548 Dirty Most Likely to Questions That Bring Twice Fun

With these hilarious dirty most likely to questions, you’re sure to enjoy your night (whether it’s a hen weekend, pre-drinks, or a night in with your friends).
In ‘Most Likely To,’ you learn a lot about your family or friends. In the same way that ‘Truth or Dare’ and ‘Would You Rather’ are game-like party games, ‘Most Likely To’ questions require you to be honest and confident.
You just need a list ofdirty most likely to questions and a group of people who can respond to them. In addition, questions should be as outrageous and unique as possible, not straightforward, obvious questions.
Check out this collection of mostlikely to question dirty version to get some cool ideas for your next social gathering.
Best Dirty Most Likely to Questions
I’m sure you’ve played many games with your friends, but have you asked them ‘most likely to’ questions? A game where you can ask the best dirty most likely to questions and laugh aloud at the answers.
1. Who is most likely to perform a s#xual act while drunk?
2. Who is most likely to kiss on a first date?
3. Who is most likely to pick up a stranger at a bar?
4. Who is most likely to fall for a friend?
5. Who is most likely to puke and then kiss someone?
6. Who is most likely to have sx with another person in the room?
7. Who is most likely to marry their cousin?
8. Who is most likely to eat gone off cheese?
9. Who is most likely to participate in an orgy?
10. Who is most likely to watch porn?
11. Who is most likely to make a move on a teacher?
12. Who is most likely to kiss a stranger on a night out?
13. Who is most likely to ghost someone?
14. Who is most likely to fall asleep on the toilet?
15. Who is most likely to pass out in the club?
16. Who is most likely to write their number on the toilet door?
17. Who is most likely to jump off a cliff?
18. Who is most likely to drink someone else’s drink?
19. Who is most likely to give their bank card to a stranger?
20. Who is most likely to become a s#x addict?
21. Who is most likely to get it on with a vampire, werewolf or mythical creature?
22. Who is most likely to get busted at work for looking at porn?
23. Who is most likely to send a dick pic?
24. Who is most likely to make a s#xist comment?
25. Who is most likely to catch an STD?
26. Who is most likely to have a wet dream / s#xy dream tonight?
27. Who is most likely to score with their best friend’s mom/dad?
28. Who is most likely to have a gay or lesbian experience?
29. Who is most likely to hit on a waiter/waitress?
30. Who is most likely to be the most embarrassing drunk?
31. Who is most likely to orgasm first during s#x?
32. Who is most likely to buy a weird s#x toy and use it on somebody?
33. Who is most likely to start weeping or throwing a fit during s#x?
34. Who is most likely to wax their privates?
35. Who is most likely to visit a strip club? Or who is most likely to actually become a stripper?
36. Who is most likely to swing as a couple or become polyandrous?
37. Who is most likely to have a secret crush over the Internet?
38. Who is most likely to have a super embarrassing one night stand?
39. Who is most likely to try to score with a widow?
40. Who is most likely to be friend zoned after a terrible kiss?
41. Who is the most likely to get busted at work for looking at porn?
Juicy and Dirty Most Likely to Questions
In a sexual relationship, partners can discover each other’s sexuality by asking most likely to juicy questions. Getting to know each other this way keeps the relationship fresh and the flame ablaze.
1. Who is most likely to take their clothes off in a public setting?
2. Who is most likely to stalk their celebrity crush?
3. Who is most likely to change their gender?
4. Who is most likely to become famous?
5. Who is most likely to puke in the taxi home?
6. Who is most likely to sneak out on a girl’s trip to flirt with a total stranger?
7. Who is most likely to cheat on their girlfriend/boyfriend?
8. Who is most likely to rob a bank?
9. Who is most likely to date a celebrity?
10. Who is most likely to get away with murder?
11. Who is most likely to squander all their money in a casino?
12. Who is most likely to accomplish their goals?
13. Who is most likely to be intimidated by their in-law?
14. Who is most likely to move to another continent?
15. Who is most likely to take drugs?
16. Who would have most likely gone to a gay club?
17. Who is most likely to sleep with someone on the first date?
18. Who is most likely to attend a s#x party?
19. Who is most likely to have s#x on public transport?
20. Who is most likely to pose nude for a portrait?
21. Who is most likely to join a nudist colony?
22. Who is most likely to make out with an ex?
23. Who is most likely to go to a strip club?
24. Who is most likely to get involved with their boss?
25. Who is most likely to cry during s#x?
26. Who is most likely to have a weird s#xual fetish?
27. Who is most likely to go on a blind date?
28. Who is most likely to kiss a stranger to win a bet?
29. Who is most likely to tell naughty jokes?
30. Who is most likely to give good s#x advice?
31. Who is most likely to sleep naked?
32. Who is most likely to make out with someone at a party?
33. Who is most likely to make out with a colleague?
34. Who is most likely to pay for everyone’s drinks?
35. Who is most likely to dance on the bar?
36. Who is most likely to text their ex when drunk?
37. Who is most likely to serenade someone?
38. Who is most likely to swim in the nude?
39. Who is most likely to forget to pay the taxi driver?
40. Who is most likely to get locked out?
41. Who is most likely to come on to security?
42. Who is most likely to double book a date?
43. Who is most likely to show up for class/work with bed hair?
44. Who is most likely to kiss a security guard?
45. Who is most likely to give their number to someone?
46. Who is most likely to do shots with the bar staff?
47. Who is most likely to have a super embarrassing one-night-stand?
48. Who is most likely to have a secret crush on the internet?
49. Who is most likely to swing as a couple or become polyamorous?
50. Who is most likely to be secretly crushing on someone else in the room right now?
Spicy and Dirty Most Likely to Questions
I give you the spiciest questions from your great vault of laughs and jokes. With these new spicy most likely to questions, you’ll learn something new. Take a closer look!
1. Who is most likely to fall in love with a younger person?
2. Who is most likely to snog their taxi driver?
3. Who is most likely to get naked in public?
4. Who is most likely to have s#x in the club?
5. Who is most likely to leave their coat in the bar?
6. Who is most likely to mess around with someone in public toilets?
7. Who is most likely to text their crush on a night out?
8. Who is most likely to get a stranger to buy them drinks?
9. Who is most likely to kiss in the middle of the dance floor?
10. Who is most likely to admit their darkest secret when drunk?
11. Who is most likely to have s#x with more than one person in the same day?
12. Who is most likely to be grumpy after a one-night stand?
13. Who is most likely to kill a cheating partner?
14. Who is most likely to get on the s#x offenders list?
15. Who is most likely to be paranoid?
16. Who is most likely to embarrass a friend in public?
17. Who is most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse?
18. Who is most likely to do weird things in public?
19. Who is most likely to laugh at the wrong moment?
20. Who is most likely to have a borderline-inappropriate authority crush?
21. Who is most likely to become a gigolo?
22. Who is most likely to s#x in class?
23. Who is most likely to smoke next to a no-smoking sign?
24. Who is most likely to develop a habit of sucking their thumb?
25. Who is most likely to pick their nose and put it in their mouth?
26. Who is most likely to stay up late s#xting with random strangers on the internet?
27. Who is most likely to have gone to a gay club?
28. Who is most likely to get arrested for walking around naked?
29. Who is most likely to kiss & tell?
30. Who is most likely to contract the Coronavirus?
31. Who is most likely to spend too much time online?
32. Who is most likely to become a stripper?
33. Who is most likely to go on a blind date arranged by their mom?
34. Who is most likely to become addicted to emotional shopping?
35. Who is most likely to dance with a stranger?
36. Who is most likely to talk dirty on the telephone?
37. Who is most likely to get lost from their friends at a party?
38. Who is most likely to fall in love with someone much older?
39. Who is most likely to buy something because their crush told them to?
40. Who is most likely to get frisky with a stranger?
41. Who is most likely to lose their clothes on a night out?
42. Who is most likely to get cat-called in the street?
43. Who is most likely to miss the last bus home?
44. Who is who is most likely to watch porn as soon as they wake up?
45. Who is who is most likely to eat something gross on a dare?
46. Who is who is most likely to pick their teeth in public?
47. Who is who is most likely to eat a toenail?
Freaky and Dirty Most Likely to Questions
Below, I’ve compiled a list of the freaky most likely to questions you can play with your friend or partner. So, let’s start with the most likely to dirty questions!
1. Who is most likely to have s#x on a daily basis?
2. Who is most likely to touch a random woman’s butt?
3. Who is most likely to get caught hooking up in public?
4. Who is most likely to watch porn when they wake up in the morning?
5. Who is most likely to have a wet dream tonight?
6. Who is most likely to have incredibly dirty pick-up lines?
7. Who is most likely to draw a picture of their penis on a wall?
8. Who would most likely try a threesome?
9. Who is most likely to become addicted to s#x?
10. Who is most likely to secretly watch porn?
11. Who is most likely to know the names of all the famous porn stars?
12. Who is most likely to own more than one “toy”?
13. Who is most likely to send nudes to their crush?
14. Who is most likely to have some hidden, kinky s#xual desires?
15. Who is most likely to masturbate at work?
16. Who is most likely to have drunk s#x?
17. Who is most likely to have a one-night-stand?
18. Who is most likely to go out with two people at the same time?
19. Who is most likely to sleep with a stranger?
20. Who is most likely to call their date by the wrong name?
21. Who is most likely to lie about the number of people they have slept with?
22. Who is most likely to hit on a co-worker?
23. Who is most likely to have multiple one-night stands?
24. Who is most likely to hide their relationship status?
25. Who is most likely to send a nude picture?
26. Who is most likely to make out in an elevator?
27. Who is most likely to try role-play?
28. Who is most likely to send a naughty text after the first date?
29. Who is most likely to doze off during s#x?
30. Who is most likely to drunk dial an ex?
31. Who is most likely to have s#x on a flight?
32. Who is most likely to make out in a photo booth?
33. Who is most likely to have naughty videos on their phone?
34. Who is most likely to enjoy skinny-dipping in winter?
35. Who is most likely to watch adult films frequently?
36. Who is most likely to fool around in an elevator?
37. Who is most likely to be an incorrigible flirt?
38. Who is most likely to break a lot of hearts?
39. Who is most likely to fall in love at first sight?
40. Who is most likely to have the most number of s#xual partners?
41. Who is most likely to share their s#x dream with friends?
42. Own the most extensive collection of adult movies?
43. Who is who is most likely to be caught jerking off in class/in the office?
44. Who is who is most likely to be horny a lot?
45. Who is most likely to never hold a grudge?
46. Who is most likely to go out in their undies?
47. Who is most likely to be a witch in disguise?
48. Who is most likely to dress as Dracula on Halloween?
49. Who is most likely to have road rage?
50. Who is most likely to go for counseling?
51. Who is most likely to get monthly medical check-ups?
52. Who is most likely to turn into a total recluse?
53. Who is most likely to go to rehab for drugs?
54. Who is most likely to run a matchmaking service?
55. Who is most likely to take photos during an earthquake?
Kinky and Dirty Most Likely to Questions
A good way to get the party started is to injectkinkymost likely to questions into boring conversations. Without wasting the time, have a look at the most likely to dirty edition.
1. Who is most likely to dye their hair blonde?
2. Who is most likely to develop a habit of playing video games all day long?
3. Who is most likely to sniff their partner’s underwear?
4. Who is most likely to talk on the phone while doing it?
5. Who is most likely to gain/shed extra pounds?
6. Who is most likely to name their privates?
7. Who is most likely to want s#x in the shower?
8. Who is most likely to take an after-s#x selfie?
9. Who is most likely to use food for foreplay?
10. Who is most likely to answer back at their parents?
11. Who is most likely to be the first/last at the dinner table?
12. Who is most likely to be the last to get up and the first to go to bed?
13. Who is most likely to own a Kama Sutra book?
14. Who is most likely to initiate s#xting?
15. Who is most likely to have office s#x?
16. Who is most likely to walk around the house naked?
17. Who is most likely to flirt using dirty jokes?
18. Who is most likely to like rough s#x?
19. Who is most likely to play a dirty truth or dare game?
20. Who is most likely to Google s#x positions?
21. Who is most likely to undress their partner using their teeth?
22. Who is most likely to want to make a s#x tape?
23. Who is most likely to sneak from work for a quickie?
24. Who is most likely to get it on with a vampire or mythical creature?
25. Who is most likely to have handcuffs in their bedroom?
26. Who is most likely to have s#x in a car?
27. Who is most likely to engage in a BDSM relationship?
28. Who is most likely to love early morning s#x?
29. Who is most likely to want quick s#x in an elevator?
30. Who is most likely to suggest s#x in a friend’s bathroom?
31. Who is most likely to go to work wearing full lingerie underneath their clothes?
32. Who is most likely to send naughty love notes during a friends’ night out?
33. Who is most likely to use coded language amid friends to communicate their s#xual intention?
34. Who is most likely to want pillow talk?
35. Who is most likely to do it on the kitchen table?
36. Who is most likely to like being choked?
37. Who is most likely to have hidden kinky fantasies?
Naughty and Dirty Most Likely to Questions
It’s a great way to get more intimate with your partner using these naughty most likely to questions. You will find plenty of juicy talking points here that will get you both excited.
1. Who is most likely to get on top during s#x?
2. Who is most likely to end up in s#x therapy?
3. Who is most likely to pee in a public pool?
4. Who is most likely to have a crush on a nerd?
5. Who is the most likely to become a porn star?
6. Who is most likely to enjoy collecting coins?
7. Who is most likely to have a random hobby?
8. Who is most likely to go on a vacation to meet new s#xual partners?
9. Who is most likely to have a weird obsession?
10. Who is most likely to be a pet hoarder?
11. Who is most likely to have s#x on their parents’ marital bed?
12. Who is most likely to make s#xist comments?
13. Who is most likely to use their parent’s money forever?
14. Who is most likely to become a sugar addict?
15. Who is most likely to become a porn star?
16. Who is most likely to initiate s#x?
17. Who is most likely to go on only blind dates?
18. Who is most likely to draw their private part on a wall?
19. Who is most likely to have a crush on their boss?
20. Who is most likely to send naked pictures of themselves to a crush?
21. Who is most likely to struggle with anxiety?
22. Who is most likely to have a s#xy dream tonight?
23. Who is most likely to dig for seashells at the beach?
24. Who is most likely to fart during an interview?
25. Who is most likely to send a dirty text to the wrong person?
26. Who is most likely to make babies laugh?
27. Who is most likely to hit on a waiter or waitress?
28. Who is most likely to have licked whipped cream off someone?
29. Who is most likely to climax first?
30. Who is most likely to buy a weird s#x toy?
31. Who is most likely to fart loudly in public and pretend it was someone else?
32. Who is most likely to start weeping during s#x?
33. Who is most likely to never drink enough water?
34. Who is most likely to have done it on the beach?
35. Who is most likely to start a fire at home?
36. Who is most likely to never cook in the kitchen?
37. Who is most likely to buy a robot?
Inappropriate and Dirty Most Likely to Questions
Here are some of the inappropriate most likely to questions you can ask your friends or your partner if you’re looking to have fun! Don’t waste your time and start having fun!
1. Who is most likely to laugh out loud at a funeral?
2. Who is most likely to start singing at an inappropriate time?
3. Who is most likely to talk to you on the phone while using the bathroom?
4. Who is most likely to fart and blame someone else?
5. Who is most likely to score at a burial?
6. Who is most likely to hit on their best friend’s parent?
7. Who is most likely to flirt with someone else while on a date?
8. Who is most likely to make a record for not cleaning underwear?
9. Who is most likely to watch adult films with family?
10. Who is most likely to bathe only once monthly?
11. Who is most likely to walk into their parents having s#x?
12. Who is most likely to be caught jerking off in class/in the office?
13. Who is most likely to be caught smashing their ex?
14. Who is most likely to be caught smashing their step-mom?
15. Who is most likely to be caught watching porn?
16. Who is most likely to cheat on their boyfriend/girlfriend?
17. Who is most likely to consent to group’s s#x?
18. Who is most likely to consent to promotion at work in exchange for s#xual favors?
19. Who is most likely to cum too soon/late?
20. Who is most likely to experiment with the weirdest s#xual positions?
21. Who is most likely to fart during s#x?
22. Who is most likely to go on a vacation just to meet new s#xual partners?
23. Who is most likely to have s#x in the weirdest places?
24. Who is most likely to have s#x multiple times in a day?
25. Who is most likely to have s#x on their parents’ matrimonial bed?
26. Who is most likely to have the most fetishes?
27. Who is most likely to not wear a bra?
28. Who is most likely to scream/moan the loudest during s#x?
29. Who is most likely to shout their ex’s name during s#x?
30. Who is most likely to start having s#x in the middle of a conversation/an argument?
31. Who is most likely to win the lottery and then leave their partner for good?
Funny and Dirty Most Likely to Questions for YouTube
It’s a lot of fun to ask “most likely to” challenge questions in a group setting, or even by yourself. Have a look at the following list of funny most likely to questionsthat will help you to enjoy a lot.
1. Have an embarrassing accident while having s#x?
2. Who is most likely not to wear underwear underneath clothes?
3. Who is most likely to have a secret affair?
4. Who is most likely to try friends with benefits arrangement?
5. Who is most likely to fantasize about someone in their friend circle?
6. Who is most likely to enjoy reading erotic novels?
7. Who is most likely to propose a game of strip poker?
8. Who is most likely to spend a lot of money on lingerie?
9. Who is most likely to give their partner kinky presents?
10. Who is most likely to have naughty thoughts about their school teacher?
11. Who is most likely to flirt to get their work done?
12. Who is most likely to get drunk and hit on their boss?
13. Who is most likely to get friend-zoned?
14. Who is most likely to get caught making out by a parent or a sibling?
15. Who is most likely to hit on someone much older or younger than them?
16. Who is most likely to have s#x in the shower?
17. Who is most likely to have s#x in the back seat of the car?
18. Who is most likely to be loud during s#x?
19. Who is most likely to make out in a movie theatre?
20. Who is most likely to take pictures of themselves in the shower?
21. Who is most likely to dream about making out with their celebrity crush?
22. Who is most likely to experiment with food items during s#x?
23. Who is most likely to do a walk of shame?
24. Who is most likely to hide a hickey?
25. Who is most likely to search for dating tips online?
26. Who is most likely to make out with more than one person on the same day?
27. Who is most likely to say the wrong name while having s#x?
28. Who is most likely to send a naughty text/photo to the wrong person?
29. Who is most likely to be showered with compliments about their s#xy physique?
30. Who is most likely to cheat on their partner?
31. Who is most likely to overshare details of their s#x life?
Dirty Most Likely to Questions for Friends
Dirty most likely to questions for friends will be a great source of laughter on a group date. As well as bringing partners together, they can break the ice if they are still getting to know one another.
1. Who is most likely to sleep naked or wearing the other’s shirt?
2. Who is most likely to get frisky with someone in a bathroom?
3. Who is most likely to gift their S.O. with edible lingerie?
4. Who is most likely to plan a date night that involves dirty texting?
5. Who is most likely to use the eggplant emoji?
6. Who is most likely to send the other s#xy selfies?
7. Who is most likely to stage a dirty scavenger hunt?
8. Who is most likely to make a dessert in a suggestive shape?
9. Who is most likely to ask if the other would ever consider jello wrestling?
10. Who is most likely to ask (or shop) for kinky presents?
11. Who is most likely to dress up for a flirty role-playing game?
12. Who is most likely to play strip poker?
13. Who is most likely to suggest a drinking game that also involves stripping?
14. Who is most likely to get caught wearing a trench coat with nothing else?
15. Who is most likely to have a planned wardrobe malfunction?
16. Who is most likely to write erotica and read it aloud to the other?
17. Who is most likely to go “commando” (i.e. sans underwear)?
18. Who is most likely to fool around with someone in the great outdoors?
19. Who is most likely to get arrested for indecent exposure?
20. Who is most likely to be able to do tongue twisters while drunk?
21. Who is most likely to sunbathe partially or totally al fresco?
22. Who is most likely to wear s#xy lingerie underneath their work clothes?
23. Who is most likely to have a secret steamy fling over the internet?
24. Who is most likely to have a celebrity crush?
25. Who is most likely to burn dinner while cooking?
26. Who is most likely to say I love you first?
27. Who is most likely to leave clothes all over the bedroom floor?
28. Who is most likely to forget about a family event?
29. Who is most likely to refuse to lose an argument?
30. Who is most likely to be the better politician out of the two of us?
31. Who is most likely to forget to buy a birthday card for their partner?
32. Who is most likely to watch funny cat videos on the internet all evening?
33. Who is most likely to start a fad diet?
Dirty Most Likely to Questions for Adults
It is important to get to know your partner better to grow your relationship. Asking questions is a great way to start. To get closer and build intimacy, couples can ask dirty most likely to questions for adults.
1. Who is most likely to date two guys at once?
2. Who is most likely to sleep with someone on the first date?
3. Who is most likely to forget the name of a person they hooked up with?
4. Who is most likely to have a one night stand?
5. Who is most likely to get caught hooking up with someone in public?
6. Who is most likely to fall asleep during s#x?
7. Who is most likely to try a threesome?
8. Who is most likely to hook up with their boss?
9. Who is most likely to get caught with their ex?
10. Who is most likely to build a s#x dungeon?
11. Who is most likely to make the first move?
12. Who is most likely to sleep with a colleague?
13. Who is most likely to wake up with s#x?
14. Who is most likely to be into BDSM?
15. Who is most likely to masturbate in a public place?
16. Who is most likely to make a s#x tape?
17. Who is most likely to not use protection?
18. Who is most likely to enjoy vanilla s#x?
19. Who is most likely to never have s#x in their lives?
20. Who is most likely to moan the loudest during s#x?
21. Who is most likely to win a Guinness World Record for something stupid? W
22. Who is most likely to have needed a lawyer in the past?
23. Who is most likely to have a body buried in their backyard?
24. Who is most likely to threaten a co-worker?
25. Who is most likely to post a hate speech online?
26. Who is most likely to buy stolen goods?
27. Who is most likely to own a very creepy statue?
28. Who is most likely to download movies illegally?
29. Who is most likely to steal from an older person?
30. Who is most likely to break into a house?
31. Who is most likely to harm themselves if their partner left them?
32. Who is most likely to cheat with a best friend?
33. Who is most likely to get friend-zoned after a weird s#xual encounter?
34. Who is most likely to be friend-zoned after a terrible kiss?
35. Who is most likely to try a different intimate pose every day?
36. Who is most likely to blame their fart on their partner?
37. Who is most likely to touch a random person’s butt?
38. Who is most likely to be a screamer?
39. Who is most likely to write a book about their own s#x life?
40. Who is most likely to own a s#x toy?
41. Who is most likely to go on an erotic date?
42. Who is most likely to be s#xting at work?
43. Who is most likely to make the loudest noises while kissing?
44. Who is most likely to make a s#x tape at home?
45. Who is most likely to watch porn at work?
46. Who is most likely to enjoy cyber s#x?
47. Who is most likely to sell their s#x tapes on social media?
48. Who is most likely to get wet while dreaming?
49. Who is most likely to have 69 as their favorite position?
50. Who is most likely to use lube?
51. Who is most likely to enjoy some ice in bed?
52. Who is most likely to prefer s#x with lights off?
53. Who is most likely to have anal s#x?
54. Who is most likely to take a mid-s#x video?
55. Who is most likely to not stay after s#x?
56. Who is most likely to play peek-a-boo in the shower?
57. Who is most likely to marry a celebrity for s#x?
58. Who is most likely to take part in a s#xual reality show?
59. Who is most likely to stay in a toxic relationship due to good s#x?
60. Who is most likely to do it with multiple people on the same night?
61. Who is most likely to sit in a restaurant bathroom?
62. Who is most likely to wear their partner’s underwear?
Dirty Most Likely to Questions for Couples
These dirty most likely to questions for couples is a great way to break the ice between a couples or simply test how well you actually know each other. Let’s have a look!
1. Who is most likely to you were old when you lost your virginity?
2. Who is most likely to you ever faked an orgasm with me?
3. Who is most likely to would you like me to do during s#x?
4. Who is most likely to public place would you like to have s#x in?
5. Who is most likely to you prefer my boobs or my butt?
6. Who is most likely to think has been our naughtiest encounter so far?
7. Who is most likely to ever skinny-dip with a group?
8. Who is most likely to be on your mind when we’re doing it?
9. Who is most likely to forget the grocery list?
10. Who is most likely to not pay the electricity bill?
11. Who is most likely to go on a shopping spree?
12. Who is most likely to leave a wet towel on the bed?
13. Who is most likely to not clean up after a bath?
14. Who is most likely to take over the tv remote?
15. Who is most likely to get ready first for an event?
16. Who is most likely to your favorite part of my body?
17. Who is most likely to select an outfit for me in the bedroom, what would it be?
18. Who is most likely to I touch you that will instantly turn you on?
19. Who is most likely to try anal s#x?
20. Who is most likely to have a dirty dream about me?
21. Who is most likely to embarrass the other while drunk?
22. Who is most likely to die in a zombie apocalypse?
23. Who is most likely to not turn up on the wedding day?
24. Who is most likely to discuss our private life in public?
25. Who is most likely to start a fight?
26. Who is most likely to surprise the other by bringing home a puppy?
27. Who is most likely to perform a prank on the other?
28. Who is most likely to buy a gift the other person hates?
29. Who is most likely to have the funniest relationship stories?
30. Who is most likely to be arrested for something stupid?
31. Who is most likely to get too drunk at a family event?
32. Who is most likely to get jealous over something trivial?
33. Who is most likely to lose something in the house?
34. Who is most likely to cry during a movie?
35. Who is most likely to fall over embarrassingly in public?
36. Who is most likely to leave and never come back?
37. Who is most likely to spend the most money online shopping?
38. Who is most likely to go outside and dance in the rain?
39. Who is most likely to wear patriotic underwear?
40. Who is most likely to be disliked by the other’s family?
41. Who is most likely to ignore their partner at a party?
42. Who is most likely to crib about their ex on a weekend?
43. Who is most likely to miss their wedding reception?
44. Who is most likely to break up over text?
45. Who is most likely to drunk dial their partner and confess their love?
46. Who is most likely to flirt with the bartender?
47. Who is most likely to crash their ex’s wedding?
48. Who is most likely to kiss and not tell?
49. Who is most likely to overthink a date?
50. Who is most likely to wear pajamas to a date?
51. Who is most likely to set up a weekend getaway?
52. Who is most likely to pull a prank?
53. Who is most likely to clean up their partner’s room?
54. Who is most likely to steal food from their partner’s plate?
55. Who is most likely to cancel plans at the last second?
56. Who is most likely to sleep on a flight?
57. Who is most likely to dance in the middle of the road?
58. Who is most likely to forget their vows at their wedding?
59. Who is most likely to be a sore loser?
60. Who is most likely to quit their job without a second thought?
61. Who is most likely to write their own vows?
62. Who is most likely to do the dishes?
63. Who is most likely to clog the toilet early in the morning?
Dirty Most Likely to Questions for Bachelorette Party
It is sometimes possible for bachelor parties to be boring if not spruced up properly. You can make things interesting by coming up with dirty most likely to questions for bachelorette party.
1. Who is most likely to be a cool mom?
2. Who is most likely to be the first or last on the dance floor?
3. Who is most likely to continue using their maiden’s name?
4. Who is most likely to know the most porn stars?
5. Who is most likely to help the bride elope from the wedding?
6. Who is most likely to be a weed smoker?
7. Who is most likely to commit suicide over a scandal?
8. Who is most likely to leave a generous tip after a nice treat?
9. Who is most likely to get to the wedding venue late?
10. Who is most likely to be your best friend forever?
11. Who is most likely to keep the bride’s deepest secrets?
12. Who is most likely to get married next?
13. Who is most likely to find their soul mate at the wedding?
14. Who is most likely to give the bride a kinky gift?
15. Who is most likely to lose their phone or purse at the wedding?
16. Who is most likely to forget to buy the couple a wedding gift?
17. Who is most likely to stay sober throughout the wedding?
18. Who is most likely to buy the couple an expensive wedding gift?
19. Who is most likely to leave the wedding with a date?
20. Who is most likely to hook up with one of the groomsmen?
21. Who is most likely to take the most pictures at the wedding?
22. Who is most likely to get drunk at the wedding?
23. Who is most likely to call her ex after the wedding?
24. Who is most likely to get teary during the vows?
25. Who is most likely to get into a fight with a guest at the wedding?
26. Who is most likely to kill it on the dance floor?
27. Who is most likely to ruin their wedding dress before the wedding?
28. Who is most likely to bring a date to the wedding?
Dirty Most Likely to Questions for Drinking Game
The drinking game Paranoia requires a minimum of three friends to play. You can keep doing this fun activity until everyone has answered a question. So, let’s start with thedirty most likely to questions for drinking game!
1. Who is most likely to get a tattoo while drunk?
2. Who is most likely to embarrass their partner while drunk?
3. Who is most likely to flirt with hot girls?
4. Who is most likely to go to a bar more than four times a week?
5. Who is most likely to own a bar?
6. Who is most likely to be the best kisser?
7. Who is most likely to go skinny dipping?
8. Who is most likely to develop an accent when drunk?
9. Who is most likely to give the best massages?
10. Who is most likely to make out with a relative accidentally?
11. Who is most likely to have dated the most people?
12. Who is most likely to date someone everyone else hates?
13. Who is most likely to take alcohol as a mode of payment?
14. Who is most likely to be willing to kiss the player on their right?
15. Who is most likely to be able to sound like the opposite s#x believably?
16. Who is most likely to eat food naked?
17. Who is most likely to drunk-text their ex?
18. Who is most likely to lower their dating standards when drunk?
19. Who is most likely to be a fantastic Wonder Woman?
20. Who is most likely to leave ratings of movies online?
21. Who is most likely to be chosen to play Superman?
22. Who is most likely to have a lead role in a movie someday?
23. Who is most likely to write a movie script?
24. Who is most likely to go to the movies rather than stream online?
25. Who is most likely to leave movie spoilers online?
26. Who is most likely to have a heart attack from watching a scary movie?
27. Who is most likely to kiss all the other players?
28. Who is most likely to meet their lover through online dating?
29. Who is most likely to search their partner’s details online?
30. Who is most likely to pole dance when drunk?
31. Who is most likely to borrow someone else’s underwear when they are out of clean pairs?
32. Who is most likely to be emotional when drunk?
33. Who is most likely to check themselves out in a mirror and admire what they see?
5 Tips for Picking Dirty Most Likely to Questions
Ask dirty most likely to questions to start a conversation you can enjoy with your family, friends, or partner. You can also play this with two people, but it will be more enjoyable if you have at least four people. Wondering about how to start this game. I’ve designed the tips for your ease.
Make a Rule for Every Participant to Ask Questions
You need to make a rule and others will need to follow it. Every player asks a question this tip will help you more. And you collect the collection of most likely to questions dirty version.
Start the Countdown
When one player asks a question the other participants start the countdown, it will last for 3 to 5 seconds. When the countdown ends, every player is responsible to answer the questions. For this suggestion, you can spend less time and collect more questions.
Feel Free to Ask Any Questions
Please don’t be surprised if you come up with other questions. Feel free to add them. Be open to the possibility that you will learn something that will blow your expectations out of the water.
It might be possible that you sit with the s#xy mind and try to pick some juicy most likely to questions. So, don’t hesitate and ask everything that comes to your mind.
Create a List of Questions
This tip helps you a lot. Whenever you create a list of questions, you don’t be going on out of the track and ask most likely to questions that are dirty.
Get the Point Across
It’s important to avoid dull questions that sound more like you’re joking with your partner than flirting. Make it clear you’re interested in getting to know your partner.
I hope above all suggestions may help you a lot to pick up the dirty questions.
Final Thoughts on Dirty Most Likely to Questions
Finding the right dirty most likely to questions can be challenging. You should ask questions that are appropriate for the occasion and your relationship with the participants. When you ask your love interest most likely to questions dirty version, it is quite different than when you ask your friends’ similar questions.
It is important to remember that juicy most likely to questionsare fun and engaging for everyone to play. When you want to connect with someone on a deeper level and get to know them better, this game is ideal. Furthermore, it gives you a chance to ask all the questions you have always wanted to but were afraid to ask.
It’s okay if this list doesn’t cover every dirty most likely to question you want, you can always add new questions each time you play. Please don’t hesitate to send us some as this is a game that I also love playing.