44 Bluebird Poems – A Symbol of Happiness and Joy

The bluebird, with its vibrant blue feathers and cheerful song, has long been regarded as a symbol of happiness and joy.
The bluebird poems are not just about the bird’s physical beauty but also about the emotional and spiritual significance they hold for people.
According to a study by the University of Michigan, being in the presence of nature, including birds, can boost one’s mood and reduce stress levels.
Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore a collection of poems about bluebird, inspiring your love for nature and birds.
Famous Bluebird Poems
The famous poems about bluebird have taken the hearts of readers throughout history. These poems reflect on the bird’s beauty and symbolize hope and happiness.
1. The First Bluebirds
by Katharine Lee Bates
The poor earth was so winter-marred,
Harried by storm so long,
It seemed no spring could mend her,
No tardy sunshine render
Atonement for such wrong.
Snow after snow, and gale and hail,
Gaunt trees encased in icy mail,
The glittering drifts so hard They took no trace
Of scared, wild feet,
No print of fox and hare
Driven by dearth
To forage for their meat
Even in dooryard bare
And frosty lawn
Under the peril of the human race;
And then one primrose dawn,
Sweet, sweet, O sweet,
And tender, tender,
The bluebirds woke the happy earth
With song.
2. The Bluebird
by Emily Dickinson
Before you thought of spring,
Except as a surmise,
You see, God bless his suddenness,
A fellow in the skies
Of independent hues,
A little weather-worn,
Inspiriting habiliments
Of indigo and brown.
With specimens of song,
As if for you to choose,
Discretion in the interval,
With gay delays he goes
To some superior tree
Without a single leaf,
And shouts for joy to nobody
But his seraphic self!
3. Bluebird
by Hilda Conkling
Oh bluebird with light red breast,
And your blue back like a feathered sky,
You have to go down south
Before biting winter comes
And my flower-beds are covered with fluff out of the clouds.
Before you go,
Sing me one more song
Of tree-tops down south,
Of darkies singing their babies to sleep,
Of sand and glittering stones
Where rivers pass;
Then . . . good-by!
4. To a Bluebird
by George P. Guerrier
O thou that wear’st the livery of the sky —
Heaven’s sovereign stamp upon thee without thrift —
Would that I might like praise with thine uplift!
Pour forth as seemest thou, to One on high,
A breath as pure! but, ah, too weak am I!
Plume as I may upon a rarer gift,
Watching the weird cloud-phantoms chasing drift,
And on the grass in shadow-waves flow by;
Or fed with fancies by the rustling firs,
The varied joy of which the mind partakes,
And still the greater boon whence faith awakes;
Yea, though I should attempt my very most,
‘Twould be of song alone but as a ghost,
Compared with thine which now my heart so stirs.
5. The Blue-Bird
by Marion Thornton Egbert
Sunshine, the bird, and the bended bough,
Hushed and afar are life’s troubles now
When here I may feel the flying feet,
The throb of the bird’s heart flutter sweet,
And all the unforgotten bliss
That thrills her, when she sings like this,
Upon yon bended bough.
Oh to cling for a wild mad moment of bliss
To a bended bough with a lover’s kiss,
To stay for an instant the flying feet,
To know the pain of a joy complete,
To waken Memory, to thrill anew
At the ghost-spray’s touch, O bird of blue,
How I envy you!
6. The Blue Bird
by Madison Cawein
From morn till noon upon the window-pane
The tempest tapped with rainy finger-nails,
And all the afternoon the blustering gales
Beat at the door with furious feet of rain.
The rose, near which the lily bloom lay slain,
Like some red wound dripped by the garden rails,
On which the sullen slug left slimy trails—
Meseemed the sun would never shine again.
Then in the drench, long, loud and full of cheer,—
A skyey herald tabarded in blue,—
A bluebird bugled…and at once a bow
Was bent in heaven, and I seemed to hear
God’s sapphire spaces crystallising through
The strata’d clouds in azure tremolo.
7. A Mountain Bluebird
by George Young
You are a grace
never mastered by earth’s blue eye
at foot of the glacier, open to a cloudless sky—
nor recognized by idle school children
staring out the window at what happens to be a blue ribbon
tied to a telephone wire
You are a flash of living, breathing blue.
And Lord what am I
that such a bird can escape from the cage of my skull and fly
8. A Little Bluebird
by David Harris
A little bluebird sang
his love song from on high.
Was he singing for his mate
or serenading the lovers
as they walked on by
in the street below.
Before I could ask him,
he flew off and across
the sky; he did go
taking his love song
with him as he departed
leaving several lovers
rather broken hearted.
9. May the Bluebird Sing or Cry
by Emma Joiner
May come winter, may come fall
May the spring or summer call
May the river flood or dry
may the bluebird sing or cry.
May the rover find it’s way
May the hunter shoot it’s prey
May the sinner tell no lies
May the bluebird sing or cry.
May the mountains be as steep
May the valleys be so deep
May the ocean meet the tide
May the bluebird sing or cry.
May the poor have no pain
May the wealthy be unvain
May the common just get by
May the bluebird sing or cry.
May the stars shine as bright
May the dark not give a fright
May a comet cross the sky
May the bluebird sing or cry.
May the wind be just a breeze
May the fieldcrops never freeze
May the trees grow so high
May the bluebird sing or cry.
Come what else or come what may
I will still know everyday
May the bluebird sing or cry
My love for you will never die.
Funny Bluebird Poems
While bluebirds are often associated with happiness, funny bluebird poems bring an easy touch to their portrayal. These interesting poems about bluebird showcase the humorous side of the bird.
1. Once Upon a Monkey
by Kathy Steen Dillard Bailey
Once upon a monkey
In a tree so high
Lived a little baby blue bird
As blue as the sky.
The monkey oh so limber
And the bluebird oh so blue
Lived together nicely
In a tree made for two.
So if you ever see a bluebird
Perched upon a monkey’s shoulder
Just know it’s only temporary
Until bluebird’s a little older.
2. Little Bluebird
by Carolyn Sears
Perched upon my windowsill
Singin” a early morning melody
I heard you sang a beautiful song
Come home, come home,
I thought the little bluebird
Was an angel sent from heaven
As he perched upon my window
Sill singin”
With a voice sounds as if it was
Sent from heaven..
The little bluebird finished his
Beautiful Serenade..
With a heavenly chirp, chirp,
He glowed of a bright light
And spreads his wings and
Into the heavens he flew.
3. They Called Me Bluebird
by Kyle Nickerson Kustak
A stranger’s name on skeptic tongues
A taste like blood and foreboding.
The spice of a new kid.
Foam bleeds through the teeth of my peers
Bile green, it’s words and it’s venom
This thing they call “fun”.
A game played with barbed wire fists,
Acid, poison, whips, guns and swords.
No rules but they’re winning.
They called me Bluebird
I one short, fat, and sad.
Accurate if only I’d fly.
Raccoons and kestrels
Hunt a bluebird til death.
Dear God how I wish I could fly.
Once I was Bluebird.
Existence encumbered.
Stained life released via knife.
Witness, you hungry young hunters,
The blossom of seeds that you sowed.
Bleeding chrysanthemum.
I carved my name into my chest,
The wings broken and defeathered
Of bluebird now red.
Peace feels like longing and defeat,
But I fly on wings of my own
Pray safe from the world.
4. The Bluebird and the Worm
by Alyssa
Bluebird flits across the
Cerulean sky, always
Doomed to land to
Eat her precious
Goodbye, says the
Hungry bird to the
Insect it is about to eat.
Just a little bit longer til’ you see the
Knight of death.
Lies, says the bug. No
Mouth shall stop my little heart. I say
No to the Knight,
Only a
Person could
Quell my
Remaining fear of her.
So, what shall you do, Bird of
The blue feather?
Unabashed, the bluebird
Vacated the nearby
Woods, only for the
Xylophagous insect to
Yelp out its displeasure at the bluebird
Zigzagging away from him.
Inspirational Bluebird Poems
The inspirational poems about bluebird carry a perspective on the bird beyond its physical beauty, celebrating the symbolism of the bluebird as a messenger of hope, joy, and renewal.
1. The Bluebirds
by Henry David Thoreau
In the midst of the poplar that stands by our door,
We planted a bluebird box,
And we hoped before the summer was o’er
A transient pair to coax.
One warm summer’s day the bluebirds came
And lighted on our tree,
But at first the wand’rers were not so tame
But they were afraid of me.
They seemed to come from the distant south,
Just over the Walden wood,
And they skimmed it along with open mouth
Close by where the bellows stood.
2. Bright Blue Bird
by K. Srilata
A bright blue bird
from distant tree
flies into my house.
When it flies out, it leaves behind
its bright blue
The blue hops down
becomes first one word
and then, another,
till, finally, it assumes the face of a poem
Before long, the floor is an upside down-blue sky
and the blue of the poem has made its way
into my ink filler,
Into my notebook
3. The Last Word of a Bluebird
by Robert Frost
As I went out a Crow
In a low voice said, “Oh,
I was looking for you.
How do you do?
I just came to tell you
To tell Lesley (will you?)
That her little Bluebird
Wanted me to bring word
That the north wind last night
That made the stars bright
And made ice on the trough
Almost made him cough
His tail feathers off.
He just had to fly!
But he sent her Good-by,
And said to be good,
And wear her red hood,
And look for skunk tracks
In the snow with an ax—
And do everything!
And perhaps in the spring
He would come back and sing.”
4. Bluebird of Happiness
by A.S. Waldrop
This bluebird is special,
so cheery and merry too;
He’s here for just one reason,
to bring happiness to you!
Just keep him close
Or carry him,
enjoy each and every day;
This little Bluebird of Happiness,
will bring smiles along the way!
5. The Blue-Bird
by Herman Melville
And soft she sighed–Too soon he came;
On wings of hope he met the knell;
His heavenly tint the dust shall tame;
Ah, some misgiving had been well.
But, look, the clear ethereal hue
In June it makes the Larkspur’s dower;
It is the self-same welkin-blue–
The Bird’s transfigured in the Flower.
6. The Bluebird
by John Burroughs
A wistful note from out the sky,
“Pure, pure, pure,” in plaintive tone,
As if the wand’rer were alone,
And hardly knew to sing or cry.
But now a flash of eager wing,
Flitting, twinkling by the wall,
And pleadings sweet and am’rous call,—
Ah, now I know his heart doth sing!
O bluebird, welcome back again,
Thy azure coat and ruddy vest
Are hues that April loveth best,—
Warm skies above the furrowed plain.
The farm boy hears thy tender voice,
And visions come of crystal days,
With sugar-camps in maple ways,
And scenes that make his heart rejoice.
The lucid smoke drifts on the breeze,
The steaming pans are mantling white,
And thy blue wing’s a joyous sight,
Among the brown and leafless trees.
Now loosened currents glance and run,
And buckets shine on sturdy boles,
The forest folk peep from their holes,
And work is play from sun to sun.
The Downy beats his sounding limb,
The nuthatch pipes his nasal call,
And robin perched on treetop tall
Heavenward lifts his evening hymn.
Now go and bring thy homesick bride,
Persuade her here is just the place
To build a home and found a race
In Downy’s cell, my lodge beside.
7. My Little Bluebird
by Patricia Kelley
I can still hear the little bluebird calling.
He says you’re falling,
It’s time to pick yourself up and quit your bawling.
Oh, my pretty little bluebird’s in the blue sky, I hear you calling.
I say, will I ever stop falling?
Yes, the bluebird, says I promise you blue skies that are calling.
Do you hear the calling?
My bluebird is calling.
My little bluebird’s promising me blue skies that will soon be falling.
Don’t you see the blue skies falling?
Soon the sun will be shining.
8. One Lone Bluebird
by Melanie
One lone bluebird begins its flight.
One lone bluebird gone to great heights.
Beautiful wings, strong and hollow
All the other bluebirds obediently follow
Surrounded by others high in the sky,
One lone bluebird destined to fly.
High above the trees, wings spread to soar,
One lone bluebird in search of something more.
And with bluebird friends all around,
One lone bluebird feeling quite down.
Suddenly, the bluebird is all alone.
Desperately trying to make it back home.
Wings withdrawn and perched on a tree,
Covered in darkness, difficult to see.
In the silence, the bluebird finds bliss.
In the silence, inner thoughts persist.
One lone bluebird missing its friends.
One lone bluebird fearful of the end.
Eerily quiet in utter solitude,
One lone bluebird has a change in mood.
An important lesson was learned that day,
One lone bluebird had lost its way.
Though it may be easier to hide,
Life is better with other birds by its side.
One lone bluebird destined to fly,
Surrounded by others high in the sky.
9. Bluebird
by Zechary DeWolf
Little bluebird, don’t hang your head and cry tears of sorrow
Don’t sit on this lowly sill and let your tears fall to the floor.
Fly high and escape the fate of those below.
Do not regard yourself with the un-winged mortal fellows below.
Their fate is sealed, but you…
You can streak the sky with brilliant azure murals.
It is said the bluebird carries the sky on its back,
and the clouds on its breast, but you…
You carry the world, the Heavens, and all their beauty.
Do not sit down below and stain your eyes with tears.
No, fly high to your place in the sky
Where joy and delight await you, after your burdened, trial-filled,
Short Bluebird Poems
The short poetries about bluebird capture the core of the bird’s beauty and symbolism in just a few lines.
1. Bluebird
by Hilda Conkling
So happy the song he sings
On the apple-blossom bough!
Remembering how the sun
Melted the long winter snow.
He is the first to come,
He and his comrade robin,
In his heart joyful
Over returning Spring.
So happy the song he sings
On the apple-blossom bough!
2. The Bluebird
by John B. Tabb
When God had made a host of them,
One little flower still lacked a stem
To hold its blossom blue;
So into it He breathed a song,
And suddenly, with petals strong
As wings, away it flew.
3. Return of the Bluebird
by Kiesha Shepar
The bluebirds are returning with good luck and good fortune
Watch them swoop in flittering flutters
Hear them sing in magical melodies
As charming as snow white, so the fairest of all birds
4. Song of a Dead Bluebird
by Alisha Isabell
The little bluebird outside my window
Turning black before my eyes,
Smoldering lies it sings to me,
Burns holes in the sky, I know
The way
The little bluebird likes to
Dip and dive through your sky.
After blessings undone, turns
Promises upside down
I may only wish for your
Little bluebird words
To fall flat in your mouth.
5. Bluebird at Dawn
by Woody
I want to hear the falls again
Listen to woman water sing to her child
Run the green pastures of my childhood
Stop thinking of death and a sad dog
Leave this supposed life I live
Walk in the moonlight on a dark road
I want to wake with the mountains
Like a bluebird at dawn.
Long Bluebird Poems
The long poetries about bluebird poems offer an experience that takes readers on a journey of discovery. These poetries offer more to the bluebird’s symbolism, beauty, and relationship with nature.
1. Bluebird’s Greeting
by George Parsons Lathrop
Over the mossy walls,
Above the slumbering fields
Where yet the ground no fruitage yields,
Save as the sunlight falls
In dreams of harvest-yellow,
What voice remembered calls,—
So bubbling fresh, so soft and mellow?
A darting, azure-feathered arrow
From some lithe sapling’s bow-curve, fleet
The bluebird, springing light and narrow,
Sings in flight, with gurglings sweet:
“Out of the South I wing,
Blown on the breath of Spring:
The little faltering song
That in my beak I bring
Some maiden shall catch and sing,
Filling it with the longing
And the blithe, unfettered thronging
Of her spirit’s blossoming.
“Warbling along
In the sunny weather,
Float, my notes,
Through the sunny motes,
Falling light as a feather!
Flit, flit, o’er the fertile land
‘Mid hovering insects’ hums;
Fall into the sower’s hand:
Then, when his harvest comes,
The seed and the song shall have flowered together.
“From the Coosa and Altamaha,
With a thought of the dim blue Gulf;
From the Roanoke and Kanawha;
From the musical Southern rivers,
O’er the land where the fierce war-wolf
Lies slain and buried in flowers;
I come to your chill, sad hours
And the woods where the sunlight shivers.
I come like an echo: ‘Awake!’
I answer the sky and the lake
And the clear, cool color that quivers
In all your azure rills.
I come to your wan, bleak hills
For a greeting that rises dearer,
To homely hearts draws me nearer
Than the warmth of the rice-fields or wealth of the ranches.
“I will charm away your sorrow,
For I sing of the dewy morrow:
My melody sways like the branches
My light feet set astir:
I bring to the old, as I hover,
The days and the joys that were,
And hope to the waiting lover!
Then, take my note and sing,
Filling it with the longing
And the blithe, unfettered thronging
Of your spirit’s blossoming!’
Not long that music lingers:
Like the breath of forgotten singers
It flies,—or like the March-cloud’s shadow
That sweeps with its wing the faded meadow
Not long! And yet thy fleeting,
Thy tender, flute-toned greeting,
O bluebird, wakes an answer that remains
The purest chord in all the year’s refrains.
2. The Early Blue-Bird
by Lydia Howard Sigourney
Blue-bird! on yon leafless tree,
Dost thou carol thus to me,
“Spring is coming! Spring is here?”
Say’st thou so, my birdie dear?
What is that, in misty shroud,
Stealing from the darken’d cloud?
Lo! the snow-flakes’ gathering mound
Settles o’er the whiten’d ground,
Yet thou singest, blithe and clear,
“Spring is coming! Spring is here!”
Strik’st thou not too bold a strain?
Winds are piping o’er the plain;
Clouds are sweeping o’er the sky
With a black and threatening eye;
Urchins, by the frozen rill,
Wrap their mantles closer still;
Yon poor man, with doublet old,
Doth he shiver at the cold?
Hath he not a nose of blue?
Tell me, birdling, tell me true.
Spring’s a maid of mirth and glee,
Rosy wreaths, and revelry:
Hast thou woo’d some winged love
To a nest in verdant grove?
Sung to her of greenwood bower,
Sunny skies that never lower?
Lured her with thy promise fair
Of a lot that knows no care?
Prythee, bird, in coat of blue,
Though a lover, tell her true.
Ask her if, when storms are long,
She can sing a cheerful song?
When the rude winds rock the tree,
If she’ll closer cling to thee?
Then the blasts that sweep the sky,
Unappall’d shall pass thee by;
Though thy curtain’d chamber show
Siftings of untimely snow,
Warm and glad thy heart shall be,
Love shall make it Spring for thee.
3. An Early Bluebird
by Maurice Thompson
Leap to the highest height of spring,
And trill thy sweetest note,
Bird of the heavenly plumes and twinkling wing
And silver-tonëd throat!
Sing, while the maple’s deepest root
Thrills with a pulse of fire
That lights its buds. Blow, blow thy tender flute,
Thy reed of rich desire!
Breathe in thy syrinx Freedom’s breath,
Quaver the fresh and true,
Dispel this lingering wintry mist of death
And charm the world anew!
Thou first sky-dipped spring-bud of song,
Whose heavenly ecstasy
Foretells the May while yet March winds are strong,
Fresh faith appears with thee!
How sweet, how magically rich,
Through filmy splendor blown,
Thy hopeful voice set to the promise-pitch
Of melody yet unknown!
O land of mine (where hope can grow
And send a deeper root
With every spring), hear, heed the free bird blow
Hope’s charmëd flute!
Ah! who will hear, and who will care,
And who will heed thy song,
As prophecy, as hope, as promise rare,
Budding to bloom ere long?
From swelling bulbs and sprouting seed,
Sweet sap and fragrant dew,
And human hearts, grown doubly warm at need,
Leaps answer strong and true:
We see, we hear (thou liberty-loving thing,
That down spring winds doth float),
The promise of thine empyrean wing,
The hope that floods thy throat!
4. The Bluebird
by Maurice Thompson
When ice is thawed and snow is gone,
And racy sweetness floods the trees;
When snow-birds from the hedge have flown,
And on the hive-porch swarm the bees,
Drifting down the first warm wind
That thrills the earliest days of spring,
The bluebird seeks our maple groves,
And charms them into tasselling.
He sits among the delicate sprays,
With mists of splendor round him drawn,
And through the spring’s prophetic veil
Sees summer’s rich fulfilment dawn:
He sings, and his is nature’s voice—
A gush of melody sincere
From that great fount of harmony
Which thaws and runs when spring is here.
Short is his song, but strangely sweet
To ears aweary of the low,
Dull tramp of Winter’s sullen feet,
Sandalled in ice and muffed in snow:
Short is his song, but through it runs
A hint of dithyrambs yet to be—
A sweet suggestiveness that has
The influence of prophecy.
From childhood I have nursed a faith
In bluebirds’ songs and winds of spring:
They tell me, after frost and death
There comes a time of blossoming;
And after snow and cutting sleet,
The cold, stern mood of Nature yields
To tender warmth, when bare pink feet
Of children press her greening fields.
Sing strong and clear, O bluebird dear!
While all the land with splendor fills,
While maples gladden in the vales
And plum-trees blossom on the hills:
Float down the wind on shining wings,
And do thy will by grove and stream,
While through my life spring’s freshness runs
Like music through a poet’s dream.
5. The Bluebird and the Moon
by Sol
the bluebird had queries and questions
and thought he should ask the moon,
but the moon was dark that night.
its hood was pulled tight.
the bluebird sighed, and so did the sun.
the sea greeted him with a waving hand.
“bluebird, bluebird up there!
the moon does not speak easy.
having its skin broken too many times.”
the bluebird whistled a sad tune.
“whatever shall i do, when i need the moon?
he will not speak, and i am too weak
to fly to him up there.”
the sea crashed against the rocky shore,
and its response was, “you need not wings,
bluebird, when the moon will come to you.
for when your light falls the moon will rise,
in the darkness it lights the skies.”
the bluebird huffed once again.
“i am not the sun, silly sea.
you mistake my feathers for blue skies,
i am not the stars in the night.”
but the bluebird could not see,
how bright he was to be.
and as he flew away,
the moon began to say,
“your wings are bigger than they seem.
bluebird, do not fret.
our time is to come together yet.
so the bluebird whistled a tune
as his wings expanded and grew,
and lifted him high into the sky,
and to the moon he drew nigh.
he landed among the stars.
bluebird, you will indeed go far.
6. Bluebird Tightrope
by Roger Turner
Make them suffer, fall in love
Words dripping with emotion
You’re the singer….alchemist
Words and Music are your potion
Make them cry, laugh, and sing
Make them react to every line
Stir the *** some….Alchemist
On a tightrope made of rhyme
One chance is all you get
Working without a net
No one will hear you fall
You’re tightrope is made of words
On stage at the Bluebird
You’ve only one chance…that’s all
Write your thoughts out, share your dreams
Do it in three four time
Put it to music, bring them along
On your musical tightrope line
Go out and sell yourself, nightly
And make them feel what is inside
Remember, you’re up on a tightrope
And each night, is a completely new ride
One chance is all you get
Working without a net
No one will hear you fall
You’re tightrope is made of words
On stage at the Bluebird
You’ve only one chance…that’s all
There’s no support but words and music
At the Bluebird, you’re on your own
Make them a part of you, do the best you can do
Make them all family, sing to them each…alone
Don’t forget don’t look down, just focus on the light
Come on now, Alchemist, stir the *** some more
Make them all cry again, make them remember when
Sing from the tightrope and they’ll fall in love once more
One chance is all you get
Working without a net
No one will hear you fall
You’re tightrope is made of words
On stage at the Bluebird
You’ve only one chance…that’s all
Bluebird Poems for Kids
The bluebird poems for preschool or first grades kids are a great way to introduce young children to nature and encourage a love for birds.
1. The Bluebird’s Song
by Emily Huntington Miller
I know the song that the bluebird is singing,
Out in the apple tree where he is swinging.
Brave little fellow! the skies may be dreary—
Nothing cares he while his heart is so cheery.
Hark! how the music leaps out from his throat!
Hark! was there ever so merry a note?
Listen a while, and you’ll hear what he’s saying,
Up in the apple tree swinging and swaying.
“Dear little blossoms down under the snow,
You must be weary of winter I know.
Listen, I’ll sing you a message of cheer!
Summer is coming! and springtime is here!
“Little white snowdrop! I pray you arise;
Bright yellow crocus! please open your eyes;
Sweet little violets, hid from the cold,
Put on your mantles of purple and gold;
Daffodils! Daffodils! say, do you hear?—
Summer is coming, and springtime is here!”
2. Hey Bluebird
by Lauren Spooner
Hey bluebird
Fly away from here
You are too small
To weather this storm
Hey bluebird
Will you fly away from here
The sky is blue as you are
And I’ve locked your cage in fear
Hey bluebird
How are you singing
When your wings are clipped
And you can no longer fly?
Hey bluebird
Your colours are fading
Your feathers are shades of grey
I just can’t see blue any more
Hey bluebird
You’ve weathered the storm
Damaged and faded you’re singing
Maybe I should’ve just listened to you.
3. The Bluebird
by Eben Eugene Rexford
Listen a moment, I pray you; what was that sound I heard?
Wind in the budding branches, the ripple of brooks, or a bird?
Hear it again, above us! and see! a flutter of wings!
The bluebird knows it is April, and soars toward the sun and sings.
Never the song of the robin could make my heart so glad.
When I hear the bluebird singing in spring, I forget to be sad.
Hear it! A ripple of music! Sunshine changed into song!
It sets me thinking of summer when the days and their dreams are long.
Winged lute that we call a bluebird, you blend in a silver strain
The sound of the laughing waters, the patter of spring’s sweet rain,
The voice of the winds, the sunshine, and fragrance of blossoming things.
Ah! You are an April poem, that God has dowered with wings!
4. The Bluebird and the Fly
by Larry B
Nature makes its own decisions
It decides who lives or dies
Like the hunger of a common bluebird
Who’s driven by her baby’s cries
Now even the housefly will do the same
Driven by its hunger, they seek
Trying its best to avoid its doom
By way of the bluebird’s beak
Somewhere soon their paths will cross
And the strong will devour the weak
Nature’s design, cannot be broken
And the housefly’s future looks bleak
Then out of the sky, lightning strikes
As the bluebird falls to the ground
A naked power line decides her fate
And the housefly’s feast, has been found
It’s funny to see how nature works
Pondering while wondering why
Things are nothing like they appear
Like the bluebird and the fly
5. Bluebird
by Hollie
Go to sleep little bluebird
Close your eyes now little bluebird
Go to sleep now little bluebird
Sleep tight
The moon has kissed your brow
The stars have sung your lullaby
The clouds have tucked you in
It’s time to dream
Go to sleep little bluebird
Close your eyes now little bluebird
Go to sleep now little bluebird
And dream
The fairies are watching
You’re safe now little bluebird
Go with the sandman and dream
Go to sleep little bluebird
Close your eyes now little bluebird
Go to sleep now little bluebird
6. The Bluebird
by The Bluebird
Today at dawn there twinkled through
The pearly mist a flash of blue
So dazzling bright I thought the sky
Shone through the rifted clouds on high,
Till, by and by,
A note so honey sweet I heard,
I knew that bright flash was a bird!
7. A Bluebird’s Song
by Kathy Steen Dillard Bailey
She was a little bluebird
Among the monkeys in a tree.
She sang among the monkeys
Just as proud as she could be.
And then one day the monkeys said,
“Little bluebird fly away.”
Our soul is full of sweet, sweet songs
You sang of every day.
We are better monkeys now
Than we ever were before
So take flight unto the heavens
And sing forever more.
So the bluebird flew away
And sang to others she had met.
And although she sang as proudly,
Her monkeys, she could not forget.
The bluebird loved her friendly monkeys
And she knew one day she would
Return to sing another song
To her monkeys if she could.
8. Bluebird Song
by William Worthless
I saw a lonely bluebird fly along the shore
high above the cliffs he began to soar
with his bright blue feathers. gleaming in the sun
flying round in circles having so much fun.
then he began to sing his little bluebird song
a lovely lullaby it made me sing along
then he flew away back into the sky
I gave a little wave as I said goodbye..
I wont forget the bluebird and his little song
his lovely little lullaby that made sing along
I still hear his song every single day
that he sang to me before he flew away
Bluebird Poems by Bukowski
Bluebird poems by Bukowski showcase the poet’s unique style and perspective on the beauty and symbolism of the bluebird, offering a glimpse into his literary world.
1. Bluebird
by Charles Bukowski
there’s a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I’m too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I’m not going
to let anybody see
there’s a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.
there’s a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I’m too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
you want to screw up the
you want to blow my book sales in
there’s a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I’m too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody’s asleep.
I say, I know that you’re there,
so don’t be
then I put him back,
but he’s singing a little
in there, I haven’t quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it’s nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don’t
weep, do
Final Thoughts
In short, bluebird poems give a beautiful portrayal of this bird’s symbolism, beauty, and importance in nature.
From famous to funny, inspirational to short or long, there is a bluebird poem for every taste and mood.
Exploring these poems can offer a fresh perspective on the world around us.
We are sure that your mind must have felt rejuvenated after taking a sneak peek into one of the beautiful wonders of nature.
So take a moment to read some poems for bluebird and don’t forget to leave a comment with your thoughts and favorites!