650 Questions to Ask on Tinder (Funny & Flirty)

In the world of Tinder, crafting intriguing conversations is a skill that can set you apart and lead to meaningful connections.

With our handpicked selection of over 650 questions to ask on tinder, you’ll have a treasure trove of conversation starters at your fingertips.

Whether you’re aiming for a good laugh, a flirty exchange, or a deep heart-to-heart, our categorized list covers every angle.

Get ready to spark connections, stand out from the crowd, and turn a match into memorable conversations with these carefully curated tinder questions.

Best Questions to Ask on Tinder

When it comes to standing out in the virtual dating world, asking the right questions is key. Discover a curated selection of the best tinder questions that are sure to spark intriguing conversations and make your matches memorable.

1. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

2. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

3. What’s your favorite book or movie?

4. What’s your dream vacation?

5. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

6. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

7. What’s your biggest fear?

8. If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?

9. What’s your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

10. What’s your favorite thing to do to relax?

11. What’s your favorite thing to do on a budget?

12. What’s your favorite thing to do with your friends?

13. What’s your favorite thing to do with your family?

14. What’s your favorite thing to do by yourself?

15. What’s your favorite thing to do for work?

16. What’s your favorite thing to do for fun?

17. What’s your favorite thing to do to be creative?

18. What’s your favorite thing to do to be spontaneous?

19. What’s your favorite thing to do to be adventurous?

20. What’s your favorite thing to do to be helpful?

21. What’s your favorite thing to do to be kind?

22. What’s your favorite thing to do to be loving?

23. What’s your favorite thing to do to be passionate?

24. What’s your favorite thing to do to be happy?

25. What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

26. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?

27. What’s the most exciting thing on your bucket list?

28. What’s a skill you’d love to learn?

29. What’s the most memorable concert or live event you’ve attended?

30. Do you have a favorite type of cuisine?

31. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

32. What’s a hobby you enjoy that might surprise people?

33. Favorites and Preferences:

34. What’s your all-time favorite movie?

35. Dogs or cats?

36. Coffee or tea?

37. Mountains or beaches?

38. Summer or winter?

39. What’s your guilty pleasure song?

40. Do you have a favorite podcast?

41. What’s your comfort food?

42. Are you a planner or do you prefer spontaneity?

43. What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day?

44. What’s your dream job?

45. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?

46. What’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit?

47. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d do?

48. What’s a goal you’re currently working towards?

49. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?

50. Do you have any hidden talents?

51. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?

52. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?

53. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?

54. Personal Stories and Experiences:

55. What’s your most embarrassing childhood memory?

56. Have you ever had a near-death experience?

57. What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken?

58. Do you have a funny or unusual talent?

59. Have you ever met someone famous?

60. What’s a lesson you’ve learned recently?

61. Do you believe in any paranormal phenomena?

62. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve overcome?

63. What’s a quirky habit you have?

64. What’s the most interesting job you’ve ever had?

65. Are you a DIY person? What’s the coolest thing you’ve made?

66. If you could have a conversation with your younger self, what advice would you give?

67. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

68. If you could solve one world problem, what would it be?

69. What’s the last thing that made you laugh really hard?

70. If you had to live without one modern convenience, what would it be?

71. What’s a small act of kindness that made a big impact on you?

72. What’s the most awe-inspiring place you’ve been to?

73. If you could witness any historical event, which one would it be?

74. What’s the weirdest food combination you enjoy?

75. What’s a topic you could talk about for hours?

76. Favorites and Childhood:

77. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?

78. Did you have a childhood nickname?

79. What was your favorite subject in school?

80. Did you have any quirky childhood rituals?

81. Who was your celebrity crush growing up?

82. Did you collect anything as a kid?

83. What’s the most memorable birthday you’ve had?

84. Were you more of a rule-follower or a rule-breaker?

85. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

86. Did you have any aspirations when you were a kid that you still hold onto?

87. If your life were a movie, what would its title be?

88. What’s your favorite movie quote?

89. Marvel or DC?

90. Star Wars or Star Trek?

91. What’s the last TV show you binge-watched?

92. If you could be a character in any fictional universe, who would you be?

93. Do you have a favorite meme?

94. What’s your go-to dance move?

95. What’s the most underrated movie in your opinion?

96. If you could rewrite the ending to any movie, which one would it be?

97. Have you ever gone on a spontaneous trip?

98. What’s the most beautiful natural place you’ve seen?

99. Would you rather go skydiving or scuba diving?

100. Have you ever had a travel mishap that turned into a great story?

101. What’s the most unique souvenir you’ve brought back from a trip?

102. Do you prefer solo travel or traveling with friends?

103. What’s your favorite mode of transportation when exploring a new city?

104. Have you ever been on a road trip? If so, where did you go?

105. Do you enjoy exploring touristy spots or off-the-beaten-path places?

106. What’s a destination you’d love to visit again and again?

107. If you were a dish, what would you be?

108. Are you a pro cook or a takeout enthusiast?

109. What’s the most interesting dish you’ve ever tried?

110. What’s your favorite type of cuisine to cook?

111. Sweet or savory?

112. What’s your go-to comfort food?

113. Have you ever tried a food challenge?

114. Do you enjoy cooking for others?

115. What’s a food trend you just don’t understand?

116. What’s your favorite midnight snack?

117. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to pick up?

118. Are you more into outdoor adventures or indoor activities?

119. Do you play any musical instruments?

120. What’s the last concert you attended?

121. Do you enjoy arts and crafts?

122. What’s the last thing you learned that fascinated you?

123. Are you a sports fan? If so, which team do you support?

124. Do you have a favorite board game or video game?

125. What’s your favorite way to stay active?

Funny Questions to Ask on Tinder

Injecting humor into your Tinder chats can lighten the mood and create instant connections. Dive into a collection of funny tinder questions that will have your matches cracking up and eager to keep the conversation going.

1. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever put in your mouth?

2. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?

3. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored?

4. What’s your favorite cheesy pick-up line?

5. If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be and why?

6. Can you do any celebrity impressions?

7. What’s your go-to dance move when nobody’s watching?

8. If you were stranded on a deserted island with only one book, how would you use it to survive?

9. Do you have a favorite dad joke you’d like to share?

10. If you could have any animal as a sidekick, which one would it be?

11. What’s your weirdest food combination that you secretly enjoy?

12. If you could swap lives with an inanimate object for a day, what would it be?

13. Can you describe your personality using only emojis?

14. If you were a flavor of ice cream, what would you be called?

15. What’s the most hilarious autocorrect fail you’ve had?

16. If you could create a national holiday, what would it celebrate?

17. What’s the funniest YouTube video you’ve seen recently?

18. If you could have a remote control for anything, what would it be?

19. Can you come up with a two-sentence horror story about accidentally sending a text to the wrong person?

20. Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?

21. What’s the silliest fear you had as a child?

22. If your life were a sitcom, what would the theme song be?

23. Can you imitate any famous movie quotes?

24. If you were a cartoon character, what catchphrase would you have?

25. If you could only communicate using GIFs for a day, how would you express yourself?

26. What’s your spirit animal and why?

27. Do you have a favorite pun?

28. If your life was a movie, what would be the title of the bloopers reel?

29. If you could have any fictional creature as a pet, what would it be?

30. Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button?

31. What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve done in a dare?

32. What’s your signature dance move?

33. Can you think of a cheesy pickup line right now?

34. If you could switch places with any fictional character for a day, who would it be?

35. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever witnessed in public?

36. Would you rather have to speak in rhymes all the time or sing everything you say?

37. What’s your guilty pleasure movie or TV show?

38. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?

39. Can you share a funny childhood memory?

40. What’s your most embarrassing screen name you had growing up?

41. Would you rather fight off a zombie apocalypse with a spoon or a spatula?

42. If you were a meme, which one would you be?

43. What’s the most hilarious prank you’ve pulled off?

44. Can you describe your dream date using only emojis?

45. If you were a professional wrestler, what would your entrance theme song be?

46. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled recently?

47. What’s the most ridiculous item on your bucket list?

48. Can you come up with a funny alternative title for a classic movie?

49. If you could have any job for just one day, what would it be and why?

50. What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve found in your fridge?

51. Would you rather have a never-ending sneeze or a hiccup?

52. Can you tell a funny story involving a pet or animal encounter?

Flirty Questions to Ask on Tinder

Mastering the art of flirtatious banter is a surefire way to capture someone’s attention on Tinder. Explore a set of flirty tinder questions designed to create a playful atmosphere and pave the way for some exciting exchanges.

1. What’s your biggest turn-on?

2. What’s your biggest turn-off?

3. What’s your favorite thing to do in bed?

4. What’s your wildest fantasy?

5. What’s your favorite thing about me?

6. What’s your least favorite thing about me?

7. If we were on a desert island together, what’s the first thing you’d do?

8. What’s your idea of a perfect date?

9. Do you believe in love at first swipe?

10. If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would you take me?

11. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done in the name of romance?

12. Are you a smooth talker or more of a charming listener?

13. What’s your favorite way to flirt without saying a word?

14. If our conversation was a movie scene, how would you describe it?

15. What’s your go-to flirting move?

16. If you were a dessert, what kind would you be to make someone’s heart race?

17. Can you guess what color shirt I’m wearing right now?

18. What’s the most enchanting compliment you’ve ever received?

19. If you were a text message, what emoji would best represent you?

20. If you were a cocktail, what ingredients would you have to sweep me off my feet?

21. Are you a magician? Every time I look at your pictures, everyone else disappears.

22. Can you tell me a secret that would make me blush?

23. If you were in a romantic movie, what role would you play?

24. Do you believe in destiny, or should I keep swiping to find you?

25. What’s your favorite pickup line that’s so bad it’s good?

26. If you could give me a nickname right now, what would it be?

27. If we were planning a surprise getaway, where would you hope we’d end up?

28. Would you be up for a spontaneous dance under the stars?

29. If we had a day all to ourselves, what would we do?

30. Can you imagine us trying a new cuisine together? Which one?

31. What’s your idea of the perfect place for a romantic picnic?

32. If we were to go on a road trip, what kind of music playlist would you make?

33. Would you rather have a candlelit dinner or a cozy movie night at home?

34. If you could choose any activity for our first date, what would it be?

35. What’s your favorite way to spend a rainy day with someone special?

36. If we were characters in a romantic novel, what would be our meet-cute?

37. What’s your signature move to make someone’s heart skip a beat?

38. Do you believe in chemistry between two people who’ve never met?

39. Can you give me a hint about your most seductive fantasy?

40. If you could send me a song that perfectly describes your feelings, what would it be?

41. What’s the most daring thing you’d do to impress someone you’re interested in?

42. If you had to write a love letter, what would you say in the first sentence?

43. What’s your favorite emoji to use when flirting?

44. If we were in a slow dance, how close would you hold me?

45. Can you share a secret talent you have that makes hearts race?

46. If you had to compare our connection to a romantic movie, which one comes to mind?

47. Can you imagine us strolling along a moonlit beach?

48. If you could take me on a dream date anywhere in the world, where would it be?

49. What’s your idea of the perfect goodnight message?

50. Can you describe the perfect kiss in three words?

51. If we were to have a candlelit dinner, what type of cuisine would you choose?

52. What’s your favorite way to show affection?

53. If we were in a romantic movie, what scene would we be the stars of?

54. If you could make a wish about us, what would you wish for?

55. What’s the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?

56. If we were to slow dance, what song would you choose for us?

57. Can you share a cheesy pickup line that might just work on you?

58. If we were in a flirting competition, who do you think would win?

59. What’s your most irresistible feature that you’re willing to admit?

60. Do you believe in sparks flying between two people online?

61. Can you share a fun fact about yourself that would make me want to know more?

62. If we were to write our own love story, how would the first chapter start?

63. What’s the most romantic text you’ve ever received?

64. If you had to choose between a kiss in the rain or a kiss under the stars, which one?

65. What’s your go-to emoji when you’re feeling flirty?

66. If you were a love potion, what ingredients would make someone fall for you?

Deep Questions to Ask on Tinder

If you’re seeking more meaningful connections, delving into deeper topics can help you uncover shared values and perspectives. Unearth a series of deep tinder questions that encourage genuine and profound conversations.

1. What is your purpose in life?

2. What is your biggest fear?

3. What is your biggest regret?

4. What is your most embarrassing moment?

5. What is your biggest dream?

6. What is your favorite memory?

7. What is your biggest accomplishment?

8. What is your biggest flaw?

9. What is your biggest strength?

10. What is your favorite book?

11. What is your favorite movie?

12. What is your favorite song?

13. What is your favorite TV show?

14. What is your favorite food?

15. What is your favorite place to visit?

16. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?

17. What is your favorite thing to do on a sunny day?

18. What is your favorite thing to do on a snowy day?

19. What is your favorite thing to do on a hot day?

20. What is your favorite thing to do on a cold day?

21. What is your favorite thing to do on a windy day?

22. What is your favorite thing to do on a calm day?

23. What is your favorite thing to do on a cloudy day?

24. What is your favorite thing to do on a starry night?

25. What is your favorite thing to do on a moonlit night?

26. What is your favorite thing to do on a foggy night?

27. What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy night?

28. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?

29. What is your favorite thing to do with your family?

30. What is your favorite thing to do by yourself?

31. What is your favorite thing to do for work?

32. What is your favorite thing to do for fun?

33. What is your favorite thing to do to be creative?

34. What is your favorite thing to do to be spontaneous?

35. What is your favorite thing to do to be adventurous?

36. What is your favorite thing to do to be helpful?

37. What is your favorite thing to do to be kind?

38. What is your favorite thing to do to be loving?

39. What is your favorite thing to do to be passionate?

40. What is your favorite thing to do to be happy?

41. What is your biggest goal in life?

42. What is your biggest fear about the future?

43. What is your biggest hope for the future?

44. What is your favorite quote?

45. What is your motto in life?

46. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

47. What is your biggest insecurity?

48. What is your biggest turn-on?

49. What is your biggest turn-off?

50. What is your favorite thing to do in bed?

51. What is your wildest fantasy?

52. What is your favorite thing about me?

53. What is your least favorite thing about me?

54. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?

55. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

56. What is your favorite thing about our conversation so far?

57. What is one thing you’re looking forward to learning about me?

58. What is one thing you’re looking forward to sharing with me?

59. What is one thing you’re hoping to accomplish in the next year?

60. What is one thing you’re hoping to accomplish in the next five years?

61. What’s a lesson you’ve learned in the past year that changed your perspective?

62. If you had to describe your core values in three words, what would they be?

63. What’s a personal mantra or quote that guides you through life?

64. Can you share a pivotal moment that shaped who you are today?

65. What’s something you’re currently trying to improve about yourself?

66. Do you believe in destiny or that we shape our own paths?

67. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

68. What’s the biggest fear you’ve conquered?

69. How do you define success and happiness in your life?

70. What’s a dream you’ve always had but haven’t pursued yet?

71. What’s the most important quality you look for in a partner or friend?

72. Can you describe a time when you’ve forgiven someone who hurt you?

73. What’s your idea of a healthy and fulfilling relationship?

74. How do you handle conflicts and disagreements in your relationships?

75. Do you believe in second chances, or are some things unforgivable?

76. What’s the most cherished memory you have with someone you care about?

77. Can you share a moment when someone’s kindness touched you deeply?

78. What’s something you’ve learned from a past relationship?

79. How do you maintain your individuality while being part of a couple?

80. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about communication?

81. What’s your perspective on the meaning of life?

82. Do you believe in the concept of fate, or do we have complete control over our lives?

83. How do you find balance between pursuing your passions and fulfilling responsibilities?

84. What’s a book, movie, or experience that profoundly changed your outlook?

85. Can you describe a time when you faced a moral dilemma and how you resolved it?

86. What’s your take on the balance between science and spirituality?

87. If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

88. What’s a belief you’ve held that has evolved over time?

89. How do you handle uncertainty and the unknown in your life?

90. Can you share a quote or philosophy that resonates deeply with you?

91. What’s a goal you’ve had for as long as you can remember?

92. If you had all the resources you needed, what project would you start right now?

93. What’s something you’re passionate about that not many people know?

94. How do you stay motivated and persistent when pursuing your dreams?

95. Can you share a setback you’ve faced in your journey and how you overcame it?

96. What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

97. How do you define success in your professional life?

98. If you could dedicate your life to solving one global issue, what would it be?

99. What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken to chase your dreams?

100. How do you envision your life ten years from now?

101. What social issue do you feel most passionate about?

102. How do you make ethical decisions in a complex world?

103. What’s your perspective on the balance between personal freedoms and societal responsibilities?

104. Can you share a time when you stood up for something you believed in?

105. How do you approach conversations with people who have opposing views?

106. What’s a societal norm that you find problematic?

107. How do you contribute to making the world a better place in your own way?

108. What’s a cultural experience that broadened your understanding of the world?

109. How do you reconcile your values with the realities of modern society?

110. Can you share a moment when your perspective on a societal issue changed?

111. What’s a topic or subject that you could spend hours diving into?

112. How do you maintain your mental and emotional well-being?

113. Can you share a practice or habit that helps you stay grounded?

114. What’s your favorite way to find inner peace and mindfulness?

115. How do you handle times of doubt or uncertainty in your life?

116. What’s a personal achievement that you’re most proud of?

117. How do you cultivate gratitude and positivity in your daily life?

118. Can you share a life lesson you learned through a difficult experience?

119. What’s the most impactful piece of advice you’ve ever received?

120. How do you define a meaningful and fulfilling life?

Intimate Questions to Ask on Tinder

For those looking to establish a closer bond, intimate questions can foster a sense of vulnerability and connection. Discover a range of carefully crafted naughty questions that can help you explore deeper emotional and romantic territories.

1. Did you ever have a crush on one of your close friends? How did it turn out?

2. Have you ever had a secret fantasy you were too shy to share?

3. What’s the most scandalous location you’ve ever had a hookup?

4. What is your favorite position in bed?

5. What is the most sensitive spot on your body?

6. Have you ever made love to more than one person at a time? Would you consider it?

7. Do you enjoy watching dirty films? If so, what type of content do you prefer to watch?

8. What is your most memorable one-night stand experience?

9. Have you ever had an intimate encounter with someone famous or well-known?

10. Do you like to be teased during foreplay?

11. Do you prefer morning or nighttime intimacy?

12. How do you feel about making out in a shower or bath?

13. What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done with a partner?

14. Do you like to take control in the bedroom or allow your partner to take charge?

15. What’s the biggest age difference you’ve had between you and a partner?

16. Do you enjoy watching your partner pleasure themselves?

17. How do you feel about sharing your most intimate desires and fantasies with your partner?

18. Do you have any special talents or tricks in the bedroom that always impress your partners?

19. What is your favorite part of foreplay? What do you enjoy doing to your partner during this time?

20. Do you believe that people should wait until marriage to sleep with each other? Why or why not?

21. How do you feel about discussing your intimate history with your partner?

22. What’s the most intense intimate fantasy you’ve ever had?

23. Would you ever engage in a steamy make out session in an elevator?

24. Have you ever used food during intimacy?

25. Have you ever fantasized about being with more than one person at once?

26. What’s your favorite type of lingerie to wear for a special someone?

27. Do you like to be spanked or tie someone up?

28. What’s your favorite way to be seduced by a partner?

29. Have you ever fantasized about someone else while being intimate with your partner?

30. Do you like the idea of being watched or watching others while making love?

31. Have you ever had a one-night stand that turned into a regular thing?

32. Do you enjoy watching your partner undress or undressing them yourself?

33. What’s your favorite way to tease a partner before getting intimate?

34. Have you ever had a crush on someone much older or younger than you?

35. Do you like wearing high heels during intimacy?

36. What’s the most sensitive part of your body that drives you wild when touched?

37. Have you ever tried using ice cubes while getting intimate?

38. Would you ever engage in an intimate relationship with someone who is already in a committed relationship?

39. Do you enjoy giving or receiving hickeys?

40. What’s the most risqué photo you’ve ever taken of yourself?

41. How do you feel about dirty talk during intimacy?

42. Have you ever tried edible underwear or body paint?

43. Do you like wearing lingerie, or do you prefer being all-natural?

44. What’s your favorite place to be kissed, other than your lips?

45. Have you ever had a steamy make-out session in a movie theater?

46. What kind of outfit would you wear on a “special” night with someone you’re interested in?

47. Have you ever had a romantic, candlelit bath with someone?

48. Have you ever had a secret crush on a coworker or boss?

49. Would you prefer a sensual massage or skinny dipping at midnight to relax and relieve stress?

50. What are your thoughts on relationships with no boundaries or limits when it comes to exploring your desires together?

51. Do you prefer slow, sensual intimacy, or wild, passionate encounters?

52. How would you react if you caught your partner watching adult content?

53. Have you ever been involved in a steamy public display of affection?

54. How do you like to unwind after a long day at work – with a massage, a glass of wine, or something else?

55. If we could have one last intimate encounter before the world ends, where would it be, and what would make it unforgettable?

56. Do you enjoy leaving dirty notes for your partner to find throughout the day?

57. Have you ever had a dream about hooking up with someone you shouldn’t?

58. Have you ever fantasized about making love to more than one person at a time? Would it be with another girl and a guy, or two guys?

59. What do you like to wear when you want to feel hot and seductive?

60. Is there a specific part of your body that you love having touched or kissed?

61. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without it, and how did it feel when you finally ended the drought?

62. How do you like your partner to initiate intimacy?

63. If we were to play a game of strip poker, what would be the hardest for you to remove?

64. Do you like being pampered or massaged by your partner before getting intimate?

65. What type of touch drives you wild?

66. How do you feel about quickies or spontaneous make-out session sessions?

67. What is your favorite body part on a guy, and what do you love doing with it?

68. What’s the most provocative outfit you’ve ever worn on a date or night out?

69. Do you enjoy watching your partner pleasure himself, or do you prefer to take matters into your own hands?

70. What are your biggest turn-ons and turn-offs when it comes to intimacy?

71. If we were alone right now, what would be the first thing you’d want to do with me?

72. Is there anything you’ve always been curious about trying in the bedroom but have been too shy or nervous to ask for?

73. Have you ever been seduced by someone’s intelligence or sense of humor rather than their physical appearance?

74. Have you ever tried using aphrodisiacs like chocolate, oysters, or wine to enhance your intimate experience? Did they work for you?

75. How do you feel about trying new things in bed? Are you open-minded and adventurous, or do you prefer sticking to familiar territory?

76. Do you enjoy being kissed or bitten on certain areas of your body?

77. Have you ever been so attracted to someone that just being close to them made your heart race and your body tingle?

78. Have you ever been involved in a secret or forbidden romance?

79. What’s your favorite way to tease someone before getting intimate?

80. Have you ever had any intimate encounters with someone of the same gender?

81. What’s the most number of times you’ve made love in one day?

82. What’s your favorite type of intimate touch – soft caresses, firm pressure, or something else?

83. What’s the most embarrassing intimate experience you’ve ever had?

84. Are you more turned on by visuals, sounds, or words?

85. Do you like it when someone talks dirty to you in a foreign language?

86. Are there any specific outfits or clothing items that make you feel extra hot and confident?

87. What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done during a game of truth or dare?

88. Are there any words or phrases that turn you on more than anything else?

Questions to Ask on Tinder for Girls

Guys, making the first move can be empowering and intriguing. Explore a set of questions to ask a girl on tinder tailored to initiate captivating conversations, enabling you to showcase your personality and interests to potential matches.

1. What are your top five favorite movies?

2. What is your favorite children’s book?

3. What was your favorite grade in school?

4. Do you miss high school?

5. How did your last Tinder date go?

6. What are/were your grandparents like?

7. Are you more like your mom or your dad?

8. What was your first job?

9. Do you like Harry Potter?

10. So far in your life, what has been your favorite age?

11. What is a piece of advice you would give to the younger version of yourself?

12. Was college worth it for you?

13. If you could relive on day of your life again, which would it be?

14. What do you wish you could do-over in life?

15. If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing, what would it be?

16. What skill do you wish you had?

17. What’s a hobby you would like to start but don’t have the time/money for?

18. If you never had to work another day in your life, what would you do?

19. Would you consider yourself: a punk, a prep, a jock, a loner, or a jokester?

20. What’s the silliest turn-off you have?

21. Is there anything you’d never do?

22. Do you like spicy food?

23. Do you speak any other languages?

24. What language would you like to learn?

25. TikTok or Instagram?

26. Books or eBooks?

27. What’s a dish you wish you knew how to cook?

28. Do you like to sleep in on the weekends?

29. What’s the most exciting thing you can say about yourself that you can think of in 60 seconds?

30. Do you like to dance?

31. Netflix or club?

32. Can you sleep while cuddling?

33. In your opinion, what’s illegal but shouldn’t be?

34. Do you think sarcasm is healthy in a relationship?

35. What’s the biggest red flag for you?

36. People talk a lot about red flags. But what’s a green flag for you in a relationship?

37. Would you rather have love or unlimited money?

38. Do you prefer cuddling up or having a make-out session?

39. If we spooned, would you be the big spoon or the little spoon?

40. What do you think is your sexiest feature?

41. What’s the first thing you noticed about my profile?

42. Do you sleep in pajamas or naked?

43. Any fantasies you’d like to try?

Questions to Ask on Tinder for Guys

Ladies, standing out in a sea of profiles requires genuine engagement. Dive into a collection of questions to ask a guy on tinder designed to capture his attention and demonstrate your genuine interest in getting to know him.

1. What’s your go-to karaoke song?

2. When you were a kid, what was your ultimate dream job?

3. What’s something you are weirdly competitive about?

4. If you could have any job in the world, and money wasn’t an issue, what would your career be?

5. What’s your dream pet?

6. Do you like animals?

7. What’s your ultimate comfort food?

8. Would you ever get a tattoo? What of?

9. Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

10. What was your first-ever job?

11. What was your first job out of school?

12. Do you like to cook?

13. What are you doing on Bumble?

14. What daredevil thing do you most want to try? Or have you already tried it?

15. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

16. What’s your greatest accomplishment that you are most proud of?

17. Do you have a favorite quote?

18. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

19. If you had a spirit animal, what would it be?

20. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?

21. Do you have a word you hate? What is it?

22. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

23. If you could wake up tomorrow with a new ability or quality, what would you want it to be?

24. When did you last cry?

25. What was the first poster you hung on your wall as a kid?

26. Have you ever made a TikTok dance?

27. What’s your most embarrassing memory?

28. Are you embarrassed to be on a dating app?

29. What do we do today that we will laugh at in 20 years?

30. Do you keep secrets from your parents?

31. You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night. What would be the scariest sound to hear after waking up?

32. What long shot have you taken that really paid off?

33. If you could learn only one magic spell, but it could only do something mundane and boring, what would the spell do?
34. What high-level job do you think you could lie your way into with no experience and no one would notice?

35. What’s your idea of the perfect day?

36. What would be the consequences of a scientific discovery that extended the life span of humans to 500 years?

37. What movie can you watch over and over and never get tired of?

38. What book can you read over and over again and never get tired of?

39. What was your favorite book as a child?

40. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

41. If you designed and built a tree house, what would it look like and what would be in it?

42. What’s your favorite board game?

43. If you got locked in the mall overnight, which store would you spend it in?

44. Have you ever updated your phone the first time it let you know an update was available?

45. What is the most interesting piece of trivia you know?

46. Are there any causes you are really passionate about?

47. What was the most amazing adventure you’ve ever gone on?

48. What celebrity would make the worst leader of a country?

49. Do you keep a diary?

50. Do you think you’ll be rich one day?

51. What’s more important to you, work or hobbies?

52. What would you want to get on your birthday?

53. Do you like to be alone?

54. Are you more introverted or extroverted?

55. What’s your Myers-Briggs? Do you believe in it?

56. What’s something you wish everybody knew?

57. What’s the most underrated thing you can think of?

58. What’s your favorite show on Netflix right now?

59. What’s the longest you’ve ever binge-watched a TV show?

60. What to Say to a Guy on Bumble?

61. What’s your love language?

62. What do you think is your most attractive quality?

63. What music makes you happy?

64. What music makes you sad?

65. If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would it be?

66. Who would play you in a movie about your life?

67. If you had one extra room in your house, what would you use it for?

68. If Elon Musk were to open his Mars colony to the public, would you go?

69. Would you rather live on a farm forever or on a boat forever?

70. You can only use one for the rest of your life: ketchup, ranch, or hot sauce. Which do you choose?

71. Are you the guy at the party who runs the grill?

72. What’s your sign?

73. How do you explain the state of the world?

74. Do you always vote?

75. What life event shaped who you are today?

76. What’s your ideal Sunday morning?

77. Overall, do you think social media has had a positive or negative effect on society?

78. What’s one thing you could never forgive?

79. What’s your go-to excuse to get out of doing something?

80. Why’d you swipe right on me?

81. What’s your most bizarre talent?

82. If you had to do a show-and-tell at work, what would you bring?

83. Whose life do you envy?

84. When you die, would you rather be buried or cremated?

85. Are you religious?

86. What’s your nickname?

87. What do you do when you can’t fall asleep?

88. An investor gives you a million dollars to start your dream business. What kind of business is it?

89. How did your last Tinder/Bumble date go?

90. Do you like dating apps?

91. Would you rather visit a lot of countries for a short period of time (2-3 days) or spend a whole month in one country?
92. What would your parents say about you being on this app?

93. What’s more important to you, family or friends?

94. Ice cream: in a cup or a cone?

95. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

96. What’s your go-to drink on a night out?

97. What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do?

Improper Questions to Ask on Tinder

While it’s important to be curious, there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed in online conversations. Learn about the not to message questions that can come off as inappropriate and avoid making missteps that might harm your chances.

1. What’s your address?

2. How much money do you make?

3. What’s your relationship history in explicit detail?

4. Are you into casual hookups only?

5. What’s your bra size or underwear preference?

6. Can you send me more revealing pictures?

7. Are you single because you’re bad in bed?

8. How often do you have sex?

9. Do you have any sexual fetishes?

10. Have you ever cheated on someone?

11. Do you think you’d ever have a threesome?

12. How much do you weigh?

13. What’s your sexual orientation?

14. How many people have you slept with?

15. Can I have your social media passwords?

16. Do you have any criminal record?

17. Have you ever been diagnosed with an STD?

18. What’s your most embarrassing body feature?

19. How much do you drink or use drugs?

20. Can I borrow money from you?

21. What’s your most personal trauma or tragedy?

22. Have you ever had an abortion?

23. Do you have any unresolved family issues?

24. How much do you value physical appearance in a partner?

25. Are you on any medication for mental health?

26. Are you a virgin?

27. Can you send me explicit texts right now?

28. How often do you masturbate?

29. Are you planning to get plastic surgery?

30. Do you believe in soulmates?

31. Have you ever been in a psych ward?

32. Are you willing to drop everything for me?

33. Do you like my friend more than me?

34. Can I move in with you if we hit it off?

35. What’s your credit score?

36. Do you find me more attractive than your ex?

37. How much debt do you have?

38. Are you looking for a sugar daddy/mommy?

39. Do you believe in prenuptial agreements?

40. What’s your worst physical feature?

41. Have you ever been a victim of sexual assault?

42. Can you send me nudes?

43. Do you think you’ll get along with my parents?

44. Have you ever had an affair?

45. Are you trying to settle down quickly?

46. Are you planning to have kids soon?

47. Are you attracted to people of my ethnicity?

48. What’s your opinion on abortion?

49. How much do you want for a wedding ring?

50. Have you ever had an eating disorder?

51. Leather or sporty collar?

52. Do you like whales?

53. Can I taste?

54. Intercourse?

55. Do you like to have a blast?

56. How long have you been killing animals?

57. Nice bum where you from?

Final Thoughts

With these 650+ questions in your arsenal, you’re well-equipped to navigate the dynamic world of Tinder conversations.

Feel free to mix and match questions across different categories to create engaging dialogues that lead to meaningful connections.

We hope you liked this collection of questions to ask on tinder.

Don’t hesitate to share your experiences and insights in the comments below, and may your match be exciting.

Check out other articles on our website. Thank you.

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