would you rather be an amazing dancer or an amazing singer?
8. Would you rather be an amazing dancer or be great at math?
9. Would you rather live in a place where it is always hot or always cold?
10. Would you rather be poor with lots of good friends or rich with no friends?
11. Would you rather know everything or be amazing at any activity you tried?
12. Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day?
13. Would you rather be able to run incredibly fast or jump incredibly high?
14. Would you rather live a short life and be rich or have a long life and be poor?
15. Would you rather only be able to jump everywhere you go or only be able to walk on your hands?
16. Would you rather never be able to eat warm food or never be able to eat cold food?
17. Would you rather have a two-bedroom apartment in a big city of your choosing or a mansion in the country side in the state or country where you currently live?
18. Would you rather be completely alone for 5 years or constantly be surrounded by people and never be alone for 5 years?
19. Would you rather eat your favorite meal for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite meal again?
Hard and Funny Would You Rather Questions
The hard and funny would you rather questions are the finest attention grabbers of all. It’s hard to pick between the two options. When a person chooses one, it reveals a great deal about them.
1. Would you rather lose the ability to lie or believe everything you’re told?
2. Would you rather lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or lose all of the memories you’ve gained this year?
3. Would you rather know how you will die or when you will die?
4. Would you rather ace a job interview at your dream job or go on a date with the hottest person you know?
5. Would you rather know the world’s secrets or live ignorantly forever?
6. Would you rather speak to animals or know other people’s thoughts?
7. Would you rather live in a real haunted house or in the middle of a dessert?
8. Would you rather always have the urge to pee or have to always wear a diaper?
9. Would you rather start your life over again or have $10 billion dollars as a 40-year-old?
10. Would you rather be blind or castrated?
11. Would you rather know everyone’s death date or read people’s mind?
12. Would you rather have the ability to fly or teleport?
13. Would you rather be as rich as Bill Gates or as smart as Albert Einstein?
14. Would you rather be a vegetarian or a pescatarian?
15. Would you rather have a horn or grow a tail?
16. Would you rather read DC comics or Marvel Comics?
17. Would you rather be a villain or a superhero?
18. Would you rather only speak 50 languages or only understand 50 languages?
19. Would you rather always have cold coffee or hot coffee?
20. Would you rather be a singer or a dancer?
21. Would you have an Alien friend or a Superhero friend?
22. Would you rather kill 100 convicted criminals or 1 innocent person?
23. Would you rather have a flying car or a spaceship?
24. Would you rather save your family or your lover if both are diagnosed with a cancer?
25. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or a water slide?
26. Would you rather control the world for five years of your life or for five minutes every day of your life?
27. Would you rather be a dwarf or a giant?
28. Would you rather be alone for 10 years or never be alone for 10 years?
29. Would you rather live spend the next 10 years of your life rich and sad or poor and happy?
30. Would you rather miss Christmas eve or Summer camp?
31. Would you rather be chased by a bear or by a lion?
32. Would you rather be a French Musketeer or an English Knight?
33. Would you rather wear a sweatshirt or a jacket?
34. Would you rather have popcorn or pizzas during a movie?
35. Would you rather learn to surf or learn to skate?
36. Would you rather be one-eyes or bald?
37. Would you rather see through walls or walk through walls?
38. Would you rather be trailed by a zombie or by a vampire?
39. Would you rather have a portrait drawing or a portrait photograph?
40. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or be stuck in air duct vent?
41. Would you rather become a basketball star or a baseball star?
42. Would you rather tame a dragon or a dinosaur?
43. Would you rather be rich and not loved or loved and not rich?
44. Would you rather be Harry Potter or the Avatar?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids
Assume you’re a parent, a teacher, or anybody else who wants to learn more about children. The funny would you rather questions for kids can keep them occupied while also understanding their thinking.
1. Would you rather have a horse tail or a unicorn horn?
2. Would you rather sneeze chocolate or have your tears taste like cheese?
3. Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard?
4. Would you rather it rain marshmallows or skittles?
5. Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?
6. Would you rather be the world’s best actress or singer?
7. Would you rather have cookies or cake?
8. Would you rather have good grades or be good at sports?
9. Would you rather go to the amusement park or spend a day with your favorite cartoon character?
10. Would you rather become 5 years older or 2 years younger?
11. Would you rather lick a dirty trash can or the bathroom floor?
12. Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot?
13. Would you rather be the worst player on a team that always wins or the best player on a team that always loses?
14. Would you rather have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses?
15. Would you rather see a firework display or go to a concert?
16. Would you rather go water skiing or snow skiing?
17. Would you rather eat donuts or candy?
18. Would you rather fly a kite or ride on a scooter?
19. Would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe?
20. Would you rather only be able to crawl on all fours or only be able to walk backwards?
21. Would you rather be able to create a new holiday or create a new language?
22. Would you rather be the funniest person alive or the smartest person alive?
23. Would you rather be a famous singer or a famous actor?
24. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
25. Would you rather never have to shower again or never have to clip your toenails?
26. Would you rather have the chance to design a new toy or direct a movie?
27. Would you rather be ten years older or four years younger?
28. Would you rather be able to control the weather or have the ability to talk to animals?
29. Would you rather be a master at painting or an amazing dancer?
30. Would you rather live on the Moon or live on Mars?
31. Would you rather meet your favorite celebrity or be in a movie?
32. Would you rather only be able to whisper or have an incredibly loud voice?
33. Would you rather eat a raw potato or a whole lime?
34. Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?
35. Would you rather speak every language or play every instrument?
36. Would you rather live without a TV or without a phone?
37. Would you rather be a bird or a horse?
38. Would you rather live in the desert or on a deserted island?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Teens
Don’t be intimidated by the prospect of striking up a conversation with a youngster. The funny would you rather questions for teens can help you gain confidence and fit in seamlessly with a group of teenagers.
1. Would you rather have the ability to time travel or be a millionaire?
2. Would you rather have X-ray vision or be able to teleport?
3. Would you rather drink a cup of spit or mud?
4. Would you rather lose all of your hair or all of your money?
5. Would you rather spend the rest of your life without a leg or without money?
6. Would you rather eat rotten food or eat cow tongue?
7. Would you rather lose a video game or lose a girlfriend?
8. Would you rather lick the bottom of a shoe or the sidewalk?
9. Would you rather wear dirty clothes or be naked?
10. Would you rather win the lottery or have an island of your own?
11. Would you rather be able to eat anything you wanted or be able to predict the future?
12. Would you rather walk on the moon or be able to walk barefoot anywhere?
13. Would you rather have no hair or have crazy hair?
14. Would you rather always be late or always be on time?
15. Would you rather have a big house or a little house?
16. Would you rather have one best friend or one hundred mediocre friends?
17. Would you rather watch your crush kiss someone else or watch your crush get dumped?
18. Would you rather never be able to chew or never be able to see?
19. Would you rather never be able to hear anything or never be able to touch anything?
20. Would you rather get ice cream or get cookies for desert?
21. Would you rather be able to change the past or change the future?
22. Would you rather be able to speak to animals or speak with aliens?
23. Would you rather not have any teeth or have crooked teeth?
24. Would you rather go to school naked or go to school for one whole month?
25. Would you rather forget who you are all the time or forget your wallet every time you left the house?
26. Would you rather be a famous movie star or a famous rock star?
27. Would you rather not have ears or not have a nose?
28. Would you rather be able to drink really hot liquids or really cold liquids?
29. Would you rather be on a losing team or be the worst player on a winning team?
30. Would you rather never be able to drink coffee or never be able to drink water?
31. Would you rather date someone for a long time or for a short time?
32. Would you rather be the best or worst player on a losing team?
33. Would you rather live life without your phone or without your middle finger?
34. Would you rather have something great happen on a bad day or have a bad day turn into a good day?
35. Would you rather spend every day eating the same thing or spend every day listening to the same song?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Do you want to play a playful game with your adult friends? For a little break from their hectic schedules, try out the funny would you rather questions for adults. You may use these questions to help you communicate in a relaxed manner.
1. Would you rather have more time or more money?
2. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
3. Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?
4. Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?
5. Would you feel worse if no one showed up to your wedding or to your funeral?
6. Would you rather be without internet for a week, or without your phone?
7. Would you rather meet George Washington or the current president?
8. Would you rather work more hours per day, but fewer days or work fewer hours per day, but more days?
9. Would you rather listen to music from the ’70s or music from today?
10. Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator?
11. Would you rather always say everything on your mind or never speak again?
12. Would you rather make a phone call or send a text?
13. Would you rather read an awesome book or watch a good movie?
14. Would you rather be the most popular person at work or school or the smartest?
15. Would you rather put a stop to war or end world hunger?
16. Would you rather spend the night in a luxury hotel room or camping surrounded by beautiful scenery?
17. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?
18. Would you rather go deep-sea diving or bungee jumping?
19. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?
20. Would you rather go on a cruise with friends or with your spouse?
21. Would you rather eat a meal of cow tongue or octopus?
22. Would you rather have x-ray vision or magnified hearing?
23. Would you rather work in a group or work alone?
24. Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
25. When you’re old, would you rather die before or after your spouse?
26. Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
27. Would you rather get rich through hard work or through winning the lottery?
28. Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or a Nobel Peace Prize winner?
29. Would you rather live at the top of a tall NYC apartment building or at the top of a mountain?
30. Would you rather have Rambo or The Terminator on your side?
31. Would you rather be proposed to in private or in front of family and friends?
32. Would you rather have to sew all your clothes or grow your own food?
33. Would you rather hear the good news or the bad news first?
34. Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
35. Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors?
36. Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating game show?
37. Would you rather spend the day with your favorite athlete or your favorite movie star?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Couples
Better partners who laugh together are more likely to remain together! Couples may go deeper into their significant other’s lives and gain a better understanding of them by asking some funny would you rather questions for couples
1. Would you rather stay in or go out for a date?
2. Would you rather meet your partner’s siblings first or their closest friends first?
3. Would you rather only be able to have one child, or have to have seven?
4. Would you rather go to a bar, a club, a house party for a good time, or just stay home for quiet TV dinners?
5. Would you rather find true love for 1 year or be in a stale relationship for 100 years?
6. Would you rather be stuck with your spouse in a tree house or in a tent on a rainy day?
7. Would you rather have date night every week or date night every month?
8. Would you rather have a lover who’s obsessed with pets or one who doesn’t like pets?
9. Would you rather have to say “I love you” to everyone you meet or never say “I love you” to anyone?
10. Would you rather vacation in the busiest European city or the most remote tropical island?
11. Would you rather your S.O. have an annoying best friend or an intimidating ex?
12. Would you rather give up all of your photographs with your partner or lost your entire text history with your partner?
13. Would you rather wear your partner’s clothes for a month or let them pick out yours?
14. Would you rather let your partner decorate your entire home or have to do it yourself with no help?
15. Would you rather have your S.O. look through all your text/chat/email history or your boss?
16. Would you rather be in a bad relationship for the rest of your life or be single forever?
17. Would you rather get matching piercings or matching tattoos?
18. Would you rather date someone much older than you or much younger than you?
19. Would you rather your partner had really long hair or no hair at all?
20. Would you rather be with someone who’s always really late or who’s always really early?
21. Would you rather have a partner who takes a lot of selfies or one who takes a lot of pictures of you?
22. Would you rather your partner had a job that was life-threatening or one that took up a lot of their time?
23. Would you rather let your partner choose every movie you watch or pick every restaurant you eat at?
24. Would you rather wear your S.O.’s underwear or go commando?
25. Would you rather marry someone who does not love you or marry someone you do not love?
26. Would you rather have an arranged marriage or spend the rest of your life single?
27. Would you rather date someone with their ex’s name tattooed on their chest or date someone whose ex lives next door?
28. Would you rather get cheated on and know about it or not get cheated on and always be suspicious?
29. Would you rather exist in a world with only your S.O. or everyone but your S.O.?
30. Would you rather be rich and alone or be poor and find true love?
31. Would you rather let your S.O. look at your text messages or let them control your finances?
32. Would you rather find out your partner hates dogs or find out that they cheated on their ex?
33. On a first date, would you rather have hiccups the entire time or noticeably spill sauce on your shirt?
34. Would you rather wear a Halloween costume to your wedding or wear sweatpants on every date for the next two years?
35. Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with your ex or with your partner and their ex?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Crushes have a peculiar way of intimidating us in the most lovely manner. When you’re among them, your mind goes blank, and your heartbeats. Try some funny would you rather questions for your crush to start a conversation.
1. Would you rather snore while you sleep or talk while you sleep?
2. Would you rather be caught singing in the shower or having a conversation with yourself?
3. Would you rather be chased by a group of cats or a group of dogs?
4. Would you rather have a massive zit on your forehead or your nose?
5. Would you rather date a terrible singer or a terrible dancer?
6. Would you rather spill food on your shirt or spill food on a stranger’s shirt?
7. Would you rather be mistaken for someone else or mistake a stranger for someone else?
8. Would you rather forget someone’s name or call someone by the wrong name?
9. Would you rather fall off a stage during a drama or dance performance?
10. Would you rather forget your lines when singing or when giving a speech?
11. After pooping, would you rather discover there is no tissue paper or water to flush?
12. Would you rather wear your significant other’s underwear or go out with no underwear?
13. Would you rather fart in an elevator with your friends or coworkers?
14. Would you rather your partner wake up with a squeaky voice or without your voice?
15. Would you rather have a very naughty partner or a boring partner?
16. Would you rather have a partner who throws a tantrum or a partner who cries inconsolably when upset?
17. Would you rather be with someone who snores loudly or farts in their sleep?
18. Would you rather your partner lose all their teeth or hair on their body?
19. Would you rather have a water fight or food fight with your partner?
20. Would you rather live like a dog or a cat for a day?
21. Would you rather live in a haunted house for a week or go to jail for a month?
22. Would you rather accidentally drop your phone down a toilet bowl or drop it in a puddle of vomit?
23. Would you rather have a ring stuck on your finger, or your wrist stuck in a jar?
24. Would you rather have a weird-looking nose or ears?
25. Would you rather bleach or shave your hair?
26. Would you rather have crooked teeth or a crooked nose?
27. Would you rather wear flip-flops or crocs to a wedding?
28. Would you rather fart or puke every time you laugh?
29. Would you rather accidentally upload an embarrassing video of yourself or a video of your partner?
30. If your partner became a vampire, would you rather they stay human or become a vampire?
31. Would you rather have a smelly armpit or mouth?
32. Would you rather have a partner with the power of immortality or invisibility?
33. Would you rather be with a partner that gets bored quickly or is easily distracted?
34. Would you rather have a roommate that eats a lot or sleeps a lot?
35. Would you rather have feathers or have scales?
Funny Would You Rather Questions to Ask a Girl
The main purpose of these questions is to have a good time and talk to others. The female gang may ask each other these questions and have a pleasant talk with their mates. Have fun trying the funny would you rather questions to ask a girl.
1. Would you rather be a glutton or have your stomach rumble loudly all the time?
2. Would you rather be as hairy as a grizzly bear or be completely bald?
3. Would you rather be chased by three cats or three dogs?
4. Would you rather be disgraced in public or be disgraced online?
5. Would you rather be escorted by three rats or ten cockroaches everywhere?
6. Would you rather be friends with a vagabond or be friends with a pickpocket?
7. Would you rather be licked all over or be tickled all over?
8. Would you rather be locked in a public restroom over the weekend or in a morgue?
9. Would you rather be mistaken as your partner’s mom or have someone incorrectly think you’re pregnant?
10. Would you rather be stuck with a baby that won’t stop crying or a baby that won’t stop throwing up?
11. Would you rather burn your hair or burn your most expensive purse?
12. Would you rather do a bikini wax with duct tape or wait in a two-hour airport security line during the holidays?
13. Would you rather drink a bottle of ketchup or drink a bottle of mustard?
14. Would you rather dye your hair pink or dye your hair yellow?
15. Would you rather eat leftovers for an entire week or not eat at all?
16. Would you rather eat straight from the pot or eat with your hands?
17. Would you rather fall in public or have your wig fall off in public?
18. Would you rather fall off the treadmill or have one boob mistakenly pop out while working out at the gym?
19. Would you rather fall on your cake during your wedding dance or fall off the stage during your graduation?
20. Would you rather fart all the time or have hiccups all the time?
21. Would you rather fart in a crowded elevator or a cinema?
22. Would you rather fart in a crowded elevator or on a crowded train?
23. Would you rather gain 15 pounds or Lick a waiting room chair?
24. Would you rather get a tattoo of Cinderella or a tattoo of Barbie?
25. Would you rather go to jail for a weekend or do community work for a month?
26. Would you rather have a boil on your armpit or between your butt cheeks?
27. Would you rather have a booger hanging from your nose or your underwear showing?
28. Would you rather have a boyfriend who farts or picks his nose in public?
29. Would you rather have continuous loud stomach growls on a first date or fart accidentally once?
30. Would you rather have four fingers or six fingers?
31. Would you rather have jumbo ears or a massive nose?
32. Would you rather have just a toothbrush and no paste or a tube of toothpaste with no brush?
33. Would you rather have a terrible body odor or drink one poo milkshake for your whole life?
34. Would you rather have yellow teeth or a lot of missing teeth?
35. Would you rather kiss a skunk or kiss a pig?
36. Would you rather kiss your poo or hold someone else’s poo?
37. Would you rather lick a cat’s bum or eat a rotten egg?
38. Would you rather lick horse feet or a toilet seat?
39. Would you rather lick an armpit or chew a toenail?
40. Would you rather live in a tree or live in a truck?
Funny Would You Rather Questions to Get to Know Someone
The funny would you rather questions to get to know someone is a basic this-or-that game. It can be quite useful when you are trying to break the ice with a new person.
1. Would you rather give up alcohol for a year or give up your smartphone for a month?
2. Would you rather be super fast or super strong?
3. Would you rather be the smartest kid in school or the most popular kid in school?
4. Would you rather be a police officer or be a firefighter?
5. Would you rather be rich and ugly, Or poor and good-looking?
6. Would you rather meet an alien visitor or travel to outer space?
7. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
8. Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave?
9. Would you rather get even or get over it?
10. Would you rather give bad advice or take bad advice?
11. Would you rather live without music or live without TV?
12. Would you rather be super strong or change into animals?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Work
Who said you couldn’t be a little silly at work? Trying the funny would you rather questions for work can give your employees some entertainment and joy from their stressful schedules!
1. Would you rather watch a TV show or watch YouTube?
2. Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating show?
3. Would you rather go to the movie theaters or watch a movie from home?
4. Would you rather Danny DeVito or Danny Trejo play you in a movie?
5. Would you rather watch nothing but Hallmark Christmas movies or nothing but horror movies?
6. Would you rather go backstage with your favorite band or be an extra on your favorite TV show?
7. Would you rather sip gin with Ryan Reynolds or shoot tequila with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson?
8. Would you rather watch nothing but The Office or Friends for the rest of your life?
9. Would you rather get your paycheck given to you in pennies or never be able to use cash again?
10. Would you rather spend the weekend with pirates or ninjas?
11. Would you rather smell with your hands or talk with your feet?
12. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?
13. Would you rather swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup?
14. Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?
15. Would you rather always have B.O. and not know it or always smell B.O. on everyone else?
16. Would you rather spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house?
17. Would you rather have to wear every shirt inside out or every pair of pants backward?
18. Would you rather cuddle a koala or pal around with a panda?
19. Would you rather be royalty 1,000 years ago or an average person today?
20. Would you rather have a photographic memory or an IQ of 200?
21. Would you rather have seven fingers on each hand or seven toes on each foot?
22. Would you rather have a tattoo of the title of the last book you read or the last TV show you watched?
23. Would you rather sell all of your possessions or sell one of your organs?
24. Would you rather hunt and butcher your own meat or never eat meat again?
25. Would you rather walk to work in heels or drive to work in reverse?
26. Would you rather master every musical instrument or every type of sport?
27. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
28. Would you rather win the lottery but have to spend it all in one day or triple your current salary forever?
29. Would you rather be in history books for something terrible or be forgotten completely after you die?
30. Would you rather be rich working a job you hate or poor working a job you love?
31. Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour?
32. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
33. Would you rather live without heat and AC or live without social media?
34. Would you rather be the star player on a losing team or warm the bench on a championship roster?
35. Would you rather get trapped in the middle of a food fight or a water balloon fight?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Conversation Starters
Would you rather question the ideal approach to lay the first stone while making friends? Try out some funny would you rather conversation starters questions to start a discussion. The questions will assist you in easing the tension.
1. Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
2. Would you rather have a golden voice or a silver tongue?
3. Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?
4. Would you rather be in jail for a year or lose a year off your life?
5. Would you rather be a successful artist or a successful business owner?
6. Would you rather have one real get out of jail free card or a key that opens any door?
7. Would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
8. Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality?
9. Would you rather be able to talk to land animals, animals that fly, or animals that live under the water?
10. Would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line again?
11. Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a sailboat as your home or an RV as your home?
12. Would you rather give up all drinks except for water or give up eating anything that was cooked in an oven?
13. Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?
14. Would you rather have an easy job working for someone else or work for yourself but work incredibly hard?
15. Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
16. Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?
17. Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?
18. Would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
19. Would you rather see what was behind every closed door or be able to guess the combination of every safe on the first try?
20. Would you rather be an average person in the present or a king of a large country 2500 years ago?
21. Would you rather be able to dodge anything no matter how fast it’s moving or be able to ask any three questions and have them answered accurately?
22. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?
23. Would you rather have all your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and sheets in existence?
24. Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?
25. Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?
26. Would you rather travel the world for a year on a shoestring budget or stay in only one country for a year but live in luxury?
27. Would you rather be born again in the same country or a different one of your choosing?
28. Would you rather never be able to drink water again or only be able to drink water?
5 Tips for Choosing Funny Would You Rather Questions
When you’re bored and looking for something to do, funny would you rather questions are one of the easiest ways to have a lighthearted chat while getting to know someone better.
These inquiries may either lead to a productive discussion or a succession of unending laughs. Here are some pointers on how to offer funny would you rather questions that will make people laugh while also questioning their life choices:
It should be entertaining
A hilarious would you rather questions should make someone laugh rather than make them feel upset. It is essential to be aware of your jokes; they must not offend people. If you think the other person is having a hard time with the joke, apologize and change the subject.
Don’t go excessive
Don’t try too hard to be amusing! Don’t feel obligated to break a joke; you may start a cheerful discussion without one.
It must be relevant
Wouldn’t it be more amusing if the questions were more pertinent to the person? Make the queries more simple and even entertaining if you’re talking to a youngster. Similarly, ask a grownup a series of difficult and amusing questions.
Would you prefer questions? When a joke brings people together, it strengthens their relationship. People’s thoughts are influenced by humor. Your clever personality and funny take on subjects might make you the light of the party.
Play with a quiz!
A funny would you rather quiz might help to spark thought. These tests can help you learn more about the individual and possibly yourself. When you ask someone a this-or-that question, you are forced to consider your preferences, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
These suggestions can help you start a cheerful, entertaining conversation that everyone will appreciate.
Final Thoughts on Funny Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather have a good laugh? The finest conversation openers are funny would you rather questions. They assist in starting a discussion and better understanding individuals. You get a nice chuckle, but you learn why someone likes a different option.
It’s fascinating to see why someone picked a particular choice and how they feel about key parts of life just by completing a funny would you rather quiz! You can ask yourself the questions in your spare time. Funny would you rather questions are a fun way to pass the time when you’re bored, and an amazing approach to meet new people and the finest icebreakers!
With these questions, it’s simple to get directly into a discussion with a newbie; you’ll get remarkable responses and discover a lot about the individual. So, what do you have to lose? Ask your colleagues, coworkers, lovers, and even strangers you wish to learn more about these funniest would you rather questions.