407 Best Would You Rather Questions for Adults to Make the Game Exciting

This article is a list of would you rather questions for adults. Would you rather questions are a terrific way to kick off a discussion in a manner that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. After posing would you rather questions for adults, just following up with a “why” inquiry is all it takes to launch some fascinating discussions.
You will get some quite intriguing responses, and you will probably understand a great deal more about the individual you are chatting to. If you have a group of people with you, you may take turns to choose who gets to pose would you rather questions for adults to the other members of the group.
If there are just two of you, you may take turns asking each other would you rather questions for adults and switching roles after each question. Alternately, you could go through the list of questions for would you rather adult game together and answer each question.
Best Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Have a look below the first group of would you rather questions; the following questions are fun to read. Read through this list of the best would you rather questions for adults if you are an adult who is considering playing this game or who wants to get started playing it.
1. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?
2. Would you rather go grey at 20 or get wrinkles at 20?
3. Would you rather visit the mountains or the sea?
4. Would you rather live alone or with roommates?
5. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
6. Would you rather have a lot of acquaintances or just a few close friends?
7. Would you rather never have to worry about money or never be tempted to buy things you don’t need?
8. Would you rather team up with Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel?
9. Would you rather have nosy parents or strict parents?
10. Would you rather pay off student loans or buy a house?
11. Would you rather have to live out the rest of your life in the wilderness or live out the rest of your life in jail?
12. Would you rather date someone that won’t marry you but adores you or marry someone who will never treat you very well?
13. Would you rather it’s Christmas every day or your birthday?
14. Would you rather lose your vision or your hearing?
15. Would you rather go to dinner or a movie alone?
16. Would you rather make a phone call or send a text?
17. Would you rather do the cooking or the cleaning?
18. Would you rather read the book or watch the film?
19. Would you rather skip class or have a 2-hour-recess at school?
20. Would you rather explore space or the ocean?
21. Would you rather play inside all day or play outside all day?
22. Would you rather get up very early or stay up very late?
23. Would you rather eat a dead bug or a live worm?
24. Would you rather be a superhero or an astronaut?
25. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or go skydiving?
26. Would you rather be a mad genius or popular but dim?
27. Would you rather find true love today or win the lottery next year?
28. Would you rather eat pizza or pasta?
29. Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?
30. Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
31. Would you rather be the adult you are now or go back in time to when you were younger and free with no responsibilities?
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Adults
It’s possible that you don’t have the best sense of humor, so you’re seeking some funny questions to answer in would you rather game. You have come to the right place to get all of the funny would you rather questions for adults that you have been searching for.
1. Would you rather smoke cigarettes from a public ashtray or eat food off of a stranger’s plate.
2. Would you rather fight one bear-sized duck or ten duck-sized bears?
3. Would you rather go back to elementary school or jump to retirement?
4. Would you rather live to 100 years old or live to 500 years old?
5. Would you rather spend a month without Instagram or Facebook?
6. Would you rather have a face that everyone laughs at or have a name that everyone laughs at?
7. Would you rather be 4 years old your entire life or be 90 years old your entire life?
8. Would you rather never shower again or learn the secrets of the universe?
9. Would you rather have your partner be kinky or romantic?
10. Would you rather give up sex or your favourite food?
11. Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?
12. Would you rather have bad body odor or bad breath?
13. Would you rather have a third eye or a third ear?
14. Would you rather fart out loud during a presentation or snort while laughing on a great first date?
15. Would you rather spill food on your clothes constantly or trip over the stairs constantly?
16. Would you rather have 10 kids or no kids?
17. Would you rather constantly itch or be in excruciating pain for a whole day once a year?
18. Would you rather wade through a river of mud or fall into a dumpster?
19 Would you rather always have full battery for your phone or always have a full tank of gas for your car?
20. Would you rather live forever or pass naturally in your sleep?
21. Would you rather have smelly feet or food stuck in your teeth all day?
22. Would you rather never fart uncontrollably or never find a bathroom when you need one?
23. Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and good-looking?
24. Would you rather be the world’s worst superhero or live the most boring existence ever?
25. Would you rather be a giant hamster or a tiny rhino?
26. Would you rather talk like Batman or Mickey Mouse for the rest of your life?
Deep Would You Rather Questions for Adults
During would you rather game, every question that is asked has a significant significance all on its own. Making thought-provoking “would you rather” questions for adults may be challenging; therefore, we have put deep would you rather questions for adults here.
1. Would you rather go through life unable to forget anything ever or go through life unable to remember anything?
2. Would you rather be able to change the future or the past, just by imagining it?
3. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
4. Would you rather Lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or lose all of the memories you’ve gained this year?
5. Would you rather Let your parents access your browsing history or your boss?
6. Would you rather be cheated on or cheat your partner?
7. Would you rather find a dead body or be a witness to a deadly assault?
8. Would you rather be able to see your own future or be able to see everyone else’s future, but not your own?
9. Would you rather live in a world where everyone ignores you or in a world where everyone is mean to you?
10. Would you rather be able to read someone’s mind or control their mind?
11. Would you rather date your best friend’s boyfriend or your enemy?
12. Would you rather save someone’s life or have a bucket full of gold?
13. Would you rather publish your diary or make a movie on your most embarrassing moment?
14. Would you rather have no emotions or be able to deeply feel every little thing?
15. Would you rather have a penny farthing bicycle or a unicycle as your only form of transport besides walking?
16. Would you rather marry someone who is rich or someone with a good heart?
17. Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years?
18. Would you rather live out in the country or in the city?
19. Would you rather be a farmer or an author?
20. Would you rather lose your most cherished memory, or know that you’d already had your happiest moment in life?
21. Would you rather know how long you’ll be with a partner or never know?
22. Would you rather have good friends or the best partner?
23. Would you rather have s#x without love or love without s#x?
24. Would you rather have your dream job or dream partner?
25. Would you rather your parent’s approval of your partner or your friends’ approval?
Dirty Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Check out this list if you think you have a dirty mind and are seeking for the dirtiest would you rather questions to ask your closest friends and family members. We have compiled a list of all of the dirty would you rather questions for adults.
1. Would you rather sleep with a girl with big titties or a nice ass?
2. Would you rather get a text from a one-night stand saying ‘I’m pregnant’ or ‘I gave you an STD’?
3. Would you rather Get a massage with peanut butter or maple syrup?
4. Would you rather have a hickey or give a girl hickey?
5. Would you rather have a one night stand with a po#nstar or with your long-term crush?
6. Would you rather your grandparents saw your nudes or your Facebook friends?
7. Would you rather know my romantic fantasy or tell me yours?
8. Would you rather poop on your partner’s dick every single time you have anal or every time you jizz/squirt, it’s bright green?
9. Would you rather sniff your friend’s underwear or wear a bra to school/work?
10. Would you rather walk around with an erection from 6am-5:59 pm or never be able to have an erection from 6 pm – 5:59 am.
11. Would you rather receive oral s#x from someone with a mouth full of hot sauce or by someone who uses their teeth (like a lot).
12. Would you rather watch po#n or go to a strip club?
13. Would you rather seduce your female boss or seduce your next-door neighbor’s daughter?
14. Would you rather watch your dog have s#x with another dog or watch strangers have s#x?
15. Would you rather shower with a model or your high school crush?
16. Would you rather make out with your father watching or with your mother watching?
17. Would you rather have s#x in a smelly bathroom or on a stain-filled bed?
18. Would you rather watch two girls making out or two guys making out?
19. Would you rather sleep with your best friend’s parent or your parent’s best friend?
20. Would you rather your girl saw a lovemaking video of you and your cousin or you and her best friend?
21. Would you rather make her swallow sperm or have unprotected s#x and cum inside her making her pregnant?
22. Would you rather let her rub you only or let her suck you only?
23. Would you rather have a One-Night Stand or a Bubble Bath with a stranger?
24. Would you rather be with 10 girls at a time or 1 girl forever?
25. Would you rather do it on a dirty hotel bed or do it in a public toilet?
26. Would you rather give a lap dance or receive a lap dance?
27. Would you rather fart during lovemaking or burn while kissing?
28. Would you rather have to use their toothbrush or wear their underwear?
29. Would you rather make out in public or make out at a family gathering?
30. Would you rather have pillows or boobs to sleep on?
Good Would You Rather Questions for Adults
It is worth your time to go through this list of all of the good would you rather questions for adults, and you can choose some questions from that list to choose from to make this game of would you rather more engaging.
1. Would you rather have a smart home or have an autonomous car?
2. Would you rather be one of the world’s leading experts in a single field or be the most well-rounded and versatile person in the world?
3. Would you rather never take the easy way out of anything ever again or stop procrastinating?
4. Would you rather earn more money and be busier or earn less money and have more time to yourself?
5. Would you rather go to the gym or go for a run?
6. Would you rather never be rejected ever again, or never fail ever again?
7. Would you rather pursue your dreams or have a stable, high-earning job?
8. Would you rather live in a world with no disease or live in a world where there is income equality?
9. Would you rather have your books read by a few hundred people or a few million people?
10. Would you rather have people admire you for your good deeds or respect you for your power?
11. Would you rather spend a week with someone you really admire or spend a week with someone whose company you really enjoy?
12. Would you rather be called icy or overly emotional?
13. Would you rather have more time or more money?
14. Would you rather be able to play every musical instrument or master every type of sport?
15. Would you rather get married in your early twenties or late thirties?
16. Would you rather lie to your parents or to your best friend?
17. Would you rather become famous or rich?
18. Would you rather marry the person of your dreams or have the job of your dreams?
19. Would you rather be a leader or a follower?
20. Would you rather meet your favourite author or meet your favourite artist?
21. Would you rather fail a test or ditch your bestfriend?
22. Would you rather find your true love or find a suitcase with 5 million dollars inside?
23. Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?
24. Would you rather be very short or extremely tall?
25. Would you rather live in a place where it is always cold or in a place that is always hot?
26. Would you rather live on a plant or beneath the sea?
27. Would you rather not be able to read or not be able to write?
28. Would you rather take your vacation at an exotic resort or go camping?
29. Would you win the olympics or a Nobel Peace Prize?
30. Would you rather get good grades or be good at sports?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Adults
You may up the difficulty of this game of would you rather by challenging the other team members with more difficult questions. You should familiarize yourself with all of these hard would you rather questions for adults and utilize them in your game.
1. Would you rather marry your worst enemy or a complete stranger?
2. Would you rather lose your sense of taste or sight?
3. Would you rather have your childhood dream job or a boring desk job that makes lots of money?
4. Would you rather follow your dreams or become wealthy?
5. Would you rather everyone know your search history or for everyone to have access to your saved images?
6. Would you rather have an exciting but dangerous life or a boring but meaningful life?
7. Would you rather be hairy or completely bald?
8. Would you rather get to witness something once in your lifetime that few others will ever see or get to witness something once in your lifetime that many others have seen?
9. Would you rather live in a world where there is no crime or no privacy?
10. Would you rather eat a piece of food that was really healthy for you but tasted horrible or eat something that tasted great but was bad for you?
11. Would you rather marry for love or for financial security?
12. Would you rather give up your dreams and live comfortably or struggle penniless until you pass?
13. Would you rather be without elbows or without knees?
14. Would you rather know you were about to die of cancer or live the remainder of your life unknowing?
15. Would you rather have the right to privacy or security?
16. Would you rather date someone you love or date someone who loves you?
17. Would you rather keep the death penalty or abolish it?
18. Would you rather have no one show up to your wedding or your funeral?
19. Would you rather Have the lights on or off if you knew the room was full of snakes?
20. Would you rather kill one person on purpose or twenty people accidentally?
21. Would you rather Have no taste or be colorblind?
22. Would you rather save the world and get no credit or let the world go up in flames?
23. Would you rather go blind or deaf?
24. Would you rather have a finger or 2 toes removed?
25. Would you date a criminal or a terrorist?
Weird Would You Rather Questions for Adults
It’s possible that asking weird questions will make your game more entertaining. People may find you more entertaining when they see your quirky side. Look at our selection of weird would you rather questions for adults.
1. Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?
2. Would you rather take a bath in salad dressing or shower in barbecue sauce?
3. Would you rather have a golden voice or a silver tongue?
4. Would you rather give up cursing forever or give up ice cream for 10 years?
5. Would you rather always wear clothes that were slightly too tight or slightly too big?
6. Would you rather not shower for a week or 3 times a day for a week?
7. Would you rather tell everyone at work an embarrassing truth about yourself or an outrageous lie everyone will believe?
8. Would you rather always get the wrong coffee order or never get coffee at all?
9. Would you rather lose all of your friends but win the lottery or keep your friends but you don’t get a raise for the rest of your life?
10. Would you rather get stranded on Antarctica or in the desert?
11. Would you rather eat a cockroach or have $1 million?
12. Would you rather live in a world with no toilet paper or no soap?
13. Would you rather have a dog with a cat’s personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?
14. Would you rather stand all day at work or sit all day at work?
15. Would you rather eat animal brains or intestines?
16. Would you rather have four arms or four legs?
17. Would you rather go to jail for a year or be homeless for a year?
18. Would you rather faint at your wedding or your graduation?
19. Would you rather dance like a monkey or dance like a bear?
20. Would you rather never touch an electronic device again or never touch a human again?
21. Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your boogers?
22. Would you rather lose your right hand or your right foot?
Gross Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Because this is an adult game, you are free to make it as nasty and revolting as you want, and no one will bat an eye. Start reading these gross would you rather questions for adults.
1. Would you rather jump in mud or forget to brush your teeth?
2. Would you rather drink two liters of spit or two liters of sweat?
3. Would you rather have a running stomach (diarrhea) or a loose bladder?
4. Would you rather lick a dirty pot clean or use spit to wash a dirty plate?
5. Would you rather eat rotten eggs or drink sour milk?
6. Would you rather have your pinky finger was bitten off or your thumb was bitten off?
7. Would you rather lick the underneath of someone’s feet or suck their toes?
8. Would you rather drink something sour or eat something stale?
9. Would you marry someone who snorts like a pig or who is as dirty as a pig?
10. Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?
11. Would you rather eat a butterfly or eat a moth?
12. Would you rather eat raw meat or eat raw fish?
13. Would you rather eat a bar of soap or suck on a bar of soap?
14. Would you rather be punched in the eye or in the nose?
15. Would you rather shove a piece of glass into your mouth or shove it into your nose?
16. Would you rather sneeze on your boss or sneeze on your office crush?
17. Would you rather swim in a pool of worms or a pool of maggots?
18. Would you rather eat only cockroaches for the rest of your life or eat normally but always have constipation?
19. Would you rather have dandruff in your hair or lice in your hair?
20. Would you rather bathe your grandfather or have your grandmother bathe you?
21. Would you rather rape an animal or get raped by an animal?
22. Would you rather use a dirty public toilet or wash a dirty public toilet?
23. Would you rather shave for a stranger or wash a stranger’s butt?
24. Would you rather kiss someone with rotten teeth or someone with sores on their tongue?
25. Would you rather drink water from a toilet bowl or not drink water for five days?
26. Would you rather lick a stray dog or a stray cat?
27. Would you rather lick clean someone who’s completely covered in butter or someone who’s completely covered in Mayonnaise?
28. Would you rather have a child stick their hand up your nose or into your ear?
29. Would you rather fart in someone’s face or throw up in someone’s mouth?
30. Would you rather wrap a harmless snake around your neck or let a harmless snake crawl up your leg?
Flirty Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Ask your significant other some flirty would you rather questions to engage in some lighthearted banter. To express your affection to its maximum extent, you may utilize some of the flirty would you rather questions for adults.
1. Would you rather exercise together or watch a movie together?
2. Would you rather we go for coffee dates more often or we go for drinking parties with friends more often?
3. Would you rather have a kiss every day or hug every day?
4. Would you rather cuddle under the stars or cuddle under a blanket?
5. Would you rather hug or handhold?
6. Would you rather walk in public holding hands or be romantic only in the house?
7. Would you rather we kiss each other all night or we cuddle each other all night?
8. Would you rather go out for a date night or do date night at home?
9. Would you rather share food or have separate meals?
10. Would you rather be told where you are going on a date or be surprised?
11. Would you rather receive flowers or send them?
12. Would you rather go on a fun date or be given an expensive gift?
13. Would you rather sleep under the stars or stay in a hotel?
14. Would you rather date someone who fancied you more or who you fancied more?
15. Would you rather date for a long time or get into a relationship as soon as possible?
16. Would you rather spend all day or all night together?
17. Would you rather text or all night or talk on the phone?
18. Would you rather get matching tattoos or piercings?
19. Would you rather have a chocolate fondue or strawberries and cream?
20. Would you rather have breakfast in bed or a midnight snack?
21. Would you rather play-fight or role play?
22. Would you rather have a s#xy shower or a s#xy bath?
23. Would you rather be with a quiet or passionate lover?
24. Would you rather a long kiss or a short pec?
Fun Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Playing an adult game is to have a good time and enjoy yourself. Have the most fun possible answering all of these entertaining would you rather questions. Have a look at all of these fun would rather questions for adults.
1. Would you rather be on a reality TV show for years or have a single documentary about your life?
2. Would you rather Always feel the urge to pee or never know when you have to pee (always wear a diaper)?
3. Would you rather use a dating app or go on a blind date?
4. Would you rather live another 100 years with your body in a state of perfect health or just age normally?
5. Would you rather have a lot of mediocre friends or only one really good friend?
6. Would you rather eat out for every meal or have to cook every meal?
7. Would you rather everyone was taller or stronger than you?
8. Would you rather live with your partner in one town or be single and tour Europe?
9. Would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kissed someone?
10. Would you rather date someone who is 10 years younger or someone 10 years older?
11. Would you rather belch or fart at the end of every sentence you spoke?
12. Would you rather only be able to wear clown shoes or not be able to wear any shoes?
13. Would you rather get a pimple the night before important dates or get sick every time after an important date is over?
14. Would you rather burp butterflies or fart glitter?
15. Would you rather be able to control lights with your mind or actually be able to throw your voice?
16. Would you rather have a freakishly huge smile or freakishly small nose?
17. Would you rather have your hand stuck in a jar or your head stuck in a bucket?
18. Would you rather give up shopping for next 6 months or give up emoji for next 6 months?
19. Would you rather have a dragon or be a dragon?
20. Would you rather have to get up at dawn or stay up at 3 am every day?
21. Would you rather hold a snake or kiss a jellyfish?
22. Would you rather have nosy or noisy neighbours?
Interesting Would You Rather Questions for Adults
You don’t want this game of “would you rather” to be dull and uninteresting when you play it; rather, you want it to be exciting. Check out some of the interesting questions from would you rather adult edition.
1. Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average?
2. Would you rather be the center of attention or go unnoticed?
3. Would you rather work for the best boss or be your own boss?
4. Would you rather spend a weekend without your phone or laptop?
5. Would you rather have to spend the next 20 years as a student, or spend the next 20 years as an employee?
6. Would you rather have a huge imagination or a photographic memory?
7. Would you rather Flip a coin for a chance to win $20 or immediately win $10?
8. Would you rather be famous for all the wrong reasons or not famous at all?
9. Would you rather eat healthier or exercise regularly?
10. Would you rather be the richest person in the world or the smartest person in the world?
11. Would you rather be liked by everyone you’ve ever met or have everything you’ve ever wanted?
12. Would you rather Be the person who flips the switch during executions or be the judge who decides who should be executed?
13. Would you rather be the boss or the employee?
14. Would you rather never sing or never dance again?
15. Would you rather be reborn into the past or the future?
16. Would you rather prefer mountains or beaches?
17. Would you rather have to use a public toilet that is extremely dirty and dark or one that has a snake in it?
18. Would you rather watch the news or horror movies for 24 hours straight?
19. Would you rather swim with sharks or spend the night in a forest with mountain lions?
20. Would you rather be able to stop time or fly?
21. Would you rather eat nothing but salad or nothing but dessert for a week?
Sextual Would You Rather Questions for Adults
Are you contemplating including your spouse in this round of would you rather game? If you answered yes, then read sexual would you rather adults game questions that you can ask your spouse or wife or your girlfriend or boyfriend.
1. Would you rather be dominant or be dominated?
2. Would you rather have rough s#x or gentle s#x?
3. Would you rather watch a s#x tape of your ex with that guy she told you not to worry about or a s#x tape of your sister?
4. Would you rather have your s#xual partner dirty talk or be completely silent during s#x?
5. Would you rather use ice cubes or whipped cream during s#x?
6. Would you rather be partnered with someone who has a low s#x drive or someone who has a s#x addiction?
7. Would you rather spank or restrain your partner during s#x?
8. Would you rather date someone who refuses to kiss you or someone who refuses to give you oral s#x?
9. Would you rather buy a new s#x toy or watch a new s#xy video together?
10. Would you rather have s#x in the boardroom at your office or in the parking lot?
11. Would you rather give up masturbating for a whole year or s#x for 2 months?
12. Would you rather have random or routine s#x?
13. Would you rather have s#x with someone with a bushy pubic area or someone with a clean-shaven pubic area?
14. Would you rather watch your favorite television couple have s#x or recite their wedding vows?
15. Would you rather have financial issues or s#xual issues?
16. Would you rather have s#x in a car or in a tent?
17. Would you rather have s#x with Queen Elizabeth or Hillary Clinton?
18. Would you rather have s#x in your parents’ bed or on a church bench?
19. Would you rather go to a prostitute every time you want to have s#x or go to your spouse every time you want to have s#x?
20. Would you rather have splendid s#x that lasts ten minutes or average s#x that lasts an hour?
21. Would you rather have s#x with a biter or a screamer?
22. Would you rather do it on a live webcam or make a s#x tape?
23. Would you rather walk in on your best friend having s#x or have your best friend walk in on you having s#x?
24. Would you rather have s#x only in bed or only in places that are more adventurous?
25. Would you rather have s#x with your boots on or off?
26. Would you rather make out with your celebrity crush or get paid $5,000?
27. Would you rather have the superpower to fly or to have s#x with anyone and any time you want?
28. Would you rather have s#x with a new person every year or one person for the rest of your life?
29. Would you rather have s#x in the shower or on the kitchen table?
30. Would you rather have s#x with the light on or the light off?
Naughty Would You Rather Questions for Adults
If you are searching for some naughty would you rather questions, have a look below. You won’t find more adult-oriented versions of naughty would rather questions for adults than these anywhere else.
1. Would you rather hook up with a stranger or hook up with your least favourite ex?
2. Would you rather use water-based lube or oil-based lube?
3. Would you rather lick ice cream off someone’s body or whipped cream?
4. Would you rather Cuddle in the morning or at night?
5. Would you rather spend the night in a seedy motel or in your car?
6. Would you rather have one partner or multiple partners?
7. Would you rather Have your hair pulled, or have your back scratched?
8. Would you rather have it raw with a total stranger or someone with a questionable past?
9. Would you rather live the life of a nun or an exotic dancer for one week?
10. Would you rather flash your neighbor or have your neighbor watch you having s#x without you knowing it?
11. Would you rather have s#x during your periods or wait after?
12. Would you rather say your ex’s name during s#x or your partner’s best friend’s name?
13 Would you rather accidentally send a naughty picture to your dad or your boss?
14. Would you rather be an ugly genius or a hot moron?
15. Would you rather lick someone’s chin or suck someone’s thumb?
16. Would you rather be tied up or handcuffed while making love?
17. Would you rather play a good role or a bad role?
18. Would you rather get a job promotion or sleep with your hot colleague?
19. Would you rather your partner be kinky or romantic?
20. Would you rather have a partner who is a saint or someone who is super horny?
21. Would you rather be in a committed relationship or be friends with benefits?
22. Would you rather get your nipples chewed up for an hour or licked for an hour.
23. Would you rather get a tattoo with my name on your boobs or butt?
24. Ladies, would you rather do a wet t-shirt contest or give someone a lap dance?
25. Would you rather be with a guy who makes you cum with his mouth or with his organ?
26. Would you rather fall in love or fall in lust?
27. Would you rather jump naked or dance naked in bed?
28. Would you rather go on a blind date or a speed date?
29. Would you rather accidentally send a s#xt to your mom or send a nude to your ex?
30. Would you rather be terrible in bed or a terrible kisser?
31. Would you rather reveal your naughty search history or work as a exotic dancer for one day?
Spicy Would You Rather Questions for Adults
The “would you rather” game that you are now playing could use some more variety. You may get assistance by reading through all of the questions compiled here. Give these questions from would you rather adult edition a thorough reading.
1. Would you rather be with a guy who doesn’t cum or a guy who can make you cum anytime he wants?
2. Would you rather have early morning lovemaking or late night lovemaking?
3. Would you rather have a threesome with two strangers or have s#x with any one of your choice?
4. Would you rather have your hair pulled or your back scratched?
5. Would you rather suck in a sleeping position or suck in a kneeled position?
6. Would you rather lose your virginity with a stranger or with your arch-enemy?
7. Would you rather sleep with your partner’s siblings or your best friend’s sibling?
8. Would you rather get wasted and kiss your ex or fuck your best friend?
9. Would you rather watch your high-school teacher in a po#no or your ex?
10. Would you rather lick peanut butter off your best friend’s nipples or have your pet lick peanut butter off your nipples?
11. Would you rather be with someone who loves to strip tease or who knows how to tease with their lips?
12. Would you rather finger/be fingered under the table of a busy restaurant or the table at your parent’s place?
13. Would you rather receive lingerie or dirty toys as a s#xy gift?
14. Would you rather wear a torn panty or a torn bra?
15. Would you rather receive a s#xy text message or a s#xy nude photo?
16. Would You Rather be kissed on the lips over and over or be kissed all over?
17. Would you rather have a partner with nipple piercing or a clit piercing?
18. Would you rather call your boss’ name or your doctor’s name while masturbating?
19. Would you rather make a lot of noises during lovemaking or a really loud noise during sensual climax?
20. Would you rather take off your partner’s underwear with your teeth or tease them with your tongue till they take off their underwear?
21. Would you rather be with someone who loves rough s#x or someone who loves kinky s#x?
22. Would you rather date a lady with big boobs and no ass or one with a big ass and flat boobs?
23. Would you rather suck at foreplay or suck at lovemaking?
24. Would you rather have a threesome with your girlfriend and her sister or your girlfriend and your cousin?
25. Would you rather always initiate s#x or wait for the other one to initiate?
26. Would you rather taste a blueberry-flavored condom or a banana-flavored condom?
27. Would you rather get orals before sleep or wake up by it?
28. Would you rather be deferred or sucked?
29. Would you rather stay with no bra for a year or without underwear?
30. Would you rather make out in the car or the movie theatre?
Clean Would You Rather Questions for Adults
If you are seeking for some clean would you rather questions for adults, then you must check the list below. Adult games are often hilarious in a crude manner.
1. Would you rather have a job that pays $70 an hour but lets you work from home or a job that pays $100 an hour but requires you to be physically present?
2. Would you rather have curly hair or straight hair?
3. Would you rather be super fast or super strong?
4. Would you rather be a giant elephant or a tiny mouse?
5. Would you rather not be allowed to wash your hands for a month or your hair for a month?
6. Would you rather be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
7. Would you rather know how the world began or how it will end?
8. Would you rather play spin the bottle or play seven minutes in heaven?
9. Would you rather have a brownie or a cheesecake?
10. Would you rather it be summer forever or winter forever?
11. Would you rather have your body age or your face age?
12. Would you always be 10 minutes late or 10 minutes early?
13. Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?
14. Would you rather never play or always lose?
15. Would you rather be overdressed or super underdressed?
16. Would you rather mentally or physically never age?
17. Would you rather be busy or be bored?
18. Would you rather have a pause or rewind button on your life?
19. Would you rather hear the good news or bad news first?
20. Would you rather be in a bad relationship forever or single forever?
21. Would you rather listen to country music or classic hip hop from the 90’s?
22. Would you rather move into a different neighbourhood or remain in the current neighbourhood?
23. Would you rather be on a survival or a dating show?
24. Would you rather I talk less than I already do or more than I already do?
25. Would you rather find me impotent or you barren?
26. Would you rather move out of your city to different city or remain just in your city?
27. Would you rather fake love or fake orgasm?
28. Would you rather have a name and reputation or cash and wealth?
29. Would you rather have a successful career or a successful marriage?
30. Would you rather be younger than you are or remain just the way you are?
5 Tips for Playing Would You Rather Adult Game
Carefully go through every rule
Never start playing a game until thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the rules and procedures it outlines. It is unlikely that you will ever win the game if you are unfamiliar with its rules. You must familiarize yourself with all of the rules before beginning the game.
You may find out the game’s rules from a buddy who has previously participated in the activity if you have one. If there is any rule that leaves you unclear, you should make it a point to seek clarification on it no matter how many times you have to question the other person about it.
Select teams wisely
Always ask everyone’s permission before forming a team to prevent anybody from becoming angry. Both teams ought to have the same number of players, and it ought to be the players’ choice as to which side they wish to play for. Never try to force your choice on another member of the team. You will only find that it makes things more difficult for you.
Prepare yourself in advance by making a list of questions
Choosing questions in the downtime between rounds may be a headache for everyone involved. Before beginning the game, it is good to develop a list of would you rather questions for adults to use. This way, you will know precisely which questions to ask and when to ask them.
When you pose a question to the opposing side, you should ensure that they have sufficient time to respond with an appropriate justification so that there is no room for misunderstanding.
Treat it like a game
We should play would you rather adult game in a more lighthearted way since it is a pleasant game. Things are never to be taken personally by any of us.
Final Thoughts on Would You Rather Questions for Adults
A traditional game of “would you rather questions for adults” is one of the most effective methods to get to know someone on a deeper level, especially those already close to you. The finest would you rather questions for adults disclose startling facts about every participant.
Would you rather adult game is a terrific way to break the ice and get a man talking, and they’re also a lot of fun. The questions are designed to make you chuckle while also assisting you in better understanding the guys. You will most likely learn more about their lives than you anticipated by the time the journey is through, but there is no doubt that it will be an exciting one.
You may have some laughs with the adults by asking them these would you rather questions, or you can use them as an example of how to have some fun. Create your unique sense of mystery and thrill around them.