105 Morning Mindbender Trivia Questions with Answers

You’re probably thinking, “I don’t have time for this.” But trust me, you do. Even a few minutes of trivia can help jumpstart your brain and get you ready for the day.
That’s why we’ve put together over 100 morning mindbender quiz and answers, just for you.
These morning mindbender trivia questions are designed to challenge and entertain, covering subjects such as history, geography, science, pop culture, and more.
Whether you’re a trivia buff or just looking for a fun way to begin your day, these questions are guaranteed to get your brain buzzing.
So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let the trivia fun begin!
Easy Morning Mindbender Trivia Questions
We’ve put together morning mindbender questions to get your brain cells firing on all cylinders. These are simple brain teaser trivia questions, but will still test your knowledge.
1. Which household item does an average person change every 10 years?
Answer: A vacuum cleaner.
2. At work, one in three people have admitted that they have experienced this. Can you guess what it is?
Answer: Having their lunch stolen.
3. As per a recent survey, what is the first thing that a modern woman does after breaking up with her boyfriend?
Answer: Unfriends him on Facebook.
4. As per a survey, 34% of adults do this just before going to bed?
Answer: Drink water.
5. More than 80% of homeowners have this outside of their houses. Can you name it?
Answer: A welcome mat.
6. What drink should you avoid if you want to keep the mosquitoes away?
Answer: Beer.
7. According to almost 40% of people, this thing keeps them from being productive at work?
Answer: Hunger.
8. When reading a restaurant menu, 60% of the people get angry or upset when they spot this. What is it?
Answer: Spelling error.
9. What do 70% of the people in the modern world do with their hair, as per a recent survey?
Answer: Dye it.
10. 70% of the people say that keeping this animal as a pet with them keeps them fit. Which is it?
Answer: Dog.
11. What is the thing that around 15% of people say that they would do without their significant other?
Answer: Grocery shopping.
12. Around 30% of car owners have no idea they should do this task. What is it?
Answer: Refill the washer fluid in the windshield.
13. Which question, when asked at different times throughout the day, gets different answers that are all correct?
Answer: “What is the time?”
14. What place have around 11% of new parents admitted to falling asleep in?
Answer: The shower.
15. A study found that women are 12% angrier than men when they do this. What is this daily activity?
Answer: Driving.
16. In a recent survey, it was found that a single person tends to do this twice as much compared to someone who is in a relationship. Can you guess what it is?
Answer: Text.
17. Around 20% of couples have broken up because of this factor. What is it?
Answer: The significant other’s parents.
18. What is that thing that 85% of people cringe at whenever they listen to it?
Answer: The sound of their voice.
19. What is that thing that around one in three women deny doing to their hair?
Answer: Blow-dry it.
20. This product is twice as likely to be used by women than men. What is it?
Answer: Sunscreen.
Fun Morning Mindbender Trivia Questions
So, whether you’re looking to kill some time or just take a break from the daily grind, these interesting brain teaser trivia questions and answers will do the trick.
1. What percent of Americans have no emergency savings?
Answer: 25%.
2. Although it’s made of blades, it’s something that can grow, as it’s not a razor, it’s something that you mow?
Answer: Grass.
3. Which is the longest play written by Shakespeare?
Answer: ‘Hamlet’.
4. Which animal has fingerprints that are very identical to that of humans’?
Answer: Koala Bear.
5. I repeat only the last word you say. The more I repeat, the softer I get. I cannot be seen but can be heard. What am I?
Answer: Echo.
6. From where did eggnog originate?
Answer: Britain.
7. Which animal urinated so much that its urine constitutes 3% of the ice in the Arctic?
Answer: Penguin.
8. What is it that can run but never walk, has a mouth but can never talk, has a bed but never sleeps?
Answer: A river.
9. How many make a baker’s dozen?
Answer: 13.
10. What is the thing that fills up the room but takes no space?
Answer: Air.
11. What is it that cracks when you drop it, but when you smile at it, it will smile right back at you?
Answer: A mirror.
12. Guess this thing. The person who makes it has no use for it. The person who buys it does not need it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it?
Answer: A coffin.
13. How many American women say that they worry that their homes are not clean?
Answer: 84%.
14. How long is an Olympic swimming pool?
Answer: 50 meters.
15. Name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Answer: Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
16. A man travelled out of the town on Sunday. He stayed at a hotel for the whole night and traveled back to the town the next day on Sunday. How is this possible?
Answer: His horse’s name was Sunday.
17. What is it that is tall when it is young and short when it is old?
Answer: A candle.
18. What has six faces but has no need to put on make-up, and has twelve eyes but cannot see anything?
Answer: A dice.
19. What is that thing that once you have, you want to share. And once you share it, you no longer have it?
Answer: A secret.
20. Guess the thing. It has lakes with no water, mountains with no stones, and cities with no buildings.
Answer: A map.
Daily Radio Morning Mindbender Trivia Questions
These mindbender radio show trivia questions and answers are best to start the game. So, why not to give a try to some of them?
1. What can climb up to the sky but has no feet, hands, or wings?
Answer: Smoke.
2. If you answer “yes” to this question, you are always lying. Can you guess the question?
Answer: Are you sleeping?
3. I need to be fed, or I will die. But if you give me water, I will die immediately. Whatever I touch becomes red. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
4. What is lighter than a feather, but you cannot hold it for more than 5 minutes?
Answer: Breath.
5. What is the quickest and easiest ways to double your money?
Answer: Keep your money in front of the mirror.
6. What has two hands but cannot scratch itself?
Answer: A clock.
7. What becomes white when it is dirty?
Answer: Blackboard.
8. You can remove all but the first letter from this word, and it will still be pronounced the same. Which word is it?
Answer: Queue.
9. What is that thing that belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?
Answer: Your name.
10. What word becomes shorter when you add two more letters to it. Which word is it?
Answer: Short.
11. What thing goes through the whole city but never moves from its place?
Answer: Road.
12. Which thing has numerous keys but cannot open a single door?
Answer: A piano.
13. What will happen if you drop a black dress in the red sea?
Answer: It will get wet.
14. What appears once in a minute, twice in a millennium, but never in a century?
Answer: The letter ‘m’.
15. What can travel around the world but always remains in the corner?
Answer: A stamp.
16. What is it that can point in all directions but cannot reach any place by itself?
Answer: Your finger.
17. You are running a race. You crossed the person who is in second place. What is your place now?
Answer: Second.
18. What thing is as big as you but does not have any weight?
Answer: Your shadow.
19. What will weigh more: 1 kg of feather or 1 kg of steel?
Answer: Both have equal weight.
20. What can you hold without using your arms or hands?
Answer: Your breath.
21. Why can you not bury a person in New York who is living in California?
Answer: Because the person is alive.
22. What is the common thing between a tea bag in tea and an island?
Answer: They are both in water.
23. Which thing keeps on increasing every second?
Answer: One’s age.
24. Which month has 28 days?
Answer: All months have at least 28 days.
25. What is in the middle of China?
Answer: The letter ‘i’.
Morning Mindbender Trivia Questions for Kids
Make learning fun and get your kids’ brains going with a few morning brainbuster and answers for children. This question will sure to engage even the most curious of minds.
1. Which island was previously known as Sandwich Island?
Answer: Hawaii.
2. Which president refused to give a holiday on Thanksgiving Day?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson.
3. Which beverage did Roosevelt refer to as “good to the last drop”?
Answer: Coffee.
4. How long did the first Thanksgiving last?
Answer: Three days.
5. Which animal is associated with Thanksgiving Day?
Answer: Turkey.
6. Which state in the USA is referred to as the ‘Garden State’?
Answer: New Jersey.
7. Which country is the biggest producer of blueberries?
Answer: USA.
8. Which country began the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree?
Answer: Germany.
9. What are the traditional Wimbledon colors?
Answer: Purple and green.
10. What is the currency in South Africa?
Answer: Rand.
11. According to a majority of people, which country is famous for tattoos?
Answer: Italy.
12. Which animal is associated with the game ‘Happy Feet’?
Answer: Penguin.
13. Which substance is used to make crayons?
Answer: Wax.
14. How much toothpaste does an average American use?
Answer: 20 gallons in a lifetime.
15. How many men say that facial hair makes them look attractive?
Answer: 73%.
16. In which two countries will you find the Dead Sea?
Answer: Israel and Jordan.
17. What is the favorite snack for men while watching sports?
Answer: Nachos.
18. What is a female donkey called?
Answer: Jenny.
19. Which fighting equipment was used for the first time in World War I?
Answer: Tanks.
20. How many Americans have a living will?
Answer: Around 25%.
Morning Mindbender Trivia Questions for Adults
Here are some brain teaser trivia questions and answers for grown-ups. These questions range from easy to challenging.
1. More than 50% of people claim that knowing this fact about their partner is a sign of true love. What is that thing?
Answer: Password to their phone.
2. Which is the famous airport in Paris?
Answer: Orly Airport.
3. Which activity do 85% of couples claim that doing together has improved their relationship?
Answer: Cooking.
4. Who was the first woman on earth according to Greek mythology?
Answer: Pandora.
5. Which toy was the first to be marketed on television?
Answer: Mr. Potato Head.
6. More than 45% of the couples argue about this topic in the car. What is it?
Answer: Where to park.
7. What was the original name of Ethiopia?
Answer: Abyssinia.
8. Which country consumes the most chocolate?
Answer: Switzerland.
9. What is a common feature of U.S. states?
Answer: Area code.
10. When year were nickels produced the most ever in the history of the USA?
Answer: 1964.
11. What does the number 22 represent in the bingo game?
Answer: Two little ducks.
12. Which creature has the largest brain on the earth?
Answer: The Sperm Whale.
13. Which is the softest mineral on earth?
Answer: Talc.
14. Which M&M color is the most uncommon?
Answer: Brown.
15. For which celebrity were Air Jordan sneakers exclusively made for?
Answer: Michael B. Jordan.
16. For which animal is Thailand famous for?
Answer: White Elephant.
17. What is the tiny plastic piece found at the end of a shoelace called?
Answer: An aglet.
18. What is the medical name of tennis elbow?
Answer: Lateral Epicondylitis.
19. Which is the most common eye color?
Answer: Brown.
20. What type of lens makes the object appear larger?
Answer: Convex.
Final Thoughts
Well, that’s it for our morning mindbender trivia questions! We hope you had fun and learned something new.
Why not challenge your friends and family to the questions too? You can even see who gets the most correct or the quickest answer!
Trivia is a great way to unwind, relax, and keep your brain sharp.
It’s a fun activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Not only that, but it also might even come in handy during happy hour at the pub!
So, there you have it, 100+ morning mindbender trivia quiz with answers.
Did we leave any out? We want to hear from you! Share your favorite questions and answers in the comments section below.