81 Smile Poems to Feel the Goodwill of This World

In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The earth laughs in flowers.”
Poetry has the power to capture the beauty of the world around us, reminding us of the simple pleasures that make life worth living.
Also, research has shown that reading or writing poetry can have a positive impact on mental health. If you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up, smile poems might be just the thing you need.
These poems can help you feel the goodwill of this world. From renowned poets to up-and-coming writers, this collection of poems about smile has something for everyone.
Famous Smile Poems
Some of the most famous poems in history celebrate the power of a smile. In the famous poems about smile, poets have captured the joy and beauty of a simple smile in their work.
1. Smiles
by Ellen P. Allerton
Some monstrous moralist lays down this rule
Among the maxims: “Always wear a smile.
He must have learned it in some Jesuit school,
Where deepest wisdom is but deepest guile.
Who would obey must set himself the task—
A hateful one—to always wear a mask.
Your constant smiler is a hypocrite,
‘Tis evil that must hide, not honesty.
He whose expression always wears a bit,
A very prince in wickedness may be.
“A man may smile and be a villain still;”
And he who always smiles, be sure he will.
A smile is lovely when, through lip and eye,
The sunny sweetness of a soul shines out,
Like a quick glimpse of glory; ’tis a lie
When inner darkness it but wraps about.
Night rules us all at times; shall we, the while,
Hide our sad midnight with a morning smile?
Our faces are our windows. Is it meet
That one should always keep his curtains down?
When smiles are but the draping of deceit,
Better, far better, were an honest frown.
By semblance falsely sweet sin hides its art—
Only from men—God looketh on the heart.
2. Dorothy’s Dimples
by Amos Russel Wells
As soft sunbeams plash
In a lakelet of white,
So Dorothy’s dimples
Are dimples of light.
And as little waves run
From that plashment away,
So the curve of her smile
Widens out through the day;
Widens out to the faces
That see her the while.
That move to her dimples
And smile with her smile.
3. A Smile
by Anonymous
A smile is cheer to you and me
The cost is nothing – it’s given free
It comforts the weary – gladdens the sad
Consoles those in trouble – good or bad
To rich and poor – beggar or thief
It’s free to all of any belief.
A natural gesture of young and old
Cheers on the faint – disarms the bold
Unlike most blessings for which we pray
It’s one thing we keep when we give it away.
4. The Power of a Smile
by Tupac Shakur
The power of a gun can kill
and the power of fire can burn
the power of wind can chill
and the power of a mind can learn
the power of anger can rage
inside until it tears u apart
but the power of a smile
especially yours can heal a frozen heart
5. Simple Child of Six Years Smiles More
by Brundaban Panda
Simple child of six years smiles more,
Surely a burdened minded feels bore.
So satisfactory assessment on smile,
Six years kid 300 times in a day smile.
Senior adults laughs daily 16-100 time,
Sure cause simplicity is reason prime.
Seniors turn complex as the age grows,
Some social burdens on mind out force.
Simple mind, smiling face, open laughing,
Surely assets for good heath wise saying.
So smile and laugh core boredom be off,
Simply living high thinking offer life’s laugh.
6. Smile
by Anonymous
Like a bread without the spreadin’.
Like a mattress without beddin’,
Like a cart without a hoss,
Like a door without a latchstring,
Like a dry an’ barren creed bed-
Is the face without a smile.
Like a house without a dooryard,
Like a clock without a mainspring,
That will never tell the hour;
A thing that sort o’ makes yo’ feel
A hunger all the while-
Oh, the saddest sight that ever was
Is a face without a smile!
The face of man was built for smiles,
An’ thereby he is blest
Above the critters of the field,
The birds an’ all the rest;
He’s just a little lower
Than the angels in the skies,
An’ the reason is that he can smile;
Therein his glory lies!
So smile an’ don’t forget to smile,
An’ smile, an’ smile ag’in
‘Twill help you all along the way,
An’ cheer you mile by mile;
An’ so, whatever is your lot,
Jes’ smile, an’ smile, an’ smile.
7. My Fairy
by Lewis Carroll
I have a fairy by my side
Which says I must not sleep,
When once in pain I loudly cried
It said “You must not weep”
If, full of mirth, I smile and grin,
It says “You must not laugh”
When once I wished to drink some gin
It said “You must not quaff”.
When once a meal I wished to taste
It said “You must not bite”
When to the wars I went in haste
It said “You must not fight”.
“What may I do?” at length I cried,
Tired of the painful task.
The fairy quietly replied,
And said “You must not ask”.
Moral: “You mustn’t.”
8. A Single Smile
by Kyle Mouat
They walk as the rain pours,
As if God was dumping a
Bucket of water on their heads;
But they continue to talk,
As if nothing is happening;
The air was so cold that
They could see their breath
Clearly in front of them
As if it were smoke
The sun did not
Shine, Which made
The environment grey
But they didn’t care
For he makes dumb jokes
In hopes that she smiles,
To bring them both joy
As if they were children but,
They stop and she says goodbye;
And he walks away with
A smile on his face,
And he sings in the rain
On that cold dark winter day.
9. The Transformation
by G. Luther Weibel
When the clouds obscure the sky,
And the world seems all awry;
And the rain comes pouring down,
And there’s trouble all around;
When someone speaks a word unkind,
And worries seem to fill the mind;
When my thoughts are very blue
Because there’s so much to do;
I place a smile upon my face
And note the change that’s taking place.
The clouds just seem to fade away,
The world and all around seems gay;
The rains have washed the face of earth,
Revealing much that is of worth;
And other faces seem to shine
Into the smiling face of mine;
The task that seemed so hard to do
Was quickly done, and better, too;
The world seemed happier to be
Because there was a smile on me.
Inspirational Smile Poems
If you need a little encouragement or a reminder of the beauty in the world, these inspirational poems about smile are sure to put a smile on your face.
1. Keep on Smiling
by Alexandra Skiathitis
If at times you feel you want to cry
And life seems such a trial,
Above the clouds there’s a bright blue sky,
So make your tears a smile.
As you travel on life’s way
With its many ups and downs,
Remember it’s quite true to say
One smile is worth a dozen frowns.
Among the world’s expensive things,
A smile is very cheap.
And when you give a smile away,
You get one back to keep.
Happiness comes at times to all,
But sadness comes unbidden,
And sometimes a few tears must fall
Among the laughter hidden.
So when friends have sadness on their face
And troubles round them piled,
The world will seem a better place
And all because you smiled.
2. Sing, Smile, Happy
by Adrian Harrison
No matter what my mouth is doing
my heart is smiling deep inside,
I always sing some happy lyrics
I’m contented with a smile so wide,
it takes less muscles to smile
it’s a waste of time to frown,
a smile as big as a Cheshire Cat
you can never bring me down.
3. Try Smiling
by Anonymous
When the weather suits you not, Try smiling.
When your coffee isn’t hot, Try smiling.
When your neighbors don’t do right,
Or your relatives all fight,
Sure ’tis hared, but then you might Try smiling.
Doesn’t change the things, of course- Just smiling.
But it cannot make them worse- Just smiling.
And it seems to help your case,
Brightens up a gloomy place,
Then, it sort o’ rests your face- Just smiling.
4. So That Others Will Smile
by C. J. Krieger
When I am old
I shall sing loudly
So others will smile
Thinking me a bit foolish
And I shall laugh
When an amusing thought passes by
I shall not think of sweet youth
Or old flames that sugared my nights
For they will sadden my days
With bitter-sweet memories
When I am old
I will wink at the young girls
And make funny faces
To hear the laughter of others
For listening to laughter
Will help me smile
And smiling will help me sing
Loudly (of course)
So that others will smile
5. Dusting or Living
by Julie Hebert
There are many people, in the world today,
That would rather clean, than go out and play.
They clean just in case, someone may arrive,
Not realizing those people, are out living their lives.
So much time wasted, on cleaning your house.
Wouldn’t you rather be out on the town with your spouse?
Personally I would much rather, be out and about,
Then sitting at home, cleaning with doubt.
I have a life, in need of some play.
Who cares if my house, is not spotless each day?
A house is no home, unless it’s been lived in.
And living comes mess, from the floor to the ceiling.
So dust if you must, but remember this saying.
Life is too short, don’t go wasting a day.
Old age will find you,
And it won’t be discussed.
When you go as we all do, you’ll make much more dust!
6. Smile
by Frantz Dorsain
brings joy to all of us
brights up our day
a smile is like a sunshine shining the universe
A smile brings comfort to those in sorrow
A smile brings hope to those in despair
A smile brings happiness to those in distress
As we move on with our lives remember to smile to the people
we love and cherish because the end might be near
A smile is a beginning to a new chapter of our lives
Smile each and everyday
Let celebrate life with a smile!
7. Worry Less
by Catherine Pulsifer
Worry can take away your smiles
It can make the steps seem like miles
Worry stops all the grins
It makes life seem so dim.
So take the worry and throw it away
Find a way to make your smile stay.
Worry is no good for you
It just makes you feel so blue.
Smiling more and worrying less
Is a way of life to address
Focus on the positive things
And you will find the happiness it brings.
8. Start Your Day
by Catherine Pulsifer
What a better way
To start your day
But with a smile big
Don’t keep your face straight, let it zig.
Smiling will help keep your day
Positive and cheerful in every way
As when you give you smile to others
It can lessen the anxiety that smoothers
To start today and every day
With a smile to display
See how many you can give away
Make a difference, smile today!
Beautiful Smile Poems
A beautiful smile has the power to light up a room and warm even the coldest of hearts. These beautiful poems about smile capture the magic of happiness.
1. Smiles
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Smile a little, smile a little,
As you go along,
Not alone when life is pleasant,
But when things go wrong.
Care delights to see you frowning,
Loves to hear you sigh;
Turn a smiling face upon her,
Quick the dame will fly.
Smile a little, smile a little,
All along the road;
Every life must have its burden,
Every heart its load.
Why sit down in gloom and darkness,
With your grief to sup?
As you drink Fate’s bitter tonic
Smile across the cup.
Smile upon the troubled pilgrims
Whom you pass and meet;
Frowns are thorns, and smiles are blossoms
Oft for weary feet.
Do not make the way seem harder
By a sullen face,
Smile a little, smile a little,
Brighten up the place.
Smile upon your undone labor;
Not for one who grieves
O’er his task, waits wealth or glory;
He who smiles achieves.
Though you meet with loss and sorrow
In the passing years,
Smile a little, smile a little,
Even through your tears.
2. Value It Brings
by Catherine Pulsifer
Value it brings to everyone
It is like a little burst of sun.
Never underestimate the thing
That a friendly smile will bring.
You may think that little grin
Could start a smile within
It’s like a chuckle for the fellow
Who breaks into a laugh and bellows
Smiles have a value you see
And even better they are free
So give one of yours away
And brighten someone else’s day!
3. I Smile
by Mariana Zita
l smile and laugh
when I am happy
I cry and sob
when I am sad
I giggle and grin when
something is funny
I blush and hide when
I see my crush walk by
I scream and yell
when I am mad
But no matter what
my emotions are I
will always love and
be loved.
4. The Smile
by William Blake
There is a Smile of Love
And there is a Smile of Deceit
And there is a Smile of Smiles
In which these two Smiles meet
And there is a Frown of Hate
And there is a Frown of disdain
And there is a Frown of Frowns
Which you strive to forget in vain
For it sticks in the Hearts deep Core
And it sticks in the deep Back bone
And no Smile that ever was smild
But only one Smile alone
That betwixt the Cradle & Grave
It only once Smild can be
But when it once is Smild
Theres an end to all Misery
5. Only a Smile
by Mathilde Blind
No butterfly whose frugal fare
Is breath of heliotrope and clove,
And other trifles light as air,
Could live on less than doth my love.
That childlike smile that comes and goes
About your gracious lips and eyes,
Hath all the sweetness of the rose,
Which feeds the freckled butterflies.
I feed my love on smiles, and yet
Sometimes I ask, with tears of woe,
How had it been if we had met,
If you had met me long ago,
Before the fast, defacing years
Had made all ill that once was well?
Ah, then your smiling breeds such tears
As Tantalus may weep in hell.
6. Smile
by Anoop Lokkur
Everytime you think of me smile;
All the pain will fade away smile;
This beautiful world for you and me smile;
If your happy and cheerful smile;
Look around you and you shall find love so smile;
For no reason at all smile;
And let me be the reason for your smile;
‘cos i would do anything for you to just smile.
7. The Made to Order Smile
by Paul Laurence Dunbar
When a woman looks up at you with a twist about her eyes,
And her brows are half uplifted in a nicely feigned surprise
As you breathe some pretty sentence, though she hates you all the while,
She is very apt to stun you with a made to order smile.
It’s a sublte combination of a sneer and a caress,
With a dash of warmth thrown in to relieve its iciness,
And she greets you when she meets you with that look as if a file
Had been used to fix and fashion out the made to order smile.
I confess that I’m eccentric and am not a woman’s man,
For they seem to be constructed on the bunko fakir plan,
And it somehow sets me thinking that her heart is full of guile
When a woman looks up at me with a made to order smile.
Now, all maidens, young and aged, hear the lesson I would teach:
Ye who meet us in the ballroom, ye who meet us at the beach,
Pray consent to try and charm us by some other sort of wile
And relieve us from the burden of that made to order smile.
Short Smile Poems
Sometimes, less is more, and that’s certainly the case when it comes to these short poetries about smile. They are the essence of happiness in just a few words.
1. Sunshine of Your Smile
by David Harris
Everyday that I wake
something wonderful waits for me
the sunshine of your smile,
that I what I wake to see.
Outside maybe gloomy,
dark clouds may mar the blue,
but then I look around,
and what do I see,
the sunshine of your smile,
that warms the heart of me.
No tears of sorrow,
at what tomorrow might bring,
because your face is lit up,
with the sunshine of your smile
2. Smile
by Elena Pisani
If you have suffered many things
Just remember when you where small,
Swinging on swings
Playing with balls.
Then a smile suddenly appears
Don’t cry!
No more tears!
Just smile, for a while…
3. Gladness Every Morning
by Nixon Waterman
Touch your lips with gladness and go singing on your way,
Smiles will strangely lighten every duty;
Just a little word of cheer may span a sky of gray
With hope’s own heaven-tinted bow of beauty.
Wear a pleasant face wherein shall shine a joyful heart,
As shines the sun, the happy fields adorning;
To every care-beclouded life some ray of light impart,
And touch your lips with gladness every morning.
4. Inspired by a Smile
by Copperband
A smile can be deceiving,
Lure one to sin,
Distracting when passing,
Though when it’s serene,
A wonderful blessing,
Grand rush will kick in.
5. You Smile Upon Your Friend To-Day
by Alfred Edward Housman
You smile upon your friend to-day,
To-day his ills are over;
You hearken to the lover’s say,
And happy is the lover.
‘Tis late to hearken, late to smile,
But better late than never;
I shall have lived a little while
Before I die for ever.
6. Smile at a Girl
by Uriah Hamilton
Eating canned beans
And saying a brief grace,
I walk out into the cool night
And wink at stars.
I know there is suffering
In this cobweb entangling universe,
But everyday I fall in love
And smile at a girl,
And sometimes she smiles back.
7. Inspired by a Smile
by Pinky Promise
the very hot summer night
a cool soft breeze
a small child with his toy
in the happy dream
a mother having night time tea
Cronus slows the clock
8. A Smile
by Kurt Hearth
A smile
is a frown turned upside down.
A smile
is painted on the face of a clown.
A smile
brightens a dreary day.
A smile
chases tears away.
A smile
is a gift that shows you care.
A smile
is priceless no matter where.
A smile
is the key to happiness.
A smile
a sure sign of success.
Long Smile Poems
For those who look more keenly into the power of a smile, these long poetries about smile introduce a rich and detailed look.
1. I Smile with My Mask
by Caren Krutsinger
I used to have the widest friendliest smile
It brought me joy to throw it around the world.
I am glad I used it every day, and more than once.
I used it almost constantly. It brought me friends.
It brought me jobs, it brought me peace and joy.
But then my teeth began to waver and quiver.
I had so many dental problems. My mouth had a bridge.
I broke the bridge; and had two prominent teeth pulled.
My smile can be wide, but it is scary now.
To fix it, would cost thousands of dollars.
A dentist tried to talk me into fifteen thousand dollars’ worth of implants.
I got a second opinion because insurance would not pay it.
it was cosmetic, they said.
The second dentist said implants would not work.
You suffer from bruxism, he told me.
What is that? Someone who grinds their teeth.
He told me that implants would not last in my mouth for a month.
I would break them all.
I may be the only person in the world thankful for the masks.
I love having my tooth-less mouth covered.
Because smiling is scary now.
People would think I was a meth addict
Or a hillbilly, so now I smile with a mask,
feeling confident people can read it in my eyes.
2. A Smile for a Smile
by Samanyan Lakshminarayanan
What a variety of people we have here
nine to a ninety of age would be there
what a variety of poets we have here
some would paint lovely pictures
some would bring lovely music
some could paint and play music together
all of it only with words in order
some are naughty
some are just heart broken
a lot write on god
yet to see an ‘atheist’ poet here
what a variety of poets we have here
Is there a rat race here?
I admit that I visit the ‘promote your poems’ now and then
I do it to see how much I am read
I certainly want to be read
I do request a lot of poets to read me
I do respond to their requests too…that’s it
a rat race here is a shame
who can overtake whom in ‘creativity’
each one’s individuality is what matters
to me creativity would sustain humanity
I used to be writing in tamil
I used to read it to my wife and daughters
I owe it to my wife.. she is my first fan
my daughters gave up tamil and took up French
when I started writing in English…they left the country itself
I think it is a boon to be read by so many
I think it is a boon to read so many
I thank everybody for their support and guidance.
3. A Tear and a Smile
by Khalil Gibran
I would not exchange the sorrows of my heart
For the joys of the multitude.
And I would not have the tears that sadness makes
To flow from my every part turn into laughter.
I would that my life remain a tear and a smile.
A tear to purify my heart and give me understanding
Of life’s secrets and hidden things.
A smile to draw me nigh to the sons of my kind and
To be a symbol of my glorification of the gods.
A tear to unite me with those of broken heart;
A smile to be a sign of my joy in existence.
I would rather that I died in yearning and longing than that I live Weary and despairing.
I want the hunger for love and beauty to be in the
Depths of my spirit, for I have seen those who are
Satisfied the most wretched of people.
I have heard the sigh of those in yearning and Longing, and it is sweeter than the sweetest melody.
With evening’s coming the flower folds her petals
And sleeps, embracing her longing.
At morning’s approach she opens her lips to meet
The sun’s kiss.
The life of a flower is longing and fulfilment.
A tear and a smile.
The waters of the sea become vapor and rise and come
Together and area cloud.
And the cloud floats above the hills and valleys
Until it meets the gentle breeze, then falls weeping
To the fields and joins with brooks and rivers to Return to the sea, its home.
The life of clouds is a parting and a meeting.
A tear and a smile.
And so does the spirit become separated from
The greater spirit to move in the world of matter
And pass as a cloud over the mountain of sorrow
And the plains of joy to meet the breeze of death
And return whence it came.I met a new friend with such a beautiful smile.
So beautiful to see she made a new trial
So kind in heart and a good soul too.
Hard to concentrate on not being a fool.
I am trying to be always a gentleman for real.
But she is a friend who I can say makes me feel.
Through what happens I want to always be kind.
Never trying to be the one that is foolish and blind.
I hope by writing this she will know.
I am still a man with feelings to show.
No matter what, I will always be a friend.
Still what happens I will be here until the end.
Again I will say after this long mile.
Still my friend with a beautiful smile.
4. Smile, Smile, Smile
by Wilfred Owen
Head to limp head, the sunk-eyed wounded scanned
Yesterday’s Mail; the casualties (typed small)
And (large) Vast Booty from our Latest Haul.
Also, they read of Cheap Homes, not yet planned;
For, said the paper, “When this war is done
The men’s first instinct will be making homes.
Meanwhile their foremost need is aerodromes,
It being certain war has just begun.
Peace would do wrong to our undying dead, —
The sons we offered might regret they died
If we got nothing lasting in their stead.
We must be solidly indemnified.
Though all be worthy Victory which all bought,
We rulers sitting in this ancient spot
Would wrong our very selves if we forgot
The greatest glory will be theirs who fought,
Who kept this nation in integrity.”
Nation? — The half-limbed readers did not chafe
But smiled at one another curiously
Like secret men who know their secret safe.
This is the thing they know and never speak,
That England one by one had fled to France
(Not many elsewhere now save under France).
Pictures of these broad smiles appear each week,
And people in whose voice real feeling rings
Say: How they smile! They’re happy now, poor things
5. The Best Smile
by Rajaram Ramachandran
It was a portrait
Of six feet height
Full size Lady Grace,
Minus lips on her face.
With all his skill
The artist failed still,
To give her a smile,
Free from any style.
He scanned every mile,
For that unseen smile,
One lovely to admire,
Forever, the world over.
Smiles, smiles everywhere,
But not a smile there,
New, true and plain,
His lady should own.
His wife smiled.
His girl smiled.
His servant smiled.
His boss smiled.
The milkmaid smiled.
The cartman smiled.
The beggar smiled.
The neighbour smiled.
The dandy smiled.
The waiter smiled.
The grocer smiled.
The councilor smiled.
He saw an ambitious smile,
Not an aesthetic smile,
And a cunning smile,
Not a winning smile.
He saw a dubious smile,
Not a divine smile,
And a greedy smile,
Not a graceful smile.
He saw a mischievous smile,
Not a magnanimous smile,
And a voluptuous smile,
Not a virtuous smile.
Smiles, with strings, he found,
Wherever he went round,
But not the best one,
The Lady Grace won.
The smile, the best,
He found at last,
From his own child,
Rocking in the cradle.
Now the Lady Grace smiled.
Thanks to the child.
The portrait was acclaimed,
The best of its kind.
6. Laughter
by Edgar A. Guest
Laughter sort o’ settles breakfast better than digestive pills;
Found it, somehow in my travels, cure for every sort of ills;
When the hired help have riled me with their slipshod, careless ways,
An’ I’m bilin’ mad an’ cussin’ an’ my temper’s all ablaze,
If the calf gets me to laughin’ while they’re teachin’ him to feed
Pretty soon I’m feelin’ better, ’cause I’ve found the cure I need.
Like to start the day with laughter; when I’ve had a peaceful night,
An’ can greet the sun all smilin’, that day’s goin’ to be all right.
But there’s nothing goes to suit me, when my system’s full of bile;
Even horses quit their pullin’ when the driver doesn’t smile,
But they’ll buckle to the traces when they hear a glad giddap,
Just as though they like to labor for a cheerful kind o’ chap.
Laughter keeps me strong an’ healthy. You can bet I’m all run down,
Fit for doctor folks an’ nurses when I cannot shake my frown.
Found in farmin’ laughter’s useful, good for sheep an’ cows an’ goats;
When I’ve laughed my way through summer, reap the biggest crop of oats.
Laughter’s good for any business, leastwise so it seems to me
Never knew a smilin’ feller but was busy as could be.
Sometimes sit an’ think about it, ponderin’ on the ways of life,
Wonderin’ why mortals gladly face the toil an care an’ strife,
Then I come to this conclusion–take it now for what it’s worth
It’s the joy of laughter keeps us plodding on this stretch of earth.
Men the fun o’ life are seeking–that’s the reason for the calf
Spillin’ mash upon his keeper–men are hungry for a laugh
7. The Syndicated Smile
by St. Clair Adams
I knew a girl who had a beau
And his name wasn’t Adams—
No child of hers would ever call
The present writer “daddums.”
I didn’t love the girl, but still
I found her most beguiling;
And so did all the other chaps—
She did it with her smiling.
“I’m not a one-man girl,” she said—
“Of smiles my beau first took his;
But some are left; I’ll syndicate
And pass them round like cookies.”
That syndicated smile!
When trouble seemed the most in style,
It heartened us—
That indicated,
It’s not enough to please your boss
Or fawn round folks with bankrolls;
Be just as friendly to the guys
Whose homespun round their shank rolls.
The best investment in the world
Is goodwill, twenty carat;
It costs you nothing, brings returns;
So get yours out and air it.
A niggard of good nature cheats
Himself and wrongs his fellows.
You’d serve mankind? Then be less close
With friendly nods and helloes.
The syndicated smile!
If you have kept it all the while,
You’ve vindicated
The indicated,
8. Cheer
by Robert William Service
It’s a mighty good world, so it is, dear lass,
When even the worst is said.
There’s a smile and a tear, a sigh and a cheer,
But better be living than dead;
A joy and a pain, a loss and a gain;
There’s honey and maybe some gall:
Yet still I declare, foul weather or fair,
It’s a mighty good world after all.
For look, lass! at night when I break from the fight,
My Kingdom’s awaiting for me;
There’s comfort and rest, and the warmth of your breast,
And little ones climbing my knee.
There’s fire-light and song – Oh, the world may be wrong!
Its empires may topple and fall:
My home is my care – if gladness be there,
It’s a mighty good world after all.
O heart of pure gold! I have made you a fold,
It’s sheltered, sun-fondled and warm.
O little ones, rest! I have fashioned a nest;
Sleep on! you are safe from the storm.
For there’s no foe like fear, and there’s no friend like cheer,
And sunshine will flash at our call;
So crown Love as King, and let us all sing –
“It’s a mighty good world after all.”
Smile Poems That Rhyme
There’s something inherently satisfying about a poem that rhymes, and these poems about smile with rhyming words use clever wordplay to celebrate the beauty of a smile.
1. Sunshine
by Kate Louise Wheeler
The sunshine makes the flowers grow,
They cannot thrive in shade;
If naught but darkness did they know
Their brightness soon would fade.
Our lives require the sunlight’s glow,
They cannot thrive in gloom;
If naught but darkness did they know
Bright hopes would never bloom.
The sunny smiles that make life bright.
And bless the passing hours,
Will do for souls that need the light
What sunshine does for flowers.
2. The Service of Smiles
by W. C. Martin
Go smiling through this world of care,
And make the days more bright and fair.
So much the clouds o’erspread the sky,
So many hopes and comforts die,
And we can all some cheer impart
To soothe a dull and careworn heart.
He serves the Lord who thus beguiles
The gloom from souls with sunny smiles.
Go smiling through this world of care;
‘Twill easy make the loads to bear,
And bring some rest and sweet relief
To souls borne down by care and grief.
In each one’s heart some sadness lies,
And tears have bathed all human eyes.
He serves the Master who beguiles
The gloom away with sunny smiles.
Go smiling all the way along,
And fill the days with joy and song;
Go speak a word of hope and cheer
To every soul that passes near:
For each of them as well as thee
That blood was shed on Calvary.
Ah, Christlike he is who beguiles
Away both care and grief with smiles.
3. One Hundred Per Cent
by Amos Russel Wells
“I should like to be rich,” said young Tom, with a sigh;
“There are so many things I am aching to buy!
Oh, would I had money, and would it were lent,
To good steady payers, at fifteen per cent!”
Now it chanced a wise man, just in passing, had heard
Tom’s sighs and repining, each covetous word;
So he took the young fellow astride of his knee,
And taught him to grow just as rich as could be.
And this way ’twas done. Every once in a while
Tom would lend to some neighbor–a sunshiny smile;
And every time, for the smile he had lent,
Tom got two in return. That’s one hundred per cent!
Bright greetings, warm kisses, kind deeds on the sly,
All bring him an interest equally high;
And before many days I am bold to declare,
You will find that young Tom is a true millionaire.
4. Worth Its Weight in Gold
by Catherine Pulsifer
Is a smile worth its weight in gold
It is something that can’t be bought or sold.
A smile is worth so much more
It is a facial expression we adore.
Is a smile worth going the extra mile for
When your smilin’ you won’t be bored
A smile given in forgiveness is pure
To stop an argument it can cure.
A smile is worth opening the door
You’ll be amazed at what is in store
You see a smile is worth its weight in gold
It is welcome and never old.
5. A Smiling Paradox
I’ve squandered smiles to-day,
And, strange to say,
Altho’ my frowns with care I’ve stowed away,
To-night I’m poorer far in frowns than at the start;
While in my heart,
Wherein my treasures best I store,
I find my smiles increased by several score.
6. The Cost of a Smile
by Catherine Pulsifer
Can you put a dollar on
Can you pretend and con
Can you just turn the dial
And bring on a common smile.
Priceless is a smile or a grin
For someone whose life feels dim
Money can never replace
That common smile on your face.
What has never gone out of style
Why it is that common smile.
It cost you nothing to give
So smile, grin, laugh and live!
7. Then, Most, I Smile
by Victor-Marie Hugo
Late it is to look so proud,
Daisy queen! come is the gloom
Of the winter-burdened cloud!–
‘But, in winter, most I bloom!’
Star of even! sunk the sun!
Lost for e’er the ruddy line;
And the earth is veiled in dun,–
‘Nay, in darkness, best I shine!’
O, my soul! art ‘bove alarm,
Quaffing thus the cup of gall–
Canst thou face the grave with calm?–
‘Yes, the Christians smile at all.’
8. What Heavenly Smiles! O Lady Mine
by William Wordsworth
What heavenly smiles! O Lady mine
Through my very heart they shine;
And, if my brow gives back their light,
Do thou look gladly on the sight;
As the clear Moon with modest pride
Beholds her own bright beams
Reflected from the mountain’s side
And from the headlong streams.
9. Summer
by C. L. B.
OH! where is the voice of the Summer heard?
In the flow of the stream, in the song of the bird;
In the hum of the honey-laden bee;
In the sound of the reapers’ songs of glee;
In the sweet, sad note of the nightingale’s song:
Such music doth only to Summer belong.
Oh! where is the smile of the Summer seen?
In the golden cups that spring o’er the green;
In the light that maketh the bright blue sky
Shine like a golden canopy!
But Summer its sweetest smile bestows,
On the crimson leaves of the blushing rose!
Surely, if heaven has given to earth
One thought, in which we may guess its mirth,
‘Tis the radiant smile of the Summer glow,
As it wakes into life all things below;
But we are as captive birds, that sigh
To wing our flight to a brighter sky.
Smile Poems for Kids
Fun and playful, these smile poems for kids are such a fun and exciting way to introduce your young readers to the world of poetry and the joy of smiling.
1. Smiles Drive Away
by Everett Wentworth Hill
May clouds bring smiles instead of tears
Because I will it so.
It eases life to laugh at doubts and
Let dark idols go.
There is no way to combat fate,
For life’s a game we play.
The clouds of day are only fears
Which smiles will drive away.
2. Smile More, Frown Less
by Catherine Pulsifer
Smile more and frown less
Can help us when we feel stressed.
Smile more and frown less
Is better than putting on a pretty dress
Smile more and frown less
Others soon you will impress.
Smile more and frown less
You will find others you will bless.
Smile more and frown less
Will lead to happiness and success
3. A Smile
by Daniel C. Colesworthy
A smile! – who will refuse a smile,
The sorrowing breast to cheer,
And turn to love the heart of guile,
And check the falling tear
It speaks of kindness and of love,
A generous sympathy;
And lifts, on golden wings above,
The child of penury.
A pleasant smile for every face
Oh, ’tis a blessed thing!
It will the lines of care erase,
And spots of beauty bring.
‘Twill calm the passions, and subdue
The ingrate’s fiercest rage;
With buds and blossoms sweetly strew
The path of youth and age.
4. The Contagious Smile
by Anonymous
Smile a smile!
While you smile,
Another smiles;
And soon there are miles
And miles of smiles
And life’s worthwhile —
If you but smile.
5. Growing Smiles
by Anonymous
A smile is quite a funny thing,
It wrinkles up your face,
And when it’s gone, you never find
Its secret hiding place.
But far more wonderful it is
To see what smiles can do;
You smile at one, he smiles at you,
And so one smile makes two.
He smiles at someone since you smiled,
And then that one smiles back;
And that one smiles, until in truth
You fail in keeping track.
Now since a smile can do great good
By cheering hearts of care,
Let’s smile and smile and not forget
That smiles go everywhere!
6. s. m. i. l. e.
by Kate Summers
s haring smiles
m otivation it gives
i s
l ike sunshine and joy
e ncouraging it can give
7. If You Smile
by Charles Rufus Skinner
If you think you’ve missed the mark,
Use a Smile;
If your life seems in the dark
Why, just Smile.
Don’t give up in any fight;
There’s a coming day that’s bright,
There’s a dawn beyond the night,
If you Smile.
8. It’s Better to Smile
by David V. Bush
Lose temper, and all must perish;
Smile, and you’ll put er through!
An angry frown puts your true self down –
So smile, and dare, and do!
When your rage seems too hot to smother.
And the world bears a crimson hue,
Don’t play the fool – take a moment to cool –
Just smile, and you’ll push ‘er through!
When you feel like tearing and rending.
Just pause for a saner view.
There is naught to gain from your wrathful pain-
So smile, and you’ll push ‘er through!
Lose your temper, and you are vanquished:
Smile, and you’ll put ‘er through;
For anger’s the first of your foes – and worst –
So smile, and dare, and do!
9. Just Smile
by Sri Chinmoy
Don’t struggle;
You are bound to fail.
Just smile a sweet smile.
Your life-boat
Is bound to sail,
Without fail.
Don’t cry;
You are bound to fail.
Just smile a soulful smile.
Your life-boat
Is bound to sail,
Without fail.
Smile Poems for Her
Let’s say it’s a romantic gesture or simply a way to brighten her day, these smile poems for her are a beautiful and heartfelt expression of love and admiration.
1. I Wish I Made You Smile
by John Kipling Lewis
looking past the trees
into the summer skies
not a hint of a cloud
in your brilliant blue eyes.
lying here beside you
I wish I could envision
that I could make you smile
and be an obvious decision
so off you go
I know my role
we’re sure to be good friends
and if you find
you’ve changed your mind
perhaps you’ll smile in the end.
2. Smile
by Meenukutty
feel grateful,
for little small things.
these small creates our Bigs darling!
don’t ever let them be clueless.
carve your magic out.
universe throws some signs,
I pray you listen and embrace.
3. Just to See You Smile
by C. J. Krieger
I would love
To come to you
Some night
When stars are falling
And darkness
Covers the land
I shall bring water
A cloth and basin
And as you watch
The beauty
Of the night sky
Because I love you
I shall
Kneel before you
Without a word
And wash your feet
Just to see you
4. A Beautiful Smile
by Erika Foley
Smiles light up the face
bringing life to sleepless eyes
and giving form to dimples.
Your smile radiates from your body
causing me to smile back
and making me feel your happiness.
Who cannot return a smile
and feel better for the act
of raising the corners of the mouth?
A smile is so beautiful
a happy face that spreads sunshine
to all who see its greeting.
5. Smile at Me
by Ernestine Northover
Can’t you just smile back at me
When I send a smile to you,
Why is it that your lips are tight
And seem so frosty blue,
Can’t you let your mouth just raise
Both sides a little bit,
Or is it that my face just doesn’t,
In your mind, quite fit.
If you would smile, your face would be
A very handsome one,
And I believe that you and I
Could have a lot of fun,
But until you give a welcome grin,
There’s nothing I can do,
Except, when you look across at me,
I’ll keep smiling back at you.
6. Times When I Smile
by Sandra Osborne
You may not even know me,
Or know what I mean,
Understand my world,
Or hear me when I scream.
You may not ever see me,
Or ever touch my mind,
Because all that is real
Are only dreams in time.
Don’t try to fit me in
To your ridged mold,
All the world is free,
At least, that’s what I’m told.
So please, don’t scream and worry
Or cry for me at night.
No matter how I’m different,
I will win my fight.
I will be the victor
Of all my many trials,
Because all that’s real are dreams,
And times when I smile.
7. Smile for Me
by Jay P Narain
When you smile,
You create a language of intimate interaction,
When you smile,
You send an instant message of heart to heart communication.
When you smile,
You create a dream world of happiness,
When you smile,
The whole world smiles with you,
When you smile,
The despair and troubles seem so far away,
When you smile,
The hope and cheers seem only a stone’s throw away.
When you smile,
My heart gets the will to survive in distress,
When you smile,
My mind gets the power to overcome all the hurdles.
When you smile,
My heart belongs to you,
when you smile,
The whole world belongs to you.
8. Hide Behind a Smile
by Ivy Christou
My friend,
Let me hide behind a smile,
Even if you know the truth.
I know,
My eyes can’t lie
But I owe it to myself
To fool you all,
To fool me.
I want to hide behind a smile
So that you,
Who love me,
Don’t sense my pain,
Because you will feel it too.
I want to hide behind a smile,
So that you,
Who don’t care about me,
Don’t see me down
Before I have the chance to get up.
I must hide behind a smile,
So that you,
Who hate me,
Don’t feel proud
For what you have done..
His Smile Poems
From the warmth of a father’s smile to the mischievous grin of a young boy, these smile poems celebrate male joy and happiness.
1. A Smile
by Jennifer Rondeau
A smile from his face made me smile,
His laughter,
How he makes me laugh,
A thunderstorm can’t stop me from loving him,
Even thou he and I are no longer together,
But his laughter, his smile,
Will always make me smile,
He was my first love,
My first crush,
My everything,
I loved everything about him,
His smile,
His laughter,
His warmth,
He will soon enough will know how I feel,
Heavens sent me above,
Above from this beyond white clouds,
His footsteps,
He keeps something’s apart of me,
Apart that he has but his smile will always be remembered.
2. Awake to Smile
by Robert William Service
When I blink sunshine in my eyes
And hail the amber morn,
Before the rosy dew-drop dries
With sparkle on the thorn;
When boughs with robin rapture ring,
And bees hum in the may,–
Then call me young, with heart of Spring,
Though I be grey.
But when no more I know the joy
And urgence of that hour,
As like a happy-hearted boy
I leap to land a flower;
When gusto I no longer feel,
To rouse with glad hooray,–
Then call me old and let me steal
From men away.
Let me awaken with a smile
And go to garden glee,
For there is such a little while
Of living left to me;
But when star-wist I frail away,
Lord, let the hope beguile
That to Ecstatic Light I may
Awake to smile.
3. Smile–Smile–Smile
by Lealon R. Tate
A smile is beautiful with all its charm
Something to give but does no harm
A smile is a frown only upside down
It has a good feeling, just look around
A smile is a flash that cannot be sold
It has everlasting pleasure we are told
A smile is like the sunshine at its very best
Some wear it all the time until they lay down to rest
A smile is valuable like silver and gold
But it cannot be bought just always on hold
A smile is nothing till someone gives it away
Just try your best to receive it some day
A smile is like a statue that enriches the mind
You cannot steal or throw away but not hard to find
A smile is for the rich also for the poor
The benefits are the same till there is no more
A smile is for everyone with its action so true
It creates happiness in the home for me and you
A smile is a smile as known to mankind
Stand up in front and smile not stand behind.
4. Hold You in My Smile
by Ernestine Northover
Sweet moment, stay with me,
and pray do not flee so soon,
Let me enjoy the bliss of that
first kiss beneath the moon.
I wish to cradle this feeling,
that has only just been found,
A feeling that has unexpectedly
turned my world around.
Do not depart, Oh please remain
within my heart awhile,
So that I can savour you once more,
and hold you in my smile.
5. Her Smile
by Syw9007
A lingering dream for winter degraded….faded
As I waited for its return
All I’ve known is the coldness of stone
And from what I’ve been shown…
When I see you smile…
The world begins to open
When I see you smile
I don’t seem as broken
And suddenly I’ve been awoken to the motions of my emotions as if they were never frozen to the explosion of this devotion to every word you have ever spoken.
When I see your smile
6. Desire
by Gnarley Quinn
Something about the way,
the way you look at me,
Look at me with desire,
desire that burns right through me.
Smiling at me with your passion,
your passion that makes me wanted,
wanted like I am constantly wanting you,
wanting you to hold me forever.
7. Well I Remember How You Smiled
by Walter Savage Landor
Well I remember how you smiled
To see me write your name upon
The soft sea-sand—‘O! what a child!
You think you’re writing upon stone!’
I have since written what no tide
Shall ever wash away, what men
Unborn shall read o’er ocean wide
And find Ianthe’s name again.
Your Smile Poems
These your smile poems are a beautiful tribute to the joy that a single smile can bring. Let these poems be a reminder to always wear your smile proudly, and to share it.
1. Your Smile
by Dr. Zik
Aimless aim
Worthless fame
Senseless mode
Track less road
Fameless fame
Jobless man
Lifeless flesh
Breathless breath
Courageless breast
Odorless flower
Miserable plight
Ruthless ruth
Meaningless word
Themeless poem
Let all things survive
As I see your smile
2. Your Smile Enchants Me
by C. J. Krieger
Your smile
Enchants me
Weaves in and out of me
Like my very breath
It is a spell
That you cast with nonchalance
Mesmerizing those about you
Men and woman alike
With an elegant wave
Of your leisurely arms
And a momentary glance
From your dark dreamlike eyes
I am yours
I am lost
In your smile
That enchants me
3. The Vital Accompaniment
by Strickland Gillilan
The wise admonition goes deeper, they say,
If you smile when you give it.
Your righteous life lures other feet to the Way
If you smile while you live it.
The word of good cheer finds the heart you had meant –
Sinks into the spirit to which it was sent –
Lends all of the help it was meant to have lent
If you smile when you give it.
The money you handed that brother in need –
Did you smile when you gave it?
His pride may have hurt till it made his heart bleed –
Nought but smiling could save it.
Not an impudent smirk or a meaningless grin,
Not a smile just as deep as your outermost skin –
But a love-laden smile, with sweet confidence in –
That will help him to brave it.
4. I Love Your Smile
by Ronald Doe
I love your eyes and your soft sighs.
I love your inner beauty, too.
I love the way each passing day
You give a love so warm and true.
I love your clothes, your turned-up nose,
The way your precious kisses taste,
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
I love your lips and slender hips.
I love the giggle in your talk.
I love your class and your sweet sass,
The wiggle in your sexy walk.
I love your shrug and your warm hug,
Love your tender and warm embrace.
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
I love your look, the way you cook.
I love your heart, your soul and mind.
I love the way you laugh and play,
How you always treat me so kind.
I love the fact you are intact.
I love your style, charm and grace,
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
I love your charms, your loving arms,
How you hold me so tenderly.
I love the bliss, the happiness
When you’re making sweet love to me.
I love when you get naughty, too
And kiss me all over the place,
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
5. Let It in
by Anonymous
When you’re feelin’ grouchy,
Let the Sunshine in;
When your face gets feeln’ hard,
Crack it with a grin.
Don’t be ‘fraid o’ wrinkles.
Tear loose with your mirth;
An old face, laughter-wrinkled,
Is the sweetest thing on earth.
6. It Starts with a Smile
by Catherine Pulsifer
It starts with a smile then a chuckle
Before you know it laughter explodes like a bubble
From the bottom of your toes
Laughter rises up to your nose.
Laughter when heard
Causes smiles inward
And when children laugh
It can double you in half.
A good laugh can cure
Any little old sore
It can make you feel happy and glad
A much better feeling than being sad.
Laughter is good for you
It will help in all you do.
Spread it around and see
People will be more happy!
7. Reason to Smile
by Lendl Ian Servillon
How can one smile such sweet smiles,
When one is so saddened by sorrows for miles,
How can I smile the same smiles,
When life brings me nothing but tears,
I wondered for so long,
What reason you had to smile that long,
To keep smiling though troubles come,
And still remain sweet and silently overcome,
It’s such a mystery to me,
Your smiles from heaven with glee,
I adore and yet envy thee,
But I’d rather you smile those at me,
I feel happy when I see you smile,
Even if I’m sad and lonely,
Your smiles bring me somewhere,
I don’t even know where,
But it was you,
You gave me the reason to smile,
To smile with no reason,
To smile for a smile,
I guess life is just like that,
We need not a reason to smile,
For a smile is the reason itself,
To rejoice and open-heartedly give thanks,
I learned to smile because of you,
Because your smiles bring me joy when blue,
It proves how well and powerful,
A simple sweet smile can become so beautiful,
Smile for the sake of a smile,
Smile for the sake of happiness,
Smile for the sake of life,
Smile because of hope left in life,
Smile my friends,
Smile for me my Love,
Smile those same sweet smiles,
Smile so the world can be a peaceful dove…
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, smile poems have the ability to uplift and inspire, reminding us of the simple pleasures in life that bring us joy.
From short and sweet verses to longer ones, there’s a smile poem for every reader!
Please take a moment to peruse our collection of poems for smile, and allow the words to warm your heart as they wash over you.
Moreover, we would love to hear from you in the comments section below if you have a favorite poem that makes you smile or a personal story to share.