523 Hard Would You Rather Questions for Friends

‘Would you rather’ is like a mind game. You can play this with your close ones, especially friends. In this game, you have to make your friend pick between two things, which will help you know them better.
There are many hard would you rather questions you can ask them. Playing with hard options will make the game more interesting and thrilling. For that, you can check the hardest would you rather quiz. This will make your pastime more fun. You can even play this online!
The harder the options are, the more thrilling the game becomes. Don’t forget to check out the hard would you ever questions. Hopefully, you will get to know your friends’ true colors through this game.
Best Hard Would You Rather Questions
While playing ‘would you rather, the questions you ask must be really good, possibly the best. To be at your best while playing, check out these best would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather be forced to listen to the same 10 songs on repeat for the rest of your life or forced to watch the same 5 movies on repeat for the rest of your life?
2. Would you rather have to write everything you say out by hand or only be able to speak in rhymes?
3. Would you rather go without shampoo for the rest of your life or toothpaste for the rest of your life?
4. Would you rather live in reality for the rest of your life or be in the matrix for the rest of your life?
5. Would you rather be extremely allergic to your favorite food or forced to eat your least favorite food once a week?
6. Would you rather be able to time travel within a certain range or be able to freeze time?
7. Would you rather have access to all the music ever written, but no way to play it, or be able to play any piece of music ever written on any instrument, but never be able to listen to any music again?
8. Would you rather get locked in a room with a lion, a tiger, a bear, and a monkey, or get locked in a room with 100 creepy little spiders?
9. Would you rather be able to fly with a damaged plane or travel with a slow boat?
10. Would you rather die in a horrible accident or live to 100 and never move or be able to talk again?
11. Would you rather never be able to play a musical instrument again or never be able to sing again?
12. Would you rather be completely physically disabled or be diagnosed with a terminal illness?
13. Would you rather be one of the world’s leading experts in a single field or be the most well-rounded and versatile person in the world?
14. Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average?
15. Would you rather be the richest person in the world or the smartest person in the world?
16. Would you rather eat a piece of food that was really healthy for you but tasted horrible or eat something that tasted great but was bad for you?
17. Would you rather get to witness something once in your lifetime that few others will ever see or get to witness something once in your lifetime that many others have seen?
18. Would you rather have a job that pays $70 an hour but lets you work from home or a job that pays $100 an hour but requires you to be physically present?
19. Would you rather have a peaceful existence where you never had to worry about the troubles of life, or live a more “normal” life full of risk and challenge?
20. Would you rather have to live out the rest of your life in the wilderness or live out the rest of your life in jail?
21. Would you rather live in a country where the government is almost always doing the right thing or live in a country where they have to listen to you?
22. Would you rather live in a country where you could speak the language fluently or would you rather be able to teleport?
23. Would you rather live in a world where everyone ignores you or in a world where everyone is mean to you?
24. Would you rather live in a world where there is no crime or no privacy?
25. Would you rather live in a world with no disease or live in a world where there is income equality?
26. Would you rather live another 100 years with your body in a state of perfect health or just age normally?
27. Would you rather live to 100 years old or live to 500 years old?
28. Would you rather never take the easy way out of anything ever again or stop procrastinating?
29. Would you rather only be able to find jobs that start at 1am or jobs that start at 5am?
30. Would you rather not care about what people thought about you or care about what people thought about you?
31. Would you rather only be able to live in a small city your entire life or only be able to live in a big city your entire life?
32. Would you rather read the first draft of the most popular book of all time or an obscure book that has just a handful of fans?
33. Would you rather spend a year completely alone or have a serious illness?
34. Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a perfect memory or be able to have perfect focus?
35. Would you rather spend your entire life travelling the world or living in one place your whole life?
36. Would you rather be allergic to chocolate or be allergic to cheese?
37. Would you rather give up all technology (cell phones, computers, etc.) or give up all movies, television, and books?
38. Would you rather have a sore on your tongue or have sores on your gum?
39. Would you rather eat a meal that’s too hot or too peppery?
40. Would you rather date someone who’s vain or date someone with low self-esteem?
41. Would you rather your parents disliked your partner or your partner’s parents dislike you?
42. Would you rather stay at a hotel with no electricity or stay at a hotel with no running water?
43. Would you rather go camping with a stranger or go camping alone?
44. Would you rather steal some money or have money stolen from you?
45. Would you rather have your ex stalk you or have your partner’s ex stalk you?
46. Would you rather sleep on a king-sized bed all alone or sleep on a small sofa with your significant other?
47. Would you rather tell a lie to protect someone’s feelings or tell the truth and upset them?
48. Would you rather over-sleep or be unable to get any sleep all night?
49. Would you rather work for someone who’s always angry or work for someone who always gets you angry?
50. Would you rather your partner walks away on your wedding day or on your honeymoon?
51. Would you rather be out in a storm or be out in a blizzard?
52. Would you rather work at a job you love for very low pay or work at a job you hate for very high pay?
53. Would you rather have a lot of fake friends or have no friends at all?
54. Would you rather be with someone you love but who doesn’t love you or be with someone who loves you but you don’t love?
55. Would you rather lose a large sum of your money or lose a smaller sum of a friend’s money?
56. Would you rather have people spread false gossip about you or have people spread a true but awful secret about you?
57. Would you rather save an antique painting from a fire or save a bag of money from a fire?
58. Would you rather live somewhere really hot or live somewhere really cold?
59. Would you rather undo past mistakes or never make another mistake in the future?
60. Would you rather save 5 acquaintances from a Ponzi scheme or have your best friend lose all his money to the same scheme?
Really Hard Would You Rather Questions
This game gets much more fun and challenging when the questions asked are really hard. To master the art of asking really hard questions, you should visit these really hard would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather start your life over again or have $10 billion dollars as a 40-year-old?
2. Would you rather bring back Michael Jackson or Marilyn Monroe from the dead?
3. Would you rather be blind or castrated?
4. Would you rather know everyone’s death date or read people’s mind?
5. Would you rather have the ability to fly or teleport?
6. Would you rather be as rich as Bill Gates or as smart as Albert Einstein?
7. Would you rather be a vegetarian or a pescatarian?
8. Would you rather have a horn or grow a tail?
9. Would you rather read DC comics or Marvel Comics?
10. Would you rather be a villain or a superhero?
11. Would you rather only speak 50 languages or only understand 50 languages?
12. Would you rather always have cold coffee or hot coffee?
13. Would you rather be a singer or a dancer?
14. Would you have an Alien friend or a Superhero friend?
15. Would you rather kill 100 convicted criminals or 1 innocent person?
16. Would you rather have a flying car or a spaceship?
17. Would you rather save your family or your lover if both are diagnosed with a cancer?
18. Would you rather ride a roller coaster or a water slide?
19. Would you rather control the world for five years of your life or for five minutes every day of your life?
20. Would you rather be a dwarf or a giant?
21. Would you rather be alone for 10 years or never be alone for 10 years?
22. Would you rather live spend the next 10 years of your life rich and sad or poor and happy?
23. Would you rather miss Christmas eve or Summer camp?
24. Would you rather be chased by a bear or by a lion?
25. Would you rather be a French Musketeer or an English Knight?
26. Would you rather wear a sweatshirt or a jacket?
27. Would you rather have popcorn or pizzas during a movie?
28. Would you rather learn to surf or learn to skate?
29. Would you rather be one-eyes or bald?
30. Would you rather see through walls or walk through walls?
31. Would you rather visit a Museum or a Zoo?
32. Would you rather look dumb and be smart or look smart but be dumb?
33. Be a part of utopian fiction or dystopian reality – what would you choose?
34. Would you rather lose the ability to express yourself or lose the ability to understand others?
35. If you had to abandon one for life, would you choose to leave using any kind of cell phone or using any kind of automobile?
36. Would you live in a world where no one has the ability to love or in a world where no one is allowed to love?
37. 20 minutes of extreme pain but then no pain for life or minute pain all your life – what would you choose?
38. Would you rather live for 100 years but in poverty or live for ten years as a rich person?
39. Stay all your life locked in a room with all comforts and luxuries or never get a good home but have freedom?
40. Would you rather stay friends with your crush for a year or lose them entirely after dating for a week?
41. If from now onwards, you’re either only able to watch a movie, that too without subtitles, or listen to it without visuals, what would you choose?
42. Would you rather sleep half a day for the rest of your life or never be able to sleep in life again?
43. If you had to choose one, would you rather spend a day in an unknown place with your ex or completely alone among strangers?
44. Would you rather date your long-term friend or be friends with your long-term romantic partner?
45. Give up your real social life for a month or give up social media for a year?
46. Would you rather have free wifi for life or free books for life?
47. Meet your favorite person at the wrong place or the person you hate most at the place you are looking for any known person?
48. Would you rather become the president of the United States or king of an unknown country?
49. Read people’s minds or listen to their true feelings about you when you meet them for the first time?
50. Would you rather be the worst player in the best team or vice versa?
51. If you had to choose one – would you rather be a talentless popular person or a talented person no one knows about?
Super Hard Would You Rather Questions
To play a game like ‘would you rather’ well, you must include some super hard would you rather questions. These will make ‘picking one’ too difficult for your friends. This is the ultimate goal of this game, right?
1. Would you rather eat the same breakfast for the rest of your life or give up the internet?
2. Would you rather watch your parents have s#x or witness a murder?
3. Would you rather be super smart or super-rich?
4. Would you rather live in a mansion all alone or in a crowded apartment with lively strangers?
5. Would you rather be a rock star or a hip-hop legend?
6. Would you rather play basketball with Michael Jordan or Lebron James?
7. Would you rather have bad eyesight or bad hearing?
8. Would you rather stay indoors for a year or attempt skydiving for the first time?
9. Would you rather travel around the world or have a happy family in a remote village?
10. Would you rather become Harry Potter or Spider-Man?
11. Would you rather spend the rest of your life as a dog or as as a cat?
12. Would you rather not care about what people think of you or care about what they think of you?
13. Would you rather always be underdressed or always be overdressed for an event?
14. Would you rather never eat any fruit or never eat vegetables for one year?
15. Would you rather be trapped in a room full of rats or a room full of spiders?
16. Would you rather become very strong or become very fast?
17. Would you rather date someone who loves you or someone you love?
18. Would you rather never find true love or never have s#x?
19. Would you rather lose the ability to read or never listen to music again?
20. Would you rather be rich but full of fear or be poor but at peace?
21. Would you rather have your friends think you’re a horrible person or have your family think you’re a horrible person?
22. Would you rather miss an examination you can’t retake or fail an examination?
23. Would you rather get one burn on your skin or get a lot of scratches on your skin?
24. Would you rather sleep in a stuffy room or sleep in a smelly room?
25. Would you rather have a partner who doesn’t trust you or have a partner you don’t trust?
26. Would you rather be blindfolded and restrained or have your mouth duct teaped when restrained?
27. Would you rather find a dead cockroach or a dead lizard at the bottom of your drink?
28. Would you rather break a toe-nail or break a finger-nail?
29. Would you rather have a rash that won’t go or have a boil that won’t go?
30. Would you rather get backaches from exercising or get leg cramps from exercising?
31. Would you rather lose your eyebrows or lose your eyelashes?
32. Would you rather be banned from using the internet for life or be banned from using social media for life?
33. Would you rather be running a fever or have a really bad cold?
34. Would you rather clean up someone else’s vomit from the floor or have someone puke on you?
35. Would you rather have a cut on your lip or have a cut on your tongue?
36. Would you rather spend Christmas day alone or spend New Year’s day alone?
37. Would you rather own a parrot that talks too much in the daytime or a parrot that sings all night?
38. Would you rather your boss finds out you hate him or find out your boss hates you?
39. Would you rather forget to take a shower or forget to brush your teeth?
40. Would you rather live in a desert or live in a jungle?
41. Would you rather have an annoying roomate or have noisy neighbors?
42. Would you rather be stuck in traffic for hours or have to queue on a line for hours?
43. Would you rather ask for a favor from your ex or ask for a favor from a total stranger?
44. Would you rather be a hostage for a year or go to prison for a year?
45. Would you rather marry someone you love but who’s very poor or marry someone you don’t love but who’s very rich?
46. Would you rather be forced to go into hiding or run away from your country?
47. Would you rather have a child every year for 20 years or never have children all your life?
48. Would you rather be on bed rest for a month when sick or have to visit the hospital every day for a month when sick?
49. Would you rather have something stuck in your eye or have something stuck in your nose?
50. Would you rather sleep on a dirty bedsheets that don’t smell or a smelly bed that with clean sheets?
51. Would you rather get no presents on your birthday or get presents you don’t like?
52. Would you rather be able to read your partner’s mind or have a partner who can read your mind?
53. Would you rather be surrounded by people who brag about their achievements all the time or be surrounded by people who complain about what they haven’t achieved all the time?
54. Would you rather live in an overpopulated neighborhood or in a deserted neighborhood?
55. Would you rather forget how to read or forget how to write?
56. Would you rather listen to only one song for the rest of your life or never listen to music again?
57. Would you rather fall down a long flight of stairs or fall down an escalator?
58. Would you rather scratch an itch in your butt in public or scratch an itch in your armpit in public?
59. Would you rather ruin someone’s surprise or have someone ruin your surprise?
Extremely Hard Would You Rather Questions
Sometimes to increase the suspense, even more, you should try some extremely hard would you rather questions. These questions are the real traps for sure. You will be able to upgrade the game to the next level through these gems.
1. Would you rather be blind for the rest of your life or become deaf?
2. Would you rather have heaven in hell or hell in heaven?
3. Would you rather poop through your mouth or have taste buds on your butthole?
4. Would you rather only be able to shout or only be able to whisper?
5. Would you rather be buried alive or strangled to death?
6. Would you rather always feel like you are about to sneeze or have hiccups for the rest of your life?
7. Would you rather always say whatever you are thinking or never be able to speak again?
8. Would you rather be sexually attracted to fruits or have fingers as long as your legs?
9. Would you rather never attend anyone’s wedding or be at a funeral every week?
10. Would you rather burn to death or drown to death?
11. Would you rather be a child all your life or an elderly person your entire life?
12. Would you rather become a cannibal or starve for the rest of your life?
13. Would you rather not be able to laugh or laugh uncontrollably everyday for 3 minutes?
14. Would you rather be attacked by a shark or attacked by a bear?
15. Would you rather lose all the money you have or lose all of your sweet memories?
16. Would you rather always have a slow internet connection or always be stuck in traffic?
17. Would you rather become a drug addict or a s#x addict?
18. Would you rather be always angry or always hungry?
19. Would you rather always have a nasty smell or be ugly?
20. Would you rather have to do work under hot sun or heavy rain?
21. Would you rather suddenly be a grandparent on your death-bed or start school all over again as a toddler?
22. Would you rather roll around in grease or roll around in the mud?
23. Would you rather kill the President of the United States or the Pope?
24. Would you rather have an incurable STD or give the love of your life a curable STI?
25. Would you rather catch your dad cheating on your mom or catch your girlfriend cheating on you with your high school bully?
26. Would you rather be accused of stealing a lady’s underwear or discover that the toilet is broken after taken a very discomforting poo in your crush’s house?
27. Would you rather wet the bed the first time your girlfriend spends the night or poop yourself doing squats in a public gym?
28. Would you rather witness an unsettling truth that no one is going to believe in or believe in a lie like everyone else?
29. If you had to choose one between the ability to speak or the ability to see, what would you choose?
30. Would you always have terribly slow internet or very fast internet just for 15 minutes a day?
31. Ten years living without any kind of technology or ten days living without any food?
32. If you had to abandon anyone for life, what would you leave – ice cream or coffee?
33. Would you rather always seem arrogant to others or always seem too easy?
34. Live in a world with absolute freedom or a world with absolute order? Remember, the former brings crimes, later brings exploitation.
35. Would you rather give up chocolates or give up cheese entirely?
36. Be infamous in history after your death or be unknown – what would you choose?
37. Win useless stuff in a lottery or let your neighbor win something amazing?
38. Have a full-body tattoo or no tattoo at all?
39. Would you rather be taken to a dentist or a doctor while you were pretending to be sick?
40. Forget all the adjectives or all the adverbs?
41. Would you rather always sound uninterested or always sound clingy?
42. Live alone on an island with all the luxury or live with your friends in a horrible city?
43. Would you rather have the story of your life written by a horror story writer or by a melodrama filmmaker?
44. Express your anger only through songs or your happiness through cursing?
45. Be a comedian who can’t make people laugh or a chef who makes horrible food?
46. Would you like to be world-famous for all the wrong reasons or stay unknown to the world?
47. Rather live a rural life without the luxury of nature or an urban life without technology?
Insanely Hard Would You Rather Questions
Being a little bit insane while playing games is normal, and this becomes a mandatory thing in the case of ‘would you rather. You must ask some of these insanely hard would you rather questions.
1. Would you rather shed tears from your nose or talk out of your ears?
2. Would you rather give up all your favorite food or give up s#x?
3. Would you rather be happily married without kids, or unhappily married with adorable kids?
4. Would you rather be colorblind or have no sense of taste?
5. Would you rather live life in slow motion or fast forward?
6. Would you rather be completely free or always safe?
7. Would you rather become estranged from your mom or break up with your spouse?
8. Would you rather have to always lie to your friends or tell your enemies the truth?
9. Would you rather save the lives of three members of your family or the lives of 500 strangers?
10. Would you rather be always hot or always cold?
11. Would you rather have your dream job or marry the person of your dreams?
12. Would you rather be rich and not famous or famous and not rich?
13. Would you rather have the power to pause your life or the ability to rewind it?
14. Would you rather live in a world free of disease or a world free of injustice?
15. Would you rather read only books or watch only movies for the rest of your life?
16. Would you rather fart out loud on your first date with your crush or during a presentation at work?
17. Would you rather date someone handsome who doesn’t find you attractive or someone unattractive who thinks you are beautiful?
18. Would you rather spend two weeks without a shower or a week without brushing your teeth?
19. Would you rather give up your career or your love life?
20. Would you rather always have to explain your point twice or listen to others’ points twice to get it?
21. Marry your loved one now because they want to or wait till you are well-off financially?
22. Would you rather date someone good at expressing themselves but bad at understanding you or the one good at understanding you but bad at expressing?
23. Have a non-stop period for one month straight in a year with the rest eleven months free or bleed for one week every month?
24. Would you rather always intimidate everyone with your presence or never get noticed specifically?
25. Never have period cramps again or never get stains on your clothes?
26. Would you rather always feel a slight itch or never smell at all?
27. Have an adventurous day or a relaxed one?
28. Would you rather be great at money matters or amazing at creative things?
29. Always look like a fashion diva or never feel underconfident?
30. Would you rather get a Nobel prize for inventing something or for doing something artistic?
31. Look weak but be strong or be strong and seem weak – what is your choice?
32. Would you rather never feel tired or never get frustrated?
33. Rather be known as a compassionate person or as a very strong person?
34. Would you rather win a wrestling match or binge-eating marathon?
35. Be wise and loved or be famous and wealthy?
36. Would you rather eat delicious junk food or boring healthy food?
37. Get amazing skin or have great hair?
38. Would you rather always be loud or never get heard?
39. Go on your dream holiday or land your favorite job?
Funny and Hard Would You Rather Questions
As games are meant to be fun, funny questions should be a must include in ‘would you rather. Ask your buddies some funny and hard would you rather questions; these will bring life to the game.
1. Would you rather have to eat only broccoli for the rest of your life or be forced to watch an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians every day?
2. Would you rather have to shave your head or have your nose pierced?
3. Would you rather have to praise the same person to start your day or be forced to slap yourself every day?
4. Would you rather have a fart noise as a ringtone or have a clown laugh as a ringtone?
5. Would you rather give a pig a walk or give a turtle a walk?
6. Would you rather have bad hearing or bad eyesight?
7. Would you rather have to always tell the truth to your enemies or lie to your lie?
8. Would you rather never be able to say thanks again or never be able to ask for help again?
9. Would you rather be late for your own wedding or your best friend’s funeral?
10. Would you rather have your mouth taped shut for a year or one hand tied behind your back for a year?
11. Would you rather have one fingerless or 5 toes more?
12. Eat a cup of raw garlic paste or feed your boss something awful?
13. Would you rather mistake your neighbor for a criminal or mistake a criminal for your neighbor?
14. Be in superhero attire anywhere you go for a year or dress like a clown on every date for your life?
15. Would you always talk in tongue twisters or swear once in every conversation?
16. Dance every time you feel happy or sing every time you are sad, no matter where you are?
17. Would you rather spend a weekend with a nosy coworker or a rude relative?
18. Announce every time you feel bored in a meeting or doze off every time it’s your turn to speak?
19. Would you rather act like a baby in front of your crush or act like a flirt in front of your family members?
20. Never get anything free or always buy only from the thrift market?
21. Would you rather have everyone gossip about you or be someone no one ever notices?
22. Never be able to share yourself or always overshare?
23. Would you rather always wear clothes that were trendy 50 years ago or ones that would be trendy in the next 50 years?
24. Always have terrible haircuts or go bald instead?
25. Would you rather sound dumb or be dumb in real life?
26. Have a sandwich made with ingredients that taste terrible together or with the right ingredients but made by someone who can make anything taste terrible?
27. Would you rather have only one eyebrow or mustache only on one side? Okay, this is gender-neutral, to inform you.
28. Have a great body or free food?
29. Would you rather always wear wet socks or always wear wet gloves?
30. Always get lost on your way home or share your room with a ‘Karen’?
Deep and Hard Would You Rather Questions
As mind games were mainly invented to dig deep into people’s minds, you should learn at least a few deep would you rather questions. These will make your friends think deep and will let you know who they actually a game.
1. Would you rather Find a dead body or be a witness to a deadly assault?
2. Would you rather Only be able to wash your hair twice a year or only be able to check your phone once a day?
3. Would you rather Eat a live worm or be locked in a room with a tarantula for an hour (but not know where the tarantula is)?
4. Would you rather Be able to change the future or the past, just by imagining it?
5. Would you rather Have thought bubbles appear over your head for everyone to see or for everyone you know to have access to your search history?
6. Would you rather Be 4 years old your entire life or be 90 years old your entire life?
7. Would you rather Save 3 of your closest family members or 1,000 people you don’t know?
8. Would you rather Have a lot of mediocre friends or only one really good friend?
9. Would you rather Smack a puppy or get smacked by your dad in public?
10. Would you rather Turn pink every time someone said “hello” or get really angry every time someone said “bless you”?
11. Would you rather Date the hottest person in the world but not be able to have s#x with them or date an ugly person that you can have s#x with?
12. Would you rather Give up your salary for the next five years or give up everything you have in the bank right now?
13. Would you rather Lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kissed someone?
14. Would you rather have s#x with your cousin in secret or not have s#x with your cousin but everyone thinks you did?
15. Would you rather Wake up in the middle of a good dream every time and not be able to fall back to sleep or never be able to wake yourself up from a nightmare?
16. Would you rather Give up cursing forever or give up ice cream for 10 years?
17. Would you rather If you were stranded on an island with no food with you dog and your sibling, would you kill your dog to feed your sibling or let your sibling die of hunger?
18. Would you rather Always have tangled hair or always have wet underarms?
19. Would you rather Get a pimple the night before important dates or get sick every time after a important date is over?
20. Would you rather Lose all of your friends but win the lottery or keep your friends but you don’t get a raise for the rest of your life?
21. Would you rather have the power to choose who dies or make anyone fall in love with you?
22. Would you rather restart your life or continue with it as it is?
23. Would you rather not go out at night or during the day for the rest of your life?
24. Would you rather never grow old physically or never age mentally?
25. Would you rather be the second-best in many things or the best in only one thing?
26. Would you rather not be able to seek help or say thank you?
27. Would you rather discover how to time-travel or a cure for a pandemic virus?
28. Would you rather suffer a terminal illness or be physically disabled?
29. Would you rather be able to control someone’s mind or tell what he/she is thinking?
30. Would you rather never be able to lie again or never be able to smile?
31. Would you rather stop procrastinating or never take the easy way out of any situation again?
32. Would you rather have the power to stop time or the ability to teleport anywhere?
33. Would you rather have more money to buy the things you need or never have to need anything?
34. Would you rather have the people around you always ignore you or always mean to you?
35. Would you rather have another world war for world peace or sacrifice members of your immediate family to attain it?
36. Would you rather die young and fulfilled or old and disappointed with the life you lived?
37. Would you rather have the ability to change the past or the ability to change the future?
38. Would you rather have a world where people don’t feel pain or a crime-free world?
39. Would you rather be able to communicate with animals or speak all human language?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Game
You have to learn hard would you rather game questions to play the game really well. As hard the question is, the more tension it will create. Undoubtedly, creating tension and making others puzzled is the best part of this game.
1. Would you rather own a cursed games console or have to use a pigeon to send messages?
2. Would you rather be a vegetarian or only be able to eat meat?
3. Would you rather say the truth or do the dare (in a truth or dare game)?
4. Would you rather be a comedian or magician?
5. Would you rather go on a vacation in Rome or in Safari?
6. Would you rather be a Cheerleader or a Mascot?
7. Would you rather read comics or manga?
8. Would you rather be an old wizard or a young magician?
9. Would you rather have lifetime free burgers at McDonald’s or chicken at KFC?
10. Would you rather have red lights or blue lights in your bathroom?
11. Would you rather work out or practice yoga?
12. Would you rather go to the beach or to a swimming pool?
13. Would you rather be a superhero or a superhero sidekick?
14. Would you rather run long-distance races or short distance races?
15. Would you rather have your Halloween costume or be part of a circus?
16. Would you rather be trailed by a zombie or by a vampire?
17. Would you rather have a portrait drawing or a portrait photograph?
18. Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or be stuck in air duct vent?
19. Would you rather become a basketball star or a baseball star?
20. Would you rather tame a dragon or a dinosaur?
21. Would you rather be rich and not loved or loved and not rich?
22. Would you rather be Harry Potter or the Avatar?
23. Would you rather be a Genie or the Wizard of Oz?
24. Would you rather play board games or console games?
25. Would you rather learn karate or taekwondo?
26. Would you rather visit Dubai for sightseeing or Paris for some shopping?
27. Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous musician?
28. Would you rather be Superman or Batman?
29. Would you rather cancel Winter forever or Summer forever?
30. Would you rather be one-legged or one-handed?
31. Would you rather have your bestie or a squad?
32. Would you rather be a scientist or a businessman?
33. Would you rather talk to animals or speak all human languages?
34. Would you rather be reborn into the past or the future?
35. Would you rather be able to run 200 miles an hour or be able to fly 20 miles an hour?
36. Would you rather give up your favorite food or give up s#x?
37. Would you rather eat dinner alone for a year or have to take showers at a public gym for a year?
38. Would you rather die before your spouse or after?
39. Would you rather get stranded on antarctica or in the desert?
40. Would you rather give up brushing your teeth or brushing your hair?
41. Would you rather win the lottery or live—in good health—to be 200 years old?
42. Would you rather never age physically or never age mentally?
43. Would you rather be able to play every musical instrument or master every type of sport?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Friends
Whenever playing ‘would you rather with your friends, you should ask at least a few tough would you rather questions. These questions will double the fun of this game for sure.
1. Would you rather do something you love and make just enough money to get by or do something you hate but make billions of dollars?
2. Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?
3. Would you rather have a job where you talk to people all day or a job where you stay at your desk by yourself all day?
4. Would you rather live in New York City or London?
5. Would you rather go for a company with thousands of staff or go for a company with just a few hundred staff?
6. Would you rather have a 10-hour dinner with a headstrong politician from an opposing party, or attend a 10-hour concert for a music group you detest?
7. Would you rather be poor and work at a job you love, or rich and work at a job you hate?
8. Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?
9. Would you rather be in your pajamas or a suit all day every day?
10. Would you rather have a physical meeting with other coworkers or have an online meeting with other coworkers
11. Would you rather super sensitive taste or super sensitive hearing?
12. Would you rather have constantly dry eyes or a constant runny nose?
13. Would you rather never lose your phone again or never lose your keys again?
14. Would you rather have out of control body hair or a strong, pungent body odor?
15. Would you rather be unable to have kids or only be able to conceive quintuplets?
16. Would you rather clean rest stop toilets or work in a slaughterhouse for a living?
17. Would you rather lose all your money and valuables or all the pictures you have ever taken?
18. Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside?
19. Would you rather not be able to see any colors or have mild but constant tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?
20. Would you rather have chapped lips that never heal or terrible dandruff that can’t be treated?
21. Would you rather live without hot water for showers/baths or live without a washing machine?
22. Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?
23. Would you rather know when you are going to die or how you are going to die?
24. Would you rather have everything you eat be too salty or not salty enough no matter how much salt you add?
25. Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again (you won’t feel tired or suffer negative health effects)?
26. Would you rather never use social media sites/apps again or never watch another movie or TV show?
27. Would you rather be fluent in all languages and never be able to travel or be able to travel anywhere for a year but never be able to learn a word of a different language?
28. Would you rather be put in a maximum-security federal prison with the hardest of the hardened criminals for one year or be put in a relatively relaxed prison where wall street types are held for ten years?
29. Would you rather have everything on your phone right now (browsing history, photos, etc.) made public to anyone who searches your name or never use a cell phone again?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Adults
‘Would you rather’ is a timeless game. Adults, young adults, teens, kids- every age group enjoys playing it. But the topics of the questions change as per the ages of the participants. Check out these hard would you rather questions for adults before you go to play with adults.
1. Would you rather have all drugs be legalized or dueling between consenting adults be legalized?
2. Would you rather accidentally be responsible for the death of a child or accidentally be responsible for the deaths of three adults?
3. Would you rather be locked in a room that is constantly dark for a week or a room that is constantly bright for a week?
4. Would you rather have a terrible connection when making calls or terrible connection when surfing the internet?
5. Would you rather be unable to say yes or unable to say no for the rest of your life?
6. Would you rather eat one thing for the rest of your life, or drink one thing for the rest of your life?
7. Would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?
8. Would you rather leave a good roommate for a larger room but risk getting a bad roommate or stay with the good roommate but get a smaller room?
9. Would you rather have your parents see your entire internet search history or your friends?
10. Would you rather use glasses or use hearing aids?
11. Would you rather stammer when you speak or never speak again?
12. Would you rather lose your house keys or lose your car keys?
13. Would you rather have really nosy neighbors or really noisy neighbors?
14. Would you rather work at a job you love and earn pennies or work at a job you hate and earn a lot?
15. Would you rather have your flight delayed or have your flight canceled?
16. Would you rather have people gossip about you or be never talked about at all?
17. Would you rather be forced into an arranged marriage or be single for the rest of your life?
18. Would you rather babysit a child who cries a lot or a child who screams a lot?
19. Would you rather take a loan from a bank or borrow money from your parents?
20. Would you rather have an itch that refuses to go or an ache that refuses to go?
21. Would you rather be just friends with someone you’re in love with or get married to someone you detest?
22. Would you rather get food poisoning or not eat any food for a week?
23. Would you rather be able to fulfill your biggest dream or undo your biggest mistake?
24. Would you rather always forget who you are or keep forgetting who those around you are?
25. Would you rather get drunk easily or stop drinking alcohol altogether?
26. Would you rather live ten different lives or live just one life and never have to die?
27. Would you rather feel like you need to sneeze but can’t or keep sneezing all day?
28. Would you rather know when you’re going to die or how you’re going to die?
29. Would you rather save your mom from a car accident or save your lover?
30. Would you rather have to drive your friends around all the time or have to depend on your friends to drive you whenever you needed to move around?
31. Would you rather have to stand all day or sit all day?
32. Would you rather have a scar that refuses to heal or a scar that’s impossible to not notice?
33. Would you rather work on the weekend or work for extra hours on weekdays?
34. Would you rather die young but fulfilled or old yet unfulfilled?
35. Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and depressed?
36. Would you rather have a father-in-law who doesn’t like you or a mother-in-law who doesn’t like you?
37. Would you rather owe someone a lot of money or have someone owe you a lot of money?
38. Would you rather relocate to another country or have a loved one relocated?
39. Would you rather have your car stolen or have your car damaged?
40. Would you rather have to kill a snake or kill a scorpion?
41. Would you rather fire a close friend or have a close friend fire you?
42. Would you rather walk in the rain without an umbrella or walk under the sun without shades?
43. Would you rather be unable to think or have to say all your thoughts out loud?
44. Would you rather twist your ankle or twist your wrist?
45. Would you rather bite your tongue accidentally or bite your lips accidentally?
46. Would you rather drop your phone into a bucket of water or into a toilet?
47. Would you rather lose a document or have a child pour ink all over it?
48. Would you rather have a business partner who’s crafty or one who’s easy to deceive?
49. Would you rather have parents who check up on you all the time or parents who you hardly ever hear from?
50. Would you rather have your salary slashed and keep working or resign and be jobless?
51. Would you rather someone insulted your dad or someone insulted your baby sibling?
52. Would you rather give up social media or eat the same dinner for the rest of your life?
53. Would you rather lose all of the money you’ve earned this year or lose all of the memories you’ve gained this year?
54. Would you rather have no taste or be colorblind?
55. Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
56. Would you rather flip a coin for a chance to win $20 or immediately win $10?
57. Would you rather always hit a red light for the rest of your life or always get slow internet after the sun goes down?
58. Would you rather have the lights on or off if you knew the room was full of snakes?
59. Would you rather be the person who flips the switch during executions or be the judge who decides who should be executed?
60. Would you rather go blind or deaf?
61. Would you rather be married to someone good-looking who doesn’t think you’re attractive or be married to someone ugly who thinks you’re gorgeous?
62. Would you rather win $25,000 or have your best friend win $100,000?
63. Would you rather work a high-paying job that you hate or your dream job with only enough money for basic necessities?
64. Would you rather wake up in your underwear at work or wake up naked in the woods 20 miles from home?
65. Would you rather find $100 floating in a public toilet or $5 in your pocket?
66. Would you rather be able to read someone’s mind or control their mind?
67. Would you rather look at your mom’s search history or your dad’s search history?
68. Would you rather let your parents access your browsing history or your boss?
69. Would you rather fight a chicken to the death every time you get into a car or fight an orangutan to the death once a year, But you get a sword?
70. Would you rather get a text from a one-night stand that says “i’m pregnant” or “i have an incurable std”?
71. Would you rather forget your favorite books so you can reread them again for the first time or forget your favorite movies so you can rewatch them for the first time?
72. Would you rather always be 20 minutes late for important events or always be 2 hours early to everything else?
73. Would you rather always feel the urge to pee or never know when you have to pee (always wear a diaper)?
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Girls
There are some special questions suitable for every particular gender to ask while playing ‘would you rather’. You should read some would you rather questions that are hard to answer before any game session with your girls.
1. Would you rather die by hanging or die by being buried alive?
2. Would you rather lose an arm or lose a leg?
3. Would you rather beg for money from strangers or steal money from strangers?
4. Would you rather be an alcohol addict or be a drug addict?
5. Would you rather watch a horror movie or a tragic movie based on a true-life story?
6. Would you rather die for love or have a lover willing to die for you?
7. Would you rather be robbed of your smartphone or your laptop?
8. Would you rather your parents disapproved of your man or your man’s parents disapproved of you?
9. Would you rather your kids grow up with just you or their father?
10. Would you rather drive when it’s raining heavily or drive late at night?
11. Would you rather owe your ex money or owe bank money?
12. Would you rather wear no makeup for your wedding or have no food at your reception?
13. Would you rather give up on shopping or give up on social media?
14. Would you rather never hear from your parents again or never hear from your partner again?
15. Would you rather buy Kim Kardashian’s makeup or Kylie Jenner’s makeup?
16. Would you rather be a bad kisser or date someone who’s a bad kisser?
17. Would you rather eat something uncooked or eat something that’s gone sour?
18. Would you rather marry someone rich and arrogant or someone poor and ugly?
19. Would you rather smother a baby crying to save your family from murderers or leave it crying and risk detection?
20. Would you rather be a shape-shifter or a teleporter?
21. Would you rather be a soldier going off to war or a protester going off to prison?
22. Would you rather be able to hear human thoughts or control animals with your mind?
23. Would you rather die at war or come back home without your legs?
24. Would you rather be hated for doing a good thing or loved for doing a bad thing?
25. Would you rather be imprisoned for twenty years in your country or be exiled for life from the country?
26. Would you rather cheat or be cheated on?
27. Would you rather brush your teeth with a rock or watch your partner brush their teeth with a rock?
28. Would you rather die or never be able to see or speak to anyone you previously knew?
29. Would you rather sleep in a sewer or a tub of vomit?
30. Would you rather go blind or become paralyzed from the waist down?
31. Would you rather have a million dollars that you cannot spend on yourself or have a million dollars you cannot share with anyone?
32. Would you rather have a photographic memory of everything or have the ability to delete a memory?
33. Would you rather have a world full of animals and no humans or a world full of humans and no animals?
34. Would you rather have free electricity for the rest of your life or free Wi-Fi?
35. Would you rather be burned on a stake or stoned to death?
36. Would you rather have snakes crawling over your body or spiders crawling over your body?
37. Would you rather 90% of humans were wiped off planet Earth or 90% of animal species were wiped off Earth?
38. Would you rather kill an animal for leather shoes or wear plastic shoes that cause microfiber pollution?
39. Would you rather live a long boring life or a short, exciting one?
40. Would you rather live without music or live without movies?
41. Would you rather lose all of your money or all sensory functions?
42. Would you rather lose a parent or a lover?
43. Would you rather lose your hands or legs?
44. Would you rather nuke an entire country to save your people or allow your people to die because you wouldn’t nuke a country?
45. Would you rather play dead and allow terrorists to kidnap some school kids or engage them while the children escape?
46. Would you rather save a drowning girlfriend or a drowning sister?
47. Would you rather spend two years with your soul mate and then they will die or spend an entire lifetime with your worst enemy?
48. Would you rather spend your life savings to save a dying friend or keep it for your future needs?
49. Would you rather wake up in the middle of a war or a pandemic?
50. Would you rather win a Nobel Prize for Literature or write a New York Times Best Seller?
51. Would you rather your country opens its borders to fleeing war refugees or close the borders and let them face the risk of dying in their homeland?
52. Would you rather give up the internet or your beloved pet?
5 Tips for Choosing Hard Would You Rather Questions
There are some tips and tricks for every game. ‘Would you rather’ is no exception. You should learn the pro tips to master the game and make it more fun than ever. So here go 5 pro tips for you to choose hard would you rather questions.
Ask Questions Based on the Personality of the Participant
The personality of the participant is very important in this game. A question that is hard for you, may seem super easy to your friend. For example- you love to eat any Italian cuisine. So, if someone asks you to pick between pizza and pasta, you will be really puzzled.
On the other hand, if one of your friends literally hates eating pasta, it would be a very easy question for them. A first pro tip is- to read the person before picking the question, and you will be able to come up with would you rather questions that are hard to answer.
Think about Random Unfinished Debates
There are so many debates around the world that don’t end. You can ask your friend to pick a side on such debates.
For example, people are still unsure about which came first- egg or chicken. Your friends also do not know the answer for sure. If you ask them such things, everybody will start getting confused and start thinking about their own answers.
These would you rather very hard questions will grab the attention of all the participants and increase everyone’s involvement.
Ask Dirty Sexual Questions
While playing with your close friends, sexual questions can increase the game’s charm. Especially teens love such questions as they have fantasies about other people’s sex life and desires. So, if you ask someone such questions, this will grab a lot of attention among the players, and such attention will make- the person who is supposed to answer- more confused and nervous.
Get Ideas for Questions Online
Come up with new questions by reading some hardest would you rather quiz available online. Check the lists of different types of questions for different groups. These will be really useful to play well all the time.
Try Board Game Version
The board game version is really fun. You wouldn’t have to think of the questions by yourself, but good questions will be always available before you.
Final Thoughts on Hard Would You Rather Questions
‘Would you rather?’ is a fun and interesting game, suitable for every age group. There are various versions of this game available. The would you rather hard edition is one of the best.
The main goal of this game is to have a good pastime with friends. If the questions are hard would you rather questions, then it becomes more fun.
Everyone who enjoys playing this game should have a proper list of hardest would you rather quiz to make their buddies puzzled and totally interconnected with the game.
Never forget to include hard would you rather questions, and you will have so much fun while playing. This game will allow you to know your friends much better. You would get to know who they are, what their true selves look like, and how they act while being totally confused. But the most important part is, you will enjoy the time and become closer to them.