517 Fun Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush to Bring You Closer

Hunting different questions game for your friends and near ones is entirely different from the state of searching for ‘would you rather questions for your crush.’
If you have a crush, talking to them can get awkward. But there’s an easy-going solution. Just ask some interesting questions to each other! Therefore, the ‘Would you rather questions to ask your crush’ game can be a terrific way to break the ice and build a strong bond.
There are tons of options for what questions to ask your crush. Indeed, would you rather questions for your crush will help you discover your crush from a different viewpoint!
When it comes to asking would you rather questions for your crush, you don’t want to go too deep or be too casual. Whether the questions are fun, deep, dirty, or personal, they will keep you distracted for hours. Responding to these questions will also reveal your crush’s essential opinions and preferences.
So we’ve gathered some questions to get to know your crush better. Jot these questions down for the next time to have an exciting conversation.
Best Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Are you searching for the finest would you rather questions to ask your crush? To keep things exciting and steamy between you two, we will provide you with some hilarious questions for the would you rather questions game.
1. Would you rather a campground in the mountains or a 5-star hotel in the city?
2. Would you rather a planned vacation or a surprise vacation?
3. Would you rather watch the sunset or sunrise?
4. Would you rather have weird dreams and always remember them or never remember any dream?
5. Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or a vow of silence?
6. Would you rather teamwork or flying solo?
7. Would you rather manage rowdy staff or be one of them?
8. Would you rather be with a shy person or be with someone that makes you shy?
9. Would you rather someone make the first move on you or be the one who makes the first move?
10. Would you rather work out together or binge Netflix together?
11. Would you rather a fancy restaurant downtown or a campfire meal in the mountains?
12. Would you rather be stylish or comfortable?
13. Would you rather work day shift or night shift?
14. Would you rather be with someone who needs to have a pet or one who hates pets?
15. Would you rather wear your partner’s clothes or have them wear yours?
16. Would you rather someone help you out or figure it out for yourself?
17. Would you rather your heart or your head make all the decisions if you have to choose one?
18. Would you rather have true love or an infinite bank account?
19. Would you rather live in a country that’s always hot or always cold?
20. Would you rather watch a movie or watch a sunset with your partner?
21. Would you rather throw a party for friends or plan a party for friends?
22. Would you rather hit the town on a night out or stay home with a bottle of wine?
23. Would you rather a big birthday celebration or a low-key experience with close friends?
24. Would you rather cook a meal with me or order in?
25. Would you rather be rich or good-looking?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
You will find tons of funny would you rather questions for your crush, and these hilarious questions can blow up your crush. Nothing can form up an interesting convo without a burst of good laughter. Select the most delicate questions from below:
1. Would you rather snore while you sleep or talk while you sleep?
2. Would you rather be caught singing in the shower or having a conversation with yourself?
3. Would you rather be chased by a group of cats or a group of dogs?
4. Would you rather have a massive zit on your forehead or your nose?
5. Would you rather date a terrible singer or a terrible dancer?
6. Would you rather spill food on your shirt or spill food on a stranger’s shirt?
7. Would you rather be mistaken for someone else or mistake a stranger for someone else?
8. Would you rather forget someone’s name or call someone by the wrong name?
9. Would you rather fall off a stage during a drama or dance performance?
10. Would you rather forget your lines when singing or when giving a speech?
11. After pooping, would you rather discover there is no tissue paper or water to flush?
12. Would you rather wear your significant other’s underwear or go out with no underwear?
13. Would you rather wake up to a twenty-year older version of yourself or a twenty-year younger version of your significant other?
14. Would you rather fart in an elevator with your friends or coworkers?
15. Would you rather your partner wake up with a squeaky voice or without your voice?
16. Would you rather have a very naughty partner or a boring partner?
17. Would you rather have a partner who throws a tantrum or a partner who cries inconsolably when upset?
18. Would you rather be with someone who snores loudly or farts in their sleep?
19. Would you rather your partner lose all their teeth or hair on their body?
20. Would you rather have a water fight or food fight with your partner?
21. Would you rather live like a dog or a cat for a day?
22. Would you rather live in a haunted house for a week or go to jail for a month?
23. Would you rather accidentally drop your phone down a toilet bowl or drop it in a puddle of vomit?
24. Would you rather have a ring stuck on your finger, or your wrist stuck in a jar?
25. Would you rather have a weird-looking nose or ears?
26. Would you rather bleach or shave your hair?
27. Would you rather have crooked teeth or a crooked nose?
28. Would you rather wear flip-flops or crocs to a wedding?
29. Would you rather fart or puke every time you laugh?
30. Would you rather accidentally upload an embarrassing video of yourself or a video of your partner?
31. If your partner became a vampire, would you rather they stay human or become a vampire?
32. Would you rather have a smelly armpit or mouth?
33. Would you rather have a partner with the power of immortality or invisibility?
34. Would you rather be with a partner that gets bored quickly or is easily distracted?
35. Would you rather have a roommate that eats a lot or sleeps a lot?
36. Would you rather have feathers or have scales?
37. Would you rather empty a bucket of water with a teaspoon or a sieve?
38. Would you rather have hands for feet or have feet for hands?
39. Would you rather not be able to go out during the day or at night?
40. Would you rather deal with a crying baby or a baby with diarrhea?
41. Would you rather whisper or shout all the time?
42. Would you rather miss your train stop or miss your connecting flight?
43. Would you rather swim in a pool of jam or Nutella?
44. Would you rather lose a dollar every time you hear a swear word or have a dirty thought?
45. Would you rather wet your pants or sit in a wet chair?
46. Would you rather kiss a frog or turn into a frog?
47. Would you rather eat raw meat or eat dead fish?
48. Would you rather be a stand-up comedian or a Live Statue street performer?
49. Would you rather have a horn or a tail?
50. Would you rather give yourself a haircut or allow a novice cut your hair?
Flirty Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Flirting in real-life conversation requires a bit of sensitivity and cheekiness. A flirty convo is not expected to be serious; it still helps you get your point or express your desires. To get your mission accomplished, we have come up with some flirty would you rather questions for your crush. Here’s they are:
1. Would you rather have a great singing voice or have great moves on the dance floor?
2. Would you rather know the date of your death or have it be a surprise?
3. Would you rather get tied up in bed or tie your partner up instead?
4. Would you rather be really early for everything or slightly late?
5. Would you rather have a friend with benefits or a very serious relationship?
6. Would you rather snack on healthy food or chocolate?
7. Would you rather date someone who’s very introverted or very extroverted?
8. Would you rather always cook meals or always order in?
9. Would you rather a kiss on a good first date or leave it for later?
10. Would you rather get a lot of compliments from strangers or only compliments from your crush?
11. Would you rather a coffee date or a date at the bar?
12. Would you rather go out to watch a movie or stay on the couch with snacks?
13. Would you rather hook up with your high school crush or your celebrity crush?
14. Would you rather a fancy office job or a work-from-home job?
15. Would you rather have a party at your house or go to a party at a friend’s house?
16. Would you rather date someone much older or much younger than you?
17. Would you rather ask your crush out in person or through text?
18. Would you rather live with your best friend or by yourself?
19. Would you rather a lazy Sunday morning in bed or an active morning?
20. Would you rather talk in your sleep or sleepwalk?
21. Would you rather spill a drink on yourself or on an attractive stranger?
22. Would you rather always use a shower or a bathtub?
23. Would you rather a desk job or an active job?
24. Would you rather a job that makes you happy or a job that pays better?
25. Would you rather bottomless wine or endless dessert?
26. Would you rather pay for a meal or have someone pay for you?
27. Would you rather write a love letter or get a love letter?
28. Would you rather exchange a kiss under the stars or while watching the sunset?
29. Would you rather spend a snow day in with your crush, or lay on the beach with your crush?
30. Would you rather date someone who rarely expresses emotions or who almost always lies?
31. Would you rather talk to your crush in the morning when you wake up or in the evening before you go to bed?
32. Would you rather cook a meal together or have a meal cooked for you?
33. Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence?
34. Would you rather make the first move on a date or let your date make the first move?
35. Would you rather find true love or be rich?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Your crush’s first date can be nerve-wracking as you get clueless about carrying on an interesting chat. If you are on a first date with your crush, then go through with these clean would you rather questions for your crush. These questions will help you escape any awkward situation.
1. Would you rather take a bus around or take a train?
2. Would you rather work all day or work all night?
3. Would you rather live alone or with your best friend?
4. Would you rather date someone with good manners or a great dress sense?
5. Would you rather eat home-cooked meals or fast food?
6. Would you rather have work from home or the office?
7. Would you rather live somewhere quiet or somewhere lively?
8. Would you rather buy a house or build it from the ground up?
9. Would you rather work in a group or work independently?
10. Would you rather live alone in a big house or a crowded small home?
11. Would you rather watch a romantic movie or an action movie?
12. Would you rather use a shower or use a hot tub?
13. Would you rather go on a lunch date or a dinner date?
14. Would you rather sleep in on a Saturday or go out?
15. Would you rather eat something sweet or eat something spicy?
16. Would you rather live somewhere hot or live somewhere cold?
17. Would you rather participate in sports or watch sports?
18. Would you rather have an extroverted friend or an introverted friend?
19. Would you rather have a pet parrot or a pet dove?
20. Would you rather have visitors over or visit someone?
21. Would you rather cook dinner or do the dishes after dinner?
22. Would you rather spend the entire day scrolling through Instagram or Twitter?
23. Would you rather eat chips with ketchup or eat chips with mustard?
24. Would you rather drink hot chocolate or a cold sundae?
25. Would you rather study abroad or work abroad?
26. Would you rather have brilliant friends or gorgeous friends?
27. Would you rather listen to Jazz or Reggae?
28. Would you rather be an only child or have lots of siblings?
29. Would you rather read a fiction book or a nonfiction book?
30. Would you rather use glasses or get contacts?
31. Would you rather have wealthy parents or famous parents?
32. Would you rather be a fashion designer or a fashion model?
33. Would you rather eat peppery food or eat tasteless food?
34. Would you rather have a big smile or an infectious laugh?
35. Would you rather have a nosy partner or a noisy partner?
36. Would you rather date someone who is super-shy or super-loud?
37. Would you rather forget your reading glasses at home or at work?
38. Would you rather have the ugliest house in a beautiful neighborhood or the most beautiful place in an unsightly area?
39. Would you rather eat cold food or eat food when it’s really hot?
40. Would you rather rewatch a movie with your partner or leave them to it?
41. Would you rather have a foreign object in your ear or eye?
42. Would you rather have noisy neighbors or petty neighbors?
43. Would you rather have to dance or sing along to a song?
44. Would you rather have a night out with someone goofy or freaky?
45. Would you rather have a terrible sore throat or cough?
46. Would you rather have tummy aches or backaches?
47. Would you rather join in on a food fight or clean up a food fight?
48. Would you rather wear a faded or a rumpled outfit?
49. Would you rather have brown teeth or have a smelly mouth?
Dirty Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Being flirtiest with your date excites attraction; it even gets betters when you add up some naughty and dirty talks. The best way to spice up your relationship is to target some dirty would you rather questions for your crush! Don’t worry; we have got you covered.
1. Would you rather share a blanket or a sleeping bag?
2. Would you rather have a back massage or a foot massage?
3. Would you rather get a hug or cuddle on the couch?
4. Would you rather sit together on a porch swing or on a ferris wheel?
5. Would you rather use body paint or play Twister?
6. Would you rather meet at a bar and pretend to be strangers or pretend to fight and make up at home?
7. Would you rather have a horoscope compatibility chart done or get a psychic reading?
8. Would you rather make out on a couch or in a car parked overlooking the town?
9. Would you rather gaze at the stars or at each other?
10. Would you rather eat chocolate covered strawberries or Godiva chocolates?
11. Would you rather go after a beautiful face or s#xy body?
12. Would you rather date a bedroom bully or Mr. Shy Guy/Girl?
13. Would you rather have it raw with a playboy or a random guy/girl you met the other day?
14. Would you rather swallow or spit?
15. Would you rather have s#x for money or for fame?
16. Would you rather date a good lady or a bad girl?
17. Would you rather make out with Megan Thee Stallion or Nicki Minaj?
18. Would you rather give or receive orals?
19. Would you rather have your bullz kicked or your d#ck bitten during orals?
20. Would you rather make out on the kitchen counter or dining table?
21. Would you rather sleep with someone on the first date or wait for another 6 months?
22. Would you rather have a bedroom injury or a heartbreak?
23. Would you rather have balls under your chin or nipples on your nose?
24. Would you rather date your current boyfriend/girlfriend or their best friend if there were no consequences?
25. Would you rather date Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres?
26. Would you rather have your text messages exposed or your smartphone gallery leaked?
27. Would you rather have loud mourns or silent nights?
28. Would you rather have bad breath or smelly private parts?
29. Would you rather do it with the lights on or off?
30. Would you rather lick a random stranger’s behind or their dirty toes?
31. Would you rather experience a bad walk of shame or an embarrassing public breakup?
32. Would you rather receive pity s#x or walk of shame where your best friends see you?
33. Would you rather have a bald head or very long pubic hair?
34. Would you rather date a s#x addict or a p#rn addict?
35. Would you rather talk dirty while making out or have a romantic conversation while on it?
36. Would you rather make out with your father watching or with your mother watching?
37. Would you rather have diarrhea while making out or say your ex’s name?
38. Would you rather receive a nude or a romantic text message?
39. Would you rather get caught flirting with your parent’s best friend or partner’s best friend?
40. Would you rather vomit giving a head job or fart while making out?
41. Would you rather date someone with a big dick that hurts or someone with a very tiny one that never satisfies?
42. Would you rather be very loose downstairs or never wet when making out?
43. Would you rather have johnson on your forehead or a vajayjay on your nose?
44. Would you rather tell your dad or your mom to cover their exposed private parts?
45. Would you rather get even with someone or let go?
46. Would you rather date a “baby” or marry a “grandpa/grandma”?
47. Would you rather see your father naked or your mother?
48. Would you rather break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend or let them break up with you?
49. Would you rather get caught cheating over text messages or red-handed in the action?
50. Would you rather make out every day or once a week?
51. Would you rather find me cheating or I find you cheating?
52. Would you rather break up over text or in person?
53. Would you rather ghost your boyfriend/girlfriend or have them ghost you?
54. Would you rather break up in front of your best friends or over a text message?
55. Would you rather have a formal break up with someone you love or have them ghost you instead?
56. Would you rather allow me to date your best friend or your sworn enemy?
57. Would you rather make out inside a greasy shower or stained couch?
Sexy Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
If you are looking forward to building an intimate relationship with your crush, try some sexy would you rather questions for your crush. So select the questions you both will enjoy answering. Be assured to unlock some s#xual desires and preferences eventually.
1. Would you rather give a lap dance in public or get a lap dance in public?
2. Would you rather have hot fudge or ice cream licked off of you?
3. Would you rather give oral s#x or get oral s#x?
4. Would you rather fool around in a sauna or a hot tub?
5. Would you rather be blindfolded or handcuffed?
6. Would you rather spend all day or all night together?
7. Would you rather never have food again or never have s#x again?
8. Would you rather go swimming in the sea or sunbathing?
9. Would you rather have breakfast in bed or a midnight snack?
10. Would you rather have s#x inside or outside?
11. Would you rather be with a quiet or passionate lover?
12. Would you rather have a s#xy shower or a s#xy bath?
13. Would you rather a long kiss or a short pec?
14. Would you rather play-fight or role play?
15. Would you rather have a one night stand with a stranger or with a distant blood relation?
16. Would you rather touch someone else’s genitals or allow someone else watch you play with your genitals?
17. Would you rather be really good at s#x or be really good at foreplay?
18. Would you rather be chained to the bed or be blindfolded in bed?
19. Would you rather watch p#rnography in a public place or act in a p#rnographic movie in public?
20. Would you rather watch someone you like masturbate or watch someone you like have an orgasm?
21. Would you rather send your nude pictures to someone you like or get nude pictures from someone who likes you?
22. Would you rather have a high body count or be with someone that has a high body count?
23. Would you rather have s#x up against the wall or on the floor?
24. Would you rather be with someone who likes rough s#x or be with someone who likes gentle s#x?
25. Would you rather be with someone who has a really high libido that’s far from normal or someone with really low libido?
26. Would you rather always get horny at midnight or always get horny while at work?
27. Would you rather have marks on your body from s#x or body aches after s#x?
28. Would you rather have a lover who likes to go at s#x for hours or someone who’s done in a few minutes?
29. Would you rather s#x chat with different strangers on the internet or s#x chat with just one random person on the internet?
30. Would you rather have a lover who’s a hoe and experienced or a lover who’s a virgin and a novice?
31. Would you rather have anal s#x or oral s#x?
32. Would you rather have your s#x video leaked or have a video of you touching yourself leak?
33. Would you rather give a lap dance to a stranger or get a lap dance from a stranger?
34. Would you rather make out with someone at a nightclub or make out with someone at a strip club?
35. Would you rather do a nude photoshoot or wear something really s#xy and revealing for a photoshoot?
36. Would you rather sleep with someone super hot and get herpes or sleep with someone really boring in bed but get no STD?
37. Would you rather get to French kiss your favorite model or french kiss your favorite actor?
38. Would you rather be teased by your lover in bed with their tongue or with their teeth?
39. Would you rather have your nipples exposed in a picture online or your entire ass exposed in a picture online?
40. Would you rather lick up your partner’s fluid after orgasm or suck their fluid from a condom?
41. Would you rather be on your knees during s#x or be on your back during s#x?
42. Would you rather sleep with someone really old but skilled or someone your age who sucks in bed?
43. Would you rather have your nipples sucked or pulled in bed?
44. Would you rather eat someone’s ass or have your ass eaten?
45. Would you rather use a condom or use the pull-out method?
46. Would you rather your colleague watch you have s#x or have your neighbor watch you have s#x?
47. Would you rather have your toes sucked during s#x or have your fingers sucked during s#x?
48. Would you rather have your genitals rubbed or have your genitals sucked?
49. Would you rather watch your ex have s#x or have your ex watch you have s#x?
50. Would you rather have your butt spanked or your butt squeezed?
51. Would you rather make out in a hallway or make out in a storage room?
52. Would you rather accidentally scream the wrong name in bed or have your partner accidentally scream the wrong name in bed?
53. Would you rather have s#x with the same person all your life or in the same position all your life?
54. Would you rather have a s#xual dream involving your ex or involving a stranger you’ve never seen before?
55. Would you rather walk around the house in just your underwear or go out without underwear?
56. Would you rather talk dirty with your lover’s best friend or flirt with your lover’s best friend?
57. Would you rather grind someone hot in public or grind someone hot in private?
58. Would you rather be able to sleep with best friends or siblings?
59. Would you rather go to bed with a really trim person or someone with a thick body?
60. Would you rather have a partner who makes you moan really loudly in bed or a partner who moans really loudly in bed?
61. Would you rather read 50 Shades Of Grey or watch 50 Shades Of Grey?
62. Would you rather get a hickey that’s hard to hide or give a hickey that’s hard to hide?
63. Would you rather work at a strip club or have a lover who works at a strip club?
64. Would you rather sleep with someone of the same s#x who’s a billionaire and super hot or sleep with someone of the opposite s#x who’s broke and ugly?
65. Would you rather fool around with your partner in bed all day or all night?
Simple Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
A beautiful and long-lasting relationship looks forward to a good conversation. Having a good chat with your crush can help you contract a healthy and excellent relationship. Go through these simple would you rather questions to ask your crush and learn more about their thoughts.
1. Would you rather trust God’s plans or frame your own plans?
2. Would you rather go alone to see your favorite musician in concert or go to a BBQ with your closest friends?
3. Would you rather dress up and go clubbing or stay home in sweats?
4. Would you rather be happy and content but not achieve much or never be satisfied but achieve a lot?
5. Would you rather be the manager of a store with bad employees or be one of the bad employees?
6. Would you rather have breakfast for dinner, or dinner for breakfast?
7. Would you rather drink sour milk or lose your sense of taste?
8. Would you rather work a morally questionable job or settle for a lesser salary?
9. Would you rather eat pizza or play a game with a stranger?
10. Would you rather prefer only being able to eat for a day or only being able to sleep for a day?
11. Would you rather have bad smelly feet, bad breathe, or a smelly armpit for 10 days?
12. Would you make YouTube history public or your browser history public?
13. Would you rather have to kiss a cousin secretly or never kiss a cousin but be blamed to do so?
14. Would you rather pay 10 servants or none at all?
15. Would you rather assist a rich and influential person or establish your own empire?
16. Would you rather spend the weekend at work or cooking for your family?
17. Would you rather have a terrible sore throat or a terrible cough?
18. Would you rather clear a mess for consecutive 3 days or make your bedroom dirty for 6 days?
19. Would you rather extinguish your neighborhood’s fire or watch your spouse performing on stage?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
If you are thinking of finding some hard would you rather questions for your crush to blow up their mind? Tricky question and answer sessions can lead to deep, meaningful discussion. Then do try some of the given questions below, and you will surely get specific fascinating answers.
1. Would you rather your partner take a vow of celibacy or silence?
2. Would you rather be wrongly held in jail or a mental facility?
3. Would you rather get lost on a journey or lose your luggage on a journey?
4. Would you rather be kicked out of your house by your landlord or by your lover?
5. Would you rather be really thirsty or be really hungry?
6. Would you rather work at something that consumes a lot of time or work at something that’s difficult to understand?
7. Would you rather lose your job that pays really well or lose all your life savings?
8. Would you rather date someone who’s always angry or someone who’s always negative?
9. Would you rather confess to infidelity to your lover or catch your lover cheating?
10. Would you rather have a friend who drinks too much or a lover who drinks too much?
11. Would you rather dance like a lunatic in front of your family or on the internet?
12. Would you rather have a quick-tempered friend or a toxic friend?
13. Would you rather have something stuck in between your teeth or forget to brush your teeth?
14. Would you rather fart on a public bus or while walking through a crowded street?
15. Would you rather have a funny-sounding or hard-to-pronounce name?
16. Would you rather find a spider in your shirt pocket or find a spider in your shoe?
17. Would you rather be completely bald or have hair grow only at the center of your head?
18. Would you rather wear a specific t-shirt or specific pants every day of your life?
19. Would you rather share your bed with someone who takes up a lot of space or someone who rolls in bed a lot?
20. Would you rather have really bushy eyebrows or no eyebrows?
21. Would you rather be dragged by your hands or by your legs?
22. Would you rather wake up with a new body or with memories that aren’t yours?
23. Would you be locked in a dirty public toilet or a morgue?
24. Would you rather sit on your reading glasses accidentally or sit on your contact lenses accidentally?
25. Would you rather be late all the time or be too early all the time?
26. Would you rather be late for your own wedding or not be able to find your outfit on your wedding day?
27. Would you rather sleep in a really stuffy room or sleep in a really cold room?
28. Would you rather stay on a dying planet or take your chance on a new unprobed planet?
29. Would you rather be a vampire or a ghost?
Good Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Having a crush on someone can be equally thrilling and petrifying. It’s also common to find yourself stunned when talking with them. But relax; we’ve gathered a bunch of good would you rather questions for your crush, for your next encounter with your crush.
1. Would you rather be kicked out of the house by your landlord or by your lover?
2. Would you rather be really thirsty or really hungry?
3. Would you rather confess to your lover about cheating or catch your lover cheating?
4. Would you rather have a best friend who drinks too much or a lover who drinks too much?
5. Would you rather run around the compound naked or walk the street with awkward dressing?
6. Would you rather have a strange name or a name that is so hard to pronounce?
7. Would you rather have a terrible cough or terrible sore throat?
8. Would you rather start afresh from kindergarten or lost everything in your memory?
9. Would you rather share your bed with someone who is twice your size or share your bed with someone who rolls on the bed while sleeping?
10. Would you rather wear dirty underwear or prefer to go without underwear?
11. Would you rather ear busy eyebrow or lost your hair?
12. Would you rather have your mum stalk your Facebook timeline or your Twitter timeline?
13. Would you rather sit in between two huge men or two chubby women?
14. Would you rather get a suspension or a demotion?
15. Would you rather be part of a food fight or join in to clean a food fight?
16. Would you rather be betrayed by your best friend or be betrayed by a lover?
17. Would you rather have a third write or a third eye?
18. Would you rather age from the neck up or the neck down?
19. Would you rather be caught cheating or catch your partner cheating?
20. Would you rather have your lover die or cheat to raise fund to have your lover saved?
21. Would you rather be the first to start dancing in a gathering or be the first to start singing any song that’s played?
22. Would you rather be loved more by the family of your crush or have your crush love you more than the family does?
23. Would you rather have a partner that must insist you explain everything or have a partner who pretends they are not bothered about a thing?
24. Would you rather be a well-known senator or a well-known business person?
25. Would you rather engage in not legally accepted business and make a lot of money or engage in a legitimate business and earn little money?
26. Would you rather be a performer at a stage or be someone who’s observing?
27. Would you rather be famous but ridiculed or be just a normal person?
28. Would you rather have a flying carpet or a submarine?
29. Would you rather be amazing at driving dirt bikes or be fantastic at riding horses?
30. Would you rather never be able to wear shorts or never be able to wear pant?
31. Would you rather live on the beach or live in the forest?
32. Would you rather have a horrible short term memory or a horrible long term memory?
33. Would you rather be free from gossips or free from spam mails for the rest of your life?
34. Would you rather have your best friends never visit you or have your best friends visit you often and never make new ones?
35. Would you rather travel the world for a year all expenses paid or have $60,000 to spend on whatever you want?
36. Would you rather have constantly dry eyes or constantly runny nose?
37. Would you rather be unable to have kids or only be able to conceive quintuplets?
38. Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with ten million dollars inside?
39. Would you rather appear smart before your crush or appear awkward to your best friends?
40. Would you rather live alone or live with your best friend?
41. Would you rather cook or eat fast food?
42. Would you rather work independently or work as a team?
43. Would you rather work in the bed or have a workspace at home?
44. Would you rather live abroad or study abroad?
45. Would you rather engage in a long-distance relationship or remain single?
46. Would you rather have wealthy parents or have celebrity parents?
47. Would you rather date someone who’s very loud in nature or date someone who’s shy at everything?
48. Would you rather eat a pack of cat meal or have a taste of spoilt milk?
Gross Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
If you are a risk lover and do not hesitate to cover any topic to form questions, these gross would you rather questions for your crush can be the ultimate weapon. Check out the questions below and have a good time with your crush.
1. Would you rather eat rotten fruits or stale food?
2. Would you rather find hair in your food or cook for someone and have them find hair in the food?
3. Would you rather not shower for a week or shower with dirty water?
4. Would you rather clean up baby poop or baby vomit?
5. Would you rather clean your running nose with your hands or with your shirt?
6. Would you rather bury your nose into a stranger’s armpit or lick your own armpit?
7. Would you rather pull out a stranger’s nose hair or armpit hair with your teeth?
8. Would you rather swim across a dirty river or walk down a muddy road?
9. Would you rather eat food that already has worms in it or food that already has molds growing out of it?
10. Would you rather clean up someone’s menstruation blood or someone’s genital discharge?
11. Would you rather have ringworms or have really bad eczema?
12. Would you rather cook in a filthy kitchen or cook using filthy pots?
13. Would you rather have dirty-looking nails or nails that are brown and infected with fungus?
14. Would you rather shave your armpit hair in public or never be able to shave your armpit hair?
15. Would you rather have a really dusty apartment or a really smelly apartment?
16. Would you rather share your bathroom with someone who has diarrhea or with someone who’s simply too dirty and never flushes?
17. Would you rather have to clean a toilet seat with your hands or pull out a live rat from the tub?
18. Would you rather chew a bug or accidentally swallow a bug and feel it in your throat?
19. Would you rather cuddle up with a stray dog with a lot of lice on it or a stray dog with a lot of scabs?
20. Would you rather find a dead lizard or a dead rat at the bottom of your dark coffee?
21. Would you rather have a lover who can’t keep a secret or a lover who can’t tell a lie?
Juicy Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
‘Would you rather’ game has constantly performed as a way to push people out of their comfort zone. To unveil some sensual secrets of your crush, do try these juicy would you rather question for your crush and be prepared to get surprised.
1. Would you rather hit on someone you like via texting or hit on someone you like face-to-face?
2. Would you rather date someone with sophisticated mannerisms or someone with a sophisticated dress sense?
3. Would you rather get hugs from the back or get hugs from the front?
4. Would you rather have a workspace at home or just work in bed?
5. Would you rather eat home-cooked meals or eat fast food?
6. Would you rather run your fingers through your partner’s hair when kissing or across your partner’s face?
7. Would you rather get married early or get married late?
8. Would you rather buy a house or build a house?
9. Would you rather work in groups or work independently?
10. Would you rather make out on a couch or make out against the wall?
11. Would you rather say something sweet to your partner or say something s#xy to your partner?
12. Would you rather receive a box of candy or roses for Valentine’s Day?
13. Would you rather receive a piece of jewelry or a room makeover for an anniversary?
14. Would you rather receive a greeting card or a balloon for a birthday wish?
15. Would you rather receive a surprise romantic dinner or a surprise shopping spree?
16. Would you rather receive a kiss on the cheek or a hug?
17. Would you rather receive a love note on your car windshield at work or a s#xy text message?
18. Would you rather receive a single rose on your pillow or an expensive piece of chocolate?
19. Would you rather receive a love note in your lunch bag or sweet candy treat?
20. Would you rather receive a gift card from your favorite store or a wrapped gift, contents unknown?
21. Would you rather receive wink during a business meeting or play footsie at dinner?
22. Would you rather be best friends/lovers or just lovers?
23. Would you rather spend a holiday alone together or with family?
24. Would you rather have separate hobbies or one together?
25. Would you rather go to your high school reunion alone or together?
26. Would you rather sing your favorite song together or listen to a recording?
27. Would you rather tell your lover a white lie to spare feelings or blurt out the truth?
28. Would you rather forgive your lover or harbor a grudge?
29. Would you rather try something new with your lover or stay with the tried and true?
30. Would you rather spend the evening at home cuddling on the couch or painting the town red?
31. Would you rather take a spontaneous trip together or plan every detail?
32. Would you rather write your own wedding vows or copy from a website?
33. Would you rather serenade your lover or hire musicians?
34. Would you rather surprise your lover with rose petals strewn from the door to the bedroom or greet them at the door with Champagne?
35. Would you rather find your lover waiting in a bubble bath or all packed for a surprise weekend getaway?
36. Would you rather come home to dinner on the table or ushered out to your favorite restaurant?
37. Would you rather spend the day together being pampered at a spa or enjoying a workout at the gym?
38. Would you rather spend the evening together playing a video game or cuddled together reading a book?
39. Would you rather go to a jazz club or a rock concert?
40. Would you rather dance to slow music or go wild with retro disco music?
41. Would you rather read poetry together or go sailing on the lake?
Deep Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Everyone enjoys a thoughtful debate, so we’ve gathered some; deep would you rather questions for your crush. These questions will help you form a lovely connection with them, but you will construct a more profound understanding.
1. Would you rather know how long you’ll be with a partner or never know?
2. Would you rather have your dream job or dream partner?
3. Would you rather live forever without a partner or live for less time with your partner?
4. Would you rather have good friends or the best partner?
5. Would you rather be with a loud partner or an overly shy partner?
6. Would you rather your parent’s approval of your partner or your friends’ approval?
7. Would you rather have lots of children or lots of pets?
8. Would you rather be told the truth at all times or sometimes be lied to?
9. Would you rather be in one committed relationship or have several partners?
10. Would you rather date someone who dates/ has dated men and women, or just men/women?
11. Would you rather cut ties with your ex or be friends with them?
12. Would you rather get never-get-married or get married?
13. Would you rather be with someone who has had lots of partners or no partners before you?
14. Would you rather be with someone you can’t trust or someone you do trust but don’t love?
15. Would you rather never fall in love or never have children?
16. Would you rather have s#x without love or love without s#x?
Fun Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
You have been on a few dates with your crush, and now you are ready to pull out some fun. These fun would you rather questions for your crush work as an icebreaker after the first or second day of the encounter. These hilarious questions are perfect for having good laughter and a great time.
1. Would you rather go for a honeymoon or buy a new car after marriage?
2. Would you rather stay up all night talking with your bae or wake up early for family responsibilities?
3. Would you rather help your partner in a difficult situation or part your ways from them?
4. Would you rather live in Hollywood city or stay in a green village?
5. Would you rather kiss an unknown for $500 or slap your bae for $500?
6. Would you rather enjoy Netflix and chill or go for a long ride?
7. Would you rather not speak anything for life or not go outside your city for life?
8. Would you rather take a selfie with Tom Cruise or Scarlett Johansson?
9. Would you rather get drunk that you don’t recognize anything from the night or call on someone unknown’s bed?
10. Would you rather keep your SO secret for life or get married to them?
11. Would you rather stay a virgin for life or not achieve anything on your own?
12. Would you rather dress up as the opposite s#x and go to the best restaurant alone or stay home for life with no outside food?
13. Would you rather have black money in cash or pay 90% of your income as taxes?
14. Would you rather wear undergarments only or no undergarments at home?
15. Would you rather do a thrilling job that could affect your health or have a white-collar job?
16. Would you rather attend a camp in the forest or at a haunted place?
17. Would you rather be the wrong person or strike the bad person?
18. Would you rather be in the police force or an airplane company employee like a pilot or air hostess?
19. Would you rather have money for staying without gadgets or use any device 24 hours a day?
20. Would you rather not attend your friend’s marriage or not invite them to your marriage?
Romantic Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
If you want to spark up your love life, remember romance plays a vital role that helps a relationship to sustain. It keeps a relationship active, thrilling, and significant. That’s why we have listed many romantic would you rather questions for your crush to discover the worth of your relationship.
1. Would you rather spend time with your partner or with a physically attractive stranger?
2. Would you rather kiss your celebrity crush or watch a favorite movie?
3. Would you rather spend time with your lover watching a movie or watching a beautiful sunset?
4. Would you rather fall in love with me or eat your favorite food?
5. Would you write a love letter to your crush or directly propose the one on your knees?
6. Would you rather watch a romantic comedy with me or a horror movie with your crush?
7. Would you rather ask me for a date or enjoy a flavored ice cream comfortably on a cute little Treehouse?
8. Would you rather prefer staying in a relationship with me for the rest of your life or have a passionate kiss with your favorite celebrity?
9. Would you rather be a loyal partner or cheat your ex to take revenge?
10. Would you rather answer the questions that start with ‘s#x’ or indulge in an interesting conversation with me?
11. Would you rather take me on a date to your favorite restaurant or a roadside Dhaba?
12. Would you rather comb the hair of your lover or dress him or her?
13. Would you rather buy me some chocolates or a bodycon dress?
14. Would you rather dominate an unruly partner or call a breakup?
15. Would you rather try fixing an imbalanced relationship or end it on good notes?
16. Would you rather stay indoors or go out in the rain with your love?
17. Would you rather get up early in the morning and text me or make a video call?
18. Would you rather have a peaceful family life or an adventurous single life?
19. Would you rather serve others or be served by others?
20. Would you rather marry an Inspector or a lawyer?
Silly Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
Some days are dull and gloomy, so your crush can also encounter a hard day. To lift their mood, you can play the game of silly would you rather questions for your crush. Playing this enjoyable game with each other; eases all your anxieties and boosts your mood.
1. Would you rather be covered in scales or covered in fur?
2. Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid?
3. Would you rather have spaghetti for legs or muffins for hands?
4. Would you rather have to speak in rhyme or riddles for the rest of your life?
5. Would you rather get a proposal or propose yourself?
6. Would rather be with someone who loves you or someone that you love?
7. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
8. Would you rather share food or have meals separately?
9. Would you rather a date in the long term or get into a serious relationship?
10. Would you rather give someone flowers or books?
11. Would you rather watch netflix at home or go to the movies?
12. Would you rather get matching tattoos or piercings?
13. Would you rather go dancing or singing at a karaoke bar?
14. Would you rather read someone’s mind or change someone’s mind?
15. Would you rather let me shave your hair off or eyebrows?
16. Would you rather text or all night or talk on the phone?
17. Would you rather be with someone funny or attractive?
18. Would you rather sleep with your dad’s best friend or your arch enemy?
19. Would you rather go a year without television or a year without music?
20. Would you rather remember all your dreams or never remember your dreams?
21. Would you rather go on a date with a fictional tv show character or a book character, who?
5 Tips for Playing Would You Rather Questions Game with Your Crush
Some fun games can change these settings just in a few minutes. “Would you rather crush edition” is a spontaneous game played with your crush. To build exciting setups, you’ll require a minimum of two players and wild creativity. We have some tips for you to make this game more exciting and fun.
Continue the pace
These fun game questions can be both challenging and simple. But remember, the main target is to maintain the game’s actual rhythm. Ask some light-hearted questions at the beginning of the ‘would you rather questions for your crush’ game, and then get into a fun, dirty, complex topic to set the atmosphere. Maintain the flow so that your partner is comfy enough to respond.
Pick just one answer
The whole concept of would you rather questions for your crush game is based on substituting between two uncomplimentary choices. The person has to select only one answer, preferable between the given options. Again there is another rule of thumb; the player cannot answer ‘both’ or ‘neither’ with the given options.
Co-relate between the options
When you are planning, would you rather questions to ask your crush, make sure to select co-related questions. Attempt to confirm that selected questions or options are co-related and make sense so that your partner will not get confused and get more fun out of the game.
Mixture of fun questions
Of course, variety assures more fun and interest. Players get hooked into a game when there is more diversity. Create variation in your questions! Go for funny, simple, challenging, decent, silly, profound, and all kinds of would you rather questions to ask your partner!
You can use the given ideas
If you have been dating for a while and still haven’t tried out the ‘would you rather game, you are ignoring the most fun part. This entertaining game with funny queries can end in massive surprises. This game is one worth playing the game to try with your loved ones.
Take advantage of the ideas discussed here. Again in this pandemic era, you can also arrange the ‘would you rather questions to text your crush’ game if you are far apart.
Final Thoughts on Would You Rather Questions for Your Crush
There’s barely anything more thrilling than that inside out, a tummy-turning sensation you get when you’re in the presence of your crush.
So now you want to get to know your crush on a deeper level. The classic “would you rather crush edition” game has all spot-on question ideas to assist you. All you need to have is the confidence to begin an interesting conversation with your crush.
Here we have rounded up the most remarkable questions to spark a great conversation about anything and everything between you and your partner. With would you rather questions for your crush game, you will never run out of your discussion.
If you have always desired to surpass the present status with your crush, try asking him/her any of these “would you rather questions to ask your crush” checked on this column, and do not be stunned if it unlocks a better moment for your guys.
These ‘would you rather questions to ask for your crush’ deliver some ideas for great conversation, but remember that there are numerous matters to discuss with your partner. Most would you rather questions for crushes are prepared exquisitely to fetch in possible chemistry between you and your partner and hopefully lead to a meaningful relationship.