320 Super Gross Would You Rather Questions to Get Out of Comfort Zone

Include gross would you rather questions in would you rather game. Trust me, normal and funny questions are overused, and I’m sure you’re out of them. Consider giving it a shot.
Are you wondering what the point of gross would you rather questions are? Simply to disgust people. When they hear about something disgusting, people feel like puking.
Disgusting would you rather questions are a great way to make these people cringe even more. You’re organizing a gathering at your house, and you believe it should be significant.
Begin by asking how you prefer inquiries, and then progress to internet questions that will make your friends cringe. You may be beaten by your friends for asking such repulsive questions.
Fun fact: you may learn about strange things and the level to which your friends can tolerate disgusting things or situations. This gross would you rather questions will put your tolerance to the test.
Gross Would You Rather Questions 1-20
Imagine it’s your turn, and what kind of gross would you rather questions are you expecting? Would you rather poop in front of people once a week or poop alone without toilet paper? It’s not all that bad not having toilet paper.
1. Would you rather jump in mud or forget to brush your teeth?
2. Would you rather smell like poop all the time and not be able to smell it yourself or have your significant other smell like poop and have to smell it all the time?
3. Would you rather eat an entire bag of dead, rotting flies or have live flies come out every time you sneezed for the next 10 years?
4. Would you rather drink two liters of spit or two liters of sweat?
5. Would you rather drink a gallon of mayonnaise or a gallon of ketchup?
6. Would you rather peel off all the scabs a hobo has or suck on socks that are full of feet sweat?
7. Would you rather lick a homeless man’s toe or chew a piece of gum you found sticking to the underside of a table?
8. Would you rather have a running stomach (diarrhea) or a loose bladder?
9. Would you rather have s#x in a smelly bathroom or on a stain-filled bed?
10. Would you rather lick a dirty pot clean or use spit to wash a dirty plate?
11. Would you rather never have a life without air conditioning or never be able to use deodorant?
12. Would you rather drink something sour or eat something stale?
13. Would you rather your girl saw a lovemaking video of you and your cousin or you and her best friend?
14. Would you rather have your pinky finger was bitten off or your thumb was bitten off?
15. Would you rather poop out of your mouth or have someone else poop in your mouth?
16. Would you rather make her swallow sperm or have unprotected s#x and cum inside her making her pregnant?
17. Would you marry someone who snorts like a pig or who is as dirty as a pig?
18. Would you rather eat rotten eggs or drink sour milk?
19. Would you rather lick someone else’s eye crust or drink your own urine?
20. Would you rather lick the underneath of someone’s feet or suck their toes?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 21-40
One of the most gross would you rather questions you can ask when your best friend’s turn is approaching. Would you rather spend your entire life having to pee all the time or wearing diapers? Diapers are convenient and can’t be seen.
1. Would you rather have a cold sore that never ever goes away or poop your pants once a week for the rest of your life?
2. Would you rather wear someone else’s poop stained underwear or use someone else’s toothbrush?
3. Would you rather let her rub you only or let her suck you only?
4. Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?
5. Would you rather bite off someone else’s ear or bite off your own pinky toe?
6. Would you rather sidewalks were covered with ants, or caterpillars?
7. Would you rather do it on a dirty hotel bed or do it in a public toilet?
8. Would you rather drink toilet water, or bounce on a trampoline made of moldy fruit?
9. Would you rather drink up vomit from a dark alley ground or puke in your mouth every time someone said your name?
10. Would you rather eat a butterfly or eat a moth?
11. Would you rather have to swallow a goldfish before bed, or lick a rat?
12. Would you rather give a lap dance or receive a lap dance?
13. Would you rather chew on a mouthful of your own toenails or a mouthful of someone else’s hair?
14. Would you rather fart during lovemaking or burn while kissing?
15. Would you rather eat raw meat or eat raw fish?
16. Would you rather be super itchy all over forever or be really sticky all over forever?
17. Would you rather be inside a porta-potty when it falls over or smell like dog poop during a super important interview?
18. Would you rather have to use their toothbrush or wear their underwear?
19. Would you rather have pillows or boobs to sleep on?
20. Would you rather bite off someone else’s armpit hairs and swallow them or lick the floors in public showers?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 41-60
Would you rather disgusting questions are reserved for those that can not stand embarrassing situations or moments? For example, would you prefer to consume a bowl of worms or a bowl of crickets? A bowl of crickets could be entertaining.
1. Would you rather sneeze on your boss or sneeze on your office crush?
2. Would you rather eat a bar of soap or suck on a bar of soap?
3. Would you rather have your farts be super loud and smell like nothing or be silent and smell HORRIBLE?
4. Would you rather drink milk from a goat’s udder, or let a spider crawl around your mouth for a minute?
5. Would you rather be punched in the eye or in the nose?
6. Would you rather eat a handful of wasps, or a wet dog fur?
7. Would you rather eat a cockroach you found in your house or eat a worm that just crawled out of the ground outside?
8. Would you rather suck on a used tampon for a minute or make out with a public toilet seat for a minute?
9. Would you rather not be able to use toilet paper, or cutlery?
10. Would you rather shove a piece of glass into your mouth or shove it into your nose?
11. Would you rather have a bucket of slime poured on your head before school, or a bucket of old milk?
12. Would you rather all your hair turned green and smelled like barf, or a mad scientist glued a third arm to your back?
13. Would you rather pull your own thumbnail off with a fork or put a toothpick under your big toe and kick a wall?
14. Would you rather milk comes out of your nose when you sneeze, or brains?
15. Would you rather your teacher a was a horse with ten eyes, or a giant snake that hissed in your ear all day?
16. Would you rather fart uncontrollably during a first date or eat your date’s earwax?
17. Would you rather puke up slimy slugs or have bricks come out every time you pooped?
18. Would you rather always get blisters on your feet, or on your arms?
19. Would you rather have to use sandpaper to blow your nose, or plastic wrap?
20. Would you rather drink a cup of your mom’s period blood or a cup of your dad’s semen?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 61-80
Would you rather gross edition be confined to your minimal favorite member of the group? Would you rather have chocolate bars that taste like poop or poop that make it taste like chocolate? Chocolate is the flavor of poop. Yum!
1. Would you rather brush your teeth with lemon juice, or liquified Sour Patch Kids?
2. Would you rather always have bad B.O. or bad breath?
3. Would you rather go down on your grandpa or have your grandma go down on you?
4. Would you rather your lips were always dry, or hands were?
5. Would you rather swim in a pool of worms or a pool of maggots?
6. Would you rather watch someone get eaten by a T-Rex, or a tiger?
7. Would you rather moths shoot from you mouth with you cough, or birds came out of your butt when you farted?
8. Would you rather eat only cockroaches for the rest of your life or eat normally but always have constipation?
9. Would you rather find a clump of fingernails in your food, or a tooth?
10. Would you rather eat your own scabs uncontrollably or pee yourself a little every time you stood up?
11 Would you rather smell someone’s armpit or smell their feet?
12. Would you rather have dandruff in your hair or lice in your hair?
13. Would you rather your skin had the texture of tree bark, or concrete?
14. Would you rather taste earwax whenever you eat, or pee whenever you drink?
15. Would you rather barf in front of the entire class, or trip and fall in a mud puddle on your birthday?
16. Would you rather bathe your grandfather or have your grandmother bathe you?
17. Would you rather pull out a hair from your arm and discover it’s a wire, or find a microchip buried in your foot?
18. Would you rather fart in front of your girlfriend or in front of the minister?
19. Would you rather rape an animal or get raped by an animal?
20. Would you rather have sex with the hottest person you know that’s freshly dead or have sex with the ugliest and smelliest person, but they’re alive?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 81-100
When you’re in the mood to see someone’s, face turn blue, disturbing would you rather questions can help. For example, would you rather poop in the woods with 100 people watching you or poop on an ice cube? Everyone can see me take a dump!
1. Would you rather shave for a stranger or wash a stranger’s butt?
2. Would you rather eat an entire block of blue cheese, or drink water from a rain puddle?
3. Would you rather take a bite out of a live fish you just caught or take a bite of a live—but non venomous—snake?
4. Would you rather your ears were always full of wax, or your mouth was?
5. Would you rather eat a whole raw chicken or drink a coffee cup full of liquefied slugs?
6. Would you rather fart every time you smiled, or barf once an hour?
7. Would you rather use a dirty public toilet or wash a dirty public toilet?
8. Would you rather your house smelled like farts, or burned food?
9. Would you rather lose your teeth or lose your fingernails?
10. Would you rather never be able to use soap again, or wear clean clothes?
11. Would you rather kiss someone with rotten teeth or someone with sores on their tongue?
12. Would you rather watch someone pick their nose, or scratch their butt?
13. Would you rather swim in a pool with water snakes, or play tennis on a rat-infested court?
14. Would you rather drink water from a toilet bowl or not drink water for five days?
15. Would you rather go to the grocery store in your underwear or go to the beach without sunscreen?
16. Would you rather lick a stray dog or a stray cat?
17. Would you rather your bedroom smelled like a circus, or a barn?
18. Would you rather live your entire life having to pee all the time or live your entire life in diapers?
19. Would you rather lick clean someone who’s completely covered in butter or someone who’s completely covered in Mayonnaise?
20. Would you rather poop in your hands or poop in someone else’s hands?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 101-120
Try asking your siblings ridiculous would you rather questions. They will undoubtedly regard you as a psycho. You can ask yourself, “Would you rather wear a dead raccoon or a dead skunk on your head?” The raccoon may have an elegant appearance.
1. Would you rather have to wear bums clothes or wear soggy clothes?
2. Would you rather fart in someone’s face or throw up in someone’s mouth?
3. Would you rather your fingernails were pulled off by baboons, or your hair was pulled out by a giant spider?
4. Would you rather have sandpaper hands and be forced to pleasure yourself once a week forever or have no genitals at all?
5. Would you rather never be able to eat or only be able to eat other people’s chewed-up food?
6. Would you rather have a child stick their hand up your nose or into your ear?
7. Have to use the same towel for the rest of your wife and you can never wash it, or the same Kleenex?
8. Would you rather cry out tiny rocks instead of tears or sweat pickle juice?
9. Would you rather have to smell farts all the time or have to smell garbage all the time?
10. Would you rather brush your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush, or wear their dirty underwear?
11. Would you rather wrap a harmless snake around your neck or let a harmless snake crawl up your leg?
12. Would you rather have to lose your hair or wear monkey hair?
13. Would you rather your grandparents saw your nudes or your Facebook friends?
14. Would you rather have to watch your parents be in a divorce or your siblings?
15. Would you rather your skin was covered in reptile scales, or was see-through?
16. Would you rather sleep with a girl with big titties or a nice ass?
17. Would you rather sniff a dog’s butt or lick a dog’s butt?
18. Would you rather have to give birth to a monkey or give birth to a lizard?
19. Would you rather get a text from a one-night stand saying ‘I’m pregnant’ or ‘I gave you an STD’?
20. Would you rather eat a dead pigeon or eat a dead dove?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 121-140
If you’re having fun having to look at disgusting faces, keep playing the would you rather questions game. For instance, would you prefer to consume urine every hour or eat crickets every hour? You’re going to pick crickets once more.
1. Would you rather have a dozen cockroaches run over your hands or run over your legs?
2. Would you rather have an elephant stick its trunk up your butt or poop out a string of nails?
3. Would you rather have to have your best friend spit in your mouth or lick the sidewalk?
4. Would you rather get a massage with peanut butter or maple syrup?
5. Would you rather be as fat as an elephant, or as tall as giraffe?
6. Would you rather bath a dead body or sleep beside a dead body?
7. Would you rather have a hickey or give a girl hickey?
8. Would you rather get married to a zombie or give birth to a zombie?
9. Would you rather lick someone’s ear or lick someone’s finger?
10. Would you rather have a one night stand with a po#nstar or with your long-term crush?
11. Would you rather sniff your friend’s underwear or wear a bra to school/work?
12. Would you rather have to eat beets instead of apples, or broccoli instead of oranges?
13. Would you rather lick a handful of sand or eat a handful of sand?
14. Would you rather walk around with an erection from 6am-5:59 pm or never be able to have an erection from 6 pm – 5:59 am.
15. Would you rather have to suck on someone’s finger or toes?
16. Would you rather take a bath in salad dressing or shower in barbecue sauce?
17. Would you rather receive oral s#x from someone with a mouth full of hot sauce or by someone who uses their teeth (like a lot).
18. Would you rather be transformed into a snake, or a JELL-O monster?
19. Would you rather poop on your partner’s dick every single time you have anal or every time you jizz/squirt, it’s bright green?
20. Would you rather not shower for a week or 3 times a day for a week?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 141-160
Are your parents at home and you want to annoy them? Use disgusting would you rather questions. Your mother will undoubtedly slap you for it. Would you rather have ice cream that tasted like grass or cookies like toes? Ice cream is a superior choice.
1. Would you rather everything you ate made you gain 10 pounds, or touching water made you melt?
2. Would you rather eat a cockroach or have $1 million?
3. Would you rather watch your dog have s#x with another dog or watch strangers have s#x?
4. Would you rather live in a world with no toilet paper or no soap?
5. Would you rather your armpits smelled like a garbage truck, or your shirts smelled like a dirty diaper?
6. Would you rather lick the bottom of your shoe or eat your boogers?
7. Would you rather make out with your father watching or with your mother watching?
8. Would you rather find blood in the bathtub or turn on the shower and have blood pour out?
9. Would you rather bleed from your nose or your ear?
10. Would you rather hang upside when you sleep like a bat, or sleep in a coffin like a vampire?
11. Would you rather have no taste but smell farts or have a sense of taste but have all food taste like farts?
12. Would you rather poop your pants every time someone said your name or have maggots come out of your nose every time you sneezed?
13. Would you rather run from a group of dogs or a group of cats?
14. Would you rather cut your own eyelids off with scissors or pull each of your teeth out with a wrench?
15. Would you rather pet a poisonous snake or run from a poisonous snake?
16. Would you rather eat only insects for the rest of your life and live as you are now or eat normally and have constant diarrhea?
17. Would you rather your bathroom smelled like a stinky ocean, or the greasiest part of a McDonald’s?
18. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of worms or have to eat a bowl of crickets?
19. Would you rather eat a small piece of an animal’s poop or pop a zit on someone’s butt cheek with your mouth?
20. Would you rather have to live in a pig pen, or a monkey cage?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 161-180
Worst case scenario, when annoying cousins show up unexpectedly, ask would you rather disgusting questions. For example, would you rather have zombie hands grab you at night or have your pet say creepy things in the night? Zombie can take my hand in his.
1. Would you rather your socks were slimy, or your hair was?
2. Would you rather have diarrhea during your wedding ceremony or have it during your wedding night?
3. Would you rather your favorite restaurant only served expired food, or your favorite sports team flung poop in the stands whenever they scored?
4. Would you rather your fingernails grew at 100x normal speed, or your eyebrows did?
5. Would you rather drink a gallon of someone else’s armpit sweat or drink a gallon of your own toe sweat?
6. Would you rather have a giant nose or have a giant butt?
7. Would you rather a giant tarantula was the mayor of your city, or a giant cobra was?
8. Would you rather drink a cup of spit from someone who was chewing tobacco or make out with someone who has all their teeth rotten?
9. Would you rather always wear a sweaty shirt, or sweaty socks?
10. Would you rather eat a chunk of hair or drink a glass of sweat?
11. Would you rather have to watch your parents kiss every morning for 5 minutes, or you have to kiss a frog 50 times before you get out of bed?
12. Would you rather have every hair on your body plucked off one by one or have all your toenails ripped off?
13. Would you rather have a tail or have two horns?
14. Would you rather have your dog fart all night long or have your dog pee the bed every night?
15. Would you rather Santa Claus had onion breath and all his gifts smelled like garlic, or the Easter Bunny left moldy potatoes instead of chocolate?
16. Would you rather get an enema or get a shot with a needle?
17. Would you rather swim in a pool of your own bodily pus or run through a field of rotting corpses?
18 Would you rather all your hair fell out and you never grew any more, or you sounded like a 150-year-old person when you spoke?
19. Would you rather have to eat a dead body or have to eat a moldy squirrel?
20. Would you rather have a second head but it’s a koala bear, or have four arms, but they’re spider arms?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 181-200
Would you rather gross edition: it is a lot more fun if you do it with your grandparents? There is a chance they will beat you with their stick. Would you prefer to eat a handful of wasps or wet dog fur?
1. Would you rather have your nose smell farts all the time or smell armpits all the time?
2. Would you rather be known as The Blob, or The Stinkasaurus?
3. Would you rather be given your mother’s head to keep after she passes away or be given your ex-lover’s head to keep?
4. Would you rather fall into a dark and smelly tank or fall into a dark and smelly well?
5. Would you rather have to eat rotten fruit for breakfast every morning, or drink expired milk?
6. Would you rather eat a moldy apple or eat a moldy banana?
7. Would you rather run across fire or rollover hot coal?
8. Would you rather live in a tank with an octopus, or live in a smelly hamster cage?
9. Would you rather your shoes were always too big, or always wet?
10. Would you rather find a dead body in your refrigerator or your closet?
11. Would you rather use a wire brush to wipe your butt or have to use your hand without washing it?
12. Would you rather have thick veins all over your body, or a giant brain that made your head look like a beachball?
13. Would you rather be in a cage with reptiles or be in a cage with lions?
14. Would you rather drop your phone in a sewer, or a toilet after a giant has just finished going number 2?
15. Would you rather have to wear a dead raccoon or wear a dead skunk on your head?
16. Would you rather eat raw food or eat rotten food?
17. Would you rather have baby vomit on you or vomit on a baby?
18. Would you rather all your dreams smelled like rotten eggs, or have a rotten tomato thrown at you every morning right as you woke up?
19. Would you rather choke on food or choke on water?
20. Would you rather have to sit on needles or sit on a cactus?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 201-220
There are also nasty would you rather questions that can be much more difficult to answer than you think. For example, would you rather pee dry on the sand for the rest of your life or poo a big hard brick every year on your birthday?
1. Would you rather do a belly flop into a pool of moldy cheese juice, or into a lake filled with dead fish?
2. Would you rather drink insecticide or drink rat poison?
3. Would you rather clean dirty bathrooms at the world’s biggest music festival, or at a truck stop that hasn’t been cleaned in 50 years?
4. Would you rather sweat a lot on your back or under your armpit?
5. Would you rather have all liquids taste like alcohol or have all food taste like water?
6. Would you rather have a cat scratch your face or scratch your genitals?
7. Would you rather have to lose a fingernail or go completely bald?
8. Would you rather pee through your mouth every time or have your best friend pee into your mouth one time?
9. Would you rather zombie hands grab you in the night, or your pet said creepy things in the night?
10. Would you rather do your homework in a sewer, or in a hot-air balloon with ten dead bodies?
11. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of dead skin or eat a bowl of fingernails?
12. Would you rather always dream about spiders, or monkeys with rabies?
13. Would you rather chew someone’s toenail or suck someone’s toe?
14. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of hair or eat a bowl of moldy cheese?
15. Would you rather always fart during the most important part of a movie, or whenever someone kisses?
16. Would you rather have to use a public toilet when you’ve got diarrhea or have someone with diarrhea use your toilet?
17. Would you rather be hairy all over or be covered with feathers all over?
18. Would you rather have one tiny arm, or one tiny foot?
19. Would you rather have sweaty palms all the time, or bad breath?
20. Would you rather your pet could walk on the ceiling, or your sibling could?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 221-240
One of the nasty would you rather questions can leave you scratching your head over which answer to choose. For example, would you prefer to wake up to the sound of someone vomiting or screaming? Both sounds are barely audible.
1. Would you rather eat a skunk or eat a possum?
2. Would you rather drink a stranger’s blood, or throw up on stage at your graduation?
3. Would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire?
4. Would you rather have a running nose for weeks or cough out mucus consistently for weeks?
5. Would you rather have a big stomach or a huge navel?
6. Would you rather drink your own tuna juice, or French fry grease?
7. Would you rather find out someone spat in your food or someone spat in your water?
8. Would you rather have serial killers as parents or have your child be a serial killer?
9. Would you rather have an itchy armpit or have a smelly armpit?
10. Would you rather have ten extra fingers, or three eyeballs?
11. Would you rather drink dirty water every day or eat dirty food every day?
12. Would you rather eat pubic hair or eat nose hair?
13. Would you rather have a stranger sit on your face butt naked or sit on a stranger’s face butt naked?
14. Would you rather have a piece of human hair in everything you eat, or have cat hair cover your clothes all the time?
15. Would you rather have your morning alarm clock be the sound of someone vomiting, or screaming?
16. Would you rather have a massive boil on your mouth or your nose?
17. Would you rather drink muddy water or drink soapy water?
18. Would you rather eat a pair of jeans, or a sleeping bag?
19. Would you rather poop your pants or use a dirty toilet to poop?
20. Would you rather pull off your fingernail, or pull out one of your teeth?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 241-260
Would you rather listen to a video of your most embarrassing moment but not watch it, or watch it but not hear the audio? One of the disturbing would you rather questions can make you cringe because no one wants to hear or see their embarrassing moments.
1. Would you rather bite off your tongue, or lose a leg?
2. Would you rather find blood in your poop or your pee?
3. Would you rather fart uncontrollably during a date or have to keep running to the toilet to poop during a date?
4. Would you rather bathe in a tub of snakes, or crickets?
5. Would you rather drool when your sleep or have someone drool on you when they sleep?
6. Would you rather swim in a dirty looking pool or a smelling pool?
7. Would you rather drink sewer water, or eat cow manure?
8. Would you rather pick your nose during an interview or clean your ears?
9. Would you rather have sores on your tongue or sores on your gum?
10. Would you rather drink blood or drink pus?
11. Would you rather pee when you cry or pee when you laugh?
12. Would you rather get sneezed on by a stranger, or peed on by a dog?
13. Would you rather lick a toilet seat or lick a toilet floor?
14. Would you rather lick a stranger’s wound or lick a stranger’s scabs?
15. Would you rather have a cut on your knuckle that never fully heals, or a foot fungus?
16. Would you rather not shower for a month or not change your clothes for a month?
17. Would you rather wash your butt in public or run around in public butt naked?
18. Would you rather smell farts, or spoiled milk every morning when you wake up?
19. Would you rather swallow a worm or suck on a worm?
20. Would you rather drink someone’s vomit or drink your vomit?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 261-290
Have you ever talked about making up the ridiculous would you rather questions where everyone starts to leave the room? For example, would you rather never cut your hair or only get four pieces of toilet paper when you poop?
1. Would you rather ice cream tasted like grass, or cookies tasted like toenails?
2. Would you rather eat infected meat or eat rotten meat?
3. Would you rather be visited by a ghost every night, or an alien that won’t stop farting?
4. Would you rather wake up in a soaking wet bed, or with a rat on your stomach?
5. Would you rather blend and drink a bug or chew on a bug?
6. Would you rather drop a carton of rotten milk on the floor, of a giant jug of hot sauce?
7. Would you rather pierce a lump on your skin with a needle or cut open the lump with a razor blade?
8. Would you rather have huge feet covered in fur, or your feet always smelled super gross?
9. Would you rather have dandruff from your hair fall into the food you’re eating or fall into the food you’re cooking?
10. Would you rather hear someone spit on the ground, or burp after they eat?
11. Would you rather stick your thumb up your crush’s nose or into your crush’s ear?
12. Would you rather lick pus from your pimple or lick pus from someone’s pimple?
13. Would you rather it rained every day, or it was so cold you couldn’t be outside for more than 10 minutes?
14. Would you rather chew on a metal or chew on glass?
15. Would you rather spiders crawled out of everything you cut with a knife, or centipedes lived in your nightstand?
16. Would you rather you could only pay for things with greasy coins, or dead bugs?
17. Would you rather taste earwax or taste boogers from your nose?
18. Would you rather watch someone eat grass, or maple leaves?
19. Would you rather clean adult diapers or baby diapers?
20. Would you rather have to sleep in a swamp every night, or under a staircase that smelled like pee?
19. Would you rather smell like onions or have to eat onions every day?
20. Would you rather be a tissue paper or toilet paper?
21. Would you rather sweat slime or honey?
22. Would you rather get your wisdom teeth pulled or your butt cheeks pierced?
23. Would you rather eat a stranger’s toenails clippings once a week or have everything smell like rotten eggs?
24. Would you rather have beetles in your hair for a week or in your food for a day?
25. Would you rather be smacked in the face with a fish or farted on?
26. Would you rather scrub the washroom floor with your toothbrush and then use it to clean your teeth, or clean your teeth with a toothbrush someone else has used in their mouth?
27. Would you rather watch someone pick their nose while you eat or watch someone pick their toenails while you eat?
28. Would you rather have to sit in a bath of beans for a week or a bath of boogers for an hour?
29. Would you rather drink water from a vase that has 2-week old flowers, or eat a giant 3-foot spiderweb?
30. Would you rather try to go to the washroom on a tiny toilet that will overflow or a giant toilet you might fall into?
Gross Would You Rather Questions 291-320
Continue with the would you rather game and have a good time with family, or whoever we are playing with. You can conclude this game by asking, “Would you rather hear somebody gargle their drink or watch them chew with their mouth wide open?”
1. Would you rather eat a bowl of pine needles, or a ladybug smoothie?
2. Would you rather eat a human bone, or human flesh?
3. Would you rather drink expired fruit juice, or eat moldy bread?
4. Would you rather use one of your parent’s toothbrushes, or wear their underwear?
5. Would you rather lick a public doorknob, or the floor of the subway station?
6. Would you rather breathe in someone’s cough, or hug a very sweaty person?
7. Would you rather chip your front tooth, or break your nose if you fell on a run in the forest?
8. Would you rather eat a scab or burn your hair, on a candle?
9. Would you rather swallow a chunk of dog hair, or throw up in your mouth and keep it there for an hour?
10. Would you rather watch someone’s blood drip on the floor, or watch them vomit on your bed?
11. Would you rather snort dead skin cells, or eat a tarantula?
12. Would you rather wake up with a spider in your mouth or drink a cup of a stranger’s saliva?
13. Would you rather have to clean up dog poop all day, or clean a cat’s litter box all day?
14. Would you rather wear the same set of clothes for a week, or lick your phone to clean it every morning?
15. Would you rather smell like horse manure, or a dirty dishtowel?
16. Would you rather lick the inside of a public toilet bowl, or eat a dirty tissue?
17. Would you rather give up soap, or shampoo for a year?
18. Would you rather eat a bucket of live worms, or sand?
19 Would you rather share a deodorant stick with a stranger, or lick a public water fountain?
20. Would you rather not shower for a year, or poop in a bucket for a year?
21. Would you rather sleep in a dirty bed, or shower in dirty water forever?
22. Would you rather look great but always smell bad, or look dirty but smell great?
23. Would you rather drink from a water bottle that has been in the car all summer, or eat a piece of charcoal?
24. Would you rather use your friend’s earwax covered headphones, or their used towel after you shower?
25. Would you rather step in a deep puddle of mud on a hike, or eat a bug when you are running?
26. Would you rather listen to someone slurp their drink or watch them chew with their mouth open?
27. Would you rather swallow someone else’s teeth plaque, or an ounce of their gums?
28. Would you rather pull a tick out of your stomach, or a worm out of your butt?
29. Would you rather pee your pants, or vomit in your lap in class?
30. Would you rather never wipe away dried drool, or eye gunk from your face?
5 Tips for Playing Gross Would You Rather Questions Game
It is not a game to everybody, regardless of how interesting or disgusting the questions are. Here are five strategies you can use to keep the game interesting.
Make It Fun
The goal of the “Would you rather” game is to have fun, talk about your personal favorites, and learn about your friends’ preferences. This game is also an excellent way to cut the ice with your family and friends!
The Game Is Not Supposed to Be Gross, But the Questions Are
Some people believe that the person asking gross would you rather questions are disgusting. That is false. Try not to take anything personally and enjoy it as a game until the end. Ask many obnoxious questions as you can.
Provide Two Answers to Questions
They should then decide which option they prefer. Through play, you will learn more about those people. It’s not tough to respond to “Would you rather” queries, but it’s also a lot of fun!
Play It in a Collective
The game comes in a variety of types and can be performed in a variety of ways. You want nothing more than good organization and a great mental state. This game is great for a gathering or a couple of individuals. The base number of players vital is two.
The Game of Drinking “Would You Prefer?”
The drinking game form requires at least three players. Everyone is held to the same standard. There are some would you rather disgusting questions. Then you build up to three and have everyone express their decision so that anyone can hear. Those who make the most unpopular decision should drink.
These tips will ensure that you have a great time with your friends while playing the game. To avoid boredom, follow the tips line by line and have the most fun.
Final Thoughts on Gross Would You Rather Questions
We hope you liked this piece of gross would you rather questions. When you’re with your friends, try these horrifying and sickening would you rather queries. It will be the most amusing and vomit-inducing hour you’ve ever had!
Consider how your friends will feel if they choose between these nauseating and disturbing questions by simply understanding them!
These disgusting would you rather questions reveal fascinating information about each member, and excellent Would You Rather questions prompt participants to consider what they value most, safety or opportunity, or even salt or sugar.
We’ve gathered a shortlist of gross would you rather questions, ranging from serious to hilarious. Get prepared to learn more about your friends and family than you ever thought possible at your next gathering (or family home quarantine).