511 Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Spice Things Up

In this article, we’ll provide a huge list of dirty questions to ask your boyfriend which will upgrade your conversation and will make it interesting!
You can find 15 different categories of dirty questions to ask your boyfriend which you can pepper in your conversation or can play them in a game form. Through those questions, you’ll be able to turn your boring conversation into an interesting one and level up your date night or dinner. Moreover, you can express your emotions and desires to your boyfriend easily.
You can ask these questions over the phone, in person, on text or on any occasion. They have hints of fun and flirt too which will add flavor in your conversation.
So, do add these dirty questions to ask a guy in your life to spice it up.
Best Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Want to conquer the heart of your boyfriend? I have heard you! These best dirty questions to ask your boyfriend have been curated especially for you. Read them and ask your boyfriend.
1. Do you prefer to give or receive?
2. Do you like sexting?
3. When you had s#x for the first time, what age were you?
4. Are you a virgin?
5. Have you ever had a one night stand?
6. If I was in your room right now, what would you want to do to me?
7. Would you ever surprise me with lingerie?
8. What part of your body do you enjoy the most on a women?
9. What is your idea of perfect foreplay?
10. What is the weirdest thing you dreamt of doing with a girl?
11. Have you ever been in a friends with benefits situation?
12. Would you ever sleep with your ex’s best friend?
13. Have you ever slept with someone, then woke up wishing you never have?
14. What is the difference to you between s#x and making love?
15. What’s one thing you want me to do that I have not yet- In the bedroom?
16. Is laughing in the bedroom okay, or it has to be serious?
17. I heard kissing burns calories, want to help me exercise?
18. Have you ever tried edible underwear?
19. What do you want me to be wearing right now?
20. What is the dirtiest thing you ever thought about me?
21. Do you want to play dirty truth or dare?
22. What would you say or do if I sent you a dirty picture of me?
23. Have you ever wanted to tear my clothes off?
24. Do you like when I make the first move in bed?
25. I come home from work stressed, how do you relax me?
26. What is your biggest turn on?
27. Do you like experimenting with different positions, which is your favorite?
28. What is your opinion on love bites, do you want to give me any?
Good Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
These are some good dirty questions to ask your boyfriend which you can use to have an intimate conversation with your lover. They will keep your conversation going on and will spice it up.
1. Have you ever counted how many strokes you made in the bedroom?
2. Can you guess what I am wearing right now?
3. Do you like it when I take your name?
4. Would you like to try edible underwear?
5. Does my nude selfie turn you horny?
6. Do you like my hair long or short? (He’ll get it)
7. What lingerie of mine turns you on the most?
8. What is one place you like to kiss me the most?
9. Can we go on all night?
10. Do you like it when I call you daddy?
11. When was the last time you masturbated without telling me?
12. Describe that sexual experience with me that makes you go like, “Oh fuck!”
13. Would you like it if we made it out in a club?
14. Will you do everything for me, like how it is shown in porn?
15. Do you like to bite on my nipples?
16. Would you like to cum on my face?
17. Would you love to do doggy style with me?
18. Do you want me to be a good girl in bed?
19. Do you want me to do everything you say in the bedroom?
20. Do you like it when I tell you to stay inside?
Fun Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Want to laugh with your boyfriend? Want to have some fun with him while being flirty? These are fun dirty questions to ask your boyfriend which will add flavor in your conversation.
1. What is your favorite position?
2. What part of your body is your favorite place to be massaged?
3. Do you feel more sexually aroused in the morning or at night?
4. Do you prefer girls who have large breasts or large bottoms?
5. Have you ever gone to a strip club?
6. Before me how many times did you have s#x per week?
7. Do you want to know what I’m wearing?
8. How fast can you get here?
9. Do you have dreams about me?
10. What body part do you like me to touch the most?
11. Which position is your favorite for us?
12. If you could choose anything on my body to see right now what would it be?
13. Do you like making out?
14. How often do you actually think about having sex?
15. What type of music do you think is the most enticing in the bedroom?
16. What is the weirdest place you have ever had s#x?
17. Do you like mirrors in the bedroom?
18. If you could only use three words, how would you describe your package?
19. Do you prefer to be on top of bottom?
20. Do you like to have dirty talk on the phone, texts, or Facetime?
21. Have you ever had one-night stand before?
22. Have you ever had s#x in a movie theater?
23. Do you sleep naked, in briefs or in boxers at night?
24. Have you ever had s#x in the backseat of a car?
25. Do you enjoy experimenting with new positions?
26. If you were looking for a movie to watch online, what would you look for?
27. When you wake up next to me in the morning, what is the first thing that you think about?
28. What do my lips taste like?
29. What’s one thing you want me to do to you that I haven’t done?
30. When you first met me, what did you imagine doing to me?
31. What sexy scene from a movie would you want to recreate with me?
32. Guess what I’m wearing right now?
33. Do you like watching me touch myself?
34. Is it ok to laugh in the bedroom or would you want that we always keep things serious?
Random Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Sometimes you desperately wish to fill up the gaps in your conversation. Silence in between your conversation can kill the mood of your lover. So, these random dirty questions to ask your boyfriend will help you in it.
1. What is your position on premarital s#x?
2. What do you wear to bed?
3. Have you ever thought about me sexually?
4. Do you prefer making out or cuddling?
5. What is the best kiss you have ever had?
6. What is your type?
7. Do you think about me when we are not together?
8. What is your opinion on a girl making the first move?
9. Have you ever had a dream about me?
10. Where is your favorite make out spot?
11. Do I make you smile?
12. Are you a shy guy, sexually?
13. Do you think you know what women want?
14. Who is your dream girl, if you couldn’t have me?
15. What part of my body would you want me to tattoo?
16. What outfits turn you on the most that women wear?
17. How many girls have you been with, before me?
18. What physical features are you attracted to the most in women?
19. Do you consider yourself more sexy or brainy?
20. What is the first feature you noticed of mine?
21. Would you ever shower with me?
22. What gets you happy (If you know what I mean)?
23. If you had to choose your least attractive feature of mine what would it be?
24. Boob or butt guy?
25. Are you a yoga pants guy or a dresses guy?
26. If you could choose one celebrity to have s#x with who would it be and why?
27. Have you ever stared at my butt or chest?
Insanely Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
These insanely dirty questions to ask your boyfriend will spice up your questions game and will make your conversation hot. It will help you in delivering your emotions to him.
1. How long should ideal foreplay last?
2. Guess if I am wearing underwear right now or not?
3. What color of underwear I am wearing right now?
4. Does the idea of recording a clip of us excite you?
5. How long should the ideal s#x last?
6. How good am I of a girlfriend to you?
7. On a scale of 1 – 10, rate how much I satisfy you?
8. On a scale of 1 – 10, rate how much I make you happy?
9. Do you prefer your lady shaved or natural and bushy?
10. How okay are you with playing dirty truth or dare questions?
11. What are your views on bedroom toys?
12. What is the one freaky dare you won’t act upon?
13. What is your thought on having a third person join our bedroom?
14. Are you okay with talking naughty?
15. Can you describe your freakiest fantasy in regards to your love life?
16. What do you wear when going to bed?
17. Can I get a shirtless selfie of you beside a mirror?
18. What is your favorite part of a lady’s body?
19. How often do you check me out when I am walking away?
20. What is one bold action you have ever taken concerning bedroom matters?
21. At what age did you first kiss a lady?
22. How old were you when you first made out with someone?
23. Have you ever had wild thoughts about a close relative?
24. Should we have massage sessions tonight?
25. Have you ever had a one-night stand experience?
26. How did you feel making out for the first time back then?
27. What is your favorite wild bedroom fantasy?
28. Do you have a birthmark or a tattoo?
29. How would you identify me in case I cover my head in a bevy of girls?
31. How would you like to be called when you are alone?
32. How do you define a romantic lady? How do I fare?
33. Where do you like to be touched the most?
34. Has anyone ever seen you naked accidentally? How did they react?
35. Have you been walked in on in the shower? What happened thereafter?
36. Have you ever made out with your friend’s girlfriend at any point in your life?
Extremely Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
These are some extremely dirty questions to ask your boyfriend which will upgrade your communication and will open up flirty topics. If you are a shy person, then don’t go for it in the beginning.
1. What’s your favorite fantasy?
2. Are you shy or outgoing, in the bedroom?
3. If you could have one girl in the world, who would it be?
4. Are you a boobs or butt guy?
5. Do you like foreplay?
6. Have you ever had a one-night stand that became more?
7. Are you good with your hands?
8. Can I kiss you?
9. Can I touch you?
10. Are you a giver or receiver?
11. How do you feel about oral?
12. Do you have a fetish?
13. Do you like adult movies?
14. Where are your favorite places to be touched?
15. Where are your favorite places to be kissed?
16. Do you like to use your tongue?
17. What do you think is your best physical feature?
18. Would you dance with me?
19. What would you do if I wanted you right now?
20. Have you ever thought about ripping my clothes off?
21. Have you had a dirty dream about me?
22. Do you prefer dirty talk over the phone or on Facetime?
23. Would you consider being friends with benefits?
24. How do you define the difference between s__ and making love?
25. Do you prefer intimacy late nights or early mornings?
26. Have you ever been to a nude beach?
27. Have you ever been caught doing the deed?
28. Which swim stroke describes your preference? Backstroke, breaststroke, or sidestroke?
29. What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?
30. Are you a spanker, hair puller, or both?
31. When you return home after a long day at work, how would you want to relax?
32. If you had a pair of x-ray glasses, what would you look at first?
33. Have you ever tried to picture me naked?
34. Do you want to do it in a public place?
35. What’s your favorite color lingerie?
36. Have you tried edible underwear?
37. Can I taste you?
38. Do you like lip biters?
Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend Over Text
Having online chats with your boyfriend or crush? Don’t know how to continue the conversation? Mind going blank? These dirty questions to ask your boyfriend over text can help you in continuing your online chat.
1. Do you want to know what I’m wearing?
2. What’s your favorite thing to do to me?
3. Do you like playing rough?
4. Do you like being loud?
5. Favorite position with me on top?
6. Do you ever have dreams about me?
7. How do you want me to touch you? Describe it.
8. When was the last time you went solo?
9. What part of your body do you most like it when I touch?
10. What’s your favorite song to get busy to?
11. What color underwear do you like the most on me?
12. Do you like it when I go down on you?
13. Have you ever complained of bad breath and odours?
14. Which body part are you most proud of?
15. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
16. Do you have a name for your package?
17. If not, what would you name it?
18. Do you prefer having some fun in the morning or at night?
19. Does being sneaky give you a thrill?
20. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
21. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?
22. How often do guys really think about doing it?
23. Would you say you’ve been on Santa’s naughty or nice list most?
24. If your love-making can be described by a weather event or a natural disaster, what would it be?
25. What do you do when you’re watching a movie with your parents and a certain type of scene comes on?
26. Did your parents ever give you the “birds and the bees” talk?
27. What object did your adult-ed teacher use to demonstrate how to put on protection?
28. Is laughing in the bedroom okay with you or do you prefer keeping things serious?
29. Would you consider yourself romantic?
30. What’s your ideal date night?
31. What attempts did you make to woo me? Which ones worked?
32. How many ex’s numbers are still in your phone?
33. How many single girls’ numbers are in your phone?
34. Under the sheets, are you Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, or Captain America?
35. What do you think of open relationships?
36. How old were you when you had for first kiss?
37. How many girlfriends have you had?
38. Has anyone accidentally seen you naked?
39. Do you like it with the lights on or off?
40. Do you ever fantasize about me?
41. How did you find out about what you like in bed?
42. When you’re on top what your favorite position is?
Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend to Make Him Laugh
Want to share a deep laugh with your lover? Want to have a funny conversation with him which will also be dirty? These are some dirty questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh which will help you.
1. Does laughing in the bedroom make things kinkier?
2. Do you like it when we do Doggy style?
3. Do you like it when I taste your cum?
4. Do you like using lubricants?
5. Do you love it when I lick your ass?
6. Do you like having s#x in the back of a car?
7. What is the maximum number of times you had in a day?
8. Have you ever had s#x in the balcony?
9. Have you ever gotten a facial?
10. How does it feel to have cum inside?
11. Would you mind helping me burn calories by kissing me?
12. Would it be okay if I slept in your bed? My bed broke.
13. Have you ever kissed without brushing your teeth?
14. Have you ever smelled the armpits of your partner?
15. Have you ever had a one-night stand with your friend’s ex?
16. Did you ever want to find out what your partner ate last after you kissed them?
17. Has the condom ever broken before s#x?
18. Has any of your friends ever caught you making moaning noises on the phone?
19. What is the best way to fake an orgasm?
20. Have you ever kissed your partner’s belly button and it was dirty?
21. Have you ever passed out while making out?
22. Have you ever been caught hiding the opposite gender’s underwear?
23. Have you ever escaped s#x in between because you had a digestion problem?
24. Have you ever mistakenly sent a dirty text to the wrong person?
25. Have you ever been abandoned in the middle of a s#x session?
26. Have any of your friends caught you touching yourself?
27. Can you remember your weirdest sexual experience?
28. Have you ever tried a hot/cold flavored condom?
29. Have you ever watched anime porn?
30. Have you ever licked the body fluid that tasted extremely weird?
31. Have you ever said I love you to someone only after making out with them 3 times?
32. Have you ever acted in a s#x position in a public gathering?
33. Do you like it rough or smooth?
34. Do you like it kinky or romantic?
35. Does my body arouse you?
36. What do I normally do that makes you want me more?
Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend Over the Phone
Having a conversation over the phone with your boyfriend? These dirty questions to ask your boyfriend over the phone will help you to have a smooth conversation over the phone. Ask them to see the magic.
1. Want to watch me strip?
2. Can you tell me if you think my bikini waxer did a good job?
3. Can you undress me with only your mouth?
4. Want to come over and watch “love” on my flat screen mirror?
5. Can you taste me on your fingers?
6. What color is your underwear?
7. When will be the next time you tear my clothes off?
8. Have you had any naughty dreams about me lately?
9. Have you have dirty pictures on your phone?
10. Would you enjoy watching me touch my body?
11. How many spicy pictures or videos do you think you have on your phone?
12. How many people do you think you have seen naked?
13. Can you share your first wild sexual experience?
14. Would you like to have s#x in extreme weather conditions?
15. What is your most visited website for porn?
16. Have you ever watched porn before sleeping, and found yourself in it, while you were dreaming?
17. Have you ever had s#x with a virgin?
18. What is your favorite swear word to say during s#x?
19. Have you ever had secret s#x with someone?
20. How hot do you think you are, on a scale of 1-5?
21. If you had to make out with anyone you are not friends with, who would you choose?
22. What do you say to yourself, before the big act?
23. Can you guess what I am thinking right now?
24. If we were in the bed together right now, where would you want my face to be?
25. What is the one thing in you that makes you totally irresistible?
26. What signals do you give the other person when you want to have s#x?
27. Does it turn you on when I show too much skin?
28. If you saw me naked right now, where would your eyes land first?
29. What do you think my lips taste like?
30. Would you like it if I made the first move?
31. How would you like me in a bathing suit?
32. How do you think the night would have ended if we were together right now?
33. Do you think I will look sexy if I wear nothing?
Sexual and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
These sexual questions to ask your boyfriend will spice up your moments and will make your date night special. They are deep, so avoid them if you are a shy person.
1. When did you first do it?
2. Have you ever caught a girl masturbating?
3. How do you moan when you are having s#x?
4. Have you ever been in a sexual relationship with someone but never accepted them openly?
5. Tell me a sexual fantasy of yours?
6. Have you ever thought about me in a sexual way?
7. What’s your favorite place to be touched?
8. Will you ever do it with a woman?
9. Do you believe foreplay is important?
10. Which part of your body do you like being sucked?
11. Where do you like to get Hickes?
12. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
13. Have you ever stripped for anyone?
14. Do you notice the dick size when you watch porn?
15. What turns you on?
16. Will you let me give you a boob job?
17. When was the last time you saw porn?
18. Does a girl wearing a red lip make you horny?
19. What is your favorite s#x movie of all time?
20. How often do you masturbate?
21. Are you shy in bed?
22. What kind of porn do you see?
23. What do you look for in a girl sexually?
24. Have you ever been attracted to your friend’s mom?
25. What is the one nonsexual thing that turns you horny?
26. Do you like doing it without a condom?
27. Have you always been able to satisfy every woman you have been with, in bed?
28. What type of s#x toy would you want me to try on you?
29. Do you have any fetishes?
30. How important do you think s#x is in a relationship?
31. How many women have you been with?
32. What do I do that turns you on immediately?
33. Do you like to see women masturbating?
34. Have you secretly noticed an older woman’s breast?
35. Have you ever bought dirty magazines in your teens to look at naked models?
36. Who do you look at, when you watch porn?
37. What is the softest place to give love bites to a woman?
38. Have you masturbated at a family event?
39. What did you first notice about me?
40. What was the most intense masturbation session you had when I wasn’t around?
41. What is your favorite part of my body?
42. If our s#x life goes through a slump, how do you want me to spice it up?
43. Do you like it when I tell you to do more?
44. Do you like it when I dirty talk?
45. Who is your celebrity crush and what part of her are you attracted to?
46. Does the thought of edible underwear turn you on?
47. Do you like to spend more time on top or bottom?
48. Will you let me give you a blow job while you are driving?
49. What outfit of mine turns you on the most?
50. Are you a boob or a butt guy?
51. How old were you when you first saw porn?
52. Will you buy lingerie for me without me telling you?
53. What do you want to do, that we haven’t tried in the bedroom yet?
54. How fast can you make me cum?
55. Is there something you have always wanted me to do to you but never asked?
56. What is your preferred time of the day to have s#x?
57. What would you do if we were together and naked right now? (whisper this to him in a public place?
58. How would you rate me out of 5 in bed?
59. Do you like to look at me when we are having s#x?
60. Do you like it when I make a noise in the bedroom?
61. How likely are you to get tired after one session?
62. Do you like it when I pull your hair?
63. Do you always want me to spank you?
64. Would you want me to always dominate you in bed?
65. Do you want to make out in public?
66. Do you want to pour chocolate over you and lick it?
67. Will you let me put my fingers in your mouth?
68. Do you like it when I lick you down?
Flirty and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Want to flirt with your guy? These flirty questions to ask your boyfriend will help you in having a spicy conversation. Flirt with your guy to have an interesting conversation. Try them!
1. Do you like to explore different positions in your s#x life, or are you comfortable with just one?
2. What would you do if you watched a movie with your mother and a naughty scene came on?
3. What strategies did you use to woo me to accept your love? Which ones worked?
4. Have you ever felt attracted to a person of the same s#x?
5. What color underwear do you like seeing me in?
6. When was the last time you pushed out of your comfort zone regarding your s#x life?
7. Which part of my body do you like the most?
8. Please tell me what is happening here. Is it hot, or are we just crazy?
9. Would you ever consider ripping my clothes off, or you just like me in them?
10. You have adorable pants on you. Is it possible for me to try the zipper?
11. Who would you choose if you could have only one girl in the world?
12. My favorite thing is touching myself as I look at your pictures. Can you please send me one right now?
13. Or would it be better for you to come in person?
14. If I could kiss you anywhere right now, where would you prefer?
15. What is the strangest thing you have dreamt about doing with a girl?
16. Have you ever fantasized about a different person while making love?
17. Would you by any chance be willing to tell me about your dirty dreams?
18. Are you an early morning guy or a late evening fan when it comes to intimacy?
19. What kind of naughty pictures do you have in your gallery?
20. How do I compare to the other girls that you have been with?
21. I have just ditched my underwear. Would you be interested in coming over?
22. In a world that is ideal, how long would foreplay last?
23. How would you describe your package?
24. Do you prefer it when rights are on or off during the action?
25. What were you looking for when you found me?
26. Was it love or lust?
27. How often do you brag to your friends about me?
28. Have you ever hooked up with a person you were never supposed to hook up with?
29. Have you ever taken naked pictures of yourself in the mirror?
30. Do I make you nervous?
Juicy and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
These are some juicy questions to ask your boyfriend which are best to ask during a night stay. Play a game with your boyfriend, ask these questions and have some flirty and deep moments with him.
1. Have you ever had s#x with someone and then started dating them?
2. Do you think you have satisfied me every single time?
3. When you saw a naked lady for the first time, did you get nervous?
4. Were you a bit uncomfortable touching my breasts for the first time?
5. Do you have any fetishes unrelated to s#x?
6. Have you ever laughed when I tried dirty talking with you?
7. Has a condom ever broken down?
8. Have you ever masturbated imagining your crush?
9. Have you ever mistakenly sent a dirty text to the wrong person when we were sexting?
10. Do you ever find out that I am faking?
11. Have you ever farted silently when we were having s#x?
12. Have any of your parents caught you masturbating?
13. Have you ever laughed at the way I moaned?
14. Have you ever licked my fingers and got a different taste?
15. Have you ever masturbated so much that you couldn’t get hard after that?
16. Have you ever pressed someone’s butt thinking it was me?
17. Have I ever cut you badly with my teeth?
18. Have you ever tried to try my bra?
19. Do you want to switch roles in the bedroom?
20. Has my pubic hair ever hurt you in the face?
21. What is your biggest turn-on?
22. Do you want to have a one-night stand?
23. What do you wear to bed when you are in the mood?
24. Do you like getting a body massage from me?
25. Would you ever try edible underwear?
26. Describe your last dirty dream?
27. What is the best drink to get you in the mood?
28. Do you love making out?
29. What type of kisser are you?
30. What kind of porn do you like to watch?
31. Do you like it if we are experimental in the bedroom?
32. Do you like it when I say yes to everything?
33. Do you have a high s#x drive?
Sexy and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
These sexy questions to ask your boyfriend will spice up your night and you can have romantic conversation over a dinner or date through asking these questions. So, read them and ask the love of your life.
1. Have you ever tried to roll your tongue on your partner’s private parts? Did they like it?
2. Would you like someone to watch you when you are masturbating?
3. Do you like to moan loudly while you are doing it?
4. Will you tear my clothes off if I ask you to?
5. Do you mind sending me a sexy photo of you?
6. What defines a sexy lady?
7. What is your definition of a sexy lady? How do I fare?
8. Can you cum by just doing oral s#x?
9. Which s#x position is the most underrated one?
10. Do you like to rub cum all over your face?
11. Have you ever done it in front of the mirror?
12. Have you ever caressed ice cubes on your partner’s body?
13. Have you ever had s#x in the shower?
14. Have you ever taken off your underwear in a public place?
15. Do a sexy dance for 1 minute straight.
16. What are the best s#x toys you have ever used to date?
17. Have you ever made out in the elevator?
18. When was the last time you cummed?
19. Imitate the last s#x position you did in the bedroom.
20. Can you get an orgasm with oral s#x?
21. Would you rather initiate the s#x or let your partner do it?
22. Would you rather be a virgin or a s#x addict?
23. Would you rather always do your favorite s#x position or try out new positions but never do your favorite?
24. Would you rather eat ice cream by yourself or eat from someone else’s mouth?
25. Would you rather make me masturbate you or watch me masturbating myself?
26. Have you ever been blindfolded during s#x?
27. Do you like it when you are dominated during s#x?
28. What is the wildest location you have had s#x in?
29. Does it make you horny if you see someone in wet clothes?
30. What is the one sexual experience you would like to relive again?
Spicy and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Want to spice up your night or conversation with your lover? Yes? We know it! That’s why we have enlisted these spicy questions to ask your boyfriend for your ease.
1. Where do you love to have ѕеx?
2. Did you try shower s#x?
3. What is your most embarrassing sexual experience?
4. Do you prefer to kiss during s#x?
5. Do you prefer to be submissive or dominant?
6. What do you like most about our s#x life?
7. Do you prefer loud or silent orgasms?
8. What was your most memorable orgasm?
9. What is your best kept intimate secret?
10. What did you think of me when you first met me?
11. What is your favorite s#x position?
12. What is one of your fantasies?
13. Do you still have feelings for an ex?
14. Do you love quickies?
15. Rough or sensual?
16. Do you own any toys? If yes, what. If not, would you like to?
17. What’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
18. Have you named your package?
19. Want to be on Santa’s naughty list with me?
20. Do you have naughty dreams of me?
21. Have you ever done it in a public place?
22. Have you had one-night stands?
23. What is your favorite kind of porn?
24. If you could sleep with a celebrity, which one would it be?
25. Would you say that you have any fetishes?
Naughty and Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
Doing naughty things with your better half can deepen your relationship and build a friendly relationship. Try these naughty questions to ask your boyfriend to laugh and have fun with him.
1. Have you ever had s#x so loud the neighbors had to intervene?
2. Have you ever walked in when a couple was doing it?
3. Have you ever tried to dirty talk with the same gender?
4. Have you ever paid to get a porn subscription?
5. How many of you you’ve had s#x before coming here?
6. Have you ever had s#x with two people who were friends with each other?
7. How many Hickes do you have on your body right now?
8. Have you ever been friends with benefits with anyone?
9. Have you ever gone to a nude beach?
10. Have you ever had s#x with anyone who was double your size?
11. Who do you notice, when you are watching porn?
12. Have you done it without shaving?
13. Have you ever borrowed a costume for role-playing?
14. What was the last dirty thing you searched on your phone?
15. If you and your best friend are in the same situation, who do you think has the better chances of getting laid?
16. Who else has seen you naked apart from the person you were in a relationship with?
17. What is the craziest thing you have done to attract your crush towards you?
18. Have you been super tempted to touch your friends wildly?
19. Have you ever been to a brothel?
20. Have you ever been hit by someone of the same gender as yours?
21. How frequently do you watch naughty videos?
22. At what moment do you feel a desire to tear my clothes off?
23. What is your most favorite memory of s#x?
24. What was your most electrifying touch in your life and why?
25. What is the weirdest thing you have done with your partner?
26. Is there any late-night incident that you think can never happen to anyone else?
27. Do you have any sexual memory that you believe nothing can beat ever?
28. What is your most favorite foreplay?
5 Tips for Choosing Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
You have seen an awesome list of dirty questions to ask your boyfriend which have covered all of your desirable situations and types. But, how to ask these questions? How to make them more effective? Follow these tips to make your conversation updated.
Choose right set of questions:
If you are a shy person or if your relationship is at baby level, then you shouldn’t go for sexy or juicy questions. They are deep and inappropriate for your level. Choose best, good or funny type questions for the beginning. Gradually, move toward the deep one as it will be the best choice for you.
Be creative:
Be creative with your questions! Mold them according to the situation. Get ideas from these dirty questions to ask a guy and ask according to your own personality.
Ask in personal:
Ask these questions only when you are alone with your boyfriend. Asking them in gatherings or in front of other people can annoy him or can make your conversation ineffective.
Play game:
If you are a shy person or want to upgrade your relationship level, you can plan a question game with your boyfriend and can ask him dirty questions. In game, no one will mind any type of question. So, you can go for dirtiest questions to ask your boyfriend too.
Don’t kill the purpose of these questions:
If you keep on asking him only dirty questions, there are chances that the questions will lose their charm. So, do add other types of questions or elements in your conversation. For example, you can ask funny questions, deep questions or flirty questions to him. You can make your conversation serious or can ask personal questions too. Purpose of dirty questions is to develop a deep relationship with your boyfriend, so peppering other elements will help you in achieving that goal.
Final Thoughts on Dirty Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend
So, this is all about dirty questions to ask your boyfriend. As long as you occasionally pepper them in your conversation, you will achieve much better results than having simple conversations.
Many people feel shy of saying or asking these questions. That’s why we have included some simple dirty questions for them. You can start from these questions and gradually can go for deeper questions. These dirty questions to ask a guy will tell you a lot about your guy and will let you know whether you both can go along with each other or not.
While asking dirty questions to ask your boyfriend, don’t make your conversation robotic. Make your tone playful and confident. Make him laugh and be amazed at your questions. Make your conversation interesting and unexpected for him as it will attract him more toward you.
So, what have you decided? Going to give these questions a try? Go for them now!