551 Best Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend to Know Better about Him

It is now much easier to know about your loved guy with the help of these would you rather questions for boyfriend.
To know about the current boyfriend, these would you rather questions for boyfriend are the perfect guide. Well, it is true to say that there are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions; hence, it all depends on choices.
The choices they select can well define their way of thinking and what kind of person they are. You can even answer the questions yourself before asking him and see if your choices are similar or not!
These would you rather questions for your boyfriend do not decide if the certain person is right for you or not, but they let you know in-depth about the person. These would you rather questions for boyfriend are designed to help you analyze if your partner is compatible with you or not.
Best Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Are you searching for something that you could add to your couple’s bucket list? Well, without any further delay, the best would you rather questions for a boyfriend can help you find a little more about the one you are dating.
1. Would you rather stay in or go out for a date?
2. Would you rather get up early or stay up late?
3. Would you rather ask for help or figure it out yourself?
4. Would you rather be rich and famous or just rich?
5. Would you rather spend the day inside or outside?
6. Would you rather watch a comedy movie or a horror movie?
7. Would you rather lose the ability to hear or lose the ability to walk?
8. Would you rather take a vow of celibacy or take a vow of silence?
9. Would you rather go to a bar, a club, a house party, or just stay home?
10. Would you rather be in a bad relationship for the rest of your life or have no SO for the rest of your life?
11. Would you rather be happy and content but not achieve much or never be satisfied but achieve a lot?
12. Would you rather go to a fancy, expensive restaurant or a cheaper relaxed atmosphere where the food is equally good?
13. Would you rather spend $5,000 on traveling or on a physical item like a TV?
14. Would you rather wear comfortable clothes or fashionable clothes?
15. Would you rather work in an office doing paperwork or outside building something (assuming the pay is the same)?
16. Would you rather volunteer at a homeless shelter or be a tutor for underprivileged kids?
17. Would you rather be the manager of a store with bad employees or be one of the bad employees?
18. Would you rather be the absolute ruler in a tiny country or an important politician among many other important politicians in a large powerful country?
19. Would you rather work a morally questionable job that makes a lot of money or a job that helps a lot of people but doesn’t make much money?
20. Would you rather not shower for a week or not brush your teeth for a week?
21. Would you rather be waited on hand foot by a jealous SO or split chores 50 / 50 with a trusting SO?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Who doesn’t love to laugh with their boyfriend and at the same time have a productive conversation! Below mentioned funny would you rather questions for boyfriend are light-hearted and fun to play.
1. Would you rather puke on a bus trip or have diarrhea on a bus trip?
2. Would you rather be a skunk or a dung beetle?
3. Would you rather be caught stealing food or money?
4. Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?
5. Would you rather be as hairy as a grizzly bear or be completely bald?
6. Would you rather be unable to laugh or unable to cry?
7. Would you rather be locked in a public restroom or be stuck in an elevator?
8. Would you rather be stranded on an island by yourself or with someone that you loathe?
9. Would you rather someone puked on you or sneezed in your face?
10. Would you rather eat a dead rat or a handful of live worms?
11. Would you rather eat a handful of pubic hair or lick a toilet seat?
12. Would you rather have a massive hangover at work or at a family dinner?
13. Would you rather have fingers for legs or legs for fingers?
14. Would you rather lick a horse’s feet or a toilet seat?
15. Would you rather lick an armpit or chew a toenail?
16. Would you rather lose your eyebrows or your eyelashes?
17. Would you rather wear mismatched socks or mismatched shoes?
18. Would you rather go on vacation with other couples or go only with your significant other?
19. Would you rather not shower for a week or not shave for a week?
20. Would you rather not brush your teeth for 3 days or not wash your face for 3 days?
21. Would you rather go to a bar or stay home?
22. Would you rather be good at every activity or know everything?
23. Would you rather wear fashionable clothes or comfortable clothes?
24. Would you rather eat ice cream all your life or chocolate?
25. Would you rather be able to jump really high or run really fast?
26. Would you rather figure it out yourself or ask for help?
27. Would you rather have a muscular body or a normal body?
28. Would you rather never be able to eat hot food or never be able to eat cold food?
29. Would you rather be alone or around people most of the time?
30. Would you rather eat your favorite meal for two months or never eat your favorite meal again?
31. Would you rather watch a reality TV show or a movie?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
To analyze someone’s personality, it is important to have an intellectual conversation. These hard would you rather questions for boyfriend will be the best test for him and likewise allow him to think more.
1. Would you rather be a shapeshifter or a teleporter?
2. Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond or a large fish in a small pond?
3. Would you rather be a soldier going off to war or a protester going off to prison?
4. Would you rather be able to hear human thoughts or control animals with your mind?
5. Would you rather die at war or come back home without your legs?
6. Would you rather be hated for doing a good thing or loved for doing a bad thing?
7. Would you rather be imprisoned for twenty years in your country or be exiled for life from the country?
8. Would you rather break the law to save a life or stay on the right side of the law but watch someone get hurt?
9. Would you rather cheat or be cheated on?
10. Would you rather die in isolation to save the world from a deadly contagious disease, or would you seek help at the local clinic?
11. Would you rather have a million dollars that you cannot spend on yourself or have a million dollars you cannot share with anyone?
12. Would you rather have a photographic memory of everything or the ability to delete a memory?
13. Would you rather have free electricity for the rest of your life or free Wi-Fi?
14. Would you rather have snakes crawling over your body or spiders crawling over your body?
15. Would you rather keep the money you found in an unmarked bag or hand it in to the police?
16. Would you rather laugh even if you don’t get the joke or risk being laughed at by asking someone to explain?
17. Would you rather live a long boring life or a short and exciting one?
18. Would you rather live without music or movies?
19. Would you rather break up with your best friend or girlfriend?
20. Would you rather someone told you the brutal truth or have them lie to protect your feelings?
21. Would you rather spend your life savings to save a dying friend or keep it for your future needs?
22. Would you rather stop using social media or never watch another movie or TV show?
23. Would you rather wake up in the middle of a war or the midst of wild animals?
24. Would you rather win a Nobel Prize for Literature or write a New York Times Best Seller?
25. Would you rather work for Trump or Putin?
26. Would you rather your country opens its borders to fleeing war refugees or close the borders and let them face the risk of dying in their homeland?
27. Would you rather give up the internet or your beloved pet?
28. Would you rather spend your ideal Saturday night with your significant other or spend it with your friends?
29. Would you rather have an independent partner or a dependent one?
30. Would you rather have an experienced partner or inexperienced one?
31. Would you rather stay in a loving relationship or be in a loving open relationship?
32. Would you rather change and be a better partner or stay the same?
33. Would you rather get married to the wrong person or not get married at all?
34. Would you rather be married or stay single?
35. Would you rather forgive infidelity or not forgive?
36. Would you rather be with someone who has kids or with someone without kids?
37. Would you rather be with someone who was previously married or with someone who was never married?
38. Would you rather hook up every other night with someone new for a year or stay alone for a year?
39. Would you rather have a one night stand or a relationship?
41. Would you rather have a one night stand with the love of your life or never be with her/him?
42. Would you rather, assuming it’s the right person, move in a different city for him or her or be without him or her in your hometown?
43. Would you rather be a stay at home mom or dad or continue working after having kids?
44. Would you rather change career paths for the one you love or be without them and keep your career?
45. Would you rather live with your lover’s sibling or parents?
46. Would you rather be with someone who never says ‘I love you’ or with someone who says it all the time?
47. Would you rather have a jealous partner or a trusting one?
48. Would you rather have a boo who constantly farts or one who constantly burps?
49. Would you rather be with a recovering drug addict or an ex-convict?
50. Would you rather be with a partner who is constantly going through your phone or with a partner who is constantly on their phone?
51. Would you rather have a soulmate who is shy or a soulmate who is the life of the party?
52. Would you rather have a twin flame who wants to go out all the time or a twin flame who wants to stay home all the time?
53. Would you rather become successful apart or be failures together?
54. Would you rather have a partner who is besties with your best friend or with your mother?
55. Would you rather have a partner who is in a good relationship with your family or a partner who doesn’t want to communicate with your family?
56. Would you rather be an attractive adult or an intelligent one?
57. Would you rather break up with your partner or have your partner break up with you?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Have a look at these clean would you rather questions for boyfriend which are surely much more insightful. We guarantee you to have the same fun as watching a Netflix series.
1. Would you rather hold hands or hug?
2. Would you rather kiss me on my cheek or kiss me on my forehead?
3. Would you rather hold my hand while you’re driving or put your hand on my thigh?
4. Would you rather eat your favorite foods for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite foods again?
5. Would you rather live in a hot or cold region?
6. Would you rather be poor and famous or rich with no friends?
7. Would you rather stay indoors and chill with your girlfriend or go out with friends?
8. Would you rather know everything about something or something about everything?
9. Would you rather live in a studio apartment in a big city or a mansion in the countryside?
10. Would you rather live without music or play the same song for the rest of your life?
11. Would you rather be a bestselling author or a movie star?
12. Would you rather be Batman or Superman?
13. Would you rather marry a rich girl or the girl you love?
14. Would you rather be a fantastic athlete or a mathematical genius?
15. Would you rather be funny or good-looking?
16. Would you rather be itchy all the time or smelly all the time?
17. Would you rather be a dead hero or a living coward?
18. Would you rather date Cat woman or Wonder Woman?
19. Would you rather be able to read minds or control minds?
20. Would you rather lose your leg while saving someone’s life or have someone lose their leg while saving your life?
21. Would you rather save a stranger‘s life or your pet’s life?
22. Would you rather be stuck in the desert or the Antarctic?
23. Would you rather Beyoncé was your mom or Kim Kardashian?
24. Would you rather eat Burgers or Pizzas?
25. Would you rather adopt a cat or a dog?
26. Would you rather receive a phone call or a video call?
27. Would you rather watch a comedy or horror movie?
28. Would you rather have fame or money?
29. Would you rather go back to the past or go forward into the future?
30. Would you rather watch a weekly-scheduled tv show or binge-watch a TV show?
31. Would you rather work for a large corporation or start your own business?
32. Would you rather be a Navy Seal or a CIA Agent?
33. Would you rather use earphones or headphones?
34. Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire?
Dirty Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Do you want to spice up things a little bit? Don’t worry, you are at the right place. All you need is these dirty would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend and create a romantic and relaxing ambiance in minutes.
1. Would you rather talk dirty while making out or have a romantic conversation while on it?
2. Would you rather date someone with big b##bs or someone with big butt?
3. Would you rather be very loose downstairs or never wet when making out?
4. Would you rather have Johnson on your forehead or a vajayjay on your nose?
5. Would you rather tell your dad or your mom to cover their exposed private parts?
6. Would you rather get even with someone or let go?
7. Would you rather date a “baby” or marry a “grandpa/grandma”?
8. Would you rather see your father naked or your mother?
9. Would you rather break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend or let them break up with you?
10. Would you rather get caught cheating over text messages or red-handed in the action?
11. Would you rather make out every day or once a week?
12. Would you rather find me cheating or I find you cheating?
13. Would you rather break up over text or in person?
14. Would you rather ghost your boyfriend/girlfriend or have them ghost you?
15. Would you rather break up in front of your best friends or over a text message?
16. Would you rather have a formal break up with someone you love or have them ghost you instead?
17. Would you rather allow me to date your best friend or your sworn enemy?
18. Would you rather make out inside a greasy shower or stained couch?
19. Would you rather make out in a public toilet or inside a tiny car?
20. Would you rather have your periods leak at your workplace or a loud fart in an interview?
21. Would you rather have it on the rear or at the back?
22. Would you rather dominate or submit?
23. Would you rather date a rich playboy or a poor cool kid?
24. Would you rather make love or have it k#nky rough?
25. Would you rather make out with one of the people in here or go on playing?
26. Would you rather go after looks or money?
27. Would you rather sleep with my best friend or have me sleep with yours?
28. Would you rather date a genius or a famous guy/girl?
29. Would you rather find the love of your life in the church or nightclub?
30. Would you rather have an agemate friend with benefits or a sugar mama/sugar daddy?
31. Would you rather date a famous politician or a celebrity musician?
32. Would you rather play these dirty would you rather questions or a clean version of it?
33. Would you rather go to the city square without your top or pants?
34. Would you rather act Spartacus or feature in fifty shades of Grey?
35. Would you rather cuddle or kiss?
36. Would you rather send a nude to your boss or a sexy voicemail to your father?
37. Would you rather find me kissing someone or I find you?
38. Would you rather find an erotic photo of me with someone or a video?
39. Would you rather have your parents walk in on us or us walk in on them?
40. Would you rather send a sexy text message to your aunt or have your neighbor see your private parts?
41. Would you rather date someone with a perfect body and poor in bed or one with a bad figure and good in bed?
42. Would you rather have it in the morning or late in the evening?
Random Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Are you tired of having the same routine every day? Grab a cup of coffee, with your partner and ask these would you rather questions for boyfriend to make your evening much more delightful.
1. Would you rather we have different species of human beings or we are only one species?
2. Would you rather aliens make contact with us first or we find them first?
3. Would you rather go into the past and meet all the people and events you have ever read or go into the future and see how the world will turn out and they view our current events?
4. Would you rather have the ability to stop time or travel across galaxies?
5. Would you rather we develop the technology to duplicate and store versions of ourselves and live for thousands of years or we just die when your time comes?
6. Would you rather have the theory of evolution being the only truth or religious account of creation whereby we were created the way we are right now and no changes have taken place?
7. Would you rather go to heaven or reincarnate in a different form?
8. Would you rather live in the hype of the 1960s or in the advanced technology of today?
9. Would you rather have corporations ruling us or corrupt governments?
10. Would you rather live 1,000 years in bits of 100 years at a time or live one long life of a thousand years?
11. Would you rather have the ability to go back in time and be able to correct a few mistakes in your life or just live the way you are and let what is in the past remain in the past?
12. Would you rather be you or someone you very much admire?
13. Would you rather have more time to do whatever you want and like or more money to buy whatever you desire?
14. Would you rather stay with no internet for months or with no smartphone?
15. Would you rather receive physical gifts or their cash equivalent?
16. Would you rather meet your first president or the current one?
17. Would you rather stop hunger for good or the endless wars?
18. Would you rather work in groups or alone?
19. Would you rather hear the good news first or the bad news?
20. Would you rather watch games at home with friends and family or in the stadium with fans you barely know?
21. Would you rather like: sunrise or sunset?
22. Would you rather like: giving or receiving gifts?
23. Would you rather we try new positions we only desire in our hearts or be comfortable with what we already are accustomed to?
24. Would you rather go for cosmetic surgery to look better than you are now if guaranteed of no side effects and risks or you’d prefer to remain the way you are?
25. Would you rather move out of your country to a different country if given a chance to or stay just where you are?
26. Would you rather move out of your city to different city or remain just in your city?
27. Would you rather discover your partner is a murderer or a rapist?
28. Would you rather move into a different neighborhood or remain in the current neighborhood?
29. Would you rather find me impotent or you barren?
30. Would you rather I talk less than I already do or more than I already do?
31. Would you rather be completely hairless the whole body or be hairy all over?
32. Would you rather listen to country music or classic hip hop from the 90’s?
33. Would you rather stay for 10 days without brushing your teeth while kissing each other or for a month without taking a bath while having s#x?
34. Would you rather have a spouse that complains all through when wronged or one who keeps quiet and never seems like they are wronged when you have done them wrong?
35. Would you rather you see me daily at home or once or twice a week?
36. Would you rather be addressed as “Joe’s girlfriend” and me “Lisa’s boyfriend” or by our own names?
37. Would you rather we kiss each other all night or we cuddle each other all night?
38. Would you rather I give a sensational massage or a sensational mouth thing?
39. Would you rather I prank you or you prank me often?
40. Would you rather I cheat on you or you cheat on me?
41. Would you rather make a sacrifice for my sake or I sacrifice for your sake?
42. Would you rather we do it often in the bed or on the couch in our sitting room?
Flirty Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Flirting is healthy and it is much healthier when done with your partner. Now the question is if you are good at flirting or not? If you aren’t, don’t panic about how to be in the flow. These flirty would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend can be your ultimate help.
1. Would you rather we stay at home or go out on a date?
2. Would you rather call or text?
3. Would you rather have an in-house karaoke with me or go out for a movie in a movie theatre?
4. Would you rather have my arm on your shoulder in public or our hands together?
5. Would you rather we spend our nights in a premium boutique hotel or we enjoy our time at home by the fireplace beside a pool?
6. Would you rather we spend our time together, alone or with our closest friends?
7. Would you rather have a party for two, you and I, or throw in a party for our close friends every time?
8. Would you rather I kiss your forehead or cheek in public?
9. Would you rather I kiss your hand or I hug you tight in a serious meeting?
10. Would you rather I tickle your ear once in a while or I kiss your neck?
11. Would you rather hold an in-house party or go clubbing?
12. Would you rather we jog together during the day or stroll together at night?
13. Would you rather lose an argument to make me happy or win an argument and make me sad when you are on the right side?
14. Would you rather we go into the future together or we travel into the past?
15. Would you rather we seek advice from your parents or my parents in case of an issue or a disagreement?
16. Would you rather play video games with me or physical games?
17. Would you rather we go on exotic vacations or we attend premium business meetings and conferences together?
18. Would you rather wait for me or keep me waiting?
19. Would you rather seek advice from me or think by yourself?
20. Would you rather cook for me or have I cook for you?
21. Would you rather we make meals together or we dine out most of the time?
22. Would you rather make meals that I like the most and you don’t like or make meals you like the most and I don’t enjoy them that much?
23. Would you rather I have better looks with lee money or more money with average looks?
24. Would you rather I do something that ends up making you feel embarrassed in public once a week or we fight in the house once a week and no one knows about it?
25. Would you rather be pranked about me in a coma or about me cheating?
26. Would you rather we work in the same place and see each other all through or we work in different places and only meet at the end of the day?
27. Would you rather I will be financially better off and advanced in my career and business than you or we be equal in all aspects?
28. Would you rather have a joint bank account and finances with equal access or separate accounts and only share a few necessary details about finances?
29. Would you rather we have children immediately after marriage or wait until the right time?
30. Would you rather have our children look more like you and less like me or more like me and less like you?
31. Would you rather have our children stay with your parents in case or anything bad happens to us or grow up under my parent’s care?
32. Would you rather I break away from some of the aspects of my way of life and fall in line with yours or you break away from some of the aspects of your life and follow mine?
33. Would you rather have me as a leader in this relationship or we be equal and co-share all leadership roles?
34. Would you rather have children of our own in the future or adopt and raise them?
35. Would you rather do something naughty or serious with me?
36. Would you rather we sometimes get petty on each other or we handle our issues with the seriousness it deserves?
37. Would you rather spend extra cash upgrading our house or make yourself look even better?
38. Would you rather be heartbroken or break another person’s heart?
39. Would you rather dump someone or be dumped?
40. Would you rather cry when hurt or get even when someone hurts you?
41. Would you rather live together in a very tiny space or be comfortable but in a long-distance relationship?
42. Would you rather I work at home all-time for the rest of my life or I get an office away from home be coming in the evening?
43. Would you rather I am employed in a reputable multinational or agency, have titles and less money, or I am self-employed in a startup, have more than enough to spend but no titles?
44. Would you rather I have a reputable name and titles or I have more cash and wealth?
45. Would you rather be known by your name or be known to be my boyfriend?
46. Would you rather be addressed as “Lisa’s boyfriend” and me “Joe’s girlfriend” or by our own names?
47. Would you rather kiss all through or tickle all throughout the night?
48. Would you rather we dance for an hour or we drink for an hour?
49. Would you rather we go for coffee dates or we opt for drink-outs?
50. Would you rather we play card and question games or spend time watching interesting TV series?
Good Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
We are sure that you must be much familiar with the game now. Don’t waste any moment further and ask these good would you rather questions for boyfriend and be closer to him.
1. Would you rather smell fishy or smell like garlic?
2. Would you rather feel constantly itchy inside of you or constantly sticky?
3. Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to write?
4. Would you rather slide and fall in an important place or have your pants tear in front of your best friends?
5. Would you rather lose the ability to see or the ability to hear?
6. Would you rather have thumb-sized nipples or a nipple-sized thumb?
7. Would you rather travel to a distant galaxy and never come back or live a normal life and die on earth?
8. Would you rather own a beautiful house in an ugly neighborhood or an ugly house in a posh neighborhood?
9. Would you rather kiss the person on your right or the one on your left?
10. Would you rather grow a third leg or a third arm?
11. Would you rather have 6 fingers on your hand or toes on your foot?
12. Would you rather know you smell horrible and no one else does or others know of your smell and you don’t?
13. Would you rather have pointy teeth or red eyes?
14. Would you rather burp when kissing on your first date or fart in an interview?
15. Would you rather have yellow hair or green hair?
16. Would you rather wear a suit and tie to bed or sandals to a business meeting?
17. Would you rather be hairy all over or be completely hairless from the head to toe?
18. Would you rather speak in a low grumbling voice or high pitched voice?
19. Would you rather sneeze twice every minute or have hiccups every time you are in a serious conversation?
20. Would you rather have your children look like you or your celebrity crush?
21. Would you rather have your children a copy of you or your spouse?
22. Would you rather experience a walk of shame or have your parents walk in on you with your boyfriend?
23. Would you rather be smell like fish or garlic?
24. Would you rather be twice taller or shorter than you are right now?
25. Would you rather lose 20 pounds or gain 10 pounds right now?
26. Would you rather be very strong but look very frail or be very weak but look well-built and strong?
27. Would you rather be a hard worker with fast results or a smart worker with very slow results?
28. Would you rather time travel into the future to see how your life turns out or go back in time to the good old days?
29. Would you rather have a handsome husband everyone admires but doesn’t love you or an ugly one everyone hates but he who truly loves you for you?
30. Would you rather be left in the pitch darkness where you feel like animals are moving around you or in a jungle where you feel stalked and watched by danger every step you make?
31. Would you rather get even when wronged or let it be?
32. Would you rather own 3 pairs of clothing that really look cool and fashionable or lots of clothing that don’t have anything noticeable about them?
33. Would you rather sleep with someone who snores all night or stay with someone who clears their nose every now and then?
34. Would you rather live with someone with a habit of spitting all over the place or with someone who empties their nasal cavities openly every now and then?
35. Would you rather be baren or give birth to and raise 12 children with this economy?
36. Would you rather be barren for life or give birth to quadruplets in your first pregnancy?
37. Would you rather be with someone who makes you laugh all the time or someone who makes you happy by the way they carry themselves around you?
38. Would you rather get embarrassed by a big mucus balloon-pop or by a big loud fart every time you laugh in public?
39. Would you rather have difficulties in stopping every time you start laughing or every time you start crying?
40. Would you rather have a friend who causes lots of drama in an embarrassing way when they get mad at you or one who gets even right away?
41. Would you rather live a short life of pure luxury fun and happiness or a long average life with normal daily struggles?
42. Would you rather walk in on your parents or your parents walk in on you cheating?
43. Would you rather be caught red-handed by your better half or be excommunicated for a year?
44. Would you rather eat rice for a whole year or noodles for a whole year?
45. Would you rather take fish for dinner every day for 6 months or boiled eggs?
46. Would you rather not groom your hair for 6 months or shave your hair clean for a year?
47. Would you rather date someone twice shorter than you or someone twice taller than you?
48. Would you rather have your nudes leaked to the public or be denied access to the internet for half a year?
49. Would you rather have no phone for a year or no access to the computer for a year?
50. Would you rather live next to a noisy quarry or next to a busy noisy street?
Cute Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
An amiable atmosphere is a perfect aura for the perfect couple. Use these cute would you rather questions for your boyfriend and spend your beautiful time with your previous one.
1. Would you rather Hold my hand or put your arm around my waist?
2. Would you rather kiss in public or kiss in private?
3. Would you rather Go watch a movie or go watch the sunset?
4. Would you rather kiss on the cheek or kiss on the forehead?
5. Would you rather Peck on the lips or French kiss?
6. Would you rather cuddle under the stars or cuddle under a blanket?
7. Would you rather slow dance to a romantic song or grind to a fast beat?
8. Would you rather Ride bikes together or take a long walk?
9. Would you rather Go to a photo booth or take silly selfies?
10. Would you rather me cook you breakfast in bed or a candlelit dinner?
11. Would you rather Sing to me or play me a song on guitar? (Or whatever instrument he may play)
12. Would you rather Dress up for a night on the town or go full casual?
13. Would you rather walk on the beach with toes in the sand or take a dip in the water?
14. Would you rather Go skinny dipping or dive in fully-clothed?
15. Would you rather Draw pictures in the sand or make pictures out of clouds?
16. Would you rather have a snowball fight or water balloon fight?
17. Would you rather go tubing or skiing?
18. Would you rather go surfing or jet skiing?
19. Would you rather take a shower with me or a bath with me?
20. Would you rather talk to me on the phone or through text messages?
21. Would you rather Pass notes or send text messages?
22. Would you rather kiss on the first date or wait a few dates?
23. Would you rather watch a fireworks show or go watch a musical?
24. Would you rather Go to a concert together or make music together?
25. Would you rather see me with makeup on or without makeup on?
26. Would you rather get smacked on the butt or kissed on the cheek?
27. Would you rather go camping in the mountains or have a movie night in?
28. Would you rather Go out for ice cream or make a sundae bar at home?
29. Would you rather go on a date with friends or just you and me?
30. Would you rather Drink liquor at a party with me or drink wine over dinner?
31. Would you rather see me in a bathing suit or in lingerie?
32. Would you rather I wear a thong or boy shorts?
33. Would you rather me wear your t-shirt or one of my skin-tight cameo tops?
34. Would you rather ride a bike with me on the handlebars or a motorcycle with me on the back?
35. Would you rather dance under the moon or in a club?
36. Would you rather cuddle with me or make out?
37. Would you rather cook dinner with me or have I cook dinner?
38. Would you rather go out for fine dining or order some pizzas and soda?
39. Would you rather go on a road trip or fly to our destination?
40. Would you rather go on a destination cruise or take a flight?
41. Would you rather travel around the world or have a family?
42. Would you rather explore outer space or explore the depths of the oceans?
43. Would you rather buy a card or make a card?
44. Would you rather write a love letter or write a poem?
45. Would you rather receive a love letter or receive a poem?
46. Would you rather get a tan at the beach or go to a tanning salon?
47. Would you rather get a pedicure with me or get a massage with me?
48. Would you rather send me to a spa or give me an amazing massage?
49. Would you rather receive a gift bought from the store or a gift made by hand?
Sexual Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
From usual to dirty questions, you can all find them here. These sexual would you rather questions for your boyfriend are the perfect blend to make his cheeks go red.
1. Would you rather be kissed on the neck the whole night or kissed on the mouth the whole night?
2. Would you rather give or receive an oral?
3. Would you rather get a bl#wjob before sleep or be woken up by it?
4. Would you rather have planned s#x or surprise s#x?
5. Would you rather get licked before bedtime or be woken up by it?
6. Would you rather take a vow of silence or take a vow of celibacy?
7. Would you rather have unprotected intercourse with a celebrity or have no intercourse with her at all?
8. Would you rather have frequent bad s#x or no s#x at all?
9. Would you rather make love every night to the one you love or to different partners?
10. Would you rather have a soulmate who is clingly and is always with you or a soulmate who never has time to spend with you?
11. Would you rather have a date night every month or two times per week?
12. Would you rather have one kid or have five kids?
13. Would you rather get a sexy text or a love letter?
14. Would you rather have a date night at your favorite place every time or try a new place every date?
15. Would you rather have a partner who is a saint or someone who is super freaky?
16. Would you rather have a twin flame who had 100 partners before you or someone who is a virgin?
17. Would you rather be on bottom or on top?
18. Would you rather be teased with feathers of with ice cubes?
19. Would you rather make love in the shower or outside in the rain?
20. Would you rather make love with your ex or with a total stranger?
21. Would you rather use chocolate or oil when making love?
22. Would you rather be intimate once per week or 7 times per week?
23. Would you rather be intimate in the sea or on the beach?
24. Would you rather have your boo tied up or be tied up?
25. Would you rather make love for 2 minutes or for 2 hours?
26. Would you rather never be intimate again or never kiss again?
27. Would you rather be handcuffed or blindfolded?
28. Would you rather be intimate in the morning or at night?
29. Would you rather be intimate for an hour or have a quickie?
30. Would you rather kiss all night or cuddle all night?
31. Would you rather have your boo do something romantic or something kinky?
32. Would you rather, assuming it’s for one night only, be a submissive or dominate?
33. Would you rather have cute nicknames for each other or have none at all?
34. Would you rather Cuddle up in front of a fireplace, or light your fire in bed?
35. Would you rather wrestle naked in a pool of Jell-O or chocolate pudding?
36. Would you rather make whoopee in your parents’ bed or at a mattress store?
37. Would you rather accidentally send a dirty text to your boss or a sexy voicemail to your mom?
38. Would you rather talk dirty to me over the phone or through text/picture messages?
39. Would you rather make out at the movies or in the back seat of my car?
40. Would you rather make love on a beach or in a Jacuzzi?
41. Would you rather lose your sense of feeling during love or lose your sense of taste?
42. Would you rather tease with hot wax or with ice cubes?
43. Would you rather Play teacher’s pet or play doctor?
44. Would you rather have your girl dress as a sexy librarian or an exotic dancer?
45. Would you rather get a massage with peanut butter or maple syrup?
46. Would you rather French kiss Betty White or Miley Cyrus?
Juicy Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
To have the insight into the mind of your partner, would you rather boyfriend edition can be your ideal choice. However, thinking of some juicy yet funny questions could be a task. Take it easy and use these would you rather boyfriend edition.
1. Would you rather go after a beautiful face or sexy body?
2. Would you rather date a bedroom bully or Mr. Shy Guy/Girl?
3. Would you rather have it raw with a playboy or a random guy/girl you met the other day?
4. Would you rather swallow or spit?
5. Would you rather have s#x for money or for fame?
6. Would you rather work in the broth#l or as a stripp#r?
7. Would you rather date a good lady or a bad girl?
8. Would you rather make out with Megan Thee Stallion or Nicki Minaj?
9. Would you rather give or receive orals?
10. Would you rather have your bullz kicked or your d#ck bitten during orals?
11. Would you rather make out on the kitchen counter or dining table?
12. Would you rather sleep with someone on the first date or wait for another 6 months?
13. Would you rather have a bedroom injury or a heartbreak?
14. Would you rather have balls under your chin or nipples on your nose?
15. Would you rather date your current boyfriend/girlfriend or their best friend if there were no consequences?
16. Would you rather date Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres?
17. Would you rather have your text messages exposed or your smartphone gallery leaked?
18. Would you rather have loud mourns or silent nights?
19. Would you rather have bad breath or smelly private parts?
20. Would you rather do it with the lights on or off?
21. Would you rather lick a random stranger’s behind or their dirty toes?
22. Would you rather experience a bad walk of shame or an embarrassing public breakup?
23. Would you rather receive pity s#x or walk of shame where your best friends see you?
24. Would you rather have a bald head or very long pubic hair?
25. Would you rather date a s#x addict or a p#rn addict?
26. Would you rather have a 3#sum with a stranger or have it with your best friends?
27. Would you rather make out with your father watching or with your mother watching?
28. Would you rather have diarrhea while making out or say your ex’s name?
29. Would you rather receive a nude or a romantic text message?
30. Would you rather get caught flirting with your parent’s best friend or partner’s best friend?
Deep Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Do you want to find out if your boyfriend would choose to play football with friends or a movie date with you? You surely want to know the answers. These deep would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend can lead you the way.
1. Would you rather be single for the rest of your life or stay in a bad relationship for the rest of your life?
2. Assuming the pay is the same would you rather work outside building something or in an office doing paperwork?
3. Would you rather be famous or be rich?
4. Would you rather be sad and rich or be poor and happy?
5. Would you rather have power or have money?
6. Would you rather spend money on vacation or spend it on a physical item like an IPhone?
7. Would you rather be poor and have many friends or be rich and have no friends?
8. Would you rather split bills 50/50 with someone you love or be with someone who pays everything that you don’t love?
9. Would you rather have a small apartment in a place of your choosing or a mansion in the place where you live now?
10. Would you rather be a tutor for underprivileged kids or a volunteer at a homeless shelter?
11. Would you rather work a job that helps a lot of people but doesn’t make much money or work a morally questionable job that makes a lot of money?
12. Would you rather live in a house or in an apartment?
13. Would you rather be a ruler in a small country or a powerful politician in a big country?
14. Would you rather elope or have a big wedding?
15. Would you rather be in a long-distance relationship with the love of your life or in a normal relationship with someone you do not love?
16. Would you rather cheat or get cheated on?
17. Would you rather forgive someone or have someone forgive you?
18. Would you rather spend time with your ex or stay alone?
19. Would you rather end the argument unresolved or argue all day to resolve the conflict?
20. Would you rather have a significant other who is an introvert or an extrovert?
21. Would you rather have your babe be always late or always early?
22. Would you rather be the couple everyone wants to be friends with or the couple that everyone is jealous of?
23. Would you rather be 23 or 32 for the rest of your life?
24. Would you rather have a rich but bad partner or poor but good partner?
25. Would you rather change multiple partners throughout your life or stay with one?
26. Would you rather fall in love at first sight or never at all?
27. Would you rather stay in love with the same person forever or never experience love at all but have many partners?
28. Would you rather have kids or a dog?
29. Would you rather know all the people your partner has been with or not know them at all?
30. Would you rather be in lust forever or in love forever?
Fun Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Starting a funny conversation can be a huge task because at times you run out of words sometimes. To help you out, we have mentioned below the list of fun would you rather questions for your boyfriend that will make you both laugh crazily.
1. Would you ever go to your high school reunion?
2. Would you rather go a day without your phone or without toilet paper?
3. Would you rather have a sports car, a private jet, or a boat?
4. Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?
5. Would you rather have a golden voice or a silver tongue?
6. Would you rather be balding but fit or overweight but with a full head of hair?
7. Would you rather be attractive but stupid or intelligent but ugly?
8. Would you rather see what was behind every closed door or be able to crack into any safe?
9. Would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
10. Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid/merman?
11. Would you rather have a clown only you can see that follows you everywhere and just stands silently in a corner watching you without doing or saying anything or have a real-life stalker who dresses like the Easter bunny that everyone can see?
12. Would you rather have everyone laugh at your jokes but not find anyone else’s jokes funny yourself or have no one laugh at your jokes but you still find other people’s jokes funny?
13. Would you rather have free wi-fi wherever you go or be able to drink unlimited free coffee at any coffee shop?
14. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you hear music or be forced to sing along to any song you hear?
15. Would you rather wake up as a new random person every year and have full control of them for the whole year or spend a day once a week inside a stranger without having any control of them?
16. Would you rather have everything on your phone right now (browsing history, photos, etc.) made public to anyone who googles your name or never use a cell phone again?
17. Would you rather never get a paper cut again or never get something stuck in your eye again?
18. Would you rather randomly time travel +/- 20 years every time you fart or teleport to a different place on Earth every time you sneeze?
Romantic Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Relationships are all about romance and love. Let us ask you now, would you rather sit around bored or ask these romantic would you rather questions for him to make your evening a perfect one?
1. Would you rather walk in public holding hands or be romantic only in the house?
2. Would you rather visit a city known for romance like Paris or a place know for relaxing your minds in the wild like the African Savannah?
3. Would you rather I be kinky or romantic and sensual?
4. Would you rather wait for me for hours or keep me waiting for long?
5. Would you rather we play interesting video games or we play physical games in the house?
6. Would you rather we have s#x every day or twice a week?
7. Would you rather visit Venice of Paris for a holiday?
8. Would you rather we go for coffee dates more often or we go for drinking parties with friends more often?
9. Would you rather have a name and reputation or cash and wealth?
10. Would you rather I spend more time with you at home or more time out there pushing the hustle?
11. Would you rather we spend more quality time alone or with close friends, we value the most?
12. Would you rather I blow out a kiss on your forehead or cheek every time we meet in public?
13. Would you rather we jog together during the day or stroll romantically holding hands late in the night when most people are already asleep?
14. Would you rather we be romantic always or be kinky sometimes?
15. Would you rather we play the maid vs boss, boss vs the secretary or sexy doctor vs patient?
16. Would you rather be with a submissive partner or a dominant one?
17. Would you rather cuddle every night or shower together every morning?
18. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done to someone you love?
19. What are your best memories of us so far?
20. Who don’t you want to get close to me? Why?
21. Would you rather have a date in a romantic city in the world or lie on the grass in an exotic place in the countryside?
22. Would you rather I make the first move or I leave you to initiate all moves?
23. Would you rather we play physically engaging games that are romantic in the house or we play emotionally engaging games?
24. Would you rather date an introvert or an extrovert?
25. Would you rather have someone already experienced in bedroom matters or a novice for you to learn and grow together?
26. Would you rather do a romantic thing or explore new kinky ideas?
27. Would you rather be on top or I be on top?
28. Would you rather have a romantic date or a double date?
29. Would you rather have a significant other who is super romantic or super dirty?
30. Would you rather Watch a romantic comedy with me or go shopping with me?
Crazy Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
Arm yourself with these crazy would you rather questions for your boyfriend and be on the ride to discover your boyfriend as much as possible. Ask him why when you receive your answers!
1. Would you rather meet your favorite athlete or your celebrity crush?
2. Would you rather go to the moon or fly around the world?
3. Would you rather drink your urine once or never drink beer again?
4. Would you rather grow your fingernails a meter long or grow your toenails a meter long?
5. Would you rather look like a Greek god but sound like Yoda, or have Yoda’s wisdom but look like Chewbacca?
6. Would you rather be chased by a lion on land or by a crocodile in the water?
7. Would you rather eat only your favorite food for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite food again?
8. Would you rather wear a clean inmate’s outfit for the rest of your life or a filthy designer suit for the rest of your life?
9. Would you rather die by stoning or be tied to a horse and dragged around a road filled with thorns?
10. Would you rather kiss a frog or a pig?
11. Would you rather poop a little bit every time you farted or pee a little bit every time you laughed?
12. Would you rather a scorpion bit your nose or tongue?
13. Would you rather poop watermelons or pineapples?
14. Would you rather swim in an ocean of dirty diapers or wear a dirty diaper as a hat for a day?
15. Would you rather eat dead flies and swallow a live mouse?
16. Would you rather go without your smartphone for a year or not shower for a month?
17. Would you rather bathe in lemon juice with paper cuts all over your body or kick a cement wall with toothpicks under your toenails?
18. Would you rather eat raw chicken or raw meat?
19. Would you rather have a cold sore on your lip for the rest of your life or always have a little booger hanging from your nose?
20. Would you rather feel like you always have to sneeze but not be able to for the rest of your life or be itchy all over for the rest of your life?
5 Tips for Playing Would You Rather Game with Boyfriend
Firstly, Create an Atmosphere!
Well, this is the most important step before starting the game. To make the perfect evening, clean the area where you will be sitting. Dress beautifully, make the best coffee and sit on the couch with him.
Start asking would you rather questions for boyfriend that are mentioned above and you are good to go!
Take It Slow
Do not rush things like directly asking some goofy or dirty questions. Go in the flow and start with some light-hearted would you rather questions first. Sooner you will realize that this is the right time to indulge in some deep talk.
Ask the Right Question at the Right Time
Keep in mind to make it simple yet interesting. Ask the goofiest questions in the right way and your partner will still enjoy it. If you are asking it not at the appropriate time, then it may be a major turn-off and may cause further trouble.
Don’t Take it Too Seriously
Well, this is another significant tip that you have to remember while playing. Do not take it personally since it is just a game and it is meant so that the couple spends some quality time together rather than fighting instead.
Do not Make the Partner Bored
Making the conversation interesting is quite a talent and only some are naturally blessed with it. Well, don’t feel bad since we have mentioned would you rather game with your boyfriend to make your life easier.
The questions are a mix of cuteness, goofiness, craziness, and flirt. These can help you to get to the roof of the matter as well as his mind. It can allow you to ask the bizarre and a huge step away from the usual “would you rather” questions.
Now is the time to sort out men from boys!
Final Thoughts on Would You Rather Questions for Boyfriend
We know you have enjoyed these would you rather questions for boyfriend. We hope you have laughed together and at the same time gotten the opportunity to know each other better and stronger.
Do not forget to share these would you rather questions for boyfriend with your friends and let them have the insight too. These would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend can allow you to know if your partner is interested in licking a cat’s paw or eating the dead insect pasta!
We hope we have delivered our best to you. We hope that you will consider our questions while playing the game and allow us to play a significant role in letting you be much closer to your man.