314 Best Would You Rather Questions for Work (Funny & Unique)

Are you looking for some inspiring, funny, and unique would you rather work questions to keep the conversations flowing in your workplace?
Studies explicitly show that a positive work environment can boost morale and overall success of an organization.
So why not use these silly yet thought-provoking questions to generate meaningful conversations at the office?
In this blog post, we have compiled over 300 interesting would you rather questions for work specifically tailored for your workplace.
Let renowned American psychotherapist Brené Brown’s quote act as inspiration: “Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people will see or think.”
The best conversations start with trust, vulnerability, and curiosity – go on a journey with us now!
Fun Would You Rather Questions for Work
Work doesn’t have to be all serious all the time. Sometimes, it’s important to take a break and inject a little bit of fun into the office atmosphere. For doing so, consider bringing in some of these fun “Would You Rather” questions for work.
1. Would you rather play office games or take a long walk?
2. Would you rather watch a movie with your coworkers or have a game night?
3. Would you rather participate in a team quiz or a karaoke contest?
4. Would you rather participate in an office karaoke night or have a picnic with your colleagues?
5. Would you rather do yoga on your break or play tabletop games like cards or board games?
6. Would you rather have lunch delivered to the office or eat out?
7. Would you rather host an online coffee hour or a happy hour?
8. Would you rather go on a fun virtual tour with colleagues or participate in a company-wide scavenger hunt?
9. Would you rather set up a breakfast club in the office or develop and host a weekly Friday night happy hour after work?
10. Would you rather create an office mascot or design t-shirts for everyone?
11. Would you rather launch a company podcast or work on designing company swag items?
12. Would you rather play charades together on Zoom or solve puzzles as a team?
13. Would you rather have hands for feet or feet for hands?
14. Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon?
15. Would you rather have a monkey’s tail or an elephant’s trunk?
16. Would you rather go on a shopping spree together during lunch or plan a cooking duel in the kitchen?
17. Would you rather have a game night after work or organize a potluck dinner with your colleagues?
18. Would you rather have breakfast delivered to the office once in a while or start a fun initiative where teams compete against each other?
19. Would you rather coordinate outdoor movie screenings for the team or invest in ergonomic furniture for the office?
20. Would you rather be unable to stop sneezing or yawning?
21. Would you rather have a case of hiccups or giggles on a permanent basis?
22. Would you rather have a third eye or a third hand?
23. Would you rather host monthly “lunch and learn” sessions on various topics or share creative ideas over drinks outside of work hours?
24. Would you rather celebrate each other’s birthdays each month with cake and music or come up with wellness challenges that involve team exercise?
25. Would you rather have an oversized head or one oversized foot?
26. Would you rather have a personal butler or a personal chef?
27. Would you rather be able to speak every language fluently or be able to talk to animals?
28. Would you rather have a super sense of smell or have incredible sight?
29. Would you rather be superman or batman?
30. Would you rather have a mono-brow or no eyebrows at all?
31. Would you rather see 200 years in the past or 200 years into the future?
32. Would you rather be best friends with Wonder Woman or Captain America?
33. Would you rather fall in love with your dream partner or win $1 million?
34. Would you rather go to jail for a decade or be in a coma for a year?
35. Would you rather be permanently overdressed or under-dressed?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Work
Are you tired of the same old ice breakers before a meeting? Spice things up with these funny “would you rather” questions! You wouldn’t regret for sure!
1. Would you rather give your next big presentation in a tutu or your pajamas?
2. Would you rather wear a clown nose or clown makeup to work every day?
3. Would you rather work at a desk made of Jello or marshmallows?
4. Would you rather say everything in your best British accent or sing everything you say?
5. Would you rather have to wear a clown wig to work every day or a chicken costume on casual Fridays?
6. Would you rather have your boss always speak in rhymes or only communicate through interpretive dance?
6. Would you rather have to attend every meeting while wearing a superhero cape or make all your phone calls while wearing a fake mustache?
7. Would you rather have to do the Gagman Style dance whenever the phone rings or play the kazoo whenever your boss talks to you?
8. Would you rather work in an office that’s freezing cold or scorching hot?
9. Would you rather have to speak in rhyme all day or in a different accent every hour?
10. Would you rather have your computer play a loud circus theme song every time you open a new tab or have it make a fart noise every time you send an email?
11. Would you rather have a stapler that randomly screams when you use it or a printer that tells jokes every time it prints a document?
12. Would you rather work in an office that plays Mongolian throat singing or death metal all day long?
13. Would you rather do your job blindfolded or standing on tiptoes?
14. Would you rather have a desk that is always covered in glitter or a chair that squeaks loudly every time you sit down?
15. Would you rather have a coffee machine that only dispenses pickle juice or a water cooler that serves fizzy soda instead?
16. Would you rather give presentations upside down or while spinning in circles?
17. Would you rather use an abacus instead of a calculator or a quill instead of a pen?
18. Would you rather have your co-workers constantly refer to you by a hilarious nickname or have them always talk to you in a pirate accent?
19. Would you rather wear a Hawaiian shirt or a tuxedo to work each day? Why?
20. Would you rather your boss was a ghost or a vampire? Why?
21. Would you rather have an office where the thermostat is set to freezing temperatures year-round or an office where it feels like a sauna all the time?
22. Would you rather have a job where you have to communicate using only emoji’s or a job where you can only speak in puns?
23. Would you rather work in an office with no air-conditioning or no coffee machine?
24. Would you rather work in an office where everyone has to dress like cavemen or superheroes?
25. Would you rather eat a soggy grilled cheese or a burnt grilled cheese?
26. Would you rather have hiccups during a presentation or constantly sneeze during a video call?
27. Would you rather have an itchy nose you can’t scratch or a pebble in your shoe you can’t remove?
28. Would you rather give up your favorite food or give up your favorite social media app?
29. Would you rather have uneven eyebrows or a bad haircut?
30. Would you rather forget to brush your teeth or forget to put on deodorant?
31. Would you rather wear uncomfy shoes or forget to take a tag off your clothes?
32. Would you rather eat a raw jalapeño or eat a raw onion?
33. Would you rather have to walk around with wet socks or have a sneeze that won’t come out?
34. Would you rather have a loud neighbor or a nosy neighbor?
35. Would you rather have a desk that is constantly surrounded by a cloud of bubbles or a desk that is equipped with a confetti cannon that goes off randomly?
Good Would You Rather Questions for Work
These good questions are sure to get your coworkers laughing and bonding over shared ridiculousness. Give it a try and see how it lightens the mood in the office!
1. Would you rather have slow Wi-Fi or only one of your ear buds working?
2. Would you rather attend multiple meetings every day or have to give a weekly presentation?
3. Would you rather have a job that lets you travel or a job that lets you work from home?
4. Would you rather only have super-fast typing speed or only be able to read ridiculously fast?
5. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late to work or always be 20 minutes early to work?
6. Would you rather have a job with a lot of routine tasks or a job that varies daily?
7. Would you rather be the decision-maker or implement the decision?
8. Would you rather have a challenging but fulfilling job or an easy but monotonous job?
9. Would you rather have a mentor who is highly respected but rarely available or a mentor who is always accessible but less experienced?
10. Would you rather have a high-pressure deadline-driven job or a job with less pressure but more frequent deadlines?
11. Would you rather work with a small team of experts or a large team with diverse skill sets?
12. Would you rather take an all-expenses-paid dream vacation for a month every year at a mediocre job or have your dream job but pay for your vacations yourself?
13. Would you rather have a noisy office environment with constant interruptions or a quiet office where you rarely interact with colleagues?
14. Would you rather have a high-paying job that you dislike or a lower-paying job that you love?
15. Would you rather be the youngest person on your team or the oldest person on your team?
16. Would you rather have a company-provided gym membership or an extra week of paid vacation every year?
17. Would you rather only have a constant supply of the best coffee or only have a constant supply of the best snacks at your office?
18. Would you rather work in a team where everyone has the same level of expertise or a team with a diverse range of skills and backgrounds?
19. Would you rather have an open-office layout with constant collaboration or individual cubicles with minimal interaction?
20. Would you rather work four-day weeks with long work hours or six-day weeks with short work hours?
21. Would you rather attend a team building session or a corporate offsite?
22. Would you rather have unlimited snacks or free hand-crafted beverages in the office?
23. Would you rather work in an office for the rest of your life or work remotely for the rest of your life?
24. Would you rather work a mediocre job and be the best at Microsoft Excel or work at your dream job and be poor at Microsoft Excel?
25. Would you rather be in charge of the food committee or be in charge of games arrangements for an office party?
26. Would you rather have a slightly sticky desk or a squeaky desk chair?
27. Would you rather have a high-paying job that you dislike or a lower-paying job you love?
28. Would you rather have your salary come in on the first day of the month or the last day of the month?
29. Would you rather only be able to have your video on during an office conference call or only be able to have your video off during an office conference call?
30. Would you rather have unlimited vacation days but never get a pay raise or have a substantial pay raise but only one week of vacation per year?
31. Would you rather work on a high-profile project that receives no recognition or work on a low-profile project that earns you significant recognition?
32. Would you rather have a personal office with no windows or a shared cubicle with a beautiful view?
33. Would you rather work in a company with a strict dress code or in a company with a relaxed dress code but no casual Fridays?
34. Would you rather have a job that requires constant travel or a job that allows you to work remotely but rarely travel?
35. Would you rather have a boss who is extremely demanding but fair or a boss who is lenient but inconsistent?
Appropriate Would You Rather Questions for Work
Who said work had to be all serious? Inject some fun into your workday by asking your colleagues one of these would you rather questions suitable for work! You could even use these questions as an icebreaker to get to know your team members better.
1. Would you rather work 80 hours one week and have the next week off or work 40 hours for the week (spread across seven days including weekends) for two weeks?
2. Would you rather be the CEO of a company or another executive?
3. Would you rather do something you love and make just enough money to get by or do something you hate but make billions of dollars?
4. Would you rather run a country or a business?
5. Would you rather be the manager whose job is to delegate or the worker who gets to do the actual work?
6. Would you rather have your dream job but you can’t retire for 50 years or a terrible job, but you get to retire in 10 years?
7. Would you rather work in a big city or a small town (if you could have the same job both places)?
8. Would you rather bike or drive to work?
9. Would you rather have a constant supply of the best coffee in the world at your office or a constant supply of the best snacks in the world at your office?
10. Would you rather eat the oldest thing in the office fridge or clean the office bathroom?
11. Would you rather never have a meeting again or be in meetings all day every day for a year straight?
12. Would you rather sit in a loud part of the office or a quiet part?
13. Would you rather get paid your entire salary plus benefits all at once for the year or get paid little by little throughout the year?
14. Would you rather have way more work than you could ever accomplish in a day and be stressed or have hardly any work at all and be bored?
15. Would you rather have an office where you could wear pajamas to work or work in a really fancy office?
16. Would you rather be the oldest person in the office or the youngest?
17. Would you rather be famous in your career field or celebrity famous?
18. Would you rather work for a very small company or a very large company?
19. Would you rather work in Los Angeles or in New York City?
20. Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?
21. Would you rather receive catered lunch every day at work but never get to choose what you order or pack your own lunch every day?
22. Would you rather wear headphones at work or have music playing over a speaker?
23. Would you rather speak at an important conference or host an important meeting face-to-face at the office?
24. Would you rather work an extra hour but get an hour of break time or work with no breaks but leave an hour earlier?
25. Would you rather commute two hours to your dream job or live two minutes from a mediocre job?
26. Would you rather have a job where you talk to people all day or a job where you stay at your desk by yourself all day?
27. Would you rather have a job where you don’t write at all or a job where you write all the time?
28. Would you rather have plenty of time to work on an eventually unused project or frantically rush to finish a surprisingly important project?
29. Would you rather be good at any new skill you tried but always work on new things or work with the same skills and specialize your work?
30. Would you rather work longer but fewer days a week or shorter but more days of the week?
31. Would you rather work on a big team or just with one other person?
32. Would you rather come in late to work and leave late or come in early and leave early?
33. Would you rather have a very stressful job but have a lot of responsibility or have a minimally stressful job but with little responsibility?
Would You Rather Icebreaker Questions for Work
Looking for a fun way to break the ice at work? Look no further than these would you rather ice breakers for work. These questions are sure to spark an intriguing conversation and maybe even a few laughs.
1. Would you rather have the ability to instantly learn any new skill or have the power to persuade anyone to do what you want?
2. Would you rather live in a tiny apartment in the city or a house in the middle of nowhere?
3. Would you rather be always slightly hot or slightly cold?
4. Would you rather work a short shift of intense work or a long shift of relatively relaxed work for the same pay?
5. Would you rather become a chess grandmaster or an elite kick boxer?
6. Would you rather work on a project that challenges you to think creatively or a project that requires meticulous attention to detail?
7. Would you rather have a career where you constantly travel to different countries or a career where you make a significant impact within your local community?
8. Would you rather have a mentor who pushes you to take risks or a mentor who provides unwavering support and guidance?
9. Would you rather own an elephant the size of a hamster or a hamster the size of an elephant?
10. Would you rather have the power of stopping time whenever you wanted or the ability to turn invisible?
11. Would you rather battle King Kong or Gorilla?
12. Would you rather work in a company with a relaxed, casual work culture or a company with a formal, professional work environment?
13. Would you rather have a workday filled with exciting, unexpected surprises or a workday that follows a predictable routine?
14. Would you rather have a job that allows you to work independently or a job that involves collaborating closely with a team?
15. Would you rather have a magic van that can transport you anywhere and time-travel you back in time or a magic ring that absorbs all of the knowledge inside a book?
16. Would you rather be able to turn sand into water or air into sand?
17. Would you rather be able to eat whatever you want and be perfectly healthy, or have to sleep only one hour every day and be completely rested?
18. Would you rather work in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment or a slower-paced, more relaxed atmosphere?
19. Would you rather be known for your exceptional problem-solving skills or your outstanding leadership abilities?
20. Would you rather live a regular boring life or that something unexplainable happens to you every day?
21. Would you rather tell your past self-something or ask your future self a question?
22. Would you rather have the ability to predict the future or the power to change the past?
23. Would you rather work on a project with a tight deadline and a large budget or a project with a flexible timeline but limited resources?
24. Would you rather work in a company where innovation and experimentation are encouraged or a company that values stability and tradition?
25. Would you rather have a job that allows you to work from home or a job that provides exciting opportunities for international travel?
26. Would you rather get a paper cut every time you read a book or never be allowed to pick up a book ever again?
27. Would you rather eat only fried food or eat only boiled food for the rest of your life?
28. Which would you rather be— a great boss but a terrible human being or a bad boss but a great human being?
29. Would you rather lose the ability to cry or cry at least once a day for the rest of your life?
30. Would you rather have a career that involves constant learning and personal growth or a career that offers stability and a comfortable work-life balance?
31. Would you rather have a job that requires you to be highly organized or a job that allows you to be more spontaneous and adaptable?
32. Would you rather work in a company that promotes a competitive work culture or a company that fosters a collaborative and supportive environment?
33. Would you rather have a job where you are constantly interacting with people or a job that allows you to work more independently?
34. Would you rather have a job that involves working with cutting-edge technology or a job that focuses on preserving traditional methods and practices?
35. Would you rather work on a project that has a significant impact on society but receives little recognition or a project that receives widespread recognition but has a limited impact?
Would You Rather Questions for Work Team Building
Looking for a fun and interactive way to build team spirit among your colleagues at work? So why not mix things up at your next team building event and give these Would You Rather questions for work a try? You never know what interesting insights you might uncover about your coworkers!
1. Would you rather do a team-building task that requires creativity or problem-solving?
2. Would you rather support your favorite team at home or away?
3. Would you rather do team building online or in person?
4. Would you rather participate in a trust exercise or outdoor adventure?
5. Would you rather participate in a team-building activity with colleagues or friends?
6. Would you rather be on a small team or a large one?
7. Would you rather have dinner with your team or lunch?
8. Would you rather come together over dinner and drinks or an interactive game?
9. Would you rather participate in activities that promote camaraderie or those that require competition between groups?
10. Would you rather participate in team building activities outside the office or ones held indoors at the office?
11. Would you rather play charades in teams of two so everyone has a chance to be in the spotlight, or participate in large discussion forums where every opinion counts equally?
12. Would you rather solve a team-building task virtually or face-to-face?
13. Would you rather use teamwork games to identify each other’s strengths, or work on an individual project where everyone can demonstrate their unique skills?
14. Would you rather participate in a team-building activity that involves role-playing or public speaking?
15. Would you rather participate in a teambuilding retreat in the mountains or at the beach?
16. Would you rather do a teambuilding exercise that involves physical activities or mental challenges?
17. Would you rather participate in a team-building activity where you work with children or the elderly?
18. Would you rather set up informal chats between two departments to promote collaboration and friendship, or assign teams from different departments for specific tasks?
19. Would you rather plan movie nights where everyone watches a movie together or coordinate group activities based on hobbies and interests?
20. Would you rather work on a teambuilding project with a tight schedule or one that allows for more flexibility?
21. Would you rather have a team-building activity that requires team coordination or one that is about personal development?
22. Would you rather go on an outing with your team or stay in the office and play team-building games?
23. Would you rather encourage employees to shadow each other’s tasks to better understand them, or set aside specific days for team collaboration?
24. Would you rather host an offline event like an outdoor barbecue or organize online meet ups to exchange ideas and build relationships?
25. Would you rather introduce a “Team of the Month” award to celebrate team spirit, or focus on friendly competition through point systems?
26. Would you rather throw an office party to celebrate milestones and achievements or plan a weekend getaway for the whole team?
27. Would you rather participate in a team-building workshop that focuses on communication skills or problem-solving?
28. Would you rather allow team members to create their own team-building activities each month, or would you take turns leading an activity each week?
29. Would you rather set aside one day a month exclusively for internal collaboration projects, or schedule regular meetups over coffee/tea to build stronger relationships?
30. Would you rather participate in a team-building activity that involves cooking or painting?
31. Would you rather participate in a team-building adventure that involves hiking or whitewater rafting?
32. Would you rather do individual icebreaker sessions or quick team-building games at the beginning of the day?
33. Would you rather do a team-building exercise where you build something with your hands or create something digitally?
34. Would you rather work on a team-building project where you raise funds for a charity or create a company-wide initiative?
Would You Rather Questions for Work Meeting
Meetings, meetings, meetings. They can be boring and tedious, but they don’t have to be! Inject some fun into your next work meeting with these would you rather questions for work.
1. Would you rather participate in a meeting with a facilitator or have a free-flowing discussion without a designated leader?
2. Would you rather attend a meeting that focuses on a specific topic, or one that covers a variety of topics?
3. Would you rather have a meeting in an open-plan office or a more private setting?
4. Would you rather give up your lunch break to attend a meeting, or show up to the meeting half an hour early every day?
5. Would you rather have one large meeting per month or schedule several smaller meetings throughout the month?
6. Would you rather prepare for each meeting in advance by researching relevant topics, or just wing it and hope for the best?
7. Would you rather attend a well-prepared and organized meeting or one that is spontaneous and unplanned?
8. Would you rather discuss work topics in one long meeting or several shorter meetings throughout the week?
9. Would you rather have uncomfortable moments of silence during a meeting or speak up, even if it means dominating the conversation?
10. Would you rather start each meeting by recapping what happened last time, or only talk about current topics?
11. Would you rather attend a meeting that is strictly business or one that allows for casual conversation?
12. Would you rather attend a meeting with a clear objective and outcome or one that is more exploratory?
13. Would you rather be assigned to lead all of your company’s meetings or attend as an observer and never give input?
14. Would you rather criticize someone else’s performance during a meeting or wait until after the meeting when everyone has left so no one feels uncomfortable?
15. Would you rather arrive late to a meeting and miss important points, or arrive early and risk being seen as over prepared?
16. Would you rather be the first to speak in a meeting or wait for someone else to initiate a conversation?
17. Would you rather have a weekly team meeting in a conference room or do daily check-ins with your boss daily?
18. Would you rather work longer hours or be required to attend more meetings?
19. Would you rather have a meeting in a quiet conference room or a busy open-plan office?
20. Would you rather have a meeting to brainstorm ideas or to make decisions?
21. Would you rather attend one long project team meeting or several shorter meetings throughout the day?
22. Would you rather sit through an all-day meeting with no breaks or sacrifice 45 minutes of your lunch break each day for meetings?
23. Would you rather attend unproductive meetings or use that time for something productive instead?
24. Would you rather have a meeting to resolve a conflict or to celebrate a success?
25. Would you rather have a meeting to discuss a problem or to plan a solution?
26. Would you rather attend a weekly meeting that lasts two hours or a daily 15-minute check-in meeting?
27. Would you rather attend a meeting with a strict agenda and time limit or a more relaxed open-ended discussion?
28. Would you rather attend a meeting in person or via video conference?
29. Would you rather have a meeting with just one other person or with a large group?
30. Would you rather have a meeting to discuss a new project or review the progress of an existing project?
31. Would you rather attend meetings virtually or in person?
32. Would you rather have a structured meeting agenda or an open discussion?
33. Would you rather raise an issue during the meeting or discuss it in private afterward?
34. Would you rather give feedback to your colleagues anonymously or do it face-to-face during the meeting?
35. Would you rather take notes on your laptop during the meeting or use paper and pen?
36. Would you rather have someone else facilitate the meetings or step up and be the facilitator yourself?
Would You Rather Questions for Adults at Work
These would you rather work questions for adults are sure to spark lively conversations and debates amongst the team. So, grab a cup of hot tea, gather your coworkers, and get ready for some entertaining and insightful discussions.
1. Would you rather pursue your dreams or have a stable, high-earning job?
2. Would you rather spend a weekend without your phone or laptop?
3. Would you rather spend a month without Instagram or Facebook?
4. Would you rather use a dating app or go on a blind date?
5. Would you rather get married in your early twenties or late thirties?
6. Would you rather live alone or with roommates?
7. Would you rather earn more money and be busier or earn less money and have more time to yourself?
8. Would you rather have a lot of acquaintances or just a few close friends?
9. Would you rather pay off student loans or buy a house?
10. Would you rather go back to elementary school or jump to retirement?
11. Would you rather work four-day weeks or work two months on and one month off?
12. Would you rather become CEO for a day or receive a bonus?
13. Would you rather have a fully stocked snack bar or a limitless coffee machine?
14. Would you rather work more hours and have a short commute or work less hours and have a long commute?
15. Would you rather take your child to work or your pet?
16. Would you rather work for a startup or a corporation?
17. Would you rather go on a nearby business trip alone or travel far away with all of your coworkers?
18. Would you rather have a terrible boss and a good job or a good boss and a terrible job?
19. Would you rather work a job where you interact with people all day or work a job where you are at a desk all day?
20. Would you rather sit near the printer or the water cooler?
21. Would you rather use only a pencil or only a pen?
22. Would you rather work in yoga poses or do work at yoga?
23. Would you rather steal someone’s lunch or have your lunch stolen?
24. Would you rather walk to work or drive?
25. Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or feel the need to sneeze but be unable to do so for the rest of your life?
26. You can either have a great job or a great boss. Which would you choose?
27. Do you prefer to get the good news first or the bad news first?
28. You can only eat sweet or spicy foods for the rest of your life. Which would you pick?
29. Would you rather settle all of your disagreements with a game of “paper, rock, scissors” or “hide-and-seek”?
30. Which would you choose if you had to pick between not being able to eat sugar or salt for the rest of your life?
31. Would you rather have the ability to forget anything you want or remember everything you’ve ever done?
32. Would you rather spend your Friday evening at home or spend time at your favorite restaurant?
33. Would you rather land your dream job with bad pay or get a bad job with a dream pay?
34. Christmas or Halloween. What’s your pick out of these two holidays?
35. Would you rather play the main character in a bad movie or a supporting role in a good movie?
Would You Rather Questions for Coworkers
If you’re looking to spice up your daily work routine, these would you rather questions are a fun way to break the ice with your coworkers and get to know each other a little better. So go ahead and give it a try!
1. Would you rather have a coworker who constantly gossips or overly criticizes your work?
2. Would you rather work with a coworker who is always late or one who is always early?
3. Would you rather work with a messy or overly organized coworker?
4. Would you rather have coworkers who are supportive and optimistic or coworkers who are critical and judgmental?
5. Would you rather receive helpful feedback from your coworkers or none at all?
6. Would you rather work with a coworker who always has the latest technology or one who sticks to traditional methods of doing things?
7. Would you rather have a coworker who is too shy to speak up in meetings or one who talks too much?
8. Would you rather be praised for your hard work by your coworkers in front of everyone or behind closed doors?
9. Would you rather have a coworker that needs extra guidance to get the job done or one who needs minimal direction?
10. Would you rather work with a coworker who offers new perspectives and insights, or one who sticks to the same ideas?
11. Would you rather work with a coworker who is always negative or one who is always positive, even when it’s not warranted?
12. Would you rather work with colleagues who are more conservative or those who are more liberal about their ideas?
13. Would you rather interrupt your coworkers when they’re speaking in a meeting, or wait until they’re finished to voice your opinion?
14. Would you rather attend team lunches and socialize with coworkers, or stay at your desk and focus on your tasks?
15. Would you rather have a coworker who constantly plays loud music or one who constantly makes private phone calls during work hours?
16. Would you rather work with a coworker who is disorganized and chaotic or one who is rigid and inflexible?
17. Would you rather have coworkers that offer encouragement for meeting deadlines, or those who push for quick results with little regard for quality?
18. Would you rather have a loud coworker in the cubicle next door playing music, or one who talks on the speakerphone all day?
19. Would you rather have a coworker who is constantly late for meetings, or one who is always on time?
20. Would you rather have a coworker who always asks for help or one who never asks for help even when they need it?
21. Would you rather work with a coworker who constantly talks about his/her personal life or one who never shares anything about him/herself?
22. Would you rather have a coworker who always makes you laugh or one who never shows any emotion?
23. Would you rather have coworkers who are too critical of your work or those who are too accommodating and don’t challenge you enough?
24. Would you rather be praised by your boss for meeting deadlines or praised by your coworkers for exemplary work?
25. Would you rather receive feedback from your coworkers at the end of each project or regularly throughout the process?
26. Would you rather have a coworker who is open to constructive criticism or takes it too personally?
27. Would you rather have an overly organized coworker that sticks to procedures and protocols or one who likes to take risks and challenge the status quo?
28. Would you rather receive insight from a knowledgeable coworker in private conversations or engage in large group discussions that may lack clarity?
29. Would you rather have a coworker who brings fresh ideas to the team or one who helps execute existing ones?
30. Would you rather collaborate with coworkers that are full of energy and enthusiasm, or those with a more laid-back approach?
31. Would you rather read reports from knowledgeable coworkers at the end of each project or receive regular updates throughout the process?
32. Would you rather take part in regular brainstorming sessions with your coworkers, or prefer to discover solutions on your own?
33. Would you rather engage in debates with a coworker who has a different opinion, or just agree to disagree and move on?
34. Would you rather have a coworker who always takes credit for your ideas or one who never gives credit for your contributions?
35. Would you rather collaborate with a coworker who is passionate about his or her work, but constantly pushing the boundaries of protocol and procedure?
36. Would you rather get feedback from your coworkers in private conversations or team meetings in front of everyone?
Final Thoughts
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post about the 300+ best would you rather questions for work.
We tried to include a mix of funny, unique, meaningful, and thought-provoking questions so there is something for everyone.
We hope that these work related would you rather questions help elevate your work environment and bring happiness and enjoyment.
If you have any additional “Would You Rather” questions that weren’t covered here or if you have any ideas on how to use these in team building activities, please comment in the comments section below.
Have some fun with your colleagues, practice getting comfortable with uncomfortable conversations, get to know each other better and enjoy living a happier work life!