508 Weird Questions to Ask a Guy to Add Color to Your Conversation

We have curated a great collection of weird questions to ask a guy. Some of these questions may seem off-the-wall, but they are designed to start an interesting conversation.
It is important to remember that every guy is different, so select the questions you think will work well for your guy or questions you want to know the answers to.
There are some questions that a guy might find interesting, and you might be surprised by them. In this case, even if it seems the question would not be of interest to you, it would still be worth asking.
You can choose from our list of awkward and weird questions to ask a guyor get an idea of what to ask. Let’s explore different categories of strange questions to ask a guy!
Super Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
It takes creativity as well as discretion to ask a weird question without crossing boundaries or sounding offensive. You can use super weird questions to ask a guy to create an interesting conversation, or to get an interesting reply.
1. What has been the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?
2. If you punch yourself in the face and it hurts, are you weak or strong?
3. What’s your most hated mode of transportation?
4. How many pennies do you think would fit into this room?
5. Should a man about to be executed in the electric chair be saved if he had a heart attack?
6. What music would you choose to play every time you walk into a room?
7. Do fish have a thirst for water?
8. Which one would you choose: be alive and alone or about to die with a group of friends?
9. Who’s the fifth person on your missed calls?
10. If man developed from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?
11. Which would be the nicest if animals could only talk?
12. Is there a limit to how intelligent a single person can be?
13. Why is sandwich meat round when bread is square?
14. Have you ever taken something out of your possession and failed to return it?
15. Which superpower would you not want?
16. What hair color do they list on your driver’s license if you’re bald?
17. How do birds actually pee?
18. Why aren’t they using blankets if it’s friendly fire?
19. How would you be able to solve problems if you were from Mars?
20. What are two things that you think are normal, but become really strange when you do them repeatedly?
21. Is it permissible for minors who act in R-rated films to see them?
22. What’s the color of the mirror?
23. Do you think if anything is possible, it’s still possible for anything to be impossible?
24. Is it possible to hear someone’s iPod while they’re running at maximum speed?
25. Have you ever attempted to swallow toothpaste?
26. Will someone ever be able to live forever?
27. You have discovered a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society and you can even make the rules. What’s going to be the first rule you’ll put into place?
28. Why do you perceive everyone driving faster than you as an idiot and those who are quicker than you as a moron when?
29. If there’s an ambulance on its way to save someone and it knocks down someone, would it stop to help them?
30. If you had the chance to invent a country, what would you name it?
31. What do you usually think about while you are on the toilet?
32. Which one would you prefer: have no nose but have really good smelling fingers or be blind but have a really nice smile?
Very weird Questions to Ask a Guy
What makes you want to ask “weird” questions? If you ask a weird question correctly, you will likely receive an interesting response. Try the following list ofvery weird questions to ask a guy and have some fun!
1. Did you ever got caught skipping classes?
2. What is your funniest fear?
3. What was your worst Freudian Lapse?
4. What’s the best pun you know?
5. To kill an elephant, how many chickens would be required?
6. If you took out a ship and changed all of its parts until none of the original parts are intact anymore, is it still the same ship or a totally different one?
7. Did you ever pass out in a public place?
8. What’s the worst place you’ve ever vomited in?
9. What is your most embarrassing dream?
10. If technology advances, would you try and give birth, if that became possible?
11. Is your time truly wasted if you enjoy wasting it?
12. What’s your most favorite pooping position?
13. When you know the battery is dead, why do you press harder on the remote control?
14. What’s the funniest thing you ever did while drunk?
15. Did you ever fall asleep during sex?
16. Did you ever get so drunk that you shat your pants?
17. Do you have any embarrassing pictures of yourself?
18. What was the worst situation you were ever naked in?
19. Is it possible that morality is derived from morons, just as electricity is derived from electrons?
20. Have you ever unwrapped and rewrapped a gift bearing your name?
21. Why is it that lemon juice has an artificial flavor while dishwashing liquid has real lemons?
22. When was the last time you peed your pants?
23. What was the funniest thing to ever happen to you during sex?
24. What would your mom say about you right now?
25. What’s the worst pun you know?
26. Why do you think are manholes round?
27. Are eyebrows also considered facial hair?
28. What was the worst situation you ever laughed in?
29. What is the stupidest situation you almost got killed in?
30. How much do you think you could hold on without peeing?
31. Which individual, corporation, country, or organization would you bankrupt if you had the chance?
32. Have you ever been tempted to sleep inside the fridge?
Really Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
Following really weird questions to ask a guy will give you some interesting topics to discuss with him if you want a deeper understanding of him. Take a closer look!
1. Why do you lower the volume on the radio when you’re driving and looking for an address?
2. In 2050, what will be the fastest mode of transportation?
3. Which famous celebrity would you want to punch in the face?
4. Male ballerinas are referred to as what?
5. Is it safe for someone to park their vehicle near a fire hydrant if it is on fire?
6. Which side of the armrest is really yours at a movie theater?
7. Why do you think are blueberries not bright blue?
8. Do you really want someone to give you an honest answer when you ask them how they’ve been?
9. Do you think cavemen experienced nightmares about cavewomen?
10. What is the shape of your peripheral vision?
11. Is it a hostage situation if a person with several personalities threatens to kill himself?
12. Why is it so difficult for women to apply mascara with their mouths closed?
13. How many pairs of underwear do you actually own?
14. Why is it called “taking a dump”? Shouldn’t it be leaving a dump instead?
15. Why can’t the professor on Gilligan’s Island fix a hole in a boat if he can construct a radio out of a coconut?
16. What would you do with it?
17. Suppose you have been given an elephant and you can’t give it away or sell it.
18. What have you forgotten today?
19. Would it be acceptable to say that the opposite of progress is congress because the opposite of pro is con?
20. Which of the two would you prefer to have as your roommate: A bird or an ostrich?
21. Why do you think 11 isn’t pronounced onety-one?
22. What characteristics would your nemesis have if you had one?
23. What is the highest number that anyone has ever counted?
24. How would you know if someone has manipulated your memory?
25. When Donald Duck gets out of the shower, why does he put on a towel when he normally doesn’t wear any pants?
26. Have you ever dropped food on the floor accidentally and then picked it up to eat it?
27. What kind of tree would you be if you were a one, and why?
28. Do bald people still get dandruff?
29. Is it weird to enjoy the smell of your own fart?
30. What kind of noises did dinosaurs make?
Random Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
If you are looking for diversified topics, check the following random weird questions to ask a guy. They’ll keep your conversation going smoothly and interesting.
1. Do the minutes on the movie boxes include previews, credits, and additional features, or are they just for the movie itself?
2. What would you paint on your first day if you were an artist?
3. How long do you think will you be remembered after the day that you die?
4. Why do you have to “put your two cents in” when it is really only a “penny for your thoughts”? Where’s that extra penny going to?
5. Are you keeping a really huge secret from someone you love?
6. Why does the sun make our hair lighter but make our skin darker?
7. Do animals have the ability to commit suicide?
8. Why does raindrop but snow falls?
9. Have you ever peed while sleeping?
10. What’s your fast food horror story?
11. What game do you dominate when you play it?
12. What is the longest amount of time you have been awake?
13. What would be the most spectacular funeral you could imagine?
14. How often does your brain go on autopilot?
15. What is your hometown best known for?
16. What’s the future of dating?
17. What, besides wealth, do you never have enough of?
18. What’s something you’ve done that you would try to dissuade anyone from doing?
19. What landmark from your childhood was destroyed and what was put up in its place?
20. What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and it was 13 years in the past and
21. What is the most useful thing your mom or dad has taught you?
22. What’s your most impressive “go to” meal that you can cook?
23. What part of your body would you replace with an improved mechanical version?
24. What old fashioned way of doing things is better than how they are currently done?
25. What fact do you wish you had never learned?
26. What board game always ends badly?
27. What fun activity from your childhood has been completely ruined for kids today?
28. What piece of tech do you hope is invented in your lifetime?
29. What’s your best example of a pyrrhic victory that happened to you?
30. What’s the most important file on your computer?
31. What are some things that you haven’t seen or read, but know everything about
32. What is the most boring activity imaginable?
33. When did the saying “looks can be deceiving” really hit home?
34. What scene from a movie scarred you for life?
Awkward and Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
Sometime if may be awkward for you to ask some questions, but you still may want to know the answers, especially when they pertain to commitment, emotions, and longevity. That means these questions are necessary. So have a look at the following awkward and weird questions to ask a guy!
1. How many times do you fart in a day?
2. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
3. What is your childhood secret?
4. How will you describe a painting that is indescribable?
5. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
6. Have you ever lusted after a friend’s girlfriend?
7. Would you rather urinate Gold or defecate cash?
8. What will you describe as the color of water?
9. What is the most tasteless meal you have ever eaten?
10. Would you rather reincarnate as a Lion or as a woman?
11. How long does it take to cook your favorite meal?
12. How many slices of pizza can you eat in 10 minutes?
13. Do the blind see in their dreams?
14. What insect are you most afraid of?
15. Have you ever walked in on a couple having sex?
16. At what age did you have your first wet dream?
17. Have you ever swallowed your own vomit?
18. Will you kiss another guy for 100,000 Dollars?
19. What is the most abnormal thing you have ever done?
20. How many ladies have you caused a heartbreak?
21. Would you rather have 10 wives or 10 children?
22. How many lies do you tell in a day?
23. Guess how many guys I have kissed
24. Are you in love with me?
25. Have you ever thought of another person other than your partner when having sex?
26. How many times do you change your boxers in a week?
27. Do you pee on yourself when you shower?
28. Will you marry me?
29. How many times a day do you think about sex?
30. How healthy do you consider masturbation to be?
31. What is the stupidest thing you have ever said to someone?
32. How many plates of food can you consume in a sitting?
Embarrassing and Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
There are many questions that may come up naturally during a conversation. But they may seem boring. To add more spice, add some embarrassing and weird questions to ask a guy as well.
1. Which of the teachers would you prefer to have if you were a Hogwarts student?
2. If we are clean before using bath towels then why do we need to wash them?
3. Would you rather play in the sand or play in the water at the beach?
4. Why does wet hair turn darker despite the fact that the water is clear?
5. Why does anything exist? In the beginning, there was totally nothing so how did something come from nothing?
6. Is it true that if you got into a cab and the driver drove backwards, he owes you money?
7. How would you be able to handcuff a one-armed man?
8. Would you dare to take a lie detector test with a loved one asking the questions?
9. What was the worst song that was ever composed?
10. Which orange came first: the color or the fruit?
11. Do you think you would be friends with a clone of yourself?
12. When Greenland is white and ice-covered, why is it called Greenland?
13. You’ve recently joined the Spice Girls. What Spice name have you created for yourself?
14. What do you think existed before the universe?
15. You have a date with someone in this room tomorrow. Who would be the most unfit candidate?
16. What was the most embarrassing text message you’ve ever got?
17. Are the 10 calories in a pack of gum just for chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it?
18. When did time actually begin?
19. Do you think you can daydream at night?
20. Why isn’t there any mouse-flavored food for cats?
21. Have you ever tried eating a piece of paper?
22. Which day was a kid born on if his leg came out at 11:59 p.m. but his head didn’t come out until 12:01 a.m.?
23. What’s the most boring sport to play?
24. Who actually decided what’s right and wrong?
25. When you can’t drink and drive, why do you need a driver’s license to buy alcohol?
26. Can you describe the smell of your armpits?
27. What are the things that would be much better if you could change its color?
28. Is the Bible kept in the fiction or non-fiction section of libraries?
29. Why don’t ghosts fall through the floor if they can walk through walls and glide downstairs?
30. Which Disney princess do you think would make the best spy?
31. Why do adults say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up every few hours?
32. Which one would you rather do: ask a question someone does not want to answer or give an answer someone does not want to hear it?
33. Why do we enjoy Halloween if our parents tell us not to take candy from strangers?
34. Do you think coffins have lifetime guarantees?
35. What’s the purpose of setting goals if we’re all going to die in the end?
36. Why can’t you just feel whelmed instead of overwhelmed and underwhelmed?
Funny and Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
There is always a need for questions. It doesn’t matter if it is your first date or your 23rd wedding anniversary. Just make your guy laugh with theseweird funny questions to ask a guy!
1. Is a hotdog a sandwich? Why or why not?
2. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
3. What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
4. What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
5. What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
6. What would be the worst thing for the government to make illegal?
7. What are some of the nicknames you have for customers or coworkers?
8. If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?
9. What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
10. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
11. What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
12. In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
13. Is cereal soup? Why or why not?
14. What is the sexiest and least sexy name?
15. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
16. Toilet paper, over or under?
17. What’s the best type of cheese?
18. Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?
19. What’s the best inside joke you’ve been a part of?
20. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
21. How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
22. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
23. What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
24. What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
25. What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
26. What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
27. How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
28. What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
29. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
30. What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?
31. What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?
32. What kind of secret society would you like to start?
33. What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
34. Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
Personal and Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
It can be hard to get beyond the usual everyday questions that everyone asks when you want to know someone better. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of weird personal questions to ask a guy!
1. Why did you dump your last girlfriend?
2. How many people have you slept with?
3. When was the last time you cried?
4. Guess how many guys I’ve slept with?
5. If you could go back to school for one year, which grade would you choose?
6. Does this make my butt look big?
7. Can I give you a makeover?
8. How much debt do you have?
9. Am I fat/ugly?
10. Do you have enough money to pay for the date?
11. How much money is in your bank account right now?
12. Have you ever seen your mom/sister/grandma naked?
13. Are you sure you’re not gay?
14. Do you like having a beer belly?
15. How long does it take you to get ready for a date?
16. Would you ever watch taboo pornography?
17. If you wanted to kill me, how would you do it?
18. How many girls’ numbers are in your phone?
19. Have you ever considered plastic surgery to become more handsome?
20. Have you ever killed anyone?
21. Have you ever been arrested?
22. Could you survive without your cell phone?
23. If you could be inside any game, which would you pick?
24. In an ideal world, how many hours a day would you be awake?
25. Would you let me (fill in the blank with an explicit and weird request)?
26. Have you ever found a child attractive?
27. Do you think teen girls are hot?
28. Guess how old I am?
29. How much do you think I weigh?
30. If you held a world record, what would it likely be for?
31. If you could be any insect, what would you be?
32. What location in the world are you least likely to visit?
33. What’s the one app you couldn’t live without?
34. Do you want to get married?
35. Do you want to have children?
36. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
37. Do you have any STDs?
Weird Questions to Ask a Guy You Just Met
It’s important to remember that a conversation is not an interview or an interrogation especially when you just met. So avoid becoming overwhelmed by the things you’ve written down and try these weird questions to ask a guy you just met!
1. Why don’t ghosts fall through the floor if they can walk through walls and glide downstairs?
2. What’s your thought about lie detector test with a loved one asking the questions?
3. Can people daydream at night?
4. Which Disney princess do you think would make the best cop?
5. Which day was a kid born on if his leg came out at 11:59 p.m. but his head didn’t come out until 12:01 a.m.?
6. You’ve recently joined the Spice Girls. What Spice name have you created for yourself?
7. What do you think about the universe?
8. What do you think taught as a teacher?
9. Do you think SpongeBob’s is adopted? Because his parents are both rounds like sea sponges he is square like a kitchen sponge.
10. Would a bubble in space pop if you blew it?
11. Do you believe there is something beyond what we can currently perceive in the universe?
12. Why do adults say they “slept like a baby” when babies wake up every few hours?
13. What question you want to ask someone does not want to answer.
14. Why do we enjoy Halloween?
15. Do you think furniture have lifetime guarantees?
16. What’s the purpose of setting goals if we’re all going to die in the end?
17. Does time flow forward only, or does it move differently also?
18. Why isn’t there any food that is mouse-flavored for cats?
19. Have you ever tried eating your nails?
20. When you can’t drink and drive, why do you need a driver’s license to buy alcohol?
21. What type of smell you want for your armpits?
22. When was the last time I had a good laugh?
23. Who would be the most unfit candidate for you in this room?
24. What was the weirdest text message you’ve ever got?
25. Would you like chewing the gum or swallowing it?
26. What’s the most boring sport to watch?
27. Why can’t you just feel whelmed instead of overwhelmed and underwhelmed?
28. Is the religious book kept in the fiction or non-fiction section of libraries?
29. Which one would you rather do: sit in the snow while it is falling or dance in the rain?
30. Do dentists consult with other dentists or do it on their own?
31. What do you think is the ugliest part of your body?
32. How you actually decided what’s right and wrong?
33. If you could change color of any elements what color it would be?
Weird Questions to Ask a Guy – Crush Level
Would you like to get to know someone a little better? If you’re wondering what questions to ask your crush, we’re sure we could improve on the “do you come here often?” Let’s explore weird questions to ask your crush!
1. What if you forget everything about your life and yourself?
2. Are there any weird things you do around people when no one is watching?
3. Which worst habit of your roommate do you wish you followed once to take revenge?
4. Are individuals buried with their braces on?
5. What is your sign?
6. Are you a more conservative or liberal person?
7. Why is patience a virtue if early birds get the best advantages?
8. Why do we kill people who kill people if killing people is wrong?
9. How could the Wicked Witch of the West ever bathe if she melts in the water?
10. What’s one thing you know people say, or have said about you?
11. Have you ever had to fight somebody physically?
12. What do you do if you get a giant elephant as your birthday present?
13. If there was no vacation during the schooling what would be your first reaction?
14. If you lose on any planet other than Earth, which one would it be?
15. Why do you think is it called a building when it is already built?
16. Is it possible for monkeys to have a monkey’s uncle?
17. Anytime you forget your license at home, what excuse do you generally give?
18. If you have a chance to decide your age and life era, which one would it be?
19. Which superpower do you wish to have but later turn into a supervillain?
20. How often do you go out?
21. Do you think astrology is crazy or accurate?
22. What piece of technology do you hope you will see in your lifetime?
23. Are the animals homeless because they don’t have a home?
24. Can the word “dictionary” be found in the dictionary?
25. How many hours do you spend seeing yourself in the mirror?
26. What’s your favorite food to cook?
27. If you could replace or add any body parts what would they be and why?
28. Do you like any cartoons?
29. Which R-rated movies that you can’t watch but still prefer to see over again?
30. Would the other doctors treat the doctor or the patient if a doctor suffered a heart attack while performing surgery?
31. How long could you sit doing nothing or staring at the wall?
32. Have you ever thought of stealing something from someone?
33. What is something that you buy more often even though you don’t use it?
34. Have you ever been caught doing something cringeworthy in public?
Weird Questions to Ask a Guy You Like
You need to make sure a guy will not be offended or triggered before asking him weird questions. You can use these weird questions to ask a guy you like to create an interesting conversation.
1. What do you find most attractive about a woman?
2. What’s the most ridiculous talent you have?
3. What do you think the best thing about being in a relationship is?
4. What’s your favorite animal?
5. What’s something on your bucket list you really want to do soon?
6. What has been your most embarrassing moment so far?
7. What’s something on your bucket list you think you’ll never actually do?
8. What would be the worst thing that could happen for you on a first date?
9. What is something everyone always gets wrong about you?
10. How do you relax after a stressful day?
11. Who is your role model?
12. Which celebrity would you want to meet the most?
13. What’s your all-time favorite movie that you’ve seen a million times?
14. What did you want your job to be when you were a kid?
15. If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world and money wasn’t an issue, where would you go?
16. What have you done that you’re really not proud of?
17. What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
18. If you could be pro at any sport, what would it be?
19. If you could marry one celebrity, who would it be?
20. Why is your best friend your best friend?
21. What would you do if you won the lottery?
22. What is something you’ve never been good at doing?
23. What is the one thing you always notice first about a woman?
24. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
25. What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on a date?
26. What do you always lie about on your resume?
27. Which show could you binge-watch more than once?
28. What’s your go-t0 flirting move?
29. What have you done that you’re most proud of?
30. Who is your favorite person to follow on Instagram?
31. What is your biggest pet peeve about dating?
32. If you could meet one dead celebrity, who would it be?
33. What would you change about social media?
34. What is one thing a woman can do to instantly impress you?
Weird Questions to Ask a Guy – Boyfriend Level
A weird question is one that would not normally be asked in a normal conversation. Take your boyfriend to a quiet place before trying the following weird questions to ask your boyfriend!
1. How do you wipe the tears of fish that cry underwater?
2. When you visit the pawnshop, is it possible to buy an entire chess set there?
3. At the beach, would you rather play in the sand or play in the water?
4. What is the first thing you do if you know that you’re losing the argument?
5. Have you ever done anything “deviant”?
6. What is your biggest kink?
7. Have you ever counted your steps while you walk?
8. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
9. Do you watch cartoons?
10. On a typical working day, when do you usually go to bed?
11. Is it wise for someone to park his car close to a fire hydrant, even their car is on fire?
12. Would it be cool to say that the opposite of progress is congress since the opposite of pro is con?
13. If you had to bury treasure where would you hide it?
14. Do you drink before, during or after the meal?
15. What’s the most perfect dipping sauce?
16. What movie is you embarrassed to admit you loved?
17. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
18. If you could have another body part of some kind, what would it be?
19. Which is more important, happiness or intelligence?
20. Are you more happy or are you more intelligent?
21. What animal would you say most describes your appearance? What about your personality?
22. Do you have any secret desires?
23. What is the biggest lie you have ever told your mother?
24. What’s one thing in your life you are most ashamed of?
25. What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
26. Who would show up at your funeral?
27. Is there any type of girl you would NEVER sleep with?
28. What’s the biggest mistake you have ever made in your life?
29. If you were a character from The Office, which one would you be?
30. If you were a Looney Toons character, which one would you be?
31. If you could be a superhero, which would you be?
32. What is your favorite body part on yourself?
33. Would you rather be attacked by a grizzly or a nest of hornets?
34. Last time you cried?
35. How much do you hate throwing up on a scale from 1-10?
36. What’s the sickest you’ve ever been?
Weird Questions to Ask a Guy About His Body
Men enjoy challenging questions. There is a wire in their body that craves challenges and adores them. There are a lot of weird questions to ask a guy about his body, but they should be both playful and intellectual at the same time.
1. What’s the most sensitive place on your body?
2. Have you ever considered plastic surgery?
3. Do you want think lips or thin lips?
4. Which part of your body you want to pierce?
5. It’s high time you put those sexy forearms to use?
6. What section of your body do you hate the most?
7. Is it true that the lips of a stranger have the taste of excitement?
8. Do you like your armpit smell?
9. Do you think your body is perfect?
10. What one feature you want to add to your body?
11. How do you like your body?
12. Which body structure suits you best? Six pack abs or dad bod?
13. Who is your inspiration to make muscle body?
14. Do you like your fingers?
15. Have you any body hair?
16. If you ever get a tattoo which part of body do you want it?
17. Which celebrity body do you want as yours?
18. Do you like to show off your muscle?
19. What’s your thought on body hair?
20. Do you think chest hair makes you hot?
21. Have you ever flex your body to get a date?
22. What is the most interesting body part of your body you think?
23. If you ever could change a body part of your which parts do you wanna change?
24. Are you left handed or right handed?
25. If you can choose what type eye color you want naturally?
26. Do you like your hair to be short or long?
27. What hair color suits you most?
28. Do you think you have a perfect butt?
29. Have you ever got any tattoo?
30. What do you think is the unnecessary part of your body?
31. Do you like having a beer body?
Weird Questions to Ask a Guy Over Text
Don’t panic! Whether you’re asking your friends fun questions or flirting with your crush, you can still ask these questions over text. Have a look at the following list of weird questions to ask a guy over text!
1. SpongeBob’s parents are both rounds like sea sponges, but why is he square like a kitchen sponge.
2. Would a chewing gum bubble pop in space?
3. Why do you think is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?
4. Are there belly buttons on Adam and Eve?
5. If you’ll be expecting the unexpected, doesn’t that make the unexpected expected?
6. What sound would be the most horrifying if you could hear it?
7. Why are we so terrified of making mistakes if we can learn from them and improve?
8. Do you believe there is God waiting for us to judgment?
9. Why does grape flavor smell like it when real grapes don’t taste or smell like it?
10. If you can time-travel what do you do?
11. What would happen to the sea level if every boat in the world was removed out of the ocean at the same time?
12. Who do you think taught the first teacher ever?
13. How can pessimists motivate themselves to get out of bed every day?
14. Why are they described as apartments when they are all connected?
15. Rabbits don’t lay eggs, so why does the Easter bunny deliver them?
16. Is it legal to drive down a road backward as long as you stay in the right lane?
17. When was the last time you screamed your lungs out?
18. Should fishermen consume the fish they catch, or should they simply release them?
19. How many kilograms of potatoes have you consumed throughout your life?
20. Do fortune cookie predictions have a time limit?
21. Which one would you rather do: sit in the mud while raining or dance in the rain?
22. Do doctors consult with other doctors or do it on their own?
23. When doing first aid, have you ever purposefully hurt someone just enough to make them scream?
24. Do you think prison buses have emergency exits?
25. What is the longest time you have gone without showering?
26. Why is the Lone Ranger nicknamed “Lone” though he is constantly accompanied by his Indian friend Tonto?
27. If an orange is color orange, why isn’t a lemon called a yellow or a lime called a green?
28. Isn’t it strange that rearranging the word “teacher” gives “cheater”?
29. Is it true that cannibals don’t like eating clowns because they taste funny?
30. How can a brain that is closed inside our skull ever be called an open mind?
31. If you will be looking at a map of the inside of a planet, what would it look like?
32. Why is your head sticking out from your t-shirt?
33. Do you have crazy thoughts running through your head all day?
34. Doctors call what they do practice, isn’t that a little unnerving?
Weird Questions to Ask a Guy to Make Him Uncomfortable
The only time to do this is when you’ve been dating for some time or when you’re close. Earlier attempts resulted in miscommunications and misunderstandings. Why not try theseweird questions to ask a guy to make him uncomfortable?
1. Have you ever starred in an amateur or professional video?
2. Do you have any old friends you wish you could meet up with again?
3. Do you want to be friends with benefits?
4. If you could be trained up in any profession of your choice by top professionals, what profession would you choose?
5. Have you ever walked out of a cinema before the film was done?
6. What is the most sumptuous meal you can prepare?
7. If you win a lottery of $10 million, what would you do with it?
8. What do you consider is the most important piece of furniture in a house?
9. Do you lick the spoon clean after making something sweet?
10. Have you ever been caught having sex?
11. Have you ever licked food off someone’s body?
12. Could you go out with someone who had a child from a previous relationship?
13. What’s your weirdest wet dream?
14. Which would you rather have if you had to, a broken leg or a broken arm?
15. When it’s your birthday, do you always wear an age badge?
16. Who would you say are more attractive, English or Europeans?
17. Would you rather be the world’s greatest football player or lover?
18. If you could change your name to anything, what would your new name be?
19. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be?
20. What is the one thing you have done that you would try to discourage anyone from doing?
21. Do you want to take off my clothes?
22. In your lifetime, what piece of tech would you want to be invented?
23. If your life was a movie, who would play the lead role and why?
24. Have you ever had a paranormal encounter? Are you sure they are real or not?
25. How often do you masturbate?
26. Have you ever fantasised about me?
27. Are you a boob or butt guy?
28. If you had to describe yourself as a flavor, what would it be?
29. If you could invent brand new baby names, what would they be?
30. Would you replace any body parts of your with an improved mechanical version?
31. If you were the ruler of your own country what would you call it and what title would you give yourself?
32. Would you rather go down on me or for me to go down on you?
33. Have you ever had unprotected sex?
34. If there’s one meal you could eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
35. Do you have a list of things to do before your ‘x’ years old?
5 Tips for Choosing Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
Keeping a conversation going is the key to a good one! It can be helpful to have a plan, especially in the beginning. To make things right, you need to know what questions to ask. It is also important to know which questions to avoid. For your ease, I’ve come up with a few tips to choose the weird questions to ask a guy!
Don’t Interrogate Him
It is important that both of you feel equal during a conversation. Allowing him to speak will make him feel appreciated and loved.
Prepare a List of Tricky & Baffling Questions!
They can lead to a variety of interesting topics and open Pandora’s Box. It is even possible that you will forget which question you started with. Creating a comfortable atmosphere is key.
Don’t Be Surprised if a Question Backfires
There will be times when things don’t go as planned. It is not always possible to plan everything. It will be evident in those weird things to ask a guywhat a beautiful mind he has and what a beautiful mind you have. Such spontaneous banter will reveal the real you to him.
It’s hard for guys to open up so quickly. He has a right to his space, so you should respect it. To spice up the conversation, ask a few questions. You will feel less pressure when he sees that you view him as an ordinary person.
Don’t Ask Specific Questions
Don’t ask specific questions too early. Rather than relying on these questions, you should avoid them altogether. Allow the conversation to flow, and you may not need them at all.
Maintain Equality
You should share the same amount of information as he does, or even a little bit more. He might be motivated to share even more with that little bit more. Keep it under that amount, or you’ll come across as self-centered.
The above-mentioned tips might help you to choose the hilarious questions to ask a guy.
Final Thoughts on Weird Questions to Ask a Guy
The purpose of awkward and weird questions to ask a guy is to create an interesting, informative, and fun conversation between the two of you. There is no intention to offend, malign, or invade a guy’s privacy with these messages.
The first date is a good time to ask weird questions, but the awkward and embarrassing questions can wait until later when the relationship has become more familiar.
There are so many great, authentic, and weird funny questions to ask a guy now – so go with your gut, and you’ll find the right one for each circumstance!
Regardless of which option you choose, asking plenty of questions to a guy will always help you to be prepared for any situation that may arise.
Your success is sure to come when you’re yourself and do what comes naturally. If you’re wondering whatweird questions to ask a guy, you’ll never need to look at the clouds again!